Section 1. View of True Man
1) The Most Precious Things of God and Man
God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Of all His creatures, they are the most precious beings to God. Why does God think of human beings as the most precious beings? It is because God needs an object partner of His love. Although God has love, if He has no object partner to love, He cannot feel love. Love can only be experienced through relationships. The reason humankind can be considered the most precious beings to God is because they are in the position of an object for God to love. In other words, it is human beings that God loves most.
Then, what is most valuable to human beings? God's love can be considered the most precious thing. So far, people have not known this.
Therefore, the objective love of human beings is the most valuable thing for God, while the subjective love of God is the most precious thing for human beings. (143-309)
2) The Origin and Purpose of Humankind
The purpose for which God created humankind was to accomplish the ideal of love. That love does not start from God, but is found to be coming from the object partner of love. If there is no object partner of love, the ideal of love cannot be completed.
Therefore, an object partner is necessary for the realization of God's ideal of love. Even God absolutely needs an object partner of love.
Thus, God Himself seeks out an object partner in love so that He can realize absolute love through that object partner. In this sense, God exists for the sake of love. This is the very reason why love is wonderful. God exists for humankind and humankind exists for God. True love thus begins from the point of living for the sake of others. Where were human beings born originally? Humankind started from God's love. Human beings were born because of love. Love is the origin.
Life, which we inherit, is not a precious thing in itself. Since life comes from God's love, love precedes life. This means that our lives have come through the root of love. Therefore, it is our destiny that a person is born from love, grows up in love, and meets an object partner of love. If God is the first generation, then human beings are the second generation. As God loves His sons and daughters, human beings can become perfect objects of love before God only when they stand in the position to experience that love. (143-310)
3) The Reason God Created Humankind
What was the purpose for which God created Adam and Eve? Let's look at the image of man. Man has shape and body. However, the invisible God has no shape or body. Without having a body, God cannot reign over the spirit world and the physical world. God thus needs a substantial body in order to manifest as the parents of humankind. Adam and Eve are the substantial body representing God. God manifests Himself through the body of unfallen Adam and Eve. Do you understand? Then, who are Adam and Eve? They are the progenitors of the human race as well as God's substantial body. That is, Adam and Eve are in the position of wearing a substantial body on behalf of God and of taking responsible dominion over the world in the position of parents.
Why, then, did God create Adam and Eve? God has to unify the spiritual and physical worlds according to the image of Adam and Eve since they are the center of the substantial world.
Then, what is the center of the spiritual and physical worlds? Since God is the leading being of the spirit world, and Adam and Eve are the leading beings of the physical world, they have to be united. Thus, Adam is in the position of king of this world during his lifetime. You understand what I mean, don't you? He is the eternal king, and comes to this world with eternal kingship. Then, what is the position of Eve? She comes as the queen who represents eternal queenship. Therefore, when they go to the spirit world, they will be in the role of king and queen representing God.
Then, what does the invisible God do alone in heaven? The invisible God has no purpose by Himself. In order to be parents of humankind, God needs a substantial body to be able to feel. God has to wear a substantial, human-like body, and He thus had no option but to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics.
Why did God have to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics? To be the same as the invisible God, they must establish the standard to completely unite mind and body during their lifetime. If they go to the spirit world without fulfilling such a standard, their external aspect cannot be united with God. In order to establish parents (Adam and Eve) bearing the substantial kingship and who are united with the invisible God, and to realize the kingship of manifesting through a substantial body in the eternal spirit world, God had to create Adam and Eve as beings of dual characteristics.
Without a relationship with Adam and Eve, God has no way to connect with the world. Only when a relationship between Adam and Eve exists can He be connected to their children. That is a natural connection.
The reason God created human beings is to place them in the same parental position as Him by manifesting through their substantial body. The same parental position has both internal and external meaning: that is, while Adam and Eve are the external parents and the external God, God Himself is the internal Parent and internal God. Adam and Eve are as the body of God, with God as the mind of God. God is the Parent of humankind. The original Parents. These Parents are not separate, but one. One person. Thus, creating Adam and Eve like a branch temple, God comes to dwell within them. As God works with, in them, Adam and Eve can have an ideal relationship. Without God present and working, they cannot know God's will.
Without that, there is no foundation upon which God can make a relationship with human beings. After the original foundation was destroyed, we can conclude, God could not have that original relationship with humankind. No matter how many people live in this world, therefore, they have had no relationship with God. (133-91)
4) The Privilege and Value of Humankind
God created human beings because of love. Why were human beings created? Human beings were created because of love. Human beings are distinguished from other creatures by being created as God's children and as the objects to receive God's direct love. This is humanity's privilege.
What is a human being? What is God's love? Human beings were created to be objects of love. However, because God consists of dual characteristics, being the subject with plus and minus, for something to become an object partner before that subject, it needs to consist of dual characteristics of plus and minus. Its form cannot be opposite to the subject's characteristics. The object has to have such a form as to precisely fit the essence of the love of the subject and be related to every characteristic of the subject. Are you clear about that? Since the object is a relative being, it fits only with love. God does not need such things as knowledge, power or money. He needs only love. Therefore, only love can match the object to the subject.
Human beings are the center of the universe and the creation because God made all creatures and the universe to fulfill the ideal of love. Human beings are called lord of all creation because they have the privilege of being able to receive God's love first in the central position, on behalf of the God of love. Do you follow? One cannot be the lord of creation without being an object in the realm of God's love. A human being without God's love is similar to an animal. The special value of a human being is having the privilege of love so that he or she may have dominion over the universe in the position of first object of God, on behalf of the entire created world. A human being is a lord of creation. Without love, everything will pass away. (132-245)
Section 2. The Course Of Life In Three Stages And The Spirit World
1) Characteristics of the Physical Body and Spiritual Body
A person passes through three stages. Also, in the animal kingdom there is the period of water, the period of land, and the period of air. All beings have to go through these three stages. However, in order to have the qualification for taking dominion over all creatures, a human being has to fulfill a fuller standard of life during the water stage than does any other existing being. Then, during the land stage, a human being must also meet a higher qualification than other animals. But human beings have no wings. How can people fly without wings? Have you ever flown without wings? (No!) Nevertheless, you should fly higher and further than other animals.
Nowadays, it may take 13 or 14 hours from America to Tokyo, in Japan, by jumbo jet. If the plane flies at 500 miles per hour from the United States, it can arrive in Japan in 14 hours without stopping. If a machine such as an airplane made by man can do that, how about human beings created by God? Can humans fly farther than an airplane? No matter how much we may try to jump, we cannot fly high with our physical body. However, since human beings are the lords of all creation and have the same sovereignty and relative position as does God, who is spirit, the range of human activity also has to be the same as God's. The speed of electricity or light is 300,000 kilometers per second, but human beings can move faster than that. How is that possible! With the spiritual body. Even though I am standing here now, my spiritual body has already been to New York. Did you see that? Faster than lightning. The spiritual body can move at the speed of thought. (112-202)
Without a spiritual body, a person cannot travel around the universe. You cannot see it with your physical eyes, but did you know God has created something there? You cannot see it with your eyes: it seems like a desert or that there is nothing there at all. But there is gold and precious stones. I am speaking of seeing with your spiritual eyes: something has already been created there.
We have to become sons of the new world and daughters-in-law of the new world. However, where is there such an original and wonderful house as this new world? It is the spirit world. Do you want to go there? (Yes) No matter how beautiful this world may be, it is like a shadow. On the other hand, once you pass into the new world, the spirit world, it is the eternal world. It is eternal, and never ending. (112-211)
2) The Action of Love and the Completion of the Spiritual Body
What kind of action is the fastest in the world? It is the action of love. The fastest thing in the world is not an electric current but the power of love. When people love each other from the opposite sides of the earth, the power of their love will strongly attract each other beyond the physical borders. The power of love is that strong.
