Did we have to send Jesus Christ to the cross in that way?

Hak Ja Han
September 8, 2017
The Cheonji Sunhakwon groundbreaking victory celebration speech

The Cheonji Sunhakwon building will house museum-quality exhibits on True Parents' lives and their work as the embodiment of the word, and thus will present True Parents as models for all men and women.

The Cheonji Sunhakwon building will house museum-quality exhibits on True Parents' lives and their work as the embodiment of the word, and thus will present True Parents as models for all men and women.

How are you feeling? Today, at the Cheonji Sunhakwon groundbreaking I prayed that the two thousand years of Christianity is an embarrassing part of providential history. Isn't that so?

Present today are leaders from around the world, especially members of the clergy from Africa and America. You must know this. Did we have to send Jesus Christ -- the only son of God (found after the long, four-thousand-year period of the history of the providence of restoration and the dream that Heavenly Parent so longed for) -- to the cross in that way? How could Christianity leave a wretched Jesus nailed to the cross for two thousand years and believe that was human salvation? The members of the clergy here today must reflect on this. This is the embarrassing Christian providence. However, you are lucky sons, because you met True Parents.

You members of the clergy, alive in True Parents' era, during which repetition of the mistakes of the past have not occurred, must stand up. Moses waited for so long to enter Canaan. Yet, in the end, did he enter Canaan or was he unable to? Only Joshua and Caleb entered. All of you here today, what position do you want to be in? You have to enter Canaan, right? Thus, you must throw away your past and live lives as blessed families whose spirits experienced resurrection through True Parents. Will you all do that? This is a banquet, so if I speak too long I will regret it.

The Victory Toast

Therefore, while True Parents are still on earth, realize one human family under God, the kingdom of heaven on earth, which is Heavenly Parent's dream, True Parents' wish and humankind's wish. Please find the determination to lead the way and fulfill your responsibilities. When I say "Victory for 2020" please say Victory three times. Victory for 2020! [Victory, Victory, Victory!]