

Humankind has been following a suffering path of spiritual indemnity in order to restore the ideal of peace and realize the original world. The agony of sin and conflict originating from the fall has expanded throughout history from the individual to the family, nation and world. Humankind has been awaiting a message of hope that will empower us to cast off this inheritance.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon is a messenger of heaven sent with a revelation for all humankind in the present age. God commanded Reverend Moon to work for the salvation of humanity. He is the True Parent of humankind, who has revealed the heavenly way and who has realized the ideal of true love as the incarnation of God's word.

Reverend Moon has spoken extensively throughout his life. Even if only one or two people were present, he would speak for the whole night. He would passionately speak the truth in front of a few as if he were addressing thousands. Reverend Moon has put his whole heart into teaching. Speaking to his followers, Reverend Moon has spoken a great deal to the public and to leaders of religion, science, politics, education, media and culture. His words have inestimable value. In speaking directly with groups transcending the boundaries of nation, race and religion, Reverend Moon has established an incomparable record as a prolific speaker.

The words of Reverend Moon, which address all aspects of God's Will and Providence, offer the solution to the problems of life and history; they are, moreover, the words of the Completed Testament for the fulfillment of the promises which were made in the providence of salvation.

Virtually all of Reverend Moon speeches are given extemporaneously, not from prepared texts. He speaks truth which he sought and found through profound spiritual dialogue with God. His words are love itself, pouring out from a heart of true love. They are the original energy of life, yet express the truth from myriad perspectives. God's special messages which have appeared throughout salvation history, and have revealed His will to all humanity, always come through one central per, son. The events of history at times allow one person to awaken spiritually.

For all these reasons, we are attempting to convey his words given to individuals and large groups in their original, unedited form. This is in order not to impede the will and truth of God, who is working through Reverend Moon. The words convey the urgent feeling of God's providence and Heaven's sincere heart. In order not to lose this, we have preserved the style of speech and some of the informal dialogue.

Reverend Moon's sermons, continuing to be transcribed from recordings, have been published thus far in 233 volumes of speeches. We are translating his speeches into many languages and are making them accessible on CD-ROM. People throughout the world are now studying and learning Reverend Moon's teachings. In these fifteen volumes we have selected and arranged excerpts from the 233 volumes according to subject in order that all people from all walks of life can understand and digest them.

The fifteen volumes in this series are:

Blessing and Ideal Family Part I

Blessing and Ideal Family Part II

Way of Unification Part I

Way of Unification Part II

Way of the Spiritual Leader Part I

Way of the Spiritual Leader Part II

Unification Family Life

Raising Children in God's Will

The Way for Students

The Way for Young People

The Way for a True Child

Tribal Messiah

True Parents

Earthly Life and Spirit World Part I

Earthly Life and Spirit World Part II

The words recorded in these volumes provide us the ability to reflect on ourselves and to be reborn through deep inspiration. They are precious words that clearly reveal the way to go in life. They speak about the destiny of humankind and contain prophecy. These are the original principles of life, with concrete practical directions for the realization of a world of peace, which Reverend Moon is himself pioneering and establishing. You who read these books will assimilate these words spiritually and be transformed. You will be able to experience God's grace and guidance. Thus these words are expanding the way of Heaven.

Following the guidance of Heaven, Reverend Moon has not only spoken, but has also substantially demonstrated the value and truthful, ness of his words as applied to the individual, the family, society, nation, world and universe. Reverend Moon teaches about the will of God to all walks of society, and has been presenting his vision for peace through his work for the sake of the unity and harmony of religions, the initiation of a new culture, the building of a world Of peace, the encouragement of value-oriented education and a moral media, the equalization of wealth, and international holy marriage blessings. In coming to hear or read the words of Reverend Moon, leaders discover the proper way to guide their society and nation, and educators realize the true path of a teacher. When parents and children read these words together they will discover the true way for their family and find happiness.

I want to salute and express my thanks to those who worked in the translation and editing of these volumes. We pray that in studying and practicing the words in these books, you will experience the grace and blessings of the God who has been living, breathing and working with us throughout history.

Chung Hwan Kwak

International President Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International

March 1998

Chapter 4 - The Blessing of the Second Generation and the Way of Husband and Wife

Section 1. The View of True Love Between Man and Woman

1) God's Motivation for Creating Everything

What does God need? God does not need money, or knowledge. If you go in front of God and say, "I have a Ph.D. in Natural History because of my abundant knowledge," do you think that God will say to you, "You are great," or "You are arrogant"? Which one would He say? We don't have anything worth showing off. God is the King of knowledge, and even if you say, "I have been president of a country," He will say to you, "You fool!" You may ask God to recognize your authority as president of a country, but God already has such. What He needs is not money or knowledge or power, what He needs is love. (187-44)

What is God's motivation for creating the whole creation? It is now a fundamental question. He is the King of all beings. Yet He lacks one thing. He has it but He cannot use it. What is it then? It is Love. Love is in His mind but has not been able to be expressed. He wants to touch, bite, swear, shock, and to do more, but He cannot do so. Is it not the same for you? For example, when you have a nice physical object, you look at it from the front, the back and the sides and want to open it up to be able to see more. You want to know more about it. But in terms of Love, God cannot do it by Himself. This is the problem.

God feels bored. Think about God. For many billions of years, He has been alone. "Oh, I am very happy sitting upon this throne, Lord of all creation! " Do you think that is what He said? There is nothing more pitiful than to be alone. There is nothing harder than that. You probably feel lonely just when your friends are not around. Isn't that so? (188-122)

2) The Reason God Created the Universe as a Pair-System

If you want to enjoy the universe with God's love, what should the universe be like? Not only should God be able to enjoy, but also the universe should be joyful. Therefore, God created the universe as a pair-system. This is the correct theory. Even the mineral world exists as a pair-system. You cannot deny this. How does a crystal form? Do you know? It begins as a small particle and then it becomes larger as other particles join in. Using this concept of the pair-system, the crystal is able to expand and continue to grow. You cannot see this process, but it is happening everywhere.

You ask, "How did the universe come about?" It came out of the standard of the concept of love. That is why everything exists as subject and object partners, to bring about harmony. You cannot love by yourself. That is why the entire universe must exist as a pair-system. Do you think this is correct? (Yes) The mineral world exists as a pair-system. The animal world also exists as a pair-system within each species. Then, even though God may try to put two different species together, saying, "You, go and join with another species," they will not listen. Why? It is the principle that He has set up. He can not change it.

The ideal of love must follow the principle of harmony, so that internal nature and external form can come together and participate in give-and-take action. Without this principle, any exchange between the two is a loss. That is why the whole universe follows this pair system. So Teacher's theory is right. The creation of the universe was accomplished with the theme of love. Everything is like that. That is very theoretical. Do you understand or not? (Yes, we understand.) We must make this clear to others. (182-123)

It is the same with animals. The season is now fall; the frost has yet to come. When you go up the hill and try to have a nap, you can hear many insects singing. It is like an orchestra; you can hear many different kinds of insects. One says "bik" and another "zak, zak;" all are in harmony. The quality of man's orchestra cannot be compared to nature's orchestra, not even our New York Symphony orchestra. The sounds of insects are so harmonious. What do you think it is all for? They are all seeking partners. Their foreheads are close together, and they rub each other's faces with arms and legs. Just as when parakeets are in love. This is how it is.

Why are they like that? All creation was created centered on the theme of love. If all things were made different, then it would cause a big problem. They would wonder, "Why are we different, while man can love each other as pairs?" God knew that this could happen, and being the King of wisdom, He knew that the universe must be created as a pair-system. From the smallest being on up, all can live their lives joyfully, singing for eternity, in this universe. (182-127)

3) The Reason Man and Woman Were Born

You should know yourself. Who am I? I was born as the fruit of the vertical love of God and the horizontal love of True Parents. We all should be like this, mind and body united at right angles. But due to the fall, we are born through Satan's blood lineage, so this has not been possible.

If we ask, what is Satan, he is the one who destroyed the ideal partnership of Adam and Eve, instead of protecting it. He was against them. Do you understand? He invaded and raped what was supposed to be protected by the universal power. So, as we succeed to the fallen blood lineage of Satan, we stand in the position of being against love, which is God's original nature. We also stand in the position as another plus, and therefore our mind and body have been in conflict as eternal enemies.

It is the responsibility of religions to eliminate this conflict. If religions do not know this truth, then there is no liberation. When you know this theory, then you are able to change the substantial social realities. If your theory is not correct, you cannot survive long. Do you understand? (Yes)

So you now know that man should follow the path of love. Then what is woman born for? For whom is she born? What are humans? When we talk about humans, there is man and there is woman. So, what is man and what is woman. Why were you born? You women, do you ever regret that you were born a woman? "Why was I born as a woman, not as a man?" Didn't you regret in this way? Please, do not worry.

When man goes out and hunts many different kinds of things, who will be proud of it? Horizontally, he only has his wife to show off to. You should think like this. Man gives everything that he has gained from going north, south, east and west, working in the four season of spring, summer, fall and winter, to his wife. Do you understand? Woman is the master keeper of all that man harvests. Also his love. He wants to give, while woman wants to receive.

You women, you marry. Why do you marry? When you are asked, you usually answer, "I married to receive love." Have you ever heard any one say, "I marry to give my love"? Why would someone say this? It is because it is the age of action. But women should think of giving love in turn while she receives love. In relation to the spherical form, man should give from the position of Yang, then women should give from the position of Yin. As they revolve, in give and take action, they move toward life centered on that love. So, when a woman cares for her husband's welfare, saying, "Oh, please live eternally and be healthy," she wishes her husband to be strong and healthy. She is even willing to go hungry for her husband's well being. You should support and stand behind your husband for his success. Do you understand what this means? It is very important that you do this. As he encourages you, you should give him a push in return. Husband must be prepared to go a hard course, over the back path of wife. This also applies to women towards her husband. Then the spherical form is created. Then husband and wife through right angles can meet in the center of the sphere. With this in mind, the question of why men and women were born has a simple answer. Men were born for women and women were born for men. It is as simple as that.

So, were you born to fight or to love others? (Born to love others) Then, how much do you like each other? Knowledge and material possession or anything else in your environment are not important. Think about how much you love your wife. You can forgive her anything. If you love your husband, even though he may cause you much anger, you should not become so agitated as to leave the sphere. Do you understand? (Yes) You must remember the first moment of love that drew you together. If you ever leave the realm of this love, the universe will chase you out. (187-76)

4) Flowers Must Give Off a Fragrance First

Should women chase men or should men chase after women? (Men) (Laughter)

Physiologically, do women or men reach maturity first? (Women) Because women reach maturity earlier, men are less enlightened. Due to this, when man and woman fall, the man is insensitive. So, it can be seen that women give off a fragrance earlier than men. Do flowers send forth fragrance first or do butterflies fly there first? (The flowers) (Laughter) As a flower sends forth its fragrance, the butterflies fly to it. This law of nature also applies to women. Women already think, even at the age of fifteen or sixteen, "Oh, where is my partner?" She starts to make a big fuss, doing kokoje (dialect of Father's home town); is this right? In Seoul, we do not use this word do we? Even modest girls climb their fences to look at boys' buttocks in spring. "How rude, that boy, passing by without even noticing me." She looks modest, but she still behaves this way. "He could have at least whistled at me." This is what women are like. You women, do you do this or not? If not, you are not a false woman, right?

Everyone here, when a man and a woman are in love, is there any difference between the love of the man and that of the woman? Or is it the same? (Same) I am researching this, because it has never been tested before. When you hear a thunderstorm, is the loud sound a result of a positive charge and negative charge occurring at the same time or different times? (Same time) That's correct. Is it true that when there is a flash of current, everything suddenly combusts? Even if you touch it slightly with your hand, it will shock your whole body. Even to the tips of your hair, zap! Well, when there is a love current between man and woman, do you think they want to become one or stay separate? (Become one) Perhaps they won't end up as one. (187-80)

5) Love Travels the Shortest Distance

Does God also like love? (Yes) Do you know whether He likes it or not? Have you felt or experienced this? God is of the spirit world, so how do you know that God likes love? For example, is it possible to tell whether or not an electric current is flowing through a cord? Can people know just by looking? (No, they don't know.) What can you do to find out? You can find out very quickly with an electric tester. You can also find out via your physical senses. Although electricity may be invisible, we can feel it when it stimulates our senses. It is the same with love. If you are not fallen, when God feels sad, you should automatically feet sad. When God is happy, you should feel happy also.

Listening to the story of a person who cries in great desire to have love, will your heart suddenly be filled with emotion? (Yes) Why is it filled with emotion? It is because we have the same elements. We are all composed of common elements. So, what would you do if you found God unhappy and crying for all humanity? Would you kick him out or welcome him? Would you kick him out? (No) If God was crying for any other reason, you will probably deny Him, but if He cries with an aching heart because He hasn't accomplished the purpose of love with mankind, all creation would want to give Him sympathy and help. That is the way the world of love works. This is eternally unchanging.

Centered on love, especially centered on greater love, if there was a man who wanted to work more passionately, then people around him, which is the family, nation and world, would be eager to move according to his will. (187-50)

We, mankind should connect vertically to heaven and earth, while horizontally connecting to each nation and then to the world, by doing our part. Then the whole world will be moved. Father should also go this way. If Father climbs up to the world level, then, on his way back, will not even the people who opposed him welcome him? This is the way things revolve. This is the way of heaven and earth. God has moved this way and Teacher also has been moving the same way, vertically and horizontally.

Then where is the place of consummation? The question is where is the point they are bound together? At the 90-degree angle. Why a 90-degree angle? What could the answer be? Love travels the shortest distances. Man and woman are representatives of the horizontal plane. There is only one way they can simultaneously come together. There are not two ways. It is absolute. Why? Because love travels the shortest distance, they cannot help but to meet at the 90-degree angle. Do you agree or not? If not, it is said that it is distorted. Is this right? Centered upon love, the vertical line and the horizontal line travel the shortest distance to meet at the 90-degree angle. Even a 91 -degree angle will mean that you travel a longer distance. Is that right? Therefore, theoretically the 90-degree angle is the most correct way. (187-60)

Perpendicularity is connected to absoluteness. Why is it perpendicular at the place where love abides? There are many questions to be answered on this matter. We will come to them later. Why should it be perpendicular? It is because love travels the shortest distances. It is a simple reason, but it is precious words. Why should it be perpendicular? This is the question. Why should it be horizontal and balanced? Centered on love, to be perpendicular, love should travel the shortest distance. When you go to meet the person you love, do you go slowly, as you would to meet your next-door neighbor, or as straight as a bullet? (Straight)

Have you tried this? (Laughter) No matter if it is day or night, spring, summer, fall or winter, however long human history will be, love wants to travel the shortest distances. Do you understand? (Yes)

So, why is it vertical? What is the shortest distance to the vertical line? It is so that a point in the highest position can be connected to a point in the lowest position through the shortest distance. That is why love travels the shortest distances in this universe. That is why it is a vertical line that connects high and low positions at a perpendicular position. Do you follow? (187-51)

6) Love Grows Bigger in Circular Motion

Do you need love? (Yes) What sees love first? Within your body, what wants to see love first? What wants to touch love first? The point is what is the antenna of love? The antenna of love in man is man's convex. What about woman? When convex and concave come together, it becomes round and then disappears. This is true with everything. What is an example? When a positive electric charge comes together to meet a negative electric charge, they create thunderstorms, but then return to being neutral, to zero. Do you understand? They are going back to what they were.

Next, love proceeds in circular motion. It does not become smaller, but becomes bigger and bigger. In this way, love has the desire to grow into bigger and greater love. Its nature is to seek family-level love rather than individual-level of love. You want the same, don't you? You seek the family level of love rather than individual level of love. You not only need your family, but you need your tribe. Therefore, a spiral action is employed to expand love. This is what we in the Unification Church say, "The individual is for the family." Why? It is to connect up to the bigger world of love. Do you understand? The nation is for the world, the world is for the cosmos, the cosmos is for God, and God is for love. Did God come to existence for the sake of Himself? He is for the sake of love.

That's why all beings that exist on earth want to be absorbed by love.

Does mankind want the same thing? For example, there are two people living together as husband and wife. Even though the husband loves the wife very much, if a greater love comes to the wife, then she will want to go to where there is more love. With greater love you can detach her from the other love. Although husband and wife are married, if one realizes that one can embrace people of your nation and the world, it is all right for him or her to leave the family. This will not be a bad thing to do. No matter how much the wife may cry, grabbing on to her husband, saying, "Please stay with me, the husband may leave his wife and children for the sake of bigger love. The people who move forward for bigger love are the people who are closer to God. That is why we call it goodness. Do you understand? (Yes)

In comparison, which would you rather take? Would you pick the bigger one or the smaller one? (We want to have the bigger one) No one wants to have the smaller one. Also, do you want to have a good one or a bad one? There is no human being that wants to have a bad one. Because of this, this is a common universal concept, the concept of ownership. This concept applies equally to everyone. But centered on what? It can only be love. Is American mothers' love for their children different from that of Korean mothers, or the same? Please answer this. Is it the same or different? The original quality is the same. The concept of unification is hard to conceive without love.

Then, is the love between American husband and wife different from that between oriental husband and wife? Is it different or the same? If a woman sheds tears for her husband in yearning for him, are one person's tears spotted, while the other person's are bright with true heart? They are the same. The tears of the oriental wife and the tears of the Western wife in yearning to see the husband are the same color. If you taste them, they are salty. If you say sweet, then they are both sweet. Isn't this correct? When you say, it is the same color, you mean that it is unchanging. (187-54)


Section 2. The True View of Marriage and the Ideal Partner

1) The Purpose of the Birth of Man and Woman Is for Marriage

Why was a woman born as woman? Is it for the sake of woman? What has Teacher taught you? What do you think is the reason why woman is born as woman? (For man) What is a man born for? (Born for the sake of woman) That's right. It was not known what a man was born for, but the answer is so simple, so who did not know it. Why did God create Adam and Eve? He wanted to see man's love and woman's love. That is what God is like. You cannot find God's love without looking at man. Can we find it from a monkey? However hard we try, we can only find it in humankind.

Love is not made on your own. It is formed in a mutual relationship. Therefore, the reason why God created heaven and earth was to present the environment as the realm of His reciprocators. Whom did God want to present it to? To us. To humanity. So, all nature around us is the exhibition place for love. Adam and Eve could have been the masters standing in the central position, looking at nature from four different directions, north, south, east and west. This would all be educational to Adam and Eve. What education is presented? It is the educational material of love.

All plants, insects, and animals are in the object position. All are part of the museum for Adam and Eve to learn the ideal way of love. They are the natural museum of love. Who is it for? For Adam and Eve. Because of this, the person who cannot love nature cannot love man. One who does not love man cannot create a family. So, if you ask why God created Adam, it is of course for Himself, but also for his loving daughter, Eve. Isn't this right? So then, why was man born as man? He was born for the sake of woman. If you pursue this further, from the viewpoint of God, He created Adam for the sake of Eve. This means that Adam was born for the sake of Eve.

When you say that A=B, then B=A. With this in mind, why did God create Eve? God needed to have Eve to show his love for Adam. What was woman born for? Because of Adam. Isn't that so? The two are born for each other's needs. So, what Adam loves is owned by Eve, what Eve loves is owned by Adam. Therefore your sexual organ is not for yourself. It is as simple as that. As this Teacher has searched with prayer, the answer is rather simple. The content is simple; that's what I have found. Why does a woman want to marry? For man to find his own master. Do you understand? Why? For man to find his owner. Who is the owner of a woman? Her husband. Why does a man want to marry? So that a woman can find her owner. Because man and woman cannot help but exchange ownership, they should do it by coming together centered on love. (144-93)

2) The True View of Marriage in the Unification Church.

In the fallen world, to love is somewhat dangerous. In the Garden of Eden, the only woman was Eve. But here in this fallen world, there are many women. More than enough. Then, all those women are trying hard to seduce men. So, it is hard for men to keep their own position, isn't it? This is the same with women. Because of that reason, after marriage, men should not meet other women. Do you understand? How do you treat other women? Treat them like barking dogs. Your wife is human, but treat other women as if they are the neighbors' barking dogs. Again, how should you treat other woman? (Like dogs...) That's okay, because if only you think that way, without speaking, then who cares? You just shouldn't tell them, then there is no problem. Also women, you must think of other men as what? As dogs.

So, after marriage, you should go along stuck to each other. The fall came along because of mismanagement. The wife did not have good management over the husband and the husband did not have good management over the wife because he was not able to educate her about the fact that he was the only husband for her. Rather than talking about education, the fact is, they did not love each other enough.

Question: If a person is matured in personality to the level of receiving the blessing, then shouldn't he be able to do so by his own self-discipline?

Answer: Individual perfection, at this time, is not absolute perfection as a whole. It is, in fact, conditional perfection. In the process of restoration, we can achieve only conditional perfection. Do you understand? So, even though they are standing in the position of parents, they do not know God's realm of heart. They haven't yet experienced that a wife is worth more than the universe, and that a husband is also worth more than the whole universe, and that as they love each other, they create great power to hold heaven and earth together.

For this reason, all the families blessed so far remain in conditional perfection until we can all go past this fallen realm. We should know this. Do you understand what this means? We are not in the realm of the completed Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and on earth. We are in the realm of conditional perfection. Since you are in the realm of conditional perfection, when you pass away to spirit world, you should go through another checkpoint. Later, you are perfected and will receive your passport to the Kingdom of Heaven. (143-335)

3) Marriage, and the Right Age of Marriage

Question: As other students are too shy to ask this question, I would like to ask it. When should we marry? Around what age shall we marry? And what qualifications should one have to marry?

Answer: You can marry early. But you may encounter many obstacles. You don't know so much about marriage yet. Once you are married, you may want to study hard. Even though you may be determined to study, it is not possible to do so. If you marry after graduating from high school, studying for university is a hard thing to do. Do you understand? Even after you graduate from university, getting a Ph.D. degree will be very hard. It is much harder to study for a Ph.D. after you marry, than to study before marriage. It may be four or five times harder. That means that if you marry before studying for your Ph.D., then you have a very slim chance of attaining a Ph.D. Do you understand? Marriage takes all your time and effort; therefore, it can be said that it is the fruit of all your work. Once you marry, it is final.

After marriage, if you try and study in a place away from your wife, it will cause a lot of trouble. Your wife will not stay calm. She may say something like this; "Well, loving darling, please come back, I don't need the Ph.D." Furthermore, children are born, and having many children makes things complicated. Men who think of doing something like this are not fulfilling their portion of responsibility. Once you are married to a woman, you should take responsibility.

You should take responsibility for your wife for your whole lifetime, When she gives birth to a baby, you should take responsibility for the baby. This kind of responsibility is expected of you. No one can help you, and you cannot ask anyone to help you either. Is that right? After marriage, can you keep depending on others? Only the two of you should share the responsibility. That is why you don't like having any other responsibilities. You then wouldn't like to study, would you? So, before marriage, you should accomplish everything.

At what age do you graduate from high school? You may be eighteen or nineteen years old. (Nineteen) Nineteen? If you marry at nineteen years of age, no one will employ that kind of person. If you give birth at nineteen years of age, how many babies can you have? You may already feel burdened. In this time and age in Korea, will people view with favor one who has just graduated from high school and says, "I am now married," or see him as a naughty person? "Oh, he must have eloped." If they see this, it will be hard for you even to get a job.

In principle, the age people should marry is over twenty-one years of age. It is okay for women at eighteen years and over, but men should be over twenty-one. So please forget about getting married; rather, think about what you should do, and do it in five years if it normally takes ten years to complete. If you want to have a Ph.D. after graduating from university at the age of twenty-one, you might have to study till the age of twenty-eight. While others do this until they are twenty-eight years old, completing it over five or six years, why don't you finish it in two years time? It is possible if you study twenty-four hours a day. That's the only way to finish it quickly.

So if you want to marry early, study hard from now on. You may not need 6 years to finish middle and high school. With two years of study, you can pass the exam to enter university. Government examinations mean that you can also pass through university very quickly. As you pass the government exam, you can complete university study even in two years time. So you take only four years for middle and high school and for university studies. Next there is the Ph.D. course. If you study and research, you can get a Ph.D. As you study hard like this, you can shorten the time needed, and all things are resolved without much worry. But if you are in school, mucking around wasting time, six years in middle and high school, and four in university, the next two years in graduate school, getting a Ph.D. for two and a half to three years, if not five years, then you can't get it even at thirty years of age. But you cannot marry at that age. Men should determine themselves saying, "I am not going to marry before I accomplish my goal." (100- 141)

4) The Portion of Responsibility and the ideal Partner

You should know that your portion of responsibility is important. If God had explained the portion of responsibility as I am doing to you, Adam would not have fallen. "It's your portion of responsibility! Yours not to eat!" If God had shouted, "Portion of responsibility, responsibility!" to whomever he met, they would not have fallen, do you follow?

_____, you also are the same. As I watch you carefully, you are a great worry because you are still at school, and you think you should get a good husband with a good build, don't you? If I want to be famous because of my husband, then I must have one with a good build, who is tall, not narrow-minded or short. This is how you think, don't you? That's why I think I will get a short husband for you. That is the way of restoration, isn't it? For the sake of restoration through indemnity, a short man should have a tall woman to be liberated from his sorrow. Please keep in mind the short man. Skinny women should have a rotund man to resolve her sorrow, is that right?

East is in the opposite direction from west. Yet they can come together because there is a center. Without the center, there is no eternal togetherness. Father is the center. Centered on Father, north, south, east, and west can come together at any time. Centered on Father, east can come together with west, and south and north can come together. Without Father there, there is no way for us to come together for all eternity. This is the principle. Centered on Teacher, if man is east while woman is west, they should come together, while north and south should come together. "That is not for me." This kind of attitude is not acceptable. The center can determine the east and west. Do you follow?

Do east and west determine the center or does the center determine the east and west? (Center determines the east and west) That is right: east and west is determined by the center. Because of the center, north, south, east, and west appear. Because of the center there is three hundred and sixty degrees. All right? You should know that. West appears not because of east, and a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree angle does not appear because of east and west but because of the center. The principle is to protect the center. We should make it clear. Should we define it clearly? The center is the one and only; that is why I make the decisions.

Who was the center in the Garden of Eden? God was the center. At that time, what would have happened if Eve had made a mistake and became one-eyed? If a sharp stick poked her eye, would she have become a one-eyed cripple or not? Did you think that because of the protection from God, it would not have been possible to be an one-eyed cripple? No. If Eve had, with her own hand, poked her eye, then she surely would have become blind in one eye. If she had poked both eyes, then she would have become completely blind. Then Adam should have said, "God, according to the ideal of creation, it is ideal for her to have both eyes, but she is blind. Please recreate her eyes." Can this be done? That one-eyed woman is his younger sister, isn't she? Then she is his younger sister, but at the same time she is his wife. This also means that Adam is her elder brother and her husband. Is that right? Whether he likes it or not, he should live with the one-eyed sister and become her guide. That is the responsibility of the elder brother and husband. Isn't this right? (133-151)

Men are different from each other, just as there are differences in spring, summer, fall and winter. If it is fall here, it is spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Fall here does not mean that it is the same in the south. It is spring there.

So, there are some that were born in summertime, some in the fall, some during winter and some at springtime. Men who were born in spring must be able to relate to those born in summer and those who are born in winter must adapt to those born in spring. This means that people's set paths are different. As the globe rotates and the seasons change, people should change to have relationships with people of different seasons.

Just as the seasons are in a cycle, one person's destiny is upward and another downward. Do you understand? But if people whose destinies are downward meet someone whose destiny is also downward, they will perish. They may die in a traffic accident or something. If your destiny is downward, you should take an easy ride with someone with an upward destiny, to ensure your survival. So, this kind of man should find a woman who is able to bring him upward.

As you meet in this way, it will be hard to get along well at first. It will be like a mismatch. You have to try for four years in which during that time spring, summer, fall, and winter will interact. If A started from spring and B started from fall, then B should move faster within the cycle to catch up with A, or visa versa. Unless you try to get along with the other person, it is not possible to bring yourselves together. This process is for everybody. Which season was given to you at birth? Am I a person going upward or downward or a transition season, a co-relating type or an opposite type? Everyone is different. We should first try to relate to each other. A few months' time is not enough to do this. At least three years is required. You must both pioneer to have a better destiny together.

Marriage does not mean that everything fits together. For example tragedy can still occur, such as all your children dying. Now, think about animals. Can you mate a wild boar with a lion? This is not possible. A wild boar must marry a wild boar. Wild boars have big noses with which they can dig the ground and find arrowroot. Lions do not search for arrowroot but rather go up mountains and hunt for animals. That is the difference between them. Their way of life is different. But with people it is hard to tell the difference.

Marriage is an important matter. We must have good marriages. Do you understand what this means? If you meet a person on the street, and you marry him because you think it will turn out all right, it will not last long. In your eyes, because it is summer, everything may look green. Because a green tree has beautiful fruit and crows and magpies fly over it, it looks good. But you should know what the tree could have engrafted to it. Without knowing, you can not engraft yourself to it. Pine trees must be engrafted to pine trees. There are different species and there exists boundaries between the different species. (120-317)

5) Responsibility Before Meeting the Ideal Partner

An ideal mate should come after you think of yourself first. The goal of reaching perfection is important. To get an ideal partner is to connect yourself to the object world, so having an ideal partner depends upon whether I can be a perfect subject. So, the precondition you must accomplish is self-perfection. Do you follow? When you reach adolescence, you want to love the other sex, but you before you do you must have set the condition to love your parents more. If you are a pious son or daughter, then you are able to have a relationship with God. This is the principle of heaven. It is the principle of creation. So, before you think of your ideal partner, you yourself must be a filial and pious child to your parents up to the point that you are so connected in heart that your parents can announce this in public. To do so, you must unite with your parents. To be pious, you should be united with your brothers and sisters. In your own family, there must be word that you are a true and good example. With this in mind, we should concentrate on perfecting ourselves first. Then you can begin to think of attaining an ideal partner. (100-149)

You are then in a serious situation, do you understand? Even though you are a grown man, you still chase women's bottoms... There are many women and also many men out there. A man can, without knowing it, fall in love with a girl and be controlled by her, even to death. This kind of man becomes useless, destroyed and finished. In doing this, he later becomes like a trash can. Teacher knows this very well, even though I have never been in such a situation. I have seen many things. To men, women are the enemies. To women, men are the enemies. You should be cool and ruthless, for the sake of your path. You must invest all your energy to have the right foundation; then you can have your wife, and woman can attend her husband. It is a serious matter: you only have one life. It will be a big disaster once you go the wrong way. (120-329)

6) Before Having a Partner, Complete Self-Dominion

As Teacher has been searching for this path, the motto for you is first, "Before dominion over the universe, complete having dominion over yourself." It is not the completion of dominion over an object. The desire to have love is very strong. The desire centered on one's self and the desire to have dominion over the world externally drives you strongly, but it is harder to have dominion over yourself. So, you must have dominion over yourself before the universe. That is why Teacher had set up this motto from a young age. Do you follow? Do you understand the perfection of self-dominion?

Then are you confident to have perfect self-dominion? Even though you say, "I am confident," the most fearful enemy that can destroy man is women. Do you understand? What is women's destructive agent? (Man is) Do you feel this is true? Do you?

You, as you reach the age of fifteen or sixteen years, you don't feel bad when a man comes near you, do you? You don't feel nothingness do you? Do you feet more interested? (No) That's a lie. If you say no, you might be a first-year student. Students in the first or second year of middle school may not be interested, but you, when you become a third-year student in middle school and become first, second and third years in high school, you may feel good. That is expected. So at that age, if you say no, you are probably lying.

Then let me ask you one thing. When a man stares at you, you feel shy, don't you? So, when a man looks at you, do you make a shy expression? When a man stares at you, you heart starts to palpitate. Do you feet this? This is natural. What it means is that you have some interest in men. If you are not interested, why do you blush? That's what happens.

In the process of self dominion, the most difficult thing to do is to not sleep. What else? There is also hunger and the next thing is love. An element that the devil can use is love. You can endure hunger and fatigue, but it is hard to not receive love. That is why in the orient, we have a tradition that male and female are not allowed to sit together from the age of seven. This is a good tradition. Love is the most dangerous thing, just like dynamite. When two people love each other and dynamite is ignited, you will still like each other. And when it explodes, you will be blown to pieces and you will be decapitated. It is seriously dangerous, do you understand what this means?

With respect to women's perfection of individuality, who is the archenemy? Man. Who is the archenemy of man? Why was the man called Adam? Ah-Dahm. (Korean sound), Ah, there is a wall. Man should build a wall, that is why he is called Adam. Why was Eve called Eve? (In Korean it is pronounced Hae-Wa). Because Eve fell first, she should restore herself and bring herself back. In Korean, Hae means "to do," and Wa is "come back and bring things over." Since man's name is Adam, he builds a wall around himself, and therefore Eve cannot reach Adam easily. If she could come over easily, she might whisper for Adam to follow her, wouldn't she? That is why he should have a wall that is high. Do you understand? You women, before you do Hae-Wa (do the work of restoration, and bring it), you should absolutely not act like Eve. Even if heaven and earth are blowing trumpets, saying, "Hey, you! Receive your bridegroom," still you have to say, "No, I won't. No, I won't." Say this up to three times. Still he will tell you, "Do it." Then you should ask, "Are you God?" and he will say, "Of course I am." But, you should say, "I am not convinced. Show me evidence." This is how you should handle the situation. By doing this, you will meet your husband. We say Hae-Wa, because women should restore herself completely. Women have always been the cause of trouble.

So, we should first quickly accomplish self-perfection, remembering that your ideal partner should be the one thing far from your mind. Do you understand the meaning of these words? You girls, you have reached the age of seventeen or eighteen. This means that you have grown to a mature stage. Say you were put into a room and tied back to back to a handsome man you don't know. You should be able to make your back seem frozen. The man will say, "I don't like this coldness." You should be like this. He should not be saying, "Oh dear, it's very hot, and it feels like there is an electric current flowing." You should make it so cold that he asks, "Why it is so cold?" Also, you should be able to have public approval that you have restored yourself from the fallen status. Do you follow? It is hard to go through this process of crossing the line of the fall, but only then can you have an ideal partner. That is the principle.

So, as you go the way of the Will, such things will occur. Even Teacher experienced this a lot. Spiritually, many women have tempted me, I mean, many of the most beautiful women of the world. Even Mother can not be compared with the kind of beauty I am talking about. But I am sorry to talk about this in front of Mother. These kinds of occurrences can happen. Do you understand what I mean?

7) The Way to Discern People

When God sees a man, He sees through to his mind. Next, he sees his past and then he sees his future. Do you understand? You young children and young people, you must think of the important aspects when you see a person. Don't judge them by their face, but look at their mind. Try to imagine their past and what their future may hold. Then you should be able to select the right person. Do you understand?

When seeing your own face, you may ask how come my dad met the kind of woman like my mum, who gave birth to such an ugly man like me? You may be able to point to certain features and say it is ugly because of my mum and other features because of my dad. A woman complains like this. You wonder how you can live with this ugly face and you may be deeply depressed. Please do not be like this. Do you understand?

Faces are like windows. By looking into a face, how many things can you see? You can see four main things. Even though your face is not that good-looking, you should have a good attitude and a giving heart. If God searches the whole world for a person, what kind of person would He like to find? A person as big as the world, how big is he? If his eyes are as big as the world and his hands are as big as the world ... then no one will welcome him at all. When you have a big mind, you are in harmony. You should have a beautiful and giving mind, and live your life centering on the mind rather than your appearance. Do you understand?