Therefore, the reason today's religions emphasize seeking of love, closeness of the heart with God, having deep heart, and prayer is because by connecting with the sphere of love one can participate in every action of God's love. The meaning of participation is to be able to work together with God. Do you understand this? If this is accomplished, we can fly wherever God flies, and go wherever God goes. If we realize such a substantial self of love and are so qualified in front of God, we can immediately accomplish whatever we think to. The spirit world is the place where we can receive whatever we want. We can receive everything that contains elements of love. Why, then, do human beings need true love? It is because someone who has experienced God's true love in the original and ideal world will have the ability and authority to immediately possess what God wants. Do you understand what I mean? Then, where do we obtain such a qualification? It has to be obtained on earth. From the viewpoint of the Unification Church, we must perfect our spirit self while we are on this earth. In the process of uniting spiritual body and physical body, God's love and the substance of our life must be connected at one point. At that moment, we can reach God's love. Therefore, we have to love God.
How can we feel God's love? We can feel God's love when we love our people, the people of the world and all creation. You must love them all. Everyone must feel the feelings of love. Whatever nation you are from, we must have the heart to love all races. We must feel the heart of love.
There exists a heart of love not only for humankind but also for all things of creation, which comes out automatically. When a flower blooms, the beautiful color of that flower radiates naturally. The fragrance of the flower is not given because the flower so desires; it comes out naturally. Similarly the flower of love must blossom, and the fragrance of love blooms too. Do you understand? The flower of love must receive nutrients in order to bloom. Nourishment comes from the earth and from the sun. In the same way, we receive nourishing elements through our physical and spiritual bodies. Do you understand? That is, we need "vitality elements" and next, "life elements." When you become a perfect being of love, you can fly anywhere. Does that sound good or not? The solar system and the galaxy can then be your realms of activity.
You can go together with your beloved husband to the center of the sun. You might think that you cannot enter the sun because it is too hot, but you can pass through without a problem. You can pass through everywhere -- through the south, north, east, and west of the sun -- so that you can know the details of its composition. Don't you think some of the planets in the universe are made of diamond or gold? There are some planets that are composed purely of gold. Therefore, if you realize the perfect personality of love, you can grasp the entire reality of the universe.
If you do not, your actions will be limited. You cannot go in just any direction you wish, but instead you must pass through only one door. Do you understand? You should not be a migratory bird. If you want to achieve the qualification to live in harmony with each of the four seasons, you must realize a perfect personality of love. (112-204)
3) The Purpose of the Pursuit of Love and the Three Births
Since the eternal spirit world is a place filled with the air of love, during your lifetime you have to learn and experience the breathing action of love on this earth. Therefore, the Unification Church teaches "Love everybody! Love!" People who have lived centered on themselves go to hell. Thus, you should live for the sake of others and help each other. You should always be happy to meet people. Once you become an individual true entity that is the substantial object of love, the universe will welcome you. Wherever you go in the spirit world, you will be welcomed.
When you want to ride in a 747 jumbo jet, if you just mention that, such a plane will appear immediately before you. It doesn't matter how big the airplane is. It can fly, even upside down, and if you say "Go down?" it will go down; you can do as you wish. You fly it like an acrobat. Everything is possible -- beyond your imagination. And you will absolutely never have an accident.
How wonderful it is! God's ideal of creation is to make such a wonderful world and life, centering on an ideal partner of love. This is the original and spirit world. Therefore, we are pursuing love. People need father's love, mother's love, husband's love, and wife's love. Isn't this true? Moreover, we want to be loved by a nation and the world. Why do human beings want to receive love? It is a training course to ultimately qualify to receive God's love. Do you follow? (112-207)
During a person's life, the first resurrection, the first birth, is life in the mother's womb. The second birth is the present, and then the third birth is the return to God. When you live for the sake of others or the world rather than your couple, you can return to the invisible God. It is only possible to do so with love. When you go to the spirit world to receive training in adapting to that world centered on God's ideal of love, you become like God and even God's friend. That is, human beings must pass through the course of the third birth.
Now you have come to understand why you have to live for the sake of others, haven't you? There is nobody who has failed through living for the sake of others centering on love. Why is it that? For example, if you work hard sitting up all night for the sake of your parents, then, when your parents go to the spirit world they will give a blessing so that you can inherit their fortune. Don't you think so? It is the heavenly law that an inheritance comes at the point where you live for the sake of others. (132-275)
4) The Structure of the Spirit World and the Mission of the Messiah
Who will you Unificationists seek in the spirit world? Who is the owner of the spirit world? The lords of the spirit world are the True Parents. Do you follow what I am saying? In the spirit world, Unificationists will say, "Let's go to find the True Parents." In this world, why should people believe in religion, or serve and sacrifice for others? This is a big question. If we do not live for the sake of others, but for ourselves, what will happen in the spirit world? When someone who has lived centering on himself goes to the spirit world, he will come to join the individuals club. In that club, nobody helps others or yields to others, and all people constantly fight among themselves. Once someone joins the individuals club, he is a member forever.
When someone who has lived just for the sake of his family goes to the spirit world, he joins the families club. He cannot go beyond the family level. Likewise, nationalists will be locked within the boundaries of nationalism. Each will argue with the others that he is the truest patriot.
Then, what is Godism? Godism is not individualism, nor is it an ideology centered on the family, clan, people or nation. It is an ideology of the cosmos. Someone centered on himself cannot enter the spirit realm that is based on such a universal ideology. How can someone who thinks mainly of his own children and parents live together with other people who have lived for the sake of others and God? People who lived centering on the individual, family, tribe, people and nation respectively, fight with each other within their respective limited boundaries.
However, since these walls and boundaries came to exist due to the fall, they must be destroyed, according to the ideal of God's creation.
The fundamental cause of these walls derives from the human parents, Adam and Eve. Therefore, in order to break them down, someone original Man and the True Way of Life who can take responsibility for the fall of the first ancestors has to come and break down all walls within the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world, and even within the spirit world. This is precisely the mission of the Messiah. (112-211)
Section 3. The Way of True Life
1) The Way to True Life
Are you one of the four billion members of humankind or are you just a person on your own? (One of four billion.) Then, can these four billion people live centering on themselves? Please answer! (No!) Therefore, we can conclude that all people must live for the sake of others.
Families start from two individuals and form many tribes. There are also many countries that are made up of various tribes. They are living in different, limited circumstances and have different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, if there is no common standard of truth on which every country or tribe can agree, they cannot make relationships with one another.
Then, if you started from the individual, the important point is to find the elements that can go anywhere and open the door through which individuals can pass in all directions without accident or crush. What are the elements through which people could pass safely at anytime? Here, the important thing is what kind of attitude we have towards the world. Do you want to go forward by conflict or by welcoming? (Welcoming!) Why? Fighting leads to exhaustion and destruction, but welcoming brings growth within us.
Therefore, what we have to know here is that living for the sake of self brings about evil, but acting for the sake of the whole brings development. When you live for the sake of the whole, every door will open and welcome you. The doors of the individual, family, tribe, society, people, country, world, and heaven will open and welcome you.
Then, what kind of way is this? You have to think about that. Thus, the Unification Church teaches the heavenly law to live for the sake of others.
What is the true way to life? Living for the sake of others means to establish a way of universal truth. To live for the sake of others is the eternal and unchanging principle. This is true for the past, the present and the future. If God appears in front of saints such as Confucius, Jesus, or Mohammed, and asks what they think about this truth, they will answer, "That is right." It is the universal principle and the way to live our lives, the true way of one law.
Therefore, if in one family a son works very hard for the sake of his family, the more he works hard, the more he becomes the subject in his family, the center of his family, and the one who is responsible. The reason why your father and mother are in the position of the center, subject, and responsible persons of your family, is because they are in the position to live for their sons and daughters, for the whole family and for all others. You have to know this.
It is the same for patriots. A patriot is someone who lives for the sake of his people and their nation more than anyone else is. It is an unchangeable conclusion from the universal law of the world and life that a patriot is adored as a historical and much remembered person because he dedicated his whole lifetime at the risk of his life for the sake of his country.
Then, what kind of person is a saint? A saint is someone who desires to live for the sake of all the world's people, day and night, unceasingly; a person who lives for people as well as the natural world, and for the entire universe. That is a saint. Would you disagree? If I define it in this way, you cannot deny my words.
