Hak Ja Han
June 18, 2006
Chambumo Gyeong - Book 8 - Chapter 3 - Section 6
Photo date and location unknown
Miami, USA
1. You are living in an age of tremendous blessing. Unlike the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago, we now have clear conviction about the future. Accordingly, today we understand how we need to proceed. The words of True Parents are your textbooks; they will guide you. Please understand why even Father, who is the substantial embodiment of these words, does Hoon Dok Hae every day. The vision True Parents present to you today is not a dream; it is reality. It is our responsibility to realize that vision. Because you are constantly encountering True Parents' words, you cannot use ignorance as an excuse. I hope in the future you will be able to stand in a position worthy of your descendants' praise. This Miami region of the United States is especially important, because it connects North and South America. I hope you will become central people who will bring these two continents into unity and substantially accomplish True Parents' will. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/05/04)
Manila, The Philippines
2. On June 16, 1996, Father convened the first meeting of the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace for the sake of realizing world peace by bringing island nations together. After connecting island nations, what must we do? Until now, island nations, which are spread throughout the Pacific Ocean, have been subordinate to continents. These island nations should combine their power and put forth their voices in this age of the ocean. They should take the lead to realize world peace. We are drawing near the time when island nations will become truly important. Unlike movement on the continents, movement in the oceans is free; you can go anywhere. Fish move around freely. Looking at the ocean, we see a region that symbolizes people coming and going freely without obstruction.
True Father especially loves the sea. I am sure he saw pictures of this rally while fishing in Yeosu, Korea. You carried out the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown here in Manila on May 28, 2006. This 180-nation Universal Peace Federation tour is a period of special grace when we can inherit God's true lineage through True Parents and True Children. God desires a world where all people transcend national borders, races and religions, and are able to live peacefully. As Filipino church members, you must lead other countries in renewing your determination for the sake of accomplishing the Will of God. You must put this into practice. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/05/29)
3. The work Father has been planning will be accomplished. From a geographic perspective, India occupies an important location for the realization of peace in Asia. As I was touring various nations of the world, I was struck by the fact that there is not one country that has not been influenced by China's power. In the future, India will rise as a strong nation, together with China. However, a problem now is that the major powers are expanding their influence while thinking only of their own nation's interest, without any relation to God's Will.
From this viewpoint, we can see that India has a major role to play in realizing world peace. This nation should stand in the forefront of God's Will. The time has come when you need to manifest actual results. It is important that you do not simply live a ritualistic life of faith, just floating along while listening to sermons. If you carry out your activities enthusiastically, every nation of the world will help you. You need to especially take care of those people who came to this evening's meeting. I hope you embrace them with warm hearts. Please make strong connections of heart so that they will want to see you, and you will be able to visit them often. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/06/03)
4. You young people are a great source of hope for Cambodia. Of course, it is important for you to study hard at your universities, but more than that you need to understand the importance of purity. You have to start a purity campaign for your peers, and lead them to the marriage Blessing. You need to live a model life and practice a life of living for the sake of others in your school. Father teaches church members every day, but he always conducts Hoon Dok Hae too. That is because the Word is important.
How tragic it is when people in this world go to the spirit world without knowing True Parents! The history of witnessing in Cambodia is short, but if you take the lead with each member saving 10 people or 100 people, you can quickly extend your roots and sprout branches. If you do this, it won't be long before this country is restored.
Thailand and Cambodia use similar alphabets. There are church members who came here today from Thailand; you are one family, brothers and sisters under God. Now if these two countries join hands and cooperate, you will certainly harvest substantial results with which God can be happy. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/06/05)
5. Some of you Mongolian women are engaged in remarkable activities, and there are many women here who sur pass men in various fields. Accordingly, women need to take the lead and work so that there is no one in this country who does not know True Parents. The time has come when you as women can determine victory or defeat. Especially if Mongolian women make strenuous efforts, this nation will be restored to God within a short time. It is said that "the husband is heaven and the wife is earth," so the men too should make strenuous efforts. If men and women cooperate in restoring this nation, that will shorten the time frame even more. I hope all of you will work hard. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/06/17)
6. To accomplish any goal you set in this world, you need to work 10 times or 100 times harder than others. You should set the personal goal of making these teachings known to everyone around you. Invest your efforts to achieve that. You have to do your best, especially to have all your blood relatives receive the Blessing. Think that the extent of your efforts will determine how quickly this nation will develop.
There is no blessing greater for Kyrgyzstan than that of rising up by implementing these teachings. Kyrgyzstan has been living without a name until now, because it was suppressed by the Soviet empire. If this country is to avoid such a fate in the future, you need to inform all citizens about True Parents. We cannot say that our event on June 18, 2006, was adequate, but we did succeed in sowing a seed. There is nothing more hopeful than that. We do not have much time. You need to accomplish excellent results in front of True Parents as soon as possible. (Hak Ja Han, 2006/06/18)
7. Never forget the fact that each of you who lives in Kazakhstan is a revolutionary, and you are receiving enormous blessing such that you can stand in the same position as the Lord of Creation. True Father has said that this fallen world is like a field of wild olive trees. Blessed families have been engrafted with cuttings from the true olive tree. Accordingly, do not allow all those wild olive trees in the world to remain the way they are. You have to make cuts in the wild olive trees and engraft branches from the true olive tree onto them. Invest your sincere devotion for the sake of fulfilling your mission and responsibility as blessed families. Work openly so that others will be able to participate in the ranks of the Blessing.
We cannot even begin to imagine how much effort God had to invest before He could welcome Cheon Il Guk. True Father endured prison six times without committing any crime. Even while going through all of that, for your sake, True Parents led the providence right until the end. From that perspective, blessed families have incurred a great debt in front of God and True Parents. Our original minds do not want us to return only 90 percent of what we receive, keeping ten percent for ourselves. It is just the opposite. Our original minds want us to return more than 100 percent, even 120 percent. Until now, True Parents have paid all the indemnity and laid this foundation for success, but now is the time for blessed families to step forward. You should work in such a way that every last person knows the Will. You have to inform people of the world about True Parents. True Parents have appeared in the current era. You need to help people understand the importance of this time, the age in which we live together with the True Parents. (Hak Ja Han, 20//06/06/20)