Then, in the future, would you like to have a wife with a beautiful face or a beautiful mind? (A beautiful-minded woman) You high school and middle school students. Good mind? Pardon me? A wife of what? (Good mind) Then that is good. In the future you should marry. If you are a man you should marry. That does not mean right away.

You girls, would you rather have a well-built handsome man or an average man with a good mind? It will be good if you could have a husband that is good-looking and also has a good mind. If he has both, it is good isn't it? You can't have it both ways. That kind of man will explode. If you have balloons up on a sunny day, how do you feel? If you have them up on a cloudy day, they inflate well. However, on a sunny day the balloons will pop easily. Do you understand? This is the way. What will become of a man with a handsome face and a good mind? Bang! He will burst. That is why a person with a good mind looks a little squeezed. He looks rather ugly. A good-minded person should have squeezed spots so that he may not be punctured on a sunny day. Rather with sunlight, he will expand like air does. That is normal. Do you understand girls? You should look at people with this in mind. If a person had a good mind and a good-looking face, he will blow up. You will find two things about a beautiful- looking woman, which is different from a man. Beautiful women have short lives and have little blessing. This is true.

Well, let's talk about your eyes. Our eyes only see faces, but what about God's eyes? God's eyes see the mind. What can you find by seeing the mind? (Past) God will see the past, present and future first then He will see your face and decide if your eyes suit your face, then nose and ears. If they fit well there, then he will look at your mouth. Close your mouths and let me have a look. The only differences between mouths are their shape, size and color. That can tell you all about someone's history and tradition and their past, present and future. Because of this, when you see girls passing on the street, at a glance do not see only their beautiful spots. You must know that a good-looking melon is bitter. Say, at a melon garden, you pick ten beautiful melons. All ten melons will taste bitter. Melons, which are squeezed and not well balanced, are very delicious. The principle of the world is like this. So you must see people from this kind of perspective. Do you understand?

So, don't look for people who change clothes every day. These kind of people always cause problems and go everywhere they want to. You should look into the mind of a person. People who are conniving and sly are like dogs of no pedigree. When the mutts have gone away, posh dogs of rich houses come out. This is what a rich house dog is like. Even the dogs are different. So people who wear clothes well, strutting around, being proud of their shoes, speaking cheaply saying, "I went to a place yesterday with somebody, it was good," perhaps disobeying school rules and concentrating on themselves saying, "It will be okay as long as I feel good, even my graduation will have nothing to do with me," these kinds of people will drift away. So you should be able to evaluate people based on these points. Do you understand what this means?

So, don't look at people's faces only. If someone is good-looking, he might be a dangerous person. This is 80% correct! Do you good-looking people feel bad? After saying this, I must tell those with good-looking faces not to cut their faces with razor blades or anything like that, because you are well known for your good looks. It is okay for men to have the mentality that there are no good-looking women who have good faith and are loyal to God. Do you understand?

So what attributes should you see in a person? You should find out the kind of attitude they have. You can learn about a woman by looking at her friends, the way they talk, walk and look. Then you will be able to say, "Oh, she is that kind of woman," and know her values. You, Hyo Jin, must also know this point.

Next, you should see how he speaks, on the way to school and on the way back. How he speaks to his friends. What expressions he uses when he is playing sports. He should be very active and not behave as though he is depressed. You must see all these aspects of a person and know his mind.

So men, you must be aware of flirts that are like dogs that do not have a pedigree. In the Garden of Eden, the fall came about because man did something wrong. At your age, sixteen, girls may seduce you. For example, they may invite you to go and have some peanuts together. But you should disregard them and pretend not to know, being just like a rock.

We call Jesus a "rock." This means that whatever the world may say about you, you walk your own way. You must say, "As I am determined to go this way, I must go as if I am ironclad, or like a solid rock." That is the way of man. Do you understand? Beautiful flirts, 80% will drift away. Even though they marry and give birth to children, there is not much hope for these people. You must go forward to the future silently; every word you speak must be meaningful. If your friend is working for a bigger cause, you should be able to sacrifice yourself for his sake.

Usually in a task such as cleaning a classroom, it is easy to see and discern who someone is. Some try to hide themselves here and there, trying to avoid taking a broom or a mop, saying, "You do it," trying to give the work to others. Just from a glance you know who they are. Treat your classroom as you would treat your own clothes. Treat the cleaning of the school as if it was your own responsibility. The attitude towards cleaning reflects the type of person you are. Do not try to discern people solely by their faces.

Next you can know people by the way they walk. Teacher knows what kind of person a woman is in one glance. Do you understand what I mean? It is possible to know how many men she will marry. Since the internal self is important, you should train hard to be good; even though your past was not good, and your present situation is not good either, it can be overcome. That is why we need education, and our Teacher. When Teacher tells you to do things a certain way, you answer, "Yes, I will do it." Then you should practice it. Whatever path you may have lead you can readjust it. If you are with a great Teacher and have great friends, you can correct your destiny. Do you understand?

All people have a different history from others. Some have a history that flows from North to South, some from South to North. Also there are some that make a mark in history by going around 360 degrees, North, South, East and West. (100-93)

Well, what kind of a person will you marry in the future? (By seeing the attitude of the mind.) What if a person seems to have a good personality and has a public mind to unite heaven and earth, and also has a loving mind and wisdom? You should say, "Yes," even though he is only one-eyed. Do you understand, you girls? It is okay even though he may be one-eyed, or has one false eye, or even if he has an artificial leg. But, what about the son? If his father has a false eye, will the son also have a false eye? (No) If a man has an artificial leg, then is he the son of a man with an artificial leg? (No) Look beyond one generation and see the future with the heart to embrace tens of thousands of years. Ladies, at your adolescent age, you should be able to observe men with this type of heart and mind. With this point of view, you can discern whether or not the person will be able to pass the obstacles that life presents. (100-112)


Section 3. Marriage and Life

1) The True View of Marriage and the True View of Family

What do we marry for? Let us talk about marriage, now that we know what we were born for. What were we born for? To accomplish God's Will of Love. What do we marry for? To accomplish God's Will of Love, which is to accomplish God's Will of the Standard of the Four Position Foundation by giving birth to good children that God and Adam and Eve had hoped to have. By doing so we can set up the foundation in our family which can be used as a global formula. If a family has no children, husband and wife can set up the horizontal standard, but they cannot set up the vertical standard. Do you follow? That is why most couples want to have children. Why do they wish this? Because, the power of the law of heaven has been working on people.

Isn't it mysterious? Why do women want to give birth to children after they are married, even though it is a very hard thing to do? Even women themselves do not know clearly why they have the urge to give birth. They do not know why it is human nature to give birth to babies, to love their sons, to love their daughters, and to love their husbands. They do not know why they would sacrifice their lives for their husbands, whom they love, or why parents are willing to sacrifice their lives for their children. It is to connect to the love of God, and by doing so, everything becomes victorious and everything falls into place. It is all due to love. We must understand this. It is not something made up by you, even if you wanted it to be, but it is done according to the program of the Principle of Creation, originating from the origin, God, the creator.

Just as a program you put into a computer produces copies, even though you were the one who pressed the button, so no matter how many hundreds of times the history of man changes in tens of thousands of years, the program always works on man's mind. This kind of power is from the action of the original nature, which you must know. Is it correct? (Yes) What were you born for? (God's love) To become an object of love. Why do we marry? To make, with our family, a spherical form. In this spherical form, what kinds of love abide in it? There is parental love, conjugal love, and children's love. Even God does not have parental love, conjugal love and children's love within himself. You must have a spherical form of love to access every direction (four directions), centering on the center. The sphere of love is accessible through the center, which is the ideal core of love. By going through the center, everybody can form the ideal sphere of love. Therefore, the family representing the universe is the headquarters for having dominion. That is the conclusion. Do you understand? That is the universe. That is simple, isn't it? (132-247)

2) Woman's Pride and Special Character

Can you women give birth to children without being married? Can you produce them by yourselves? You must marry. Originally, man can not help but to marry. Women are born to marry. Also, men are born to marry. See, look at women's bodies. Women's breasts are big, and their bottoms are big. This is not for her sake. It is for the sake of giving birth to babies. It grows big to give birth. Also, why do the breasts grow large? Is it for herself? No. It is to feed the baby. That is the way. (100-130)

I see that through this way, women have received the most blessing. Shall we talk about why it is so? Why? When God created the creation, woman was the last. When an artist creates artwork, the masterpiece comes at the end. Considering this, if we compare man and woman, who is more beautiful? Woman is more beautiful. Is it correct or not correct? (Yes, it is correct)

Think about animals, and the birds, male and female, which one is more beautiful? (Male one is) Why is it that the male is the one that is more beautiful? (To show off to women) Then it is the same for man. When a man looks beautiful, it is good to show off to woman. Male animals are more beautiful because of the process of creation. But, woman was created last, and this is why she is more beautiful than the animals. Woman is more beautiful than man. It is the opposite. Because women were the last creation. This is the pride of women. (100-132)

So, when God created, did He love man or woman more? (Woman) Did He love man or woman more? (Man) No. He loved woman more. The reason why is because man is the house of God. So, when man reaches adolescence, the age of maturity, he wants to dominate the cosmos with his command, and wants to be the first in everything. You, Hyo Jin, are also the same, aren't you? You all want to be the best, don't you? (Yes) That's right; man has more of that kind of desire. But, women are not like that. Woman, no matter what, does not think about being first in the world. She has only one direction. She wants to be somewhere where she can sleep comfortably, to lean on somebody. This is the kind of nature she has. At a party, the need to run away, breaking a wall and the nature to have a hard fight is not in a woman. She just wants to live receiving love and leaning on others, to have comfort wherever she goes.

When she goes any place, she wants to live being able to fit in, live relying upon others and to hang on to people. That's their way.

That's why women like to hang things on themselves. They want to live embracing people, just like necklaces do. So they want to hang off people and swing around and also dangle to-and-fro. She has rings on her fingers wanting to live her life fitting in. Why do women like rings, necklaces and earrings? It is because they want to live their lives being hung, being able to fit in and what? To live suspended from a point and to swing freely. They like these things.

What it means, then, is that woman is standing in the position of receiving love and being closer to God. Listen to the laughter of men and women. Men go "Huh, huh, huh," while women go "He, he, he." Look at their gestures when they are laughing. Men lean backward, while women lean forward. No matter how fat a woman is she laughs that way. You can research this subject. As we see this, this is women's nature. Do you understand? So, God may have wanted to love women more than men. Why? A man, like Adam, is the body of God. Women stand in the object position. When Adam reaches maturity, God should enter him. "Oh, this son has now fully grown up." By doing so he loves women. Women stand in the position of future object; that is why God loves women. That is why woman is the masterpiece, made at the end. Woman is therefore in the position to receive more love than man. Then, what is next? She can become a mother. Do you like mother or father? (Mother) Oh yeah? Father or mother? (Mother, Father) We like both. You like both of them. But the children, for example, Sun Jin, my daughter, when we are together in a room, even when I say to come over to me, she goes to mum, who is not doing anything except smiling, not coming to me. She likes Mother more.

Women should give birth to babies. You should. Of course, dad helps in conception, but it is the woman who carries the baby, and gives birth. Is that right? It is precious to conceive, bear, and rear a child. Man only sows. Does that mean he has no regard for the baby? Not more than mum. (100-132)

3) Marriage and Woman's Destiny

Women, no matter how much they have studied, are to follow their husbands. Do you understand? No matter how beautiful you are, how good the university is that you graduated from, it does not matter. This applies at this time and age. If a woman who has graduated from a famous university in Japan marries a man who has only graduated from elementary school in Korea, she should still follow her husband. If the husband is a farmer, then she should go to the farming village. No matter how beautiful you are, you must follow your husband. Can she go away leaving the husband?

When you get married saying, "Uh, I am a university graduate and clever. I think that man is for me," is that the way you would like to select your husband? That is absolutely not possible. It is not to be done according to your own will. That way may get you into trouble and lead to a breakup. In a country like America, beautiful women and handsome men marry each other according to their own love, but they break up in a few months. Do you know why? It is because they do not complement each other's fundamental nature and do not get along well. In other words, this particular plus and minus do not complement each other according their fundamental natures, that is why.

East and West will link up well, but East and South will repel each other. They can never reach the goal. That's why marriage is such a serious matter. When a woman has a husband that is the wrong choice, no matter how beautiful she is, her destiny is affected. A marriage does not work well only because of a handsome face. She should be able to feel what nature and ability he has, what direction he is going, but she can't discern this. That's why she needs to have a Teacher who can tell at a glance what kind of man he is. (120-317)

Woman's destiny, no matter how much she studies, is to follow man. Have you thought about it? If you are a thoughtful woman, you must have known it. You should know about yourself, "I am such a person to go this way. What kind of nature do I have? What kind of man should I meet?" Have you ever thought about it? Even if you studied abroad, it does not make you famous. When you get married, from that time on, centered on husband and wife relationship and on family life your life becomes diversified in many different ways. So man should take full responsibility as man, and woman should also do her responsibility fully. As you both take on responsibility, if one goes the wrong way, the other should take the responsibility of the other half. Father matches people who have this type of ability. (120-319)

This world is ruthless, very ruthless. Even your friend wants to use you for his sake, when he faces difficulties. Is that right? When you are single, you do not mind when such an event occurs. You should know, when you have your wife, you don't like to stay together with the friends that are single. The universe is made to be this way. Bridegroom and the bride are to be one. That's why when you study, do not think you study only for you to be good. You should think that you are going to have a great wife, and together with her help you are going to make your life very successful. You should think to be successful after the two of you meet together. Before the meeting, no matter how big your dreams might be, that dream breaks. Do you know what I mean? So, you must find the path that is in accordance with your fundamental nature. (120-320)

4) Responsibility of Man and Woman

You women, you stay at home, so you do not know how much your husbands must fight hard and struggle. Man is harder than woman. Look! Man should take the responsibility for the entire livelihood. Women, who stay at home, do not know this. When a woman stays at home, if she gets angry about something, then she can have a fight with the neighbors. But the man in the workplace, no matter how angry he is towards his senior whom people know is not good, must have patience and pretend that he has no problem. Do you know how many situations like this he has faced? Also, even though your juniors disregard you, you must have patience and hang in there. Women have internal problems. Women internally are simple. What kind of problems do they have? As they serve their husbands well, all the problems will go away.

Then, in conclusion, are women happy when they give birth to a baby and rear the baby? She is fulfilling her responsibility when she bears a child, and rears the baby as a great son of the world. To become a great mother of the world, she doesn't have to live in a country like America, right at the center of Washington, D.C. Even though she may live in the remote countryside in Korea, as long as she bears a child and rears him with hope and love, then she can become a great mother of the world. (100-138)

5) Women's Artistic Activity After Marriage

Are women's artistic skills finished when they marry? Why are they finished? Because Father is a man, you may say. But once a woman gets married, she cannot then go around and do her own work. The reason is that she should do the work of bearing a baby and feeding the baby. This is her given work. Then what can she do with her artistic activity? What is art? It is what you do to make your name famous throughout the world. You should know that the goal of art is to have an excellent and interesting life. But, what we need in our church is to have human resources for the world, isn't it? "For the world" means that it is good for the world, but also good for the family. (But it depends on how much effort we put in, doesn't it?) Look, for example: with your artistic activities, you can sing, and play the piano as the baby is sleeping, or play the violin while singing a lullaby. How artistic is that? In those circumstances, you can love the baby who is sleeping, while at the same time embrace the whole world. How beautiful art is. (It doesn't mean, though, that it is up to world standards.) Why isn't it up to world standards? As you put the baby to steep, if you compose a world lullaby, and sing it to the baby, then it is of worldwide level. It is not the only way to be of worldwide standard that you stand on a stage and the people of the world congratulate your performance. (Study hard and become famous throughout the world, then you can marry, can't you?) (True Mother: Ah, ah, it should not be like that.) No. To be an internationally famous person, to be known throughout the world, you have got to be sixty, seventy, eighty years old. So, it is not possible. You can become an internationally famous person, yet if you don't know love, then you area sad person. (100- 136)

When you think of art, you may think that if it is worldwide, you can go to the Paris Opera House and be welcomed by the public and all the people of the world will say, "Oh, it is great." It is not right to think like that. Doing something artistic means that you are making life beautiful, and therefore living a beautiful life. It is also the same for studying. You study to live a good life. Think about it this way. Look. Wouldn't you like to be a person like me? Teacher, how tragic am I! Wherever I go, there is fighting. I am ridiculed, chased, and rejected. Do you like it? How about it? Do you like that? Can a woman do this job? You may hear of somebody called Moon, "He is a great man." It does not happen by just sitting in one place. There is a lot of struggle involved. Women would hardly go through such severe fighting even if they were pressed. Women have there own limits. It is a risk to go over the limit too much.

When you do something artistic, you should think that you are making it a part of your life. We should educate children artistically. You should be able to serve and embrace your husband with artistic emotion, That is more excellent art, I think. I believe the value of art is to beautify and enhance family life with love. Women should remain with the family. So, you should marry. (100-139)

6) The Starting Point of Man's Rights and Woman's Rights

Centering on love, man and woman are equal. Is that right? Have you ever thought that it would have been better for you to be born as a man? (Yes) That is not necessary. Woman, as a woman, is like half a moon. You must know this. Centered on love woman are equal. Nowadays, some feminists say, "I heard that Reverend Moon of the Unification Church is against women's rights," but please listen to me. Those feminists should know that they should protect the rights of mothers. Centered upon love, are mother and daughter united? You must be united. Do you have women's rights based upon the foundation of unity with your husband? Do you have women's rights that allow you to love your children? These kinds of women's right should occur first. You bad girls, influenced by politics, you join the women's rights movement, disregarding your mothers, husbands, and children, forgetting the bases from which you should proclaim women's rights. What kind of women's rights movement does this? Stop it, it is not allowed. Woman's rights without the right motives should be thrown away. Do you understand?

What is the first of women's right? The right to receive love from parents, to love their mothers, the right to love their husbands and to receive love from their husbands. These are equal in value. Women's right to love children, and women's right to receive love from their children. When you have these then you can go to the next stage, the world outside of your family. You cannot deviate from this fundamental standard and raise your voice. Look at the women who go around doing the women's right movement. They act however they want to, do whatever they want to, kicking away their mothers and fathers, and disregarding their own children. There are no women's rights there. That kind of women's rights brings confusion, which is a satanic world movement. Our women's rights should correspond with the contents of the Principle.

So, you must listen to the words of your parents. You! You may say, "How come mum and dad keep calling us even though I don't want to go?" But it is to give you your rights as a man. Men should also have men's rights to be able to receive father's love, mother's love, love of brothers and sisters, and it is also men's right to receive wife's love and children's love.

Now, do you love your father? Do you love him? (I love him.) You love him. If you disagree with this, you are being unrighteous. That is the realm of Satan. This realm will be destroyed naturally. The universe will not protect you. But the principled power is absolutely protected by the universe. In ancient oriental times, there were sayings: "Family harmony which can accomplish anything" and "Three Fundamental Principles and Five Moral Disciplines of human relations." Even though history is changing, such principles are unchanging. That is why there has been education teaching the order between elder and younger, and that faith should reign over relations between friends ... and that friends are to be trustworthy.

7) The Attitude We Must Have to Accomplish Woman's Rights and Man's Rights

You bad girls, what have your eyes seen disregarding what your parents think and feel? This kind of country will perish. Teachers encourage students, saying, "why don't you go on a date?" "Why don't you party after school? It is okay to dance." These are Satan's tactics to destroy the ideal of heaven's nation by creating a mess. Do you understand? Who is allowed to touch holy men and women? In the old days, Teacher never showed his skin in public. It used to be that women did not show their skin, and Teacher didn't either. Nowadays, women show all of their body. In America, women wear mini-skirts these days. They let their bottoms and breasts show, walking along the streets with an open attitude, you bad girls. They are promiscuous. Is heaven's law working in them? There are many men who lead their nation to perish by following their promiscuous people. That kind of world will perish. Do you understand?

Well, what is Unification thought? What? (It is for the sake of others) Centered on what? (Centered on God's love) The issue is to accomplish the ideal of love. Without it, the ideal of love cannot be accomplished. A mother should even be able to write such a poem, "Oh my daughter, my eternal loving daughter," glorifying her daughter. You should be able to hear from your mother that you are externally weak like other women, but internally you are strong. How wonderful it would be if you became sons and daughters worthy of receiving such words. So, are you a pious son or daughter? What are you?

You people here, do you want to have this kind of children after you are married? How do you feel? You women, think about it. Do you want children like this or not? It is not important to you to have a good-looking face. Your face may look like a pumpkin on the fence. Like a wrinkled pumpkin. But it will be fine if you have love. Is this correct? Do you understand what this means?

If you are a woman, when you reach adolescence, you enter the realm of God's love. Then, when you come together, it is like a fire, and then God comes. God naturally abides. That is what I wanted to say. When God comes, He brings love with Him. Therefore when man and woman are in love, God loves it. Do you understand? (132-253)

You, when I look at you, I already know you well. With my senses, a glance is all I need to know you. You ... flighty people. Who would eat a radish that has been in the freezing wind, no matter how big it is? The top might have looked very green, yet when he finds that the inside is frozen, no one would eat it. Another radish, the top part might have been quite small, but if it is fresh, it is delicious. Do you understand? When you pick up a radish that has been hit by frost at the market, you will feel bad. Just by touching it, you will feel what it is like. When you lift up a frostbitten radish, it does not weigh very much.

You women, put up your hand if you think you are not a flighty person. I mean those who have not been influenced by America; for example, wanting women to be worshiped and expecting men to come and open the car door for you. This was the trend of the 70's. It was the stage of training to attend Mother. This trend was accepted for a little while, but now it has passed. There are not many days left till the mark of seventy years after the end of World War One, which was the time period for the training to attend women. People did not know the historical reason. God made everything be like this.

Women should know how to attend their husbands. Then what next? They should know how to attend their children. What is next? They should know how to attend their parents. Next? They should know how to attend the nation. It is good to attend God, but you must attend the nation. The nation is there for the sake of the world. Next, you should attend humanity. As you do this, you attend the world. As you attend the nation, you are also attending all humanity. These words have the same meaning. (133-153)


Section 4. The Blessing of Second Generation and the Attitude to Receive the Blessing

1) Foundation of Blessing and the Blessing of Second Generation

When Jesus was going to the place of death, the disciples were supposed to go together with him. We Unification Church members are to go the way of death. You should not run away. You should be determined to risk your life. Therefore, those that oppose you are even risking their lives. There are so many people against you. The nation is against you. Everyone is against you. Even your parents, your husband or wife, and your children are against you. They try so hard to go against you that they start foaming at the mouth.

So, you must know how pitiful we have been. Your parents have set up the condition of going the way of death, to establish the foundation of the Unification Church following the Teacher. That is how your foundation, as well as your parents, has been laid, with Teacher's qualification. Do you understand?

What we have been doing is to follow the process of restoration through indemnity. To receive the Blessing, you should establish the condition for indemnity on the national level, which Jesus was not able to accomplish. So, because of this we are to go to the worldwide mission field. From 1957, the national level of mobilization began.

During mobilization, they had a condition to eat barley meals. Some even ate dog food. They went out to indemnify the mistake of Israel. The mistake of Israelite people was that they did not attend Judaism. That is why the Unification Church members left everything and set out to indemnify this. They have all gone out for mobilization. What does "precious children" mean? They should be offered for the sake of the nation. For the sake of the nation, mother, father, and children must be offered. You must know that this was the kind of activities that were done by your parents. Understand? It was not to throw away their children. It was not because they didn't like you.

They went along the bloody path because there was no other way to go to heaven. Because the established Christian Churches were not doing what they should have been doing, we, the Unification Church, replaced the Christian Churches and laid the foundation to fight for the sake of the nation, through the Blessing, even when the nation was opposing us. The Blessing was held in public, in front of the Korean population of 30 million people. If you go against the Blessing, you will be in big trouble. The Blessing is now well accepted by the public, isn't it? Japan and other countries of the world accept it. This is the kind of work the Unification Church does. In the future, when you get rich, you will be very eager to be Blessed.

Did Adam and Eve know all the theory on how to love before they loved? From now on, young school students and university students in their twenties will come in masses to receive the Blessing. Then, after 40 days and 120 days of training, they will be Blessed; then they will all become Unification Church members. Do you understand?

That is the bait. What is the attractive point of the Unification Church? Young men and women are saying, "Unification Church families have very good family lives centering on the eternal standard. Secular world families are breaking up, but when you join, there will be no more problems." Saying these kinds of words, people will crowd into the Unification Church. Later, on university campuses we will give out "Application of marriage candidate." Then many will come. You can either be Blessed now or wait until that time. Should you wait? At that time, handsome men of the world, well-built, blue-eyed, and with blonde hair will come. That may be the time of your Blessing. Would you be Blessed at that time? At that time of blessing, most of your partners are likely to be westerners.

You, and your father and mother have suffered a lot, therefore you all look the same. They have given birth to their children while being persecuted and not having enough food. When babies are born in a comfortable environment with good prenatal care, good babies are born. You were born through difficult circumstances; that is why you look like empty husks. But one thing: your origin is good. Were there enough things to eat? Teacher was hungry, so you were not able to eat a lot. You must know what we have been through.

Now that you have experienced fundraising, is not a penny precious? "Dad, please give me money." When you received the money easily, did you think, "My dad is easy to get money from? You should know that there were many people who died. You must know that the money you are spending is like blood. Teacher is fighting so hard. I don't spend money. I do not spend for myself. You know the situation the world is in. You must work hard for your mission from now on.

Korean people in America are going through hardship to pay indemnity because Korea did not fulfill her responsibility. I see that Koreans have been suffering the most in their marital lives. But Koreans should have gone this way anyhow, shouldn't they? According to the Principle, isn't it the right way to go? Abel must go through the hardest course. That is why I have blessed you Koreans, to represent the people of the world. Yet you suffer so much, and your husband does not give you sympathy; but I do. You have been through a lot. So, if you don't have the ability to be self-sufficient, you cannot survive. You never know when you might be kicked out, do you?

Unification Church members don't know of any other place to go, because they are fearful of the Principle. Americans, the ones who had left the church, are coming back, because they don't know where else to go. When you see a person coming back according to his own will) the others will also be stuck here, because they don't have any place to go to. What good things does the Unification Church have? It is difficult here. During wartime, does anyone like the war? After the war is over, there will be a peaceful world that all can enjoy. (133-148)

Why do we Bless the second generation? If their families are under persecution from the world, we should not Bless them. But from the providential view, Unification families have been through the age of persecution, haven't we? Who made it possible? Your fathers and mothers? Who made it possible? (Father) Which father? (True Parents) Who is above True Parents? Heavenly Father! Restoration is complete when you attend three generations of parents. This means, centered on the vertical parents, who are God and True Parents, you should connect to your own parents as the horizontal parents, by attending them. There are to be three generations of parents. (144-70)

2) Providential Time and the Blessing of Second Generation

Now you have become adults. In ancient times, second generations in the course of Canaan's restoration had thirty-six enemy nations of seven generations. But you do not have thirty-six enemy nations. There are seven plus twelve families to overcome, which is less than twenty families. You are to be united with those families' youths. The foundation has now been laid, which means that their parents cannot oppose them. God has made it possible. Therefore, the restoration through indemnity has been achieved substantially. Has it been in accordance with the Principle, that Teacher has been teaching or has it not? We have been fighting in this way.

So, before Teacher Blesses church members, Teacher's family should be Blessed first. Then, the destiny of Korea and the world will be bound to you, the second generation. Therefore, this time my third daughter, Un Jin, was Blessed. You should be horizontally connected to her family, to go beyond the foundation of the family level. Do you understand? Even though you have set up the realm of family blessing, you should go down to rock bottom, where Satan cannot accuse you. Do you understand? This is the last battle, the last battle.

On the tenth, it is Teacher's twenty-sixth year since the Holy Wedding. A full twenty-five years has past. It is now the twenty-sixth year. So this coming Blessing has historical significance. As we complete this Blessing, the satanic world cannot accuse our families. If we cannot have the Blessing of second generations, we will be finished, because of accusation, won't we?

Next, we will see the trend that members of IFVOC (International Federation for Victory Over Communism) and all Koreans come, saying, "Let us ask Reverend Moon to give us the Blessing." People are saying that the Unification Church marriage ceremony is wonderful. Originally, this kind of marriage ceremony should have been called "Liberation Ceremony," to be held in style! 'When this one is over, we may go for an eight thousand couple blessing.

What is this marriage ceremony? At this time of transition, the family should make a solid foundation. The second generation of Satan's world will come over the bridge, which is your foundation. Do you understand? The children of Korean leaders are gradually coming over the bridge, your foundation.

The course of restoration so far has been the restoration through indemnity in Satan's world. You climb up the hill to get redemption and to build a nation. Then, you are to come down to make the foundation, to attend Abel's family. Teacher needs for you to do this. As Teacher has been laying the foundation, it is your turn to restore young men and women through village meetings, so that you can make the path through which everyone can go over the hill. This is the time to do it. Do you understand?

So, you are now at the frontline. This year's motto is "Chon-gukchang-gun" (To build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth), isn't it? You are now building the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand? Who will build the Kingdom of Heaven first? You should be the first. Centered upon the Unification family of the Teacher, the second-generation family must be made. By doing this, Abel-type families can be established horizontally throughout the satanic Cain world.

Up until now, people have come up centered on Teacher. Your parents have come up with you, to now stand on the same horizontal level as Teacher. So, Teacher's family is going to make the link of balance, centered on the third daughter, Un Jin. We don't need many: twelve families will be enough. It is okay with just three families for the condition. We don't need much.

When you say, "I marry today," it does not mean, "I marry somebody." The marriage is not centered on yourself. Instead, you are making a historical revolution in the name of the Unification family. Look, you are Un Jin's elder brothers and sisters, aren't you? She is younger than you! She had no idea that she would be participating in this matching until eleven o'clock in the evening three days ago. She did not have any particular person in mind. She received the direction to come and prepare for the Blessing at eleven o'clock that night. There was no process of approval or agreement. We do not need this kind of approval or agreement.

We do this work quickly to make things crystal clear. It is not supposed to include thoughts from a third person. Whatever the decision, it must be done by True Parents, not by any third person. This should be done centering on True Parents. So I don't take your parents advice into account at all. (144-128)

3) Qualifications for Second Generation Blessing

Do you know about the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance mentioned in the Divine Principle? What is the meaning of the foundation for the Messiah? Well, who is supposed to go that course? In the Divine Principle there are details of the paths that central figures have taken. Because of that we are to indemnify all of these in our lifetime. Then you must have firm faith; but I wonder if you are all ready.

Ideally, a conscientious man who has a good personality should do what he thinks is good before he speaks about it. If you have the personality as the subject, to put into practice what you say should not make it possible for others to accuse you. Do you understand? People who are speakers should practice their speeches. In Satan's world, even though you may be involved with fraud, they do not know the law of indemnity. But in heaven's world, the law of indemnity is clearly unavoidable. (144-55)

4) The Attitude for Receiving the Blessing

Fallen man should not marry. That's why there are nuns and priests of Buddhist and Catholic faiths. Why? The first ancestors of mankind were not able to marry, so you, as descendants of thousand's of generation, can you marry? The kind of person who goes against Heaven will perish. There is a saying by Confucius, "The one that attends heaven increases, but those who oppose heaven decrease." Are you qualified to receive the Blessing? Are you? Are you out of Satan's realm of accusation? How are you doing now? Are you not hesitating with how to go the Way of the Will? Those who are like that shouldn't be here, because your conscience will accuse you.

Your eyes: raise your head. Let's see your eyes. In your eyes, how many ways of seeing people do you have? Handsome man, ugly man, plain man, do you see them in such a way? You see people in three standards, don't you? In your eyes, do you see beautiful woman, ugly woman, and plain woman? Do you see like this or not? In the time of Adam and Eve, were there handsome men or ugly women or man and woman in between? Were there, or not? (There were not) Therefore in your eyes, you should be absolute, absolute and unwavering. Handsome men, ugly men and men in between are all the same. You have distorted vision. I can see you people trumpeting to me, "handsome man, handsome man!" According to the Principle, do you approve or not approve? Please answer, do you approve it or not? (We should approve it) Handsome man, not so handsome man, or ugly man, those who view men in three standards like this cannot have a true marriage. That will be a false marriage. Some of you here are closely related to Satan.

Did Adam have the right of choice? Did Eve have the right to choose out of many men, and did Adam have the right to choose out of many women? Did they or not? (No, they did not) There was only one man for Eve to turn to, even when she was crying joyful tears. She could see only one man, Adam. Even if he had broken legs or even worse, there was only one man, Adam. She was not allowed to see two men. Also Adam, wherever he ran around, no one else was there. He could not see two women. Could Adam and Eve select whom they liked? "I don't like Eve. I want another woman," could he behave like this? If he had been stubborn, he would have lived alone for a long time and then died. Humanity would have perished. This means that his race would have ended. If you marry whomever you want to, it is hell; but if you marry not according to your own will, then it is like the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now there is only the Unification world. Even the Communists are talking about it. Try to fight the Communists in the university campuses. Communists will be pushed out, not the Unification Church. Go and fight them. Now the unified world is near. In that world you should be proud of tradition. This means to be proud of the tradition of the Principle.

You come here without lipstick on, fearing Teacher's chastisement. You look into the mirror and say, "How ugly I look! Who would like to have me!" But it will be okay as long as Teacher's mind accepts you. Teacher will choose a good groom or bad groom. If you have a bad mind, no matter how beautiful you are, through my eyes I can see you going over the hill with one eye closed. Then, how can I get a good groom for you? This Teacher is a mysterious person. Did you know that? That's why I know if a country will perish and also the world.

Well, do you want to be matched quickly or not? (Quickly) The way to have a quick matching is to have people line up in two lines, close your eyes and grab one person each! Then how can you complain? The simplest way is to leave it up to your own destiny. Shall we do it that way?