Then, how can you describe God who made this universe and law? God is in the representative position, and has lived more for the sake of others than anyone else. Therefore, in order to meet Him, you have to live for the sake of others. Even though He is the great king of knowledge, His desire is not for people to gather knowledge. God is also the great king of power, money, and material, but His desire is not for people to gather those things. If you live for the sake of others, everything can come to be near you. (133-16)
2) Results and Life for Others
You have to live more for the sake of others. What is living for others? One who lives more for the sake of others becomes a responsible person.
Who can be the central point among ten people? It is the person with greater love who lives for the sake of the ten. Those ten people will follow after him. Don't you think so? You should know that a person becomes a central figure and a responsible person in the process of living for the sake of others. He becomes the owner and central figure. You should know this.
The person who lives most for the sake of country may become the president of that country. The person who can inherit a company is the one who sacrifices most and lives for the sake of the company. This is a heavenly principle. Up to the present, you may have thought that living for the sake of others is suffering and no good, but it is the way of inheriting and becoming a central figure. Therefore, you should know that living for the sake of others will not result in your loss. There is no better way.
When you study, for whom are you studying? Do you study for yourself? You have to change such a way of thinking. You have to study for the sake of humankind and God. You should go forward according to the original ideal, which God has given to us. If you determine that, if God sends you as one who has a 100-point value, you will go to the spirit world as one who has a 101-point value. Then God will remember you forever.
If the youngest child among ten brothers sacrifices the most and lives for the sake of the other nine, his name will be recorded in his father's memoirs. Do you understand? Is that true or not? If someone complains about that, he will perish. Although there may be those who build up fortunes through robbery and greed, its value will be negated for various unfortunate reasons: someone's son may become promiscuous, another may get sick, and someone may meet with an accident, or be robbed. God does not want to see such people succeed. However, if all that you have is for the sake of others, it will remain forever. Do you understand? If you, as a musician, want to give joy and happiness to the audience by producing a special quality of musical tone such as the audience has never heard before, how wonderful that is! "Oh? If I can practice thousands of times and make the most ideal sound, never before produced in history, for the sake of that audience, how joyful that will be!" When God looks at you, God may say "You are not so beautiful, but your heart is very great. Oh! My daughter! Do well. I will bless you." That is God's heart.
Isn't it the same for Rev. Moon? When I went to jail I had no intention of escaping; people in the secular world would have tried to escape in the same circumstances. It was my choice to go that way. I was willing to go to jail with a heart of love for Christianity and America.
It was not because I wanted to be famous for the sake of myself, but to leave behind the name of love by living for others. The entire world will come to follow before such a love. That's true, isn't it? Even a mother and a father will obey a filial son. They will praise you with tears and bow to you. Because the king is the representative of the country, even his parents and grandfather, who are his relatives, will obey him. Everybody will submit absolutely in front of love, because that love is the love representing the universe. This transcends all levels of society. (132-276)
3) Formation of the Perfect Realm of Unification through Living for Others
God is not a dictator. God has also invested for the sake of humankind. God exists for the sake of humanity. For this reason, human beings have tried to follow Him for thousands upon thousands of years. Since the universe and all creatures exist for the sake of others, in order for humankind to maintain their existing position, human beings must live for the sake of others. Living for others goes beyond west and east, past and present. Do you understand? Why is that? Because past or present, east or west, God has the same, unchanging, love. He can transcend east and west, and past, present and future. In other words, since He can surmount past, present and future through love, God will advance continuously. Because He conquers the east and west, the east and west can be unified. This is possible only through love. Do you understand what I am saying? (Yes!) Since the mind that you have been given represents God, the mind has to constantly invest for the sake of the physical body. Isn't that so? Do you always make investments for the eventual sake of physical body or not? How difficult this is! If you just follow what your body wants to do, your mind will signal that you should not. So, clearly that is no good, right? We always tend to try to invest for the sake of ourselves. Even though you invest for self, it does not return. Therefore, your mind feels sad.
Therefore, when you want to give or receive but you cannot, it is a miserable situation. A happy person is one who, day or night, can give when he wants to give, and receive when he wants to receive-even more so when it is centered on love.
Then, when we consider the Unification Principle for the sake of others, there is no theory through which to unify except the Unification Principle. Without the path of living for the sake of others, there can be no unity.
If a man and woman each insist on getting the best thing first, which one can get it first? The man wants to get it first and the woman wants to get it first, isn't that right! When a couple wants to receive God's love, both the woman and the man want to receive it first. That is the problem. If they insist on their ways, everything is destroyed. God exists for others, and cannot relate with someone just centering on himself. God exists for the sake of the whole, for something larger than the individual. This is a universal principle.
If a man insists that because he is bigger than a woman is, he should have priority in receiving God's love, problems will result. Thus, a man should say that he tries to receive God's love first, or occupy God, for the sake of the woman. That is the way. Do you understand? He is doing this for the other's sake not for his own. Only in this way will all problems be resolved. The woman should also say to the man that she will receive it first for his sake. Then, both man and woman will answer OK. Then when God sees them live for each other, He will say, "Grab hold of me!" Then He will say, "I am OK." Everything will be completed.
However, if a man or woman insist only on their own opinion, it will lead not only to their self-destruction, but also to the destruction of their partner and of God. There will be complete separation. You must know that we cannot find any Unification Principle here. Do you understand? These are quite simple words, but they are very important.
At the end of the way of seeking the ideal, we ultimately request vertical unification with God's love. We must live for others in order to ask for this vertical standard to quickly manifest. Through living for others the realm of unification will emerge completely. It is different -- do you understand? (Yes.) (187-89)
4) Everything is Resolved by Living for Others
What is the meaning of unification? The concept of unification starts from unity with God. Unification means to unify God, Adam and Eve, and all things. To accomplish unification, all things must be unified. Then, how is unification to be achieved? Are you Unificationists? Maybe there is someone like a gangster amongst your numbers, or someone born out of wedlock due to your parents' mistake. Such persons should be completely re-educated. Even if your father and mother are people of bad character, you yourselves should not be so because God and Rev. Moon are not.
Then, how is unification possible? How will Rev. Moon accomplish unification? With what? Power, money, knowledge, or by physical aggression? The conclusion is simple: everything is solved at the point of living for others, centering on true love. Through that process, the evil world will be changed to a world of goodness. That is a logical conclusion. Are you clear? (Yes!)
5) Receiving Love
What do you have to do to receive your parents' love? You have to love everything that your parents love. Then you can receive your parents' love. To receive parents' love in the family, a son has to love everything, which his parents have and then he can receive his parents' love.
A person who tries to receive love without doing this is like a thief. If someone tries to inherit, in his own way, that which his parents value, he has no qualification to receive his parents' love. He can receive his parents' love after loving that which his parents value. Why is there a period of adolescence around the age of seventeen to eighteen? It is the period to train in loving everything one's parents' love.
Because parents love the grandparents, we must also love our grandparents. Do you follow? Further, since parents love their relatives, we must also love our relatives. Moreover, because parents love their sons and daughters, we must also love our brothers and sisters. Then we will receive our parents' love.
Then, what do we have to do in order to receive God's love? It is the same principle. If we love the land and people of a country, then we can be a friend of the king's. The woman who becomes the queen will receive the love of the king, and if she loves everything that the king loves, she can receive the king's love.
The life of a couple is the same. When a husband loves his wife after loving everything that his wife loves, his wife can feel that her husband truly loves her. If he only loves his wife, but not the things his wife loves, it will not work. In the Unification Church, many women do not want to marry church leaders but would rather marry businessmen in order to live affluently. This is not the way of the Principle. Do you understand what I am saying? You have to live for the sake of others. Accordingly, I decided to make all women of the second generation into church leaders' wives. The first concern of many men and women after receiving the recent blessing seems to be how to make money.
I will send them out on an opposite course to work like servants. I am not someone who would become indebted to you. Some people say that after finishing their studies they will work for the church. However, Rev. Moon is not so worthless as to receive help. I have prepared and set up everything. There are many influential people in America who are indebted to me and I can be proud of that. I do not think to ask help from you. I need people who can do God's work in my place.
Those who have the mind to live more comfortably are those who will decline toward hell, while those who want to live more sacrificially are the ones who will be elevated up toward heaven. What kind of people are you? (133-26)
6) God's Love is for the Whole
You know that God exists, don't you? (Yes?) What belongs to God? All things, the natural world, and humankind belong to God. Which things of nature would God discard and which would He keep? God needs everything. Whom does God want to discard, whom does He have no need for? God needs everybody.
