Hak Ja Han
December 4, 2016
Youth Gathering with True Mother at East Garden
Unofficial Notes: Anton Abdullakhovich Smirnov
Photo date and location unknown
Due to Adam and Eve's Fall, Heaven has had to endure a painful and difficult providence. Heaven has led the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity; Heaven could not help but follow this painful and difficult path.
In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, and lastly God created Adam and Eve to become the ancestors of humankind and said, "This is good. This is beautiful." However, God especially gave Adam and Eve responsibility; that responsibility consisted of them going through growing period and becoming absolutely one with God. Adam and Eve should have grown in this way. The point at which Adam and Eve would have received the Blessing would have been the point at which God became the True Parents of humankind, which was the purpose behind God's creation of heaven and earth -- God's dream.
However, Adam and Eve, who should have fulfilled their responsibility as expressed in the Bible, fell due to the Satan's temptation. They became greedy and self-centered; they began to look towards themselves. It is the same with you. You cannot fulfill the purpose of your existence separated from True Parents. Having received blessings, you have a responsibility; that responsibility entails that until you have reached perfection, you must become absolutely one with True Parents.
Wherever you may be -- whether you are studying or developing your talents and abilities -- you should think always in this way: I am doing this, and I would like to offer this to True Parents. This is what True Parents would like me to do. I will take responsibility for this area and be triumphant and successful for True Parents. That is kind of desire, that kind of ambition is good. However, allowing in self-centeredness will lead to anger. The greatest wish of fallen human being is to meet True Parents, to be saved through True Parent; that is their greatest wish. Whether they are aware of providence, or not, they are waiting for the absolute owner, an absolute being who can preside over creation.
We can see this in the four major religions, but this belief is most prominent in Christianity. This is because even though Christianity could not fully explain God, Christians believed God was their Father. Originally, God's purpose for creating was to become humankind's parent. It is difficult to explain vaguely but God is our Father. At the time of Creation, beginning with the smallest microorganism all the way to the animal world, God created everything in pairs. God created humankind in pairs too. If that is the case, God, our Heavenly Parent, is not just male. During the history of providence of indemnity, for the sake of restoration, God selected the chosen people, who in comparison to the rest of the fallen world were a good people with the ideology of the chosen people. God selected these people and developed them. How difficult that process must have been that it took four thousand years to develop the foundation from the individual, the family, the tribe, the people and then to the nation.
Four thousand years -- how difficult it must have been! It took four thousand years until God gave birth to his only begotten son in the fallen world, a son that God could call "my son." How painful this must have been for God. However, Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, did not understand the providence. She did not know all that had transpired in order for her to be able to give birth to Jesus. It was same with Zechariah's family, Joseph's family, Judaism and the people of Israel: All of them waited and yearned, asking God to send the Messiah, and Heaven kept that promise.
Heaven sent the Messiah, but the environment to protect Jesus, could not be achieved. How it is possible that God would prepare for four thousand years to send the only begotten son and then have Jesus not live for a hundred years but go through crucifixion at the age of thirty-three? How can you consider this as salvation? God endured so much pain and suffering, and yet he had to prepare and try again. Through Christian history, God has worked to develop the providence.
From God's point of view, the two-thousand-year history of Christianity in God's providence has been the providence to find the God's begotten daughter. You need to understand this point. As Jesus hung on the cross, he promised to come again. He said he would come to host the marriage supper of the Lamb. To have a marriage, you need to have a bride. Jesus gave the message, the word, so that everyone would fully understand. That is why God's only begotten daughter must appear in the Messiah's presence. You are all looking at the person; it is I, True Mother. I would like to explain this to you using historical evidence.
God has appointed central figures because human beings, with their limited understanding, cannot fully explain God. Because of the Fall, God has to select -- from among fallen people -- a central figure who is better than all other people in the fallen world. If a central figure were to fail in his or her responsibility, God would forgive the person but he could not fulfill the providence through that person again. One who fails in one's responsibility must then pay indemnity. The same is true for a nation. The Israelites sent Jesus to the cross. From that moment the value of their existence as nation was lost. Even today, in America are Jewish people, who for two thousand years lived as people without a nation. Because of Hitler in Germany, six millions Jews were mercilessly massacred.
