Hak Ja Han
February 24, 2016
To elder members of the Korean movement
Lunch at Cheon Jung Gung
When God enacted the Creation and made Adam and Eve, he had a dream, didn't he? To fulfill that dream he created human beings in a way requiring their cooperation through the realization of their portion of responsibility. Yet Adam and Eve did not become one with God -- one in heart, body, harmony and ideology. Selfishness was the problem. It caused the Fall. Most of you here are central figures who have been attending True Parents and working since the beginning days of the church. Nevertheless, the question arises of whether you have expunged your selfish desires–not just in words, but in actuality.
The two-thousand-year Christian history did not smoothly unfold. Christians did not understand its center. They did not recognize Heaven's providence. They were only side branches. Yet the position of the only begotten son remained. Therefore, Jesus passed that position on to Father when Father was sixteen years of age [by Korean reckoning]. You need to understand this clearly. However, Father did not become the returning Lord right then and there. He also had a portion of responsibility.
In 1945, Korea was liberated [from Japanese occupation], but soon an unwanted division arose between different ideologies -- communism and democracy. Around that time, in the northern side of Korea, many spiritual and providential institutions existed that were aware of the true nature of Christianity's providence. Because Jesus had said he would come again, Christians imagined -- some, even to this day -- that Jesus would return riding on clouds. However, the spiritual groups I am referring to understood that True Parents had to come in the flesh, not just spiritually. Thus, they prepared and offered spiritual conditions as they awaited the returning Lord in the flesh.
Birth and early years
Three devout Christian churches had a relationship to one another based upon this belief. Out of them came the spiritual Rev. Yeong-do Lee and Rev. Ho-bin Lee. Rev. Ho-bin Lee, who mainly worked in Pyongyang, blessed my mother saying that she would bear a child of Heaven. After she had married, the child my mother bore was I. When I was born, Satan appeared and tried to kill me: Because you were born I will die. I will perish. So I cannot let you live. I must kill you, you newborn baby.
He said this because in the same manner that Jesus had been born without original sin through the Israelite's four-thousand-year providence of indemnity, I was born with no original sin because I was in that position. You need to understand this. The position of the only begotten daughter is evident.
Preparatory efforts
Korea had been divided at the thirty-eighth parallel, and then the Korean War broke out in 1950. Before that, I had been in the north until I was six years old, which was around the same time Father was active in the north, after having received God's command to go there. Father was in the same prison as Mrs. Hobin Heo. You might have heard the story of how Father secretly sent a note telling her to deny everything to first get out of prison [because she had the mission to testify to Father], but she did not understand and in the end Father was humiliated in public.
She was from one of the groups [the inside-the-womb church] that had prepared for the returning Lord. She received the teaching of this church. That group made clothes for the returning Lord in all sizes. They also made clothes for Jesus. When the returning Lord came, the marriage supper of the Lamb would have to be held. Isn't that right? They even knew that the thirty-six couples would have to be established and they prepared for that. When Mrs. Heo was imprisoned, my mother took her place [guiding the inside-thewomb church]. I was six years old when Mrs. Heo called to me and offered a prayer of blessing, saying that I would become the mother of the universe.
The thirty-eighth parallel had become the division, but the north and south were still forming their governments. My uncle had studied pharmacology at Waseda University. After he graduated, he should have returned to his hometown but we received a telegram saying he had joined the army in the south instead. He was the only son in the family. We wondered what we should do. Coming to southern Korea and crossing the parallel was still possible. It was not how it is today. Thus, to see her son, my grandmother, with my mother and me, traveled down south.
Fleeing northern Korea
We were stopped and told to turn back, but since we were women with a child they let us go. Using the night, we crossed the thirty-eighth parallel and met my uncle. However, the border became stricter and two years later, the Korean War broke out.
Army headquarters was just across the river. I was in Hyochang-dong at the time. During the war, as the North Korean army advanced, the South Korean army also had to move. We were fleeing with other refugees but we returned home thinking, Oh, no, uncle will come. [Will he find us?] But then in the middle of the night my uncle arrived and told us to get into his car. He was a military officer in the army medical division and had some kind of pass, so we were able to cross the Han River.
Civilians were not allowed to cross the Han River Bridge, but the ranks of soldiers were moving. Behind me was an endless line of very young soldiers. Having gone not much farther after crossing the bridge, they told us to get out of the car and get down on the ground. The Han River Bridge blew up. Even at a young age, I was stunned. [An army engineer, Chang-sik Choi, had been ordered to blow up the bridge to impede North Korean troops. Choi was executed by the South Korean military but received a posthumous pardon in 1961.]
The North Korean soldiers weren't coming then, but maybe they heard gunshots. The soldiers on the bridge had volunteered to fight for our nation…. Couldn't they have waited to destroy the bridge once all those young soldiers had crossed? Why did they have to do that? I do not know. Backed up by the ranks of soldiers, they couldn't even stop and fell through. I saw many things I should not have seen at a young age.