When we see the natural world, you could say, "I don't need four seasons; I just need spring. I dislike summer, autumn and winter." But if you ask God about that, God will answer that He likes all four seasons.
Therefore, even though you don't like summer, autumn and winter, you should learn to like those seasons. When a snowy winter comes, God likes to see the white snow-covered world. "Ah? I like this too," He says. So you must also like it.
You have to look at nature with the same mind as God. Even when there are floods and lightning strikes, you should not say, "I don't like that." God will say with a smile, "It is like kisses and marriage." Then He will say to the people who are complaining, "You are wrong." You should always love nature, and love human beings of all races without prejudice. Will God say, "I like only the white race!" If so, everybody would have to wear white clothes. You would have to throw away all your colored clothes. However, when you enter a room, there may be a black piano or some colored furniture. "Why did you put a black piano here? Why did you place a blackboard here?" A black board is black. If white people like only things that are white in color, they should throw away all colored products. Moreover, they should not have any dark nights either? What is the meaning of the superiority of the white people? It is the way of ruin. How many years will it last? No matter how long winter may be, it lasts just three months. For the sake of the eternal reality, you have to love all four seasons. Therefore, you should not like only the white people.
Who is going to solve the race problem? Rev. Moon is going to handle this problem. The other day, some people were saying, "Reverend Moon is fighting on behalf of the weak and the minorities." I don't think in those terms, but people are saying so. You white people who have blue eyes, yellow hair, and white faces should be careful. You should know that if a race war were to take place, all the colored races would attack the white people.
The time may be coming when the colored races unite together and sweep away the white people. Don't think that the white race will always have dominion over the world. God does not think so. Since the white people were the people who loved the world and humankind at one time, God blessed them. But God certainly never thought that the white people would control the world as they wished.
God's love is to love not only all present humankind, but also all the people of the past, present, and future. You must know that God therefore works to liberate even spirit people who have gone to hell. Human beings must go the way of truth, life, and love. No matter how great you may be, if you do not have a foundation of living for the sake of others, nothing will follow you. On the other hand, someone who lives for the sake of others will naturally become the subject. He will become a human being of true life. (133-29)
Section 4. The Way of the Original Mind
1) Establishment of Clear Goals While Young
If you do not know your present position, you are like a ship making a voyage without knowing its latitude and longitude. You should know your present position first and then decide the direction to go in. You must have direction in your life. (120-316)
Without having a blueprint for your future, you cannot lead your life successfully. While in your twenties, you have to establish precise goals and invest your whole energy and heart to fulfill them. If you do so, it is very possible that you will become a historical figure or leave behind something memorable for the world. A person who just accepts his environment and situation will pass away in history. Once you have decided to do something, you have to have the courage to fight to accomplish your goal, no matter what kind of difficulties lie ahead. You should have the courage to digest all obstacles rather than merely to dislike them. (120-313)
Everything in this world is in competition. You must go the road in which you avoid personal mistakes that lead to your downfall, and don't lose a year or even a month. There is even competition in working out which way to go. If you lose one year, you will not be able to keep up.
If you lost a year, and other families already had babies and went forward one step, you would not be able to keep up. It is similar to shooting an arrow: if arrows are shot with the same power, the arrow that is shot first will arrive at its target prior to the other. Otherwise, you would need to possess many times the driving force in order to regain the ground. But there aren't such people.
Therefore, it is very important to know how to spend one year during your youth. You must set a certain goal and follow through to fulfill it. It is like the dial and compass. Before a ship sets out on a voyage, navigators have to decide the course and direction of the ship and precisely measure the settings with a compass. Then, they must start the engine and the propeller must begin to turn. With the propeller turning, the ship must begin its voyage. If it turns back on the way, it becomes so much harder. (120-314)
You should go forward after knowing the way you have to go. Once you have chosen a direction, you have to invest your whole energy and heart centering on that direction. Even if you are tired to the point where you cannot open your eyes or hear anything, you must invest your utmost. (120-329)
From now on, you should make a clear determination, and, uniting mind and body, invest everything 24 hours a day, even during your sleep. When you awaken and open your eyes, you have to study everything related to that goal and make a comparison. This means that you have to make your own world. Dedicating your whole heart and will, you must go here and there bound with a rope to such a world. Then you can be someone who leaves a mark on the world. (120-326)
2) Decide Your Direction According to Your Original Mind
The most important time is from age 18 to 24. By the age of 24, you have to have established your life goals. You can know the direction of your life if you cultivate and dedicate yourselves.
If you were born as the children of the Unification Church and are following a normal life of faith, it is natural for you to know what to do. However, those who are living and acting centering on themselves and their own thinking cannot know. Even rats will leave a ship, knowing in advance that the ship will be wrecked if it encounters rough seas. But people do not know such things. You must know where you are going.
You should know the way to go. Even the ant knows that the rainy season will set in. Have you ever seen ants moving from one place to another in a line? Because you are given to useless daydreaming, you do not know. Not knowing one's own problems is a serious matter. You have to seriously consult with heaven about the problems in your life. You must adapt to your environmental situation. This is your own responsibility. (120-313)
You have to confer with your deep original mind after discussing with heaven in deciding your special field in life. You yourself know well what kind of talent you have. Then, you have to listen carefully to where your mind tries to pull you. You have to listen to that. Nobody can pull a ship unless the direction has been decided upon. Therefore, even though someone may pull on you then release you, you have to have your own direction to find for yourself.
Most of you have said that you are going to study business. From my viewpoint, people who are majoring in business are like thieves. You have to find your own way to go. Is it enough just to have money? No. There are times when you need money, and there are times when you have to go your own way or a different way as a person. You must therefore decide by yourselves the way to go. Without asking your parents you should decide by yourself, harmonizing, with God's guidance, the essence of your original self deep within your heart towards your future purpose. (120-314)
You have to decide what kind of person you will be in the future around the age of 18 to 20 years. You must know about this yourself through your prayer and meditation. You may feel you need to enter Seoul National University, but I don't know if that is a good thing or not. Nobody knows his fate. If you die after receiving your Ph.D., all your efforts over ten years will have been in vain. (120-316)
Everybody has his inherent talent. Human beings have various unique characteristics. Therefore, people go in different directions within the 360-degree spectrum. However, if all of you were trying to go the same direction, say, 90 degrees or 60 degrees, it would be a serious problem.
When I studied, my major was electrical engineering. Although I studied science, I knew the way I would go in the future. The reason I studied electrical engineering was because I needed the mathematical ability to accomplish a great task in the future. In some sense, since electrical engineering deals with invisible things, it is connected to religion. For example, if you look at the world of phenomena, you can know that there is always an electrical aspect to every movement. This means that every action of the universe has something to do with the reciprocity between subject and object.