I like that way too. I will pray for God's full guidance. Everybody turn around. You don't know whether the person is a man or woman? Then men should take their watches off and women should keep them on. "Wow, this is my husband, my wife." "Thank you." Then you open your eyes. Next, it is possible that when you look he could be very handsome. The glasses of love are the glasses of harmony of Heaven and Earth. Through that pair of glasses, even an ugly man with a rough and bumpy face looks so handsome. It is a blessing to have even a pock-marked person. You have such a face for the tears of love to fill the pock holes. With that thought in mind, as you feel his face, you may feel good. The taste of first love can digest the whole universe and can do even more. (144-82)

5) Blessing, Originally Parents to Give

What is the better way to choose your partner? Do you think it is good for me to choose or for you to choose? Let us decide. If I say okay, it is all okay. Isn't that right? Do you think that you can make a better choice? Do you want me to do it in a blink of an eye? Which do you want? (I want what Teacher does) I don't have that much energy, because I had a small lunch. You've got to give me a little sympathy. Now American members as well as European members want to be blessed by Teacher. That is their first hope. Therefore, I'd like to match you second generation, too. Originally, your parents should do it for you. With the right tradition of heaven, the marriage ceremony is the ceremony to inherit tradition. Everything is to be inherited centered on love. It means that the former generation is transmitted to the next generation. Have you heard these kinds of words? "People of the old age" and "Age gap." These kinds of words are around because it is the Last Days. You should go through the transition period. (144-92)


Section 5. Blessed Couples' Way of Love

1) Significance of "All is My Love"

Why did God create this world? It is because of love. What type of love is it? Have you heard about "all is my love"? _____! Have you heard about the words "all is my love"? You may have heard about it, but you do not know that kind love, do you? It is so mysterious and strange. It is sometimes like a circle, and sometimes long and straight, isn't it? But you, woman, can you find this kind of love by yourself? (No) There is no other way but to go with bachelors who have unkempt hair. That is the way. If you say, "all is my love," what is it? If you're receiving your husband's love, yet you hear there is a master of love, what would you feel? "Gee, how small my husband is. I would like to have God's love, all of God's love." You might feel this way. By saying, "all is my love," you may want to include God's love as your own. Everything is included in the saying, "all is my love." You should know that there is husband's love, mother's love, son's love and God's love, and that only love can hold all of this inside. It is not possible to hold everything with a wrapping cloth. Do you agree? As parents love their children they want to give everything of the world to them. They want to give, and give more. So big is their love, isn't it? But in terms of money, you look, Hyo Jin, I want to give you one million dollars, no more. That's about it. But the mind of love is limitless, unlimited, isn't it? It is so big it has boundless value. Do you understand? For this reason, those who have love own the universe. All happiness starts from love. The one who has love is the victor in any circumstances. This is the kind of definition or conclusion we can derive from love. No matter how beautiful a life you may enjoy, if you do not have love, you cannot be a victor, so you are a loser. Well, "All is my love," let's think about it, What is your name? (I am _____) That's a good name. You are well behaved. You are a single girl, so, do you want to have "all is my love" or "half is my love"? (I want "all is my love") Of course "all is my love." Even though you have a small face, you want to have love which is "all is my love." That is the way to think. (132-242)

2) An Aspect of Love

What does it mean to love? Does it mean to touch someone back to back? There is formation-stage love, growth-stage love, and completion-stage love. What do man and woman do first? They kiss? "You should learn," God said, "how to love, from kissing ... from top to bottom." Why do all men want to kiss? What does the mouth do? It provides the food we eat, the origin of life goes through it. So it symbolizes God. Also, what is the Word? It also symbolizes God. The mouth expresses the two meanings. Therefore, people kiss to express their love. You express your love to your children by kissing? Do you give your little baby brothers kisses when they are born, because they are so cute?

That is not sin. No, not a sin. That is from Heaven. (144-94)

3) Life Path of Continuing Path of Love

The reason why man was born is to travel the world of love. He is born to travel the universe of love. Do you understand? Is it a depressing thing or a happy thing? You think about it. When I was receiving the blood lineage from my mother and father, I received it in the midst of my mother and father's love. So, we loved from the time of birth. While you were in your mother's womb, did your mother and father love, or not? They did love. For nine months' time, they touched here and there. After your birth, they still loved, and when you entered elementary school, yes, they loved. How many years until university? Twenty years, twenty-two years? Six years plus three and three make twelve years, university makes sixteen years, plus two years in kindergarten, it is 18 years. In all that time, you grew up within the realm of parent's love.

Even when a father and mother love their children the most, they feel pain when they think about how they have not given them as much love as others. You don't know much about this, do you? When you give birth to your children you will realize how much your parents did for you. If, in spite of how much they loved you, they worked for the church, think about how much their heart hurt. Did they sleep easily and have a comfortable time? They might have had an unstable and uncomfortable feeling. So, you should think that your parents are great people. They were uncomfortable because they loved you.

Do you mature between the age of sixteen to twenty? Is that why people marry at the age of about eighteen or twenty? After you marry, you will love your children, and when they marry, then you can love your grandchildren. Grandfather and grandmother, they love their grandchildren more than their sons and daughters. You received a lot of love from them, didn't you? You receive more love from your grandmother than your own parents, don't you? What is grandmother's hope? To be able to sooth her grandchildren. Throughout your life, you experience childhood, youth, adulthood, marriage and then children. As you become a grandparent, you experience them again. Everything you have experienced in your life seems to reappear around you. Great-grandparents experience all these things as they see their children and grandchildren, in all directions, North, South, East and West. All descendants are intertwined with love. Then the more descendants you have the more blessing you have. What starts from love, flows out via love. Understand? Life itself is to continue the line of love. You cannot deny that you are born to love.

You women, do you fear giving birth? When you ask a woman who has given birth to children, they will say that it was like dying; but after the birth you forget everything, all at once. Also, a person who is seasick, once they have reached land they feel better almost straight away. It is the same. You will have that experience. It will be hard to carry children for 10 months, but after the birth, all discomfort disappears suddenly.

I never forgot what my mother told me. It was when I was young and my sister was about to get married. There were uncles and many in-laws gathered together for the ceremony. She said that the best time she had enjoyed was the time of rearing children after birth, even though it was with suffering. Why is it like that? When a baby is hungry, the mother's breasts swell, understand? All women are like this. As it gets bigger, you feel sick all over. Breasts are the most sensitive part. But it is hard to explain with words the joy of feeding the baby. Only the mother knows what it is like; no one else knows. When the enlarged breasts shrink, what a good feeling you have. Also when you see the baby's hands touching the breasts, mother's love springs up. So, all the emotional feelings of joy, anger, love and happiness that a mother experiences cannot be felt unless you become one yourself. That's why people say that after their eight children have left and gotten married, parents are engulfed with a terrible feeling of loneliness. It is true that they can visit each of them, if they wish to do so; but it is not easy to go many times a day because of the distance, so they always think about them. With the love they used to give, when they cannot go and visit, they pray and pray for the blessing. That is a precious mind. When this occurs, they are getting old. That's why, life starts from love and it finishes with love. This is the kind of principled and adequate way of life. That is to continue on from the physical world to the spirit world. (187-96)

4) The Way of Perfecting Women's Personality

Woman is only one half of a whole. She perfects her personality by loving a man and being able to embrace and digest all difficulties that come up. Do you understand? (Yes) You women, you should not open your mouth, but stay silent. Women have no weapon except for their mouths. Your mouth is your only weapon. Next is your facial expression. Once again, your mouth is a weapon. Do you understand? That is why women perish because of what they say. You will see that even in movies, when a woman endures without speaking a word, she is able to digest all difficulties. But if she says, "Gosh, I am going out," then she packs up and goes; later of course, she cannot return. Children will think that, "My father's persecution of my mother is reasonable." You should not just pack up and leave; things must be worked out. Even though your husband may hit you, don't pack up and leave. Instead, lie in bed and pretend to be sick. It is better to have revenge. Don't eat food for a week, but pretend that you are sick. When he comes back home, say, "Oh, you are back now?" Do it in such a natural way. Then when your husband sees that you are not eating, he will watch you for a week and then will raise the white flag of surrender; then harmony will come. What wonderful revenge. (Laughter) You can get revenge in a way that is for his sake.

If you say, "My husband is bad, he is worse than me," then you are a woman of no value. Even though he is an evil husband, with little ability, have the attitude that this gentleman has come to find me, at this historical time. He has come out, holding a flag through the many struggles that men go through to find a woman like me. You should think like this. You then meet to build the kingdom of peace and the kingdom of love together, holding the flag of peace. This is the way of husband and wife. Love should remain alive. Forgetting the pledge you have made, "Oh, you damn man!" this kind of behavior should not occur. Woman is half a circle, half a circle. Do you understand? Half a globe is what you are. The way women should go is, from the left side to the right, to complete the circle, yet not stepping over the man.

How does a woman go upward? By making the man come down, and getting a piggyback-ride from her husband. So, when the husband goes up, she can go together with him. The people of the village naturally lift a wife who works for her husband. She can even be risen up on the back of her grandfather. In that kind of a good family, because she has a big loving mind, before the three generations pass, she can give birth to a good heir, who can inherit the elder-sonship of the clan. What principle is this? The principle of three generations is working to keep things revolving. Things that revolve can have dominion over the whole. As you go through three revolutions, a new world of hope is found. By doing this, you grow through spiral form and become bigger. (187-85)

A woman has her house of love, a man has his house of love. But the house that the woman has is not for her, the house of love is for a man. The house of love that a man has is not for the man, it is the house of love for a woman. Do you understand! Do you know this or not? If you do not know this, it will be a disaster. Traffic accidents will happen.

Where is the house of love for woman? The woman does not have it. Do you understand? The houses of love are exchanged. Then why are they exchanged? By going through the process of exchange, this universe is connected. To connect this universe, it should go through exchange. It should be bound together. It is only possible by love. It is not possible by any other way. It is not possible by your way. Who do these eyes belong to? (They are mine)

You would say that your body is also yours, but love is not yours. It is your partner's. It is exchanged. Because the possession of love is exchanged, the couples' ideal situation develops. If you enlarge the point of exchanging love, it becomes an ideal spherical form. When you read the Old Testament, are there the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place? What do they mean? The Holy Place symbolizes man, while the Holy of Holies symbolizes the house of love.

Do you understand this meaning? This is the first time you have heard it, isn't it? Everybody has a Holy Place and a Holy of Holies. The Holy Place is the place you can attend God. Then, what is the Holy of Holies? It is the place you can relate with God, because only God has the special dominion over love. Holy of Holies is the place you can connect with God directly. Then where is it in the man? It is in woman's sexual organ. No one can touch this place. There are not two men who can see this Holy of Holies. There is only one, isn't there? The one who keeps the Holy of Holies must be the one to open it, but if it is stained, the one who touched it will die. In ancient times, if a different person touched it, he was put to death. That meant that the place was contaminated. Do you understand! That is why for women (Eve), Adam is the person who has the key. It is only that Eve was keeping the key for Adam. You must know this. Do you understand?

For you to make unity and love with God, you must love while attending God, do you understand? It is not merely the meeting of man and woman. When man and woman come together, representing the heavenly law, you should say, "To accomplish the ideal of creation, we would like to attend God's love. Please come here, and let us have sons and daughters you hope to have through us." Do you understand? (132-246)

5) Husband's Responsibility and Wife's Responsibility

When you become a husband, you are to love your wife, and not show your shortcomings. As a responsible husband, you should become your wife's favorite person and someone that makes your wife proud to say, "My husband is a great person." You should be this kind of person. I wonder if Mother thinks of me in this way? The same thing is applicable to the father. It is not easy to be a father to a person from a different family. In fact, you should think like this, "My son is also from a different family. I am just rearing him; he will go and work for the world." It is a father-son relationship, but in reality, it is as if he is from a different family. Therefore, it is hard to play the role of a father. The roles of the husband and the wife are not easy.

You should want to have a large family to take care of. If you look at a first daughter-in-law of a rich family, you will see that she has adapted well into her situation. No matter what difficulties she may encounter, she can handle any situation well. You need to have a lot of experience, looking after many people. When you marry, which would you choose? A husband with whom you have to stay with parents-in-law, or one with whom you do not? (With parents-in-law) Even though you stay with them, there will not be so much difficulty because of Teacher's education. Even though her father-in-law may admonish the daughter-in-law, the daughter will inherit everything he has when he dies. Do you understand? Even though her feared mother-in-law scolds her, she should overcome it without any complaint; then the mother-in-law will praise her with pleased words. Afterwards, you will receive precious things, such as jewelry, from her. Do you understand? This is the way to be.

A husband who has a bad nature may challenge his wife. Even though you may get upset and many tears fall to your chest, you can suddenly change your emotion and smile... If you are this kind of a woman, then you are a happy woman. How wonderful she is! What a beautiful moment of transition from tragedy to happiness.

When you women are going to marry, do you say, "I am going to receive love"? (To give love) No, women out in the world say, "to receive love." So, you marry to give love; but how do you give when your husband does not want it? How! If you still want to give love, he may reject you, right? Then, what would you do? You should keep on loving him, even crying. You must try to love him, even crying and risking your life for him. If you try to love your husband even to the point of death, he will submit himself to you. That is the way to be. Do not criticize all the cases you hear; each situation is different depending on how it is explained and how you interpret it.

When the husband comes back from work, she is having a nap; what shall we do about this? In the outside world, if the husband is well known, to attend him the wife hardly has any sleep. Doing her best, making her clothes look more beautiful, putting on cosmetics, waiting for her husband the whole night ... She is still not sure that she can keep the marriage going. They go through so much suffering. Do you understand? There are so many prostitutes with precious jewelry and pendants, singing and dancing, waiting to give whatever they can for your husband. Even though you have a great husband, you arrogantly say, "I want to be the only one to receive his love." Do you think he can live with you for your whole life? Look at your face, and think about where a man who can live with you for a lifetime is. How can he be with someone who has such round eyes, flat face, flat nose and lips, for a lifetime ... Till I get old ... ? How difficult will it be for him? So, you must give him your sympathy. (133-172)

6) The Way of Second Generation Blessed Couples

There is a certain way in which both of you are to go within your family. The point is not which one of you did well, or who did not do well, but the point is who loves God more. We are to follow this. Second, you are not to be habitually affected by your environment, but to develop and progress centered on love. A wife should love her husband and the husband should love his wife. By loving each other, a couple is for God and for the way of God's Will. To do his Will, you need to have a tribe, people, nation, and world. There are still things left to do, the liberation of the spirit world and the liberation of the physical world and of God's nation. Because of the fall, this has still been undone. You have to clear it. Man was thrown into the rubbish bin. Who will clear this rubbish bin? Not God, nor True Parents can do it. Because it is your own family, tribe, people, nation and world environment, which is to be connected to True Parents' blood lineage, you should clean your own environment.

In the course of the providence for restoration, who are the responsible people? You are the ones who have to stand as the representatives. You can do it on the family level and enter the realm of the blessing on the family level in God's kingdom. You can do it on the tribal level and enter the realm of the blessing in the tribal level in God's kingdom. You can do it on the level of a people and enter the realm of the blessing on the level of a people in God's kingdom. You can do it on the national level and enter the realm of the blessing on the national level in God's kingdom. You can do it on the worldwide level and enter the realm of the blessing on the worldwide level in God's kingdom.

Your position in the kingdom of heaven will be decided by centering on the content of love. In that case, you should think that for this cause you should love your husband's parents more than your husband, love your husband's brothers and sisters more than your husband, love your nation more than you love your family, love the world more than you love your nation, love heaven more than you love the world, and love God more than you love Heaven. There is no path connected without love; love is the answer.

God's love should drip into your mind and on your life. When God's love drips onto you, you have hope; but if God's love does not drip at all, you may perish. Your name will then be blotted out of the citizenship list of the nation of love. You will be eliminated because you have been disobedient to the traditional world of love. (144-131)

Once you marry, you cannot follow your own will. Which direction should you go? You must go to meet the love of God. Why was man born as man, and woman born as woman? It is because of love. Why love? Why do husband and wife come together? Man and woman are divided natures of God's dual characteristics. When they come together, they will receive God's love. So, our life is to find and to receive God's love. To meet God's love, man and woman should come together in oneness. Without it you cannot meet the love of God. Why do we need to meet God's love? By meeting his love, we can stand on the same position with God. We can stand beside God. Doesn't this sound the same to you? Centered on what do man and woman come together? It is not centered on your faces, but love. You are here for the sake of the love between husband and wife.

Why did God ask Adam and Eve to love like this? It was because God can be one with them centered on that love. If there is no horizontal line, you cannot draw a vertical line. The purpose of the love between husband and wife is to connect to the love of God.

Why do we desire God's love? Because when we receive God's love, we can go on to the same position as God. Even though you have only met for the first time, you can stand proudly together as husband and wife, centered on love. Is that right? When you are in love, two are one. You cannot run away. Both have collective responsibility. When husband and wife become completely one centered on God, they go forward to the same position as God. Not only do you reach the same position as God, but all the possessions he has, comes into the realm of your ownership. Love is amazing. It is of great value since it is able to reach the same level as God and to have ownership of everything.

What does this mean? If God loved Adam and Eve, He would give himself to them. Not only Himself, but also his love. Thereby, all the, universe belonging to God, is automatically bestowed to us. We need, the right of succession.

Man has the desire to be the best; with what can man accomplish it? It is only by love. Is it possible with money? By power? It is only possible by love. Only the love God set up makes it possible. We want to be the best because we have the original nature to be united with God in oneness centered on his love.

What is the best thing in the world? God is the best. If we reach that level, then what can we do there? You should make the whole universe yours, centered on God's love. Do you all have this desire? That desire and ambition cannot be accomplished with money, or with knowledge, or with power. It can be accomplished only by love. This is the essence of the Unification Church Principle and the origin of the philosophy of human life. People did not know this up until now. This content is simple. (44-133)

7) The Attitude Toward Life to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

Will you marry? Will you marry or not? What about you men? Will you marry? (Yes) Do you think you need children? (Yes) Why? You need to know God's love, parents' love, and know how to attend parents. You also need to know husband's love and know how to attend your husband, know children's love and know how to attend children. Not only to give orders to your children, but you should also how to attend your children. That means you have to know how to live for the sake of others. By doing so, you will understand God's love. This is educational material. Without having children, it is imperfection. That means you don't understand God's love, that is, how much God has loved man, his children. Without becoming a husband, you cannot know wife's love. Without becoming a wife, you cannot know husband's love. If you do not become parents, you do not know parental love. God created all of these for educational purposes. Not having children means that you cannot be true parents. Is this right or not?

So, to be the best qualifier, according to the original principle, you need parents, wife and what next? You should have children for you to be accepted by the universe, being labeled, "the most worthy to feel God's love substantially." With this you can get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Without this seal of approval, it is not possible.

Please expand the love experience in your family. Do not shrink it, but expand it. For that cause, sacrifice your family for the sake of your tribe, and also for your nation. It is good to sacrifice yourself for the bigger cause. Once you have set up a good condition of greater love by sacrificing, you can be connected to everything, with the ideal realm of love. Even though you did not complete everything, you can be a qualified person to enter the heavenly nation in the spirit world. Even though you loved within a certain boundary or within a village, you can participate in the same privileges as people who loved the nation, world, and Heaven and Earth. This is because the person would certainly be able to achieve the greater love with sacrifice if there was a situation in which he was required to show his ability to do so. You should know this clearly.

You should not be arrogant or proud of being the children of blessed families. You have got to stand on a higher level than your parents. When you see men of your husband's age, you should respect them more than your husband, and think they will be loyal people to accomplish the will for your nation. Expanding more, remember that you should love all people of an age similar to your grandparents' more than your own grandparents. Love the people of an age similar to your parents' more than your own parents. Love the people of an age similar to your husband's or wife's more than your own spouse. Love the people of an age similar to your children's more than your own children.

Even if he didn't do much in the family, a man can return to the family from the level of society to be a greater person. In other words, even if the man was not capable of much in the family level, going out and working in the society made him a greater person. That is what parents want, isn't it? You must think like this. How come things become like this? Our Unification Church ideology states that the individual sacrifices for the family and lives for the sake of others all the while living with love. Then, since it states that the family lives for the tribe and so on to larger causes, you should live for the sake of others while keeping in mind that you are representing Cain's world. Everyone should have this kind of mind. Parents, grandparents, husbands, wives and children alike. We can then enter the place where the loyal people of the heavenly world abide without hesitation! Do you understand? Clearly? What is the Kingdom on Earth like? The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is the place in which we do live in this manner. (133-138)

Chapter 3 - The Way of Children of the Blessed Families

Section 1. The Way of Parents and Children of the Blessed Families

1) The Significance of the Blessing and the Value of Blessed Families

What is the Blessed family? The position of the Blessed family is the position of having escaped from the sphere of Satan's accusation. It is the position of having liquidated everything which was wrong or which was mistaken in terms of the blood lineage, centering upon True Father, in order for your families to be restored through indemnity. This position is located in the completion level of the growth stage.

The fall occurred at the completion level of the growth stage. According to the principle of the three stages of formation, growth and completion, there still remains a seven-year course. In other words, the fall occurred before the final seven years. When Father chose Mother in 1960 he was standing in the position of the completion level of the growth stage. Since I was standing in this position, I received trials from Satan.

In 1968, seven years after 1960, God's Day was established. What does it mean? It means that fighting against the families in the satanic world was begun centering upon the family standing within the direct dominion of God, since due to the fall human beings were not able to consummate the completion level of the growth stage within the dominion of the Principle. Centering upon tribes and nations, I have been going the way of national-level indemnity and world-level indemnity.

The Blessing cannot be done before True Parents appear. Do you understand? What the Blessing means is that in order to inherit both heaven and earth, branches of the True Parents were cut off and grafted onto your parents. Therefore, it is not only for your parents to receive salvation. What your parents have to do is to form their tribes and nations, and when the True Parents enter into the era of the nation, they have to offer their tribes. Also, as you grow up and True Parents enter into the worldwide realm, then your families have to share the responsibility for being offered on the national level. You must be well aware of this point. In other words I gave you the Blessing so that you may be placed in the position to bear the responsibility and mission which you have to fulfill, even though it is on a level one step lower.

What does it mean to receive the Blessing? It means to change completely the blood lineage of the satanic world into the blood lineage of the heavenly world. When you drink the water, you don't know to what the water pipe is connected, but actually you are drinking the water of the heavenly kingdom. Likewise in the satanic world, you drink the water in the same way, but actually you are drinking the water of Satan. There's a complete difference. Although it seems to be the same, the content is totally different. Do you understand? Therefore as the content is changed, you are supposed to start on the family foundation in which Father's branch was given. That is the meaning of the Blessing. (June 20, 1984)

You must clearly know the root of the Blessing. You must be clearly aware of what Blessed families are. Born centering on the connection of love and married for the sake of the ideal of love, we have to form our families for the sake of the ideal of love.

According to differing archaeological points of view, human history has lasted approximately 150,000 to 1.5 million years. Even in the process of so long a history, no one has been able to find a way of solution. It is as if human beings have been falling for years from the top of a high mountain. Human beings have been falling down endlessly and limitlessly. God has seen that, and feels pity for us poor human beings. He has the embracing heart of parents who embrace their dead children. God has determined to take responsibility for this sorrow, and God has been enduring this sorrow. You must know how great the suffering heart of God has been.

During this period how many people have become victimized? Those people prayed when looking at a rock, they prayed looking at water, prayed looking at trees, and prayed looking at the sun, and they struggled, saying, "Help us if there is a God." Those people who were not able to understand the existence of God, wandering without knowing the way of the universe based upon the Principle, have become victims. And how many have their been? That sacrifice has been enormous and the mountain of the death of human beings has been accumulated.

Hidden among that sacrifice, among all these rotten things, what remains is only one grain of gold. For the first time within the realm of death that has enslaved four billion human beings, the Unification Church has emerged today. You must be well aware of that.

You must become the driving forces, which can digest that dirty human history as the fertilizer and ignite for the sake of the ideal of a new world. You should ignite or break out for the sake of the ideal of a new world. By break out, I mean you should start explosively. It is a great fact that the Unification Church which has a power and a content can do so. Throughout history there has been no greater event than this. You must clearly know that. (June 20, 1984)

2) The Difference between the Blessed Families and the Families of this World

What is the difference between the Blessed families and the families who are not blessed? To say that the Blessed families are God-centered families is ambiguous and not understandable. You must answer that the difference is that Blessed families are families that are centered on God's love, and the families in this world are families centered on the love of the satanic world. Do you understand what it means? What is the love of the satanic world? It is to live only for the sake of oneself and only for the sake of one's family. It is nothing other than that. It is a love that tries to make use of others. It is a love that creates divisions, which makes different sects, different groups.

Then, what is the difference centering upon love? Blessed families must clearly know this. The difference is the blood lineage. Upon whom are you hanging? You resemble the True Parents in terms of love and the blood lineage. Did you know that clearly? When you say, "different," what is different? Our eyes and noses and mouths are the same. What is the difference? The difference is the source or the point of origin. The Blessed families started through the True Parents. The True Parents started centering upon God. In terms of the standard of unity with God's love, Father is different. There is total difference between these two points.

What is the first difference? God's love is the center of all. The center is not our own family. Centered upon God's love, everything from the family, tribe, nation and world is included. Just say, "To love God with all your mind and all your heart is the first commandment." Then everything will be OK.

Since everything is included within God, you can become the participants of love. If you love you can have the right of participation, can't you? Though a woman doesn't know a man, if they get married and spend four days together, then both man and woman become partners and participants in love. That means they feel, "What I have is yours, and what you have is mine." This is the greatness of love that those who love can join and share.

Then what is the next difference? It is the right of inheritance. When a parent dies I become his or her successor and inherit his or her property. Likewise, if you come to receive God's love then you become able to participate in love in front of God. In other words, you are able to stand in the presence of God. Not only that, you are able to inherit all that God has. Love is amazing. Love alone can do those things; not money, knowledge or power.

When you have learned God's love and you have inherited God's blood lineage, can God curse you? Can He leave you? He cannot. Where do you belong? Do you belong to the satanic world or God's side? What's the difference? In what way are you different? You can say I have a love that God also can love and I stand in the position where I can inherit God's blood lineage and develop it. (April 12, 1986)

3) The Way the Second Generation Children of the Blessed Families Should Go

You must have ideals from now on. When you become old enough to go to the Little Angels School, you must not say this and that. You must set those things aside, and first you have to love all the people in your neighborhood and must become close to them.

You must create an environment in which people say, "Oh, in our school there are Blessed children of the Unification Church. They are frank, they have the best attitude towards their friends, and they are good models at school. If these people go, how lonely and sorrowful our school will become. How lonely we will become!" In case there are 100 Blessed children, they should be concerned about 300 children. If there are 300 Blessed children, they should be concerned about 1,200 children. That kind of foundation should be established. (April 12, 1981)

Jacob had twelve sons, but do you know who received the most blessing? It was Joseph. He was the eleventh son; and after Joseph, Benjamin. And what were the other brothers doing while Joseph received blessings? They were engaged in satanic activities. The elder brothers hated Joseph. The reason that they hated Joseph was that the twelve represented all the different directions in north, south, east and west. Those divisions started with the families of Cain and Abel. Likewise, even under the circumstances of being opposed by more than ten families and persecuted by them, still you have to overcome these difficulties with a loving heart. Joseph's situation is a lesson as a model course.

Joseph's brothers tried to kill him by throwing him into a well, and by selling him into slavery. But Joseph took the view that it was not his brothers that put him into that terrible situation, but the mysterious will of God. Thinking in that way Joseph discarded all his dignity, authority and desires, and loved them. On the foundation that Joseph loved his brothers with that condition, it was possible for the Israelites to be revived. You also have to go a way similar to that.

I gave you the Blessing, but I did not mean that you are allowed to live a comfortable life. Do you understand? Even if people oppose the Unification Church and hate us, we should love them as Joseph loved his ten brothers, and save them. In order to do that he embraced them and led them into the sphere of God's love. To stand in the position of bearing that responsibility, in the same position as Joseph, you have to take that responsibility. That is your position as Blessed children. This is the way for Blessed children to follow.

Since you are in the same position as the children who would have been born in the Garden of Eden if there had been no fall, you have to do the same work as the Savior's. Jesus was born as a sinless son but he was not born to live a comfortable or a good life in this world. Jesus' mission was to make this world better; after that, he himself would become able to live a good life. That was Jesus' mission. You have the same mission as he.

Even if God and Father make an environment in which you, the Blessed children, can live a good living, still that environment is not for your sake. You must know it is for the sake of the world. In order for you to inherit the Blessing for the sake of the world, you must love more than twelve horizontal brothers and sisters. You have to stand in the position that is recognized as the Unification Church's and in which they admit that you are the subject of love, saying, "You are the exemplary subject of us all. You are like Joseph, the eleventh son, neither the eldest son, nor the second eldest son nor the seventh nor the eighth, and you can truly inherit our family." All the eleven brothers must become like that. To do that, what kind of life do you have to live? You have to sacrifice without saying anything, and you have to live for the sake of your brothers. Do you understand? You have to stand in the same position as that. (April 12, 1981)

4) Love Among Brothers-Those Who Inherit from Parents

The families of the Unification Church give birth to many children. Whose family produced the most children? How many? The more brothers and sisters the better. One thing over which you must rejoice, is that the more there are, the more you have to share with brothers and sisters. Even sharing a cup. Two brothers sharing one cup. You have to do that kind of thing. You must not quarrel, saying that there is only one cup. No matter how many children are in the family and no matter how difficult living may be, if you have a loving heart for giving to your eldest sister or your younger brother, then all will be well even if you have to skip a meal.

If only you have a loving heart, then the situation of the family will become better. Do you wear the best clothes and give the bad clothes to your younger sisters or brothers? You should do the opposite. You even have to think in the way opposite to thinking in the satanic world. Blessed children should think differently from those in the satanic world. God is the same. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Among the brothers and sisters, those who do the most for the sake of other brothers and sisters, for the sake of parents, and for the sake of the whole, will receive the inheritance of the parents. Those who make trouble, who do not listen to their parents, and who do only what they want to do, will become the last.

Then what is your pride in front of the satanic world? Pride and faith in your father and mother. You must understand that. You must understand how Blessed families should live. You have to know what mothers should do and what you should do.

No matter how difficult the living may be, no matter what a difficult life you lead, still you should be grateful and you should wait, shedding tears in front of heaven, and overcoming a hungry stomach. You should be able to say, "God, please love our nation, and please love our people, and fulfill the wish of our mother." You should be able to say those things.

The more of those things there are, the more you should put the good things into your back pocket. God is like that. God has thousands of pockets, and God says, "Hey, I will give you this," and he takes things out from the bottom of his pocket one at a time.

To whom should God give those things, and when? God expects us to be patient. He says, "Be patient until you are twenty-one years old and then you will achieve complete victory over Satan." If you are able to understand that and to pray from that position, then the best treasure comes out from the pocket of God. But what if, when you are about fifteen years old you say, "God, I cannot endure. I have waited for fifteen years and nothing has been given." Then all the efforts you have made for the past ten years will have been in vain.

What is the most valuable thing? It is to be able to endure suffering and difficulties from the days of your youth and to pray. That is the most valuable thing. The sons and daughters who suffer many things and make the most efforts will receive all the inheritance from their father and mother. No matter how ugly their face may be, no matter how short their height, no matter how lacking in knowledge they may be, it is these children who become the inheritors of the property of the family. Do you understand? Do you think this is right or not? (April 12, 1981)

5) Correct Attitude at the Time of Giving Advice to Parents

Do you know that your father and mother are giving their loyalty for the sake of the Will? You all know that. Therefore, if sometimes your father or your mother is not loyal to the Will of God, you have to give advice to them. "Father and Mother, why are you like that? I think the way of the Will is this, and heavenly will is that, so why are behaving this way? You should do like this. How come you are fighting and quarreling almost everyday?" You should give them advice in this way. That is a good thing. If your father or mother makes a mistake, it will be terrible.

You should share the common responsibility with your parents. When you go home, in the case that your parents are wrong on some issue, then even if you are young you must still do something. You should approach with the right attitude and say, "Father and mother, I think this is what is right and what is wrong. What do you think? Is it the right thing or not?" If they agree that you are right, you should say, "Then please don't fight."

In those cases you should correct them, by going to them and sitting in front of them and saying "Father and mother, I have something to tell you." And then you should tell them what is important. Talk to your parents in that way. You have to do that.

You have to protect your family in that way. A long time ago when Adam and Eve were teenagers they could not protect the Garden of Eden, so today you who are the teenagers of the Unification Church, should protect what your parents cannot protect; by fulfilling your responsibility, you can prevent the fall. You have to know that. Do you understand what I mean?

Then your father and mother will say, "Well, you are right." By saying so they will be fearful of you and will hesitate in front of you. Then they will cease to do that kind of thing. Do you understand what I mean? Please guide your parents well by giving them your advice. Then your father and mother will give birth to wonderful younger brothers and sisters and form a wonderful true family.

6) The Pride of the Second Generation is the True Parents

What can you be proud of? Let me ask you a question. When you yourself love God, what can you be proud of? Have you ever loved God or not? What is your pride? Do you have the capability to love your father and mother who are blessed? Those who cannot trust their parents, answer me. What can you be proud of in front of Satan? If you, who have nothing to be proud of in front of Satan, meet me and receive the Blessing, then how much will Satan mock you? He will laugh at you, showing his teeth. You may have heard that people laugh with their noses, but you may not have heard that someone laughs with his teeth.

What is it that you are proud of? Being Second Generation? Second generation of what? You have nothing to be proud of in front of Satan. Then, how can you who have nothing to be proud of in front of Satan, receive Blessing in front of heaven? What is it that you can be proud of in front of Satan? Is it money? Is it your face? Is it your physical body?

No. What is it? Answer me. What is it that you can be proud of in front of Satan? Those that can answer me raise your hands.

Do you think there is anything within your parents you can be proud of or not? Why? Centering upon what? You say you have nothing to be proud of. What is it you can be proud of in front of Satan? It is simple. It is that you love God. Does Satan love God? When Satan comes to love God then everything is finished. Next, you love the True Parents. Do you love your True Parents?

Have you loved the True Parents as you have answered at this time? I don't believe you. What is the evidence that you have loved the True Parents? That is the problem. Your parents have nothing much to be proud of, but there is one thing they can be proud of. They love me. The fact that they love the True Parents is something that Satan cannot do. Satan cannot have it. In front of the world of the True Parents, Satan must retreat completely. Satan has to go to hell.

The only thing you can be proud of in front of Satan is loving God and the True Parents. This is the pride that Satan can never have, to love True Parents who are the center of this world. The same thing can be said of my family, my tribe. In my family it is my pride in front of my father and mother. Have you ever thought of that? What you can be proud of from the beginning to the end is only the True Parents. It is no good if you stay in the place where your fallen parents stay. In the place where the True Parents are denied, you return instantly to the satanic rhythm. Do you understand what I mean?

What is the best pride of the Unification Church? What is it that we can be proud of in front of Satan? It is that we can insist: "We remain loyal and die for the True Parents whom you can never attend, whom you can never have. That is our pride. We are fundamentally different from you who sacrifice others for your own sake." Are your father and mother like that? Are they the same as Father? What is your pride? The True Parents. What is next? Love. You can be proud of yourselves in front of Satan by having True Parents. There is nothing else.

Our pride is that we have True Parents in this universe, isn't it? What Satan regrets is that True Parents have appeared on this planet Earth, but what God rejoices in is the same fact that True Parents have appeared in the world. The world of the true family has come, and the true tribe and nation and world have come into existence. And now the Unification family has come to the stage where we can lead the world.

We start not with the unified nation but with the family centered upon love. (February 19, 1986)

7) True Parents and the Mission of the Second Generation

What is your pride? The True Parents. Where are the True Parents? When you are asked, "Where is the Kingdom of Heaven," you have to say, "It is within my mind." It exists within our minds. My thinking cannot be just my thinking alone when I become centered upon the True Parents and the will of the True Parents. This foundation must expand to become the foundation of the family-level heaven, the foundation of the tribal-level heaven, the foundation of the national-level heaven, and the foundation of the world-level heaven. All of them come from within the mind. Please follow the True Parents. The True Parents have turned all the barriers in the world upside down and have destroyed all those things.

Now the age of persecution against the Unification Church is over. When I sent overseas missionaries to 140 countries, they were initially persecuted in those countries; but now all persecution is gone. There is no more opposition. Within my own generation, I have stopped the history of martyrdom. In the case of Christianity, because Jesus was not able to achieve victory in the Senate of Rome, Christians had to be persecuted and sacrificed during the 400-year period under the Roman Empire. It is a terrible thing seen from God's will. But I have solved all those problems within my own generation.

Who exists within your mind? The True Parents? Do the True Parents exist within your mind? What are the True Parents doing? Fallen parents sowed the seed of fallen love and drove the whole world into the realm of the fall, but the True Parents have connected this entire fallen world to the heavenly world with love that transcends this fallen sphere. The True Parents are the central figures of love who connect heaven and earth. Therefore, the conclusion is that you have to love the True Parents more than you love the satanic world. Unless you love the True Parents more than your own physical parents, more than your own physical body, more than your own spouse, more than your own sons and daughters, you cannot inherit the victorious indemnity foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven that Father built.

