In the History of the Providence, Europe Led the Way

Hak Ja Han
June 29, 2017
To Europe and Northeast Region Leaders
Cheon Jeong Gung


Europe. Where is Europe? In the history of the providence did they lead the way? Or did they follow behind? It is beyond a doubt that they led the way. Isn't that so? Who was responsible for God's suffering, for Heaven's miserable history of the providence of restoration's blood and tears? The human ancestors, the ones who should have become the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, did not fulfill their responsibility. They went astray. All things that God created in the universe, live according to God's plan and according to the laws and principles God created. It is only humankind that have departed from the principles of creation and do not know the direction they are going. They are walking a path where they cannot unite causing the circumstances of today. Through there are many nations, the reality of today is that the nations cannot unite because the people in those nations put their own nations and themselves first.

Why do you think Jesus had to go the way of the cross? It was the wish of humankind and Heaven's dream yet why could he not just return? This is because here too is the portion of human responsibility. Jesus could not do it alone. During the creation, there was a man and a woman. Especially all religious leaders who gave birth to the today's religions are all men. In conclusion, they were all incomplete. However, it was only Christianity, Jesus, who said he would return when he died on the cross. He said he would return and hold the marriage supper of the lamb. Christianity was realized only after three hundred years through the resurrection of the Holy Spirit. After three hundred years passed, after paying the harsh indemnity of being fed to lions.

The world recognizes that Christianity moved further and further north centering on the European continent, and brought about the age of Atlantic Civilization centering on the island kingdom of Britain, which then spread out to the rest of the world. But the fact is that Christianity does not know essentially about Jesus or God. That is why, when all is said and done, the age of Atlantic Civilization has reached its limit, and cannot but come to an end.

Heaven has led the work of seeking out and restoring humankind, but there was no central figure. The Christian realm of Europe, the Catholics and the Protestants, failed many times and made mistakes, because they did not know the truth. They led self-centered lives and thought only of the interests of their own nations. They could not unite as one. That is why human history has been one where people vied with one another and engaged in wars. On top of that came the philosophy that says, "God is dead!" The reality is that this road only leads to the edge of a cliff. Looking down upon such a situation as this, how devastated, disheartened, and distraught would Heaven be!

Heaven waited for the long period of six thousand years because of the principles of creation. Though Heaven should have forsaken humankind, Heaven held back, endured, and waited. The only son of God and the only daughter of God, the True Parents, are central to realizing God's dream and humankind's wish.

Jesus died on the cross because the Will could not be fulfilled with the only begotten Son alone. An only begotten Daughter must be born within the providence of Christianity, in a position that cannot be accused by Satan. Heaven never makes use of a people or a person who have failed to fulfill their responsibility. The providence of Heaven to give birth to the only begotten Daughter, begun anew in Asia, bore fruit through the Korean people. Around 400 B.C., there was a kingdom led by the Han people. The oldest book in China is the "Book of Odes", and in it there is a passage that says, "The King named Han came". When Heaven chooses a people to shoulder a new responsibility, He chooses and establishes the people of goodness in the highest position. The Korean people hated war. They were an agricultural people. And so they revered Heaven, and they were well versed in astronomy. If you know history well, you will know that Korea began studying astronomy even before Europe. However, because the Korean people hated war, they were forced to move south again and again, until they reached the Korean Peninsula. It is said Korea has a history of five thousand years, and during that time Korea has lived through some wonderful eras. The dynasty of "Goguryeo" lasted for a thousand years. And after its fall, Goryeo was established next. The name "Goryeo" came from "Goguryeo". After Goryeo came to an end, the Lee dynasty came next, and they named the kingdom "Joseon". This name came from "Gojoseon", which was the magnificent ancient kingdom established by the Korean ancestors. Because Joseon chose to follow a national isolation policy, it came to be colonized by Japan. It was liberated in 1945, but as soon as it was liberated, the nation was divided into democracy and communism. This communist world came from the Christian realm. "Equality for all!" What it claims is all well and good, but their actions are one hundred percent different. In short, it is a dictatorship. When Jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago, he said he will return and hold the Feast of the Lamb. From his words we can discern that the only begotten Daughter must be born. The only begotten Daughter must be born.