Then, how is it that a magnet can counter the gravitational pull of the earth? What kind of action does that make possible? The magnet bypasses the earth's gravity with a lesser power. Do you understand what this means? Therefore, our conscience is the same. Once you are born in this world, the background to your birth is already precisely known. However, you should make the decision about your path by yourself according to your conscience. If you cannot sense or determine this matter, you will not be able to accomplish something great in the future. (120-302)
3) Adjusting to the Direction of the Original Mind
You are the people who are born with the fortune of the Unification Church. For this reason, if you become those who can fit the substance and essence of the Unification Church, everything will go well for you in the future. Although you are in your twenties and attending University, you do not have knowledge. In olden times, those who were looking for wild ginseng on the mountains had some spiritual ability and knew where to go to find the wild ginseng through their spiritual "antennae." Such things are possible. Why do we need such things? If we use such abilities, we can escape from being victimized, and can instead gain in some way. Therefore, we should seek such a way. This is not a waste of time. (120-322)
Knowing that you were born on such a foundation of the Unification Church, you should, before your father or mother have thought of it, decide the way you want to go by the age of ten or twenty. If you have such a resolve, even though you may go in a different direction, your body will turn towards the proper way. Everything will be guided. For example, although you are sleeping facing the east and thinking to go east the next morning, if it is wrong to go east your body will turn toward the south. Your body itself knows that. It is very sensitive. Do you understand what I mean? If you do not reach such a level, you cannot be a great leader in the future. Accordingly, you would not be able to stand in front of me and fulfill the mission as responsible persons of the second generation. The time will come when your spiritual level will be evaluated automatically. It is gradually coming closer. Among ten people in a village, three people will have spiritual power. They will all know what the others are thinking. You should know that this time will come. Therefore, now you must have the right attitude and devote yourselves. (120-324)
If you were born on the foundation of your parents' sincere devotion, and sincerely devote yourselves also, you will be able to perceive everything and make your plan for the future by yourself through deep meditation and prayer at that level. It is normal to stand in this position. If you cannot accomplish this, nothing will be successful. (120-325)
You should adjust to the direction of your original mind. If it is right to go in an easterly direction, then if you try to go north, it will not work. If you follow that way in life, little by little your life will enter a narrow valley. (120-322)
If you follow the way of the original mind, the universe will show one way to you. That is faster and more powerful than a bullet. This is something you should have. If you go that way, when you reach that level, you can speak with your own mind. As soon as you think about what to do, the answer will immediately appear. You can even know the examination questions. When you don't know what page you need to study to prepare for the examination, the page number will come out from your mouth. You can advance to such a stage. Do you know what I mean? Don't people at such a stage know the way to go? Because they have clarified their way, all the power of the universe comes to help. When you enter the examination hall, your writing hand and all things will cooperate with you. If this is so, you will be able to achieve something great.
It is a true person who can live based on such a background of great power. Do you follow what I am saying? A true human being will likewise be supported in the background by infinite power enabling him to go in the direction he is moving. If the direction is wrong, then he comes to know immediately. The Unification Church is really not the same as a mediocre church, you know. It has a deep and high foundation, a framework of great strength. Everything will be solved if you connect and elevate to such a spiritual stage based on your own effort. Therefore, from that viewpoint, you yourselves have to decide the direction to go. You know yourselves the best. (120-327)
4) You Must Move Centering on the World of Heart
When you are in a state of calmness, your mind can settle in the deepest part of the self. Your mind must be able to go into that part of your self. If you sleep and wake up in that deep place, you become very sensitive. At that time, if you do not let many thoughts assail you, and your spirit is concentrated, everything will be opened up. Therefore, cultivating one's mind and prayer are necessary.
I am praying. I am sincerely devoting myself every day. So, you have to constantly devote yourself. Just offering your devotion once is not the way. A knife must constantly be sharpened. If you use a knife, but do not sharpen it, what will result? You must always keep a knife sharp. When you are upset or become angry, you must always sharpen yourself again. That is the problem. You have to catch and hold this calm place in your mind.
So, you are coming to know what you have to do. You should not behave badly by thinking aimlessly or striking up frivolous relationships. You must catch this sense of direction, then centered on this, follow that direction. There is only one direction in which to go. Therefore, you must prepare for any eventuality, and maintain yourself properly. You have to create a driving force, which can support you every day. You cannot do this by yourself alone. By the age of 18, you will come to know who you are. Therefore, at that time, it is easy for you to become anxious about yourself. So, you need the strength of a friend, or a teacher, or the power of God.
I am also very serious when I am about to carry out a global project that goes beyond my ability. When greater ability is required in order to do something, the problem is where to get this from. If I cannot bring it, I have to retreat -- but I cannot do that. Therefore, prayer is needed. We need God. We need the world of heart. The world of love is endless, no matter how much you may draw upon it. The world of material will end the worlds of knowledge and power will perish, but the world of heart continues forever. Therefore, you have to do things centering on the world of heart. (120-320)
When you go into the center of the world of heart, the world of heart is moving up and down automatically, like someone breathing. Did you know that the earth is also breathing? The earth is breathing in and out so that the diameter of the earth is expanded up to almost one meter. Through that, the earth is adjusted. The spherical shape of the earth is maintained. For this reason, the world of heart moves up and down centering on an axis. It is moving.
Every existing thing therefore forms an oval shape. Do you understand? Thus, you go into the very center of the mind and heart. Infinite power is transmitted from there. So, if you make an angle of exactly 90 degrees, infinite power will flow through that right angle. Therefore, you should go out and cultivate your spiritual aspect. By devoting yourself you will experience the deep spiritual dimension in all aspects of life. Why? Because you need a source from which to gain an infinite driving force throughout your entire life. (120-322)
By offering sincere devotions, you can find the way in which you should go, as it is within your original mind. If you have an artistic disposition, the image of objects should float before your eyes like the reflection in a mirror. Do you understand? The picture is already created in your mind. This is a talent you were born with. You should therefore follow the direction that your talents indicate. If you ignore your innate gifts, everything will fail. It's serious, isn't it? (120-326)
Hyo Jin says to me, "Dad? It's strange, but I am hearing music at three o'clock in the morning." He was born with such a gift. In the same way, everybody has a talent in some field. These gifts are innate. As you were born with such gifts on a good foundation, then if you use them limitlessly they will infinitely develop. (120-322)
It was the same with Ye Jin when she was a child. During her school days she would say, "Dad, it's strange." What was strange was that when a fellow student lost something she would come and ask Ye Jin to tell her where it was. Then, Ye Jin would tell her where it was in her house, and she would go home and find it there. Can that be explained? She always knew.
Among our own children, Eun Jin also has spiritual ability. She said, "Mom? I was just about to go somewhere, but my mind kept telling me to go back. Why is this?" Someone is giving her this information, teaching her, "This person you are to meet is no good." She receives this spiritually. Some kind of magnetic activity is occurring. You have such ability within yourself, but if you are not perceptive or sensitive to its direction problems will result.
Ye Jin, In Jin, or Eun Jin might say, "Dad? It's strange; someone's going to make a mistake." They said that they had a bad feeling. They knew it through a premonition. When they planned to go somewhere, they already knew intuitively whether it would be good or not. When the person with whom you have made an appointment to meet seems to be bad person, you should certainly either go late or early. Before going there, you have to fight spiritually. Then, you can avoid a bad situation and control it. Therefore, a life based on the path of truth is very important. Because you have control over such things, you can evoke the self-control that can prevent and avoid bad fortune. (120-325)
5) The Life of the Original Mind
I was already serious at the age of 16. Although I might have made a plan to go somewhere, sometimes I did not actually go if I felt I should not. If I were to have gone, an accident would surely have occurred. It is also the same today. For this reason, I could survive until now in this world which is full of many enemies. Do you know how many people have been trying to kill me? You have to think about that. The greater a person becomes the greater the difficulties become. I must discern the way to go to overcome those difficulties. If someone says, "Teacher? Something terrible has happened?" I already know about it. If they say, "A problem has occurred," I already know. Without such ability, you cannot be a great leader in the future. To do so, you have to think in three dimensions rather than just two. A two-dimensional plane can be projected infinitely into a three-dimensional space.
No matter how great a person may be, if he is not conscientious and comes in front of me, he will be completely overwhelmed as a result. No explanation is necessary; as his mind becomes absorbed and completely overwhelmed, he will take his proper position in front of me. His mind already knows Reverend Moon. You don't know Reverend Moon, do you? Do you really know Reverend Moon? You may think that I am just the person who blessed your father and mother. However, Reverend Moon is not merely that person. Out of billions of people in the world, the most famous name historically speaking is none other than Reverend Moon. Did you know that? Of course, you need the abilities that knowledge gives you, but first of all your spirit has to grow up because both the spirit world and the world to come are worlds of truth. We have entered an era in which the computer can completely anticipate the destiny of human life. You have to surpass the computer in intuition and sensitivity. (120-323)
I was a famous teacher even in Sunday school. I was already famous from that time. When I stood on the platform before Sunday school students for the first time and wept with God's heart, everyone was crying. I had already reached such a stage. I do not like to read novels. If I decided to write a novel, it would be better than other novels. If I tell a story somewhere, such as in a prison, it will be long enough to make into a long novel. This is because I can see the content of the story spiritually as I tell it. If the sound of a flute is heard coming from afar, as I tune my mind with the sound, my environment can be harmonized with me. (120-327)
From a young age, I used to give sermons even while sleeping. Also during my Sunday school days. Sometimes, I would suddenly wake up during my sleep because of the sound of my sermon. At that time, I already knew that I would teach and lead many people on behalf of Heaven in the future. Whenever I was passing by a church, I would have the desire to go in even if it was just to eat lunch. I wanted to go to the very top of the pulpit and eat there. It was as if my mind already anticipated the future. (120-325)
6) Your Mind is the Closest Teacher
You may not know how difficult the providential history of salvation is. You don't know how difficult it is. Neither your friends, nor your wife or parents can help. Nobody can help. It is the position of parents, of Adam. Do you understand? At that time, nobody was there. No teacher. Nobody? There were only angels of the spiritual realm. Even though I was supposed to be saved by angels according to the Principle, because the angels belong to the fallen realm they were not permitted to help me. The angels were trying to take advantage of me as they wished. Nobody could be trusted. Even God could not treat me normally. God could not relate with me before I passed certain tests.