Father has become famous in the Republic of Korea, hasn't he? What do you think? Am I famous or not? But are those people truly able to see Father? They don't know Father, except through my works. They want to see me, but how can they see me? They cannot do that. You are the representatives of Father. You are the problem. Only when you live with your heart and mind centering upon me and live physically as my representative and become those leaders who can deal with this Satanic world, can we make it possible for the Satanic world to disappear. (February 16, 1986)


Section 2. The Providential Time And The Way Of The Second Generation

1) Now is the Time for Children to Take the Lead

What day is it today? Today it is the day the True Parents' wedding anniversary and also it is the anniversary of the day when the twenty-one years of the three seven-year courses came to an end. Why did I summon you all today? What is the time now? From now on you have to take the initiative in doing what I have done. Centering upon the family of the church leaders, all the Blessed families must inherit what I have been doing.

Although your parents received the Blessing and gave birth to you, still many satanic elements are remaining. Since they have not fulfilled what they were supposed to and have not accomplished what they had to accomplish, from now on you have to act exactly as Father commands. You have to take responsibility for your parents' failures. You are now old enough to take responsibility for establishing the families of the Kingdom of Heaven by educating your own fathers and mothers.

Those of you here who are over eighteen years of age, please raise your hands. Over seventeen years old? Those who are over seventeen years old please raise hands. Oh, how wonderful! Do you know how old Mother was when she came to me as my wife? She was seventeen. Those who are over seventeen years of age raise hands. All of you girls who are over seventeen years old stand up.

Was it a happy thing or a miserable thing for Father, who was over forty years of age, to marry a girl like you in front of our family members all around the world? Please answer me. Was it a happy thing or a miserable thing? The world of God's will cannot be understood by the common sense of the people of this world. Do you understand what I mean? The person who was qualified to become Mother had to be less than eighteen years of age. It is the Principle. (April 12, 1981)

2) The Position of the Unification Families and the Era of Substantial Indemnity

Let me tell you in what position you are standing. The members of the Unification Church stand in Cain's position and you of the Blessed families stand in Abel's position. Do you understand? There has been a struggle to get the elder-sonship until now. Who are the eldest children? They are my own sons and daughters. Since my sons and daughters attend me, Cain's and Abel's are all supposed to subjugate themselves automatically. This is how the Unification Church is.

Therefore even those who are older should call my son Hyo Jin Nim their elder brother. Do you know why this is? It is because he has the elder-sonship representing the whole world-the family-level elder-sonship. In the fallen world the elder-sonship belonged to the satanic side, but now the elder-sonship belongs to the heavenly side.

Since that elder-sonship has come into existence, what happens from now on is this. If the Unification Church is in the formation stage, then you are in the growth stage and Father's family is in the completion stage. These three must become one. Who is the center of that? It is not the Unification Church members who are the center. The scholars and doctors who have joined the Unification Church recently must realize that. Even if you have doctorate degrees or even if you are excellent scholars, that is not enough. Those things don't count in this case. The members of the Unification Church are in the formation stage and Blessed families are in the growth stage and Father's family is in the completion-stage position.

The Old Testament Age was the age for indemnity through material things; the New Testament Age was the age for indemnity through oneself., and now the Completed Testament Age is the age for indemnity through substantial being. In the Unification Church even I had to pay indemnity through material things. Also, Heung Jin had to pay indemnity. Then substantial indemnity remained. Therefore now we have entered the Era of Substantial Indemnity. We have to go forward overcoming the legal struggle. Do you understand?

In my case, I have established conditions for indemnity even while I was in prison. I have been liquidating completely, as True Parent, all the burdens left behind by the Crucifixion. Therefore, the Unification Church has been involved starting with Hyo Jin, and next, established churches got involved. What next will be involved? The Free World will be involved. Next the Communist world will be involved. There is no need to fight with the Communist world. If Unification Thought is taught correctly, then there is no need to fight.

Then what is God's Will? It does not mean the separation of church and state. It should be the unity of church and state. We are marching forward toward one world, in which God-centered hearts are one. That world will endure for thousands and tens of thousands of years. Do you understand? The fallen world becomes one, centering upon God, centering upon the True Parents and centering upon the elder-sonship. This is the original way towards the Kingdom of Heaven and this is the principle for reaching the Kingdom of Heaven.

No matter how hard people may search for the elder-sonship or Abel's right, still they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without True Parents. If they fight like orphans without parents, then the second sons are going to be killed by the eldest son through strangulation. Therefore religion becomes victimized in front of those who have sovereign power. However, since the True Parents have appeared and restored the original positions, the eldest sons and second sons by attending the True Parents and creating unity among themselves and living together can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the Principle and there is no doubt that this is the last stage now.

Yesterday, Japanese leaders came to me and said, "It is indeed strange that when we listen to your words we feel like flying and floating around. Why is it?" Do you know why it is? It is because the time has come. You must make preparations for this time. You should not fantasize or daydream.

How about you? Do you choose the person you are going to marry or do you choose God's Will? How about you? No need to ask. Are you going to chose complaint and become losers? If you complain you become losers. You should answer, "I will not make a choice." Do you understand? Now is the time for those things. (July 19, 1984)

Jacob furthered the Providence centering upon his twelve sons; Moses did so centering upon his twelve tribes; Jesus also did so, centering upon his twelve disciples. Therefore it would have been a serious thing if Mother had not given birth to twelve sons and daughters. No matter what this world says concerning this, Father had to have twelve sons and daughters by all means. Do you understand?

From now on whoever they may be, those who secure the position and fulfill the responsibility are qualified to represent all other brothers and sisters. Even if a younger brother takes that position because he has fulfilled his responsibility, the elder brother should not oppose it; he should support it. In the satanic world this situation was opposed, and as a result there has been a history of struggle between Cain and Abel. In our age we should not oppose that kind of practice.

In our church you should not accuse others. Those who make accusations will be accused even in life after death. Those who attend the True Parents well and are willing to work for the sake of the world, will they be accused? In terms of trees they are the branches on the east side and the west side. We should protect them and should observe them and wish they should grow older as soon as possible. We should never accuse them. We know that all the historical grudges and resentments during the providence can only be solved by us. (July 19,1984)

3) To Become One with the Restored Original Eldest Children

When we view things in a horizontal way, who are the ones in the formation stage? Unification Church members. Next, who are in the growth stage? Blessed families. Who are in the completion stage? The True Parents' family. They are the central families. When we look at the children of the Blessed families, they are the second generation. Now is the time of the second generation, not the first generation. Even if the first generation become bait for birds in the wilderness, they have nothing to do with us. Since I had to enable them to survive, I did that by giving them the Blessing.

This is the Principle. In the spirit world this law becomes the Principle. You want to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. In order to do that how should you live? You have to become sons and daughters of God. In order to become sons and daughters of God, as Abel you have to save Cain, and you have to be publicly recognized by the True Parents. In order to receive public recognition by the True Parents, you have to become one with the children of the True Parents. Since it is the era of children, in order for you to become one with the True Parents, you have to become one with the eldest son of the True Parents, who is not the fallen son, but has completed the position of Cain. As your sons and daughters become one with Cain, they can receive the benefits of Abel's position and can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand what I mean? You have to know this well.

You cannot become one directly with the True Parents. Father's sons are the eldest sons. They are not the fallen eldest sons but they are in the original position of perfection in front of heaven. In the case of your sons and daughters, they enter the Kingdom of Heaven by becoming one with the restored eldest son through receiving the Blessing of the True Parents. Now is the time that you should repent and put everything in order. Whom do you have to love more than your children do? You have to love the eldest children.

In the course for the restoration of the fallen world, Abel had to work hard in order to restore elder-sonship. Just like that, you have to work hard, many more times, and even if you have restored the elder, sonship, there still remains the step-by-step process of restoration: individual restoration, familial restoration and tribal restoration. With what can we make comparisons! Can you have pride and glory in having restored the eldest-sonship? You have to say "God, we are grateful."

Whom did the eldest son deceive? He deceived his parents. You 36 Couples made many mistakes in the past. You loved your own children. I feel sorry for Hyo Jin and Ye Jin, my own children, because I did not love them and embrace them kindly. They had to be patient. Originally, you 36 Couples had to love them. Since I had to love the Satanic world, you, the 36 Couples, in the position of Archangel, should have loved and taught Hyo Jin by saying such things as "You must attend your Parents in this way." Originally, Adam should have been educated not by God Himself, but by the three Archangels.

In that sense the 36 Couples must represent the mission of the three Archangels. They have to take responsibility representing the Three Ages and the number twelve. They have to establish the tradition centering on the sons of True Parents' family, and, centering upon the restored eldest son and uniting with a grateful heart for thousands and ten thousands of years, establish the tradition of attending True Parents. But they could not do that.

Now that you clearly understand that point, with whom do you have to be united? With the eldest children. You have to become one with the twelve children, with my family. When we establish our positions, all of you must be registered and you have to belong to one of the tribes. When the nation is established you are supposed to belong to one of the twelve tribes. Otherwise, there is no way for you to stand in front of Father. Since there is such a principle, the Unification family cannot be shaken. Even if unrighteous people appear they will be eliminated once and for all by the Principle. (July 19,1984)

4) Discard Your Former Selves and Become Greater than Your Parents

You have to abandon all you have been until now. From now on, you should not only follow and learn from your own parents, but you should become greater than your own fathers and mothers. You have to become superior to your parents. Unless you can establish the tradition that your own parents could not establish in front of heaven, the way for your own parents to go will be closed. That kind of thing will happen. Therefore, your parents should be restored through you, just as Abel was supposed to restore his parents, according to the Principle.

You must know that those who have been Blessed by me must go beyond this standard. Do you understand?

You must not become such sons and daughters who live only at the level of parents. If you become like that, your family will perish. Those families can no longer develop. Since now is the time when we go over from the realm of God's dominion based on the results of the Principle to the realm of God's direct dominion, we have to leap forward. It is not enough to maintain the standard of faith in which you receive advice from your parents.

From now on the Era of Indemnity comes. The Communist world, which persecuted me, will be gone, and even the Democratic world will be gone. From now on the world will leap forward to the world of Godism and the world of Unificationism. For that purpose you have to become representative men and women who can perfect themselves centering upon the original standard based upon the Principle, and centering upon love as the core of the Principle. Otherwise, it is impossible for the ideal world of creation desired by God to appear in front of this universe and cosmos. This is the Principle view. You have to go to that position at the risk of your own inevitable destiny. Are you willing to go or not? (July 19,1984),

Everybody, now is the important time. Look. You who are now in America must become the exemplary role model for students, who can save students in the university towns. You must become a light by standing in leadership positions, which can show them the direction. You can be good at studies as well. Until now Father has been working while sleeping only two or three hours all throughout my life. For the sake of the world, I have established that kind of tradition. You have to inherit that tradition, and in the position of direct children who can inherit the tradition and following the tradition you have to study hard. There is no time for you to waste. You have to have confidence that you can accomplish in three hours what other people accomplish in ten hours. (June 20, 1984)


Section 3. Become One

1) Overview of the History of Restoration During the 40 Years After the liberation

Today it is August 16th, one day plus forty years since Korea was liberated. When we look back at the providence for restoration, we can say that Father had to indemnify the history of 4,000 years during this forty-year period. I had to suffer in order to re-indemnify the history of 4,000 years from Jacob through Jesus up to today. If Christianity had become one with the Unification Church right after the end of World War II, the world would have become one centering upon Christianity.

Such issues have existed since the problem of Cain and Abel. Cain was born first, and was the elder brother. However, the elder brother stood on the side of Satan and the younger brother stood on the side of God. Throughout the course of history, there has been constant struggle to change this relationship.

Unless Abel restores Cain, Parents cannot appear on this earth. Even if Parents appeared, there would be no attending of Parents. Therefore, in history whose purpose is for Abel to restore Cain, indemnity had to be paid through eight stages-individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and God.

In order to accomplish the Will of God in this providence, Christianity which spiritually stood on Abel's side, paid the price of shedding a lot of blood and lives, and subjugated Cain in the Satanic world. The culmination of this course was at the time of World War II.

Right after World War II, there came a time when Christianity, which was the realm of Abel, controlled the whole of Cain's world for the first time. In other words it was a time when the Christian cultural sphere had the privilege of controlling the whole world.

America, centering upon the Christian cultural sphere, should have established one world at that time; however, America and Christianity did not understand God's Will. Neither America nor Christianity knew how to solve the problems of this world or change this world into the one world desired by God. It was natural that they did not know this because it was intended that the Lord at the Second Advent, sent by God's Will, would teach them.

Christianity and America were like Abel and Cain. Through Christianity and America becoming completely one, Parents could be restored. According to the Principle, Adam and Eve are restored after Cain is restored through Abel. Adam and Eve cannot be restored first. Accordingly, in God's Providence, prior to Adam and Eve appearing in the position of Parents, Cain and Abel have to restore what was reversed by error, otherwise elder-sonship remains always on the side of Satan. (August 16, 1985)

Until today Christianity has opposed the Unification Church and all the nations centered upon the Christian cultural sphere -- America and other countries -- have opposed the Unification Church. Until now many religions and individuals all joined in opposing the Unification Church and me. Under this opposition, what has the Unification Church been doing? It has been restoring through indemnity the elder-sonship. This history of 4,000 years had to be indemnified in twenty years. By reducing to four years the period from 1960 to 1981, True Father established the indemnity conditions by 1976. Yet it has been postponed until today.

If at that time the president of the United States, the Japanese prime minister and the Korean president had united centering upon the United States, then the world-wide foundation would have been established on the standard that was restored centering upon Abel's sphere. However, the American president made mistakes and the Japanese prime minister and Korean president were not able to unite. Because of this, all ended in failure.

To restore all this, I have continued the fight over twelve years in America and through four generations of American presidents: Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. Going through the four presidents, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan and on to the standard of the fortieth president I have been fighting through the course of restoration through indemnity. Yet America and Christianity, who had the mission of fulfilling the elder-sonship, stood in the position of opposing me, and so I was driven into Danbury Prison. This situation continues even now. Four years ago, after we celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the liberation, Father was liberated. This is very significant. The number 44 is the number of completion. Centering upon that number we are now going on the way of the restoration through indemnity. (August 16, 1985)

2) Realization of the Kingdom of Heaven Centered on True Parents

Who is the Abel right now in the Unification family? It is I, Father. Also from the standpoint of the Unification Church itself, Blessed families are Abel to members who have not yet been Blessed. Therefore, we are supposed to become one logically. It is an amazing fact that we all learn the same Principle and attend the same True Parents. Therefore, without Parents there would be quarrels and fights. When we look at the fact in this way, we see that right now the order is reversed. In spite of the fact that Blessed families are supposed to take the Abel position toward non-Blessed members, if the families stand on Cain's side, non-Blessed members do not oppose them. They accept the situation. That is wrong.

Next, when we look at Blessed families of the Unification Church and at Father's family, which is Abel? Father's direct children are in the Abel position to Blessed families of the Unification Church. Other members of the Unification Church must unconditionally be obedient to the Blessed families; otherwise the content from the fall in the Garden of Eden cannot be indemnified. By the same token, the Blessed families and Blessed children must be absolutely obedient to Father's direct children centering upon the True Parents. The reason for that is that the Cain - Abel problem must be solved. Therefore, before I went to prison, I told Hyo Jin all those things. The question is, centering upon Father's family, who within the Unification Church is going to accomplish all these things?

Father is now sixty-five years old; therefore, even if I may be able to establish the traditional standard to some extent within my own generation, it is still difficult to restore the whole world completely. Therefore, historic providence still remains in order to solve problems by connecting with the second generation and a third generation. God is the first generation, Adam and Eve are the second and Cain and Abel are the third. Centering upon those three generations, a four-position foundation is established. By expanding the three stages, the four-position foundation is made. Looking at the three stages -- grandparents, parents and grandchildren -- it is the Principle that three generations live together within one family. Three generations always become the basis of the family.

Within the Unification family, if the members attend me as Parent, then the position of Father's children is the position of Abel and they stand in the position of the eldest children. From here starts the sphere of the eldest son. The sphere of eldest son is established from the position centering upon the True Parents. It cannot be established without True Parents.

Up until now it has been the sphere of Abel, and by expanding or extending Abel's sphere and restoring Cain's sphere, the historic way to receive the Messiah has been followed. However, now that the Parents who have accomplished the ideal of the Second Coming have appeared and restored through indemnity everything, the sons and daughters of parents on God's side must be equipped with the standard of restoration of eldest children and second eldest children.

If we look at Father's children as the eldest children or the eldest brothers, then people who join from this world through restoration become the second eldest children. They should be obedient. All they have to do is obey them. From now on, if only you believe and follow then the sphere of the eldest son and the sphere of the second eldest son will be established. Also, if only you follow the way of the eldest sons, then not only the Blessed families of the Unification Church but the second generation as a whole, will be established as Abel's sphere automatically. This means that you are going to enter into an age in which there is no need of restoration through indemnity.

For that reason it is possible, as never had happened in the historic course of Cain and Abel, for Father's eldest sons and daughters to form the sphere of eldest son, and for second generation children of the Unification Church to form the sphere of second eldest son horizontally. This is because the indemnity has been paid on all levels, individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos, through to the victorious foundation of Parents.

In this way, unless the sphere of the eldest son and the sphere of the second eldest son become one horizontally, it is impossible to realize the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That is the Principle. No matter how loudly we speak about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, it is impossible to realize it unless and until the spheres of the eldest son and the second eldest son are united. They have to be connected in the relationship of blood lineage with the Parents who have achieved victory centered upon God. Otherwise, Heaven is impossible, from the Principle point of view. Do you understand what I mean? (August 16, 1985)

3) True Children Unite First

Well, from now on you have to unite completely. In my family there are currently twelve sons and daughters, and from now on these children will have twelve families and will take responsibility for twelve tribes. No matter which tribe you belong to, you have to become leaders. From now on, I am going to organize worldwide tribes, so only by your becoming one can external tribes be organized.

Within your family from now on, you should never fight or quarrel. Until now you were ignorant, so you may be forgiven for fighting, but from now, you must not fight. You have to establish such a tradition that you never fight. Prior to the time when you become twelve years old you may fight, and prior to twelve years old you were forgiven even if you made mistakes. When the twelve families become completely one I will start organization of the tribes.

When all the Blessed families become one, then all must organize tribes -- tribe so and so, tribe so and so. The names of the tribes will come out. But I cannot give names without having the victorious territory of the nation and the world.

Therefore, you should know that well and become united strongly internally and united as the Blessed families of the Unification Church, and you must lead your own fathers and mothers of your families. You must lead even the True Parents. If you become able to say, "We'll do the work which the True Parents are doing so True Parents, please take a rest," then I will become able to give all the Blessing of God, which was given by God to the world. What it means is the external world is going to collapse gradually. It must happen that the external world collapses gradually and people will come to say, "We must become like the people who inherit the tradition of the Unification Church, who have the faith of the Unification Church and who are filled with the determination of the Unification Church." Naturally the world will pay attention to us. (August 16, 1985)

4) Construction of the Fatherland starts from the Unity of Children

Until today, the True Parents, centering on Cain and Abel in the process of history, have been searching for the standard of the restoration of the elder-sonship and have prepared the worldwide indemnity-course. Therefore, it is a blessing that the authority of the eldest son and the second eldest son can be connected on the world standard, centering upon the family of True Parents. That is a blessing. How much God and the True Parents have been longing for this day! How much has humanity been waiting for this day! Because of this I gave the motto "Creation and building of the Fatherland," centering upon the three-year period. Then, from where does this creation and building of the Fatherland start? It starts from the family. Until the position of the family is established, the nation cannot become one, the world cannot become one.

Today, by starting from the family, the dawn of the creation and the building of the Fatherland begin to shine. Now is the time of the newly ripened family. Externally, the time is ripe, in such a way as to fit the environment Father has been talking about. When you become completely one and the struggles between the eldest son and the second eldest son disappear, then the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is going to be realized centering upon the Unification family.

Therefore such a family church must be started. Do you understand? In order for the family church to start, such a family must be established. I have been teaching that the family church is the basis of the Kingdom of Heaven and the settlement of the Kingdom of Heaven, and this has to be accomplished. (August 16, 1985)


Section 4. The Seven-Year Course of The Second Generation Children

1) The Seven-Year Course for the Blessed Families and Their Children

Even if you have received the Blessing, that is not all. After the Blessing your position is in the completion level of the growth stage; therefore you must not make mistakes in your life. Even if you were born out of your parents who were Blessed, still you have a seven-year course to go in order to consummate the completion level of the completion stage. There remain seven stages of the Principle.

Adam and Eve fell and their family fell; they gave birth to Cain and Abel when they were in the completion level of the growth stage. Instead of going up, they went down. Even if a new family comes into existence by receiving the Blessing in front of Heaven, still this family must go up from the perfection level of the growth stage. In the process of going up they should not make a condition to be accused by Satan. That is the Principle. Do you understand what I mean? There should not be the environmental condition that Satan can accuse.

Today in this fallen world, centering upon the Blessed families the Unification Church members are going up starting from the completion level of the growth stage. Still, your environment is all within the sphere of accusation by Satan. Who is going to solve these problems? Your families cannot solve these problems by themselves. It is not possible for your families alone to solve all these. Unless and until someone like Adam and Eve, who are going to be the first ancestors of humankind, come and solve everything, there is no way of escaping the Satanic world even if your families have been Blessed. This is an important point of the Principle. (April 8, 1986)

2) The Seven-Year Course of True Father

That is why Father has been doing the work. In the seven-year course on the way of the course of restoration through indemnity on the worldwide level centering on Father's family, there should not be any accusation by Satan when Father receives the Blessing with Mother. There should not be any accusation since the day when Mother was welcomed. Originally, if Adam and Eve had not fallen and had stood in the position of the Blessing, then there would have been no sphere of the Fall and there would have no been no fallen Satan.

However, in 1960 when Father had the Holy Wedding, what had been done on the national level for fourteen years? You don't know this but I had to establish a traditional standard in order to start from the course where Adam and Eve had not fallen. By the traditional standard I mean the standard of subjugating Satan. How to establish the standard, that was the issue. It was necessary to indemnify the standard prepared on the national level centering upon Jesus at the time of Jesus. Unless I was able to indemnify that, there would have been no position of the Blessing.

Fourteen years after the Liberation, in April 1960, I had the Holy Wedding; but at that time in Korea all levels -- individual, family, tribe, nation and state -- still opposed me. It was just as in the days of Jesus when twelve disciples opposed him. Likewise, even those who had once followed the Unification Church opposed me. Out of those who were closest to me, more than twelve persons opposed me and opposed the Unification Church. To meet that opposition I had to follow the path of indemnity. Not one of you knows these things. I had to report to the court even on the day before the Holy Wedding. Under those circumstances, I had the Holy Wedding. It was indeed a fight. In those fierce battles I was building the foundation you see today.

Satan opposed in every way, targeting me. No matter what kind of conditions I laid individually, still Satan said he would absolutely never allow me to go the way of the Will. For that reason, even behind your fathers and mothers who had believed in the Unification Church, Satan opposed in every way. To tell you the circumstances in those days, your mother or father or children or husband or wife were not the problem. They all stood on the satanic side. As a result your fathers and mothers were required to betray their own families and tribes. They betrayed their own tribes; they betrayed their own families.

As a result of the fall, the wife was betrayed and True Children were betrayed and True Parents were betrayed. Therefore in a family, members had to go that kind of way. In the Bible Jesus says, "You must love me more than anyone else." Why was it necessary to do that? It was not for the sake of money or for the sake of ownership in society; it was necessary in order to establish the standard that they loved God more than anything else.

They had to stand in the position where they loved God even more than their own parents. No matter how much they had loved their parents till then, still that love was within the satanic realm. They were not in a position to love their parents transcending the satanic domain nor love a spouse beyond that realm, nor was there any way of loving children beyond the satanic realm.

For that reason the desire of religions has been to search for a spouse prior to the search for parents. That is the process of restoration. Therefore Jesus, who came as the second Adam, had to search for his bride, meet his bride and seek the position of the Original Parents. Prior to Jesus there were no Parents. Even though Mary gave birth to Jesus, and Joseph was there as his father, still they were parents who needed a certain condition of indemnity for establishing a transition. It was impossible for God to have the substantial parents representing Adam and Eve on the original standard.

Therefore, in front of Jesus, Father looked for the position of bridegroom and bride, and by so doing Father and Mother were able to attain the position of Parents for the first time. In order to reach the position of Parents, bridegroom and bride had to be sought first. Otherwise it would be impossible to find the position of Parents, and if the position of Parents were not found, then it would be impossible to find the position of children. Therefore, restoration through indemnity has to be based upon love as the standard. (April 8, 1986)

Even though Father was able to stand in the position of Parent in 1960, it was still necessary to do restoration through indemnity. To stand in the position of Parents means to go through the seven-year course of completion. Then, what should be done during this seven-year course? I had to establish Parents Day, Children's Day and Day of All Things. During the seven-year course Mother also had to attain that position.

Centering upon this seven-year course, I established a foundation up to the national level by fighting Satan. And by surpassing the standard of fourteen years (two times seven years), I consummated vertically the completion level of the growth stage which Adam, the original subject, should have established. Although I did that, in Mother's case it was not yet the same. I had to put Mother on the horizontal position and through a course of seven years Mother and I together had to go over the realm of accusation by Satan. Do you understand what I mean?

Mother also had to go through the seven-year course.

In 1960 we had the Holy Wedding, and in 1968 1 declared God's Day. Since I established God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and Day of All Things as the heartistic center, it became possible for my family to be able to communicate with God. God and Father were able to communicate with each other, next parents and children were able to communicate with each other, and then it was possible to communicate with all things. As a result, conditional territory was opened. Still it was not total environment, but conditional environment. It was limited to the national level, not the world level. In order to achieve the world level foundation, I had to go through the world-level standard of indemnity after 1968, after I achieved the victory in Korea. (April 8, 1986)

3) The Way of the Second Generation

Then, do you love God in the true sense of the word? The question is whether you think God's love is more precious than anything else. Do you understand? You have to search for God's love. During the growth period in which you lack judgment, you may be allowed to do what you want; but after you become old enough to be wise you have to search after the way of love thinking about what the desire of parents is. Otherwise you cannot inherit from the previous generations. You have to go over by liquidating both the horizontal and vertical histories.

Even if you boast that your family is the best family and that you are receiving the Blessing, if Father had not followed the path of indemnity as such, there could not have been the Blessing of the Second Generation in your family. Do you understand what I mean? Are your parents true parents?

In order to become the Messiah, indemnity conditions are necessary. For that purpose all the blood lineage of Cain and Abel must be separated centering on True Parents. Everybody must obey the words of True Parents. It is not even allowed to criticize them. Why is it forbidden to criticize them? It is because Father, as True Parent, is walking the way of establishing the standard of True Love after having searched for the absolute standard which the whole universe needs. This standard is necessary for your ancestors, for all humankind of four billion people, and for you and your descendants.

In human history, no matter what age it was, what has been needed is the standard of True Love. Those who criticize it will be smashed or destroyed. If I push them, they will fall down from the eternal cliff. You must be connected with the bond of love.

Are you connected with that kind of bond of love? Are your fathers and mothers connected with me or not? Those who have been secretly saying, "They said so and so," are not qualified to participate here. Have you or have you not murmured in that way whenever you were gathered? It is no good if you just think like spectators. They have all been invaded by Satan. (April 8, 1986)

Since you are now Blessed families, you have to go pioneering again in the seven-year course unless you have my special permission. Like your fathers and mothers, you have to go out again and come back after having suffered. You must be recognized by me, and yet you have not been able to go over the standard required. From now on all the records of your whole family will be kept and I will decide whether you have passed or failed in doing what I instructed. Those who cannot fulfill will be prevented from going forward and will have to retreat. (April 12, 1986)

There is no other way for you to go. You have to follow me. You have to follow me and go over the nation and go over the world. You have to go over the world and the spirit world. You cannot advance as you wish. If you are allowed to do that, why do I have to endure such suffering? If I did not, I could advance more easily. There is only one way to go.

From now on look at those who go their own way. From now on, if you cannot take the responsibility, your parents will have to go to other places. In other places, they will have to be retrained and will have to make indemnity conditions. (April 27, 1986)

4) Father's Seven-Year Course and the Second Generation's Seven-Year Course

Father's generation has been miserable. I had to indemnify Adam's Age and Jesus' Age. Also, I had to indemnify the Formation Age, Growth Age and Completion Age. Therefore I had to keep all the Unification Church members waiting for fourteen years until I became forty, before I could give them the Blessing. In order to do that I had to restore through indemnity all that Jesus was not able to fulfill centering upon Zachariah's family transcending the nation.

If I talk about that, I cannot finish even if I speak all day. Next, during the seven-year course of the completion level of the formation stage, there was the world-level total attack against me. I went that kind of way during that period. You also have to go through a seven-year course. You still have a seven-year course to go. Do you understand? That is the way to go over the 6,000 biblical-year history. Therefore, now is the time when it is historically most complicated. Viewed from 6,000 biblical years of history it is a time of change for you.

When do you start that kind of seven-year course? When to you have to go? Previously I said, "Your ancestors correspond to the Era of Restoration through Indemnity." Then in your case, which era is it? It is just the Era of Restoration. What is the difference between the Era of Restoration through Indemnity and the Era of Restoration? The difference is in the separation of Satan. Without separating Satan, the process is repeated over and over again.

Now is the time of the Era of Restoration. In this era there is no persecution. Soon in Seoul, Korea, or wherever, there will be fewer and fewer people who oppose Rev. Moon and the Unification Church. Soon the day will come when scholars will say in their classrooms, "Listen to what Rev. Moon says." That time will come. You have to be prepared for that time.

You have to go the seven-year course from now on in order to educate your own sons and daughters as well. That period is the Era of Completion. Therefore, you go the three-year course after engagement, and then after marriage you go another three-year course.

This is the case of the Unification Church today. Originally it was to have been a seven-year course prior to engagement, not a three-year course after engagement. However, since Father has paid indemnity, this period became three years and a half and by adding another three and a half years after marriage, it becomes seven years.

What you have to do first during the seven-year course is to make material offerings. Why? It is because you are fallen. Since all of you are in the realm of satanic dominion you don't have the things with which God can remake the world. Since even your physical bodies are fallen, you have to look for them from the satanic world. In order to recreate yourself you have to look for the material necessary for re-creation. Eve must indemnify what Adam lost; therefore, you have to look for material offerings necessary for re-creating yourself in front of God. Therefore all the members of the Unification Church have to do this work.

First, took for material. Then go to the front line and look for your own spouse. In order to look for your own spouse, you have to have three spiritual children. Without having three spiritual sons or daughters, you cannot find your spouse. It is because, in order to find your spouse you must have established the condition of having subjugated three archangels. Otherwise you cannot attain the position of Adam.

In order to find your spiritual sons and daughters, you must go to the village where there is the most opposition against you. Just going to the village next door is no good. You have to go through three areas or three counties. You cannot make restoration in your own native place. You must go to Satan's front line and find them.

Only after you have restored three spiritual sons and daughters can you receive the Blessing. Right? You go this way. There still remains the way of indemnity. How about you? Do you need spiritual children or not? Do you all have three spiritual children? You know that. Therefore, you have to make efforts to establish the condition of faith. You have to go round from the individual, family, tribe, nation, state and world. In that way you make restoration of the global Canaan.

Next, you must visit Father's native place at least once. You should start from Father's native place. Do you understand? Go to my native place and make determination and pledge: "From now on I will go the really public way." You have to make a declaration. Where is father's hometown? It is Chung Ju. Therefore you have to go to Chung Ju and live there after the unification of North and South. There still remains that way. It is not so difficult for you to go to Father's native place.

From now you have to serve publicly for seven years. Whether you are university graduates or not, all of you have to do public service, just like military service. You will go to labor in certain remote areas and everything. You need education in order to pass as a public person. You need elementary school, middle school and high school and also you need such a public course.

After you graduate from high school, how old are you usually? You graduate at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Since the IQ of you children is higher, you can even graduate from high school earlier. Without exception, all of you have to go through the seven-year course and you must not fail in the process. In the Old Testament Age, those who committed sins and crimes were stoned to death. An even more terrible age may come. There are many things for us to do. We have to establish the traditions of our homeland of Korea. The modest way of Korean dress is one tradition. From now on Korean clothes must be made worldwide. You have to pass all of these things, and then you get married.

But since you have been unable to do that, you will have to accomplish that during the age of your sons and daughters after three generations. If I don't live until then it will be a terrible thing. (April 8, 1986)

5) The Seven-Year Course Is a Must

Originally there is both a seven-year course for women and seven-year course for men. You have to meet the standard of fourteen years. In your case, you have to go the seven-year course and suffer. In my case, when I was a teenager like you I traveled all over Korea from Chul Ra Do to Kyun San Do and all over the country. (April 8, 1986)


Section 5. The Attitude Of The Second Generation Who Have Entered Canaan

1) The Era of the Second Generation Means the Era of Restoration

You must know in what a momentous era of history you were born. In the past your parents walked the way of persecution and suffering for restoration through indemnity, but from now on even the words "restoration through indemnity" will no longer exist. There is a difference between the era when your fathers and mothers walked the way of persecution for restoration and your era. Your parents had to promote restoration through indemnity by defending themselves from Satan, but now there is no need to defend against Satan. There is no indemnity. In the work of restoration you have to go on the way of restoration.

Since Father has established everything in this way, from now on even if I am in Africa or South America or elsewhere, prime ministers will come to attend me. We have entered such a stage. What era is your era going to be? It is the Era of Restoration. What era was the era of your parents? It was the Era of Restoration through Indemnity. What is the difference? The difference is that there are no more conditions for accusation by Satan. It is that simple. All the principles of the Era of Restoration through Indemnity are the same.

From now on it is your era. By the time you become fourteen years old you will have graduated from high school, and after that you will start your seven-year course and be involved in activities. The seven-year course is a must. You have to go. Then you will be welcomed. The course of restoration is always the same. (April 8, 1986)

2) The Attitude of the Second Generation Who Have Entered Canaan

What you should be grateful for is that after passing through the forty-year process of restoration of Canaan, the Unification Church is now already entering the blessed land of Canaan. I mean that from now on there is no opposition or obstruction against the Unification Church, on the national level as well. We have now entered the stage in which all the people feel that unless they follow the way of the Unification Church, even their nation cannot survive.

Therefore, from now on you have to become the locomotives or artillery shells that destroy the enemies. You have to develop a new history. Who is going to proclaim that? It is not your parents; it is you. In other words you have to be there. (April 12, 1986)

3) The Lessons of the Israelites and Our Attitude

Where did the Israelites perish? During the process of the forty-year wilderness course, the first generation died, but still the nation of Israelites did not perish. They were marching on to the promised land of Canaan, which was their hope. Then where did they perish? They perished after they had entered the promised land. What was the cause of their destruction? They were not able to unite with their leaders centering upon the Will of God, and they began to be influenced and absorbed by the environment. As a result, after they restored Canaan, the Israelites perished. They were divided into ten tribes of Israel in the North and two tribes of Judah in the South.

As I said, where did the Israelites perish? They perished after they had entered the promised land of Canaan. Therefore if you are to perish, where will it be? You have to clearly know that. I mean that you may perish in the position of having received the Blessing or you may perish after becoming Blessed families. You have to know that. The way of decline starts from the position of having received the Blessing. From these historical facts you have to understand the lesson, and with the mistaken past as a reference, you have to go over the way of decline and destruction in fulfilling your historic mission. Therefore, you should not make your daily life ordinary.

