Section 1. Cycle Of Human Civilization
1. Korea And The Cycle Of Human Civilization
1) The Cycle of Civilization Zones and the Task Confronting Humanity
If we look back over the history of human civilization, we come to realize that the ancient civilizations all began as tropical civilizations. In other words, the birthplaces of the ancient civilizations were tropical regions. The Mayan, Incan, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, and China's Yellow River civilizations were all ancient civilizations whose birthplaces were the tropics or subtropics. Subsequently, these civilizations moved; but if we ask where they moved, we have to say that they moved into the region of cool-zone civilizations. Our present 20th century civilization undoubtedly belongs among the cool-zone civilizations.
If this is true, how did civilizations begin in the tropics and then move into the cool-zones? If we look at the providence of nature, we can see that spring, summer, autumn, and winter follow one another in order, and even if we look at a single day we can see that it is divided into morning, daytime, evening, and night. If human civilization, therefore, should also have begun as a morning civilization (spring civilization) and then become a daytime civilization (summer civilization), then an evening civilization (autumn civilization), and then a nighttime civilization (winter civilization), why did it begin as a tropical civilization of the summer and daytime and then move into the autumn season of the cool-zone civilizations?
This happened solely because of the fall of the first human ancestors. Because of the fall of the ancestors of humankind, we have suffered unspeakably complex difficulties. As a consequence humans could not help but fall down to the level of savages and primitives. For this reason the human ancestors had no option but to live a primitive way of life in the tropics. Although humankind should have originally begun in the spring climate of a warm zone civilization, it began in a tropical civilization and then moved into the autumn climate of the cool-zone civilizations.
If we ask which civilization will come after the cool-zone civilization of autumn (Western civilization), it is the frigid-zone civilization of winter. Therefore, the north wind from Siberia, the icy cold of the frigid-zone civilization, in other words the breath of Communism, has violently swept over the cool-zone civilization of the 20th century, which is now falling like swirling autumn leaves.
It would be fortunate, therefore, if one fruit of the original ideal being were brought forth in this cool-zone civilization and could create human culture anew and also present an opportunity from which a new history could begin. Tragically, however, this cultural sphere has reached its end without bearing fruit. If one fruit had been brought forth from this 20th-century cool-zone civilization, it would have remained as one seed of life that could have gathered even stronger life force and energy, no matter how cold the winter. Once the winter had passed, it could have sprouted as a shoot of life and blossomed as a flower of the temperate-zone civilization. But the cool-zone civilization of the free world of today has not come to the point of fruition and produced this one fruit, but rather it is lying utterly exhausted beneath the lash and cruel blast of the bitter north wind of Communism. It is imperative that we announce the coming of the end. Therefore, the most urgent task confronting all humankind in the 20th century today is clearly the overcoming of Communism.
If this is the case, as we face the crisis of the cool-zone civilization, where must we search for the true civilization of spring, namely the temperate-zone civilization, which humanity has sought since ancient times? Originally the spring civilization was to have started from the seed of the original ideal being desired by humankind. In other words, where can we find the ideal spring civilization which God and humankind originally desired, God's ideal garden of nature out of which spring's new shoots would sprout, then blossom in the summer season's luxuriant adolescence, and finally bring forth fruit in the autumn season's age of completion? This is quite simply the most important problem facing us today.
2) God Who Has Been Unable to Welcome the Spring
We are now welcoming the spring season. When we ask what are the things that like spring, we can first mention the grass and the trees. Then the insects like spring, and after that the birds and animals like it.
Among the animals the one which we can say likes it the best is man. Humankind likes spring and especially welcomes spring even more than the other animals. If we look at the birds twittering on this spring morning we can realize that they are also sensitive to the arrival of spring.
If God exists, when will He welcome the spring? If God created all the things that appear in the spring, when He comes to see them greeting the spring, we can see that He begins to greet the spring at that moment. If we should say that the grass and the trees are the very first to welcome spring, then that is where the first stage of God's welcoming of the spring takes place. Then whenever the insects and such animals as birds come to greet the spring, God also greets the spring. While passing through all these stages, where is the place that God finally desires as the best place to welcome spring?
You all need to know what kinds of phenomena occur in spring. Although spring starts from the moment the plants put forth new shoots, above all it is the time when animals mate and conceive their offspring. By twittering, the birds find their mate. We can know that they are starting to murmur love to one another. The singing of birds on a spring day is for the purpose of making a new start and reproducing new offspring.
In that case we need to think about the moment when God is most joyful. Without doubt God also wanted a place where He could sing together in harmony with His object. The insects are singing. The grass and trees are singing and humans are also singing songs of spring. In that case, although it is a fact that God Himself wants to sing spring songs, it is a serious problem when we think how God can be enabled to sing songs of spring. In the beginning God was unable to welcome the normal spring that He desired. Owing to the fall of man, God was unable to welcome the spring. Throughout past history although spring and summer have come, they have all been sorrowful seasons. Therefore, we must welcome spring again. If we look back over our human history, from the beginning of history we have welcomed sorrowful springs. We have started out not with songs but with tears. This means that the human ancestors Adam and Eve suffered expulsion from the Garden of Eden as a result of the Fall.
3) The Seed of the New Civilization to Welcome the New Spring
A. What Will Remain Of The Frigid-Zone Civilization That Has Been Swept Away
Although the ancient civilizations began in a spring climate, because humankind lost its position, they shifted. They then came to be located in the tropical zones. The Egyptian cultural sphere came into being with the onset of the age of agriculture. Ancient civilizations originated along the banks of the River Euphrates.
As such tropical-zone civilizations declined, they moved again and became temperate-zone civilizations. Today's Great Britain, Germany and the United States all belong to the temperate-zone civilizations. They all lie north of the 23rd parallel. This means that they are all approaching the zone of the autumn season civilization. Therefore, at this time everything must bear fruit. All aspects of art, culture, literature, and so on must show their fruits. It is also the moment when philosophy must bear fruit. The democratic world, of course, must bring everything to a conclusion.
Now the age of temperate-zone civilization is passing, and we can see that the time when the frigid-zone civilizations will move the world is coming. Everything is falling apart, as the time has arrived when the democratic world is being threatened by the Communist world centering on the Soviet Union. Withered trees that have lost their life force all get broken, while living trees will preserve themselves.
Because of this, once the frigid-zone civilization has swept by, only two kinds of things will remain in this world of fallen people. Only those things with life already within them and those things containing the seeds of life will remain.
In that case what is the life force of humankind? The root of humankind's life is God. Then the trunk and then the branches form. just like such trees with roots, only people containing the life that belongs to God will remain. Such people will never fall over no matter how hard the wind blows, and finally will be able to overcome the winter. Those things that contain the life force that is able to defeat the winter will undoubtedly survive. If the seeds that fall to the ground are tough, when the winter comes they will freeze and burst open so that in the spring the new shoots can appear through the cracks. The seeds with this kind of life force have the capacity to be able to welcome the spring again. Within the seed are contained the roots and also the trunk, branches, and leaves. We can see that a seed compresses the whole being and concentrates its life force.
When we come to look at the history of human civilization until now, the time when the frigid-zone civilization will sweep over the temperate-zone civilization has undoubtedly arrived. The Communist sphere has expanded into Europe and, of course, even into Africa. The United States is also being threatened. Even though it will be very serious if every continent comes under threat in this way, the new spring will definitely arrive. Because God knows this, He will send the Lord to welcome the new spring. Because God knows that the ideal age is coming, it is reasonable to conclude that He will send a central being who is able to prepare to welcome that age.
B. Will Humanity Be Able To Welcome The New Spring?
The problem confronting all of you today is whether you are becoming the seeds or branches of the living tree. Although that mission seemed to be taken care of by Judaism, because Jesus was nailed to the cross 2,000 years ago Judaism could not accomplish the mission. Although God then wanted the mission to be managed by Christianity, what kind of situation is Christianity in today? This is the problem. If there are gaunt branches, the problem is whether they are living or whether they are all dying. Do you think that Christianity is living? We have to ask ourselves whether the many religions are living.
No matter how broad the base of a tree's trunk may be, if the roots are dying, that tree has no life force. One tree cannot have two trunks. The trunk has to become a truly living one. No matter how much the winter threatens, it must repulse it and live on majestically. The question is whether Christianity is like that. The problem is that when Christianity is unable to fulfill its mission it will be just like a tree that is uprooted and discarded when the base of its trunk is dying.
Christianity is the spiritual root of the democratic world. The Soviet Union is within the sphere of the Orthodox Church. Is Europe, centering on the Catholic Church, now becoming like an evergreen tree? Beaten by the wind, not only are its branches being broken off, but the whole tree is dying and falling over. Nevertheless, we must provide nourishment for the root so that it does not die and so that new shoots will appear without fail.
If not even one new shoot connected to the one root appears, in view of the threat of the Communist bloc there is no hope. There is only despair. If that shoot does not form normally then even the root will die. Then what is it that will be able to greet the new spring in this season of despair brought on by the frigid-zone civilization sweeping over us? New shoots must be able to spring forth. We must be able to greet the new spring after growing even in the winter. We must become evergreen trees. We need that which will enable us to overcome even the threat of Communism.
C. The Cycle Of Human Culture And The Seed Of The New Civilization
Human culture revolves. Ancient cultures were tropical cultures. The civilizations of India, Egypt, and Greece all belonged to tropical or subtropical regions. Present-day civilization is in the temperate zone. For example, such countries as the United States, West Germany, Japan, and Great Britain are all within the temperate region and have consequently all become major powers in the world. Inevitably, however, history is moving toward the frigid-zone; namely, the Communist Soviet Union. Nowadays, therefore, the frigid-zone civilization is causing a blizzard to rage all over the world.
Nevertheless, if we look at the history that is revealed in the Bible, the original human civilization began as temperate-zone civilization in the spring climate of Eden, then became a tropical civilization like the summer season. Civilization then shifted to a temperate-zone civilization, corresponding to the autumn season, and then moved into the frigid-zone civilization of the present Communist empire, corresponding to the winter season. We are now living in the chilly season of autumn. Communism is roaring into this autumnal civilization zone and telling us that winter is coming.
All the leaves are changing color and falling. At the same time autumn is the season of harvest. Harvest means the existence of seeds that hold the promise of a new generation. Although the trees become bare as the leaves and fruit fall, within those fruits exist the seeds of life. When winter passes, after a while the new civilization corresponding to the spring will be born from these scattered seeds. So who will become these seeds of a new humankind?
I think that what I am telling you is that the flow of human civilization corresponds precisely to the course of restoration. There is a basic structure and logic in restoration. There is a central point. That is the seed. The essential part of the seed is hidden within an outer skin, and, regardless of the weather, it never decays. It is stronger than anything else. Until the new day comes, it preserves itself, persevering in silence. Although a seed is a small and worthless being in one sense, within itself it has a powerful life force. No matter how cold a winter suddenly sets in, the seed alone greets the spring. Furthermore, the harsh winter becomes a unique help in strengthening the seed.
This is not some special theory that I have made up but the fundamental principle of history. In that case, where can we discover this truth? This new way of life, this way of faith is not some weak thing that can be invaded by Communism. Neither Communism nor Western culture, nor any other philosophy, religion or ideology can be stronger than this way of life. Without being affected by the temperature of any season, a seed continually preserves its life for tens and hundreds of years. The seed is none other than the Unification Church.
Do you yourselves all have a real feeling of becoming seeds that can stay alive no matter how cold it gets and will be able to greet the spring? This is the first time you have learned and become conscious of this kind of concept, and if there are any persons among you who have wisdom, I believe that you have realized the greatness of life and the providence and made them your own. If all of you here have the absolute conviction that you will be able to become seeds without fail, then it is a historical event. In a good sense, if it is a momentous problem, it becomes an enormous source of energy for all of you.
D. Who Will Melt The Winter Season?
God made the spring, but if you try asking God if He has welcomed the spring and experienced love, He will reply, "I do not know about that." Although He made the spring, He does not know the spring centering on love. In that respect God is an unfortunate person. If there is someone who knows the way to make that spring happen, God will want to work together with that person.
When someone says to God, "Let's go and play spring games together," God will say that he cannot go. He is a God who is unable to go. There is some intrinsic thing that makes Him incapable of going. Until that intrinsic factor is solved, He cannot go.
If humankind had not fallen, God would have been able to greet the spring day. As a result of the fall of humankind, God encountered a winter day. The problem is by what means may we melt God's frozen heart and also melt that winter.
In order to melt something that has frozen, there has to be something that is hot. There has to be something that is hotter than before the thing froze. Who will melt the frozen winter inside God?
Humankind and, of course, all created things that have their origins in God are longing for God's winter season to end and God's spring season to begin. But the problem is who will melt that winter season? Both God and humankind want that, but we have to ask what is required to melt that winter season. Only absolute love, unchanging love is capable of doing that. Only such unique love is capable.
The next problem is: who will melt it? Can God melt it himself? God cannot do that on his own account. Because humankind fell, God became that way regardless of His own volition. Therefore, someone from among humankind must appear who moves God and is able to raise up a movement that is able to have an effect on God.
Those who present such a movement are those who say, "Let's go and look for the way of unchanging, direct love." Religion exists to take responsibility for this area. Because it is not right to fight centering on love, all the conflicts among religious denominations were wrong. As a result there is no way to melt the frozen winter season inside God.
Therefore, what must we do if we intend to melt all the frozen piles of ice inside God's heart? We must determine to melt not just north, south, east, and west but all 360 degrees in three dimensions. If only Americans say that they love God, they cannot melt it. All races and colors must come. Transcending past and present, even those people who have gone to the spiritual world must sing in the heart of God, and even those people who are to come in the future, singing the love of God, must come to a focus and bring forth fruit in the bosom of God.
If there is no religion that can create this kind of movement, it will be impossible to melt God's frozen heart. If all religious organizations become one and come to love God, then God's heart will melt. If we can only do that, then even if we only hear the word, even if we are unable to eat, it is good. Even if we are cursed, it is good, and even if we experience suffering it is good. No matter how much love there may be between people so that they live and die together, when they are told to go and find God's love, they will stop everything to go before God. Before God's love, relationships of worldly love are all washed away. You are all living like this.
4) Korea, the Birthplace of the New Spring Civilization
When we look over the history of the world, the nation that controlled the greater part of Europe, North Africa, and even part of Asia, while blossoming into a brilliant culture as the greatest empire in ancient Europe, was the nation of ancient Rome.
Not only did the culture of ancient Rome become the basis of Western European culture, but it also continues to exert its influence on the world today. What is the reason for this?
Italy is a peninsula nation located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean sea was the place that became the source of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, so that it is even said that "Europe's ancient culture is a Mediterranean culture." Also the Italian peninsula on the shores of the Mediterranean, being a temperate region with the four distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, is a place where the natural providence of the seasons is clear, just as in our country. In other words, one of the best places in the world for climate and natural environment is the Italian peninsula.
When we look at the fundamental principle underlying the formation of human culture, the place in which the united-civilization sphere of spring, summer, autumn, and winter can be formed is a place with climatic, conditions like Italy's. That is, the place where all kinds of civilization zones, such as temperate, tropical, cool, and frigid, can be produced and united into one is a nation like Italy. The fact that the culture that could control the world blossomed in the climatic conditions in Italy, which are a heavenly blessing, was not a historical accident but rather inevitable. But Rome could not fulfill the historical mission with which it had been endowed by God, namely, the formation of the temperate-zone civilization of the spring season, sought by God and humankind on this earth, by restoring the whole world into one unity under the dominion of God, centering on the Roman empire. Consequently the temperate-zone culture that flowered in Rome could not continue and simply shriveled up along the way. That is why the temperate-zone culture could not blossom and come to fruition property in Rome.
The Mediterranean-type civilization, which was flowering magnificently centering on ancient Rome but ultimately failed, is now returning. In that case, where will such a temperate-zone civilization, similar to the Mediterranean civilization, be born today? It is Korea, which is a peninsula nation like Italy. If the cultural trend is moving from the western hemisphere to the eastern hemisphere, then there is no other peninsula nation like Italy that is similarly blessed in terms of climate and natural environment than the Korean peninsula. This is the place in which the new civilization, like to the Mediterranean civilization, can flower magnificently.
Think about it! Korea is truly marvelous. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter are clearly distinguished, and the beauty of its scenery is such that the saying "embroidered rivers and mountains" is used to refer to our country. Furthermore, we even have the climatic phenomenon of "three cold days followed by four warm days" in the winter season here. Not only that, from ancient times our country has been referred to as "the Land of the Morning Calm." Also, if we look back over the history of the world, only our country in all the world has uniquely formed the "morning repast cultural sphere". In this way our country is sufficiently endowed with all kinds of objective potentialities to be the birthplace of the spring civilization.
5) Korea Is the Site of the Creation of the New Culture
In all the world, the only place where the extremities of north and south meet each other is the Korean peninsula. Do any of you know how the problem of this confrontation of the extreme poles of democracy and Communism on the Korean peninsula came about? The north of the Korean peninsula is the extreme point into which the bitter wind of the frigid-zone civilization is sweeping. On the other hand, South Korea is the extreme point of the temperate-zone civilization.
Therefore, at this time the Korean peninsula, which is the extreme point of two civilization zones, is overcoming that frigid-zone civilization even in the harsh, bitter wind and is surviving as one seed of life that is able to digest that situation. In other words, only when there comes into being an ideology that can digest and overcome Communism on the land of South Korea, which is the extreme point of the democratic world, will the historical, temperate-zone civilization sphere of the spring season be born.