Korea has not always been a Christian state. In fact, the Korean people have embraced Christianity only recently. But because the providence of Heaven nurtured the Korean people as a people of goodness, He was able to carry out the providence that He needed to fulfill through the Christian foundation. I was born in 1943. And the very first being who knew of my birth was Satan. He thought, "Since you were born into this world, I am all but dead. I will have to kill you tonight". A desperate struggle, a serious spiritual fight, broke out. But Heaven's side triumphed.

The new, devout Christians in Korea believed that the Messiah of the Second Advent will come centering on Pyongyang. Moreover, they prepared everything, including the clothes Jesus would have needed in the course of his life, in order to appease his sorrows. They even knew his size because the spirit world had told them. But when Korea was divided along the 38th parallel and the North was communized, the regime, united under the sole leadership of Kim Il-sung, planned to attack the South. In contrast, there were many people in the democratic South who wanted to be the president. It was in a state of chaos. In this situation, Heaven could not let the only begotten Daughter, whom He had found after six thousand years, die even before growing up. If I had stayed in the North, I wouldn't have survived, and the Will of the Providence would not have been fulfilled. And so Heaven sought a way. My maternal uncle was studying abroad in Japan. And he should have returned to his homeland, the North, but instead we received a telegram that said that he had joined the army in the South. And so the three generations of women came to the South to meet the son and the uncle. We had come for a short visit. But two years after we came to the South, the Korean Civil War broke out. At that time, I was eight years old. I still needed to grow up for the Will to be fulfilled. I was under the protection of Heaven. Is that true or not? You need to know about this.

The only begotten Daughter! Unless this only begotten Daughter, who can realize God's dream in the end, is born, the providence cannot be concluded. I am the Messiah, the Messiah of the Second Advent, the one who is to fulfill the mission in God's stead, since He needs a physical body. Do you understand? You need to clearly understand this. Think about it. Why did Heaven make me come to the South and yet tell True Father to go to the North? Why did he have no choice but to go to the North? True Father also received the mission. As the True Father, he too had responsibilities to fulfill. By going through this growth process, he needed to fulfill responsibilities in order to claim the position of the only begotten Son. In my case, I received the mission at the moment I was born. That is why I grew up knowing God as my Heavenly Father. I was not attached to my physical parents. This is what sets me apart from you. Think about it. The North attacked before the South was ready to defend itself. The South was pushed all the way down to Busan. What would happen in such a situation? Heaven had no choice but to work miracles, and so He mobilized the UN troops. And the Soviet Union was with the UN at the time. Heaven made the Soviet Union step aside, and made it so that the motion to send the troops was passed unanimously. This was a miracle wrought by Heaven. This is the providence. If the sixteen nations hadn't come to South Korea's rescue, today's Korea would not exist. Today's history of True Parents' providence would not exist either. You need to know about these desperate and urgent circumstances of Heaven. Considering the fact that one person's mistake can give rise to such a horrendous disaster, you who are living in today's world should feel a heavy sense of responsibility.

The Bible says to pour new wine into new wineskins! If you know something about the past, and I said it isn't what you think it is, you should only listen to what I say. Is that clear?

At that time, they were nomads so they usually used leather wineskins to hold their wine; if you reused one, the wine could go bad. That was why it is said wine must be put into fresh wineskins, but the Bible uses it as a metaphor. These words are right for you, too. If what you have been thinking, or planning until now is not aligned with True Parents, with me, you must change it. Do you understand what I am saying? Stagnant water spoils. It must flow.


During the Atlantic Civilization Era, Christianity spread throughout the world. Notably, England impressively expanded [its empire] worldwide to the point that it was said the sun never set on it. However, in the end Christians knew neither Jesus nor God. They made decisions centered on human thought. Jesus' true essence is true love and expressing that true love. Giving, continuing giving, and forgetting you have given… You have to let people grow and develop on their own. Faith is not forced. People have to be able to know God and think about God through their original nature. However, the British pillaged and used force. They thought only of the benefit for their own nation and in the end fell back to individualism. They fell away and then through the industrial revolution the material civilization dawned. However, the fact is that through the development of the material civilization, we have many problems today. We must find a way to solve this. You may say something shouldn't be the way it is because of this or that reason, but there is a limit to what a nation or person can do to actually act upon changing it.

