It took six thousand years for me to meet you

Hak Ja Han
June 14, 2017
Youth and Students for Peace Great Victory Celebration
Impact Royal Jubilee Ballroom, Bangkok, Thailand


I am the True Parent.

It took six thousand years for me to meet you.

FFWPU received persecution in Thailand for twenty-one years. In light of that, how did we come to be in a position to receive these blessings?

You may know that it was because members offered indemnity for the sake of this nation that Thailand was able to receive blessings.

Those who receive blessings must actively live their lives for the sake of others, with true love. It is the heart that gives, gives again, and still hopes to give more.

As such, it is the perfection of the ideal in the family that can solve all the problems we face today.

Throughout the six thousand years of providential history, humanity's wish has been to attend God as our Heavenly Parent. It is only through the victorious True Parents, Who were victorious as people, that humankind can stand in front of God.

To reach perfection, through God's blessings, we must receive the blessing of "Now you as husband and wife are the True Parents!"

In the future, religion, ideology, culture---everything will form one world through True Parents.

You will become the ancestors who will be remembered throughout history. You will become the ancestors ... How much blood and tears did Heaven have to shed, without anyone knowing for six thousand years in order to embrace fallen humankind?


No one among all of humankind understood this. The children have lived without knowing their Parent. Those of you here who are married most likely have children. If your children said they did not know their parents, nothing could be sadder than that.

All of humankind have been so unfilial to Heavenly Parent, Who is our True Owner, True Ancestor, and True Parent. All citizens of this nation and all the people of Asia must know True Parents, receive the Blessing, and offer filial devotion to Heavenly Parent.

You must become filial sons. You must become filial daughters. You must become loyal subjects. I hope you recognize that the time to do that is today, this moment you are living in right now.
