Our future is through you; in you, there is hope

Hak Ja Han
August 3, 2017
Welcome to the 2017 Global Top Gun Youth HJ Cheonwon Special Workshop


Today, August 3, True Mother welcomed some 1,200 Global Top Gun Youth workshop participants to Cheon Jeong Gung on the third day of their 21-day workshop. Following FFWPU International Headquarters Secretary-general Dr. Yoon Yong-ho’s opening prayer, True Mother entered and took her seat at the front. Beautiful bouquets of flowers, and a full bow were offered by all the young participants. Mrs. Wonju McDevitt then read from the speech True Mother had given at Madison Square Garden on July 15, and then the newly appointed International Headquarters Youth and Student Department chief, Mr. Jae-hyun Kim, asked everyone to stand and welcome True Mother to speak.

Mother spoke for less than 20 minutes but her words, which were delivered with great warmth, were punctuated with the participants’ applause and youthful cheering. Mother concluded with the following message:

Do you come from 79 countries? Your languages and cultures are different, but you are of the blessed second generation born through True Parents as pure water without any connection to the secular world. Do you understand this? [Cheers and applause] The world must be cleansed and brightened by you. And what more is to be done? You have to become one with each other!…

So do not stop just at creating happiness for yourselves. You have to expand it. You must become “saviors” so that all 7.4 billion people in the world can receive the love, benefit, and grace of True Parents. Do you understand? Our future is through you; in you, there is hope. You must be able to say, “I am happy.”
