Hak Ja Han
February 21, 2016
Main Events Victory Celebration
Cheon Bok Gung
Hearing your reports, you have succeeded in these events. It was special. All the members around the world, especially Korea, Japan and the United States -- centered on the International Headquarters -- became one, and all the events were smoothly and successfully carried out from the start. You have done well.
True Parents’ birthday is historic. True Parents’ birthday! How long had Heavenly Parent dreamed of it? If the perfected onlybegotten son and only-begotten daughter had no position -- if they had not been born amidst fallen humankind -- True Parents’ and Heavenly Parent’s dream would not have been fulfilled. However, True Parents were born in this country, on the Korean peninsula. Though in different years, we were born on the same day and both of us were born in the early morning -- Father at jashi (23:30- 00:30) and I at 4:30 a.m. so inshi (03:00-05:00). We were born at good times. Do you understand? [Yes]
In the beginning, though there may have been a bit of difference, wouldn’t Adam and Eve have been born at the same time on the same day? Regarding True Parents’ birthday, we should not have Father’s birthday and Mother’s birthday. Therefore, judging it from different perspectives, you should be happy people. Yet we still have a long way to go. You should not be satisfied. You must develop further. To do that, what should we do? We should invest more effort. I am saying that you must not stop after a few compliments from me. You will do better, won’t you?
Next year, another Sunhak Peace Prize awards ceremony will take place. Will the peace awards or True Parents’ birthday be more popular? In that sense, you are all blessed families. All of you have to take responsibility. There cannot be one person among all humankind that does not know True Parents. You must do your utmost, thoroughly and deliberately, in each of your areas.
This time, I announced three organs. As the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk begins, we will strengthen the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council this year. The foundation is complete but because they have not united, it lags in action. I have launched them, and there is no alternative. Therefore, with the launching of the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council, I give each regional president and Cheon Il Guk special emissary the entitlement of a Supreme Council vice-chairman.
I am going to explain what these people need to do. They need to complete the mission that was originally given to them. The church has to develop, and so does faith. Today when you look at Korea and the globe, you do not realize how many people, who are currently not in public leadership, are striving to fulfill their tribal messiah responsibility as blessed members. Simply put, the Supreme Council is like an elder member in a church. Do you understand? It is the center of the church.
For example, in the Mormon Church there is the Seventy [a leadership group responsible to proclaim the gospel, and build up the Mormon faith throughout the world]. They lead internationally. However, they do not receive a salary. It is an honorary position. Our church also has many elder members. The work that I do is important to the present, and as long as I can do many things out of concern for the future, for as long as I am able to while I am alive, I must prepare a favorable path for future generations.
Therefore, how should Unification Church elders live? No confusion should arise over whether what I do is right or wrong. Do you understand what I mean? There is no place that True Parents have touched is not valuable, no such place is not historic. Yet you must look far. This is not yet True Parents’ nation. When you need to look far and advance, you should not be trying to figure out the right and wrong of small things.
True Mother presenting plaques marking the graduation of Universal Peace Academy students who have completed their one-year internships as missionaries abroad
Are any elder members here? Yu Jeong-ok? Is everyone a staff member or are you only leaders? It is the same for everyone. You must change by fulfilling your responsibilities. You must become clear. I said that I have revealed the truth about providential history in the presence of God and humankind. That truth relates to the only-begotten daughter. Do you understand? [Yes] Just like Jesus, I was born with no connection to Satan’s realm. You have only now come to know about this precious truth. Do you know how precious Mother is?
