True Parents' Life and Works Educational Center Groundbreaking

Gi Seong Lee
September 8, 2017


True Parents' time on earth is limited by the human life span. Moreover, within a comparatively small number of years, everyone who worked together with True Parents, heard them speak or greeted them even once at a public event, will have departed this earthly life and be in the spirit world. Within a few decades our movement will be totally made up of people who never met or saw True Parents in the flesh.

Knowing this, True Mother -- who perhaps more than anyone is aware of the speed at which time passes - - decided that an educational exhibition center and archive devoted to the lives of True Parents and to the movement they initiated and inspired, should be created while they are still on earth and while all that they have accomplished is still well within living memory.

In 2014, Mother announced that the CheonJi SunHak Won would be built in HJ Cheonwon (the Chung Pyung complex), and established a planning committee. Last year, Mother mentioned the following to a large crowd gathered at the Chung Pyung Azalea Festival:

"At the center of the Chung Pyung development, which can fulfill the hopes and dreams of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents, I will construct the CheonJi SunHak Won, to be unique and at the highest standard, ready to show these hopes and dreams to the world. It will be a place where you and your descendants can experience the True Parents' love, and a holy place where you can return eternal thanks to Heavenly Parent." May 7, 2016 (Azalea Festival)

Today (September 8, 2017), the transformation of that vision into reality began with the groundbreaking ceremony held at 9:00 am this morning. CheonJi SunHak Won will be located near the beginning of the road that goes up to Cheon Jeong Gung, the Palace, thus a few minutes' walk from the Sunhak UP Graduate School.

Upon True Mother's arrival at the wide stretch of bare earth upon which an elevated dais had been prepared, Mr. and Mrs. Han Eui-Il offered True Parents bouquets of flowers. Mr. Han is the head of the CheonJi SunHak Won Committee.

True Family members, representatives of the CheonJi SunHak Won Committee, plus prominent leaders from society sat with True Mother in front of a crowd of at least a thousand people, including Cheon Il Guk leaders and Chung Pyung Great Works participants.

According to Dr. Yoon Young-Ho, deputy-chief of True Mother's secretariat, who was the MC for the occasion, CheonJi SunHak Won will have four basement levels and two stories above ground. The first and second floors will host some 6,600 square meters of exhibition space. Displayed there, in 13 thematic zones will be the story of True Parents' lives, from their births to the foundation of Cheon Il Guk. The lower levels will have models of the houses in which True Parents were born and there will be artifact storage archives, event halls and meeting facilities, as well as galleries for temporary exhibitions.

After the Korean FFWPU President Rev. Ryu Kyeon-seok's opening prayer, Mr. Hong Sun-Pyo, who chairs the CheonJi SunHak Won construction team, gave a report on the project, in which he gave some information about what is required to begin the actual construction of such a facility:

"As a greenbelt region, all design work for such buildings in the area must incorporate a minimum of 60 percent green space. Environmental impact assessments, evaluations by the metropolitan area authorities and other approvals have been processed, and just at the end of this past July, business operations and development approvals were secured from the Gapyeong County authorities."

Mr. Hong also mentioned some of the features of the new museum:

"The tribute hall in the center of the building will feature large panels, painted in a traditional Korean lacquer technique, reflecting significant historical moments from the birth of True Parents through the completion of the history of the providence of restoration. A multipurpose hall is designed to accommodate some 1,000 people for various kinds of workshops, performances, banquets and other events. Exhibition galleries on four levels will be used for exhibits on True Parents' lives and achievements, art exhibitions and other seasonal exhibitions and events."

Two important guests offered congratulatory remarks. Notably Mr. Kim Young-Woo, chairman of the National Assembly Defense Committee, in referring to North Korea's nuclear bomb test on September 3 and the changing situation on the Korean peninsula, said that a clear vision was necessary:

"I think we can find the key in the example and the words of the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who have consistently taught us to 'Live for the sake of others.' These two great teachers have offered their entire lives for the reunification of Korea and for world peace. When this museum is completed, even more people will come to visit this region, to enjoy the beautiful natural environment, and to share the vision of world peace. I hope that many new apostles of peace will be born through the work of the CheonJi SunHak Won."

Mr. Kim Seong-Gi, the governor of Gapyeong County, in which the HJ Cheonwon area is located, then spoke briefly, and his message included the following statement:

"This area in particular has already experienced great advancements and development through projects advanced by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and is well on the way to becoming an eco-friendly self-reliant suburban area. As we turn the first spade of earth today for CheonJi SunHak Won, which will be an important landmark in Gapyeong County, we are taking a great step forward in the development of arts and culture here, which will in turn strengthen the tourist industry in the area."

After these congratulations had been offered, and a video presentation of True Mother's messages viewed, Mother prayed deeply over the providential initiative to be embarked upon. In her prayer, Mother referred to the providence by which God had sent the Messiah, and said that important providential figures and the people at his time had been unable to understand God's providence and thus could not fulfill their responsibility; thus in going the path of the cross, Jesus said he would return and hold the marriage of the lamb. Mother then mentioned that God had raised up the Korean people and brought the True Parents to appear in the blessing of a new providence, so that all humankind would be able to live as the children of the Heavenly Parent; and that this was an amazing miracle. Mother expressed her deep regret that the people of the world do not yet know about this. Mother then prayed specifically, with a voice filled with emotion, about the CheonJi SunHak Won:

"And so, in the name of the True Parents, we will quickly build CheonJi SunHak Won for the sake of the members and future generations of the Unificationist family, and citizens of Cheon Il Guk who will come. CheonJi SunHak Won will show them, in a lively way, True Parents' love, and True Parents' providential work.

Loving Heavenly Parent, thank you. I am so grateful and thankful to you for your hard work. You did not forsake such ignorant people, but instead have continued to lead them. In front of the tremendously hard work you have invested, we are so sorry and yet so grateful. Heavenly Parent, now, through the True Parents who can fulfill your original dream, a foundation for the settlement of Cheon Il Guk has been laid. Through constructing this facility, we will now advance toward the day when this people will be awakened and all the people of the world will be able to return thanks and glory to Heaven with a heart of filial love. Heavenly Parent, if you are with us, we will accomplish this without fail. This will be a starting point for the sake of that day. Father, please preside over all the event of today. All these things I give thanks for and pray in the name of the True Parents."

After concluding her prayer, True Mother, True Family members and distinguished guests cut the tape symbolizing the opening of the construction site on which the CheonJi SunHak Won will rise over the next few years.

Following this came an exciting (if not unexpected) blast of fireworks and colored smoke, accompanied by hundreds of helium balloons floating up into the sky in celebration.

The occasion was brought to a cheerful and poignant close with Japan Group Chair Rev. Song Yong-Cheon leading all present in a set of rousing cheers of Eok-mansei.(provided by FFWPU International Headquarters, )