Therefore, on the day Korea, as "the Korea of victory over Communism," makes a firm foundation and becomes the leading nation in the world of victory over Communism, without doubt the temperate-zone civilization that is without historical parallel, namely, the "civilization of harmonized centrality", which is able to bring all things into harmony, will be born on this Korean peninsula.
If we acknowledge the movement of civilization in cultural history and recognize its relationship with climate as well as realizing the course through which culture develops, then without doubt Korea will become the site of the creation of a new civilization in world history. That is why the extreme points of Communism and democracy are confronting each other on the Korean peninsula. Because the temperate-zone civilization of the democratic world and the frigid-zone civilization of the Communist world are directly confronting each other on the Korean peninsula, the most important task for our Republic of Korea is how we will be able to subjugate and be victorious over the Communist civilization.
Because Korea is the chosen place according to the heavenly providence for the 20th century, powerful nations such as the United States have been unable to ignore Korea. Furthermore, the powerful nations of the world have also wanted to grab hold of Korea for a similar reason. In the Far East, the nation that gains mastery over the Korean peninsula will be able to control the whole of Asia. We know full well from history that because of these geopolitical and climatic conditions, numerous powerful nations have tried to overrun the Korean peninsula. That is why the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War broke out on this territory, and democracy and Communism are confronting each other along a front line that divides the Korean peninsula.
Nevertheless, because Heaven has chosen this people, and because of the secret heavenly principle that the site of the new historical civilization must be established on this territory by this people, Heaven has protected us through all kinds of suffering and tragedy. After passing through the forty years of suffering under the Japanese empire and being liberated, came the providence of the agonizing tragedy of the fratricidal Korean War, in which the youth of our allies in the free world shed their blood for this land. After the war our country accomplished a miraculous economic resurrection. In fact, this too was the secret providence of Heaven to give birth to a new history and a new sphere of civilization centering on Korea. (1980.11.2)
Section 2. Korea As The Third Israel (Part 1)
1. The First Israel And God's Will
1) The Beginning of the Realm of the First Israel
Now, what we have to know is the meaning of Israel in the Bible. What is the meaning of Israel? Israel! "Human being" includes man and woman. Israel does not mean that man defeats woman or woman man. It does not mean that you are the victor over any person, any family or any environment. If so, why do we call it victory? It means that we are victorious in the fight with Satan.
The word "Israel" came from the era of Jacob. After suffering through twenty-one years of drudgery, on his way back to Canaan Jacob triumphed in wrestling with an angel at the ford of Jabbok. The word "the realm of Israel" began then. Whom did Jacob triumph over? He triumphed over an angel, who was substituting for the Archangel. What is the Fall? It means that man was defeated by the Archangel. For this reason, to realize salvation and restoration, man had to fight the angel substituting for the Archangel and make him surrender.
Well, what was the essential plan of Jacob who received the name "Israel"? That is another problem. Jacob, who triumphed as an individual in his struggle with Esau to win the birthright and then ran away, knew that God was with Abraham, whom He had blessed, and had the ardent heart to stand on God's side. In spite of being the second son, Jacob tried to form a family which could inherit God's blessings, and pursued such a family before everything else. For these reasons, there are some anecdotes of immorality in the Bible. But judging from the viewpoint of the providential history, it was in the nature of things.
After suffering through twenty-one years of drudgery, to accomplish the Will, Jacob returned from Haran to Canaan. What was the reason behind that? He thought of a new family. The family was not his own family. He may have missed seeing Esau's family and Abraham's, and returned. Centering on these blessed families and his family, and wanting the land to become a territory on which the universal God's Will could be fulfilled, on his way back to Canaan he triumphed in wrestling with an angel.
The motivation to gain the word "Israel" was not to enable to Jacob's family to live well. Jacob returned centering on the three generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Nobody had more hope that these blessed families would prosper than Jacob did. If a family stands God's side, the satanic world is deprived of the family; therefore, a country is in doubt. Consequently, if the satanic world is robbed of the country, the world, heaven and earth become questions.
Thereupon, on the foundation of the whole clan, with his family as the center, Jacob fought. His property mattered little to Jacob, and his servants didn't matter to him. At the sacrifice of these things, he hoped that the whole clan would prosper and that the three generations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in obedience to God's command, would center on the realm of Israel which took the victory with the great God's Will, and he wanted the clan to develop into a worldwide people. You have to know that as God had blessed Abraham that his descendants would flourish like the innumerable stars in the sky, Jacob kept the Will in his mind and hoped the worldwide people would be in the realm of God, and so went through the battlefield.
Then whom did Jacob triumph over? He triumphed over Satan. There are many families and clans, but the situations in which they are placed. . . Jacob, centering on his family with twelve sons and daughters led by him, began the course. To be based upon the ideal Will of God led by Abraham's, Isaac's, and Jacob's clan as well as Jacob's family, the blessing of Israel was initiated. To be magnified, longing to be a representative people who could go to the ideal world, they started as a successful people going toward the great world in the future and the ideal of God. It was God's original Will and the royal responsibility that the chosen Israel people might be the model. As the Will and responsibility united, the beginning of Israelite realm was possible. Heaven developed this Israel people, with its twelve tribes, built the state of Israel and the religion of Israel-Hebraism. Through the long history of four hundred years, God built the religion and state of Israel and promised the Advent of the Messiah. "I will send the Messiah. Though you fall into any difficult situation, if you receive him, the difficulty will be settled." This was the Messiahism which God promised to the people of Israel. (168-301)
2) The Direction the Religion and People of Israel Would Choose
As you know, Israelites underwent troubles in Babylon. Escaping from the life of prisoners, Israelites returned to Israel in three waves. The returning Israelites established a temple with new materials. Harkening to the prophets, they gambled to improve the religion internally, and the state externally. God prepared the foundation for the Messiah through the four hundred years.
If the Israelites would receive the Messiah, what would happen? God's Will of the Messiah's advent was not only for Israelites but also for the whole world. The Messiah should be received not only in the physical world but in the spiritual world as well. Why so? Since man fell, Satan ruled the physical world, and hell was formed in the spiritual world. Hell came into being. The territory ruled by Satan is expanded from the earthly hell to the heavenly hell. Therefore, we have to become free starting on earth. If man had not fallen, the earthly hell would not have been formed. An ideal heaven would have been formed. Because due to the Fall, the two worlds turned into territories ruled by Satan, we have to restore them. We have to overcome.
If so, who can overcome? To overcome the course one has to go along the same road as Israel. The road is not two, but one. What is the road the chosen nation and religion of Israel had to undergo? It is universal. The mission is universal. Even though God chooses the specific people of Israel, they have to fulfill the mission not for themselves but for humankind.
Including the Jewish religion, there are numerous religions in the world. There are Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism. The religions are various, but they must not fight one another. After being established, they must go to the one world together. The races of the whole world must not fight one another, but must become one. There must be the thought that can lead religions not to fight, but to unite.
We need the thought that can unify religions and rally the chosen people. Because the realization of God's ideal of creation is universal, the chosen religion and people have to keep the thought which corresponds to the ideal of creation. (168-303)
3) God's Will of the Dispensation for Salvation through the First Israel
The Israelite people were placed as a colony under the tyranny of the Roman Empire. But they thought that, as they were the chosen people, if the Messiah would come down, they could all at once break down Rome, make all the world give in, and turn the whole world around their little fingers. As the coming Messiah would judge the world and freely handle everything with authority, they hoped that Israel could form the privileged base and act as leader. That is, they hoped to dominate the world. Next, they were thinking that they would become the center and the highest class even through sacrificing the whole world.
But the Will of God is different. Israel is a small country. The Israelite religion is a small one. Centering on that religion, God wanted to govern and make the world one. God wished to save the world. But Israel took no regard for the world. If Israel doesn't sacrifice for the world, the world can't be connected, and if the Israelite religion doesn't sacrifice for the world's religions, there is no way to make them unite.
The Israelite people have to unite humankind and religions and connect as one body with religion as inner and nation as outer. The Israelite nation and the Israelite people were in such a situation.
Then, what mission did the Messiah coming in obedience to God have? Through the religion and state of Israel, even if they are sacrificed, the Messiah's mission is also to solve the environments in Asia, such as Buddhism of India and Confucianism of China. God knew it. The Messiah knew it and came down. Further, the Messiah must save the Roman Empire, an enemy.
Such was the thought of God and the Messiah; on the other hand, the people of Israel and the religion of Israel wanted to make all of the East as well as Rome their servants, and dreamed of the world they could dominate. As such, it was good as a dream. After the Israelite realm prevailed at the world level, establishing God's complete religious territory, it might become possible; but in the situation of Israel it was not possible yet. The providence of God is not so. It is through the state of Israel and the religion of Israel's sacrifice that the providence of God has to win over the numerous religious realms of the Orient and the Roman realm of Hellenism. This is the God's providence. This is the issue.
If so, for what did the Israelites hope through the unification of the Israel state centering on Hebraism? Priests and the Jewish leaders thought the same. They thought that if the Lord would descend upon them, they would be installed in the highest positions and could turn the world around their little fingers.
That thought is wrong. God's providence for salvation is a global providence. The providence for salvation is the providence for all the people. It is not the providence for specific people in a specific religious realm centering on a specific religion. The providence for salvation liberates all the people and all the nations.
Why would God liberate all the nations? God would make all one nation where God's Will could be fulfilled. Why would God rally all the religions? God would make them all one to fulfill his Will. So we should return to the world God originally wanted to realize. That is a problem. (168-304)
4) Cause of the First Israel's Failure
Despite the advent of the Messiah in Israel, why did not the religion and the state of Israel unite with him? Although Jesus worked miracles with an ardent heart, made an environment in which no one could give offense to the Will of God, and tried to lead them, why did the Israelites send Jesus to the cross! Because the Hebraism leading the people of Israel and the state was a religion centering on a specific people. The people of Israel is a specific people, and through the religion with the people as the center what is to be realized is a specific world. It is to restore the specific world.
Then, what is the specific world! There are a state and a people which are liberated from the satanic world and can always unite as the realm of Israel. The specific world consists of them. God's original will of sending the Messiah is to make such a world. So, through sacrificing the Judaic religion, the state of Judea is led rightly. Through sacrificing the religion and the state, the world is led rightly. Since the state has to obey the Will of God, it must not center on its families and people, but lead by the world ideology which places all other people above its people. Why couldn't the First Israel fulfill God's Will? Because they centered only on themselves, they didn't think about anything except the people and the religion of Israel. This was the problem. They thought the religion and the people of Israel were above everything else. That is wrong. Their prime concern and God's were different.
God thinks the most important thing is the unification of the world through the nation and the people of Israel, and the unification of the religions through sacrificing the religion of Israel. The Israelite religion and nation had to make the world and its religions united. God and the Messiah wished that this movement on the earthly world could liberate also the hell of the spiritual world under this standard.
The Messiah, who is the center of faith, manifested before the Israeli people. There was a difference. "We don't know anything except the Commandments of Moses. That is best," Israelites said. The Commandments of Moses were just to settle the war between Judea of the two tribes of the southern Kingdom and Israel of the ten tribes of the northern Kingdom. It was just a war to save the people of Israel. They knew God's Will of the Old Testament, but they by no means thought of God's Will beyond the Old Testament to save the world. Because the Israelites couldn't see the world beyond the Old Testament, they couldn't accept the Messiah. That is the cause for the First Israel's ending in failure. (168-306)
2. The Second Israel Centering On The Spiritual Standard
Jesus came down as the Father and the Holy Spirit descended as the Mother of humankind. But they didn't become the parents of both body and soul, but have worked as spiritual parents. The death of Jesus on the cross wasn't a victory over Satan with unified body and soul. Jesus was killed by Satan. The body of Jesus was given to Satan and only the soul of Jesus resurrected. As Jesus was resurrected after forty days and gathered his disciples, the Second Israel began centering on the spiritual standard Such has been the 2,000-year history of Christianity until now.
Then, where is the First Israel? The First Israel perished. Judea as the first Israel perished due to the death of Jesus, and the Second Israel appeared. God had led, protected, and brought up the Israelites, who waited for the Messiah for 4,000 years, so God sent the Messiah on that foundation. But the people would not accept the Messiah and expelled him to the road of death on the cross. So this people stood with the enemies of God.
The Israelites became a stateless people from then and could become independent only after the Second Advent of the Messiah. In the process of the world's indemnification of the sin of the death of Jesus, the people eventually came to be in trouble for much of the 2,000 years. After condemning Jesus, who descended as an ancestor of all people, and causing his bloody death, the people of Israel have been through much trouble as a stateless people.
The Israel of that era was an authoritative nation both in soul and body. On this foundation, Jesus had the responsibility for liberating the nation and for recovering the world; but the Israelites didn't accept the Messiah and expelled him to death. Therefore, Jesus had to go to the spiritual world.
Nevertheless, Jesus had performed his duty of loyalty and filial piety which could establish God's Will. Going to the road of death also, as a substitute for all the people, the Messiah tried to fulfill the mission and the responsibility of Heavenly bonds and establish the morality of loyalty and filial piety: "0 my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." (Mt. 26:39) For this reason, even though Jesus died, Satan couldn't conquer his standard of devotion, and the spiritual standard of Israel was erected due to his spiritual resurrection.
Christianity is the spiritual Second Israel, not one of spirit and body. Accordingly, Christians have been persecuted everywhere. The Israelite people became a wandering people, a stateless people, and hoped to become a substantial nation with a spiritual foundation. This is the 2,000-year history of Christendom till now. (19-207)
3. Korea Chosen As The Third Israel
The Orient could have been unified. There was a foundation upon which Judaism could embrace religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and the Zoroastrianism of the Middle East. God's providence was to restore the territory, saving the realms of the religions, and to center on the East, through Jesus' work. But it would go the opposite way due to the death of Jesus and the sacrifice of his body. It would enter Rome, go around the world, and return to the East.
From the Vatican, God's providence moved through America via England. It took 2,000 years. It moved purely. By the principle of restoration through indemnity, reverse phenomena occur. England corresponds to Japan and Korea is a peninsula that corresponds to the Roman peninsula where the providence was centered before England. Through these phenomena, the formation of the foundation which indemnified and liquidated the failures and unfinished work could prevent Satan from entering. This is why the providence runs the course according to the principle of indemnity.
The coming world will move centering around Asia. Why so? Jesus was divided into body and mind. If he had not been divided, but had remained intact, the world would have come to center on the territory of Asia, through the absorption of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the religions of the Middle East, which would make one realm of religious culture and absorb Rome. Once Rome was absorbed, the battle would be won. However, the original religious foundation was stolen due to the death of Jesus. Satan took Jesus' body. Rome took the body. We have to go the reverse way, for restoration. The hope and ideals of Christians, keeping God's will in their minds, should be to center on both state and church and so be in the position to go toward a unified world. However, they lost the bases of nation and established religion and became a piteous throng entering Rome.
They had to pay the price with the blood of 400 years to restore those bases. They had to indemnify. Then, if the period is coming, where does it enter? It moves into a state on a peninsula, like Rome's, via a state as an island country. In Asia, Japan is like England. Therefore the culture of Japan follows the English culture.
Then what is the role of Korea? Korea is in the position of Rome. It is like the Vatican. Well, what is Korea? Korea has to be a country to save all religions of the era and all human beings, according to God's Will, and establish the unified world and the unified heaven. Why? Because the era of the terminal culture is coming. The era is representative of the papal realm which ruled the world with the Vatican and peninsula as the center.
When North and South are unified under this situation and can manage the religions of the world and all the people, the religious realm of God's Will manifests. The realm of people and the realm of state are built up by God's Will.
Korea was divided into North and South. What is the Fall? It is the division of soul and body. In the worldwide sense, the North is materialism and the South is spiritualism. This seems to correspond to the fruits of the Fall. Therefore, both fight each other. Body and soul fight. This is in progress. Now where are the Communistic world and the Democratic world? Both are completely exhausted. Complete exhaustion. Then, what is the Principle of our Unification Church? It is the substance to form the realm of the Third Israel. Korea has to become the Third Israel with the ideology of the Second Advent.
Considering the Korean race, in spite of the long history of 5,000 years, the people are special. The Korean hates to be under the control of anyone. He would play the head role everywhere, would not be devoted to anyone.
If so, what is the privilege which Korea has to possess? Only by inheriting God's thought; shall Korea have this privilege. God's thought. What is the thought? It is "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Like this, you have to keep God's thought in your mind. The thought of God is to save the world. To save the world, God places a religion at the head. So, even though sacrificing itself, the religion has to save the world. (168-311)
4. The Ideology The Third Israelite People Should Embrace
"The specific concept the Third Israelite people should embrace." This expression is not easy. What is the specific concept? It is the unification of North and South. Why so? The Fall is the state of division. We have to unite the divided. The division means that mind and body are split, and the spiritual world and the physical world are split. They were scattered throughout the world, and they meet again at one point. They flowed into the world and meet again at one point. This phenomenon is that Korea is divided into North and South and meet again at one point.
One is the leading nation of materialism; the other is the leading nation of theism. Who are there? Kim Il Sung is Father? The Reverend Moon of the Unification Church is Father also? (laughter) There are two Fathers. Therefore, each of them asserts that all are his sons and daughters. A serious thing is happening. Each asserts all as his own sons and daughters. Kim Il Sung is saying the people of South Korea have to be his children, and the Reverend Moon is saying the people of North Korea have to be his children. What a salient event! (laughter) In this event, God's side, to liberate North Korea, has to triumph through embracing God's thought. Well, does Kim Il Sung embrace God's thought? With the laborers and peasants he killed the upper and middle classes as reactionary elements. There is no religious ideology. Only the materialistic ideology exists. But Rev. Moon has both the materialistic concept and the spiritual concept.