You have to develop from the position of today to the position of tomorrow, and then you have to march forward to further development. You are expected to form, starting from you, a new family, new tribe, new nation and new world. You must not repose at your current standard. To make further development toward tomorrow, you must be careful not to make your daily lives habitual. (April 12, 1986)

Therefore, you should not be influenced by the environment. The reason the Israelites perished, even though they had restored Canaan, was that they were influenced by their environment. As a result they became envious of the people who were eating good things and living a comfortable life. The men followed rich women of the gentiles. Also, they admired the power and knowledge of the gentiles. Will you need all the knowledge you have acquired, in the future? You won't need it. There is no need to study law or economics. In case Japan perishes, all Japanese law and Japanese economics will be destroyed.

Therefore, from now on, to accomplish your mission of doing God's Will, you have to make every effort to study theology. All of you who are gathered here were wrong in your thinking.

The Israelites perished in the land of Canaan, which means that even though I give you the Blessing it is possible that you may perish. But you must not perish. (April 12, 1986)

4) Overcome This World and Establish God's Authority

You must win over this world in all things. You have to stand in the upper position in this world. You must not be buried in this world. Since you have to go up to the top, you have to go the way of suffering, such a suffering that the people of this world cannot even follow. But the Unification Church goes that way. God also goes that way. Since we are going to stand at the top, the Satanic world does not want to yield. Therefore, in order to subjugate those in the higher positions, we have to take the opposite course and go down.

Are you confident enough to fight and go up to the top? In order to do that it is necessary to go down in the reverse way. Those who oppose will perish, and you will prosper. This is the secret process of the providence.

This was the case for me. I have been fighting for forty years, even all through my life. Since I go the way of suffering in order to go up to the top, our history became a miserable process. We have been fighting, even eating dog's food. Father does not talk so much about the miserable situation of the prisons, but there is a very miserable history behind. But you have to know that that miserable history becomes a signboard that gives light to the history of later generations, just like a lighthouse.

You have to stand at the top of this world and win the victory. Mother is here, but she does not know anything about this. My son is also here, but he does not know anything either. You have to teach them. Do you know how sacred this is?

Speaking of the process of suffering, for what purpose is it? To stand at the top of this world. You have to achieve victory over this world. You must lead the people of this world. You have to stand above Satan, but this Satanic world does not allow that; therefore, God could not help going the reverse way. For that reason we have to go through the path of persecution and suffering. We have to make sure that Satan cannot follow us, that Satan cannot have a relationship with us. In this way we have to reverse everything.

In order to be able to lead at the top position, we have to fight and achieve victory. In order to do that at the risk of our lives and achieve victory, God established religions and made them go through the way of persecution. Therefore you must not forget that Father's whole life has been the way of persecution.

All that I have said to you so far has been the goal of the history of my struggle. I have been living all through my life in that way. Do you understand? I did not want to have an environment in which I was welcomed. If one achieves victory, one should necessarily be praised; but I instead avoided being praised. Why? Because the Israelites declined and perished by being influenced and absorbed by the environment. Therefore, even if the Unification Church comes to be accepted and welcomed worldwide, still I will not go to that place of welcome. I would rather go the reverse way.

We have to establish God's authority in this way. Soon there will be no one who opposes the Unification family. Therefore I have to drive you, the second generation children, from now on; but you have to know you are yet not qualified to go there. You have to have the determination that you will discard everything and go directly toward the goal instructed by Heaven. (April 12, 1986)

5) The Way of God's Will and the Issue of Going to College

Today all the Blessed Families starting from the 36 Couples of the Unification Church have become accustomed to and influenced by the secular environment of this world. They say, "We have to make our sons and daughters study, otherwise they will not be successful in this world." But I don't think so. Though they say, "If they study they will be successful in life," it is wrong. What is precious is how much they love the nation and how much they love God. How much they know is not a precious thing. To have knowledge alone is no good.

God did not create us just in order to know something. The ideal of creation is not accomplished by knowledge. You have to clearly know that. The ideal of creation, our ideal, cannot be accomplished by knowledge, by power or by money. It is to be accomplished by love. You have to be well aware of this. (April 12, 1986)

6) The Way of the Second Generation

Those of you who study simply to be successful in this world are insane. Everything will be recorded. Such people will not be able to go over a large hill, let alone over the providential mountains which are higher than the Himalayas. They will all stumble on the way. Do you understand what I mean? Therefore you must believe my words more than you believe the words of your parents. Otherwise, you will not arrive at your destination.

What was the beginning of my talk? I said that you should not make yourself accustomed to the way of life of this world. Even if you say, "Since we have received the Blessing, we will try to live in the same manner as other people," you have your special mission. You have responsibility. Those people who restored Canaan had the responsibility to build the nation of Israel. You also have to build your nation. Therefore this year's motto is "the creation and building of the Kingdom of Heaven." For that purpose I am enduring, bearing the responsibility in Seoul, Korea. Even if you did not like it, I stayed for several months regardless of my honor. That's why we have now gone over the hill completely. In this way we will fight at the risk of our lives. I have been living all of my life in this way. It is no good to live a mediocre life. You are no good now because you have been living mediocre lives. You have to realize this. You should not become accustomed to this world. You must search for God's love. We are busy in our way as the original human beings who were supposed to receive the inheritance of the universe. We have to be recognized as being in that position.

The next point was that as the Israelites perished after they restored Canaan, so likewise you too could perish after you receive the Blessing because you want the prosperity and glory of this world. You must not become like gentiles who want money and knowledge. Both of these are ways which lead to decline and destruction.

Next, what was the third point? It is to go to the path of the highest or greatest sufferings. Therefore, you should give up everything and go out like beggars with a small package and save the nation. Do you understand? You need the heart and mind and determination of those special government agents who were sent by the central government to investigate local areas in Korean feudal times. Both of you as husband and wife must become like that.

Who takes the lead? Those who live for the sake of God's Will must take the lead. If we say, "Those who live for the sake of others and for the sake of God's will take the lead," then there is no opposition. It is just simple. Those who don't understand this cannot stand. Even if they are your husbands, if they don't understand, you must slap them on their cheek and pull them and lead them. The same thing can be said with me. I am also in the same position as you. We have to subjugate the nature of getting accustomed to this world. Therefore, we need the world. Before we desire to have control over the universe we must perfect our self-control. You don't know how terrible and how fearful the nature of getting accustomed is. Because of this nature you feel like eating good food when the New Year Day comes, and you feel like wearing good clothes and playing a lot.

In my case, when I was a student under the Japanese dominion, I did not follow those who lived arrogantly in order to be successful in life by studying hard. I never followed such an environment. Therefore, even if I had to be imprisoned in that enemy country, I was determined to follow the way. I had to fight my whole life even if I had to go in and out of prison many times. I chose to follow the path of suffering. You must not forget that.

Even if I say to you one day, "Go to North Korea!" you should not hesitate. I need those people who are willing to go. If I have only those kind of people it becomes possible to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That kind of determination must be established as a tradition. Each and every one of you need to have the heart and mind of becoming a sacrifice. Becoming a sacrifice is a miserable thing, but by becoming a sacrifice you can ignite the fire of the spirit of new patriotism -among young people. You must not forget those three points. (April 12, 1986)

7) The Way of God's Will Followed by Father

When I was the same age as you, I never spoke to others. I thought, why is it necessary for me to talk when I am still unable to find the way to go and still unable to clarify the truth and still unable to be independent? I lived such a life. When I open my mouth nobody can stop me. You also have to have such a confidence. Do you understand? If you are in a position where you make noise and just wander around, you cannot have self-confidence. You cannot become a root. You cannot become a deep root.

Therefore, I suffered more than anybody else in that kind of way of life. I started from a life of a beggar. Beggars also must be saved. I played the role of a beggar's father; I went to where laborers were working and played the role of the person responsible for those laborers. Also, I played the roles of a farmer, a fisherman, a coal miner, a hole digger, and a stoker in a mine. All those things I did. Everything. I even learned how to make charcoal. Why did I do that? Because in order to do the Will of God, even if I am driven away and have to live on a mountain, I can fulfill my responsibility for the Will of God. I had that kind of thinking. That's why I did all of those things.

Because I have been walking that kind of path, I have become the founder of the Unification Church today. Does that mean that I became worse or I became better? It is not easy to be better off. It was really difficult for me, but someone had to do that. Since I should not leave my work undone in front of my children and in front of my nation, I have been doing this work no matter how difficult it may be. For the sake of the nation I shed a lot of tears and for the sake of the world I shed a lot of tears. Since I did not want to leave a suffering path for them, I said to myself, "I will take the responsibility," and I have been doing this. In that way, I have come to this point of proclaiming the establishment of the Global Unified Country. Now even if I die and go to spiritual world it will not be said of me, "You have not fulfilled your responsibility." Do you understand what I mean? As a human being I have become successful.

Human history, it is said variously, has lasted 2.5 million years, ten million years or ten thousand years, but since no one knew that human beings fell, the problems of human history could not be resolved until today. But in my generation within forty years I have restored the history of 4,000 years and I have clarified the Original Being and the Heart of the Original Being, everything, even the way of liberating humankind. By so doing I have opened the way to the construction of the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth, so God can rule this earth. This fact is just like a dream. It may sound like a lie but it is a fact. Therefore, you must be well aware that you are situated in such a blessed position. Do you understand? (October 16, 1988)

Chapter 2 - Children's Portion of Responsibility

Section 1. Preparation and Foundation, Ability and Result

1) Preparation Demanded by History

What you should know is that you are not just beings who exist in the present. You have been living connected with your ancestors, you are living in the present, and you will have to live in the future. You are always living in an era of competition whether it is the past, the present or the future. There is inevitably an opponent or, we can say, reciprocator. Someone who wants to become an Olympic champion in the Olympic Games must challenge to win. This is necessary. This is the unavoidable way to develop to a higher level in the course of history. Therefore, you must always be challenged and undergo the course to overcome such challenge. Otherwise, you cannot advance to a more developed world. This is the universal law of development from the viewpoint of history or social life.

Until the present, I have embraced and fought for the great will of God, and to some degree established a worldwide foundation. Along this course, the most worrisome problem has been those who are unprepared and those who have no foundation or base. Such are the most miserable people. In other words, such persons can be compared with an army that has no foundation to equip its soldiers with weapons or to train them, and has no supply base with which to maintain itself, those who have no foundation and self-preparation are the most miserable.

Although you are a capable person, based on your abilities you need to prepare at length to overcome the social and environmental challenges. Preparation is necessary. Without a time of preparation, a foundation for the future cannot be established.

The reason that the Unification Church has been able to establish such a worldwide foundation today is because God had prepared the traditional foundation for a new history throughout providential history. That is, the Old Testament Age prepared the way for the Messiah, and the New Testament Age prepared for the Lord at the Second Advent. This is the viewpoint of providential history. Therefore, before the Lord of the Second Advent comes, the foundation to attend him has to be established so that he can develop that to a new level. In this sense, the Lord at the Second Advent first of all must inherit the entire historically prepared environment and then build up a new foundation based on the one prepared. However, when this new foundation is no better than the existing one, the old history will not move on into the new age. This is the law of history. This also applies to your individual and social life. It is the same as for the way of the country and for history. How should a human being live his life? You have to prepare. Preparation? (133-214)

2) Preparation to Make a New Foundation

In the period of your youth, you are studying. What is the meaning of study? It is to prepare for the future. You study to prepare a new foundation based on your present foundation. However, when the prepared elements are inferior to the existing traditional foundation, the prepared one is absorbed into the existing environment and tradition. If the prepared elements are digested and cannot surmount the older foundation, there will be no new historical development. Likewise, young people should be able to view the entire nation and world with a vision and dream. Human society has general standards in fields such as economic, politics, culture, education, and religion. Therefore, in order to surpass these standards, a young person has to prepare.

In this present world, there is the democratic sphere and communist sphere. Korea stands on the foundation of painful previous-age circumstances between the democratic and communist worlds. How can Korea leap forward from there? Everybody wants to solve this structure of struggle, but it is so difficult. An individual or a group cannot solve it. The problem must be solved on the level of the whole country. Therefore, Korea should unify the whole population of the nation spiritually. On that foundation, she can develop her present situation towards a new, higher dimension.

When the government announces new political or economic policy, or when political candidates publish new political policies during their election campaign, from the viewpoint of development those policies are their substantial preparation to leap towards a new dimension in some field. When the policy is better than the present one, its effect can be creative.

Everybody wants to succeed. What shall we do to get success? You have to prepare in order to be successful. After your preparation, you should be able to digest the older foundation and then establish a new foundation based on how you have prepared substantially. The new foundation should surpass the existing foundation. Without such a course of development, a historical new foundation cannot be established. This is the vital conclusion of the development of history. You should know that clearly.

It is the same for our lives as for the country. For instance, the army must train themselves hard. Why do they need to train? When the opponent's foundation is superior, the army must train to surpass them and digest that favorable environment. To do that, information about and the history of the enemy has to be obtained and analyzed, and there must be the power to digest and overcome the environmental foundation of the enemy. For that reason, there needs to be an investment of power. These words apply to all situations. (133-216)

3) Three Conditions of Victory

What is our Unification Church doing now? We are preparing for the future even under persecution and difficulty. Confronted by challenges, we are growing. This growth cannot be without any purpose. We have to prepare thoroughly in order to grow.

What kind of preparations should we make? Firstly, we need ideological preparation. We should never be inferior to others in terms of spiritual power. Secondly, we have to make more effort than those who performed great public service in the course of American history. Thirdly, we have to prepare for action, for this battle. Therefore, we have to have a comprehensive ideology, and then we must invest our effort. This is not something to be done quietly. We must make ceaseless efforts based on the established truth. The effort should not be made centered on oneself. In order to transcend the older foundation, a great effort has to be invested. Because the existing foundation of the older generation is not in the position to welcome a new formation, history inevitably has to pass through a course of struggle. Through that struggle, history is either victorious or defeated. What kind of person comes to be defeated? Those who are absorbed, digested and weak will be defeated. This is an absolute principle. There can be no objection to this. If you do not wish to be defeated you must be one who digests and absorbs. Otherwise you will not be able to survive, and you will taste only the pain of defeat.

When we consider this matter, Rev. Moon will deal with the problems he is currently facing with one worldwide blow. I will target the all the people in the world, including, of course, the free world centered on America, which is itself centered on one person, Reverend Moon.

So, what preparations has Rev. Moon been making? That is the question. Nothing is prepared, but from an ideological viewpoint I have the confidence with which to overcome, even if it means enduring a course of suffering for one thousand or even ten thousand years. Even though there are difficulties, I have the confidence to break through and make the effort to get ahead. I will go on no matter what sacrifice is required. Effort is needed. This is not a matter of making passive effort, but proactive effort. Next is putting it into practice. Since religious leaders may not fight, they are to make quiet effort in its accomplishment. If they are working for eight hours, then I am working for twenty-four. This is the kind of drive I have, day and night.

Modern civilization was built on the basis of four hundred years of history. Supposing that were accomplished through people making eight hours effort a day. Then if I make three times that effort, having the same viewpoint as these people and standing in the same ordinary circumstances, I could accomplish all this in 133 years. If we double that effort again, then it can be done in 70 years. This is theoretically speaking. Those who have not prepared will miss out. Therefore, what I called you here to teach you is that you must prepare.

Preparation! Having made such preparations, everyone must win over the remaining foundation of their circumstances. In order to do this, what do we first need? (Ideology) We need a comprehensive ideology. We have to acquire such a comprehensive ideology. In times of collision, you will buckle. You will break. Let us see how you do with the passage of time. You will retreat. And what would be next? (Effort) You must make effort. And what next? (Action) You must jump into action and finish the job. That is what is different about the Unification Church. I have been leading you with this outlook. And I have myself been living with such an outlook. (133-218)

4) If You Become a World Leader

When you study at school together with your classmates you can win them over and increase the number of your friends. If you submit and allow yourself to be won over, you will lose. You must be able to even digest schoolteachers in this way. How do you digest your teachers? You must transcend what your teachers are teaching and ask questions. Even if your teacher will not acknowledge you, and kicks you out, he needs you. You must absolutely know these points. Do you understand? How are we to prepare? What kind of person we become in the future will be determined by how we prepare. You have to know the reality that what you leave behind on the existing foundation during your lifetime will determine the central aspect of your character. Do you understand? We must not be won over. We must be the ones who win over others. Now, will those who are won over within a new realm on the existing foundation say, "Oh no? I am falling back" and stop? No one in the situation of retreating seeks to win over others. All the moving elements of the universe must develop toward a larger world as they strive to maintain continuous activity. But everything that retreats and degenerates will stop. Natural phenomena occur in this way, and it is the same for humankind.

As you make a leap forward, looking at the old and new standard, and at the old and new foundation, how great an adventure you can experience and how severe the difficulties you can surmount depends upon how far you leap. Do you understand what I am saying? When you go from the existing level to a new one, even though there may be difficulties, if you make a leap several times greater, then the difficulties will naturally be digested. You will not need to worry about anything.

Because I know these things, beginning with Korea, then Japan and now in the whole world, I am gathering the young people, giving them tough training, and sending them out to all walks of life. When you want to be a leader you must have the ability to solve all economic problems independently, and the ability to take responsibility, make preparations and take control. Otherwise, you cannot become a leader. What's next? The power of persuasion. You must have the power to convince people. If you want to persuade someone, you have to know your stuff. If you want to convince someone who believes in Communism, you need to know about Communism. If you want to convince a theologian, you must know about theology. You must know the fundamentals rather than just trivia, the basics. It is the fundamentals that are difficult, therefore, not peripheral matters. You have to know that. Even when you study, you go to many places; but this is unnecessary. You have to closely examine the fundamentals. The fundamental philosophical question of whether God exists or not, or the theological question of whether God exists or not, must come down to and confront the clear definition of the basic problems, centered on the relationships among humankind, life and spiritual life.

Therefore, those who believe in the Unification Church's ideology need to go out into society and be persecuted while experiencing many trials. That is what we call a test. The test is concerning the issue of whether you are progressing or retreating, whether you are being digested or are digesting, whether you are being won over or winning over others. You must understand this point. You will all be like that in the future. If you want to become a world leader, you have to know the world. If you want to take control of America, you have to know America. If you want to take control of Korea, you have to know everything about Korea. (133-222)

5) You Must Establish a Foundation and Achieve Results through Preparation and Ability

This is a time when we can make a great leap forward. Satan knows that. Our enemies know that. In the most difficult times, Satan is taking the offensive. However, nobody should surrender at that point. You must know this for certain. Do you understand? As Rev. Moon has such an ideology, when he reads a book even the last section is revealed to him in advance.

When I was a primary school student -- Dr. Yoon will know what I mean -- I finished off two Japanese text books from the fifth and sixth grade levels. Each book was 180 pages long, and I memorized each one, in one day. A person can be that awesome. What people can do in ten years I can do in one.

You must make effort to have a mind that thinks of Father. I am saying you must prepare! I am talking about preparation that can be used as a weapon in the era of realization. It is exactly the same when you try to survive and not be defeated in army training or in actual combat. You need this kind of principle in your life. You must know this clearly.

What kind of person will you become? I mean, as an artist, is it enough to be able to play only the piano well? Therefore you need to build a foundation that reaches everywhere. In order to do that, there needs to be people who excel in economics. Without favorable environmental conditions you will perish. For this reason our Unification Church has been building an environmental and economic foundation while being called names by others. I have been preparing this foundation in order to embrace our society and world. When the domestic side becomes weak, I strengthen the foreign side and when the foreign side becomes stronger, the domestic side also becomes stronger. Thus I've been using a strategy to make a balance between the domestic and foreign side. That is my strategy. Do you understand? You are preoccupied with your future. You are busily preparing yourself and thinking, "I need to become a person who can quickly inherit the path Reverend Moon is taking and I need to be able to expand the foundation of the new world." You need to be like that. I urge you to be like that.

What comes first? Preparation; and next? Foundation. None of you have any foundation, do you? When are you going to do it? If I asked you to be in charge of the university, how would you cope with it? If the university president makes a mistake, I regard it as my mistake. I look at it in that way. You need to have such a viewpoint. Therefore you have to prepare.

If you look at the American president, and you can see that he is doing things in a certain way, you need to have the attitude that you will do the things he cannot do. Therefore you need ability. You need to acquire ability. However, no matter how great your abilities are, it is no good if you don't make effort. Even though you make effort to some extent, if you don't make a foundation it will be in vain.

What do you do with effort? If you don't leave a foundation in society or in the world it will be in vain. I am making effort to expand a foundation that is needed by Korea and the world. Therefore preparations have to be made, and because we need a foundation you have to have ability and people with ability need to bring results. The result is the foundation. Do you understand? So what is ability then? You have to go through preparation and then possess ability. You do understand, don't you? Firstly, preparation and foundation, and secondly, ability and result. No matter how much result you get, if you don't have ability, it is no good. Preparation and what is next? Foundation and then ability and result. Which one is valuable? Foundation and ability are precious. You have to know that. (133-230)

6) Pride that Cannot Be Forgotten in History

Let me tell you one thing. At your age, I went away from home to study in Seoul. I lived in a rented room and took care of my own house chores. During the first vacation, I had strong homesickness, but I did not go to my hometown. Many other people went home, but I was making a preparation for the future. I did not have others cook for me. Why? In order to pioneer my own path. I had to learn how to live independently without a woman. So there is nothing I cannot do. I know how to make dresses and hats. When a man makes a determination, he should be able to do everything while living alone. Even if I died after making the determination, God would say to me, "Although you did die, you had the capacity to fulfill the task. Although it was not accomplished, you did a good job." Do you understand this?

At that time, Seoul was very cold -- the temperature was going all the way down to minus 17 degrees or even 22 degrees Celsius. When I scooped water from a well, my hand would freeze to the handle of the bucket. I slept in an unheated room. There was a blanket and I rubbed into the blanket so hard that next morning the designs on the blanket were printed on my body. Also, I put a light bulb into the blanket as a heater and burned my skin. This is unforgettable for my whole life.

I don't forget the time of my prison life, either. I don't talk about this, but whenever I think about it, I cannot forget it. When I was victorious, I proudly prayed to God; wishing that this promise came true today, I keep myself silent. You should know this. So after everybody goes back home, I do something by myself upstairs. I am busy to follow my road. I have lived this way for all my life. Do you understand?

So I blessed the couples. From all over the country, your grandparents expelled your parents. On the tearful path of refuge, I gathered them up and blessed them. You don't know how miserable the background history was. From the providential standpoint, God has entrusted to us the blessing He meant for the nation of Korea. Furthermore, this blessing is the foundation from which to spread blessing throughout the world. So it is obvious that you should be concerned about the world and nation. Do you understand? Such a history is needed, especially if you want to leave something good for your descendants.

7) What Remains in History is Results and Foundations

What remains in the history is not your abilities but your results, not the preparation but the foundation. Do you understand? This applies everywhere. Think about it and wait and see. This is the same at school or everywhere else. So do not talk casually, but with respect to results.

When you are giving a lecture, you should inspire people even through loud crying. So in the early times, I spoke with sweat and blood in severe persecution. You should speak until your throat explodes and moves people. Although we are exhausted from the persecution, we should invest all our strength. I also give all my energy. Why? In order to leave behind a foundation. Why do I take risks and visit prisons? In order to prepare a foundation that can be left behind. For this reason, God will surely guide us. I know that this is the right conclusion, considering my own life experience and my living philosophy. So I know how to treat all kinds of people, for instance people in prison, because I have been in the same situation with them. You never know what kind of people I might meet in prison. There could be a discussion about the world's problems, which may open a way of saving the world; I may even find a way to make a new worldwide foundation. I go there with a dream that even something greater than what I have done so far will happen. Do you understand this? If you have the audacity to embrace trials instead of fearing them and try to leave behind goodness, then you will never be a failure. Although you may die, still you are not a failure. Do you understand this? You should know this clearly.

8) Prepare Yourself as a Child of Love

You need preparation, foundation, and what else? (Ability and result.) Do not forget that you need ability and foundation. You can think of it as four-position foundation. So do you think you should make the preparation or not? (We should) Instead of saying, "Why not play around? Others are going on a vacation, and why not we?" you can say, "What do I know about vacations? I am busy on my way." Is this a good thing to do or silly thing to do? (Good thing) So from now on, when you have a vacation, will you be running around the whole town, saying, "Oh, I am free, or get into a pit and make preparation? (Make preparation)

In your time, you should make preparation for one to ten years with sweat. The position like mine even takes one hundred years of preparation. You should not miss the opportunities. So God cannot but have expectation for you, although he may not like you. That is why I am here in such a precious time to talk to you. Somebody may complain, asking why I am talking to the Blessed Second Generation when I called people for a meeting. But it is the Principle to talk to you first. This is why I am here.

You should prepare yourself as my representative and beloved children. You will become different people depending on what you desire and think. We are different in quality and quantity from the outside people; we are not to be digested by them. Some say that they have no friend, but nature is your friend, and so are sun, moon, and stars. So you can talk to stars, moon, trees, and flying birds. You should say to them, "I will prepare myself like you. You have prepared yourself for one year to be able to transmigrate here over the sea and national boundaries. Great. I will also prepare myself to be able to go anywhere." With this you should expedite the preparation. You should know this clearly, OK? (133-251)

Until I was thirty, I was unable to wear new clothes like yours. In my student time, I always and voluntarily wore dirty and smelly clothes. You have lived too carelessly and without order so far. I am not saying that you should do exactly what I did; but you have to know the history and tradition clearly, OK? When you eat, you should say, "You food, please work as a fertilizer for my making preparation. Provide power to my brain and all my cells. Give me the righteous power to make a clear judgment against evil." One serious mistake will bring heaven and earth to ruin. Do you understand this? Please prepare yourself for the future.

Don't bring it about that at the time of death, as you reflect over your life and what you heard from me, you say, "I am a loser." Rather I want you to be able to say, "Oh, I made the preparation and then fought, bringing victorious results. Without his words, I would not have been able to do this." With this you can celebrate your life. This is why I am speaking to you. Do you understand this? (133-227)


Section 2. Pray As You Study

1) You Must Study To Become a Leader

You must study. But, why study? Study makes things easier. Why should you go to a good school? Because good schools have good professors who can influence the country. Good schools have a long tradition with many graduates placed in various institutions of society. Students at good schools can make connections with these graduates through their professors and find their way into different levels of society and make connections in their own fields. That's why you need to study. But having a degree does not mean that you retain your knowledge. True knowledge is obtained by ones self, not through schooling. You need to absorb your environment and master the specialized terminology of your field so that you can move forward to a higher level of knowledge. You need the ability to even locate reference texts. True learning is done outside school, as experience is the best teacher. Your college degree is not everything. Someone with only a high school diploma but with 3, 4, or 5 years of practical experience may be way ahead of you. But college education makes your on-the-job learning much easier and your promotion much faster. The purpose of scholarship is to make things easier. Knowledge brings about solutions, being able to extend a short line into a large circle. That's the purpose of study, and that's why you must study.

2) Make a Determined Effort

Hyo Jin tells me that he has a tough time with the Korean language at school, after so many years abroad, and is falling behind in his study. But he should not worry. If you make a determined effort in the next 10 or 20 years, you can overcome any deficit. So, there is no need to despair. Once you decide to make the 10 or 20 year commitment, you will get closer to becoming a potential world leader as you get closer to the end of your committed time. You must make your commitment now. Now is the time to determine your future. You will become a world leader if you carry out your determined effort for the next 50 or 60 years as your total commitment, day and night, hungry or tired.

We are told that the actual use of our brainpower is limited to only one-seventh of its total capacity, even for college graduates and scholars. That shows how large is our potential. I want you to remember that.

"I am too old to study" is just an excuse in view of the great unused potential. If you concentrate on something for 50, 60, 70, 80 years of your life, your brain capacity will respond and expand, eventually to encompass the whole world as your stage. Do you understand this?

That's why I want you to pledge, "We will be sons and daughters of the good God, of the good world, and courageous warriors for the Unification Church." Who is going to make this pledge? You cannot say, "I will do that next year," as the world stage now waits with wide open doors for you to make your effort in the next 30, 40, 50 years until you reach 80. Do you understand this? The world waits with a wide open door.

You of the Unification Church are specialty blessed. For you, only the sky is the limit as to what you can accomplish. The world stage waits with an open door. Make your pledge, saying "even if a beautiful or handsome devil lures me into sin, I'll defeat it in my next 40 years' struggle, 60 years' struggle." With this commitment you will be on your way to become a world leader. Do you understand this? You will become a figure such as history has not yet seen. Rev. Moon is that kind of person. I am the kind of person who doesn't like to lose out to others. If I have made a determination, I will just do it. If I make a decision to do something, I do not like to be defeated by others. Why be defeated? Why be a loser if you are born as a man? Is it because you have a poor memory or poor health that you are defeated? You cannot say much if you are defeated through a lack of effort; of course you will lose. If you need to make effort in order to be successful, please invest that effort. If you need an idea you should develop an idea, and if you need time, invest time. Why be defeated? It is a strange thing to accept defeat. That is how I am as a person. If I determine to do something, then, in silence, I'll put in a desperate effort until the last. Do you know what I mean?

Because of this kind of life style, ordinary people in the world have spread bad rumors about Reverend Moon, but I have been used to this way of life for some 30 or 40 years. The world recognizes me as Reverend Moon through this. For example, when I visit England, America says "Reverend Moon is in England" and if I visit Korea they say, "Reverend Moon is in South Korea." I hear of many such reports through the US embassy. So why am I doing this? Because I know what kind of world would be realized if I go this way.

How can this foundation be established? I resolved myself even from childhood to move forward in life even if I faced difficulties. If it is necessary for me to deny my family or even if I am betrayed by my son, or persecuted by my parents, by the nation, the world, or even if I am kicked by God, still I will go that way. Because of this, Rev. Moon has been spotlighted as a famous figure on the world stage. Do you understand? Is this bad or good? (Good) So from this point of view, this is a precious time of your life.

3) When You Are Enraptured You Can Develop

Recognize the preciousness of the present moment and keep going until the completion of what you have determined. If you are studying at the Arts Middle and High school and playing piano, please persevere to the end. Those who can play the piano please raise your hands. Good. And next, violin? Cello? Wind instruments? There must be many. You should make a sound filled with mystery which does not change even if played one hundred or one thousand times. Those playing the instruments should themselves be intoxicated in the sound of music. Even if you are in deep sleep, or falling asleep, if you then hear the sound of the instrument, "ping," you should wake up immediately. Those who have the capacity to develop are those who are enraptured by their music. You cannot keep going if you are just pretending, or just because you don't want to be bettered by someone else. You are meant to be intoxicated by what you do.

(To one individual) I heard you play the piano very well ... Finding who has a talent for music means finding those who can be more naturally intoxicated when they play the piano. Enraptured by the piano. The person who can become enraptured is someone who will definitely succeed. They can if they reach that level. Those who cannot will fall away. Someone with a hobby in the sphere of the arts should therefore know how to become enraptured. I am also enraptured when I am talking. But playing the violin and the piano are the fastest ways to become so. If you can become intoxicated in 30 minutes through what you are doing, I may take only one second to do so. I am very quick to feel things. You should know how to catch me. Do you know how to become sensitive quickly? It needs to be done many times. It needs much practice. Famous sculptors of the world who crafted excellent masterpieces are people enraptured by their work. They do not work from a sense of duty. They worked and forgot about time from sunrise in the morning to sunset in the evening. It has to be a masterpiece. The process is like this even for myself.

Everyone is enraptured by my words and spiritual guidance. They never know if it is morning or night. If they are enraptured in my words, a true world and true ideal existence naturally appears. This is a principle of nature. In this case, they feel around them the mysterious cooperation of the spirit world. When they enter this realm, if they play something such as the violin they will not be doing it alone. The entire spirit world is watching and listening. If they reach this level, almost everyone will be successful. (100-102)

4) Focus on Studying the Subjects that Match Your Abilities

When you study now, you will know yourself well. That is, you will ask yourself what is the best and most interesting subject to study. What is the most interesting? When you suddenly awaken in the middle of the night, ask yourself what is the most interesting. Is music interesting, or there is something else? There is this original nature in you. Your taste buds are also like that. Some people like to eat fish while others do not. Some people like certain kinds of vegetables, others like kimchi. Everyone is different, aren't they? If you have a certain nature that likes a certain kind of food, even if you did not eat it for one or two days you would not suddenly come to dislike that food. If you like something, you would normally continue to like it for the rest of your life. Did you know that? We display the same kind of nature when we study. We like to study the subjects that we enjoy the most. So what kind of subject will you study? You have to think deeply about it. As you are in your adolescence, I suppose you all like pop music. It may sound good, but you cannot say that you will always like a particular song. We have to consider the value of things -- what we mean when we say something is good. Centering on the standard of what is good in childhood, youth, adulthood, old age, past, present and the future, you can determine what is valuable and what is a fitting and interesting subject for you. Then you should focus your concentration on studying that subject.

How should we study? Studying is for the purpose of pursuing the goals you have set. If you like science, then you should study about science. You cannot study all the subjects with the same intensity. After you have specialized in science then you can widen your knowledge horizontally as needed. You can broaden your horizons. In the world today, you certainly need. to have a vocational subject. Whatever subject you choose, you will then study centered upon that subject. If it is science, you have to know about the history of science. You have to know the history of scientific development and about the scientists who made it possible. Next, you need to know what level modern scientists are at. You need to know where you stand in relation to them. With science advancing from the past through the present, are you standing in the position to advance or fall back? If you are falling back, stop doing so: you must be in the position to go forward. It can be concluded that if you want to be in a position to advance, you must study harder than those in the past, and in the present day. You must study hard. If you compare with how people have done things in the past and in the present, you might say that someone scored 80 but you got 75. If we look centering on modern scientists, someone scored 100 while you scored 60 -- we compare in this way. To reach 100 from 60, you must get 40 more, and it takes effort to accomplish this. Through that way, you must go up to the highest position. Do you follow? That is something substantial. Do you understand? You have to make that kind of effort. If you go the way of the spearhead of the world, making such efforts in each field, you will be in the position of leading the best people from each of those fields.

So you must quickly decide what to focus on. After deciding, you must make a comparison with all the great people of the past, present and future. When you make effort to move everything beyond their level, these people will stand behind you. You must therefore become the best people from each sphere, becoming those who can lead all people. (100-118)

5) Method of Study, Prayer, and Spiritual Efforts

It is good that you are making prayer and spiritual conditions. Yesterday, True Mother said that she had seen one of the children sitting still and praying, and it even looked scary. Why is it good to pray? When your mind if focused, your observation becomes quick. When I listen to a lecture, I already know what will be on the test because I can perceive the teacher's intention. This is like having a high antenna, with which you can pick up even the smallest sound. Isn't it so? Hence, those who make spiritual conditions are connected with the future world. So all the prophecies and revelations come from those who make spiritual conditions.

When you make spiritual conditions for your study with a motivation to make the future preparation to serve God and mankind, all the good spirits and those who have specialties in your area of study will come and help you in your examination. So when you enter a mysterious state through a spiritual condition, try to write something; then you can produce a beautiful writing. This also happens with painting. Rather than your drawing alone by yourself, you can make a spiritual condition and ask a great painter's spirit to come and help you; then your work will generate great admiration from people. So great scientists or artists inevitably have spiritual connection; it is because they have made spiritual efforts. Do you understand? So please study hard.

6) Attitude of Studying

Don't study just mechanically but with an attitude that you are in a competition, as if you are standing on a starting line in a sport contest. You will be running with the sound of the gun. Always keep in mind that you are in competition with all the students in the world. So my words of guidance are like the starter's gun; if you pay the same attention to them as you would to the starter's gun at the starting line, you will get ahead of others even by one step. Many times, victory is decided with a second's edge or by a difference of one step, right?

