We received persecution from Thailand for twenty-one years

Hak Ja Han
June 14, 2017
True Parents' Great Victory Celebration in Thailand
Impact Arena Royal Jubilee Ballroom, Bangkok Thailand


Raise your hand if this is the first time you've met me.

I am the True Parent. It took six thousand years for me to meet you.

FFWPU received persecution from Thailand for twenty-one years. In light of that, how did we come to be in a position to receive blessings? Do you know that it was because members took on indemnity for this nation that our receiving blessings became possible? Those who receive blessings must actively live their lives for the sake of others with true love. This blessing is not only for yourselves nor is it only for your nation. You must adapt to Heaven's providence, receive True Parents' teachings and grow. You must love your neighbors and neighboring nations. As we go forward, bit by bit, national boundaries will disappear. Humankind are all siblings, one human family centered on God and True Parents. Can you say this is mine or this is yours? Everything belongs to God, the center of the universe. No individual possessions exist.

When God says, "You can have this" you can possess something. The government and people of this nation must understand this. The loving heart practices the true love of living for the sake of others with a heart that gives, gives, and still hopes to give more. That is the perfection of the ideal family, which can solve all current problems. Blessed families are born from True Parents' sacrifice and hard work. Without True Parents, true families cannot be. Throughout, the six thousand years of providential history, humanity's wish was to attend God as our Heavenly Parent. However, fallen humankind cannot stand in Heaven's presence.

Only victorious people can stand in the presence of God, through the True Parents. This means that even after receiving the blessing, you have responsibilities. Adam and Eve, who should have become the first ancestors of humankind, should have fulfilled those responsibilities during their growth period. They should have gone down the path of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to reach perfection. To reach perfection through God's blessing, they should have received God's blessing when he pronounced, "Now you as husband and wife are the True Parents!"

Looking at fallen humankind -- going back four thousand or six thousand years -- it is as if everything has accumulated and formed a surface, as sand and other things do. Under those circumstances, people who are below these cumulative layers cannot see God because of layers that have built up over six thousand years. Thus, if we look at humankind's history, we see a history of pilfering, murder, and inability to unite, while people fight over ownership. However, through the victorious True Parents, those cumulative layers are crumbling one by one. One's original mind can say, "Ah! This was the origin of my life; therefore I must go toward that place."

Religions that arose in Asia, especially in this nation, which some consider a Buddhist nation, were made for people by people. In the end, the problem is how to connect to God. Only the True Parents can do that. In the future, all things, religion, ideology, and culture, will unite as one world through True Parents.

Right now, we are listening to reports and are celebrating the victory of yesterday's event. Yet, from now on, you have responsibilities. You must harvest your responsibilities. Today, all of you, who fortunately live in the same age as the True Parents, through fulfilling your responsibilities will become ancestors who remain throughout history. You will become ancestors. As ancestors, you must open the way for your ancestors who came before you and for your descendants to come in the future.


Have you heard of Chung Pyung? In the past, in Jesus' time, Mary and Jesus should have become one and created an environment for Jesus to be the True Parent. However, Dae-mo nim -- who gave birth to the only daughter of God, who was able to come only after six thousand years -- loyally devoted her entire life to creating the foundation for the Messiah. She is the one who pioneered the course of spiritual life and of physical life that no one else had known about. Unlike Mary two thousand years ago, Dae-mo nim completed her responsibilities. Who did she fulfill this through? She fulfilled it through the only daughter of God. That is why, for the sake of your ancestors and for the sake of your descendants, you must liberate your ancestors in Chung Pyung. You must open the way for your ancestors. They are your ancestors but they died without knowing True Parents. This is important. You all are truly blessed and happy people.

[You must go forward] only with True Parents' teachings, in unity with True Parents' world of heart for the sake of the day the realization of Heavenly Parents' dream.

A world under God as the owner is a world in which all humankind lives in freedom, equality, peace, unity, and happiness. Heavenly Parents alone must be the owners. All things in the universe did not commit the Fall. They live according to circular motion and flourish. Only humans, fallen humans who deviated from the principles of creation, fell into ignorance, which is why they do not know. The ones who will awaken and save them are the True Parents. Among humankind, no one is higher or lower. We are all siblings. How much blood and tears did Heaven have to shed in solitude for six thousand years in order to embrace fallen humankind? Humankind does not recognize this; children lived without knowing their parents. Some of you must be married and have children. If your children said they did not know their parents, nothing would be sadder than that.

Humankind has been so unfilial to Heavenly Parent, who is humankind's true owner, true ancestor, and true parent. How can you cleanse ourselves of this lack of filial piety? You must fulfill your responsibilities. You must fulfill your them as Heavenly Tribal Messiahs. All citizens of this nation, the people of this nation, all people of Asia must know True Parents, receive the blessing, and become filial children to Heavenly Parent.

You must become filial sons. You must become filial daughters. You must become loyal subjects. I hope you recognize that the time to do that is today.