In history, if we understand the falls of the First and Second Israels, then centering on the Third Israel, we must unify all of the religions and embrace the ideology of the unification of all the world. We must melt it not with fist or power, but with love through 10 years, 20 years, a thousand years, or myriad years. Even if a woman is evil, if she meets a good husband, and falls in love with him, she may repent. She is returned with love, not with money. You must know that the repentance happens through the heart realm of love. Repentance outside of the heart realm of love is deceitful and false. No one knows when and how it changes.
What ideology does the realm of the Third Israel have? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. As I become an only begotten Son who loves the world, I must be resolved to sacrifice. To liberate all the world and all the people, I must sacrifice. I must be resolved to sacrifice to liberate the religious world and all the religions. That religionists are moaning . . . . It is difficult to believe in a religion, isn't it? We should become free from this difficulty. Humankind are greatly moaning in deep misery.
The gulf between rich and poor, North and South, cannot be settled but by you. You should recognize such things, and struggle to bear a heavy burden, work when the others rest, and be awake when the others sleep. You should swear to move forward on the road. You have to know that as the number of such people increases, a new hope is gradually appearing in the world. (168-328)
5. Korea Is The Final Providential Nation
1) The Korean People Have Survived 5,000 Years of History
The Korean people have received the most blessings and have the superior background. No one can find any other people who have such a background. However, the Korean people are not securely settled yet.
We call our history a history of 5 millennia don't we? Five millennia is a long time. However, what have we done in this long history of 5 millennia? What have we done? Even now, when I travel the countryside on the Kyung-bu line, I can still see some straw-thatched houses. Well, some people still like to live in straw-thatched houses, but it's totally unlovable. Other countries' pig houses are probably better than these straw-thatched houses. In fact, some travelers said Korea has well-developed pig farming, but they actually saw these straw-thatched houses when they said it. They thought that these straw-thatched houses are pig houses. This is really a shame.
What's happened to the country which has the history of 5 millennia? What can we be proud of? Nothing. But, there is something we can be proud of. Korea is a small county. How can we describe it? Should it be described as a small mole on a pretty face? Imagine a pretty woman who has this mole on her face. Would the woman be happy when she put the make-up on her face? She would be very unhappy. It wouldn't be so hard to take it out of the face. She would just have to endure a short moment of pain taking it out.
Take a good look at the Korean peninsula in Asia; it is very beautiful. However, I feel really bad about the small geographical size.
But, why have such people lived in misery? If we had lived well, then we would have been robbed. Do you understand? If we had had a rich life, then robbers would definitely have taken our wealth. If bad guys wouldn't have done anything, God would have done something bad to us.
2) All Religions Have Flourished in Korea
A. Despite The Long History Of Invasions, The Korean People Worshipped God
As you know, the Korean peninsula is divided, North and South, and is a land where Eastern and Western culture and ideologies confront. What you people have to study more about is that the Korean people are one tribe and at the same time, a tribe who has a history of many invasions. Korea was once occupied by China and has served other countries, such as Japan and Russia.
Especially, Korean women were proud of not getting married with other countries' men. Korean women were especially serious about keeping their virginity. Korean people, though a small people, always expect a day when they will be on the top of the world, which shows an enthusiastic character. We have such a mind. That's what makes us different from other people.
For that reason, Korean people often call other people China-nom, Russia-nom, Japan-nom, America-nom, etc. We treat other people as if we face bad guys. We call American people America-nom. Other than the Israelites, if you look at the history of mankind, wouldn't the Korean people be the world representative of people who suffered among the big countries?
Historically, when we received such tremendous pain, it was not because we did something wrong, but because we are surrounded by powerful countries. In that perspective, Korean people are the true representative of suffering people who had many invasions. Even today, the fact that we are facing the confrontation of North and South, and Eastern and Western culture, is not, by any means, motivated by Korean people. Through historical change, we are suffering in the confrontation of Communism and democracy. This is, also, a suffering course, on the worldwide level.
Well, why am I telling you this? Even undergoing hardship, there is one special characteristic that no other people have. That's the spirit of worshipping God and keeping hope, praying, "Please, let our hope be realized," while enduring suffering and hardship. We became as one carrying down this spirit to our descendants. No other people have this characteristic. Ordinary people would easily blame God and think, "If there is a God, why would He let our people suffer?" Despite the hardships, the Korean people have kept this position, the opposite of ordinary people. This characteristic makes the Korean people so special.
B. People Of Strong Faith
Historically, which people have a fiery faith? I found that the Korean people, who had never heard of God, or saints and sages, without any concept of a subject of prophecy, had a burning fire of faith in God. You people can disagree. But, I have discovered it.
Is truly a miracle that this people, on a finger-nail-size peninsula, has undergone such hardship and kept 5,000-year history, 5 millennia. Take a good look at Korean history. Korea has a history of receiving such an enormous number of invasions. Other countries ate it and spit it out and swallowed it and spit it out. When they spit it out, it was skinless. However, with a strong bond of people's spirit, the Korean people have persisted and expected the day of hope. Because there was hope in the people's spirit, which has kept the Korean peninsula alive, the Korean people have persisted until today. Don't you agree that God would send the Messiah to this kind of people? I think so. I hope you agree with me.
Also, in the emotional aspect, no other people have more affection than the Korean people. Korea also has been called a country of courtesy. Confucianism entered in this country and flourished. Buddhism also entered and flourished. So did Christianity. But, now, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity, which once were the hope of religion, have come to a dead end. However, what we have left is the people's spirit. Centering upon the people's spirit, we are firing up a strong passion that can bum down all the ideologies.
In the Far East, Korean people are no greater than other people in their faith or hopeful outlook. When you study the history of Korean Christianity, it has a short history of only 70-80 years. However, despite its short history, Korean Christians have unprecedented superior faith that can never be found in any other country in the world. When it comes to faith, Korean people have such an undefeated mind, no less than that of other people.
I intended to comfort you by saying these words. I have traveled to many famous places. I didn't have much interest in a beautiful country, like Switzerland. It wasn't that exciting. However, if you drive a car on the roads in Korea, you'll realize that is truly the natural park of the future. There are the beautiful peaks of the mountains. You can build nice houses there.
Korean people, who were born such a country, are especially smart. They must be smart and their minds must be clean. In this perspective, Korean people are very close to being the people of faith. Buddhism in the Koryo era, Confucianism during the Yi dynasty, and Christianity in the modern age all have unprecedented records of flourishing in Korea which affected the national cultural background. So, because Korean people are born in such a blessing of beautiful natural benefits, they are gifted with being smart and having a clean mind. Therefore, I assume that they are close to being the people of faith. I think that when this kind of people becomes one with God, a whole new phenomenon will occur.
Throughout history, because our people have centered their lives on religious teachings, we still have the spirit of subconsciously centering on religious teachings. There are no other people who have such a strong faith. If people are going through some difficulties, they go to spiritually-open fortune tellers living out in nature these days. Korean people have such a spirit of cherishing the teachings of nature.
C. All Religions Have Flourished In Korea
Today, there are many nations in the world. Among these nations, there have been many nations who have contributed to humankind; but which nation has a history of its sovereignty being derived from its religious ideas? There are many nations that have history of one religion, but there's only one nation, Korea, in which many religions have entered and dominated the government and all people's way of life.
Generally, when you look at Korean religions, from the Shinra to Koryo eras, Buddhism was practiced and flourished. Not only did it affect the way of life, it also dominated the trend of thought and government. Regardless of the religions' origins, or the founders, all religions flourished in Korea. Buddhism started in India, but via China it entered into the Korean peninsula and dominated the government. After that, in the Yi dynasty, Confucianism entered and dominated the government and incorporated a social system. In the modern age, despite a short history here, Christianity came in as a strong influence on people's lives.
All religions can have fruits in these people. They are the people who, even after enduring hardship in a long history of suffering, are concerned for the sake of the world, and are pursuing one great goal of humankind. God must need this kind of people.
In God's perspective, he would be looking for the country where all the religions he created have flourished. It is an undeniable fact that the Korean people are the only people capable of bearing these religious fruits.
Buddhism started in India, but it went to Korea via China. It was not India or China where Buddhism bore fruit; it was Korea. Indeed, Buddhism flourished in Korea. Centering on the Shinra era, Buddhism not only bore the fruit of a brilliant cultural establishment, it also produced such a monk as Won-hyo, who incorporated the teachings of Buddhism in the society. This was really a history-making moment.
The same goes for Confucianism. Throughout 500 years of the Yi dynasty, all people were practicing the teachings of Confucianism as the standard of virtue in their lives. The whole system in the country was set by Confucianism. The teacher Tae-kye Lee, one of the important figures of Confucianism history, pioneered the new areas of the teachings.
Also, Christianity had the same impact on the Korean people. Korean Christianity has only a 100-year history, but it weakened the social trend of thought that was in accordance with Buddhism and Confucianism, and established a new culture and way of thinking. In the Christian sphere, Korea would be the prime representative of all Christian countries in Asia. It is an amazing fact that the way of life and government are newly incorporated by the Christian culture. Well, this leads to the point that in the historical relationship centering on the background of the world's religions, the Korean people are connected with God's providence.
When we look at India, China, Japan, or other great countries in Asia, none are like Korea. No other countries have such special characteristics. China, Japan, and India cannot show such strong Christian faith. Only Korea is the representative of Christian countries in Asia.
Although, in the modern age, old religious practices, such as those of Buddhism and Confucianism, have diminished, and -- especially with the corruption of Western culture -- Christianity has lost its original base, only Christianity in Korea is still developing. That's interesting. That's truly an interesting phenomenon.
D. Korea Has A Traditional Ideology Of God's Providence
Generally speaking, Korean people are used to the Buddhist way of life, the Confucianist way of life, and the Christian way of life. People in their 40s and 50s especially. These people have lived in the environment in which they all can be used to the three major religions. In the history of a nation, or in world history, from the religious point of view or the moral point of view, in the country centering on God's providence, a person who walked the course of suffering on the worldwide level must receive a worldwide blessing from God. This is familiar in our teachings of the Divine Principle.
Then, what do we mean by this idea? This ideology makes the world whole and peaceful. We can come to the conclusion that the Korean people, being incorporated by the three major religions, are a part of God's plan where they can carry out God's providence. In other words, in God's plan, all religions must unite, and then the internal standard would unite with the external standard. That's for the sake of world peace, only for world peace! The goal of politics must be world peace. Then, why is that? Look at the fact that the Korean peninsula has been invaded more than 930 times. It is very obvious that the Korean people would shout for peace. No one has ever thought of the fact that the Korea people have this traditional subconscious.
Then, how can we bring about the unification of North and South Korea? How can we get together as one and realize a world of peace? We must unite centering on God, and then realize peace. The same applies to God's point of view. God's hope is to make all mankind as one and realize peace. In the Last Days, providentially, the Korean people are the special people who have inherited the traditional ideology of God's providence.
Therefore, we need an ideology which can unite all the religions, and then we need love that can realize the world of peace. These are the two conclusions. If there is God, God would think like that.
In this perspective, we must realize the fact that today the unification ideology must come out on the foundation of historical and traditional ideology. Therefore it is an obvious conclusion that the unification ideology is an inevitable result of this traditional path of history, in which not only should it make Christianity one, but it should also make all religions as one, and then realize the world of peace. You must know this fact for sure.
3) Korea Is the Final Providential Nation
A. Korea Representing The Confrontation Of Communism And Democracy
We can consider that, in God's point of view, Korea is the final nation of faith. In other words, Korea must become a nation where God's providence can be realized. So, the new ideal world must start there.
Because the history of humankind must be in accord with God's providential point of view, the end of the fallen history of humankind must coincide with the last days of God's restoration providence. For that reason, the hope of all humankind and the ideal nation is Korea. Further, Korea represents the ideal heaven on earth where all humankind can live. Thus, the ideals of God and humankind are in accord, God's restoration providence will end, and all historical hopes will be realized in Korea. That's where the grand opening of heaven's gate will occur. However, now Korea is not even close to this ideal; Korea is divided North and South, and between the East and the West. In these Last Days, the gap between countries of the East and the West, problems with the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the economic difference between North and South, and the disharmony of the five skin colors of humankind are the thus far unsolvable problems of the world.
Look at the powers of Satan and God in this world. Satan has more power than God. It is because of the Fall. Hence, the world ideologies are divided, with materialism, representing Cain, located in the North, and theism, representing Abel, located in the South. With that in mind, Korea is the representative of the confrontation of world Communism and democracy. Providentially speaking, Korea is the final nation of the powers of God and Satan. The war is not only for South and North Korea, but also a war between Moscow and Washington, DC.
B. The Demise Of Western Culture
Countries which worship God through a religion throw away all material things. Therefore, all the countries which worship God or gods are poor. Even today, some tribes in Taiwan just enjoy their lives eating bananas and dancing around, and worship their own god. Religious people generally sacrifice themselves, and live for the perfection of their personality. Hence, centering on any religious practice, you should throw away all material things.
Comparing both the East and the West, which side can develop the spiritual culture more deeply? It is the East. What makes me say so? It is because the East is poorer than the West. Which side started civilization first? It was the East. Then, why is the West richer than the East, which started civilization first? The Eastern ideologies approached the spiritual world, internal world, not the material world. Therefore, they threw away all the material things. Who, then, took all these material things thrown away by the Eastern people? Thieves took them. What kind of people were there when England was first formed? They were pirates who built the country of England. In God's providence, however, there was a need of managing other countries, and God let these people take care of their own countries and develop them.
Accordingly, where should the material world go now? It started in the Western sphere. If it goes back to the Western sphere, then the world will come to an end. In the Western world, there is no God. Then, where would be the destination of the Western culture? Material should completely surrender to spirit. The physical body must completely surrender to the mind. The same principle applies to the spheres of Eastern and Western cultures. Once the Eastern world, representing the spiritual sphere, realizes its position, the Western world must completely submit and surrender to the Eastern world.
In the period from the end of the 20th century into the 21st century, the time will come when, if people of the Western world don't know about the Eastern culture in Asia, they won't be well treated, nor welcomed. For that reason, the historian Toynbee prophesied the end of the Western culture. He also said that unless a whole new religious foundation and a new civilization centered on the Eastern culture and civilization, and which can unite Christianity, is formed, the world will come to an end. This is true.
Then, which country will serve that role in Asia? Is it China? But China became a Communist country. India is the next candidate. What is in India? In India there are religious practices, such as yoga. This became a big matter in American society. Today, in India, there are some spiritual practices and religious teachings, and especially the teachings of Buddhism, that have a big impact on people. However, these teachings and practices are not suitable for today's society. Japan would be the next available candidate; but Japan is not a country of a great religion. Japan is a country of small religions that do not contain the traditional religious thoughts and do not have a background which can be compared with global-level trend of thoughts.
In this perspective, let's look at Korea. Now Korea is undeniably faced with the inevitable flow of history, in which Korea must establish a new culture centering on Christian culture and Oriental thoughts. These historical moments are coming to us. We have to observe these moments very carefully. Furthermore, we must realize that we are in a very important situation.
In the perspective of the trend of thought, Korea became an example of world culture. Korea has dealt with many nations. We have dealt with many peoples of the world's countries, which center on the United States. However, no ideologies offered by these countries are suitable for the Korean people.
This Korean peninsula is divided in half, and the North is dominated by Communists. North Korea became the focal point of Communism, and South Korea has become the focal point of the democratic sphere. However, the Korean people are not truly contributing to either Communism or democracy. We are in this situation.
C. Korea Is The Place Where All Cultures Are Concentrated
Korea is the most interesting country among the Asian countries.
Korea has been preserving a unique oriental culture and way of life for 5,000 years. In other words, the most genuine oriental culture has been maintained in Korea. Also, the world's major religions have flourished in Korea. Christianity, the core of Western culture, has laid its roots and is developing daily. Despite the fact that churches around the world become vacant, churches in Korea are filled with Christians praying and singing day and night.
Korean Christianity is a fruit of Hebraism, the root of spiritual civilization. Christianity, which was prophesied by ancient Hebrew prophets, was carried down by Christian saints, and has become one of major religions today, has its roots in Hebraism. On the other hand, North Korea has borne the fruit of Hellenism, totally opposite to Hebraism. This is Communism -- atheism centered on materialism, denying God. Two worlds of opposite ideology are confronting each other in the Korean peninsula.
The Korean War was a representation of the war between these two worlds of opposite ideology. It was not just a war between North and South Korea, but it was the war between Communist countries and free countries in the UN. Therefore, we can say that the Korean peninsula is a microcosm of the world. All the important matters in the world occur in small scale in the Korean peninsula. The solutions to the problems of Korea are not only for Korea, but are the solutions for the problems of the world.
Where is the center in Asia? Korea is the one. Therefore, the problems of Korea extend to the problems at the global level. The most troublesome people in Asia are the Korean people. Korean people would never be cooked by others. They are very smart and very precise in the systematic- information industry.
In recent years, major fights broke out over Korea. The Japan-Russia War, the Japan-China War, and the war between Japan and the US were all caused by takeovers of the Korean peninsula.
Why did it happen like that? Why did it have to happen like that? Why did Korea, in recent years, become the most troublesome country in Asia and in the world? Today, Korea is the only country in which Communism and democracy are confronting each other. Korea has persisted from the beginning to the end. Winning fights in the Korean peninsula depends on whether or not people fight under the name of God. For this reason, God's providence lies on Korean people's shoulders, and, at the same time, Satan is trying to take over the people of Korea. In this point of view, we can say, "Oh, because we know God's providence very well, we have been persecuted and undergone hardship. But, God has created the base in the Korean peninsula!" In the historical point of view, God's providence is related with the history of Korea. For that reason, I can conclude, "Ah, Korean people are wise, and were definitely chosen by God!" A person like Rev. Moon was born in this kind of land.