No matter how many steps and how many hours of running the competition involves, what determines the winner is the final step and final second. So in order to achieve victory, you have to invest tens of thousands of hours and steps. The one who makes such investment with joy rather than sorrow will receive the award. Even after the award, if he felt forced to do it, he will retreat from that point; but if he did it with joy, he will start running again after the award. Are you also like this?

When you graduate from high school, do you feel that you are forced to go to college, saying, "Alas, I don't want to study again." Even though you may go to college, if you have this kind of attitude, you will end up drifting away. You go to college because there you can learn what you desire to learn and you can do what you desire to do. If you can find deeper and deeper contents of study there, you will be able to get ahead of other students. For this, you should take it as a fun hobby. Even in making a spiritual condition, having fun is necessary.

7) Finishing the Work Quickly

I think Unification members should finish college before twenty. When can you finish the doctorate? I am considering a computerized study method. I am trying to find ways everyone can finish their study instantly. I could build something like a prison. I could lock you in and keep you there until you pass certain exams. What is prison? It is a room in hell. You start with the worst place and make your way up to the best hotel.

How many hours do you study a day? How many hours do you spend in school? In Little Angels Art School, how many hours a day do high school seniors study in school? (Seven hours) Then, how many days a week do you go to school? (Six days) Then, you study forty-two hours a week, right? Then how many hours a year? (2,184 hours) If you divide these hours by twenty-four hours, you get ninety, so ninety-one days. If you multiply this by four years, you get 364 days. This is only one year. This applies to university -- in order to graduate the four-year program, you have to study just one year. This calculation, however, supposes that you study 24 hours a day.

But if we become more realistic and say that you study 12 hours a day, then you can finish the four-year course in two years. So would you like to do this or not? If you support it, this means you can start from tomorrow. So is it better to graduate soon this way or not? Or wouldn't it be better to finish it within a year rather than in two, three, or four years? Right? I like doing thing quickly. How about you? (We like doing it quickly) So whom do you resemble? (Father) You resemble me, right? Then whom do I resemble? (God) God likes doing things as quickly as possible. You should go on without resting, until you lose your hair and become bald.

When you lose hair while working for God's cause, it is OK. But if this happened while working for your own mouth and children, you will flunk. I look down on universities. I can graduate in one year. So don't show off just because you have a university degree. Is schoolwork a problem or not? (No problem) Is it a problem to get a perfect grade? Think about it. Do you want to win or lose to the children of the satanic world? (Win) You should win by all means. So you must all study.

I may bring some good students to America. I want to bring children of Blessed families to the best schools in America. If your parents cannot do it, I will do it. There will be no room for excuses. Even through this way, you have to receive doctorates quickly and become great people. You will have to suffer much if you want to finish the difficult course in one year.

There are some hoodlums here, who love to play around, huh? Do you know the story of the grasshopper and the ant? Do you want to be a grasshopper or an ant? (Ant) Oh, how hard they must have worked to become so black, and to become so thin in the waist? Ants work hard until their waist become so thin. They carry back and forth stuffs that are ten times bigger than they without hesitation. When a grasshopper dies, they drag it along and put it in a refrigerator. There are many people who boast of themselves like grasshoppers. But I will be an ant cooking and eating them. (112-225)

8) How to Decide the Major Field

When you are struggling among many options and desires, you first pray about it. Trees have a main trunk. All that live, grow through the main trunk, that is, the center. It does not mean that the side branches are all wrong. They all have their own merits as they accompany the main trunk as the center. The way a tree grows is similar to the way you should grow.

Normally people have more than one talent. The world is created through the principle of the four-position foundation, and since man is the center of the universe, he has the characters and talents that can harmonize with the four directions of east, west, south, and north. Among them, there is one that is like the main trunk. You know it, especially if you pray about it. When you are scribbling, for instance, you unconsciously write something you like. Have you not had such an experience? Also, if you like one great historical figure, it means that you like his thoughts. These things can help you discern your main talent clearly. Do you have such an experience or not?

The Divine Principle, however, is something everybody has to study. As long as we have the restorational course to follow, we should know about the church and learn all that the church teaches. We do outside things in addition to this. So you should know all this. I know it already, and I knew it when I was young. I had to study something that was not a part of my main pursuit, but I did it to be able to be well rounded. I knew what I had to do and who I had to become. If you don't know it, you should pray who you should become.

You may count on my instruction whenever I come, but how can I see you and instruct you every day? Aren't there so many people who need my instruction? When the morning sun rises, I rejoice, as father and mother do. Some people like morning, some like afternoon, some like evening, and some like night. So you should find such things yourself. Please pray.

9) Father's Career Guidance for the Blessed Children

There are many fields. You should go according to your own talents. Also, the environment should help you. Just because you are poor, you should not think about money all the time; if you do, money will run beside you. When you operate a business, you will run into bankruptcy. You should be someone money can follow when you are doing business. If money is to follow you, you should look in a certain way. You don't know this, right?

You will be good at mechanics or electric engineering. You have that talent. You want to do politics, but you should not go around doing political activities. (I want to study political theory) But don't you study politics to be able to do politics? Isn't it so? You should not be a politician and speak a lot. (120-311)

10) Purpose of Studying

What kind of path do you want to take? You should take the path of loving God absolutely. If you love God absolutely, then can you simply throw away studying? Why do you study? Isn't love all that we need? Isn't there even a song that goes, "Would college make a man? Although he cannot even recognize the letter "A," he is good enough if he has love?" Then why do you study? Have you ever thought about this? You should know this. If you have God's love, you can be saved as an individual without having anything else.

But you must also reach out to the multitude. Without an ability to teach the right way to the people, you will go in only one direction. In other words, although you may be qualified as a child Of God, you cannot make the fallen people God's children. Do you understand this? You study because through this you can create many children of God like you. If I become the best scientist in the world, I can teach how to become God's child through science. So instead of being God's child alone, I should be able to make all the people God's children who work in my specialized field.

Then who would receive God's praise, the child who has made no influence in the world or the child who created many other children of God? Of course, God prefers a child who comes back to him after creating many like-minded children of God to the child who comes back to God alone. So in going the way of love, we should work for results of both sides, and this is what God and I desire. So, you have to study in order to perfect this way. This is why the ethics of how to treat mother and grandfather and the question of daily living become important.

We have to have the knowledge to be able to find the best method. So our Unification members should sacrifice everything for God and make the best efforts, thereby acquiring the highest ability in their fields of endeavor and creating many like-minded people. When you think you are studying in order to make humanity happy, is it wonderful or not? (Wonderful) (100-158)

11) God's Task and Our Mission

Do you want to create one God's child or many? (Many) This greed in you can be higher than even God's greed, and God will still be happy. If you say to God, "What have you done for the past six-thousand years? You have not created even one child of yours among the countless human beings. So why don't you give it up? I will create them by my own hands, then God will smile at you and say, "Yes, yes," rather than getting upset at you. This kind of greed can be greater than the earth and higher than God's head. Even someone with a dull mind can have this kind of greed. This is not a bad greed.

Are you Koreans or Japanese? (Koreans) Do you want to raise up only Koreans as God's children and exclude Japanese because they are enemies? (No) How about blacks? I told you that we should raise up as God's children everyone in the world including those in the hell, right? This is God's work. His work is to raise up everyone in the world as His children. So when you work in God's place, He will try to give you everything. If you raise all the people in the world as such, then you will be the greatest child of God or the head child. Among children there is the head child, right? So do you want to be the number one son or daughter? What kind of son and daughter do you want to become? (Number one son, number one daughter) So you are very greedy, right?

Everyone wants to become number one, and this is good. Please become number one. There is no reason why Koreans cannot be the first; white people do not have to be the first all the time. Even blacks can be the first. You can try because you are, all equal as God's children. Do you want to try or not? (We will) Do you think I myself have studied or not? (You studied) When I was studying, I did it like a thunder, finishing up in a short moment what others do in years. My hometown is in North Korea, a very traditional farming village eight km away from Jung Ju. Do you know kerosene lamps? What is a kerosene lamp? It seems as if it was only a few days ago when I studied under a kerosene lamp. When I studied until two or three a. m., my mother and father would tell me, "Please sleep. You should not weaken your health." My closest friends were the insects that cried in summer nights. Night in the countryside is very quiet, and the sound of insects under the moonlight is very mysterious. It seems as if only a few days had passed since the time I was walking around the mountains there. This means that our life is short.

So what do you want to do then? In creating God's children, you need knowledge and ability. God wants you to be His child along with others and not just alone, so we need knowledge and ability. Since knowledge leads to ability, we end up with the conclusion that we must study. So do you think you should study or not? (We should study) Should you pray or not? (Should pray) You should pray. (100-159)

12) In Order to be Successful in Life

While studying hard, you should also pray hard. So at school you should train yourself through love, but not for yourself. In order to follow this path, you should be able to forgive your enemies. You should pave the path of knowledge and understand everything. You should be able to discriminate between front, back, right, left, above, and below. What is the fall? Eve fell because she did not have discrimination. You should have the knowledge that can provide you with a sense of discrimination with respect to affairs of the nation and world. In order to have such knowledge, you should follow the normal course from the elementary school, through secondary schools, college, and doctorate. You should try to shorten this period, making yourself and others God's children. If you make utmost efforts with Heaven for the sake of this, even risking your own life, everything will lead to good results. So you will try like this, OK?

Now, you want to love God, and yet God is quite far away; so you love your brothers and sisters and parents in place of God. Do you understand? Then you will be a model for your brothers and sisters, and be recognized by your parents. So in lieu of loving God, you can love your parents and head of the country, and you can qualify as a patriot. Then by loving saints such as Jesus with God's love, you qualify as a saint. These steps are connected in an orderly way. If you study with these things in mind, you can make it a part of your study. Do you understand this?

If you can already love God, you can jump towards the final goal, but now you are focused on your studies and you need to take more gradual steps by being examples for friends, family, country, and the world with God's loving heart and as God's children. You should be able to do the same for all, for foreigners, Koreans, and blacks. I would like to train your heart to be able to relate to and love black people. Do you understand? And you can study at the same time. There are sayings, "Get two with one hand" and "Get two birds with one stone," right? Now is a good time to get this kind of results. So do not waste time in such a precious time, and stop talking about boys and girls. Study hard until the path of your determination is walked to the end so you can love God best as His children. In the process of studying, you can serve your parents very much, connect with your friends with brothers' heart, and serve the country, nation, and world. So this is an opportunity of getting two birds with one stone, so please do not miss it and study hard. I request this of you. Do you understand or not? (We understand) When you know this for sure, do you have to believe God or not? (We have to) How much do you have to believe? More than one hundred per cent. Should you love God or not? (We should) More than your parents, the president, or anyone else. This has to be the case with all the people and not just you alone. This is why you should study with all your energy. With hope and a joyful heart, you should study earnestly while following the ways of filial children, patriots, and saints.

So if you can become God's children and also raise up others as such, you will be the greatest victor in the short human life. Then you can be greater than Jesus, Confucius, and Buddha. So with this understanding, please study hard. (100-162)


Section 3. Responsibility and Restoration Through Indemnity

1) The Reason God Gave Humans Responsibility

You may think lightly of responsibility, but if you don't know this, history cannot move on. Why did God give responsibility? God gave a commandment not to eat because He gave responsibility. If he had not given responsibility, it would mean that people should start making love even when they are infants; there would be no puberty. Puberty is a time when love matures and man and woman learn about each other. The question is why God gave responsibility. It is in order to raise us up until the time of puberty. Without it, people would have to be married from the time of childhood, right? Do they know what marriage is? They cannot be married. So they should wait until they are grown up through the period of maturation. Men and women should become physically mature. After the maturation, even grasshoppers know how to find their mates, and why would people not know this? They can find their own spouses. (133-106)

2) Our Attitude in living with Responsibility

You must be curious about many things, but you cannot put them into questions because you are not clear about it. If I ask you, you can, not but agree. It is for sure. Responsibility, OK? You tell your parents that you want to eat, but do you eat with a mouth that fulfilled the responsibility? You, _____, has your mouth fulfilled the responsibility? (No) Your hands pick up the food and put it into your mouth without shame, but you should say, "You, hand, have you carried out your responsibility?" How about your eyes? When you see a handsome boy, your eyes remember him and want to see him again. Have you ever told your eyes, "You, eyes, have you completed your responsibility? Aren't you Satanic eyes?" Also, when you are putting on a necklace, you should ask if your neck has fulfilled the responsibility. If you say, "Although I have not fulfilled my responsibility, I have to use this necklace in order to bring more beauty to the public. Please forgive me," then God will approve of you. But you should not just try to show off your charms with the necklace. Everything changes according to responsibility.

When you wear clothes, it is the same. Why are you wearing that kind of clothes? Sisters, you changed all your clothes, huh? They must be your best clothes, right? I mentioned before that I may match you, just to see how you react. You rascals, you put on lipstick, although I told you not to. (We did because today is a special day to see you!) I don't need that. I judge by responsibility. How can you wear rings? I have never used a single ring so far. Not wearing rings, and putting away my watch -- this is how I live. I ask myself about the responsibility of the world and cosmos. Unification members are asked about individual and family responsibilities, but I ask myself if I fulfilled cosmic responsibility.

Sisters, your hips and breasts must be getting bigger, but don't say, "Oh, may my husband come quickly." Why are you covering your faces? You act like that because you have had that kind of thought, right? If you had had no such thought, then you would be just sitting still because you know nothing about it. In such times, you should think more deeply. You should say, "You, body, do you know what responsibility is?" When you menstruate, you should say, "You, menstruation, do you know what responsibility is? How nice it would be if you come out in the original place. You rascal, you have to go through death, and why are you behaving like this?" Having menstruation means that you are ready to receive a husband and have babies. But have you ever said, "You rascal, wait more"? _______, it sounds real when I tell you now, right? Previously, you did not know that indemnity is this serious, right? (133-109)

3) All the Systems are Based on Responsibilities

Students should fulfill their responsibility as students. All that is decided at school is responsibility. Students should prepare well for the exams. This is their responsibility. In Unification Church, witnessing and fundraising well is our responsibility. Through responsibility, your character matures and you become persons of qualification and value. This is how systems work in the world. This connects to all laws and regulations. Do you understand responsibility? Do elementary students also have responsibilities? (They do) How about secondary school students? (They do) How about college students? (They do) Doctorate students? (They do) How about a husband and wife? (They do) How about between children and parents? (There is responsibility) How about all the members of the family, grandparents and parents? (There is) So everywhere there is responsibility. This is why you should respect the law. If you live by your inclination, you will have no place to stay. The universe will expel you. No matter how promising it seems, things will not work out for you.

Responsibility is everywhere. In eating, it is your responsibility to finish your food. There is much responsibility. The one who can carry much responsibility is a great person. Do you understand? I created many responsibilities, right? I created many systems. In the companies, there should be a principle and law that can facilitate the whole operation. There can be no objections. When someone complains, he will be kicked out. Do you understand? Adam and Eve were not going in the straight path, and what happened to them? They got expelled. When I establish a law, it is based on the law of responsibility, and so you should absolutely follow it. Do you understand responsibility now? Church regulations are also a system of responsibilities. The time of service must be kept absolutely. You should come before the service starts, and you should not move during the service. I did the same myself. When I went to school late, then I did not eat lunch. I went there exactly five minutes before the start.

When I was going to school, I had to walk 8 km every day. This was elementary school. So the students who lived on my way knew when I was coming every day, and if they followed me, they did not get to school late. So kids were waiting for me on every hill. I walk very quickly. I walked 8 km within 45 minutes, and my friends had a hard time keeping up with me. I was famous for that. I have many stories, although I don't have to tell them to you. I made preparation for school without relying on my parents. I negotiated my own oral test with the school principal. Do you understand this? It was like pioneering. I created it all. So you should know that all the systems are based on responsibilities. You should keep the law of Unification Church. Do you get up for the morning pledge? Those who do not keep the pledge at home, raise your hands. All this is responsibility. Whether you can fulfill your responsibility is a question that determines your life. (133-154)

4) Father's Restoration Through Indemnity and its Inheritance

Now, so far, who has carried out the course for indemnity? (Father) Can you pay for it with money? No. Can you pay for it by selling your house and country? (No) Then what do you have to do? There is nothing you can do other than absolute obedience. You have to obey absolutely until you turn twenty. Adam and Eve fell as they had been going their own ways before they were twenty. So you should absolutely obey until you turn twenty. So children should obey their parents absolutely. Children are aware that they will perish unless they are one with their parents. Also, we will perish if we are not united with God. Satan knows this, and this is why he is dividing the old and new generations; children are kicked out from home for disobeying their parents. America is opposing me. Satan is a genius. He knows everything about the world. He is stripping people naked. Hippie lifestyle is quite pointless.

So you should realize how amazing it is to be a Blessed family and how difficult it is to be a Blessed family. Even Jesus could not achieve this. How much has he sacrificed in order to prepare the worldwide foundation of Christianity for the past two thousand years? Starting with the four hundred years of Roman persecution, Christianity shed blood everywhere before it settled down and developed. Even with such sacrifices, Christianity could not achieve the Blessing, but this has been achieved in me. So how incredible it is for your parents to have been Blessed. Can this be exchanged for money? You cannot pay for it although you say thanks and dance around for a thousand years. You should know that you have this kind of privilege.

I paid for the indemnity, and who received the blessing? (We did) You 36 Blessed families, are you worried at all that I am going to prison now? You are just blinking your eyes, and my going to prison is nothing so shocking for you. But I don't mind that; parents are supposed to serve the children, anyway. This is how children are; they receive benefits from parents' hard work. But I am asking you to become that kind of parents yourself. Then you have to inherit this tradition. You should not make your children say: Our grandparents bequeathed good tradition to my parents, and yet our parents did not bequeath good tradition to us so that we have not been able to grow up fully. (133-136)

5) Reason We Must Follow the Path of indemnity

Now, if the original and sinless world had been established, the Unification Church would be welcomed by the whole. But now the world has become satanic, and we must recreate it. Creation requires overcoming the opposite force, through which you can gain a surplus energy to construct your structure. Without a surplus power, there cannot be a creation. So the Unification Church says that we need the indemnity course through which we can eliminate the opposing force. This is because of the fall; do you understand, sisters?

In re-creation, you must invest more energy than was originally invested. It is like repairing something costs more than making it. So this extra investment should be taken care of through indemnity. Do you understand the concept of indemnity? Indemnity is for the sake of recreation. We need indemnity for the sake of re-creation. Do you get the idea? This morning, do you welcome indemnity? (We do) Why? In order to be re-created and become an original person. In order to be restored. Only the original persons will follow the way of God's Will. Now, are you original people or fallen tribes? Fallen tribes. So you must be re-created through an indemnity course. Our Blessed children, do you understand?

We need an indemnity course. In order to save the world, you should take the indemnity course. Jesus is God's son, but he also had to take the indemnity course in order to save the world. Because the world refused to go and opposed him, he could not help taking the responsibility and going through the indemnity course. Why am I suggesting that you should suffer? So that you can go through the indemnity path. I myself intend to follow the indemnity way all my life. Go voluntarily instead of reluctantly. Even going to prison should be volunteered. When you complain, indemnity cannot be fulfilled, do you understand? You followed me to fundraising, right? Although you may say, "Gee, I don't like fundraising. What is this?" this is just the beginning. From now on, I may even tell you to walk upside down. I may say, "Since the world is evil, you walk upside down." Because the world is upside down, and going along with evil people will make us evil, we should go in the reverse way. This is how you become good people. This is quite logical. (133-69)

6) Reason We Should do Fundraising

Now Unification members understand the responsibility of indemnity, right? You should go through the indemnity course. So why do you go fundraising? [Father talks to one person], what education did you receive about this? (It is a practical education in which we can use what we learned about the Principle in fighting against Satan.) Is that how it is explained? Why do you need to do witnessing and fundraising? (It is a condition for the restoration of all things.) What will you do after restoring all things? (We are responsible to restore people in the fallen world, but also to return all things to God.) What is the human responsibility? We need to restore all things because God needs things He can possess as He tries to re-create us. God tries to re-create fallen people but He needs things within his authority. You have not taught them this, right? What does this mean? Because of the fall, there is no material through which God can re-create me. Everything is given over to Satan. So I return the material to God, and through this I become re-created. By offering the material for my recreation, I establish the condition that I am recreated. Where is this material? It is possessed by all households and all people. All kinds of people, including government ministers and congressmen possess all things. You go to them and take it from them. Your sincere efforts are expressed in terms of money. You should never keep it for yourself, however. You should return it entirely to heaven. You cannot even touch one penny, although by order you can use some for your lunch, and this is an indemnity condition. Otherwise, you should not touch even one dollar from your fundraising results. You find all things in the world and bring them to God. This period is three and half years. God created all things in seven years, and restoring all things takes three and half years. So for three years you should invest all your mind and body. There will be all kinds of humiliations and persecutions. You will be shedding tears and have to do all kinds of things. You will want to run away, but you should endure everything. All kinds of things may happen to you. People may even kick and spit at you. Don't you think so? But if a household feels God's heart and receives you, then they will receive the blessing. When they thank you for the thing they buy, they will receive blessing. They will come within the area of God's intervention. When a few people do this, God can intervene, and the world will become brighter.

So you ask all kinds of people, including menial laborers and beggars, collect their belongings and offer them to God. For the three years, you try to regain, through all kinds of ways, the amount that represents what was lost in the Garden of Eden. God tried to create the original land and me, and yet through the fall original man and original land were lost. So we should find it with blood and sweat. This is possible because it is Parents' order. Since there is nothing with which God can re-create you, you find the material and bring it to God so that He can use it as a soil to create you, the Adam and Eve. He will mold you again out of the soil. You are doing economic activities in order to establish such a material condition. Do you understand it? (Yes) It is not to make money. You have to go fundraising. (133-159)

7) Reason We Should Go Witnessing

Why do you go witnessing? After being invaded by Satan, I have been re-created through all things; so now I take Satan's authority away. I cannot stand on Satan's side, and I take Satan's authority away. You should be able to move on no matter how much the world opposes you, with the heart of loving God and the desire to keep God's law, and bring back the whole humankind. You push forward with such a conviction. You should have that kind of boldness.

This is why we should bring back your spiritual children: it means regaining archangels. There were three archangels for Adam, but he lost them all, right? If you are to restore this, you should establish three archangels. You should establish spiritual children instead of children of Satan. These children are like the three angels in the Garden of Eden. This is the restoration of Cain. We should restore Cain through the three Ages of the Old, New, and Completed Testaments. Because of this, people came to us and accused us of seducing their children away. In order to witness to one person, I lived in her house for a year and half, although she was opposing me, until she came completely within my hand. I did not care about any curses or persecutions. Do you understand this? (133-162)

8) Blessed Children Should Fulfill Their Responsibilities

When you are living in society, you should keep the law of society. Traffic regulation means that you carry out your responsibility with respect to traffic. School regulation is a system of responsibilities through which you can conduct school life. So you should carry them out. Can you say that I am advising you too much? In your school, which is the good teacher, the one who teaches you strictly or one who takes it easy and lets you fool around? (The strict teacher) But no student likes a strict teacher, right? If you follow the easy teacher, the school will perish. So it can develop only by going in the opposite direction. Young people need strict discipline. They don't need freedom, OK?

If you follow a young person who has not even graduated from college and has no social experience, the whole country may be ruined. He does not know the world, so he should not insist on his opinion until he turns thirty. Until thirty, there was no day when I was not hungry.

Do you understand? I lived like this on purpose. I wore smelly clothes from used-clothing stores. Why? Because girls were following me. I had many girls following me, but I kept myself strict. Also, I seldom spoke. I did not speak carelessly because I thought that even one word coming from me can turn the whole world. In this process, I am in a hurry preparing. When I start opening my mouth, the whole world will turn around. You rascals, Blessed families. You are hoodlums.

All those who live here are indebted to me. When you are indebted to me, you should know that you are indebted to the heaven, God, and humankind, and you should make a determination to pay it back before you die, at least to your children and relatives. Do you understand this? I am helping with such thoughts. Through this the foundation will open through which the world can be saved. I told Chung Hwan Kwak: "Since I took your children, teaching them, clothing them, and feeding them, you also take other children and do the same in my place." So you should do it in my place and never stay indebted. Since I did it, you should also help others as much as I helped you. If it is difficult, at least serve your children. This is not you, but I who serve. Since I served you, you are trying to pay it back by educating at least one person to do the same. Otherwise, the whole nation will perish. I will have to inspect your daily life. _____, when you live here, I will inspect you. I will try to cut your desk with a saw. When you come back later and see this, and ask your parents who did this, they will answer that the one who has the authority to do it did it. Then you will not yell and scream about it because I told you now, right? Those who receive scholarships, do you have responsibility? Those Blessed sons and daughters, do you have responsibilities? You have more responsibilities than others. Responsibility is so important. Do you under, stand it? You should be able to bear your responsibility. You should overcome it. Otherwise, you will be alienated from the whole. (133-170)

9) Responsibility Lies in the Process of All Fields

We came to this point by talking about responsibility and indemnity. Now, let's go back and make the conclusion. Indemnity follows you always, from childhood to death, and even into the spiritual world. Responsibility follows you eternally. Even in the spiritual world there is responsibility. Do you understand this? The higher up you go in the spiritual world, the higher the level of law. Responsibility will follow you. You should know this. Adam and Eve were supposed to be perfected through love, and yet they violated responsibility by misusing love. Responsibility lies in process in all fields. In order to accomplish the purpose, you have to go through the process, and responsibility is always involved in the process. You should know this. When you are going through a certain temporal process, there is always responsibility. Not fulfilling it will ruin everything. (133-175)


Section 4. The Way of True Freedom

1) Necessity of the Proper Conception of Freedom

You speak about peace, happiness and freedom, but what is that freedom? What is the freedom that ordinary people nowadays call freedom? Freedom is to do whatever I wish. But how far does whatever I wish go? There is a limit. A human being cannot live much longer than one hundred years. Is it freedom if I spend that one hundred years going my own way? If there were no law and freedom to do whatever one wished, what kind of freedom is that? Today, the world of civilized culture has expanded greatly, so is it easy or difficult to do research and study? Is it freedom, or restriction, to be stuck in a study room? Tell me? How should we interpret it? Is studying freedom, or is it confinement, when one doesn't like to study? (It's confinement.) Even though it imposes restrictions, why do we have the desire to do it? That is the question. It therefore becomes the problem of how to comprehend the concept of freedom. Freedom is not doing whatever one wishes.

Then, what does freedom mean to a woman? What does freedom mean to a man? What is freedom for a person? What is freedom for a family? For a society? For a nation? That is the issue. Can we, as individuals, do whatever we wish? If that is freedom, say I won't eat and then don't eat? If you do that, you will die without doubt. If you think that not looking is your freedom, then don't look. That way you will just make a fool of yourself. That's a problem? That is the reason Western society is perishing. They do not know the definition of freedom. (182-111)

Does freedom lie in happiness or happiness in freedom? Where would you wish happiness to be? (Freedom in happiness) Until now, we have not been aware of this. When that question is asked, you might think that happiness is in freedom, but that is not the case. Freedom, too, desires to go into happiness and dwell there. Happiness does not want to dwell within freedom. It is freedom that wishes to dwell within happiness. Therefore, freedom is an action with a directional characteristic. It cannot be a decisive action. That is why it is secondary, rather than primary. Do you understand? (182-116)

2) The Three Great Principles Freedom Must Have

Freedom cannot exist outside the Principle. From that viewpoint, everything has already been analyzed and the rules determined. There is no freedom outside the Principle. Not eating when it is time to eat is not freedom. You'll become hungry. That will produce ill effects, and if you continue, your body will die. So, there is no freedom outside the Principle. Looking at it this way, all the movement and workings of the universe are freedom. The greatest freedom is that the earth revolves on its axis once a day. Also, the moon goes around the earth once a month, and, of course, the earth goes around the sun based on a 360-day cycle. If they were to say, " Oh no? I don't want to do that," it would mean losing the value of the whole. Therefore it is logical and reasonable that there is no freedom apart from the Principle. Do you understand? Everything exists in that way.

Well, then, do I have freedom? It is the same for me. Pursuing freedom in a world that has abandoned its principles is doomed to failure. I am old and there are rules of freedom that I must follow as an elderly person. Would it be suitable for an elderly person such as myself to have an affair with a young girl? Hmm? Everyone would laugh at me and spit on me. Everything has to coincide with the Principle. Also, there is responsibility in freedom. Responsibility? You should certainly not act in a position of responsibility for something bad. You must act from a position of taking responsibility for something good. On seeing how much you have been able to take responsibility for your actions, all creation should be able to respect you on that basis. Also, good results must be left behind where you have acted. Aren't these the three great fundamental rules? You might say, "What kind of freedom is that?" but that is just the way it is! For example, when you go home, you might say, "I am not going to be dominated by my parents. I am going to do whatever I wish" You cannot assert that this is freedom.

Look! Compare it with the branches and twigs on a tree. Can a twig claim that it has nothing to do with the branch? If there is no branch, a twig cannot be protected and its location cannot be determined; we do not know whether it is in the eastern or western part of the universe. Can it manage by itself? Can anything manage alone? The north, south, east and west have to join in four directions. If there is a tree-branch facing the east, then there will inevitably be branches facing west, south and north. There must also be buds and roots. It is in such a case that freedom can be guaranteed. Do you understand? If that is not the case, that tree cannot grow upright, no matter how good the east-facing branches are. The tree will be out of shape. Can we say that the growth of a tree is freedom? It is its purpose. Therefore there cannot be freedom outside the Principle -- the fundamental rules of the Principle -- and there cannot be freedom without responsibility. When we act, good results must inevitably come about. (182-112)

3) The Devil's Easy-Going Freedom

Look at the behavior of today's students. Those ruffians with their petrol bombs: they break everything and destroy school equipment. We can call such people the devil's dogmatists. Satanic dogmatists. Where else in the world can you find such villains? What self-indulgence? All licentiousness will decline. It cannot increase. One can only increase with the support of everything. Isn't that true? As in the world of nature, you must also absorb nutrients necessary for your growth. You must absorb elements, and when you receive that nourishment, you grow. But if, while denying all this yet intending to act out of freedom, you end up committing ruinous acts, you will go down. Then all is lost. That is a big problem. It is a problem that will become your problem. At your age, I also had to face the same problems. They are painful problems.

You must know this: there is definitely no freedom outside the Principle. When fathers and mothers give birth to sons and daughters, those sons and daughters cannot deny the principle of being born as children of their parents, can they? If it is true that those are their father and mother, they have to accept that reality. In order to do so, they must be in harmony with their father and mother. They have to care for each other. They cannot care only for themselves. To be good to your mother, your father, and yourself -- that is freedom, isn't it? Only what I prefer -- this is Satan's easy-going way of freedom. It is a free action based on a lie that will lead to failure. It is outside the Principle. (182-113)

4) Women's Freedom

Is it acceptable for a woman to say that since she has freedom as a woman she will do as men do -- even though she was born as a woman and there is a way for women to go? As a woman, she does not even have a beard! What? Freedom to grow a beard! If you say you want to grow a beard, go ahead and try to get one-and see how long it takes. Is that the way of the principle for those born as women? What can we call freedom? A woman has her monthly period, doesn't she? "Oh no? This is so annoying? I will give this up." Let her try to get rid of that. Is it possible? Are you confident to be able to do so? We have to adapt ourselves to the fundamental principles. As a woman, she has to adapt herself to the fundamental principles of womanhood. Then, a woman has to take responsibility as a woman. As her breasts are big, she has the responsibility to raise children. This is freedom. Giving birth and raising children is the highest freedom. A woman who cannot give birth to a child is only half a woman. She is not counted as a woman.

No matter how good and big the chestnut burr is, if it doesn't ripen properly then it will decay. It will not be able to ripen or open and the whole thing will fall off and rot. But, because the chestnut must not decay, the burr is attached incredibly firmly. It's marvelous. Haven't you all experienced picking chestnuts? (Yes.) The burr later splits open into four segments, but while unripe, it is like leather. However much you try to twist it open it will not break, or if it does it will burst open at a point other than the natural point of opening up. However, the chestnut burs bearing chestnuts will come to fruition in the autumn. If the burr is carrying a chestnut, the nut should drop off. Before the chestnuts drop, the burr opens up automatically. No matter how big they are, those that don't have fruit will drop off the tree and decay. When autumn arrives, the ones that are ripe open their mouths and have the responsibility to protect the fruit. It is the Principle. It is Principle based reasoning. There is no freedom outside of this logic. Do you understand what I said?

So, we have to take responsibility. Why do we have to do this? Let's say that you have given birth to a child. Can you say, "Hey? Grow as you wish!" It is collective responsibility. Because my parents have raised me up this way, I must do the same. That is where freedom is. (182-114)


Section 5. The Right Attitude of the Second Generation as They Follow the Way Of God's Will

1) In Order to Fulfill the Purpose

Question: Please tell us what kind of sad, joyful, or suffering experiences you have had in your life.

Answer: Sad experience, and joyful experience, and what? (Experience of hardship) Experience of hardship. What can be hard? When you are determined to achieve your purpose, then hard things and sad things are not hard or sad. When you are going forward towards your purpose, there cannot be a hardship or sorrow. When you are sad, you think only of how you can achieve your goal. This is the Unification Church way, isn't it? When you decide on a purpose, you have to move on even when it is hard and hold your tears. When you are determined, the harder it gets, the closer you are to achieving the goal, and the more tears you shed, the more heart you have for its realization. Considering this, sorrow and hardship are to be welcomed as good things. Do you understand this?

It takes time to achieve a goal. Then, there should be efforts. How hard can you work? This is the question. Then you should establish spiritual conditions. So, time, and what? (Efforts) Then spiritual conditions. When you make efforts, however, you cannot just simply work. Your mind and body must be one, and your efforts should be acknowledged by Heaven. The more efforts you invest, the closer you are to the goal. Do you understand this? First, what? Time. Then? (Efforts) Then? (Spiritual conditions).

If it normally takes ten years to fulfill a goal, but you want to do it within three years, you have to work more than three times harder. Is it easy? (Difficult) So you have no choice. This is scientific. The question is how much you invest. Your purpose will be realized only when your investment of time and work is greater than what is required to fulfill it. If it is below the standard of the purpose, it will not be achieved. Do you understand? You think you want to become a certain person, leader, writer, scientist, or so forth. If you have decided on something, the bigger the purpose is, the more you should invest your time, work, and spiritual efforts. Western people don't know what spiritual effort is. You need to invest time, work, and spiritual effort. But this purpose should not be for yourself but for the sake of the whole. If you have to invest much time, then you cannot sleep well and cannot play around well. You should invest all these extra hours. Others are out with friends, but you are to live a lonely life. Isn't it so? Making spiritual conditions is not in order to deal with people but to ask higher beings for help. That is why you have to go through a highly intense situation. This is why there is hardship and sorrow. We should overcome them. Do not take them as pain. Rather, as something that quickens the realization of what I desire.

It is the same in our church. The path that our church has taken is one that has been opposed by the whole of Korea and the world. But this was not something sad or painful. The more we have such things, the more attention we receive from the world and the better things turn for our purpose. So from the standpoint of purpose, sad and difficult things are not bad things. If you realize this, you can digest these things. Do you understand this? In the outside world, if somebody cries without a purpose, his tears will disappear after the crying, and his sufferings and pains will be forgotten. But sorrow and hardship that is experienced for the sake of a purpose inevitably remains. The reward will surely come, within my own lifetime or through my descendants. Therefore, sorrow is not sorrow, and hardship is not hardship.

