Hak Ja Han
July 21, 2006
Chambumo Gyeong - Book 8 - Chapter 3 - Section 6
Photo date and location unknown
8. The situation in the Middle East is very complex. In previous world tours, we often were stopped from going to dangerous areas. Nonetheless, because True Parents are in the position of having to save the whole world, we cannot stay away even from dangerous places.
We see that the reason conflict and antagonism continue in this region is that the people have not received God's Will. With God as the center, you have to reach beyond relationships of mutual understanding, and join hands with those who misunderstand you. In God's eyes, there can be no divisions between white and black, and there can be no walls between religions, peoples, or cultures. I emphasized these points at our rally in Jordan on June 30, 2006.
People in the Middle East have to face the current reality, instead of clinging to the past. The Middle East will welcome eternal peace only when its people live their lives attending True Parents and accurately understand God's Will for this time. We are one family, brothers and sisters under God, and you should not forget that God is our eternal True Parent. God established this nation of Jordan. All the brothers and sisters of Jordan need to understand the Will of God, who established Jordan, and work for the sake of realizing that Will. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/01)
9. You have to be proud of True Parents and testify to them. You have to become people who resemble True Parents and work for the sake of realizing their will. True Parents' teachings are the guidebooks and textbooks to help you live such lives. The important task for you as blessed families is to fulfill the mission of tribal messiahs. One day, you too will go to the spirit world. If you fail to fulfill your responsibility on earth, your tribe members who are alive today will accuse you of not letting them know about True Parents. The only way to avoid being accused in this manner is to inform everyone in your tribe, without exception, about True Parents.
In particular, you members of the Malta church need to establish a foundation to receive assistance from the spirit world. You need to establish a reciprocal standard so that good spirits can come down and work in this country. From now on, you have to implement changes in your daily lives. This means that now is the time you have to invest your effort with utmost sincerity. We are happy people. This is because we are living with and attending True Parents, something that no one else in this world is doing. Never forget that God is with us. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/02)
Warsaw, Poland
10. On July 2, 2006, we victoriously concluded the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown here in Warsaw, Poland. I think with just the people who attended that gathering, there is enough manpower to bring Poland to God. In order to do that, you need to accelerate your efforts and work quickly with the help of those people to restore Poland. It is up to you to shorten the time period. You have to receive God's Will for the sake of Poland, so that it becomes a nation that receives God's blessing. Everyone who attended this program was inspired. I hope that you will share even greater happiness with them in the future and raise them well. (Hak Ja Han, 20/06/0703)
11. Romania's history is as honorable as that of Rome. Until now, you have lived as wild olive trees, but in the future, God will hold greater interest in your country after you become perfected, true olive trees.
It is okay to engage in intense competition if we compete with a good motivation. People from many different nations are gathered here today. What is important is which nation will be the first to fulfill God's Will. Many members and ambassadors for peace worked very hard for the success of the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown that was held here in Romania on July 3, 2006. This is the beginning. Those who are active and full of life will prosper, but those who are idle will decline. When we consider all European nations, this nation's development can be improved in various respects. Romania will rise to the position of a developed nation in God's sight if it stands at the forefront, focusing on His Will. (Hak Ja Han, 20/06/0704)
12. True Parents' teachings are the medicine that will make Slovakia a healthy nation. There is no medicine better than these teachings. I understand that many of society's problems, starting with family problems and youth problems, are arising in this nation. We successfully concluded the rally on July 4, 2006, but our work does not end there. It is just beginning. When you are empowered with these teachings and put them into practice, Slovakia will prosper and wax strong. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/05)
13. We are conducting the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown. You do not know how joyful all humanity is that we are holding Blessing ceremonies in every country. Because of Russia's church-state relations, some countries in Eastern Europe could not receive the grace of the Blessing. Whether we see this from God's viewpoint or from the human viewpoint, it is contrary to God's Will. Nonetheless, we must give everyone life by means of the Blessing.
That we can attend True Parents in the age of Cheon Il Guk and participate in this type of event is like a miracle. The fact that Slovakia participated in this historic event is truly a miracle. When I think about the countries that could not participate, I realize that you are very fortunate people. You need to reflect on how you can return that degree of joy to God.
Happiness that you enjoy alone is not true happiness. The more you share your happiness, the more bountifully it will return to you. Put true love into practice while feeling the happiness that comes from giving more than you receive. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/05)
14. God created us so that we would practice true love in this world. Are you living that kind of life? Are you living like that for the sake of your family, tribe and nation? From now on, you have to be determined to live like that, studying our teachings enthusiastically and practicing true love. I am grateful that people from many other nations participated in this rally in Bosnia. We have sown the seed in this nation. However, you, as Bosnians, have the responsibility to nurture this seed well, in a healthy manner. Therefore, you need to work to build close relationships with your neighboring countries and bring about greater development. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/07)
15. We say that a fruit is ripe when it bursts with flavor. Economic growth is important for Albania to become a rich and powerful nation, but for this it needs to become a strong nation spiritually. If Albania is empowered with the Word, within a few years it will become a prosperous and vital nation. When True Parents first started this movement in the 1950s in Korea, there were less than 100 members. Since Albania has 300 members, within ten years you will be able to make this nation strong and prosperous. The future of Albania is in your hands. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/07)
16. I have visited many nations before coming to Kenya, and I have observed that True Parents' teachings produce miracles. Up to now, life in Africa may have been difficult, but if you are born anew through these teachings, you will become strong and prosperous and will make major contributions to the world. It is important for you not to lose this opportunity. Therefore, you now have no reason to envy any other nation. In the Bible, it is recorded that Jesus said, "The last will be first, and the first will be last." This describes the age in which we live. Do not let God's blessing slip out from between your fingers. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/19)
17. I understand that Tanzania is facing many challenges today. I have heard that there are many orphans here who lost their parents because of family problems or AIDS. Other countries in Africa also face this kind of sad situation. For this reason, Africa urgently needs a movement for purity and a movement for true family values. You must go forth and purify Africa anew through movements for purity and true family values.
The situation of Korea in the 1950s after the war was more difficult than your current situation. At that time, Father mobilized a small number of people to lay the foundation on which Korea could grow and prosper. In those difficult pioneering days, Father launched a campaign for education throughout the country, focusing on middle and high school students. He taught reading and writing in the countryside and concentrated his efforts in rural communities. Because he made that foundation, Korea now takes its place among the ranks of advanced nations.
Your current condition is not as difficult as Korea was at that time. There are other nations nearby that are in a situation similar to yours. Also, you have many nations that can assist you. If you maintain the consciousness of being an owner and move forward enthusiastically, if you are determined to revive this country, thinking that a 24-hour day is too short, there will be hope for this nation. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/21)
18. You need to stand at the forefront of restoring Ethiopia and turn it into a strong nation. To do that, you have to launch a citizens' educational campaign. The ambassadors for peace gathered here should do the same. You have to begin this movement with your family and with the people around you. You need to practice a life of true love so that all citizens can live in happiness and peace.
Father started alone from a place where he had nothing. He started without anyone's help. Yet he built this worldwide foundation. We can only call it a miracle. Of course, it was possible because God was with us. I hope you do not forget that God is also with you. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/07/21)