Today's weather is very hot! Korea has been having a dry spell, so we were waiting for rain, while in China, due to heavy rain, they are suffering from landslides. Hundreds of people have died and it has affected tens of thousands. These occurrences have not happened before. If we continue to live in this way, your descendants... The conclusion that "your descendants will have no future" will come to be. The most important things for a living being are air, water, and sunlight. Pollution is destroying them. Should we just watch and do nothing?

I am very serious. I am the True Parent. In a home, when there is a mother and a father, who thinks more for your sake? Is it your father? Or your mother? Looking at the current situation today, even if we set aside religious thinking, people think in this way:

"The world made by men has met its limitations."

"Women must come forward. Women, mothers must be at the center."

Therefore, "In all areas we must find way to heal, improve, and develop." These are not my words but the words of famous scholars.

Have you heard this before? Recently a movie called Wonder Woman is out in theaters, "Men only cause war so it is women who must stop them and give peace." It was very interestingly tied together. Wonder Woman was born with no connection to the fallen world and no connection to Satan's lineage. The person who was her mother made her from clay and asked god to give her life. That's what is said in the movie. Have you seen it? I will show it to you today.

Whether you know it or not, the only daughter of God is taking responsibility in the position of Adam and Eve, whom God molded in the beginning with no relationship to Satan. You all are the lucky ones. You are lucky because you have met me. Won't you say "Aju"? If I were not here, you would all be water bubbles floating around.

However, in the providence, European members played the role of loyal subjects (patriots) in the development of FFWPU. However, they are becoming advanced in age. Right now the young latecomers, Africa, is now becoming ignited and on fire. Asia is rising up. What about you? Do you want to live with no sense of existence? [No.] New sprouts must come. You must show you are still full of life.


In order for all of these people to become one, you must get rid of yourself. You should not have yourself. You must only hear the sound of True Parents and Heavenly Parent. Do you understand what I am saying? Christianity was like this for two thousand years. Because they tried to enlighten people from within the confines of man's rules, Christianity reached its limitationㄴ.

It was not God himself but human thinking that gave birth to confession in Catholicism. They say you are absolved of all your sins when you confess. That is all nonsense. All it can give is some form of comfort. In the era of True Parents, everything has been revealed and shown. Why then should people still be attached to the Old Testament Age? Why can't they climb over the wall of religion? Before we are the Unification Church we are True Parents' Church. True Parents.

No one can go to the ideal world without going through the Parents. They give you rebirth. You are born again. The past two-thousand years of Christian history was a time of rebirth through the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is not substantial. You can be reborn through the substantial True Parents, yet why can't you reach that position?

We cannot use the same methods as in the past. For this one moment, especially while Heaven has True Parents on earth, the earth plane is important. That is why for five years I have continually gone without sleeping through the night. Because the earth is important.

As Jesus was dying on the cross, to whom did he give the key to Heaven's gates? [Inaudible answer from audience] Because the earth plane is important!

The way for you to survive is through uniting with True Parents and achieving national restoration. In order to do this, you must fulfill your responsibilities as tribal messiahs. There is not even one who has done so in Europe.

In Africa right now blessed couples are springing up like mushrooms after rain. They have all been educated. They are doing the three-day ceremony; they are doing everything including the indemnity stick ceremony. Members are taking care of them continuously and then these couples, too, are working on their 430 couples. Isn't this certainly the case?

What's going on in Europe, where we've been working for a long time? You should be ashamed of the fact that there is not one person, not one family, from there. Do you understand? You have failed to fulfill your duties as leaders.

Why am I saying that we must have national restoration by 2020? This is to raise you. The True Parents must be able to proclaim themselves in a national position through Christianity's foundation.

Christianity failed to fulfill its responsibility. In fact, it opposed us. Europe is a Christian continent. Then for how long are you going to sit on your hands and just watch? For how long? Do you realize that you need to change?