2) How to Conclude the History of Restoration Quickly

Question: There are many things we must do in the future. Please tell us something about our future. By the time we have fully grown up, will the restoration still not have been completed so that we will also have to go through a public course like the one our parents went or will it have been concluded so that we can then just pursue our talents and hobbies? Can you tell us concretely?

Answer: This is a matter of great magnitude. The question of when the history of restoration is concluded will continue for a long time. The history of restoration will not be finished until everyone becomes one within the Will and turns around. So the history of restoration will not be over in a day or two. It has been started with me, but it will continue through your parents and also through you.

Then how can we hasten the end of the history of restoration? This is decided by individual efforts, and at what level you make the efforts, whether from upper class, middle class, or lower class society, and whether to upper class, middle class, or lower class people. If you can turn around those on the top, who lead human history, restoration can go quickly. Otherwise, if we start the other way, that is, from the laborer, we don't know how many thousands of years it will take. Unless you can go up on the stage and bring them quickly under your control, it can take hundreds and even thousands of years. In order to restore Korea quickly, we should witness to Korean leaders soon. Also, in order to restore Japan, we should witness to Japanese leaders. Then restoration will proceed very rapidly.

So what kind of course lies ahead for you? You should not think that you will continue the same course as your parents and restoration will be accomplished. Then, what should you do? You should study hard and witness to all the world leaders one by one. Now, how many people are here? (One hundred) If you can spread to the world and each of you witnesses to one country's president in three years, then what will happen to the world? It will be restored very quickly? For this reason, young people who are following the course of restoration should learn more and have higher ability than world leaders in order to restore them. This is impossible unless you have the capacity to lead them in every area, that is, government, human affairs, social issues, world problems, history, philosophy, science, and so forth. So God sends the Messiah as the King of Truth. He comes as the King of Truth, Wisdom, and Love, teaching people what they do not know and restoring them quickly. Do you understand this? (100- 116)

3) First, Study Hard

What if we shorten the history of restoration? Then this world will be filled with peace and love, a place where God's Will is accomplished and human ideals are achieved. What happens when the ideal world is realized? There will be no war or borders, and all accomplishments will be inherited. Humanity has been pursuing such a world. But this world has not been accomplished, and we should bring it about. So, in order to solve all these problems, you students have to make great efforts and volunteer to take the responsibility for saving the world. You have to make ceaseless efforts with such a dream. You have to invest work, time, and spiritual efforts. The more the amount of investment is, the greater people you will become. As great people, you can influence the world as the subject partner to the world, and God's providence will be shortened through you. Therefore, it is good to think that you will save the world. But the first realistic task you have now is to work the hardest and be the best students in Korea. Also, you should be better than any students in foreign nations. Through this, the world will be restored in a short moment. Otherwise, you cannot go to the kingdom of heaven. So now that you understand, you, _____, should study hard with a clear goal, all right? (Yes)

Now, you have interest in everything, right? When you go to a marathon and see the audience getting excited, you will want to be a marathoner. But you cannot do everything. So you should decide on one thing quickly and be the best at it in the world. After this, you can do other things as a supplement. Doing well in one field-literature, philosophy, or science, for instance-requires work and time. Next, you have to make spiritual efforts. There is no end to it. Do you understand it? There is no time to play around. You are involved in this kind of battle. So you have no other way now. You have to study hard. (100-120)

4) Study is the Most Important

Question: There are many things we will have to do as we grow up and go out to the world, aren't there? Then, we have to know many people and should be able to speak foreign languages well. So I think it would be good to try such things as pen pals and gain much knowledge about societies.

Answer: You can do those things after you finish your studies and get a job. When your interest is so spread out, you cannot focus on your specialized field. You cannot be good at either, then. So you should choose one. You may need pen pals and friendships, but the most important thing is your study. It is most precious to be faithful in your own position and do the best there. You can do anything else after it is over. When you are writing a book, for instance, you should finish one page and then write the next one. It is not good to start writing the next page without finishing the first one. You should go up step by step, and then what you have worked on will become yours; but if you stop your work in the middle, then it will end up having nothing to do with you. This will even be worse than not having started it. So you don't have to think about things like pen pals now. You don't have to go out for activities, either. Just trying to do the best according to the school regulations is the most precious. So study calmly.

If you study well, your superiors will take care of it without your asking for it at all. Do you understand? If all the students and teachers praise you, then you will be chosen to go to America and study, although you may decline it. Although you don't think about the world problems, people of the world will welcome you and bring you forward in the world. On the contrary, no matter how big a dream you have and engage in international exchanges now, it will not work. So the one who does well in his own area will be promoted by the whole and sent to the high position. This is the heavenly principle and principle of creation. So do not worry; learn to be faithful with the given reality. (100- 140)

5) The Attitude of the Second Generation Is to Follow the Pattern of God's Will

Those who are not prepared will perish. Those who are prepared can protect themselves against risk and survive, but those who are not prepared will perish. I have tried every sport. Do you understand? So please study hard. (Yes) It is very precious for you to think that you will finish the four-year course in one year and train yourself for any task, thereby becoming a warrior for God. If people have such a heart, their country will not perish. You have to be stronger than Kim Il Sung's army.

You should understand how much explosive patriotism has been awakened in young people's hearts through Kwan Soon You's independence struggle. I set out on this path at your age with a determination to offer my own life, in my teens. When I was in school, I did not wear good clothes. I wore shabby clothes all year long. There were many used-clothing stores then. My student uniform was glowing with dirt and oil. So it smelled a lot. You should follow this kind of path, through which you can establish the heavenly law. You should go through ruthless storms, leaving parents, spouse, and children. You should endure and go over tears with smile. You should know that Rev. Moon has been victorious because I have unhesitatingly practiced this way. (112-237)

I have been persecuted and betrayed by Korea, and yet after achieving a victory, the nation cannot but praise me. Do you understand? When you study, you should gain honors. When I study, I can finish in three years what others finish in ten years. Concentration is a powerful thing. In a normal situation, mistakes do not cause so much harm, but in an actual combat, a small error can destroy everything. So you have to offer your life. Do you understand? Your stage is not Korea. It is the world. You have to have the complete preparation. Do you understand? Ladies and gentlemen, you will say that I am a great man. I am doing amazing things. I have been making foundations in a variety of areas with an astounding determination. Now my foundation is such that even the president of a nation can come to me to save his country. It is like a dream. You should make a determination to become able to come forward confidently as the heir of tomorrow with an ability to lead a nation, starting from children of 36-couple Blessed families. You should march strongly with a confidence that bright light is coming to our Unification people. Do you understand this? (We understand.)

So, you should fully understand my words and be able to do anything. You should be atomic bombs of love, who can fly anywhere and destroy anything. So march forward with an eternal flag of love? Amen. (112-238)

6) Be the Number One Person

I think that it is better for you to inherit my tradition, which is more progressive, than your parents' blood, who have not accomplished their responsibilities. What do you think? (That is right) Amen. What do you think? (Amen) Do you know what Amen is? Amen means "A" "Man." So Amen is number one man. After you pray, you say, "I pray in the name of True Parents," after which you should say "Amen" in the sense of number one man. What is Amen? (Number one) When you get married, you should get married to a prince or princess. You should serve your parents-in-law as if they are king and queen. No matter how tedious a regulation is, you should be able to digest it without hesitation. Amen

How wonderful it is! Would it be easy to be a spouse of prince and princess? Difficult, right? So the one who accomplishes difficult things is the number one man. Amen. You want to have a husband like me, right? Answer me. Do you want to have a husband who is greater than I or less than I? (Someone greater) Also, brothers, do you want to have a wife greater than True Mother? (Someone greater) This is why you should do more than I and True Mother. (112-242)

Chapter 1 - Original Man and the True Way of Life

Section 1. View of True Man

1) The Most Precious Things of God and Man

God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Of all His creatures, they are the most precious beings to God. Why does God think of human beings as the most precious beings? It is because God needs an object partner of His love. Although God has love, if He has no object partner to love, He cannot feel love. Love can only be experienced through relationships. The reason humankind can be considered the most precious beings to God is because they are in the position of an object for God to love. In other words, it is human beings that God loves most.

Then, what is most valuable to human beings? God's love can be considered the most precious thing. So far, people have not known this.

Therefore, the objective love of human beings is the most valuable thing for God, while the subjective love of God is the most precious thing for human beings. (143-309)

2) The Origin and Purpose of Humankind

The purpose for which God created humankind was to accomplish the ideal of love. That love does not start from God, but is found to be coming from the object partner of love. If there is no object partner of love, the ideal of love cannot be completed.

Therefore, an object partner is necessary for the realization of God's ideal of love. Even God absolutely needs an object partner of love.

Thus, God Himself seeks out an object partner in love so that He can realize absolute love through that object partner. In this sense, God exists for the sake of love. This is the very reason why love is wonderful. God exists for humankind and humankind exists for God. True love thus begins from the point of living for the sake of others. Where were human beings born originally? Humankind started from God's love. Human beings were born because of love. Love is the origin.

Life, which we inherit, is not a precious thing in itself. Since life comes from God's love, love precedes life. This means that our lives have come through the root of love. Therefore, it is our destiny that a person is born from love, grows up in love, and meets an object partner of love. If God is the first generation, then human beings are the second generation. As God loves His sons and daughters, human beings can become perfect objects of love before God only when they stand in the position to experience that love. (143-310)

3) The Reason God Created Humankind

What was the purpose for which God created Adam and Eve? Let's look at the image of man. Man has shape and body. However, the invisible God has no shape or body. Without having a body, God cannot reign over the spirit world and the physical world. God thus needs a substantial body in order to manifest as the parents of humankind. Adam and Eve are the substantial body representing God. God manifests Himself through the body of unfallen Adam and Eve. Do you understand? Then, who are Adam and Eve? They are the progenitors of the human race as well as God's substantial body. That is, Adam and Eve are in the position of wearing a substantial body on behalf of God and of taking responsible dominion over the world in the position of parents.

Why, then, did God create Adam and Eve? God has to unify the spiritual and physical worlds according to the image of Adam and Eve since they are the center of the substantial world.

Then, what is the center of the spiritual and physical worlds? Since God is the leading being of the spirit world, and Adam and Eve are the leading beings of the physical world, they have to be united. Thus, Adam is in the position of king of this world during his lifetime. You understand what I mean, don't you? He is the eternal king, and comes to this world with eternal kingship. Then, what is the position of Eve? She comes as the queen who represents eternal queenship. Therefore, when they go to the spirit world, they will be in the role of king and queen representing God.

Then, what does the invisible God do alone in heaven? The invisible God has no purpose by Himself. In order to be parents of humankind, God needs a substantial body to be able to feel. God has to wear a substantial, human-like body, and He thus had no option but to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics.

Why did God have to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics? To be the same as the invisible God, they must establish the standard to completely unite mind and body during their lifetime. If they go to the spirit world without fulfilling such a standard, their external aspect cannot be united with God. In order to establish parents (Adam and Eve) bearing the substantial kingship and who are united with the invisible God, and to realize the kingship of manifesting through a substantial body in the eternal spirit world, God had to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics.

Without a relationship with Adam and Eve, God has no way to connect with the world. Only when a relationship between Adam and Eve exists can He be connected to their children. That is a natural connection.

The reason God created human beings is to place them in the same parental position as Him by manifesting through their substantial body. The same parental position has both internal and external meaning: that is, while Adam and Eve are the external parents and the external God, God Himself is the internal Parent and internal God. Adam and Eve are as the body of God, with God as the mind of God. God is the Parent of humankind. The original Parents. These Parents are not separate, but one. One person. Thus, creating Adam and Eve like a branch temple, God comes to dwell within them. As God works with, in them, Adam and Eve can have an ideal relationship. Without God present and working, they cannot know God's will.

Without that, there is no foundation upon which God can make a relationship with human beings. After the original foundation was destroyed, we can conclude, God could not have that original relationship with humankind. No matter how many people live in this world, therefore, they have had no relationship with God. (133-91)

4) The Privilege and Value of Humankind

God created human beings because of love. Why were human beings created? Human beings were created because of love. Human beings are distinguished from other creatures by being created as God's children and as the objects to receive God's direct love. This is humanity's privilege.

What is a human being? What is God's love? Human beings were created to be objects of love. However, because God consists of dual characteristics, being the subject with plus and minus, for something to become an object partner before that subject, it needs to consist of dual characteristics of plus and minus. Its form cannot be opposite to the subject's characteristics. The object has to have such a form as to precisely fit the essence of the love of the subject and be related to every characteristic of the subject. Are you clear about that? Since the object is a relative being, it fits only with love. God does not need such things as knowledge, power or money. He needs only love. Therefore, only love can match the object to the subject.

Human beings are the center of the universe and the creation because God made all creatures and the universe to fulfill the ideal of love. Human beings are called lord of all creation because they have the privilege of being able to receive God's love first in the central position, on behalf of the God of love. Do you follow? One cannot be the lord of creation without being an object in the realm of God's love. A human being without God's love is similar to an animal. The special value of a human being is having the privilege of love so that he or she may have dominion over the universe in the position of first object of God, on behalf of the entire created world. A human being is a lord of creation. Without love, everything will pass away. (132-245)


Section 2. The Course Of Life In Three Stages And The Spirit World

1) Characteristics of the Physical Body and Spiritual Body

A person passes through three stages. Also, in the animal kingdom there is the period of water, the period of land, and the period of air. All beings have to go through these three stages. However, in order to have the qualification for taking dominion over all creatures, a human being has to fulfill a fuller standard of life during the water stage than does any other existing being. Then, during the land stage, a human being must also meet a higher qualification than other animals. But human beings have no wings. How can people fly without wings? Have you ever flown without wings? (No!) Nevertheless, you should fly higher and further than other animals.

Nowadays, it may take 13 or 14 hours from America to Tokyo, in Japan, by jumbo jet. If the plane flies at 500 miles per hour from the United States, it can arrive in Japan in 14 hours without stopping. If a machine such as an airplane made by man can do that, how about human beings created by God? Can humans fly farther than an airplane? No matter how much we may try to jump, we cannot fly high with our physical body. However, since human beings are the lords of all creation and have the same sovereignty and relative position as does God, who is spirit, the range of human activity also has to be the same as God's. The speed of electricity or light is 300,000 kilometers per second, but human beings can move faster than that. How is that possible! With the spiritual body. Even though I am standing here now, my spiritual body has already been to New York. Did you see that? Faster than lightning. The spiritual body can move at the speed of thought. (112-202)

Without a spiritual body, a person cannot travel around the universe. You cannot see it with your physical eyes, but did you know God has created something there? You cannot see it with your eyes: it seems like a desert or that there is nothing there at all. But there is gold and precious stones. I am speaking of seeing with your spiritual eyes: something has already been created there.

We have to become sons of the new world and daughters-in-law of the new world. However, where is there such an original and wonderful house as this new world? It is the spirit world. Do you want to go there? (Yes) No matter how beautiful this world may be, it is like a shadow. On the other hand, once you pass into the new world, the spirit world, it is the eternal world. It is eternal, and never ending. (112-211)

2) The Action of Love and the Completion of the Spiritual Body

What kind of action is the fastest in the world? It is the action of love. The fastest thing in the world is not an electric current but the power of love. When people love each other from the opposite sides of the earth, the power of their love will strongly attract each other beyond the physical borders. The power of love is that strong.

Therefore, the reason today's religions emphasize seeking of love, closeness of the heart with God, having deep heart, and prayer is because by connecting with the sphere of love one can participate in every action of God's love. The meaning of participation is to be able to work together with God. Do you understand this? If this is accomplished, we can fly wherever God flies, and go wherever God goes. If we realize such a substantial self of love and are so qualified in front of God, we can immediately accomplish whatever we think to. The spirit world is the place where we can receive whatever we want. We can receive everything that contains elements of love. Why, then, do human beings need true love? It is because someone who has experienced God's true love in the original and ideal world will have the ability and authority to immediately possess what God wants. Do you understand what I mean? Then, where do we obtain such a qualification? It has to be obtained on earth. From the viewpoint of the Unification Church, we must perfect our spirit self while we are on this earth. In the process of uniting spiritual body and physical body, God's love and the substance of our life must be connected at one point. At that moment, we can reach God's love. Therefore, we have to love God.

How can we feel God's love? We can feel God's love when we love our people, the people of the world and all creation. You must love them all. Everyone must feel the feelings of love. Whatever nation you are from, we must have the heart to love all races. We must feel the heart of love.

There exists a heart of love not only for humankind but also for all things of creation, which comes out automatically. When a flower blooms, the beautiful color of that flower radiates naturally. The fragrance of the flower is not given because the flower so desires; it comes out naturally. Similarly the flower of love must blossom, and the fragrance of love blooms too. Do you understand? The flower of love must receive nutrients in order to bloom. Nourishment comes from the earth and from the sun. In the same way, we receive nourishing elements through our physical and spiritual bodies. Do you understand? That is, we need "vitality elements" and next, "life elements." When you become a perfect being of love, you can fly anywhere. Does that sound good or not? The solar system and the galaxy can then be your realms of activity.

You can go together with your beloved husband to the center of the sun. You might think that you cannot enter the sun because it is too hot, but you can pass through without a problem. You can pass through everywhere -- through the south, north, east, and west of the sun -- so that you can know the details of its composition. Don't you think some of the planets in the universe are made of diamond or gold? There are some planets that are composed purely of gold. Therefore, if you realize the perfect personality of love, you can grasp the entire reality of the universe.

If you do not, your actions will be limited. You cannot go in just any direction you wish, but instead you must pass through only one door. Do you understand? You should not be a migratory bird. If you want to achieve the qualification to live in harmony with each of the four seasons, you must realize a perfect personality of love. (112-204)

3) The Purpose of the Pursuit of Love and the Three Births

Since the eternal spirit world is a place filled with the air of love, during your lifetime you have to learn and experience the breathing action of love on this earth. Therefore, the Unification Church teaches "Love everybody! Love!" People who have lived centered on themselves go to hell. Thus, you should live for the sake of others and help each other. You should always be happy to meet people. Once you become an individual true entity that is the substantial object of love, the universe will welcome you. Wherever you go in the spirit world, you will be welcomed.

When you want to ride in a 747 jumbo jet, if you just mention that, such a plane will appear immediately before you. It doesn't matter how big the airplane is. It can fly, even upside down, and if you say "Go down?" it will go down; you can do as you wish. You fly it like an acrobat. Everything is possible -- beyond your imagination. And you will absolutely never have an accident.

How wonderful it is! God's ideal of creation is to make such a wonderful world and life, centering on an ideal partner of love. This is the original and spirit world. Therefore, we are pursuing love. People need father's love, mother's love, husband's love, and wife's love. Isn't this true? Moreover, we want to be loved by a nation and the world. Why do human beings want to receive love? It is a training course to ultimately qualify to receive God's love. Do you follow? (112-207)

During a person's life, the first resurrection, the first birth, is life in the mother's womb. The second birth is the present, and then the third birth is the return to God. When you live for the sake of others or the world rather than your couple, you can return to the invisible God. It is only possible to do so with love. When you go to the spirit world to receive training in adapting to that world centered on God's ideal of love, you become like God and even God's friend. That is, human beings must pass through the course of the third birth.

Now you have come to understand why you have to live for the sake of others, haven't you? There is nobody who has failed through living for the sake of others centering on love. Why is it that? For example, if you work hard sitting up all night for the sake of your parents, then, when your parents go to the spirit world they will give a blessing so that you can inherit their fortune. Don't you think so? It is the heavenly law that an inheritance comes at the point where you live for the sake of others. (132-275)

4) The Structure of the Spirit World and the Mission of the Messiah

Who will you Unificationists seek in the spirit world? Who is the owner of the spirit world? The lords of the spirit world are the True Parents. Do you follow what I am saying? In the spirit world, Unificationists will say, "Let's go to find the True Parents." In this world, why should people believe in religion, or serve and sacrifice for others? This is a big question. If we do not live for the sake of others, but for ourselves, what will happen in the spirit world? When someone who has lived centering on himself goes to the spirit world, he will come to join the individuals club. In that club, nobody helps others or yields to others, and all people constantly fight among themselves. Once someone joins the individuals club, he is a member forever.

When someone who has lived just for the sake of his family goes to the spirit world, he joins the families club. He cannot go beyond the family level. Likewise, nationalists will be locked within the boundaries of nationalism. Each will argue with the others that he is the truest patriot.

Then, what is Godism? Godism is not individualism, nor is it an ideology centered on the family, clan, people or nation. It is an ideology of the cosmos. Someone centered on himself cannot enter the spirit realm that is based on such a universal ideology. How can someone who thinks mainly of his own children and parents live together with other people who have lived for the sake of others and God? People who lived centering on the individual, family, tribe, people and nation respectively, fight with each other within their respective limited boundaries.

However, since these walls and boundaries came to exist due to the fall, they must be destroyed, according to the ideal of God's creation.

The fundamental cause of these walls derives from the human parents, Adam and Eve. Therefore, in order to break them down, someone original Man and the True Way of Life who can take responsibility for the fall of the first ancestors has to come and break down all walls within the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world, and even within the spirit world. This is precisely the mission of the Messiah. (112-211)


Section 3. The Way of True Life

1) The Way to True Life

Are you one of the four billion members of humankind or are you just a person on your own? (One of four billion.) Then, can these four billion people live centering on themselves? Please answer! (No!) Therefore, we can conclude that all people must live for the sake of others.

Families start from two individuals and form many tribes. There are also many countries that are made up of various tribes. They are living in different, limited circumstances and have different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, if there is no common standard of truth on which every country or tribe can agree, they cannot make relationships with one another.

Then, if you started from the individual, the important point is to find the elements that can go anywhere and open the door through which individuals can pass in all directions without accident or crush. What are the elements through which people could pass safely at anytime? Here, the important thing is what kind of attitude we have towards the world. Do you want to go forward by conflict or by welcoming? (Welcoming!) Why? Fighting leads to exhaustion and destruction, but welcoming brings growth within us.

Therefore, what we have to know here is that living for the sake of self brings about evil, but acting for the sake of the whole brings development. When you live for the sake of the whole, every door will open and welcome you. The doors of the individual, family, tribe, society, people, country, world, and heaven will open and welcome you.

Then, what kind of way is this? You have to think about that. Thus, the Unification Church teaches the heavenly law to live for the sake of others.

What is the true way to life? Living for the sake of others means to establish a way of universal truth. To live for the sake of others is the eternal and unchanging principle. This is true for the past, the present and the future. If God appears in front of saints such as Confucius, Jesus, or Mohammed, and asks what they think about this truth, they will answer, "That is right." It is the universal principle and the way to live our lives, the true way of one law.

Therefore, if in one family a son works very hard for the sake of his family, the more he works hard, the more he becomes the subject in his family, the center of his family, and the one who is responsible. The reason why your father and mother are in the position of the center, subject, and responsible persons of your family, is because they are in the position to live for their sons and daughters, for the whole family and for all others. You have to know this.

It is the same for patriots. A patriot is someone who lives for the sake of his people and their nation more than anyone else is. It is an unchangeable conclusion from the universal law of the world and life that a patriot is adored as a historical and much remembered person because he dedicated his whole lifetime at the risk of his life for the sake of his country.

Then, what kind of person is a saint? A saint is someone who desires to live for the sake of all the world's people, day and night, unceasingly; a person who lives for people as well as the natural world, and for the entire universe. That is a saint. Would you disagree? If I define it in this way, you cannot deny my words.

Then, how can you describe God who made this universe and law? God is in the representative position, and has lived more for the sake of others than anyone else. Therefore, in order to meet Him, you have to live for the sake of others. Even though He is the great king of knowledge, His desire is not for people to gather knowledge. God is also the great king of power, money, and material, but His desire is not for people to gather those things. If you live for the sake of others, everything can come to be near you. (133-16)

2) Results and Life for Others

You have to live more for the sake of others. What is living for others? One who lives more for the sake of others becomes a responsible person.

Who can be the central point among ten people? It is the person with greater love who lives for the sake of the ten. Those ten people will follow after him. Don't you think so? You should know that a person becomes a central figure and a responsible person in the process of living for the sake of others. He becomes the owner and central figure. You should know this.

The person who lives most for the sake of country may become the president of that country. The person who can inherit a company is the one who sacrifices most and lives for the sake of the company. This is a heavenly principle. Up to the present, you may have thought that living for the sake of others is suffering and no good, but it is the way of inheriting and becoming a central figure. Therefore, you should know that living for the sake of others will not result in your loss. There is no better way.

When you study, for whom are you studying? Do you study for yourself? You have to change such a way of thinking. You have to study for the sake of humankind and God. You should go forward according to the original ideal, which God has given to us. If you determine that, if God sends you as one who has a 100-point value, you will go to the spirit world as one who has a 101-point value. Then God will remember you forever.

If the youngest child among ten brothers sacrifices the most and lives for the sake of the other nine, his name will be recorded in his father's memoirs. Do you understand? Is that true or not? If someone complains about that, he will perish. Although there may be those who build up fortunes through robbery and greed, its value will be negated for various unfortunate reasons: someone's son may become promiscuous, another may get sick, and someone may meet with an accident, or be robbed. God does not want to see such people succeed. However, if all that you have is for the sake of others, it will remain forever. Do you understand? If you, as a musician, want to give joy and happiness to the audience by producing a special quality of musical tone such as the audience has never heard before, how wonderful that is! "Oh? If I can practice thousands of times and make the most ideal sound, never before produced in history, for the sake of that audience, how joyful that will be!" When God looks at you, God may say "You are not so beautiful, but your heart is very great. Oh! My daughter! Do well. I will bless you." That is God's heart.

Isn't it the same for Rev. Moon? When I went to jail I had no intention of escaping; people in the secular world would have tried to escape in the same circumstances. It was my choice to go that way. I was willing to go to jail with a heart of love for Christianity and America.

It was not because I wanted to be famous for the sake of myself, but to leave behind the name of love by living for others. The entire world will come to follow before such a love. That's true, isn't it? Even a mother and a father will obey a filial son. They will praise you with tears and bow to you. Because the king is the representative of the country, even his parents and grandfather, who are his relatives, will obey him. Everybody will submit absolutely in front of love, because that love is the love representing the universe. This transcends all levels of society. (132-276)

3) Formation of the Perfect Realm of Unification through Living for Others

God is not a dictator. God has also invested for the sake of humankind. God exists for the sake of humanity. For this reason, human beings have tried to follow Him for thousands upon thousands of years. Since the universe and all creatures exist for the sake of others, in order for humankind to maintain their existing position, human beings must live for the sake of others. Living for others goes beyond west and east, past and present. Do you understand? Why is that? Because past or present, east or west, God has the same, unchanging, love. He can transcend east and west, and past, present and future. In other words, since He can surmount past, present and future through love, God will advance continuously. Because He conquers the east and west, the east and west can be unified. This is possible only through love. Do you understand what I am saying? (Yes!) Since the mind that you have been given represents God, the mind has to constantly invest for the sake of the physical body. Isn't that so? Do you always make investments for the eventual sake of physical body or not? How difficult this is! If you just follow what your body wants to do, your mind will signal that you should not. So, clearly that is no good, right? We always tend to try to invest for the sake of ourselves. Even though you invest for self, it does not return. Therefore, your mind feels sad.

Therefore, when you want to give or receive but you cannot, it is a miserable situation. A happy person is one who, day or night, can give when he wants to give, and receive when he wants to receive-even more so when it is centered on love.

Then, when we consider the Unification Principle for the sake of others, there is no theory through which to unify except the Unification Principle. Without the path of living for the sake of others, there can be no unity.

If a man and woman each insist on getting the best thing first, which one can get it first? The man wants to get it first and the woman wants to get it first, isn't that right! When a couple wants to receive God's love, both the woman and the man want to receive it first. That is the problem. If they insist on their ways, everything is destroyed. God exists for others, and cannot relate with someone just centering on himself. God exists for the sake of the whole, for something larger than the individual. This is a universal principle.

If a man insists that because he is bigger than a woman is, he should have priority in receiving God's love, problems will result. Thus, a man should say that he tries to receive God's love first, or occupy God, for the sake of the woman. That is the way. Do you understand? He is doing this for the other's sake not for his own. Only in this way will all problems be resolved. The woman should also say to the man that she will receive it first for his sake. Then, both man and woman will answer OK. Then when God sees them live for each other, He will say, "Grab hold of me!" Then He will say, "I am OK." Everything will be completed.

However, if a man or woman insist only on their own opinion, it will lead not only to their self-destruction, but also to the destruction of their partner and of God. There will be complete separation. You must know that we cannot find any Unification Principle here. Do you understand? These are quite simple words, but they are very important.

At the end of the way of seeking the ideal, we ultimately request vertical unification with God's love. We must live for others in order to ask for this vertical standard to quickly manifest. Through living for others the realm of unification will emerge completely. It is different -- do you understand? (Yes.) (187-89)

4) Everything is Resolved by Living for Others

What is the meaning of unification? The concept of unification starts from unity with God. Unification means to unify God, Adam and Eve, and all things. To accomplish unification, all things must be unified. Then, how is unification to be achieved? Are you Unificationists? Maybe there is someone like a gangster amongst your numbers, or someone born out of wedlock due to your parents' mistake. Such persons should be completely re-educated. Even if your father and mother are people of bad character, you yourselves should not be so because God and Rev. Moon are not.

Then, how is unification possible? How will Rev. Moon accomplish unification? With what? Power, money, knowledge, or by physical aggression? The conclusion is simple: everything is solved at the point of living for others, centering on true love. Through that process, the evil world will be changed to a world of goodness. That is a logical conclusion. Are you clear? (Yes!)

5) Receiving Love

What do you have to do to receive your parents' love? You have to love everything that your parents love. Then you can receive your parents' love. To receive parents' love in the family, a son has to love everything, which his parents have and then he can receive his parents' love.

A person who tries to receive love without doing this is like a thief. If someone tries to inherit, in his own way, that which his parents value, he has no qualification to receive his parents' love. He can receive his parents' love after loving that which his parents value. Why is there a period of adolescence around the age of seventeen to eighteen? It is the period to train in loving everything one's parents' love.

Because parents love the grandparents, we must also love our grandparents. Do you follow? Further, since parents love their relatives, we must also love our relatives. Moreover, because parents love their sons and daughters, we must also love our brothers and sisters. Then we will receive our parents' love.

Then, what do we have to do in order to receive God's love? It is the same principle. If we love the land and people of a country, then we can be a friend of the king's. The woman who becomes the queen will receive the love of the king, and if she loves everything that the king loves, she can receive the king's love.

The life of a couple is the same. When a husband loves his wife after loving everything that his wife loves, his wife can feel that her husband truly loves her. If he only loves his wife, but not the things his wife loves, it will not work. In the Unification Church, many women do not want to marry church leaders but would rather marry businessmen in order to live affluently. This is not the way of the Principle. Do you understand what I am saying? You have to live for the sake of others. Accordingly, I decided to make all women of the second generation into church leaders' wives. The first concern of many men and women after receiving the recent blessing seems to be how to make money.

I will send them out on an opposite course to work like servants. I am not someone who would become indebted to you. Some people say that after finishing their studies they will work for the church. However, Rev. Moon is not so worthless as to receive help. I have prepared and set up everything. There are many influential people in America who are indebted to me and I can be proud of that. I do not think to ask help from you. I need people who can do God's work in my place.

Those who have the mind to live more comfortably are those who will decline toward hell, while those who want to live more sacrificially are the ones who will be elevated up toward heaven. What kind of people are you? (133-26)

6) God's Love is for the Whole

You know that God exists, don't you? (Yes?) What belongs to God? All things, the natural world, and humankind belong to God. Which things of nature would God discard and which would He keep? God needs everything. Whom does God want to discard, whom does He have no need for? God needs everybody.

When we see the natural world, you could say, "I don't need four seasons; I just need spring. I dislike summer, autumn and winter." But if you ask God about that, God will answer that He likes all four seasons.

Therefore, even though you don't like summer, autumn and winter, you should learn to like those seasons. When a snowy winter comes, God likes to see the white snow-covered world. "Ah? I like this too," He says. So you must also like it.

You have to look at nature with the same mind as God. Even when there are floods and lightning strikes, you should not say, "I don't like that." God will say with a smile, "It is like kisses and marriage." Then He will say to the people who are complaining, "You are wrong." You should always love nature, and love human beings of all races without prejudice. Will God say, "I like only the white race!" If so, everybody would have to wear white clothes. You would have to throw away all your colored clothes. However, when you enter a room, there may be a black piano or some colored furniture. "Why did you put a black piano here? Why did you place a blackboard here?" A black board is black. If white people like only things that are white in color, they should throw away all colored products. Moreover, they should not have any dark nights either? What is the meaning of the superiority of the white people? It is the way of ruin. How many years will it last? No matter how long winter may be, it lasts just three months. For the sake of the eternal reality, you have to love all four seasons. Therefore, you should not like only the white people.

Who is going to solve the race problem? Rev. Moon is going to handle this problem. The other day, some people were saying, "Reverend Moon is fighting on behalf of the weak and the minorities." I don't think in those terms, but people are saying so. You white people who have blue eyes, yellow hair, and white faces should be careful. You should know that if a race war were to take place, all the colored races would attack the white people.

The time may be coming when the colored races unite together and sweep away the white people. Don't think that the white race will always have dominion over the world. God does not think so. Since the white people were the people who loved the world and humankind at one time, God blessed them. But God certainly never thought that the white people would control the world as they wished.

God's love is to love not only all present humankind, but also all the people of the past, present, and future. You must know that God therefore works to liberate even spirit people who have gone to hell. Human beings must go the way of truth, life, and love. No matter how great you may be, if you do not have a foundation of living for the sake of others, nothing will follow you. On the other hand, someone who lives for the sake of others will naturally become the subject. He will become a human being of true life. (133-29)


Section 4. The Way of the Original Mind

1) Establishment of Clear Goals While Young

If you do not know your present position, you are like a ship making a voyage without knowing its latitude and longitude. You should know your present position first and then decide the direction to go in. You must have direction in your life. (120-316)

Without having a blueprint for your future, you cannot lead your life successfully. While in your twenties, you have to establish precise goals and invest your whole energy and heart to fulfill them. If you do so, it is very possible that you will become a historical figure or leave behind something memorable for the world. A person who just accepts his environment and situation will pass away in history. Once you have decided to do something, you have to have the courage to fight to accomplish your goal, no matter what kind of difficulties lie ahead. You should have the courage to digest all obstacles rather than merely to dislike them. (120-313)

Everything in this world is in competition. You must go the road in which you avoid personal mistakes that lead to your downfall, and don't lose a year or even a month. There is even competition in working out which way to go. If you lose one year, you will not be able to keep up.

If you lost a year, and other families already had babies and went forward one step, you would not be able to keep up. It is similar to shooting an arrow: if arrows are shot with the same power, the arrow that is shot first will arrive at its target prior to the other. Otherwise, you would need to possess many times the driving force in order to regain the ground. But there aren't such people.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to spend one year during your youth. You must set a certain goal and follow through to fulfill it. It is like the dial and compass. Before a ship sets out on a voyage, navigators have to decide the course and direction of the ship and precisely measure the settings with a compass. Then, they must start the engine and the propeller must begin to turn. With the propeller turning, the ship must begin its voyage. If it turns back on the way, it becomes so much harder. (120-314)

You should go forward after knowing the way you have to go. Once you have chosen a direction, you have to invest your whole energy and heart centering on that direction. Even if you are tired to the point where you cannot open your eyes or hear anything, you must invest your utmost. (120-329)

From now on, you should make a clear determination, and, uniting mind and body, invest everything 24 hours a day, even during your sleep. When you awaken and open your eyes, you have to study everything related to that goal and make a comparison. This means that you have to make your own world. Dedicating your whole heart and will, you must go here and there bound with a rope to such a world. Then you can be someone who leaves a mark on the world. (120-326)

2) Decide Your Direction According to Your Original Mind

The most important time is from age 18 to 24. By the age of 24, you have to have established your life goals. You can know the direction of your life if you cultivate and dedicate yourselves.