Growing up, my grandmother told me this: Your Father is God. She told me that my physical father and mother were in the position of caregivers. "Your father is God." Though I had to go through hardships because of the war, it was only for a short time and I felt that Heaven was protecting me very comfortably and safely. If I had stayed in the north at that time, I would have died. Heaven guided everything around me so that I could come down naturally.
Why did Heaven tell Father to go to the north? I said this earlier, but it was because of his portion of responsibility. You need to understand that.
Korea's special background
When we look at the Israelites' history, Heaven had guided them for four thousand years until they established a national foundation and a national standard. Then he sent Jesus. Thus, God also has to find and establish a national standard to be the foundation for his only begotten daughter.
Why is Korea called Hanguk? Out of our brilliant five-thousand-year culture, our history, Goguryeo [a kingdom, 37 bc–ad 668] lasted almost one thousand years. Therefore, when Goguryeo dissolved and Goryeo was founded, they called it Goryeo by using the same "go" character. As Goryeo dissolved, Joseon was founded. It was so named based on fond memories of Goguryeo.
Coinciding with Korea's liberation, why did this country's name become Hanguk? Have you thought about this? The conclusion is that Heaven's providence decided the fate of this nation. Why? Because it was the nation where the only begotten son and daughter of God would be born. Between 800 and 400 bc was a Han (韓) kingdom that derived from the Dongi People. This appears in one of the oldest ancient books in China. That the family of the Han kingdom was chased out of China and came down south by sea is recorded.
Jin-myung Kim, who was an ambassador for peace, gave me a book called Cheonnyunui Geumseo [Book of Secrets Banned for a Thousand Years] which he had written. The book says Korea [Hanguk] did not originate from Samhan [Three Han States]. Further back there was a Han kingdom. I read this book to Father. He told me to study more about it and study more history. Though it was a satanic world, Heaven carried out the providence in a righteous and good… on such a national foundation, in such a kingdom. Do you understand? This would not have been possible with human power.
In 1960, we learned many things from the spirit world through grandmother Seung-do Ji. She said, "The one who will because the mother of the universe must have the surname Han (韓). Sun-ae Hong's daughter is a Han." This did not come about through human power.
Song-il Cho Director-General of the FFWPU HQ
Focus on your responsibilities
Therefore, the Korean people need to become people that fulfill Heavenly Parent's wish and True Parents' wish. This country must become the one that does that. You should stand in the center and invest in this. Do not talk about useless, self-centered topics. That is not for you.
God's dream is True Parents. I appreciate those among you who respond that you will be loyal; I appreciate your consideration in trying do something to help when you see True Parents' children disunited with Mother.
However, you need to understand this: Just as Adam and Eve had their portions of responsibility, True Parents' children also have responsibility. No one can help them. They need to do this themselves. Do you understand? True Parents are the True Parents of humankind who fulfill God's wish. Please understand this clearly. You are elder members. If you want to be respected as elders you need to fulfill your responsibility and set an example.
I announced the Five Organs, and this year, Three Organs were launched. I also launched the Supreme Council. This differs from regular political foundations. Why do some people not understand that? The mission of the Supreme Council is to take good care of our members. It is not to be used for politics. Therefore, I appointed each regional president as a vice-chairperson. The Korean movement should act centered on President Lu.
You, who are in the position of church elders, should fulfill your mission of taking good care of the new sprouts, the families that are newly growing, to guide them on the right path. You should not hope for remuneration. This is your responsibility. It is the responsibility of blessed families. Is fulfilling your responsibly something you should be paid to do?
The Mormon Church expanded throughout the world due to the Seventy. I visited a Mormon Church once. The person who greeted me was a Korean and was one of the Seventy. He said he worked without remuneration. They do not have the core. So what do they do it for? What about us? Don't we have everything? Why would we have to be inferior to them? In the end, they too, are people we need to embrace. Father said something like this: You should be born well, but you should also die well.
Kyeong-seuk Lu President of FFWPU-Korea
As blessed members and as elders, what kind of lives will you lead in the next world? What results will you take there at the end of your lives? You should think about this. If you do not have results, no matter how close you were to Father on earth you will not be able to go in front of him. Do you understand? We taught you all of this, so you cannot say that you did not fulfill your responsibility because you did not know. While I am still on earth, I am going to prepare everything perfectly. Only by doing that can your descendants and future generations follow the right path. You must find your own fortune. Nobody will give it to you. I said this earlier, but each of you has your own responsibility.
However, in today's world, the North–South problem is complicated and becoming crucial. Religious wars all around the world, climate change -- none of this gives rise to hope. As time goes on, the earth will go through slow destruction; people could even go extinct. Having parental hearts, can True Parents just sit around and wait? I need to establish everything that Father did not have time to establish. Isn't that true? You must say, "Until the day I die I will fulfill my responsibilities without fail." Do you understand? Today must be different from yesterday. Please move swiftly as if one day were a thousand years.
Please lead well as elders and with the heart of parents. I would appreciate it if you were to unite with the headquarters, move as one. You need to tie the entire world together as one. Please become blessed family elder members who are a causal force to achieve that.