So, what Rev. Moon did so far is to gather together all the Asian civilizations. In Asia, Rev. Moon is a leading person among anti-Communists. Rev. Moon is the one who has established the new religion and tried to revolutionize the world.
The place that serves as a mediator, bringing material things from the West to the East, would be the place of hope. This place is Korea, the troublesome country of the 20th century. Isn't that right? [Yes] Korea is the center of the problems. That's why there's hope in Korea. Korea, the bridge between the West and the East, can be the origin of the new culture, and is the beginning of the new relationship that can bear fruit. That's why Korea is the place where all civilizations are concentrated.
4) Formation of the Realm of Unified Global Culture Centering on the Korean Peninsula
The difference between the ancient Jewish people and the Korean people is that the Jewish people didn't have global-level thoughts. This is the problem. Judaism did not have the background Korean people have. It was only Korea that combined all major religions in the oriental sphere. Providentially, if Jesus had not been crucified, he would have united Indian and Chinese culture centering on Judaism. Representing the Indian culture, Buddhism entered into Korea, and Confucianism represents the Chinese culture. Representing the Western sphere, Christianity won the victory in the Roman Empire and finally came into Korea and bore fruit. Therefore, replacing the Jewish nation, Korea became the base of God's blessings.
A fruit of India is Buddhism, which was sown in Korea. The Confucianism of China was also sown in Korea. So, the cultural harmony that was intended to be made in Jesus' time, was sown and flourished in Korea. Do you understand? After Jesus' time, Christianity failed to unite the world centering on the foundation of such blessings. After 2,000 years, God has found the base in Asia, Korea, where the unification of the Buddhist sphere, Confucian sphere, and Christian sphere will form the whole new world of unification. Providentially, is an undeniable conclusion.
Centering on the Vatican in Rome, a new civilization and the unification of the Western world were formed; However, the papacy weakened. Hence, not only could they not unite the Western world, but also the unification of the Eastern world could not occur. Accordingly, centering on the Unification Church, the realm of culture which can bring the unification of East and West must be formed. The realm of the new culture at the global level must be established. Therefore, just as 1,200 years of Western history centering on the Western culture has been exalted by the Western powers, so, centering on Asia, in the Korean peninsula, a new eternal culture must be formed through the history of a new millennium. This is indemnity for the failure in the Roman peninsula.
Then, why is a peninsula important? The Mediterranean is like a woman's womb. It is woman's private part. That's why they established the Atlantic cultural sphere. The Korean peninsula is like a man's genital. Japan is described as a woman, and dominates the Pacific cultural sphere today. That's why I started fish farming in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska, and South America. The reason why I started this is that the natural resources from the ocean have a direct relationship with the land resources. Proportionally speaking, resource-wise, the ocean dominates the land. It is a different shape, but water can be compared with the land's air, and fish symbolize the land's people.
So, from now on, as in the Roman peninsula, which generated the Atlantic cultural sphere, centering on the Korean peninsula we are entering into the new era of kingship, an ideal era of the unified cultural sphere. This is God's providence.
Section 2. Korea As The Third Israel (Part 2)
1. The First Israel And God's Will
1) The Beginning of the Realm of the First Israel
Now, what we have to know is the meaning of Israel in the Bible. What is the meaning of Israel? Israel! "Human being" includes man and woman. Israel does not mean that man defeats woman or woman man. It does not mean that you are the victor over any person, any family or any environment. If so, why do we call it victory? It means that we are victorious in the fight with Satan.
The word "Israel" came from the era of Jacob. After suffering through twenty-one years of drudgery, on his way back to Canaan Jacob triumphed in wrestling with an angel at the ford of Jabbok. The word "the realm of Israel" began then. Whom did Jacob triumph over? He triumphed over an angel, who was substituting for the Archangel. What is the Fall? It means that man was defeated by the Archangel. For this reason, to realize salvation and restoration, man had to fight the angel substituting for the Archangel and make him surrender.
Well, what was the essential plan of Jacob who received the name "Israel"? That is another problem. Jacob, who triumphed as an individual in his struggle with Esau to win the birthright and then ran away, knew that God was with Abraham, whom He had blessed, and had the ardent heart to stand on God's side. In spite of being the second son, Jacob tried to form a family which could inherit God's blessings, and pursued such a family before everything else. For these reasons, there are some anecdotes of immorality in the Bible. But judging from the viewpoint of the providential history, it was in the nature of things.
After suffering through twenty-one years of drudgery, to accomplish the Will, Jacob returned from Haran to Canaan. What was the reason behind that? He thought of a new family. The family was not his own family. He may have missed seeing Esau's family and Abraham's, and returned. Centering on these blessed families and his family, and wanting the land to become a territory on which the universal God's Will could be fulfilled, on his way back to Canaan he triumphed in wrestling with an angel.
The motivation to gain the word "Israel" was not to enable to Jacob's family to live well. Jacob returned centering on the three generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Nobody had more hope that these blessed families would prosper than Jacob did. If a family stands God's side, the satanic world is deprived of the family; therefore, a country is in doubt. Consequently, if the satanic world is robbed of the country, the world, heaven and earth become questions.
Thereupon, on the foundation of the whole clan, with his family as the center, Jacob fought. His property mattered little to Jacob, and his servants didn't matter to him. At the sacrifice of these things, he hoped that the whole clan would prosper and that the three generations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in obedience to God's command, would center on the realm of Israel which took the victory with the great God's Will, and he wanted the clan to develop into a worldwide people. You have to know that as God had blessed Abraham that his descendants would flourish like the innumerable stars in the sky, Jacob kept the Will in his mind and hoped the worldwide people would be in the realm of God, and so went through the battlefield.
Then whom did Jacob triumph over? He triumphed over Satan. There are many families and clans, but the situations in which they are placed. . . Jacob, centering on his family with twelve sons and daughters led by him, began the course. To be based upon the ideal Will of God led by Abraham's, Isaac's, and Jacob's clan as well as Jacob's family, the blessing of Israel was initiated. To be magnified, longing to be a representative people who could go to the ideal world, they started as a successful people going toward the great world in the future and the ideal of God. It was God's original Will and the royal responsibility that the chosen Israel people might be the model. As the Will and responsibility united, the beginning of Israelite realm was possible. Heaven developed this Israel people, with its twelve tribes, built the state of Israel and the religion of Israel-Hebraism. Through the long history of four hundred years, God built the religion and state of Israel and promised the Advent of the Messiah. "I will send the Messiah. Though you fall into any difficult situation, if you receive him, the difficulty will be settled." This was the Messiahism which God promised to the people of Israel. (168-301)
2) The Direction the Religion and People of Israel Would Choose
As you know, Israelites underwent troubles in Babylon. Escaping from the life of prisoners, Israelites returned to Israel in three waves. The returning Israelites established a temple with new materials. Harkening to the prophets, they gambled to improve the religion internally, and the state externally. God prepared the foundation for the Messiah through the four hundred years.
If the Israelites would receive the Messiah, what would happen? God's Will of the Messiah's advent was not only for Israelites but also for the whole world. The Messiah should be received not only in the physical world but in the spiritual world as well. Why so? Since man fell, Satan ruled the physical world, and hell was formed in the spiritual world. Hell came into being. The territory ruled by Satan is expanded from the earthly hell to the heavenly hell. Therefore, we have to become free starting on earth. If man had not fallen, the earthly hell would not have been formed. An ideal heaven would have been formed. Because due to the Fall, the two worlds turned into territories ruled by Satan, we have to restore them. We have to overcome.
If so, who can overcome? To overcome the course one has to go along the same road as Israel. The road is not two, but one. What is the road the chosen nation and religion of Israel had to undergo? It is universal. The mission is universal. Even though God chooses the specific people of Israel, they have to fulfill the mission not for themselves but for humankind.
Including the Jewish religion, there are numerous religions in the world. There are Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism. The religions are various, but they must not fight one another. After being established, they must go to the one world together. The races of the whole world must not fight one another, but must become one. There must be the thought that can lead religions not to fight, but to unite.
We need the thought that can unify religions and rally the chosen people. Because the realization of God's ideal of creation is universal, the chosen religion and people have to keep the thought which corresponds to the ideal of creation. (168-303)
3) God's Will of the Dispensation for Salvation through the First Israel
The Israelite people were placed as a colony under the tyranny of the Roman Empire. But they thought that, as they were the chosen people, if the Messiah would come down, they could all at once break down Rome, make all the world give in, and turn the whole world around their little fingers. As the coming Messiah would judge the world and freely handle everything with authority, they hoped that Israel could form the privileged base and act as leader. That is, they hoped to dominate the world. Next, they were thinking that they would become the center and the highest class even through sacrificing the whole world.
But the Will of God is different. Israel is a small country. The Israelite religion is a small one. Centering on that religion, God wanted to govern and make the world one. God wished to save the world. But Israel took no regard for the world. If Israel doesn't sacrifice for the world, the world can't be connected, and if the Israelite religion doesn't sacrifice for the world's religions, there is no way to make them unite.
The Israelite people have to unite humankind and religions and connect as one body with religion as inner and nation as outer. The Israelite nation and the Israelite people were in such a situation.
Then, what mission did the Messiah coming in obedience to God have? Through the religion and state of Israel, even if they are sacrificed, the Messiah's mission is also to solve the environments in Asia, such as Buddhism of India and Confucianism of China. God knew it. The Messiah knew it and came down. Further, the Messiah must save the Roman Empire, an enemy.
Such was the thought of God and the Messiah; on the other hand, the people of Israel and the religion of Israel wanted to make all of the East as well as Rome their servants, and dreamed of the world they could dominate. As such, it was good as a dream. After the Israelite realm prevailed at the world level, establishing God's complete religious territory, it might become possible; but in the situation of Israel it was not possible yet. The providence of God is not so. It is through the state of Israel and the religion of Israel's sacrifice that the providence of God has to win over the numerous religious realms of the Orient and the Roman realm of Hellenism. This is the God's providence. This is the issue.
If so, for what did the Israelites hope through the unification of the Israel state centering on Hebraism? Priests and the Jewish leaders thought the same. They thought that if the Lord would descend upon them, they would be installed in the highest positions and could turn the world around their little fingers.
That thought is wrong. God's providence for salvation is a global providence. The providence for salvation is the providence for all the people. It is not the providence for specific people in a specific religious realm centering on a specific religion. The providence for salvation liberates all the people and all the nations.
Why would God liberate all the nations? God would make all one nation where God's Will could be fulfilled. Why would God rally all the religions? God would make them all one to fulfill his Will. So we should return to the world God originally wanted to realize. That is a problem. (168-304)
4) Cause of the First Israel's Failure
Despite the advent of the Messiah in Israel, why did not the religion and the state of Israel unite with him? Although Jesus worked miracles with an ardent heart, made an environment in which no one could give offense to the Will of God, and tried to lead them, why did the Israelites send Jesus to the cross! Because the Hebraism leading the people of Israel and the state was a religion centering on a specific people. The people of Israel is a specific people, and through the religion with the people as the center what is to be realized is a specific world. It is to restore the specific world.
Then, what is the specific world! There are a state and a people which are liberated from the satanic world and can always unite as the realm of Israel. The specific world consists of them. God's original will of sending the Messiah is to make such a world. So, through sacrificing the Judaic religion, the state of Judea is led rightly. Through sacrificing the religion and the state, the world is led rightly. Since the state has to obey the Will of God, it must not center on its families and people, but lead by the world ideology which places all other people above its people. Why couldn't the First Israel fulfill God's Will? Because they centered only on themselves, they didn't think about anything except the people and the religion of Israel. This was the problem. They thought the religion and the people of Israel were above everything else. That is wrong. Their prime concern and God's were different.
God thinks the most important thing is the unification of the world through the nation and the people of Israel, and the unification of the religions through sacrificing the religion of Israel. The Israelite religion and nation had to make the world and its religions united. God and the Messiah wished that this movement on the earthly world could liberate also the hell of the spiritual world under this standard.
The Messiah, who is the center of faith, manifested before the Israeli people. There was a difference. "We don't know anything except the Commandments of Moses. That is best," Israelites said. The Commandments of Moses were just to settle the war between Judea of the two tribes of the southern Kingdom and Israel of the ten tribes of the northern Kingdom. It was just a war to save the people of Israel. They knew God's Will of the Old Testament, but they by no means thought of God's Will beyond the Old Testament to save the world. Because the Israelites couldn't see the world beyond the Old Testament, they couldn't accept the Messiah. That is the cause for the First Israel's ending in failure. (168-306)
2. The Second Israel Centering On The Spiritual Standard
Jesus came down as the Father and the Holy Spirit descended as the Mother of humankind. But they didn't become the parents of both body and soul, but have worked as spiritual parents. The death of Jesus on the cross wasn't a victory over Satan with unified body and soul. Jesus was killed by Satan. The body of Jesus was given to Satan and only the soul of Jesus resurrected. As Jesus was resurrected after forty days and gathered his disciples, the Second Israel began centering on the spiritual standard Such has been the 2,000-year history of Christianity until now.
Then, where is the First Israel? The First Israel perished. Judea as the first Israel perished due to the death of Jesus, and the Second Israel appeared. God had led, protected, and brought up the Israelites, who waited for the Messiah for 4,000 years, so God sent the Messiah on that foundation. But the people would not accept the Messiah and expelled him to the road of death on the cross. So this people stood with the enemies of God.
The Israelites became a stateless people from then and could become independent only after the Second Advent of the Messiah. In the process of the world's indemnification of the sin of the death of Jesus, the people eventually came to be in trouble for much of the 2,000 years. After condemning Jesus, who descended as an ancestor of all people, and causing his bloody death, the people of Israel have been through much trouble as a stateless people.
The Israel of that era was an authoritative nation both in soul and body. On this foundation, Jesus had the responsibility for liberating the nation and for recovering the world; but the Israelites didn't accept the Messiah and expelled him to death. Therefore, Jesus had to go to the spiritual world.
Nevertheless, Jesus had performed his duty of loyalty and filial piety which could establish God's Will. Going to the road of death also, as a substitute for all the people, the Messiah tried to fulfill the mission and the responsibility of Heavenly bonds and establish the morality of loyalty and filial piety: "0 my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." (Mt. 26:39) For this reason, even though Jesus died, Satan couldn't conquer his standard of devotion, and the spiritual standard of Israel was erected due to his spiritual resurrection.
Christianity is the spiritual Second Israel, not one of spirit and body. Accordingly, Christians have been persecuted everywhere. The Israelite people became a wandering people, a stateless people, and hoped to become a substantial nation with a spiritual foundation. This is the 2,000-year history of Christendom till now. (19-207)
3. Korea Chosen As The Third Israel
The Orient could have been unified. There was a foundation upon which Judaism could embrace religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and the Zoroastrianism of the Middle East. God's providence was to restore the territory, saving the realms of the religions, and to center on the East, through Jesus' work. But it would go the opposite way due to the death of Jesus and the sacrifice of his body. It would enter Rome, go around the world, and return to the East.
From the Vatican, God's providence moved through America via England. It took 2,000 years. It moved purely. By the principle of restoration through indemnity, reverse phenomena occur. England corresponds to Japan and Korea is a peninsula that corresponds to the Roman peninsula where the providence was centered before England. Through these phenomena, the formation of the foundation which indemnified and liquidated the failures and unfinished work could prevent Satan from entering. This is why the providence runs the course according to the principle of indemnity.
The coming world will move centering around Asia. Why so? Jesus was divided into body and mind. If he had not been divided, but had remained intact, the world would have come to center on the territory of Asia, through the absorption of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the religions of the Middle East, which would make one realm of religious culture and absorb Rome. Once Rome was absorbed, the battle would be won. However, the original religious foundation was stolen due to the death of Jesus. Satan took Jesus' body. Rome took the body. We have to go the reverse way, for restoration. The hope and ideals of Christians, keeping God's will in their minds, should be to center on both state and church and so be in the position to go toward a unified world. However, they lost the bases of nation and established religion and became a piteous throng entering Rome.
They had to pay the price with the blood of 400 years to restore those bases. They had to indemnify. Then, if the period is coming, where does it enter? It moves into a state on a peninsula, like Rome's, via a state as an island country. In Asia, Japan is like England. Therefore the culture of Japan follows the English culture.
Then what is the role of Korea? Korea is in the position of Rome. It is like the Vatican. Well, what is Korea? Korea has to be a country to save all religions of the era and all human beings, according to God's Will, and establish the unified world and the unified heaven. Why? Because the era of the terminal culture is coming. The era is representative of the papal realm which ruled the world with the Vatican and peninsula as the center.
When North and South are unified under this situation and can manage the religions of the world and all the people, the religious realm of God's Will manifests. The realm of people and the realm of state are built up by God's Will.
Korea was divided into North and South. What is the Fall? It is the division of soul and body. In the worldwide sense, the North is materialism and the South is spiritualism. This seems to correspond to the fruits of the Fall. Therefore, both fight each other. Body and soul fight. This is in progress. Now where are the Communistic world and the Democratic world? Both are completely exhausted. Complete exhaustion. Then, what is the Principle of our Unification Church? It is the substance to form the realm of the Third Israel. Korea has to become the Third Israel with the ideology of the Second Advent.
Considering the Korean race, in spite of the long history of 5,000 years, the people are special. The Korean hates to be under the control of anyone. He would play the head role everywhere, would not be devoted to anyone.
