Hak Ja Han
December 4, 2016
Victory Banquet
East Garden
Photo date and location unknown
Do you know how old I am? I don’t know if you realize it, but jet lag in your forties, fifties or sixties feels different from jet lag in your seventies. Since I landed in America, I haven’t had any time to rest. President [Ki-hoon] Kim gave me a very tight schedule. Everywhere I went, I gave a speech. Even here, he said we are having a victory banquet and asked if I could give another speech. Don’t you think that is a bit rude? [Laughter.] This child, he is overworking his Parent. [Laughter.]
When will I be able to receive your filial piety? It is my hope that you will take responsibility wherever you are. You are in blessed families, which in itself is a responsibility. You must inform people about True Parents. Everywhere in this country, even the backwoods, you must let people know that True Parents are the Messiah, the returning Lord, the Savior, who are here on earth at this time with us.
Forty years have passed since we initiated the providential history in America. A few days ago I proclaimed at the Senate that I am the True Parent and the Messiah. It was a little late, but I proclaimed it. This should have happened while True Father was alive. However, you are in luck: You can still fulfill your responsibilities while I am still here on earth. Especially America -- God blessed and chose this country for the providence and wants to embrace the world through this country. Therefore, at the center of your nation are the True Parents.
The original owner of the universe is God. Everything that you own belongs to God. You are borrowing it all from God. That is why you should pay back what you owe. Do you understand? How much interest do you think what you owe has compounded over 6,000 years? There would even be interest on the interest, don’t you think? If you consider that, you must absolutely restore this country and the world at this time. Will you do it? [Applause.] You can’t wait much longer. You must succeed while I am alive. If you do that, Heaven will mark you as their own. When you consider this, you must change your thoughts and actions 180 degrees from what they are now. Will you do that? Then everyone get up and shout aloud that you will do it. [I will do it, True Mother!] Let us sing together.
[Singing: “Urie So Wonun Tongil.”]