The Truth of History Seen Through Heaven's Providence

Hak Ja Han
May 21, 2017
Dedication of the Busan, Korea, District Family Church
Unofficial transcript of by Airenae Culvy


True Mother Prays

Loving Heavenly Parent!

We are grateful to You for allowing this moment.

When this nation was experiencing its most difficult times, Father came here to Busan as a refugee with a big dream for the providence. Here, He wrote the Original Divine Principle and founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of Christianity, which would unite the future world.

Sixty years have passed since then, and we are grateful and humbled that we can dedicate this holy place here in the Busan District.

We also cannot help but feel sorry. However, Father, we will fulfill Your dream---True Parents' dream--- without fail and establish the Fatherland that humankind dreams of, where they can claim it to be "My homeland where God dwells with us." Please believe in us.


We pray that the dream of True Parents sixty years ago can be established in this place. I know that many miraculous events will take place. We offer this holy place to You, Father, and thankfully offer this in True Parents' Names, Aju.

(Ribbon Cutting Ceremony ... han, du, set )

(Ceremonial Tree Planting)

(Mother happy to be welcomed by the enthusiastic youth lined up either side )

(Flower presentation)

(Present, pink wrap and bow hand-sized box, presentation)


True Mother Speaks

Today I would like to speak about: "The truth of history seen through Heaven's providence."

We all know we are not living in a peaceful world. The world we live in is a fallen world. The omnipotent and omniscient God is a being that cannot fail. Once something is started, He must see it to the end. That is why we had to go through the unexpected long history of the providence of indemnity.

Once again, Heaven had to select the chosen people who would give birth to the only Daughter of God. Heaven selected the Republic of Korea as the chosen people! (applause)

The people of Korea have not once invaded another nation in the past two thousand years. They are a good people, a peace-loving people. They were a good people who worshiped heaven, and loved nature.


However, the only Daughter of God, Who must be born in the end, must come from within Christianity. After the monarchy ended, Korea was divided into north and south. When South Korea had not yet become a democracy, North Korea, under the Kim Il Sung regime, was planning to invade.

At that time Heaven had to give birth to the only Daughter of God on the foundation of Christianity. Though the history of Christianity in Korea was short, there had been holy groups.

Christians throughout the world thought that Jesus, who said he would return, would do so on the clouds. Yet, this holy group believed the returning messiah must return in the flesh. They clearly understood that the realization of the providence would occur in Pyongyang. I was born the only Daughter of God under these circumstances. (loud, long applause)


From birth, I was born as God's Daughter. Satan tried to kill Me when I was born. He said, "Because You were born, I am ruined." It was a spiritual battle but this is the truth. The world had no choice but to change because of My birth.

At that time, Father was in the South, but Heaven told Him to go to the North. Why did this happen? Father had to fulfill His responsibility as the One who had succeeded Jesus.

Just as Heaven gave Adam and Eve responsibility, the only Son of God, Who once again shoulders that responsibility, must fulfill it.

In addition, Heaven had prepared the North. That was where the only Daughter of God had been born.

How must God have felt ordering Father to go to the North? It would be putting Father's Life on the line. Heaven could not allow human beings to be the cause of failure again before the only Daughter of God (Whom Heaven had given birth to after six thousand years) and the only Son of God (Who had waited for the only Daughter of God) became the True Parents.


Therefore, Heaven mobilized the UN Forces, and young people from sixteen nations shed blood. At that time, because of the UN Forces, Father came South and here in Busan He mapped out the future, wrote the original Divine Principle and established the Holy Spirit Association of World Christianity, which would embrace the world. It especially needed to spread God's Will centered on Christianity.

The place where preparations began for the True Parents---Who would save the world through the Holy Spirit, truth, and the word---was here, in Busan. (applause)

However, because a foundation had not been prepared, it is true that we had to begin from the lowest position, the most humble and poorest position.

If we knew True Parents as the True Parents... Whether we knew it or not, we had been unfilial.

In 1960, True Parents manifested through True Parents' Holy Wedding. (extra applause)


From that day, the rest of the world would have the future opportunity to meet True Parents. God wished it, True Parents wished it. Humankind, all 7.4 billion people, wished it. (extra applause)

During the dedication I prayed, "The course to embrace God's great Will and realize His wish began so long ago, sixty years ago. If you think of sixty, you think of 60th birthday festival [a major celebration for Korean]. Yet, many more than sixty years have passed.

Here in Busan, where God's work began, sadly, it has taken so long for us to dedicate this church to You, something we could show the world. We apologize (Kamsahamnida). (Sorry Chesonghamnida)

However, now we will fulfill our responsibilities as Blessed families, so please wait just a little longer." It was with this heart that I dedicated this church. (loud applause)

In line with the Principle, True Parents' providence should have begun on a national foundation. In the past and nowadays, due to human ignorance, to awaken and educate people and for them to understand and be able to fulfill their responsibilities takes so long.


Nevertheless, True Parents made a realm of victory. That is why we will no longer wait. While True Parents are here on earth, you have to fulfill your responsibilities. How much of an honor would it be to receive the title, filial son, filial daughter, or filial subject? One human family under God, our Creator, the Heavenly Parent.

Through You, those in the past, present and future will realize the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven and will receive heaven's blessings forever. (applause)

Then you must do your best. Don't you agree? Your names must be recorded while I am still alive.


No matter how filial you wish to be, if your parents are not alive, you cannot fill that position. So, the fact that I am alive is a blessing to you.

This nation must become God's blessed homeland. It must become a land that attends God.

Korea and Japan must shed their past hateful relationship. Korea and Japan must unite to realize the future world of one human family. They must become the father nation and mother nation.

One hundred years ago, when Korea was under Japanese rule, Tagore, a poet from India, came to Japan and wrote a poem as he looked out toward Korea:

"Korea ... that lamp is waiting to be lighted once again for the illumination of the East."


The light is the truth. It is the message of truth. This means through that True Parents and True Parents' Message, Asia will see the light and will illuminate the world. (big applause)

This is happening right now. In Asia, more than ten thousand young people say they will go out to the world as missionaries. Already, six hundred young people have made that decision. This is the same in Japan.

Sixty years ago, True Father looked out to the sea and dreamed of the day when Heaven's Will would come into realization, the day when all people of the world would line up and flock ceaselessly to the original holy land in the original homeland by both boat and plane. I will realize that dream! (big standing applause)