If so, what is the privilege which Korea has to possess? Only by inheriting God's thought; shall Korea have this privilege. God's thought. What is the thought? It is "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Like this, you have to keep God's thought in your mind. The thought of God is to save the world. To save the world, God places a religion at the head. So, even though sacrificing itself, the religion has to save the world. (168-311)
4. The Ideology The Third Israelite People Should Embrace
"The specific concept the Third Israelite people should embrace." This expression is not easy. What is the specific concept? It is the unification of North and South. Why so? The Fall is the state of division. We have to unite the divided. The division means that mind and body are split, and the spiritual world and the physical world are split. They were scattered throughout the world, and they meet again at one point. They flowed into the world and meet again at one point. This phenomenon is that Korea is divided into North and South and meet again at one point.
One is the leading nation of materialism; the other is the leading nation of theism. Who are there? Kim Il Sung is Father? The Reverend Moon of the Unification Church is Father also? (laughter) There are two Fathers. Therefore, each of them asserts that all are his sons and daughters. A serious thing is happening. Each asserts all as his own sons and daughters. Kim Il Sung is saying the people of South Korea have to be his children, and the Reverend Moon is saying the people of North Korea have to be his children. What a salient event! (laughter) In this event, God's side, to liberate North Korea, has to triumph through embracing God's thought. Well, does Kim Il Sung embrace God's thought? With the laborers and peasants he killed the upper and middle classes as reactionary elements. There is no religious ideology. Only the materialistic ideology exists. But Rev. Moon has both the materialistic concept and the spiritual concept.
In history, if we understand the falls of the First and Second Israels, then centering on the Third Israel, we must unify all of the religions and embrace the ideology of the unification of all the world. We must melt it not with fist or power, but with love through 10 years, 20 years, a thousand years, or myriad years. Even if a woman is evil, if she meets a good husband, and falls in love with him, she may repent. She is returned with love, not with money. You must know that the repentance happens through the heart realm of love. Repentance outside of the heart realm of love is deceitful and false. No one knows when and how it changes.
What ideology does the realm of the Third Israel have? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. As I become an only begotten Son who loves the world, I must be resolved to sacrifice. To liberate all the world and all the people, I must sacrifice. I must be resolved to sacrifice to liberate the religious world and all the religions. That religionists are moaning . . . . It is difficult to believe in a religion, isn't it? We should become free from this difficulty. Humankind are greatly moaning in deep misery.
The gulf between rich and poor, North and South, cannot be settled but by you. You should recognize such things, and struggle to bear a heavy burden, work when the others rest, and be awake when the others sleep. You should swear to move forward on the road. You have to know that as the number of such people increases, a new hope is gradually appearing in the world. (168-328)
5. Korea Is The Final Providential Nation
1) The Korean People Have Survived 5,000 Years of History
The Korean people have received the most blessings and have the superior background. No one can find any other people who have such a background. However, the Korean people are not securely settled yet.
We call our history a history of 5 millennia don't we? Five millennia is a long time. However, what have we done in this long history of 5 millennia? What have we done? Even now, when I travel the countryside on the Kyung-bu line, I can still see some straw-thatched houses. Well, some people still like to live in straw-thatched houses, but it's totally unlovable. Other countries' pig houses are probably better than these straw-thatched houses. In fact, some travelers said Korea has well-developed pig farming, but they actually saw these straw-thatched houses when they said it. They thought that these straw-thatched houses are pig houses. This is really a shame.
What's happened to the country which has the history of 5 millennia? What can we be proud of? Nothing. But, there is something we can be proud of. Korea is a small county. How can we describe it? Should it be described as a small mole on a pretty face? Imagine a pretty woman who has this mole on her face. Would the woman be happy when she put the make-up on her face? She would be very unhappy. It wouldn't be so hard to take it out of the face. She would just have to endure a short moment of pain taking it out.
Take a good look at the Korean peninsula in Asia; it is very beautiful. However, I feel really bad about the small geographical size.
But, why have such people lived in misery? If we had lived well, then we would have been robbed. Do you understand? If we had had a rich life, then robbers would definitely have taken our wealth. If bad guys wouldn't have done anything, God would have done something bad to us.
2) All Religions Have Flourished in Korea
A. Despite The Long History Of Invasions, The Korean People Worshipped God
As you know, the Korean peninsula is divided, North and South, and is a land where Eastern and Western culture and ideologies confront. What you people have to study more about is that the Korean people are one tribe and at the same time, a tribe who has a history of many invasions. Korea was once occupied by China and has served other countries, such as Japan and Russia.
Especially, Korean women were proud of not getting married with other countries' men. Korean women were especially serious about keeping their virginity. Korean people, though a small people, always expect a day when they will be on the top of the world, which shows an enthusiastic character. We have such a mind. That's what makes us different from other people.
For that reason, Korean people often call other people China-nom, Russia-nom, Japan-nom, America-nom, etc. We treat other people as if we face bad guys. We call American people America-nom. Other than the Israelites, if you look at the history of mankind, wouldn't the Korean people be the world representative of people who suffered among the big countries?
Historically, when we received such tremendous pain, it was not because we did something wrong, but because we are surrounded by powerful countries. In that perspective, Korean people are the true representative of suffering people who had many invasions. Even today, the fact that we are facing the confrontation of North and South, and Eastern and Western culture, is not, by any means, motivated by Korean people. Through historical change, we are suffering in the confrontation of Communism and democracy. This is, also, a suffering course, on the worldwide level.
Well, why am I telling you this? Even undergoing hardship, there is one special characteristic that no other people have. That's the spirit of worshipping God and keeping hope, praying, "Please, let our hope be realized," while enduring suffering and hardship. We became as one carrying down this spirit to our descendants. No other people have this characteristic. Ordinary people would easily blame God and think, "If there is a God, why would He let our people suffer?" Despite the hardships, the Korean people have kept this position, the opposite of ordinary people. This characteristic makes the Korean people so special.
B. People Of Strong Faith
Historically, which people have a fiery faith? I found that the Korean people, who had never heard of God, or saints and sages, without any concept of a subject of prophecy, had a burning fire of faith in God. You people can disagree. But, I have discovered it.
Is truly a miracle that this people, on a finger-nail-size peninsula, has undergone such hardship and kept 5,000-year history, 5 millennia. Take a good look at Korean history. Korea has a history of receiving such an enormous number of invasions. Other countries ate it and spit it out and swallowed it and spit it out. When they spit it out, it was skinless. However, with a strong bond of people's spirit, the Korean people have persisted and expected the day of hope. Because there was hope in the people's spirit, which has kept the Korean peninsula alive, the Korean people have persisted until today. Don't you agree that God would send the Messiah to this kind of people? I think so. I hope you agree with me.
Also, in the emotional aspect, no other people have more affection than the Korean people. Korea also has been called a country of courtesy. Confucianism entered in this country and flourished. Buddhism also entered and flourished. So did Christianity. But, now, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity, which once were the hope of religion, have come to a dead end. However, what we have left is the people's spirit. Centering upon the people's spirit, we are firing up a strong passion that can bum down all the ideologies.
In the Far East, Korean people are no greater than other people in their faith or hopeful outlook. When you study the history of Korean Christianity, it has a short history of only 70-80 years. However, despite its short history, Korean Christians have unprecedented superior faith that can never be found in any other country in the world. When it comes to faith, Korean people have such an undefeated mind, no less than that of other people.
I intended to comfort you by saying these words. I have traveled to many famous places. I didn't have much interest in a beautiful country, like Switzerland. It wasn't that exciting. However, if you drive a car on the roads in Korea, you'll realize that is truly the natural park of the future. There are the beautiful peaks of the mountains. You can build nice houses there.
Korean people, who were born such a country, are especially smart. They must be smart and their minds must be clean. In this perspective, Korean people are very close to being the people of faith. Buddhism in the Koryo era, Confucianism during the Yi dynasty, and Christianity in the modern age all have unprecedented records of flourishing in Korea which affected the national cultural background. So, because Korean people are born in such a blessing of beautiful natural benefits, they are gifted with being smart and having a clean mind. Therefore, I assume that they are close to being the people of faith. I think that when this kind of people becomes one with God, a whole new phenomenon will occur.
Throughout history, because our people have centered their lives on religious teachings, we still have the spirit of subconsciously centering on religious teachings. There are no other people who have such a strong faith. If people are going through some difficulties, they go to spiritually-open fortune tellers living out in nature these days. Korean people have such a spirit of cherishing the teachings of nature.
C. All Religions Have Flourished In Korea
Today, there are many nations in the world. Among these nations, there have been many nations who have contributed to humankind; but which nation has a history of its sovereignty being derived from its religious ideas? There are many nations that have history of one religion, but there's only one nation, Korea, in which many religions have entered and dominated the government and all people's way of life.
Generally, when you look at Korean religions, from the Shinra to Koryo eras, Buddhism was practiced and flourished. Not only did it affect the way of life, it also dominated the trend of thought and government. Regardless of the religions' origins, or the founders, all religions flourished in Korea. Buddhism started in India, but via China it entered into the Korean peninsula and dominated the government. After that, in the Yi dynasty, Confucianism entered and dominated the government and incorporated a social system. In the modern age, despite a short history here, Christianity came in as a strong influence on people's lives.
All religions can have fruits in these people. They are the people who, even after enduring hardship in a long history of suffering, are concerned for the sake of the world, and are pursuing one great goal of humankind. God must need this kind of people.
In God's perspective, he would be looking for the country where all the religions he created have flourished. It is an undeniable fact that the Korean people are the only people capable of bearing these religious fruits.
Buddhism started in India, but it went to Korea via China. It was not India or China where Buddhism bore fruit; it was Korea. Indeed, Buddhism flourished in Korea. Centering on the Shinra era, Buddhism not only bore the fruit of a brilliant cultural establishment, it also produced such a monk as Won-hyo, who incorporated the teachings of Buddhism in the society. This was really a history-making moment.
The same goes for Confucianism. Throughout 500 years of the Yi dynasty, all people were practicing the teachings of Confucianism as the standard of virtue in their lives. The whole system in the country was set by Confucianism. The teacher Tae-kye Lee, one of the important figures of Confucianism history, pioneered the new areas of the teachings.
Also, Christianity had the same impact on the Korean people. Korean Christianity has only a 100-year history, but it weakened the social trend of thought that was in accordance with Buddhism and Confucianism, and established a new culture and way of thinking. In the Christian sphere, Korea would be the prime representative of all Christian countries in Asia. It is an amazing fact that the way of life and government are newly incorporated by the Christian culture. Well, this leads to the point that in the historical relationship centering on the background of the world's religions, the Korean people are connected with God's providence.
When we look at India, China, Japan, or other great countries in Asia, none are like Korea. No other countries have such special characteristics. China, Japan, and India cannot show such strong Christian faith. Only Korea is the representative of Christian countries in Asia.
Although, in the modern age, old religious practices, such as those of Buddhism and Confucianism, have diminished, and -- especially with the corruption of Western culture -- Christianity has lost its original base, only Christianity in Korea is still developing. That's interesting. That's truly an interesting phenomenon.
D. Korea Has A Traditional Ideology Of God's Providence
Generally speaking, Korean people are used to the Buddhist way of life, the Confucianist way of life, and the Christian way of life. People in their 40s and 50s especially. These people have lived in the environment in which they all can be used to the three major religions. In the history of a nation, or in world history, from the religious point of view or the moral point of view, in the country centering on God's providence, a person who walked the course of suffering on the worldwide level must receive a worldwide blessing from God. This is familiar in our teachings of the Divine Principle.
Then, what do we mean by this idea? This ideology makes the world whole and peaceful. We can come to the conclusion that the Korean people, being incorporated by the three major religions, are a part of God's plan where they can carry out God's providence. In other words, in God's plan, all religions must unite, and then the internal standard would unite with the external standard. That's for the sake of world peace, only for world peace! The goal of politics must be world peace. Then, why is that? Look at the fact that the Korean peninsula has been invaded more than 930 times. It is very obvious that the Korean people would shout for peace. No one has ever thought of the fact that the Korea people have this traditional subconscious.
Then, how can we bring about the unification of North and South Korea? How can we get together as one and realize a world of peace? We must unite centering on God, and then realize peace. The same applies to God's point of view. God's hope is to make all mankind as one and realize peace. In the Last Days, providentially, the Korean people are the special people who have inherited the traditional ideology of God's providence.
Therefore, we need an ideology which can unite all the religions, and then we need love that can realize the world of peace. These are the two conclusions. If there is God, God would think like that.
In this perspective, we must realize the fact that today the unification ideology must come out on the foundation of historical and traditional ideology. Therefore it is an obvious conclusion that the unification ideology is an inevitable result of this traditional path of history, in which not only should it make Christianity one, but it should also make all religions as one, and then realize the world of peace. You must know this fact for sure.
3) Korea Is the Final Providential Nation
A. Korea Representing The Confrontation Of Communism And Democracy
We can consider that, in God's point of view, Korea is the final nation of faith. In other words, Korea must become a nation where God's providence can be realized. So, the new ideal world must start there.
Because the history of humankind must be in accord with God's providential point of view, the end of the fallen history of humankind must coincide with the last days of God's restoration providence. For that reason, the hope of all humankind and the ideal nation is Korea. Further, Korea represents the ideal heaven on earth where all humankind can live. Thus, the ideals of God and humankind are in accord, God's restoration providence will end, and all historical hopes will be realized in Korea. That's where the grand opening of heaven's gate will occur. However, now Korea is not even close to this ideal; Korea is divided North and South, and between the East and the West. In these Last Days, the gap between countries of the East and the West, problems with the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the economic difference between North and South, and the disharmony of the five skin colors of humankind are the thus far unsolvable problems of the world.
Look at the powers of Satan and God in this world. Satan has more power than God. It is because of the Fall. Hence, the world ideologies are divided, with materialism, representing Cain, located in the North, and theism, representing Abel, located in the South. With that in mind, Korea is the representative of the confrontation of world Communism and democracy. Providentially speaking, Korea is the final nation of the powers of God and Satan. The war is not only for South and North Korea, but also a war between Moscow and Washington, DC.
B. The Demise Of Western Culture
Countries which worship God through a religion throw away all material things. Therefore, all the countries which worship God or gods are poor. Even today, some tribes in Taiwan just enjoy their lives eating bananas and dancing around, and worship their own god. Religious people generally sacrifice themselves, and live for the perfection of their personality. Hence, centering on any religious practice, you should throw away all material things.
Comparing both the East and the West, which side can develop the spiritual culture more deeply? It is the East. What makes me say so? It is because the East is poorer than the West. Which side started civilization first? It was the East. Then, why is the West richer than the East, which started civilization first? The Eastern ideologies approached the spiritual world, internal world, not the material world. Therefore, they threw away all the material things. Who, then, took all these material things thrown away by the Eastern people? Thieves took them. What kind of people were there when England was first formed? They were pirates who built the country of England. In God's providence, however, there was a need of managing other countries, and God let these people take care of their own countries and develop them.
Accordingly, where should the material world go now? It started in the Western sphere. If it goes back to the Western sphere, then the world will come to an end. In the Western world, there is no God. Then, where would be the destination of the Western culture? Material should completely surrender to spirit. The physical body must completely surrender to the mind. The same principle applies to the spheres of Eastern and Western cultures. Once the Eastern world, representing the spiritual sphere, realizes its position, the Western world must completely submit and surrender to the Eastern world.
In the period from the end of the 20th century into the 21st century, the time will come when, if people of the Western world don't know about the Eastern culture in Asia, they won't be well treated, nor welcomed. For that reason, the historian Toynbee prophesied the end of the Western culture. He also said that unless a whole new religious foundation and a new civilization centered on the Eastern culture and civilization, and which can unite Christianity, is formed, the world will come to an end. This is true.
Then, which country will serve that role in Asia? Is it China? But China became a Communist country. India is the next candidate. What is in India? In India there are religious practices, such as yoga. This became a big matter in American society. Today, in India, there are some spiritual practices and religious teachings, and especially the teachings of Buddhism, that have a big impact on people. However, these teachings and practices are not suitable for today's society. Japan would be the next available candidate; but Japan is not a country of a great religion. Japan is a country of small religions that do not contain the traditional religious thoughts and do not have a background which can be compared with global-level trend of thoughts.
In this perspective, let's look at Korea. Now Korea is undeniably faced with the inevitable flow of history, in which Korea must establish a new culture centering on Christian culture and Oriental thoughts. These historical moments are coming to us. We have to observe these moments very carefully. Furthermore, we must realize that we are in a very important situation.
In the perspective of the trend of thought, Korea became an example of world culture. Korea has dealt with many nations. We have dealt with many peoples of the world's countries, which center on the United States. However, no ideologies offered by these countries are suitable for the Korean people.
This Korean peninsula is divided in half, and the North is dominated by Communists. North Korea became the focal point of Communism, and South Korea has become the focal point of the democratic sphere. However, the Korean people are not truly contributing to either Communism or democracy. We are in this situation.
C. Korea Is The Place Where All Cultures Are Concentrated
Korea is the most interesting country among the Asian countries.
Korea has been preserving a unique oriental culture and way of life for 5,000 years. In other words, the most genuine oriental culture has been maintained in Korea. Also, the world's major religions have flourished in Korea. Christianity, the core of Western culture, has laid its roots and is developing daily. Despite the fact that churches around the world become vacant, churches in Korea are filled with Christians praying and singing day and night.
Korean Christianity is a fruit of Hebraism, the root of spiritual civilization. Christianity, which was prophesied by ancient Hebrew prophets, was carried down by Christian saints, and has become one of major religions today, has its roots in Hebraism. On the other hand, North Korea has borne the fruit of Hellenism, totally opposite to Hebraism. This is Communism -- atheism centered on materialism, denying God. Two worlds of opposite ideology are confronting each other in the Korean peninsula.