Tears of repentance must overflow from deep within yourselves. We are not just individual people; each of us is someone for whom Heaven has waited for six thousand years. "I am sorry I could amount to only this much. Now I will truly come to my senses and go in one direction."

Have you all made your resolution? You answer is not loud enough. Can I trust you? The first generations failed to think about the coming generation. You failed to realize how blessed and important your lives on earth are and live accordingly. You were only focused on living day to day. Yes? That is why Europe today is being run over by the Muslims. Yes? The barrier to uniting religions is growing higher by the minute. If we continue down this road, it will be completely blocked. Why can't you step forward with confidence and educate the Catholics and the Protestants? Ask them, "Which would be easier for you, to unite as one with the Muslims or with us, the Family Federation?" Which will save Europe and give hope to your children's future? Heaven is opening the way even in the Muslim world through people of goodness. So even if all of Europe was converted to Islam, for us that would only mean that it will take a little more time for the Family Federation to carry out its work. In your case, the age of the white people will wane and wither. It will flow away. Such a term as white-oriented would not exist anymore. Do you understand? You are in such a serious situation right now, and yet you are not doing your job well and instead going about it sluggishly. Aren't you? You have no idea how many times I think of Europe every night. I have called you here because things have gone long enough. Do you understand?

Activities in Africa are being carried out in the two regions of east and west. Asia also has many nations, so we plan to divide it into regions in carrying out our work. Europe should also be divided into four or five regions, based on the native language but also on where they are situated, and these regions will be made to compete. That way, one could not give the excuse, "We could not fulfill our responsibility because there were too many countries to deal with". Is that clear?

You have held honest meetings during this time and I will listen to your opinions from them. After listening, if you truly want it, I will provide support in that direction. But I will also appoint an overall president, and make them watch over everything 24 hours a day! 24 hours! After Father's Seonghwa, I said the lights in our churches should remain switched on for 24 hours a day. By that I meant that there are prepared people. Find the people who are prepared; find the righteous people. If we want to do that, can there be night or day?

You have to transcend day and night and, offering your devoted effort, find those people. There are people who have been raised and prepared. Do you understand? In one case in Africa, the head of a religious organization joined our Church and received the Blessing. Why can't something similar happen in Europe? Europe is not different from other continents.

These are the nations and the people that must become one human family under God. Then, would God exclude Europe? Maybe He would, because Europe has failed to fulfill so many responsibilities. But I, the True Parent, want to put my trust in you. Do you understand? This is something worthy of applause, but you are not applauding! [Applause]

What I want to make clear today is that the Korean Special Emissaries are going to be pulled out. Lan Young Moon, No Hi Pak, and Joon Seok Ahn! From now on, you should work by yourselves, and realize once again how much they have done for you. Is that clear? I am pulling them out to work for the world providence. What time is it? I can stop now, can't I?

[After a brief pause, Mother continued shortly:]

Your weapons are the True Parents, the only daughter of God, UPF, YSP, WFWP! So many organizations have been founded, so why aren't you making use of them? Now in order for this to be realized concretely, you must personally let every nation in the world know in the future, "What my nation needs and what I must do is only this work." You must teach the citizens of that nation and teach the young adults through the foundation we have laid in order to realize national restoration, through such activities as Divine Principle lectures of the Church and other activities of UPF, YSP and WFWP.

I haven't heard much news from Europe about the Parliamentarians Association. Do you know how important it is? The inauguration of IAPP works with legislators who were elected through the will of the people. They will hear the people's wishes and set policies that will help Heavens' providence. Then, just as in the history of Christianity, in which one important figure said he would accept Christianity, that's what you can do! We are different from Christianity. We are different. We are the parents. The parents! You say you will attend your parents.... Up until now, humankind has lived like orphans, in front of these sad children, I have said "I am the parent, come inside my embrace!" How grateful should you be about this?


Why can't you inform others? Why can't you act like that? Why? In regard to the personnel changes, I asked the International President to come to the conference in America, and I will make the announcement then, so bear that in mind.

You must each take ownership and work for national and tribal restoration with a sense of responsibility.