Because human beings turned their backs on God, in order for God to believe in humankind, He must also do the same to humankind. God could not assume that he would find a trustworthy son in this faithless, fallen world, because humanity had abandoned the environment of the Garden of Eden in which they could believe freely. Don't you think so? (Yes!) In order to reach the position where God can trust you, you have to pass through all kinds of tests. I had gone through a series of tests in order reach this position. Because I do not talk about these tests, nobody knows their content. I will not speak about those miserable tests because I do not want them to be recorded.
Such stories should not exist in the Garden of Eden. In the original world, there would not have been such stories. Only I know them, and I digest them by myself. My heart wants to pass on only the good things to the next generations. I want to bury the various bad things within myself, and then leave only the good things behind for you. If possible, therefore, I try not to speak about such things as my time in prison. There would be many people who would weep loudly were I to speak about the suffering life of prison. If I spoke about my suffering in prison, people may be shocked emotionally, of course, and may make a new resolution, but that is not what I want. People must make such new determinations according to reasonable principles.
You have to make a determination based on truth rather than on hearing about a shocking situation. You should not decide according to someone else's strong demand, but by your own desire to do so. If you encounter the truth, your mind will be naturally moved. Therefore, your closest teacher is your mind, and it is more precious than your most intimate friend, your mother, or your father. You need to ask your mind. God is dwelling within your mind. You should be able to listen to the sound of your mind. You need to reach that point.
Buddhism says that one should reach self-enlightenment. Buddha said, "There is only one person on earth and in heaven." That means that if you ask yourself, you can know that God exists within you. Then there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Thus, you should enlighten your mind. Your mind is better than a teacher. Your mind is your eternal lord. Therefore, you should not have a selfish mind, but one that always stands in a public position. (133-178)
7) A Lifestyle that Resembles the Heart
A heart of love is always striving to sacrifice and yield. It is a heart that tries to give and give again. For example, suppose I had 100 million dollars. Even if I went out onto the street to give all that money away, I would not be satisfied with that. On the contrary, I would feel sorry that I did not have enough money to be able to help all people of the world. Likewise, the heart of love is endless. Thus, we can never measure God's heart. How huge God's heart is! How deep His heart is! Therefore, people cannot be proud of themselves. No matter how great your accomplishments, if you ask your mind, it will answer, "You have to do more." People in the secular world want to be recognized. They want to receive praise. However, the mind is not like that. People hope to be recognized. At the point where they are recognized, everything ends. When they try to go up to the next stage, they will be confronted with many obstacles. Why are there many obstacles? Because the path the mind is seeking is the path of the cross. If you are often receiving praise, you will come to like your position. Because you enjoy being respected, you will have no desire to bear a cross. However, if you are reaching up to the second stage, you must bear the cross. It is a difficult path to bear because your body does not want to go that way.
Up until the age of thirty, therefore, I always felt hungry. I felt hungry every day. Though I sympathized with hungry people, however, I had to praise that time of hunger. That was a serious time. It was not because of a lack of rice. I went such a difficult way intentionally.
People who have not fulfilled their responsibility yet cannot take a spoon and eat as they wish. I did not sleep freely before I completed everything, which had to be prepared. In such a miserable situation I could not find room to enjoy time comfortably, because my mind pushed me to do more. People like myself cannot take a daytime nap. No matter how tired I feel, I cannot take a nap. True Mother told me to sleep more because of my exhaustion, but I could only sleep one or two hours last night. My mind does not permit me to sleep well. You could say that I am old now and the time has come to take a rest, but I cannot rest. Even though I am growing old, I have to do more than young people do. Because the problems become bigger and bigger, I have to do more and more.
I cannot hand my work over to anybody else. I will give instructions about everything. I do not give instructions for the sake of it; there is always a spiritual basis to my instructions. Do you understand? As I proceed with my work, my heart likewise teaches me, through myself, the way to go. My heart already knows it. I might just glance at somebody, but I already know what kind of person he is. The closest teacher is therefore the heart. So do not let your heart be disturbed.
Do not become troubled. If you trouble your heart, it will make God and me sad. Your heart is the lord in your life. Thus, to make the heart sorrowful is similar to making the lord of your life sorrowful. You should go the way that can make your heart joyful.
When I attended middle school, I cleaned the entire area of the school by myself. Because I wanted to love my school more than any other student, I cleaned the school with the mind to clean on behalf of all the students. In this situation, I didn't want to get other people's help. I wanted to do it alone. I wanted to do it properly. I therefore sometimes happened to clean somewhere that had already been done. Because I continued to clean all areas, my friends handed over everything to me. My friends said, "We'd like to do it this way, but because you always do it that way, why don't you do it yourself?" Therefore, in the end, I naturally came to the point of doing it all.
Cleaning time is a good time to enjoy the company of one's mind. To secular people it seems a solitary situation, but it is time to become friends with your mind. After you have done that, sit down and try to meditate; enter the realm of deep prayer and of great depth that others do not know.
When you go to a theater, you may say that the theater is good when it is the theater building that looks good. No matter how good the building is, however, if the play is not interesting you cannot say that the theater is good. The important thing is how much everyone becomes one centering on the play. The depth of a person's character depends on that. The question is to what extent you are leading a life that resembles the heart and is expanding its scope. (133-180)
Section 5. The Way of Universally Shared Values
1) The Core ideology of the Unification Church and the Way of True Love
What is the meaning that the Unification Church holds? It is a worldwide ideology centered on God. It is not a national ideology. It is not a Korean ideology. The Unification Church possesses an ideology of great breadth that encompasses the whole of heaven and earth. This is the very core of the meaning of the Unification Church.
Love. You love your parents. You can only love your brothers and sisters if you know how to love your parents, and you can only love your parents when you love your brothers and sisters. You have to love your parents, your brothers and sisters and your relatives. You have to love all your relatives, and avoid having conflicts with any of them. After that, you have to love your neighborhood, and then your society, nation and world. The range of your love must become wider and wider. However, the wider the range, the more vague your concept of love has been. If the range is wide, then the concept of love tends to become weak. This is wrong. The wider the range is, the stronger love has to be. Do you understand what I am saying? When love becomes stronger, you can meet God. Love comes into being in order that we can meet God. Only when you find the kind of love that becomes stronger as its scope increases will you have the kind of love that enables you to connect to God.
Until now, love in this fallen world has become more timid little by little, and has not been connected with the broader things; love has been focused on close relatives only, such as mothers, fathers and brothers. Love has borne fruit on the foundation of the family, centered on husband, wife or oneself. All the love in the world has become stuck on the level of the family centered on the individual. Love has gathered only at the level of the family. This is the family of the fallen world.
Our Unification Church is completely different from that. The Unification Church teaches that we should love our brothers as we love our parents, love our clan as we love our brothers, and love our people and nation. Moreover, in order to love the nation, you must abandon your father and mother. In order to love the world, you must abandon your nation. In order to love God, you should be willing to abandon even the world. The core ideology of the Unification Church is that we should sacrifice smaller things for the sake of greater. It is very simple. Do you understand? However, what is the nature of this ideology? It is not my ideology. It is not the ideology of the person the Americans call Reverend Moon. This is not my own ideology. The origin of this ideology is God. God is the one who loves His object more than He loves Himself. When we ask what kind of person God is, we can say He is one who loves His object more than Himself. In this way, two people can unite into one and can move forward in a wider range of love. Since that is the essence of God's love, God sends the person closest to Himself to the evil world, offering him as a sacrifice. This is God's own ideology.