The Korean War was a representation of the war between these two worlds of opposite ideology. It was not just a war between North and South Korea, but it was the war between Communist countries and free countries in the UN. Therefore, we can say that the Korean peninsula is a microcosm of the world. All the important matters in the world occur in small scale in the Korean peninsula. The solutions to the problems of Korea are not only for Korea, but are the solutions for the problems of the world.
Where is the center in Asia? Korea is the one. Therefore, the problems of Korea extend to the problems at the global level. The most troublesome people in Asia are the Korean people. Korean people would never be cooked by others. They are very smart and very precise in the systematic- information industry.
In recent years, major fights broke out over Korea. The Japan-Russia War, the Japan-China War, and the war between Japan and the US were all caused by takeovers of the Korean peninsula.
Why did it happen like that? Why did it have to happen like that? Why did Korea, in recent years, become the most troublesome country in Asia and in the world? Today, Korea is the only country in which Communism and democracy are confronting each other. Korea has persisted from the beginning to the end. Winning fights in the Korean peninsula depends on whether or not people fight under the name of God. For this reason, God's providence lies on Korean people's shoulders, and, at the same time, Satan is trying to take over the people of Korea. In this point of view, we can say, "Oh, because we know God's providence very well, we have been persecuted and undergone hardship. But, God has created the base in the Korean peninsula!" In the historical point of view, God's providence is related with the history of Korea. For that reason, I can conclude, "Ah, Korean people are wise, and were definitely chosen by God!" A person like Rev. Moon was born in this kind of land.
So, what Rev. Moon did so far is to gather together all the Asian civilizations. In Asia, Rev. Moon is a leading person among anti-Communists. Rev. Moon is the one who has established the new religion and tried to revolutionize the world.
The place that serves as a mediator, bringing material things from the West to the East, would be the place of hope. This place is Korea, the troublesome country of the 20th century. Isn't that right? [Yes] Korea is the center of the problems. That's why there's hope in Korea. Korea, the bridge between the West and the East, can be the origin of the new culture, and is the beginning of the new relationship that can bear fruit. That's why Korea is the place where all civilizations are concentrated.
4) Formation of the Realm of Unified Global Culture Centering on the Korean Peninsula
The difference between the ancient Jewish people and the Korean people is that the Jewish people didn't have global-level thoughts. This is the problem. Judaism did not have the background Korean people have. It was only Korea that combined all major religions in the oriental sphere. Providentially, if Jesus had not been crucified, he would have united Indian and Chinese culture centering on Judaism. Representing the Indian culture, Buddhism entered into Korea, and Confucianism represents the Chinese culture. Representing the Western sphere, Christianity won the victory in the Roman Empire and finally came into Korea and bore fruit. Therefore, replacing the Jewish nation, Korea became the base of God's blessings.
A fruit of India is Buddhism, which was sown in Korea. The Confucianism of China was also sown in Korea. So, the cultural harmony that was intended to be made in Jesus' time, was sown and flourished in Korea. Do you understand? After Jesus' time, Christianity failed to unite the world centering on the foundation of such blessings. After 2,000 years, God has found the base in Asia, Korea, where the unification of the Buddhist sphere, Confucian sphere, and Christian sphere will form the whole new world of unification. Providentially, is an undeniable conclusion.
Centering on the Vatican in Rome, a new civilization and the unification of the Western world were formed; However, the papacy weakened. Hence, not only could they not unite the Western world, but also the unification of the Eastern world could not occur. Accordingly, centering on the Unification Church, the realm of culture which can bring the unification of East and West must be formed. The realm of the new culture at the global level must be established. Therefore, just as 1,200 years of Western history centering on the Western culture has been exalted by the Western powers, so, centering on Asia, in the Korean peninsula, a new eternal culture must be formed through the history of a new millennium. This is indemnity for the failure in the Roman peninsula.
Then, why is a peninsula important? The Mediterranean is like a woman's womb. It is woman's private part. That's why they established the Atlantic cultural sphere. The Korean peninsula is like a man's genital. Japan is described as a woman, and dominates the Pacific cultural sphere today. That's why I started fish farming in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska, and South America. The reason why I started this is that the natural resources from the ocean have a direct relationship with the land resources. Proportionally speaking, resource-wise, the ocean dominates the land. It is a different shape, but water can be compared with the land's air, and fish symbolize the land's people.
So, from now on, as in the Roman peninsula, which generated the Atlantic cultural sphere, centering on the Korean peninsula we are entering into the new era of kingship, an ideal era of the unified cultural sphere. This is God's providence.
Section 3. The Nation Of Korea
1. The Korean People
Take a good look at the Korean peninsula in Asia; it is very beautiful. However, I feet really bad about the small geographical size. If big countries had thought of our country being so small, like a mole on their face, and tried to take it out of their face, our country would have been gone a long time ago. However, we have persisted and still have a seed even today, after the 5,000 years of long history. We have not become an antique found in museums, but we still have history and culture today.
But, why could many countries could take over such a small country, Korea? That's because Korean people are very smart. Hence, we still have survived until today. I think of it this way. Of course, we have encountered many moments of invasion. Whenever there were other countries' invasions, we have done every thing just trying to survive. Hence, Korean people have become everybody's friend. Therefore, we could not spare time to decorate our own country.
These days, young Koreans think that they must to go to America in order to succeed. However, it is not true. A country like America is very cold with no heart. You must know that. America is a rich country, but she does not know how to use money without any plan. They all use money based on computer data. Not even one penny is wasted. Do you understand? America is such a society.
This is the most common evaluation of Koreans who emigrate in America. Their conclusion is, "If I had worked as much as I did in America, I would have become rich." This means, because every company has very detailed departments, if one works in that specific field, he must become a perfect part of the company for eight hours. Do you understand? If you do not act like a part, they will kick you out. (85-80)
2. The Characteristics Of The Korean Race
1) People in White Who Love Peace
The Korean people are white-clad folk who love peace. Korea has never invaded another country. It is a miracle that this peace-loving people has survived its unique 5,000-year history. It was only possible with the protection of God. To use common parlance, the Korean people have always been backed by God.
Many powerful countries have invaded and conquered Korea during its 5,000-year history; however, they were never able to fully dominate the country and its people. After attempting to swallow Korea, these invading countries were forced to eventually give up. What power made this possible? It was the power of God! Who brought the Liberation of August 15 to Korea? God did. Who stopped the invasion of the Communists during the Korean War? It was God. If President Truman had waited three more days to provide American help to Korea, then South Korea would have been pushed into the sea at Pusan, Sending UN Forces would have been impossible if the Soviet Union had opposed it in the Security Council of the United Nations. Yet, when the Security Council was debating the issue of sending troops to Korea, the USSR delegate was not present. In his absence the proposal was quickly approved. It has been a mystery until today why the USSR was not present. How did this happen? It was God's doing.
Nobody can destroy Korea as long as God is protecting the nation. All powers trying to harm Korea have eventually met disaster. An example of this is one former American congressman who attempted to damage Korea.
What is different about Korea? The Koreans have a foundation of tradition by which they make people who make them happy feel welcome, and treat them as best friends. This is different. If you foreigners go to Korea and gladly meet with the Korean people, from the top to the bottom they will welcome and love you with all of their history, including the past, present and the future. They will do this because of their historical psychological background. Do you understand what I mean?
As a people or a representative nation, they accept suffering even when they are being invaded, and faithfully continue to respect others. This demonstrates the spirit of a representative people during suffering. This spirit is the backdrop to their national character. However, they do not forgive injustice and they are the first to fight injustice. Thanks to this nature, the people of Korea could survive as a homogeneous people caught between great powers.
Who has borne fruit throughout Korean history? A person must emerge and take Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity to the world level to elevate the destructive, aggressive history of the world to a peaceful heaven of unification.
That ideology must establish a peaceful world and gather together all religions, and must connect the earthly world to the heavenly world. Thus, we need the ideal of true love. The foundation of world peace will be established centering on true love connecting earth and heaven. Then the ideology of peace and unification must emerge. This ideology must take the lead and connect the background of the religions and cultures of the earth.
If a representative or a group having such a background is to emerge, who will they be? They must have the tradition of a people, represent the phases of the ages and connect the obligations of the present age as far as the world level; to the obligation of the future. It is Reverend Moon and the Unification Church who can do this work. The truth of the Unification Church is not aggressive. Rather, it is the truth of salvation. Our truth is to elevate to a high level. I'm certain of this fact. The truth must liberate all humankind. The spirit and physical worlds together must liberate God.
Who must do this? The true people representing history must do this. What kind of people are they? They are the people who have a character based on true love. That love is the same in the beginning and in the end in daily life and is the historical basis that allows the people to maintain their ideals. This is different.
When we look at it from this viewpoint, we can see that Koreans have a nature which seeks to work faithfully for world peace, to connect heaven and earth, to liberate heaven and earth from the suffering caused by aggressors, and to establish the Kingdom of Heaven of Love. You should know this.
2) The Country of Loyalty, Filial Devotion and Virtue
What is the situation of Korea today? Korea has a 5,000-year old history, but has succeeded in developing the traditional culture of a pure people. Korea was invaded by powerful countries, but has not lost its characteristics and has developed as a homogeneous people.
Korea has developed through a history of suffering. As loyal subjects, they have protected their country with their blood. When Korea was invaded, women and children together fought the enemy. Korea has the most loyal subjects and patriots in world history. Korea could inherit and develop a shining cultural tradition as a homogeneous people because the heavenly spirit of the loyal subjects and patriots has been successfully handed down.
The faithful subjects and patriots shed blood for their country, setting an example of a history of sacrifice. Today the Unification Church is spreading God's Providence based on the holy tradition of Korea. In particular, I have been concerned about spreading the new tradition of God's nation. Korea has not only the most patriots and loyal subjects, but also the most virtuous women and dutiful sons and daughters. This tradition of faithfulness, filial devotion and virtue will serve to absolutely tie the cultures of East and West together as one.
As this philosophy connects to God's providence by heavenly fortune and establishes the way, God will protect it. Throughout my entire life, I have done my best to connect the Korean tradition to God's providence and to establish it in the center of the world.
Korea has the tradition of loyalty and filial piety. I felt happy to see the dignified appearance of the Korean military when I was invited to see the military parade on Armed Forces Day, May 16. It was very impressive that the soldiers shouted "Loyalty and Filial Devotion" when passing before the reviewing stand. It is a slogan that a nation chosen by God would have. No military in the world has such a slogan. Korea is the first people to make the spirit of loyalty and filial devotion into the central thought of the country: Shim Chung's filial devotion for her poor father, Chun Hyang's fidelity toward her husband, Ryu Kwan Soon's patriotism. The Korean spirit embodies an integrity of loyalty and filial piety unparalleled throughout the ages and nations of the world.
The spirit of loyalty, filial piety and integrity, which stands as straight as the pine or bamboo, will be the central thought and spirit of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that is to be established. We must be loyal to heaven because heaven is God's country. We must offer eternal filial devotion to God because He is the Father of humankind. No matter what tests from God the many peoples of the world may have faced, none has borne greater fruits of loyalty, filial piety and integrity than Korea. That is why God has chosen Korea.
Koreans are an homogeneous people. It is a Korean tradition that the women never marry foreigners. Even when Japan invaded Korea, only a few of the Korean women married Japanese. Korean women believe their chastity is more important than their lives, so they have experienced many hardships throughout history.
To become the chosen people, first the women must experience many difficulties. The people must know greater struggles in life than others, and experience the tragic feelings of a people deprived of their country. Because Korea has been dominated and oppressed by other countries, she is yearning for the protection of Heaven.
When you travel in China at night and knock on a door, the owner of the house will open the door if you are Korean. In the days of the Russian Empire, the Russians opened the door if a Korean came knocking. The Chinese, Japanese and Russians always concealed weapons in their clothing. We know this from what was found on their dead bodies. But Koreans did not carry weapons, they carried only a stone to help them start a fire. The Korean people do not use weapons in this way.
Korea has been influenced by the cultures of Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity. These religions have borne great fruit in Korea.
3) A Great, Unique and Cultured Race
Recently it has been written that Korea influenced Chinese culture. It is said that Korea created the Chinese characters; so we can conclude that the Koreans are a very intelligent people. They have been a race worshipping Heaven and longing for a high-dimensional ideology. They did not like to fight so they moved eastward at first. The Korean peninsula was a good place to live because of its four seasons. Korea was the only good place to live in Asia.
Approximately one million Koreans live in America. Only 130,000 Koreans lived in America 14 or 15 years ago, but today there are close to a million. These one million are trouble-makers in America. They have established businesses in the areas where black people live. Koreans are very adventurous people. Even though they may be starving, they dislike receiving help from the country's welfare system. However hard things are, they accept their circumstances. The Korean people are unique.
Do you know who Genghis Khan was? He conquered a large part of the world, but not Korea. Do you know this fact? Koreans unite when they face difficulties. Because the Communists are in the northern part of the Korean peninsula, South Korea united and developed quickly. The Communists didn't develop.
Recently, America has been worried about Japan, but Japan is worrying about Korea. That is because, well, in all aspects -- diplomacy, temperament, and individually -- they are superior. The Japanese know this well. That is why the Koreans cannot unite together well. Koreans are individually very gifted, so they don't unite; but they can be united through Unification Thought and through Reverend Moon. They can be completely united.
4) The Warm-Hearted Korean Race
When I visited Jerusalem, I felt many different things. Half of the city is covered with sand. There were no plants. When I saw the desert, I realized that Korea is blessed by God.
In Israel the grapevines are not even an arm's length wide. During the day, a third of the grapevine's leaves dry up because of the heat. The leaves are so withered that you can't recognize it as a grapevine. It looks like a different vine. But proportional to how hot it is during the day, the dew collects on the vine during the night and at dawn. The plants are revived by the dew. I felt strongly that the Jews were waiting for the dawn like these plants, and they have prayed enthusiastically to God.
If you look into their eyes you can find deep emotion. Singing with deep emotion is the highest expression of the praying spirit. I realized that a new history began here.
Koreans have the heart of sympathizing with each other. Nobody can see this kind of affection in the world. In America, although the relationship may be between a father and son, they have their own things. For example, after having lunch, they each pay for their own. But Koreans always try to pay for the whole meal even though they may not have a lot of money. When I consider this, I feel that Korea is noble and dignified.
3. Characteristic Of Korean Customs
1) The Korean People Are a People Who Receive Revelations
The Korean language was received through revelation. How can we know this? For example, there is a phrase, "pick and eat somebody" in the Korean vocabulary. This means to have a sexual relationship with someone. These words fit perfectly with the words of the Bible, which describe how man picked and ate of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil, resulting in the Fall. Such Korean words are received by revelation. They also say they are "dying" when they are happy and glad to meet someone. They say they are dying because they are so happy. Or "I'm dying because of the hot weather. I'm dying because of starvation. I'm dying because the food is so delicious," and so on. Many Korean expressions include "dying."
They don't fear death because Koreans have been educated to die. Education on how to die is one of the best kinds of teachings. I've given you two examples. Are they good? I'd like to give a few more examples, but I don't have time now.
Let's take a look at food. Western people eat spinach raw. Also, they usually prepare one main dish. But Korean meals exhibit the harmony of male and female principles. The food is salty and hot, and realizes a harmony. The spoon represents God and the chopsticks represent Adam and Eve. They signify a trinity.
The local names of Korea represent the local surroundings or topography. "Crane Village" has many cranes. "Golden Village" has a lot of gold. The names are also given in harmony with male and female principles. What is the name of your hometown? Think about it. If a place has a bad name, the people there try to change the name. The names of the regions are good on the whole. The name of my hometown is not bad: Deokseong-dong, Deoksan-myun in jeongju, right? But Deoksanmyun has been renamed Deokeon-myun.
Koreans are a unique race. They are more interested in culture than people of other nations. They always try to seek out the way to live. Even a congressman visits a fortune-teller to ask about his future. Perhaps every congressman does this. They give weight to the words of the fortune-teller. This may be an extreme example, but in general the Korean people do this.
2) Racial Characteristics and Korean Customs
Korean customs are similar to Jewish customs. When I saw the spirit world, I realized that Korean customs are almost the same as those of the spirit world. The ceremonies having to do with birth, marriage and lifestyle in general are similar to those of the spirit world.
There is always a spoon placed next to the chopsticks on a Korean table. Also, the dishes on the table have a relative relationship of plus and minus. We take foods in harmony with the male and female principles. And the number of dishes is based on the number seven.
Korean food includes three or more spices. We always use red pepper, garlic and onions in our food. We also use sesame seeds. We always use three or four spices. So we like the three-position foundation and the four-position foundation. The Korean weather has a cycle of three cold days and four warm days. It is mysterious. We love the numbers three and four that represent the three-position foundation and the four-position foundation.
Korean civil law forbids marriages between people with the same surname and the same family origin and encourages marrying someone with a different surname. The people love the concept of unification.
The climate is a cycle of three cold days and four warm days. The rainy season, the snow, the cold and warmth follow a regular cycle. I have not found any mountains as beautiful as the Keum Gang Mountains, although I have traveled throughout the world. They are more scenic than the Swiss Alps.
The Korean language is also well developed in terms of hearty expressions and adjectives. There are many expressions for good and evil. There are numerous expressions for colors, too. The vocabulary is one of the most scientific in the world, very detailed and religiously-oriented. Koreans are therefore able to speak any foreign language. If this interpreter is poor in German, he is not pure Korean. Whenever Koreans live in another country for several years, they speak the foreign language well.
Koreans do not like to be dominated. They are very intelligent. They are no less so than the Jews. Thus, the Koreans are called the "Jews of Asia."
