Only the True Parents Can Resolve All the World's Problems, One By One

Hak Ja Han
June 30, 2017
True Parents' Special Banquet with CARP USA
Cheon Jeong Gung


I am glad that you came. Your mission, America's mission, is important. When we look at the United States through the historical providence, Heaven had established and selected that nation to cooperate with and lay the foundation for the returning Messiah. However, it is true that the US was unable to fulfill the responsibility of its blessed position in relation to True Parents. However, Heavenly Parents' dream, True Parent's dream, and the wish of humankind absolutely must be realized.

The purpose of Jesus Christ's advent was to form the True Parents and lead humankind so they could stand in Heaven's presence. Jesus said he would return. That is the base of modern Christianity's messianism. He said he would return to hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. The marriage supper of the Lamb! At the Creation God made a man and a woman. Thus, Jesus cannot be alone. A single man cannot become the True Parents. That is why the two thousand year history of Christianity was the providence to find God's only daughter.


Humankind had to meet True Parents but before they met the True Parents God's only daughter had to be born. Heaven worked through the foundation of Christianity and chose a new nation, which would give birth to God's only daughter. That nation is what is today the Republic of South Korea and I am God's only daughter. It is through me! This is important. It is through me that you were born!

All the problems that are occurring in the world cannot be solved by human strength alone. America has many problems too, doesn't it? There are wars, religious conflicts and other unspeakably frightening things happening everywhere in the world. People are destroying nature and all created things in the world. Pollution! This was also caused by people. There is no future for the earth. If the earth has no future, people have no future.


Only the True Parents can resolve all these problems one by one. The world went through a difficult history through democracy and communism. But who ended communism [the cold war]? Gorbachev made the policy reforms perestroika and glasnost. True Parents made these a success. The True Parents met Gorbachev at that time and said, "Send talented individuals, send your university students!" Russia sent them to America and three thousand people learned. These students fought against the military coup that arose again with their bodies alone. Because of these students, the Soviet Union began their open policies.

What I want to speak about today to you is America's mission. America must become the returning Lord's, the True Parents', environment. Therefore, you must attend True Parents, keep them at the center and lead the way toward world peace and unification, one human family under God. However, while we were working in America for forty years, Americans did not cooperate. They should have supported us so we could go forward but they kept pulling us back.

In this history, you must be cleansed one degree further. You must progress. We know what True Parents' will, Heavenly Parents' dream, and humankind's wish is. While True Parents are still on earth, you are in an important position in which you can fulfill your responsibilities. I am sure you also study faithfully but you are the ones who will become leaders in the future. That is why in the fields of politics, business, or academics you cannot continue in the same way as now.

You must attend True Parents and achieve all things, and then everything can return to the laws of nature, God's original principles of creation. You must lead the way! You must have ownership and become brave soldiers on the path to world peace. I heard that for the last year you have witnessed to a great number of people. I would like to praise the effort of one person who could bring about these results in a place that is like a barren land. However, when looking at the providence and looking at America's mission, it is still in sufficient. When you become three times, ten times more and become three thousand people, thirty thousand people, America will stand up. If America changes, the world will change. Do you understand? Can you do that?

Yes. I will believe in you. I have gained strength from seeing you. I would appreciate it if you gave me more opportunities to love and protect you.