This is an unimaginable and terrifying crime. The Jews do not understand why Heaven would allow such a heinous crime to happen. Heaven waited for a particular moment and endured many unimaginable difficulties. During Jesus' time if Jesus had received recognition as True Parent, he would have absorbed Rome's foundation. Rome would have had no choice but to accept Jesus as the True Parent. If that had happened two thousand years ago, in Jesus' time, the realization of the world centered on God, the kingdom of heaven on earth, would have followed. However, the people of Israel were responsible for this being unable to happen. You can imagine the indemnity they had to pay was extreme; this is historical fact. God only begotten daughter could not be found at the time of Jesus, so Heaven had to restore the foundation to give birth to God's only begotten daughter. God could no longer work through the people of Israel and had to select a different people.
Around that time, the Dongi tribe was in Asia. When selecting the chosen people, God must find righteous people among fallen human being and give them the responsibility. This was during Han Clan Empire. Between 800 and 400 B.C., the Dongi tribe prospered in what is today is China. Those people revered Heaven, and they developed extraordinary advanced astronomy. They developed agriculture. They became the chosen people. The Han people also loved white clothes. Every time they made devotion, they would dress in white and bow Heaven in reverence. Those people existed during same time as other kingdoms in China. Eventually, since people in the Han Empire did not like fighting and always tried to avoid war, they fled from place to place until they reached the Korean Peninsula. They eventually came to be known as the nation of Korea.
When you look at the history of Korea, people say it has a five-thousand-year history. If you look at Korea's history, you can see that a kingdom called Goguryeo vanquished many Chinese kingdoms. That kingdom of Goguryeo endured for about thousand years. However, after Goguryeo kingdom, the next kingdom to rise was Goryeo. They used the "go" character from Goguryeo and named themselves Goryoe. After the downfall of Goryeo Kingdom, king Yi raised a new kingdom called Joseon, meaning "new kingdom." In Korea's past, from among one of the earliest kingdoms, we had Gojoseon, and king Yi used "Jeseon" from "Gojoseon," to name new kingdom. Unfortunately, Japan occupied the kingdom of Jeseon for forty years -- 1945, Korea was liberated.
I was born in 1943. When I was born, Satan knew who I was and tried to kill me. Throughout my birth, Satan's dominion over the world would end completely. That is why Satan resolved to kill me. From Heaven's point of view, this was unacceptable. I fought with Satan and was victorious, allowing me to stay today. Some blessed families still do not understand the great value of God's only begotten daughter, which is regrettable.
Furthermore, you who are here today, you in particular, need to know the truth. In order for you to fulfill your responsibility and become central figures, you need to unite completely with True Parents, unite with me.
You have such a beautiful future ahead of you. You have potential to contribute to the providence greatly as outstanding leaders and outstanding, talented people. You have more time to develop this potential than we had with the first generation. That is why you must grow up well. Truly, Heaven has blessed all of you with their firm support. You need not be afraid of anything. You know the truth of providential history and it's now time for you to reveal the truth. You must not keep the truth to yourselves. There are 7.3 billion people in the world. I hear there are now 7.4 billion people. The human population is increasing exponentially.
It is important to tell every one of them that True Parents on earth. If they do not know this, later when they realize that True Parents were on earth, how sorrowful and regretful they will fell. Please take this point seriously. Your pride is your relationship to True Parents and that you received the blessing from them. I told you during the Aloha Workshop that you are all pure water. You are unpolluted water. You should grow as this pure water. Through you, we need to purify the world, so please arise in the proud position of owner, as the person in charge.
For the first time in six thousand years, God's only begotten daughter, the True Parents, are on earth. You have met True Parents in person, you have heard their message, and received love directly from them. Please do not keep that to yourselves. The more you share your blessing, the more you extend your blessing, the better.