Koreans are experts in investing their energy in self-improvement. Many Koreans understand the spirit world and many of them have experiences with the spirit world. They believe in the last days of this world.
In this sense, Korea embraces God's will, I think we can say. If you live in Korea for three years, you will not wish to go back to your country. Recently, many Americans have been living in Korea. When they must go back to America, many of them don't want to, but as they have no choice, they go back.
Also, Korea has clean air. The climate is wonderful The climate of Korea represents the climate of the world. Wherever you drink the water, you do not have stomach trouble.
The Koreans on the whole do not demonstrate strong independence. Americans and Europeans are different. Even the son of a millionaire might not receive his schooling expenses when he is 18 years old. He is ashamed to receive money from his father. This is certainly necessary for his own development and making the base of independence but it is it is a hindrance to inheriting the tradition. It is hard to inherit the unique ideology and patriotism of a country if you are too independent, wanting to set up things centered upon yourself.
3) "The Moon! The Moon! The Bright Moon!. . ."
There is a song "The moon, moon! The bright moon! Lee Tae Baek played on the moon. . . After building a three-room thatched house, I want to bring my parents and be with them for a thousand years. . ." The Korean people never exclude their parents. Why do they build three room thatched houses? They understand the formation, growth and perfection of the heavenly world. They face the suffering road of the three orderly stages, desiring to live in a golden age. I recited a simple poem, but this poem is evidence of the deep love of this race and the ideology of God's elect which can form ties with the natural laws of heaven.
We need a three-room thatched house only as a way of cultivating our religious sense. If someone lives in a three-room thatched house with their parents after completing the cultivation of his moral sense, he is not a son of filial devotion. He must live in that house only until he meets his parents. If his parents come to him, they will give him a blessing because he has suffered in a three-room thatched house. A three-room thatched house is the basis of blessing, but it is not a place to live with one's parents.
And what kind of house must be built? A very big house? We will build the house of God on earth, in heaven and in our minds. But that house is not a three-room thatched one, but a huge mansion -- so we can be with our parents in it forever. Can you do that? [Yes, we can.]
You must be God's warriors. Satan invaded God's ideal many times. We must take revenge for God's tears and mistreatment. We must say, "Satan! You are the enemy of God. God is my father. This earth is mine. You are my servant and enemy." Today there are many religions, but they have not solved this problem. We cannot have peace unless we solve it.
From this point of view, that Korean folk song is amazing; "The moon, the moon! The bright moon! Lee Tae Baek played on the moon. I want to live with my parents forever." How amazing it is to think about living with your parents forever! Our race has insisted on filial piety and respected the virtuous woman and the loyal subject. You have kept the spirit of our people for hundreds of years. Now it is the time to bear the fruits of this spirit. For whom? It is a crucial matter whether we can bear fruit for God or not. Numerous Christians have died for God. We must bear the fruits of their sacrifice.
Never be sad that you are Korean. In the past, you were sad that you were Korean, weren't you? Because Korea was poor, although we might have been proud that Korea has a history of 5,000 years, we were sad to have been born in a three-room thatched house. I don't like to hear the song "The moon, the moon!. . .": Are we really going to live with our parents in a three-room house for a thousand or ten thousand years? What is the hope of people in such a place? (laughter)
But who are the parents in this song? We can say they are the ideal parents. In Christian terms, they represent heaven and the thought of the Second Advent. If we look from the viewpoint of all people and nations, this can be connected with the ideology of the Savior. Do you understand? [Yes]
What are people looking for? They are not looking for a king, but for parents. Parents! When they are asked with whom do you want to live, no one says they want to live with a king. They want to live with their father and mother. We have that folk song, "The moon, the moon! The bright moon! Lee Tae Baek played on the moon. After making a three-room thatched house with a golden ax and a jade ax, I will live with my parents for only one or two years [No, not like that!] Because you want to live with them forever!
Thinking about this, the Korean people are a race that has received revelations. Although there are many wonderful palaces, they wish to be with their parents in a humble house. The parents are their father and mother. There is only one country of God. Are there two countries? Do you have two countries? Do you have two families? (No, one.) And countries? (One). Is Korea the central country of the world? We do not need many countries in the original world. We need one country. The parent of that one nation is God. The family is one, the nation is one. Heaven and earth are one. Are there two owners? (No, one.) (Laughter) You must understand this.
We must serve the parents in the family. To make up for the resentment of Adam and Eve, we must be with the parents. Do you know about three-room thatched houses? Why do you like those humble houses?
Among houses, only thatched houses wear clothes. The room for guests is always comfortable, and wherever we are we will always want to be there. That room is a good place for sleeping in the spring time. When you build a three-room thatched house, you must build it to live with three generations. If you don't build it for three generations, where will your parents live? After you build that house you can live there with your parents for one thousand or ten thousand years. The Korean people are a fine people. Only Korea is going forward with the heart of restoration. Do you understand?
4) Climb Over the Arirang Pass
Arirang is a famous Korean folk song. I am not a commentator on Arirang. There is a village of love in the last part of the song. The love village symbolizes heaven. Because I think like this, some people say Reverend Moon doesn't understand this Korean folk song.
I'd like to say that, compared to others, I understand it very well. What are the hills? We must climb over the hills properly. There are twelve hills: have you climbed these twelve hills? If you haven't climbed the hills, just sing the song "Arirang." How many hills have you gone over?
Although thirty million people have sung Arirang, none of them went over the hills. But I did. Korean folk songs are very well written. The stories of Shim Chung and Chun Hyang are appropriate for explaining the providence for restoration. How wonderful is the love of Chun Hyang and Lee Mong Ryong! How commendable is the filial devotion of Shim Chung! In the original world, we must welcome the Lord and serve the True Parents like this. So we must go over the hill of Adrang, and we must attain victory! (17-116)
What shall we do in the Last Days? God will dominate this earth. Have you ever heard this? These are the best words of blessing. When God starts to dominate the world, will you go there if you know the place? Won't you go there with all your fortune? Needless to say, you will want to be there.
If we Koreans establish the standard, the world will come to Korea selling their treasures and singing songs. Do you know what Arirang is? Why Arirang? I believe Arirang means love, separation and brightness. Love, once lost, is found again on a bright day. We sing Arirang with tears. These tears change into happiness. We must climb the hill of Arirang and meet together in one place. We must live again in that place. This must come to pass. (22-104)
Section 4. The People That Will Guide Mankind
1. Which People Can Guide Mankind In The Last Days?
Who is coming as the Messiah in the future? What country is he coming from? Is he the pilot of an airplane? Is he an astronaut who has been to the moon? There are such people, but they are not qualified to guide mankind. Will the Messiah be a famous scholar? No. The Messiah is a religious leader. God will find a religious leader who can transcend race and culture. Rich people and people from highly developed cultures do not like to suffer. They refuse to take the suffering path. I have employed many American people. If it is time to go home, they stop working.
Korean people work hard, even though it is time to go home, if the work they are responsible for is not completed. The rich want to be comfortable. They like easy work and do not like to experience difficulties. When you climb a mountain, it is very difficult to get to the top. People who love climbing, who like taking the difficult path, are all very strong and enduring. They are harsh and tough people. Why are you laughing? They are the most thick-skinned, tough people in the world. They are the strongest and most tenacious people in the world. They are a homogeneous people.
A guide must have a constant, unchanging mind. He must always speak and act with confidence. He can never allow his mind to waver as the situation changes. An unchanging people is one that can hope to guide mankind in the future.
2. The Strongest And Most Enduring People
Which race is the strongest and most enduring among the peoples of the world? It is not a Western country that I am thinking of. Which race is the representative of the world's people? This race originated from having to endure, and they have an ideology of endurance. This race must maintain its unique ideology of tenacity, and not allow anyone to deprive them of it. Also they have to maintain their traditions. The Jewish people are such a race. Also the Christians. It is strange to speak of "the Christian race." Have you ever heard this term? [No] The Christian race is the group assembled centering around Christianity. A group which has a religious ideology as its center is very tenacious. After they have heard such an ideology, such a race should go forward even in the face of death, to accomplish God's will. This race must be certain of its path, and believe in the protection of God. Without this, even though a man may be very strong, he will not have the independent power to climb
The end of the year is coming soon. If you have a plan to do something in early January, can you confidently say at the end of December, "I finished my work according to plan, and have done so successfully!"? Many situations can arise in the course of a single year, so even if a man is strong it does not mean that by himself he will have the ability to overcome the difficulties of each situation, which may result from the changes in the nation or in the world. This is life. Do you agree with me? [Yes] In order to overcome difficulties and survive, a man has to have a unique kind of thought. What kind of thought is this? Is it philosophy? No. It is a religious ideology. A religious ideology is the most fearful kind of thought. This world needs to travel the course of a race with a religious ideology, and also find the path that leads to the future by digesting the past and the present. Christianity has followed a historical course. Following Christianity, a different religion will appear. Buddhism, and Confucianism also have long histories, and the Jewish people have experienced many things during their course of thousands of years. After the Jewish people, the next race is the Korean race. I am not sure whether Korea has a strongly established religious ideology or not.
Which race should be the guiding race? The guide must be a race that centers itself on an ideology of worshipping heaven. It must be a race which feels they have a unique mission for God-in Asia. This race must be a homogeneous people, because any mixed race is not pure.
3. The Jewish People Were Chosen As The Guiding People
The Jewish people are a single people, with a long history, which has not perished despite suffering many difficulties around the world throughout history. The Jews were without a nation of their own for two thousand years and have been trampled under the feet of many countries, despised and slaughtered. But in spite of all these difficulties, they have survived with gusto, maintaining their unique traditions and ideology. But the Jewish people have a lot of resentment.
The Jewish people have always held to the thought that the more they were oppressed, the more they needed money and knowledge.
So the Jewish people have made their children study, even if it meant living like beggars. They needed to earn as much money as possible. They think that the keys to power are money and knowledge. With this motivation, the Jewish people have been able to work together for their common purpose. I don't think the Jewish people are exceptionally intelligent. We can see lots of Jewish people in New York. Their faces don't look any more intelligent than anyone else's. Their faces are not particularly handsome.
Did God cause the Jews to suffer to punish them, or was God training them to be the race that can endure difficulties? If God made the Jews suffer out of His love, the race that has suffered for a long time will be blessed and will dominate this world. This is the conclusion. Do you understand this? [Yes]
In thinking about God's Will, God established the chosen people not only to give them the responsibility, but to give them special dignity. The chosen people are chosen as the race that should lead the world. After this is accomplished, God can give the whole world the same position of honor. What are the characteristics of the chosen people? They must have the independent ability to embrace all of humankind. If they do not have this, they cannot digest the whole world.
4. The Homogeneous Korean People
Look at the Korean people. Originally, Korea occupied a broad area of land including the northern parts of China. But today Korea covers only the southern part of the Korean peninsula. Korea seems to be waiting to ask for help. When China struck out at Korea, Korea cried "Help us." Korea could have perished during its long history. But they have survived for five thousand years holding onto the edge of the Asian continent.
Let's think about this. The land of Korea is created perfectly to welcome ships from foreign countries. When ships from other countries come into the region and tie up, we are happy to see them. What is this land of Korea? I think a peninsula is better than the continent for tying up to. Also, as Korea is divided at the 38th parallel, if we make a levee there, we will not slip back. We will not be slid out of place by a typhoon. I have to think positively like this.
Koreans take great pride in their long history. But look at that history! What can they boast of? They have just lived in humble houses for five thousand years. What were they doing while the Americans and the Russians were making the space shuttle? I would like to hit the Korean ancestors and educate them. What were they doing for five thousand years? They did not accomplish anything.
The Koreans have a special ideology, however. They loved God. This is different. They like spiritual things especially. Because of this, shamans have great influence in Korean society. Koreans are interested in the future. They are grieving about their misfortunes now because they are suffering under miserable conditions. They are depending on luck. They like fortune-telling. What do you think?
Koreans are very tenacious. Do you understand? [Yes] The Koreans have been more enduring than the Jewish people throughout history. If Korea were invaded by communists, and the Korean people were scattered abroad, what would happen? Koreans believe that although Korea does not have its own ideology to offer to the world now, they will dominate the world in the 25th or 30th century. That is what I think.
Section 5. God's Will For Korea's Future
1. The Korean People And Their Suffering History
The Jews overcame the sacrifice of over 6 million people with the thought of being the chosen people. Therefore, they reconstructed their spirit and land. Even the Korean people went through the same suffering course, they didn't have the same thought. Who will lead the Korean people to be proud before God like the Jews? How can God recognize the Korean people like the Jews? How can the Korean people make God to remember them like the Jews? These things are very important issues.
That why the Korean people need to have thoughts like the Jews had. Even though we didn't have ideals like the Jews. Our ancestors had the hope to have the ideal which would become the chosen people's thought and save the suffering world. They also had the hope to have a great power to overcome the world. They had a strong faith through their long history that the hope will bear fruit in the near future.
We should inherit the ancestors' hope and strive for the sake of the goal with tears and our ancestors' sufferings. We have to walk through the same path our ancestors walked. We should overcome any kind of suffering we are faced with. Therefore, even if the Koreans never understand me, I will overcome any difficulties. If they oppose me, I will not complain to anyone, and I will go forward with God's direction. Until today, I have been going through all kinds of suffering for the sake of Korea. (109-227)
2. Korea's Dramatic History
Korea has become the victim of the democratic world and the communist world. If we refer to communism as the red dragon and the democratic world as the white dragon, the situation on the Korean peninsula is such that the red dragon is biting at North Korea, and the white dragon is biting at South Korea. If the red dragon and white dragon bite and cut them, on that day the destiny of the people will be destroyed; but if the red dragon and white dragon don't cut, a new problem will arise.
If our country can build the position and authority as an independent, sovereign nation and overcome communism and democracy's conflicting decisive battle of confrontation, which is the reality of today's world with the existence of both democracy and communism in Korea, then we can become the nation that can enter into a new era of world history, and the nation that will lead the world to establish a new culture.
Right now, world affairs centering on the Korean people are such that the two opposing camps of democracy and communism are engaged in a tug of war. If we take one step in the wrong direction, then its a communist world, and if we move even one step in the other, it's a democratic world. Korea is the only place in the world where you get goose bumps every morning and night-no, every hour-from this kind of dramatic situation, north and south standing face-to-face.
There is Russia on the North, China on the West, and Japan on the East around the Korean peninsula. This is the situation from Korea in the perspective of geopolitics. The nations of the West and North need the Korean peninsula to invade the South. Japan needed the peninsula to invade the North. Therefore, the Korean people suffered throughout the history. Do the Korean people have to suffer forever? Will they overcome all kinds of suffering and build a strong nation? If we want the second idea, who will support and lead us? We can't receive full support from Japan, China, and Russia. Korea should unite with God's will and go forward with His spirit and power. This is only the way to lead the Korean people to overcome all sufferings and build a great nation. There is no other way to save the people of Korea except through a God-centered ideology which transcends the national boundary and builds the God-centered nation. Therefore I have been investing all my heart to establish the unified religious system, through the democratic world centered on Christianity. (109-230)
3. A New Religion Must Appear To Overcome Communism
Do you know what I have done so far? I am the one who created a movement to ensure the survival of the Korean people, as well as, the survival of the people of the world. For the people of the world to survive, we need the capability and power to completely overcome communism. This means also to lead the United States' strategy in overcoming communism. While world communism has influenced one. third of the globe; we must awaken her before being overcome completely by communism. This is our mission. The democratic world cannot overcome communism through its present strategy.
Therefore, today's world needs a new ideology which can crush communist thought. Do you think that the democratic world of today can do this? We cannot deny that the corruption of Christian thought over two millennia caused the rise of communism. Therefore, democracy, which was based on Christianity, has lost its power to control the communist ideology. Communism arose in many countries that were formerly Christian. That's where it became rooted and developed.
Consequently, we need to have a new religion to initiate the unity of Christianity and provide a new thought for humankind. In other words, this world must have a new religion that unites all religions including those within Christianity. This new ideology must digest even communism. This new religion must appear in order to save this world. We are in the middle position and must clear up the confusion between democracy and communism. Without the democratic foundation, we cannot build the total victory to make a democratic united nation of Korea. The people of Korea absolutely need this new religion that would overtake communism based on the thought of this new ideology. I believe this is the only way to save all people for God's purpose. (109-229)
4. What The Korean People Have To Do
When we look back at the past history, what is it that the Korean people have to do from today? Today as we approach the time when both Heavenly fortune and a worldwide foundation of love is necessary, we must bequeath a traditional ideal to the world.
From the number of Science Conferences we have been holding, I know many distinguished scholars who have developed an affinity with me. They are consistently trying to cooperate with me. If I make a national university in Korea and if I could only call together all those world scholars who, because of their affinity, desire to stop by Korea, then I am certain that a splendid cultural flower that can lead the world will bloom in Korea.
As you know, I have held Science Conferences for over ten years with the theme Absolute Value, and I have invested enormous amounts of money. This is not because I do not know the value of money. It is for the sake of the people's eternally prosperous future. It is for humankind's eternal liberation and peace.
The day that we can dissolve all resentment from the misfortunes and numerous trials of the people, Korea will become the training ground for the construction of the new world. Centering on Korea, people will fly the flag of God's victory high and stand honorably in front of the world. I have been spreading this movement for the day that the world's people will come together and equip themselves with one God-centered principle, and for the day that the newly unified Christian culture can begin in the world.
I am certain that the day will come when communism will be completely eliminated from the face of the earth; then we will celebrate God's sovereignty of goodness and under that, the people's liberation. It is with this conviction that I volunteered and walked the path that no one understood.