That is why the sages, saints and great men of history have always taught, "Love all humankind." They did not restrict their love to family-centered love. They loved their country and the world. They loved the world more than their country. However, they were not welcomed, but were rejected and ultimately sacrificed.
Thus, over time, the people who were persecuted and rejected for the sake of the world have come to be admired and worshiped. Some such people are the founders of the world's major religions, such as Jesus Christ and Confucius.
What ideology do they have? It is not an ideology focused on their own families. In order for the universe to become one family, the family, clan, people and nation, which are all smaller than the universe, have to be sacrificed. This is a different idea, isn't it?
2) The Way of the Good Man
Secular love remains focused on a person's family, father and mother, ignoring other things, but God's love leaps from that base to greater things. According to the Old Testament and the New Testament, one should offer a small thing as a sacrifice in order to gain something greater. Therefore, in order to do a good thing, one has to sacrifice. What is a sacrifice? It is a sacrificial offering. What is a sacrificial offering? The way of sacrifice is to stand in the position to shed blood and deny oneself. In the Unification Church, the world of goodness is realized through the process of restoration through indemnity. Do you understand?
In order to establish the foundation of goodness on the family level, the family has to sacrifice for the sake of the tribe. Otherwise, it cannot be accomplished. Moreover, to establish the foundation of goodness on the tribal level, the tribe has to be a sacrificial offering for the people. The lower level becomes the offering. Likewise, to establish the foundation for a nation of goodness, the people must be a sacrificial offering for the nation. To establish the national level foundation of goodness, a condition for the world's restoration through indemnity for the world should be established. There is no way except to sacrifice. This is a major difference between the history of the fallen world and the providential history of restoration.
Therefore, when you think of a good student, although he does not know this principle, he is generally a person who does not live for his own sake, but for others. He sacrifices a small level of righteousness for a larger one. Good people are ones who sacrifice small things for the sake of larger ones. Thus, the bigger the gap between the small thing and the larger one, the greater the value is. Do you understand? If I sacrifice for the sake of the world, the value of the goodness becomes equal to the value of the world. The individual, family, clan, people and nation also have to sacrifice for the sake of the world. If this has been done, because one has paid a very great and difficult sacrificial price, the value that comes as a result of the sacrifice will be bigger proportionally. Is this clear? Therefore, you have to set your sights on a distant mountain in order to pursue goodness, and you have to go forward to the future, with your chest out and your eyes high. In order to do that, you must be a person who can pay the sacrificial price in proportion to the decision toward the future. Such a person can be a good person in the future. Is this clear? This is why there is a difference between God's ideology and that of the world.
It is the same at your school. One who stubbornly insists on his own way can easily become a traitor. A person who carelessly insists on thinking only of his own situation and ignores the whole can easily betray others. If such a person is installed in a position of leadership, it is easy for such a person to become a dictator and leave a great blot on human history. Do you understand what I am saying? One should be patient for today and wait for the future in order to follow the goodness of God. A good person is one who is willing to wait for future success, rather than insist on success today. Such a person will be a good leader no matter what kind of leader he may become, and will establish a future of goodness. He will cultivate undeveloped regions and establish a society of goodness. Therefore, one who always lives centering on himself is close to evil, while one who lives centering on the ideology of our public God is close to goodness. Therefore, you can distinguish the good and bad people among your friends. The ones who speak for the sake of his own benefit are closer to evil, while the ones who think from the public point of view are closer to goodness.
Everything in your daily life can be evaluated as good or bad. They are divided into the left and right side, the same as for the things we can see. Though we might say, "This is great," how is that something great? There are two ways of judging whether something is great: One viewpoint is, "It is great because our family's viewpoint is that way, or our nation's viewpoint is that way, or because humanity's future viewpoint will be like that." The other viewpoint is, "This thing is red, and I like it because it is red."
It is the same for the spoken word. A person may defend himself and fight for his own sake. He may get angry and fight, insisting on his own way. Such a person thus belongs to the evil side. If someone cannot relate with the world because he is centering on himself, this is evil. However, if another person passes through a village and sees someone strong strike a weaker person for no reason, and then dedicates his life to the public good, such a person fighting for public values is on the side of goodness. Fighting is not always a bad thing. Do you understand? You must know that it is not always wrong to fight.
There are also two kinds of conflict. One is conflict in which everything is sacrificed in order to protect selfish purposes and desires. This kind of conflict is on Satan's side, while conflict with the purpose of bringing good to the world, to the universe or to God are conflicts on the side of goodness. Conflict on the evil side seeks to bring the opponent to his knees, while conflict on the side of goodness seeks to embrace the opposite side through concession. On the surface the fight may look the same. Both of these kinds of conflict are present in our daily life, all throughout our lifetime.
When you see that two young children are fighting, you may feel angry, but you have to embrace them with patience. If someone tries to be your enemy, you have to concede everything to him because he can be your friend tomorrow or some day in the future. The good man is the person who has tolerance and mercy. Do you understand?
3) Examples of a Life of Goodness
We all face the same things in everyday life. We all face the same thing in our studies. One student may study hard to do better than another. One student may always ask the teacher about other students' grades in examinations. I think there might be such students. Such a student's goal in studying might be to do better than the others. However, the purpose of studying is not just to get good grades on your examinations.
You have to study with the determination to be the top student in the whole nation of Korea, not just to be better than others. You must study with this kind of viewpoint. Do you understand my meaning? You should study to win the position of top student in Korea rather than to be the top student at the Little Angels' School. Why? For the sake of the glory of God and the Unification Church and next, for the sake of the glory of True Parents. It is very valuable to study hard like that.
When you feel joy after receiving a 100 percent score, even though your mother and father feel joy too, if you studied hard for the sake of Korea, God and all people, then humankind will say, in the name of God, "You did well." Do you understand? It is different.
When you sleep, normally you think, "I'm tired, so I must sleep." But for whose sake do you sleep? Even when you sleep, how wonderful it will be if you sleep for the sake of your country, humankind and God. Even though you sleep for yourself, if you think that you have to sleep because Korea, True Parents and God will suffer a loss if you get sick, then God and True Parents will also be delighted. When you pray, if you say, "Dear God, I am going to bed in order to work and fight for You tomorrow. Can I sleep now?" then God will answer, "Yes!" In the same way as when you are awake, good and evil intersect even while you are sleeping. If you think about everything in this way, all your actions will be on the side of goodness.
When you go somewhere and drink water, if while you are drinking it you say to yourself, "I will quickly drink this water on behalf of God," then although you drink the water because you are thirsty, the result will be that you are drinking the water on behalf of God. Then God will say, "You are a good person. Even though you are just a young student, I will remember you." When young boys and girls like you drink water, if you wait and drink water for the sake of God rather than fighting against one another to drink first, you will be in the position to drink on behalf of Earth and Heaven. Do you follow? When you sing a song, if you sing a song praising heaven, nature and Korea, all of Korea will listen to your song. Why will all of Korea listen to your song? The universe is filled with radio waves and words. The universe is filled with words, isn't it? It is full of radio waves. When you listen to the radio, it catches the radio waves so that people cannot escape the words. You know there are echoes in the mountains. When you shout in the mountains, your voice will echo in the valleys. Why does this happen? It is simple. Because the sound bounces off the mountains and the sound waves carry it back to you. Although we consider this just a physical phenomenon, think about whether it has any inner meaning. The sound whispers to the mountains, to nature and to the rocks. How mysterious this is.
Listen to the shrill chirp of a cicada and the sounds of insects. The low tones and high tones of the sounds harmonize with each other. Have you ever heard the sounds of cicadas and insects? If you listen carefully when a cricket chirps, you can discern that the sound is different in the daylight, evening and nighttime hours. It harmonizes with the surroundings. The universe is living and moving in such a harmonious environment. In the universe, who is the king? It is human beings. Do you understand? If a woman sings a song, the babies of toads, owls, frogs and fish will come out to listen to the song. This is true.