If you were born as the children of the Unification Church and are following a normal life of faith, it is natural for you to know what to do. However, those who are living and acting centering on themselves and their own thinking cannot know. Even rats will leave a ship, knowing in advance that the ship will be wrecked if it encounters rough seas. But people do not know such things. You must know where you are going.

You should know the way to go. Even the ant knows that the rainy season will set in. Have you ever seen ants moving from one place to another in a line? Because you are given to useless daydreaming, you do not know. Not knowing one's own problems is a serious matter. You have to seriously consult with heaven about the problems in your life. You must adapt to your environmental situation. This is your own responsibility. (120-313)

You have to confer with your deep original mind after discussing with heaven in deciding your special field in life. You yourself know well what kind of talent you have. Then, you have to listen carefully to where your mind tries to pull you. You have to listen to that. Nobody can pull a ship unless the direction has been decided upon. Therefore, even though someone may pull on you then release you, you have to have your own direction to find for yourself.

Most of you have said that you are going to study business. From my viewpoint, people who are majoring in business are like thieves. You have to find your own way to go. Is it enough just to have money? No. There are times when you need money, and there are times when you have to go your own way or a different way as a person. You must therefore decide by yourselves the way to go. Without asking your parents you should decide by yourself, harmonizing, with God's guidance, the essence of your original self deep within your heart towards your future purpose. (120-314)

You have to decide what kind of person you will be in the future around the age of 18 to 20 years. You must know about this yourself through your prayer and meditation. You may feel you need to enter Seoul National University, but I don't know if that is a good thing or not. Nobody knows his fate. If you die after receiving your Ph.D., all your efforts over ten years will have been in vain. (120-316)

Everybody has his inherent talent. Human beings have various unique characteristics. Therefore, people go in different directions within the 360-degree spectrum. However, if all of you were trying to go the same direction, say, 90 degrees or 60 degrees, it would be a serious problem.

When I studied, my major was electrical engineering. Although I studied science, I knew the way I would go in the future. The reason I studied electrical engineering was because I needed the mathematical ability to accomplish a great task in the future. In some sense, since electrical engineering deals with invisible things, it is connected to religion. For example, if you look at the world of phenomena, you can know that there is always an electrical aspect to every movement. This means that every action of the universe has something to do with the reciprocity between subject and object.

Then, how is it that a magnet can counter the gravitational pull of the earth? What kind of action does that make possible? The magnet bypasses the earth's gravity with a lesser power. Do you understand what this means? Therefore, our conscience is the same. Once you are born in this world, the background to your birth is already precisely known. However, you should make the decision about your path by yourself according to your conscience. If you cannot sense or determine this matter, you will not be able to accomplish something great in the future. (120-302)

3) Adjusting to the Direction of the Original Mind

You are the people who are born with the fortune of the Unification Church. For this reason, if you become those who can fit the substance and essence of the Unification Church, everything will go well for you in the future. Although you are in your twenties and attending University, you do not have knowledge. In olden times, those who were looking for wild ginseng on the mountains had some spiritual ability and knew where to go to find the wild ginseng through their spiritual "antennae." Such things are possible. Why do we need such things? If we use such abilities, we can escape from being victimized, and can instead gain in some way. Therefore, we should seek such a way. This is not a waste of time. (120-322)

Knowing that you were born on such a foundation of the Unification Church, you should, before your father or mother have thought of it, decide the way you want to go by the age of ten or twenty. If you have such a resolve, even though you may go in a different direction, your body will turn towards the proper way. Everything will be guided. For example, although you are sleeping facing the east and thinking to go east the next morning, if it is wrong to go east your body will turn toward the south. Your body itself knows that. It is very sensitive. Do you understand what I mean? If you do not reach such a level, you cannot be a great leader in the future. Accordingly, you would not be able to stand in front of me and fulfill the mission as responsible persons of the second generation. The time will come when your spiritual level will be evaluated automatically. It is gradually coming closer. Among ten people in a village, three people will have spiritual power. They will all know what the others are thinking. You should know that this time will come. Therefore, now you must have the right attitude and devote yourselves. (120-324)

If you were born on the foundation of your parents' sincere devotion, and sincerely devote yourselves also, you will be able to perceive everything and make your plan for the future by yourself through deep meditation and prayer at that level. It is normal to stand in this position. If you cannot accomplish this, nothing will be successful. (120-325)

You should adjust to the direction of your original mind. If it is right to go in an easterly direction, then if you try to go north, it will not work. If you follow that way in life, little by little your life will enter a narrow valley. (120-322)

If you follow the way of the original mind, the universe will show one way to you. That is faster and more powerful than a bullet. This is something you should have. If you go that way, when you reach that level, you can speak with your own mind. As soon as you think about what to do, the answer will immediately appear. You can even know the examination questions. When you don't know what page you need to study to prepare for the examination, the page number will come out from your mouth. You can advance to such a stage. Do you know what I mean? Don't people at such a stage know the way to go? Because they have clarified their way, all the power of the universe comes to help. When you enter the examination hall, your writing hand and all things will cooperate with you. If this is so, you will be able to achieve something great.

It is a true person who can live based on such a background of great power. Do you follow what I am saying? A true human being will likewise be supported in the background by infinite power enabling him to go in the direction he is moving. If the direction is wrong, then he comes to know immediately. The Unification Church is really not the same as a mediocre church, you know. It has a deep and high foundation, a framework of great strength. Everything will be solved if you connect and elevate to such a spiritual stage based on your own effort. Therefore, from that viewpoint, you yourselves have to decide the direction to go. You know yourselves the best. (120-327)

4) You Must Move Centering on the World of Heart

When you are in a state of calmness, your mind can settle in the deepest part of the self. Your mind must be able to go into that part of your self. If you sleep and wake up in that deep place, you become very sensitive. At that time, if you do not let many thoughts assail you, and your spirit is concentrated, everything will be opened up. Therefore, cultivating one's mind and prayer are necessary.

I am praying. I am sincerely devoting myself every day. So, you have to constantly devote yourself. Just offering your devotion once is not the way. A knife must constantly be sharpened. If you use a knife, but do not sharpen it, what will result? You must always keep a knife sharp. When you are upset or become angry, you must always sharpen yourself again. That is the problem. You have to catch and hold this calm place in your mind.

So, you are coming to know what you have to do. You should not behave badly by thinking aimlessly or striking up frivolous relationships. You must catch this sense of direction, then centered on this, follow that direction. There is only one direction in which to go. Therefore, you must prepare for any eventuality, and maintain yourself properly. You have to create a driving force, which can support you every day. You cannot do this by yourself alone. By the age of 18, you will come to know who you are. Therefore, at that time, it is easy for you to become anxious about yourself. So, you need the strength of a friend, or a teacher, or the power of God.

I am also very serious when I am about to carry out a global project that goes beyond my ability. When greater ability is required in order to do something, the problem is where to get this from. If I cannot bring it, I have to retreat -- but I cannot do that. Therefore, prayer is needed. We need God. We need the world of heart. The world of love is endless, no matter how much you may draw upon it. The world of material will end the worlds of knowledge and power will perish, but the world of heart continues forever. Therefore, you have to do things centering on the world of heart. (120-320)

When you go into the center of the world of heart, the world of heart is moving up and down automatically, like someone breathing. Did you know that the earth is also breathing? The earth is breathing in and out so that the diameter of the earth is expanded up to almost one meter. Through that, the earth is adjusted. The spherical shape of the earth is maintained. For this reason, the world of heart moves up and down centering on an axis. It is moving.

Every existing thing therefore forms an oval shape. Do you understand? Thus, you go into the very center of the mind and heart. Infinite power is transmitted from there. So, if you make an angle of exactly 90 degrees, infinite power will flow through that right angle. Therefore, you should go out and cultivate your spiritual aspect. By devoting yourself you will experience the deep spiritual dimension in all aspects of life. Why? Because you need a source from which to gain an infinite driving force throughout your entire life. (120-322)

By offering sincere devotions, you can find the way in which you should go, as it is within your original mind. If you have an artistic disposition, the image of objects should float before your eyes like the reflection in a mirror. Do you understand? The picture is already created in your mind. This is a talent you were born with. You should therefore follow the direction that your talents indicate. If you ignore your innate gifts, everything will fail. It's serious, isn't it? (120-326)

Hyo Jin says to me, "Dad? It's strange, but I am hearing music at three o'clock in the morning." He was born with such a gift. In the same way, everybody has a talent in some field. These gifts are innate. As you were born with such gifts on a good foundation, then if you use them limitlessly they will infinitely develop. (120-322)

It was the same with Ye Jin when she was a child. During her school days she would say, "Dad, it's strange." What was strange was that when a fellow student lost something she would come and ask Ye Jin to tell her where it was. Then, Ye Jin would tell her where it was in her house, and she would go home and find it there. Can that be explained? She always knew.

Among our own children, Eun Jin also has spiritual ability. She said, "Mom? I was just about to go somewhere, but my mind kept telling me to go back. Why is this?" Someone is giving her this information, teaching her, "This person you are to meet is no good." She receives this spiritually. Some kind of magnetic activity is occurring. You have such ability within yourself, but if you are not perceptive or sensitive to its direction problems will result.

Ye Jin, In Jin, or Eun Jin might say, "Dad? It's strange; someone's going to make a mistake." They said that they had a bad feeling. They knew it through a premonition. When they planned to go somewhere, they already knew intuitively whether it would be good or not. When the person with whom you have made an appointment to meet seems to be bad person, you should certainly either go late or early. Before going there, you have to fight spiritually. Then, you can avoid a bad situation and control it. Therefore, a life based on the path of truth is very important. Because you have control over such things, you can evoke the self-control that can prevent and avoid bad fortune. (120-325)

5) The Life of the Original Mind

I was already serious at the age of 16. Although I might have made a plan to go somewhere, sometimes I did not actually go if I felt I should not. If I were to have gone, an accident would surely have occurred. It is also the same today. For this reason, I could survive until now in this world which is full of many enemies. Do you know how many people have been trying to kill me? You have to think about that. The greater a person becomes the greater the difficulties become. I must discern the way to go to overcome those difficulties. If someone says, "Teacher? Something terrible has happened?" I already know about it. If they say, "A problem has occurred," I already know. Without such ability, you cannot be a great leader in the future. To do so, you have to think in three dimensions rather than just two. A two-dimensional plane can be projected infinitely into a three-dimensional space.

No matter how great a person may be, if he is not conscientious and comes in front of me, he will be completely overwhelmed as a result. No explanation is necessary; as his mind becomes absorbed and completely overwhelmed, he will take his proper position in front of me. His mind already knows Reverend Moon. You don't know Reverend Moon, do you? Do you really know Reverend Moon? You may think that I am just the person who blessed your father and mother. However, Reverend Moon is not merely that person. Out of billions of people in the world, the most famous name historically speaking is none other than Reverend Moon. Did you know that? Of course, you need the abilities that knowledge gives you, but first of all your spirit has to grow up because both the spirit world and the world to come are worlds of truth. We have entered an era in which the computer can completely anticipate the destiny of human life. You have to surpass the computer in intuition and sensitivity. (120-323)

I was a famous teacher even in Sunday school. I was already famous from that time. When I stood on the platform before Sunday school students for the first time and wept with God's heart, everyone was crying. I had already reached such a stage. I do not like to read novels. If I decided to write a novel, it would be better than other novels. If I tell a story somewhere, such as in a prison, it will be long enough to make into a long novel. This is because I can see the content of the story spiritually as I tell it. If the sound of a flute is heard coming from afar, as I tune my mind with the sound, my environment can be harmonized with me. (120-327)

From a young age, I used to give sermons even while sleeping. Also during my Sunday school days. Sometimes, I would suddenly wake up during my sleep because of the sound of my sermon. At that time, I already knew that I would teach and lead many people on behalf of Heaven in the future. Whenever I was passing by a church, I would have the desire to go in even if it was just to eat lunch. I wanted to go to the very top of the pulpit and eat there. It was as if my mind already anticipated the future. (120-325)

6) Your Mind is the Closest Teacher

You may not know how difficult the providential history of salvation is. You don't know how difficult it is. Neither your friends, nor your wife or parents can help. Nobody can help. It is the position of parents, of Adam. Do you understand? At that time, nobody was there. No teacher. Nobody? There were only angels of the spiritual realm. Even though I was supposed to be saved by angels according to the Principle, because the angels belong to the fallen realm they were not permitted to help me. The angels were trying to take advantage of me as they wished. Nobody could be trusted. Even God could not treat me normally. God could not relate with me before I passed certain tests.

Because human beings turned their backs on God, in order for God to believe in humankind, He must also do the same to humankind. God could not assume that he would find a trustworthy son in this faithless, fallen world, because humanity had abandoned the environment of the Garden of Eden in which they could believe freely. Don't you think so? (Yes!) In order to reach the position where God can trust you, you have to pass through all kinds of tests. I had gone through a series of tests in order reach this position. Because I do not talk about these tests, nobody knows their content. I will not speak about those miserable tests because I do not want them to be recorded.

Such stories should not exist in the Garden of Eden. In the original world, there would not have been such stories. Only I know them, and I digest them by myself. My heart wants to pass on only the good things to the next generations. I want to bury the various bad things within myself, and then leave only the good things behind for you. If possible, therefore, I try not to speak about such things as my time in prison. There would be many people who would weep loudly were I to speak about the suffering life of prison. If I spoke about my suffering in prison, people may be shocked emotionally, of course, and may make a new resolution, but that is not what I want. People must make such new determinations according to reasonable principles.

You have to make a determination based on truth rather than on hearing about a shocking situation. You should not decide according to someone else's strong demand, but by your own desire to do so. If you encounter the truth, your mind will be naturally moved. Therefore, your closest teacher is your mind, and it is more precious than your most intimate friend, your mother, or your father. You need to ask your mind. God is dwelling within your mind. You should be able to listen to the sound of your mind. You need to reach that point.

Buddhism says that one should reach self-enlightenment. Buddha said, "There is only one person on earth and in heaven." That means that if you ask yourself, you can know that God exists within you. Then there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Thus, you should enlighten your mind. Your mind is better than a teacher. Your mind is your eternal lord. Therefore, you should not have a selfish mind, but one that always stands in a public position. (133-178)

7) A Lifestyle that Resembles the Heart

A heart of love is always striving to sacrifice and yield. It is a heart that tries to give and give again. For example, suppose I had 100 million dollars. Even if I went out onto the street to give all that money away, I would not be satisfied with that. On the contrary, I would feel sorry that I did not have enough money to be able to help all people of the world. Likewise, the heart of love is endless. Thus, we can never measure God's heart. How huge God's heart is! How deep His heart is! Therefore, people cannot be proud of themselves. No matter how great your accomplishments, if you ask your mind, it will answer, "You have to do more." People in the secular world want to be recognized. They want to receive praise. However, the mind is not like that. People hope to be recognized. At the point where they are recognized, everything ends. When they try to go up to the next stage, they will be confronted with many obstacles. Why are there many obstacles? Because the path the mind is seeking is the path of the cross. If you are often receiving praise, you will come to like your position. Because you enjoy being respected, you will have no desire to bear a cross. However, if you are reaching up to the second stage, you must bear the cross. It is a difficult path to bear because your body does not want to go that way.

Up until the age of thirty, therefore, I always felt hungry. I felt hungry every day. Though I sympathized with hungry people, however, I had to praise that time of hunger. That was a serious time. It was not because of a lack of rice. I went such a difficult way intentionally.

People who have not fulfilled their responsibility yet cannot take a spoon and eat as they wish. I did not sleep freely before I completed everything, which had to be prepared. In such a miserable situation I could not find room to enjoy time comfortably, because my mind pushed me to do more. People like myself cannot take a daytime nap. No matter how tired I feel, I cannot take a nap. True Mother told me to sleep more because of my exhaustion, but I could only sleep one or two hours last night. My mind does not permit me to sleep well. You could say that I am old now and the time has come to take a rest, but I cannot rest. Even though I am growing old, I have to do more than young people do. Because the problems become bigger and bigger, I have to do more and more.

I cannot hand my work over to anybody else. I will give instructions about everything. I do not give instructions for the sake of it; there is always a spiritual basis to my instructions. Do you understand? As I proceed with my work, my heart likewise teaches me, through myself, the way to go. My heart already knows it. I might just glance at somebody, but I already know what kind of person he is. The closest teacher is therefore the heart. So do not let your heart be disturbed.

Do not become troubled. If you trouble your heart, it will make God and me sad. Your heart is the lord in your life. Thus, to make the heart sorrowful is similar to making the lord of your life sorrowful. You should go the way that can make your heart joyful.

When I attended middle school, I cleaned the entire area of the school by myself. Because I wanted to love my school more than any other student, I cleaned the school with the mind to clean on behalf of all the students. In this situation, I didn't want to get other people's help. I wanted to do it alone. I wanted to do it properly. I therefore sometimes happened to clean somewhere that had already been done. Because I continued to clean all areas, my friends handed over everything to me. My friends said, "We'd like to do it this way, but because you always do it that way, why don't you do it yourself?" Therefore, in the end, I naturally came to the point of doing it all.

Cleaning time is a good time to enjoy the company of one's mind. To secular people it seems a solitary situation, but it is time to become friends with your mind. After you have done that, sit down and try to meditate; enter the realm of deep prayer and of great depth that others do not know.

When you go to a theater, you may say that the theater is good when it is the theater building that looks good. No matter how good the building is, however, if the play is not interesting you cannot say that the theater is good. The important thing is how much everyone becomes one centering on the play. The depth of a person's character depends on that. The question is to what extent you are leading a life that resembles the heart and is expanding its scope. (133-180)


Section 5. The Way of Universally Shared Values

1) The Core ideology of the Unification Church and the Way of True Love

What is the meaning that the Unification Church holds? It is a worldwide ideology centered on God. It is not a national ideology. It is not a Korean ideology. The Unification Church possesses an ideology of great breadth that encompasses the whole of heaven and earth. This is the very core of the meaning of the Unification Church.

Love. You love your parents. You can only love your brothers and sisters if you know how to love your parents, and you can only love your parents when you love your brothers and sisters. You have to love your parents, your brothers and sisters and your relatives. You have to love all your relatives, and avoid having conflicts with any of them. After that, you have to love your neighborhood, and then your society, nation and world. The range of your love must become wider and wider. However, the wider the range, the more vague your concept of love has been. If the range is wide, then the concept of love tends to become weak. This is wrong. The wider the range is, the stronger love has to be. Do you understand what I am saying? When love becomes stronger, you can meet God. Love comes into being in order that we can meet God. Only when you find the kind of love that becomes stronger as its scope increases will you have the kind of love that enables you to connect to God.

Until now, love in this fallen world has become more timid little by little, and has not been connected with the broader things; love has been focused on close relatives only, such as mothers, fathers and brothers. Love has borne fruit on the foundation of the family, centered on husband, wife or oneself. All the love in the world has become stuck on the level of the family centered on the individual. Love has gathered only at the level of the family. This is the family of the fallen world.

Our Unification Church is completely different from that. The Unification Church teaches that we should love our brothers as we love our parents, love our clan as we love our brothers, and love our people and nation. Moreover, in order to love the nation, you must abandon your father and mother. In order to love the world, you must abandon your nation. In order to love God, you should be willing to abandon even the world. The core ideology of the Unification Church is that we should sacrifice smaller things for the sake of greater. It is very simple. Do you understand? However, what is the nature of this ideology? It is not my ideology. It is not the ideology of the person the Americans call Reverend Moon. This is not my own ideology. The origin of this ideology is God. God is the one who loves His object more than He loves Himself. When we ask what kind of person God is, we can say He is one who loves His object more than Himself. In this way, two people can unite into one and can move forward in a wider range of love. Since that is the essence of God's love, God sends the person closest to Himself to the evil world, offering him as a sacrifice. This is God's own ideology.

That is why the sages, saints and great men of history have always taught, "Love all humankind." They did not restrict their love to family-centered love. They loved their country and the world. They loved the world more than their country. However, they were not welcomed, but were rejected and ultimately sacrificed.

Thus, over time, the people who were persecuted and rejected for the sake of the world have come to be admired and worshiped. Some such people are the founders of the world's major religions, such as Jesus Christ and Confucius.

What ideology do they have? It is not an ideology focused on their own families. In order for the universe to become one family, the family, clan, people and nation, which are all smaller than the universe, have to be sacrificed. This is a different idea, isn't it?

2) The Way of the Good Man

Secular love remains focused on a person's family, father and mother, ignoring other things, but God's love leaps from that base to greater things. According to the Old Testament and the New Testament, one should offer a small thing as a sacrifice in order to gain something greater. Therefore, in order to do a good thing, one has to sacrifice. What is a sacrifice? It is a sacrificial offering. What is a sacrificial offering? The way of sacrifice is to stand in the position to shed blood and deny oneself. In the Unification Church, the world of goodness is realized through the process of restoration through indemnity. Do you understand?

In order to establish the foundation of goodness on the family level, the family has to sacrifice for the sake of the tribe. Otherwise, it cannot be accomplished. Moreover, to establish the foundation of goodness on the tribal level, the tribe has to be a sacrificial offering for the people. The lower level becomes the offering. Likewise, to establish the foundation for a nation of goodness, the people must be a sacrificial offering for the nation. To establish the national level foundation of goodness, a condition for the world's restoration through indemnity for the world should be established. There is no way except to sacrifice. This is a major difference between the history of the fallen world and the providential history of restoration.

Therefore, when you think of a good student, although he does not know this principle, he is generally a person who does not live for his own sake, but for others. He sacrifices a small level of righteousness for a larger one. Good people are ones who sacrifice small things for the sake of larger ones. Thus, the bigger the gap between the small thing and the larger one, the greater the value is. Do you understand? If I sacrifice for the sake of the world, the value of the goodness becomes equal to the value of the world. The individual, family, clan, people and nation also have to sacrifice for the sake of the world. If this has been done, because one has paid a very great and difficult sacrificial price, the value that comes as a result of the sacrifice will be bigger proportionally. Is this clear? Therefore, you have to set your sights on a distant mountain in order to pursue goodness, and you have to go forward to the future, with your chest out and your eyes high. In order to do that, you must be a person who can pay the sacrificial price in proportion to the decision toward the future. Such a person can be a good person in the future. Is this clear? This is why there is a difference between God's ideology and that of the world.

It is the same at your school. One who stubbornly insists on his own way can easily become a traitor. A person who carelessly insists on thinking only of his own situation and ignores the whole can easily betray others. If such a person is installed in a position of leadership, it is easy for such a person to become a dictator and leave a great blot on human history. Do you understand what I am saying? One should be patient for today and wait for the future in order to follow the goodness of God. A good person is one who is willing to wait for future success, rather than insist on success today. Such a person will be a good leader no matter what kind of leader he may become, and will establish a future of goodness. He will cultivate undeveloped regions and establish a society of goodness. Therefore, one who always lives centering on himself is close to evil, while one who lives centering on the ideology of our public God is close to goodness. Therefore, you can distinguish the good and bad people among your friends. The ones who speak for the sake of his own benefit are closer to evil, while the ones who think from the public point of view are closer to goodness.

Everything in your daily life can be evaluated as good or bad. They are divided into the left and right side, the same as for the things we can see. Though we might say, "This is great," how is that something great? There are two ways of judging whether something is great: One viewpoint is, "It is great because our family's viewpoint is that way, or our nation's viewpoint is that way, or because humanity's future viewpoint will be like that." The other viewpoint is, "This thing is red, and I like it because it is red."

It is the same for the spoken word. A person may defend himself and fight for his own sake. He may get angry and fight, insisting on his own way. Such a person thus belongs to the evil side. If someone cannot relate with the world because he is centering on himself, this is evil. However, if another person passes through a village and sees someone strong strike a weaker person for no reason, and then dedicates his life to the public good, such a person fighting for public values is on the side of goodness. Fighting is not always a bad thing. Do you understand? You must know that it is not always wrong to fight.

There are also two kinds of conflict. One is conflict in which everything is sacrificed in order to protect selfish purposes and desires. This kind of conflict is on Satan's side, while conflict with the purpose of bringing good to the world, to the universe or to God are conflicts on the side of goodness. Conflict on the evil side seeks to bring the opponent to his knees, while conflict on the side of goodness seeks to embrace the opposite side through concession. On the surface the fight may look the same. Both of these kinds of conflict are present in our daily life, all throughout our lifetime.

When you see that two young children are fighting, you may feel angry, but you have to embrace them with patience. If someone tries to be your enemy, you have to concede everything to him because he can be your friend tomorrow or some day in the future. The good man is the person who has tolerance and mercy. Do you understand?

3) Examples of a Life of Goodness

We all face the same things in everyday life. We all face the same thing in our studies. One student may study hard to do better than another. One student may always ask the teacher about other students' grades in examinations. I think there might be such students. Such a student's goal in studying might be to do better than the others. However, the purpose of studying is not just to get good grades on your examinations.

You have to study with the determination to be the top student in the whole nation of Korea, not just to be better than others. You must study with this kind of viewpoint. Do you understand my meaning? You should study to win the position of top student in Korea rather than to be the top student at the Little Angels' School. Why? For the sake of the glory of God and the Unification Church and next, for the sake of the glory of True Parents. It is very valuable to study hard like that.

When you feel joy after receiving a 100 percent score, even though your mother and father feel joy too, if you studied hard for the sake of Korea, God and all people, then humankind will say, in the name of God, "You did well." Do you understand? It is different.

When you sleep, normally you think, "I'm tired, so I must sleep." But for whose sake do you sleep? Even when you sleep, how wonderful it will be if you sleep for the sake of your country, humankind and God. Even though you sleep for yourself, if you think that you have to sleep because Korea, True Parents and God will suffer a loss if you get sick, then God and True Parents will also be delighted. When you pray, if you say, "Dear God, I am going to bed in order to work and fight for You tomorrow. Can I sleep now?" then God will answer, "Yes!" In the same way as when you are awake, good and evil intersect even while you are sleeping. If you think about everything in this way, all your actions will be on the side of goodness.

When you go somewhere and drink water, if while you are drinking it you say to yourself, "I will quickly drink this water on behalf of God," then although you drink the water because you are thirsty, the result will be that you are drinking the water on behalf of God. Then God will say, "You are a good person. Even though you are just a young student, I will remember you." When young boys and girls like you drink water, if you wait and drink water for the sake of God rather than fighting against one another to drink first, you will be in the position to drink on behalf of Earth and Heaven. Do you follow? When you sing a song, if you sing a song praising heaven, nature and Korea, all of Korea will listen to your song. Why will all of Korea listen to your song? The universe is filled with radio waves and words. The universe is filled with words, isn't it? It is full of radio waves. When you listen to the radio, it catches the radio waves so that people cannot escape the words. You know there are echoes in the mountains. When you shout in the mountains, your voice will echo in the valleys. Why does this happen? It is simple. Because the sound bounces off the mountains and the sound waves carry it back to you. Although we consider this just a physical phenomenon, think about whether it has any inner meaning. The sound whispers to the mountains, to nature and to the rocks. How mysterious this is.

Listen to the shrill chirp of a cicada and the sounds of insects. The low tones and high tones of the sounds harmonize with each other. Have you ever heard the sounds of cicadas and insects? If you listen carefully when a cricket chirps, you can discern that the sound is different in the daylight, evening and nighttime hours. It harmonizes with the surroundings. The universe is living and moving in such a harmonious environment. In the universe, who is the king? It is human beings. Do you understand? If a woman sings a song, the babies of toads, owls, frogs and fish will come out to listen to the song. This is true.

Therefore, when you practice a song, you have to do so with that kind of thinking. You have to think that "Ah, my sound will travel as far as the middle of that mountain." To make it past the mountain, you have to shout louder. "Ah ... Ah." When you look at a distant mountain and think about what is there, imagining that your friends and loved ones are there, imagining that the person you love the most is there instead of here, all the power of your mind will be concentrated so that you can see them by uniting your mind and body and communicating with the spirit world. Even the spirit world will be mobilized. Therefore, everything will help you if you try to live a life of goodness keeping a connection to the universe. Do you understand my meaning? (100-84)

4) Honest People Will Develop

Evil insists on its own way. Beyond that, evil tries to interpret everything centering on itself and step anywhere without any regard for God or the world. This is the essence of Satan. Good works to liberate the whole universe, not to step on it, but to liberate it and try to develop it. However, this is not easy. The direction of goodness is the direction opposite to the direction of evil.

Have you ever fought? Please raise your hand if you have ever fought with someone. Have you or haven't you? Don't look at the other people. Ask your conscience. Women who crane their necks over and over to see may have a particular character. Have you ever done this or not? (Yes) That's right. However, if you answered quietly, it may be an answer on the side of Satan, whereas if you answered loudly, it may be an answer on the side of goodness. Which side was your answer on? (Goodness) How about you boys? Which side was your answer on? (Evil) You answered on the evil side, didn't you? To answer centering on yourself is on the side of evil.

People should be honest. Honesty can pass through anything. When you make a mistake, if you admit it honestly, you will develop. Goodness cannot grow without the process of proper guidance. Can people always do well? Because people tend to make mistakes, they can develop through that process. You can make a new determination by honestly repenting for your mistakes. Do you follow? To make a mistake is not bad. You can leap forward by receiving a stimulus from that. If you leap to the good side through that kind of stimulus, making mistakes can bring a good result. Even if you failed to study, you may be able to be an honor student by receiving that kind of experience. How miserable it is to fail instead of becoming the top student among your peers. Through failing you can receive stimulation and shock through which your results can be turned in the direction of goodness. It is difficult to follow the straight path for your whole life. You must do your best in this way. Therefore, you should be honest. People who try to hide their mistakes cannot develop. However, people who are honest develop because the universe will push them. Wherever they may go, the universe will push and support them. Regardless of east or west, past, present or future, all people who are honest can be friends to everybody. If you try to make excuses or hide your mistakes in order to show yourself in a better light, you will not be able to develop and you will have no friends.

It is most important for you to have honest thoughts. When you make one step forward, it has already been determined whether that step will be good or evil. Good and evil are already determined. If you make ten steps toward the direction of goodness, many folds of the wall of goodness will surround you. Once you go that way and are surrounded and protected by two, three or more folds of the walls of goodness, you cannot return to the side of evil. We therefore need a teacher to guide us on the way to goodness. For this reason, also, punishment and discipline are sometimes needed.

After being punished, if you try to gain revenge on your teacher or the person who punished you, you are a bad person. You can instead say, "Let's see ten years from now? Even though you hit me, in ten years you will be learning from me." Then receiving punishment will turn out to be more valuable than receiving a gold prize. When a teacher punishes you and does not treat you well, you might feel angry, but if you take those thoughts and turn them to a good direction, the punishment you received will be more valuable than a gold medal. It is important to keep this kind of perspective. (100-87)

5) The Way to Greatness

What is a student's responsibility? (To study!) You have to study hard. Then, what is the purpose of studying? (To become a great person) Then what is the standard by which we judge greatness? The first stage is your family, the second is country, the third is the world, and the fourth is God. There are always three stages. Do you understand? It is necessary to follow this path.

The responsibility of sons and daughters is to show filial devotion to their parents centering on the family. Why do you need filial devotion? The way of filial devotion to your parents is related to the way of loyalty to your nation. They are linked together like bamboo. To be a loyal subject, one has to follow the path of a saint for the sake of the world.

Then what should we do? We must move forward in a straight line. In this sense, if you were not devoted to your parents, but were loyal to your country, your parents could not blame you for your lack of filial piety. They would say you did very well. When you became a loyal subject of the king, even though you abandoned your parents and left home, and even if they have already gone to the spirit world in your absence, they will praise you from there. (100- 155)

6) Motto for the Highest Perfection of Human Beings

What is the fastest way for a person to go? Life is very short. You don't know when you will die, do you? Some time ago, I told someone who was seventeen years old that he had lived a long time. The reason I said that is that some people do not know when they will die. Seventeen years of age is longer than seventeen days or one year and seven months. People do not know their destiny. There is an important saying that we have to fulfill tremendous tasks in the context of a short life. The works of our life always remain.

If God truly loves this world, He has to clearly reveal the answers for life's tasks. Therefore, God says that human beings should love Him more than anyone else. God naturally stands in the position to be able to say that we should love Him more than anyone else. Do you understand?

Thus, the way of religious faith requires holding one's love for God, even at the cost of abandoning one's parents, family, country and the world. If you do this, it will look like everything has been destroyed, but history will support this way, and the world, country and people will praise those who gain victory by following this path, because it is the way to reach perfection. Therefore, the motto of the highest level of perfection is "Live for God and love Him?" Is this clear? Therefore, religion teaches us to love God more than anyone else. Jesus also said that since Jesus is the son who carries on God's love, if one loves Jesus more than anyone else, that person becomes united into oneness with God and His son. In this sense, Jesus' statement that those who do not love him more than their lovers, parents, wives or children cannot become Jesus' disciples has the same meaning.

From this point of view, God has no choice but to give human beings, who are living a short life, the best possible motto by which to live that life: "Love God more than anyone else." People can become God's children by practicing that. If you become God's son, at the same time you come to be in the position of a perfected saint, loyal subject, and filial son. Everything is completed. In this sense, a person is in a victorious position in their family and on the level of the nation and world, (100-157)

7) The Way of the True Filial Son, Loyal Subject, Saint and Son of God

What do you have to be? You should be a loyal subject. What is a loyal subject? Is the one who devotes himself to the king a loyal subject? No, he is not. It is the one who loves his people like the king does. Who is a filial son? A filial son is not the one who devotes himself to his parents. He is the one who devotes himself to his brothers and sisters like a loving parent. Then, what is a saint? A saint is one who has made sacrifices for the sake of mankind and the world. Who is the son of God? He is the one who is living for the world, centering on God. It is different. A son of God is one who loves the people as he loves God. Do you understand? It is different. The historical saints died for the sake of mankind. On the other hand, a son of God not only devotes himself to God, but also lives for the sake of humankind, like God. What can we call such a person? A son of God. A son of God is different from a saint. What is a true filial son? A true filial son is someone who lives for his brothers as parents do. What is a true loyal subject? He is someone who serves the people of his country like he serves the king. What is a true son of God? A true son of God is someone who loves everything which belongs to God in the same manner as the loving God loves.

Therefore, True Father will go the way of a son of God. True Father loves God as well as humankind. True Father loves even America, which is like an enemy. Do you understand? In that case, God can say, "my son."

You are not the son of any country. Even though you were born in Korea, you are not the son of Korea. A person whom God can call His son is one who lives for the sake of humankind as God does. Such a person is a son of God. Since God loves humankind, forgetting about Himself, one who loves humankind while forgetting himself is a very filial son of God. We are seeking to find the way of a son of God, from the way of filial son and loyal subject. We are not seeking to find the way of a saint. Do you follow? Thus, if one of you became a loyal subject before the king, be one who is in the position of a loyal subject of the king for the sake of all the people of the country. This is the point by which we can distinguish between a loyal subject and a treacherous subject. They are completely different in their tradition. A treacherous subject serves the king centering on himself, while a loyal subject serves the king for the sake of the people of the country. If a loyal subject comes before the king, a treacherous subject cannot exist in that environment. In this sense, the kingdom that is realized through the way of the son of God, through the ways of a filial son and a loyal subject is none other than the Kingdom of God on earth. Therefore, the way to realize the Kingdom of God is to begin from the way of a filial son and move up to the level of a son of God. This process is the original ideal of God's creation. (133-242)