You saw the UPA cadets earlier. [To the cadets] I am proud of you and I love you. I recently promoted the Graduate School of Theology. Sunhak UP [Universal Peace] Graduate School. Did you understand? It is not Cheongshim but Sunhak. The name sounds good, doesn’t it? That is how we will do it. All the graduates will be educated to become leaders who have qualifications and skills in all respects. Do you understand? [Yes]
Cho Kwang-myong, you should try harder. To mention one more thing, the Cheon Jeong Won [comprising five organs of the operating body of Cheon Il Guk] office is deeply important. It needs to be stabilized while I am alive. The World Mission Headquarters is also important. There should be no gaps with me. We have to unite. Things need to be instantly passed among Korea, Japan, America, and through all five continents and six oceans. We have to move as one body. In that sense, those regional presidents and special emissaries appointed as Supreme Council vice-chairmen should take good care of long-time members.
In doing so, you need to open the way so that they can fulfill their responsibilities as blessed members before they die. They are the churches’ pillars, aren’t they? No matter the country, the elder members of a church are its center. They should correctly understand the will and offer their lives appropriately in front of Heaven. You should open the way for them. The Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council has a chairman, but he cannot do it alone. How can one person manage our members on five continents and five oceans? There has to be people to cooperate with. President Lu [of the Korean church], do you understand? [Yes, I do.] We need to educate our church elders well so that they can grow and not feel neglected.
True Parents also need to continue to advance. How long will you wear yourselves out in front of True Parents by holding on to your worries? Huh? In the past, many people in leadership positions did not think of the whole but acted selfishly? There can be no development in that way. However, now is different. I am different. I will not stand aside and watch that happen. Do you understand? I am telling you to get a hold of yourselves. For world restoration, the Cheon Jeong Won… I sent the vice-president of FFWPU International Headquarters, An Jun-seok, to Europe as its special emissary. Is An Junseok here? How is your work progressing? You will need to work hard to fulfill your duty. Please sit.
CARP president Kwon In-seong, become a good example in your post. I want to remove the World-CARP president’s entitlements. Okay?
There is a song that I find affinity with nowadays, “Geu-nomui sarang ddaemunae” [“That Darn Love”]. I sing it every day: Once I abandoned my greed, flowers of joy blossomed. Please listen intently to why I am telling you these things. We are one. We must unite and advance. World-CARP is different now from when Hyo Jin nim was here. It has to grow, but it has not set down roots in each country. So why does the World-CARP president need such a structure? Whether in America or in Japan, it should develop within its own country first. Do you understand?
Earlier, the national leader said that young people are easily recruited. It is the same for CARP. The person that actually takes responsibility, makes effort and acts, will succeed. I am emphasizing that each of you have your own responsibility.
Thus, when the entire world recognizes that you have risen to the world level, you can become independent. Until then, each national leader has a CARP leader under him. All of them do, right? All the national leaders in every nation should support those leaders in carrying out their responsibilities so that CARP grows.
How can a big tree have no roots? Hmm? Can there be a pastor if there are no members? You must come to your senses. You should work hard and offer devotion asking, What can I do for True Parents and for True Parents’ will? If a person thinks about his or her status and how he or she should be treated, that person cannot develop much. Do you understand? [Yes]
I feel as if you do not yet know me well. If even my own children, born from my own womb are inadequate, I do not use them. Do you understand this? [We understand.] They have responsibilities. They have indemnity. I am a thorough person. That is why I am the True Parent; God’s only begotten daughter. I had only planned to compliment you on your hard work today. Did I raise my voice a bit? This is a spank on the bottom so that you grow well. Okay? [Yes] Have I said everything I meant to say? I am quite multifaceted, extremely complex.
This time I took a new look at Cheon Il Guk Special Envoy Otsuka. He has great potential for future growth. I will be expectant of you, Otsuka. Therefore, I hope that you will carry out the work as the Special envoy of Northeast Asia and the regional president simultaneously.
Chung Jin-hwa, please work in the Chung Pyung Center’s international department. Okay? From now on, this training center needs to work on the global level, and you will need to speak foreign languages for workshops and for counseling secondgeneration members who come from all around the world. Can you give Divine Principle lectures in English? Still, please try harder. Okay, you can sit now. With our dream nearby, let us all become victors by 2020.