Therefore, when you practice a song, you have to do so with that kind of thinking. You have to think that "Ah, my sound will travel as far as the middle of that mountain." To make it past the mountain, you have to shout louder. "Ah ... Ah." When you look at a distant mountain and think about what is there, imagining that your friends and loved ones are there, imagining that the person you love the most is there instead of here, all the power of your mind will be concentrated so that you can see them by uniting your mind and body and communicating with the spirit world. Even the spirit world will be mobilized. Therefore, everything will help you if you try to live a life of goodness keeping a connection to the universe. Do you understand my meaning? (100-84)
4) Honest People Will Develop
Evil insists on its own way. Beyond that, evil tries to interpret everything centering on itself and step anywhere without any regard for God or the world. This is the essence of Satan. Good works to liberate the whole universe, not to step on it, but to liberate it and try to develop it. However, this is not easy. The direction of goodness is the direction opposite to the direction of evil.
Have you ever fought? Please raise your hand if you have ever fought with someone. Have you or haven't you? Don't look at the other people. Ask your conscience. Women who crane their necks over and over to see may have a particular character. Have you ever done this or not? (Yes) That's right. However, if you answered quietly, it may be an answer on the side of Satan, whereas if you answered loudly, it may be an answer on the side of goodness. Which side was your answer on? (Goodness) How about you boys? Which side was your answer on? (Evil) You answered on the evil side, didn't you? To answer centering on yourself is on the side of evil.
People should be honest. Honesty can pass through anything. When you make a mistake, if you admit it honestly, you will develop. Goodness cannot grow without the process of proper guidance. Can people always do well? Because people tend to make mistakes, they can develop through that process. You can make a new determination by honestly repenting for your mistakes. Do you follow? To make a mistake is not bad. You can leap forward by receiving a stimulus from that. If you leap to the good side through that kind of stimulus, making mistakes can bring a good result. Even if you failed to study, you may be able to be an honor student by receiving that kind of experience. How miserable it is to fail instead of becoming the top student among your peers. Through failing you can receive stimulation and shock through which your results can be turned in the direction of goodness. It is difficult to follow the straight path for your whole life. You must do your best in this way. Therefore, you should be honest. People who try to hide their mistakes cannot develop. However, people who are honest develop because the universe will push them. Wherever they may go, the universe will push and support them. Regardless of east or west, past, present or future, all people who are honest can be friends to everybody. If you try to make excuses or hide your mistakes in order to show yourself in a better light, you will not be able to develop and you will have no friends.
It is most important for you to have honest thoughts. When you make one step forward, it has already been determined whether that step will be good or evil. Good and evil are already determined. If you make ten steps toward the direction of goodness, many folds of the wall of goodness will surround you. Once you go that way and are surrounded and protected by two, three or more folds of the walls of goodness, you cannot return to the side of evil. We therefore need a teacher to guide us on the way to goodness. For this reason, also, punishment and discipline are sometimes needed.
After being punished, if you try to gain revenge on your teacher or the person who punished you, you are a bad person. You can instead say, "Let's see ten years from now? Even though you hit me, in ten years you will be learning from me." Then receiving punishment will turn out to be more valuable than receiving a gold prize. When a teacher punishes you and does not treat you well, you might feel angry, but if you take those thoughts and turn them to a good direction, the punishment you received will be more valuable than a gold medal. It is important to keep this kind of perspective. (100-87)
5) The Way to Greatness
What is a student's responsibility? (To study!) You have to study hard. Then, what is the purpose of studying? (To become a great person) Then what is the standard by which we judge greatness? The first stage is your family, the second is country, the third is the world, and the fourth is God. There are always three stages. Do you understand? It is necessary to follow this path.
The responsibility of sons and daughters is to show filial devotion to their parents centering on the family. Why do you need filial devotion? The way of filial devotion to your parents is related to the way of loyalty to your nation. They are linked together like bamboo. To be a loyal subject, one has to follow the path of a saint for the sake of the world.
Then what should we do? We must move forward in a straight line. In this sense, if you were not devoted to your parents, but were loyal to your country, your parents could not blame you for your lack of filial piety. They would say you did very well. When you became a loyal subject of the king, even though you abandoned your parents and left home, and even if they have already gone to the spirit world in your absence, they will praise you from there. (100- 155)
6) Motto for the Highest Perfection of Human Beings
What is the fastest way for a person to go? Life is very short. You don't know when you will die, do you? Some time ago, I told someone who was seventeen years old that he had lived a long time. The reason I said that is that some people do not know when they will die. Seventeen years of age is longer than seventeen days or one year and seven months. People do not know their destiny. There is an important saying that we have to fulfill tremendous tasks in the context of a short life. The works of our life always remain.
If God truly loves this world, He has to clearly reveal the answers for life's tasks. Therefore, God says that human beings should love Him more than anyone else. God naturally stands in the position to be able to say that we should love Him more than anyone else. Do you understand?
Thus, the way of religious faith requires holding one's love for God, even at the cost of abandoning one's parents, family, country and the world. If you do this, it will look like everything has been destroyed, but history will support this way, and the world, country and people will praise those who gain victory by following this path, because it is the way to reach perfection. Therefore, the motto of the highest level of perfection is "Live for God and love Him?" Is this clear? Therefore, religion teaches us to love God more than anyone else. Jesus also said that since Jesus is the son who carries on God's love, if one loves Jesus more than anyone else, that person becomes united into oneness with God and His son. In this sense, Jesus' statement that those who do not love him more than their lovers, parents, wives or children cannot become Jesus' disciples has the same meaning.
From this point of view, God has no choice but to give human beings, who are living a short life, the best possible motto by which to live that life: "Love God more than anyone else." People can become God's children by practicing that. If you become God's son, at the same time you come to be in the position of a perfected saint, loyal subject, and filial son. Everything is completed. In this sense, a person is in a victorious position in their family and on the level of the nation and world, (100-157)
7) The Way of the True Filial Son, Loyal Subject, Saint and Son of God
What do you have to be? You should be a loyal subject. What is a loyal subject? Is the one who devotes himself to the king a loyal subject? No, he is not. It is the one who loves his people like the king does. Who is a filial son? A filial son is not the one who devotes himself to his parents. He is the one who devotes himself to his brothers and sisters like a loving parent. Then, what is a saint? A saint is one who has made sacrifices for the sake of mankind and the world. Who is the son of God? He is the one who is living for the world, centering on God. It is different. A son of God is one who loves the people as he loves God. Do you understand? It is different. The historical saints died for the sake of mankind. On the other hand, a son of God not only devotes himself to God, but also lives for the sake of humankind, like God. What can we call such a person? A son of God. A son of God is different from a saint. What is a true filial son? A true filial son is someone who lives for his brothers as parents do. What is a true loyal subject? He is someone who serves the people of his country like he serves the king. What is a true son of God? A true son of God is someone who loves everything which belongs to God in the same manner as the loving God loves.
Therefore, True Father will go the way of a son of God. True Father loves God as well as humankind. True Father loves even America, which is like an enemy. Do you understand? In that case, God can say, "my son."
You are not the son of any country. Even though you were born in Korea, you are not the son of Korea. A person whom God can call His son is one who lives for the sake of humankind as God does. Such a person is a son of God. Since God loves humankind, forgetting about Himself, one who loves humankind while forgetting himself is a very filial son of God. We are seeking to find the way of a son of God, from the way of filial son and loyal subject. We are not seeking to find the way of a saint. Do you follow? Thus, if one of you became a loyal subject before the king, be one who is in the position of a loyal subject of the king for the sake of all the people of the country. This is the point by which we can distinguish between a loyal subject and a treacherous subject. They are completely different in their tradition. A treacherous subject serves the king centering on himself, while a loyal subject serves the king for the sake of the people of the country. If a loyal subject comes before the king, a treacherous subject cannot exist in that environment. In this sense, the kingdom that is realized through the way of the son of God, through the ways of a filial son and a loyal subject is none other than the Kingdom of God on earth. Therefore, the way to realize the Kingdom of God is to begin from the way of a filial son and move up to the level of a son of God. This process is the original ideal of God's creation. (133-242)