Learn from the Past and Live Responsibly

Hak Ja Han
August 3, 2017
Cheon Jeong Gung Chapel
To the 2017 HJ Cheonwon Special Global Top Gun Youth Workshop


Are you blessed second-generation members? To whom do you owe your birth? You should become True Parents' filial sons and daughters. In order to do so, you need to be able to unite with your True Parents' hearts. The first thing you should think as soon as you open your eyes in the morning is, True Parents and Heavenly Parent, thank you. As I begin my day, I will try to become someone who is worthy in Heaven's eyes of receiving True Parents' love. You need to begin things in this way as a lifestyle. Have you been living like this? From what I know, you haven't been able to live up to that standard. From now on, you need to be able to answer [that question] differently.

You are very fortunate people. The hope of the 7.4 billion people is to take part in Heaven's providence and reach the position of receiving Heaven's blessing. However, throughout history humankind has never understood the cause and result. You probably already know this through the Hoon Dok we just did, but due to Adam and Eve's fall, our Heavenly Parent, God, suffered a history strewn with unspeakable pain and sorrow. As you heard in the readings, fallen humankind cannot go in front of God. According to the Principle of Creation, only those who have received the blessing from the True Parents, the first victorious human beings, can go in front of God.

The Bible indicates it has been six thousand years [since the Creation]. Human history is actually longer. How difficult Heaven's efforts to search for human beings must have been for it to take four thousand years to restore the chosen Israelites' mistake from the individual, the tribe, and a people until a national foundation was established. It took not four hundred but four thousand years. During that time, Heaven established countless central figures and hoped to expand his will through them. Yet, although humankind failed to engraft to those central figures, God could not abandon his children and would renew the central figures' courage and guide them. For them to reach such a position a great many of their people paid indemnity.


Through this, God sent the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ, through the Israelites. The environment at the time consisted of a huge "nation" called the Roman Empire. They said that all roads led to Rome. Heaven created that environment. What would have happened if the Israelites had united with Jesus and cooperated with him, so that he could advance to form the true parents? The Israelites would have been able to unite with Rome. If that happened, through the prepared Roman Empire, Jesus would have been able to reach the entire world and Heaven's providence would have reached fulfillment. Heaven worked hard to create an environment for Jesus, but Mary, a central figure herself, and the Israelites did not fulfill their responsibilities. There are probably many of you here from South America. South America has Catholic nations.


Jesus, too, should have married

As we learned in the Hoon Dok material, Christianity's providential history began with resurrection by the Holy Spirit. Since Jesus was a man, he should have met a woman messiah while he was alive. They should have become the true parents, a position blessed by Heaven. However, Mary, Zachariah's family, the Jewish people and the Israelites did not fulfill their responsibilities and therefore blocked this path. When you study the Divine Principle, you will come across the word "indemnity."

How could such a thing happen? The Israel people had to pay indemnity so that the returning Lord could come as promised. Even in society, if you commit a crime you serve time for it. It's the same thing. Although they paid such huge indemnity, they still do not know why. Moreover, the Christian cultural sphere created a worldwide domain over two thousand years, but they are unaware of Jesus' essence and of the will, which our Heavenly Parent hopes to see fulfilled. God's dream for humankind is for everyone to become true parents. God's dream is to become a visible God and true parent. Children that are born from true parents are true children. They have nothing to do with evil, because they are born in God's realm, which is free of the Fall.

In the beginning while Adam and Eve were in their growth period, they would ask God questions and receive answers. After the Fall, they could no longer do that. From that perspective, your parents were like wild olive trees in a fallen world. Then they received the blessing from True Parents, became true olive trees and gave birth to you who are here today. However, when faced with the 7.4 billion people remaining, the world's environmental realm is quite broad. Hence, you should become one in True Parents' realm and grow beautifully, solely focused on True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.

You must not fail. OK? We learn many things from nature. Butterflies, not even three centimeters long, fly from Canada to Mexico to spend the winter there. Who taught them that? These butterflies didn't Fall. Among plants, the sunflower is one that aligns itself to the sun. It adjusts its direction toward the sun whether it's sunny or cloudy. You can learn many things from nature on how to live. You should love nature. Heavenly Parent's labored on a path in search of you while living for the sake of others with true love. Do you understand?

You gathered here from seventy- nine nations. You speak different languages and have different cultures, but you who were born as blessed second-generation members through True Parents, are pure water that has no relation with the fallen world. Do you understand? Through you, the world must become cleaner, brighter, and what else? It must become one. Do you understand?

Your performance earlier was about freedom, peace, unity and happiness. You should live life united with True Parents and sing the Cheon Il Guk Anthem each day more often than you sing your own country's national anthem. You should be satisfied with your own happiness. You need to expand. You must become saviors to all the 7.4 billion people, so that they can receive True Parents' love, assistance and grace.

OK? You need to be able to say, Our future has hope because of us. There is happiness!