The Israelites, even through a history of tearful trials, were able to endure through German persecution because they had the ideology of the chosen people. But what can Korea carry in order to stand on the world stage? During this time centering on the Science Conferences, I have advocated Absolute Value. From the 12th Conference, I think we must organize a definite structure and bring about a new cultural revolution. Centering on Absolute Value we must reform the trend of religions and rebuild Christianity's theological organization. Centering on the Absolute Value standard, we have to analyze and examine philosophy and other studies, as well as all forms of culture. This is something that is spreading from Korea as the center. Because of the hope that historically Korea will emerge receiving the applause of the entire world and because I know this situation, even though I received persecution I am running like a crazy person. In other words, it is for Korea, everyone's Fatherland.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please do not forget about Korea's hardships and what Rev. Moon has spoken about. Therefore, inherit the hopes of tomorrow in the place of your ancestors and pledge that you will become patriotic leaders who can break through difficulties. If you can all do so, Korea will never perish. just as I didn't perish but remain living through the persecution, if the Korean people also persevere and live for the sake of their nation and the world, this nation will never perish.
If that happens Kim Il Sung will no longer be able to work in a few years. If the People's Republic of Korea becomes one with God and obtains the ability to realize independence and unification, Kim 11 Sung can do nothing but pack his bags and run away. The world's Communist bloc will fall away like dead leaves.
The leading ideology of the Unification Church is that the family cannot rest until the nation can rest, and the Unification tribe cannot rest until the nation can rest. Our sorrow is linked to our nation's sorrow. Our family's sorrow is linked with our nation. You must all know this.
Then, what is the path that South Korea must follow? South Korea has an external mission, so it must struggle to revive its economy. To achieve this, what must we do? We must overcome with our internal spiritual problems.
Today the nation is divided into North and South. The 38th parallel boundary is obstructing the path our people must follow. If we think about this, we cannot say it is not a serious problem. We have to break through. However, with the lifestyle and attitude we have lived with since our liberation, we can never break through. This is because as time passes North Korea is watching South Korea, having a strongly established army. In this situation, we need to have stronger spiritual unity and stronger fighting spirit.
The 38th parallel cannot be solved if it is merely the wishes of our nation's people. Our Korea is confronting the communist nation which has come under the system that idealized the powerful Communist ideology and armed itself with it. We cannot push them over without having the ideology which enables spiritual unity and cooperation.
From this perspective, the Korean people are not to take the position of South Korean isolationism. The question is, how does South Korea connect to the various nations of Asia and the world? However, when I think about America, the leader of democracy, retreating from Korea, I think about our Korea facing the tense situation of today.
5. The Way That Koreans Must Go
1) Try to Overcome God's Ordeal
How do you overcome the obstacles? Necessarily, Koreans should love God's Will, or should love the nation. In order to feel that kind of thing, we could not have regular daily life. We should think of the people who are in the miserable situation. When we look it at the centering on God's providence, God is poor. Until now, God has led the providence in the background and has formed the cultural zone of democracy centering on Christianity. But no country could be connected with God's heart. There are a lot countries and groups. There are no countries waiting for God's order. Even though we have no country, our group can have responsibility for God centering on the ideology of a nation or the background of nation. We are the only group to have responsibility for God. God is so poor.
We should have the mind to endlessly blaze up to love God. To die or to live is not an important problem. It is not a problem that I have suffering. We should focus on this world of God's suffering. And we should march on the way that has led to this nation. The thought of patriotism, loving people, and loving God, which are the thoughts of loving heaven, blaze up in our mind endlessly. If we have the power to blaze up, we could overcome any kind of obstacles.
2) Only with God Can Korea Survive
The climax of death is in front of us. So, we should hold on God. We should live with God. We should think that we will perish with God. If we are in that moment, there is resurrection. We have destiny that we should be with God. How can we help them to survive? There should be one movement to lament the crime of 6000 years and to call the Father with raising up two hands. If so, Korea can survive. What kind of people are mobilized here? Today, Christian should accept us.
3) Be a Dedicated Person to Give Royalty in Front of God.
If we look at Korea and the historical background, the people were so miserable. These people were a colony under other people, and were held in contempt from other people. If we look at the historical background, the land of Korea has a lot the historical resentment. Koreans have had the historical grief. There is the spots of miserable blood and miserable tears of patriots. Do you have the mind to settle the grief. Did you cry tears with that kind of mind? We are here as new pioneers in the way of God's revolution. We have bodies to move the blood of pioneers and to move the flesh of pioneers. We should pray to the heaven with the people, and we should console the people.
If you are like that, even though we get a lot persecution today, this nation and mankind need us absolutely. We are missing people who are needed for the nation and the world. We should teach people who don't know about parents and brotherhood.
6. Korea's Misfortune And God's Will
1) Why has God Subjected Korea to Trials?
How can we be victorious in the ordeals that our race must suffer to indemnify all the sins of history? You must pray, "This race was chosen as a clan on the side of goodness for the sake of a new world and to establish the Kingdom of Heaven with a new ideology. Please let us sacrifice to indemnify the sins of history." Why has God let us suffer ordeals for hundreds of years? This is a terrible thing on the surface, but God has made this altar of sacrifice for us in order to give us a blessing. God has been training us.
What shall we do? We must be the priests who work for the restoration of this world. Representing our race, we must repent for our past before God and sacrifice in order to gain redemption. You must be a priest to perform these sacrificial rites.
When your race is being judged, you will be judged. This is heavenly law. When you receive judgment on behalf of your race, don't take it as a personal judgment. Rather, you must think, "I know God's will is to establish this race. Let me take responsibility. I am a sacrificial offering repenting for the past with my left hand and resolving the present with my right hand. Even though I am divided in this way, I am not in the position to be invaded by Satan, because one side is a historical offering, and one side is an offering for the present time. Please take this offering!" You must pray like this, and Satan will give up.
We must establish a rock-solid foundation for the world. We must build it of the strongest kind of rock. On the springboard of this rock, we have to develop and unite through our trials.
When we consider the five thousand years of our history, has it been boring? Since the historical course of Korea has been bloody, we do not like to think about it. This small country has had a very bloody history. We must still suffer much more in the bloody course of history in order to accomplish the will of Heaven.
In any country both loyal subjects and traitorous subjects may thrive. God's side is never the same as Satan's side. God is on the side of the loyal subjects. Even though God has been on the side of the loyal subjects, God's side has been invaded by Satan for thousands of years and He could not claim His authority. God could not proclaim his son, family, clan, race or nation. We can never forget the sad history throughout which God has had to fight with Satan.
When we establish a nation on God's side, it is important that we ourselves stand on the side of God, and that we can be a sacrificial offering at the head of the country. You must understand that God's side has suffered so much and shed so much blood to maintain the side of heaven. The suffering is not over yet. We must shed blood to overcome difficult situations. We are not paying just to appease Satan's desire. We have to risk death and offer bloodshed to relieve God's sorrow.
2) We Must Change Sorrow to Hope
A people who follow a clear purpose will not perish, but become more and more united through long periods of difficulties. We can find examples of this fact throughout history.
For example, even though the Jewish people have suffered intolerable situations, they have never forgotten that they are God's chosen people. Even though they suffered persecution and sorrow wherever they went, they kept moving forward, clinging to hope. The persecution and sorrow did not defeat them, but helped them to unite to overcome their difficulties. Sorrow can be a cause of disappointment, but it can be a cause of gathering inner power. Inner power can accomplish a purpose.
Then, what did the people of Israel wish for? They hoped to experience the thought unifying the heart of the nation and race. They sought after this and kept it in their minds when they died. They left behind the sorrow of not having fulfilled this. They expressed their dying wish to accomplish this. When we see this, we can imagine that the more a race has passed through a sad course of history, the more this race can receive the victorious foundation of world history through that course of history.
From this viewpoint, the race losing its nation was sorrowful, but if its purpose was strong the sorrow was the motivation to receive hope. If the people of Israel had had their nation and had felt sorrow only on the level of the race, that sadness would have someday flowed away.
The more they confronted sorrowful fortune without having a nation, the more they developed the conception of nation and love of their people. Because they faced the sorrow, they pursued a new nation and environment to break down the old practices. You must know that this race will be able to gain victory one day.
If there is a race that does not fall down into despair, but unites and explodes with love for its nation, then we must think that this race has the power to move world history.
3) The Nation of Korea and the Will of God
Looking back on the past, the history of Korea progressed through plots, confrontation, fighting and veiled enmity. We have not had a time of forgiving, understanding and loving each other sincerely. Do you know why the Koreans, with their long history and cultural traditions, have spent their history in confrontation and conflict? It is because it is the secret heavenly principle that in the Last Days Korea has to finish the fight and confrontation between Cain and Abel on the world level. Accordingly, now is the time to bring an end to this stage of God's providence unfolding in Korea. But if we who are Cain and Abel cannot establish the national sphere of Abel, this race is more miserable than the Jews. You must keep this in mind.
Now the fortune of world history is progressing centering around this race. The division of Korea was the blessing of God to make this race be the leader of the world. The division of Korea was a trial from God to make this race be the model for the world. As a result, God established North and South Korea, and demonstrated God's will through the Unification Church in South Korea.
Because I knew this, I was fighting at the head of the Unification Church. I did not fight for the Unification Church, I fought for the future of Korea, for you, and for the Korean people. I fought to make the foundation for the chosen race to fulfill its responsibility. Whose will is this? This is God's and Jesus' will.
Korea is the third Israel, which is inheriting the providential responsibility which Israel and the second Israel, Christianity, did not accomplish. God's providence must be accomplished in Korea. All civilizations must bear fruit on the Korean peninsula. We must be the standard to make one world centering on God. The new epoch of the Adamic cultural sphere must be established.
God established a trunk in history and has worked to create the horizontal environment throughout history's course. God has been seeking a person, family, clan, race, nation and world, that can be this sprout. Korea must stand in the position of the sprout and must experience all hardships. Even though the sprout (trunk) stands in the position to have to receive all kinds of hardship from its branches at the same time, it must be able to advance, surmounting them all. In this way, we must also be able to overcome the trials that the world sends us.
7. Korea Must Live For The Sake Of The World
From the viewpoint of God's will, Korea was chosen by God and Korea is the center of the providence. Korea must demonstrate a model of life for the sake of others. Korea has the providential responsibility to sort out and cleanse the spiritual causes of providential history and the merits and demerits of history. Although Korea has a good character and culture, it has walked a path of ordeals unparalleled in history. Korea must be understood from this viewpoint.
The trials of our race are providential and are not for Korea itself. God expects us to overcome these. The meeting of east and west, south and north, and the confrontation of spirit and matter, of atheism and theism happen and are whirling around the Korean peninsula. It looks like the struggle of a mother who is giving birth to a child. We cannot solve the difficulties of a nation and race by separating from God's providence. The problems may be solved in the relation to the world. Now we must realize God's will, and follow the person God has sent to guide the world in matters of the realm of the spirit, and overcome human suffering.
The foundation for myself and the Unification Church has been made by thoroughly serving God's will. This foundation is the victory gained through overcoming the historical persecution of Judaism and Christianity, and the misunderstanding between the West and the Orient. If Koreans live for the sake of others, then on the foundation of my victory for the world God will give us more blessing than America. Korea will not only surmount its trials but also be the center of truth, love and peace. God's love for Korea is not only for Korea. As Korea serves the world, we can bear the fruits of blessing from God.
Where can we receive God's love? We receive love in the center of the world which is the foundation for the realm of the victory of Israel. So the Unification Church is waiting for the establishment of Israel. Because this establishment is not for Korea but for the world.
It is not "the world for Korea," but "Korea for the world." Do you understand me? You must stand in that position. If we are Korea for the world, we must give something first. We can make the foundation by receiving something after giving. This is the principle of give and take. Likewise, what happens when we give out for the sake of the nation and the nation receives that? We can turn back. To where can we return? To God's nation. We go back to the position of Cain and Abel. So we must give the world something centering around Korea.
God wants that we Koreans establish the condition of indemnity for the individual, family, clan, race, nation, world and cosmos. God has given our people the responsibility to bring salvation to the world.
We are given this responsibility by God and we have the ability to fulfill this. What can we do? We must shed tears centering on God's heart. We must make a foundation of indemnity that can achieve a universal and historical turning point.
If you are living for God, if you really know God and are certain of your relationship with Him, if you were born and live for His sake, you must not complain. Why? We must accomplish the restoration of the world. So the problem is in the world. It is not important whether I die or some Unification Church members die. If God can bring salvation to the world through Korea perishing, God will rescue the world by the way of that sacrificial offering. The world comes first.
To do this, the Korean people should unite as quickly as possible, and North and South Korea must become one. Through this, therefore, Korea must be a sacrificial offering in front of God. If the world receives redemption and salvation through Korea, Korea will not perish. Korea will prosper with the redeemed world's prosperity. If the people of the country which can receive redemption and those of the country that works hard for that purpose become one, the country that works hard can become the central nation. There will be no sorrow in that place.
In the event that the Korean race chosen by God supports God's will, the Korean race will simply achieve the great work of world restoration. If the Korean people are united, world restoration will be achieved easily. I have the mission to take that responsibility and to lead the Unification Church's development in accordance with this destiny. You should realize this and you must devote yourselves completely to keeping in step with this.
What is the one way to thrive? You should stand in the position to be united with God centering on the direction of God's providence. We must be the race that can get hurt in place of the world by bearing the world's every sorrow, and that can step forward, even entering the jaws of death, by taking responsibility for the sorrows of the world. Thus, even though the race has no land on which to live, and will be scattered throughout the world, as long as the ideology left by this people remains in existence, through that thought heavenly fortune will move to solve world problems. Do you understand? [Yes].
Please don't be proud of our people's culture. Don't be proud of the authority of the world-level Christian nation at this time. If this race can't take responsibility for the world of sorrow coming soon, it will lose its sovereignty and hope. But though the people are in a miserable position, unable to maintain their sovereignty, they will meet the realm of victory if they have the national character that can be boldly and powerfully responsible of the sorrow of the world. individuals, families, tribes, races, nations and the world are waiting for such a world of victory. So don't be discouraged, and fight to the end.
Though being lonely priests or leading sad and sorrowful lives being chased as a wandering clan, this race should be responsible for the coming world of sorrow. And then its people will be blessed forever by God. Eventually they will take dominion over the world. To be of this race, you must abandon racial culture and racial sovereignty. It is good to lose these. To conquer the world, you must break off relations with something narrow. If a group has this point of view, that group will meet the determining time one day.
We should know what we are shouldering. What we are carrying must liberate race and Asia. It must liberate Korea and America in front of God's will. This is what we have to do. We may do the rest later. First of all, we must solve the extraordinary sorrow of God.
A race should appear that will reverse all historical wrongs. We should make everything right.
8. The Race Must Deliver Love
We must become the BaeDal race [BaeDal is the earliest name for the Korean people]. What does BaeDal mean? The BaeDal race is a delivery race. (laughter). [BaeDal is also the Korean word for "deliver"]
When you wait for your lover who is far away, who gives you news of your lover? Who delivers the letters from your lover? [The postman]. The postman delivers the letters. Are you pleased when you receive those letters? [Yes].
Have you ever treated the postman well? You have waited until your eyes popped out for the letter, and then if you received the letter from the postman, did you just return home without giving him some lunch, even though it is lunch time? Postmen are pitiable. Although they deliver pleasant news to many people, nobody gives him a tip. Please raise your hand if you have ever treated a postman well just once. Nobody treats these poor people well.
God gave the Unification Church the responsibility to be a postman. Will you become the delivery men who bring pleasant news in every house? When it is very hot, does the postman with sweat running down him ask for some water? The delivery man is always despised.
The Korean race is the delivery man. Namely the Unification Church is the delivery man. We must be the delivery men of love. Let's be a delivery race giving God's love to the world. How wonderful this is! What kind of race? The BaeDal race.
And then, what does it mean to be the white-clad race? When we hold a funeral, we wear white clothes. (laughter). White clothes are used as a distinguishing mark. Can something red or yellow stand out on a dark night? Only the color white can stand out. Only the color white can stand out in this dark world.
Thus, only the white-clad folk, who are centering on God's love, can be distinguishable in this dark world. I have been working on this centered on the Unification Church.
9. The Korean People Must Pioneer The Way Of The Cross
Today we Koreans are in the valley of skeletons. We must pour the oil and water of life on this valley. We must make the valley revive. Do you feel this?
Why is Korea facing this terrible whirlpool? Why is Korea so miserable? It is not until the Koreans take off their old clothes that they can wear the new clothes. They cannot take off their old clothes in the heavenly world. After they take off their old clothes in the evil world, because those clothes are the ones of the evil world, they must go forward to the new world. If they create a path for the race to go on, that race will bring brightness to the world.
We are a people who are silently fighting a war. We are silently pioneering the castle of the future. If we avoid this position, our ancestors will sigh and the thirty million Koreans and their descendants will suffer tens or hundreds of times more greatly. So we must take this responsibility. Don't cry by yourself even if you cry. Jesus shed many tears. He cried longing for his family, his people and the world. "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matt. 8:20) When we think about these words of Jesus, we can understand He was so miserable. Why did the Messiah endure such miserable circumstances? What could Jesus receive on the basis of God's suffering of four thousand years? If a person experiences Jesus' heart, appeals for the restoration of the lost heaven and is devoted to God's will, we must attend that person as Abel.
God cannot leave the chosen race because God always stays with the chosen who must pioneer the road of cross. We must follow this way because God chose us. We cannot return to our hometown because we have to go this way. After we complete this way, what shall we do? We must chase out these miserable circumstances and banish the bitter way of the cross forever from this people. We must do our utmost to usher in the day of accomplishment of God's will. (13-270)