4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace
4.1 Transcending borders and the International Highway of Peace
I announced a plan for a peace highway at the science conference. At that time, the group of PWPA presidents there opposed the plan. One arm of the peace highway will pass through a tunnel dug between Korea and Japan and go through Siberia and Moscow to reach London and the other will pass through India and the Middle East to reach London. (192-133, 1989.07.03)
Should the International Highway of Peace be established according to the plan we propose, free movement of traffic would become possible among the people of the various countries of Asia. As a result, North Korea would be influenced to give up its ambition to invade others by military force and opt instead for the path of peaceful unification. This plan would realize unity in Asia and bind together upper and lower classes centering on the yellow race.
With its starting point here in Asia, we are working to realize a realistic unified economic bloc centered on God's love as the absolute value and combining the civilizations of East and West, thus bringing about a new world of peace.
Today, all of humankind is yearning to escape from the world of disease, war, faithlessness and hunger and to see an ideal world in which peace and happiness overflow. We cannot think of this cherished ideal of humanity simply as an unrealizable dream. (115-175, 1981.11.10)
I envisioned a plan to make a peace highway and asked the PWPA presidents to send a letter of proposal to every head of state and government in the world. We must constructively engage China at all costs. I saw that we couldn't create the foundation for the freedom of the free world unless we draw China out of itself and have it stand face to face with the Soviet Union. Who is going to draw it out? Even America is not up to the task, much less the Republic of Korea, so I am going to do it myself. There are about three million people in Manchuria. Many Koreans are living there who have not been seen since long ago. I am doing this work by gathering together Korean residents in Japan, America and Germany. I have the ability to move technology. So, I am trying to combine the highest technology of Germany and thus to support China. (138-018, 1986.01.13)
We must insist that left and right wing become one by turning around 180 degrees through Head-wing Thought and returning to God's world. We can establish God's love and one world at that point and attain world peace.
In order to defend ourselves from the Soviet Union, we have to carry America and Japan on our back and then carry China on our back. With this latter purpose in mind, I announced the building of an International Highway of Peace at the Tenth ICUS in 1981. Do you know how many objections the group of PWPA presidents made against it at that time? They said, "Oh, we presidents are all opposed to it. Why does Rev. Moon alone think like this?" So, I started by saying, "You don't know Asia as well as I do. You know nothing about Asia and don't know about its history either, do you?" 880 scholars from 111 countries came to the Science Conference and I sent a letter with the plan for the International Highway of Peace to their prime ministers. Later, I sent the letter to the university presidents of their country as well. (139-122, 1986.01.28)
This is an age of "worldism." An age of "universism" is still to come. That's why people say that they want to travel around the world with their husband or wife. That is the ideal, so I have planned a peace highway. This is becoming a world-level issue these days, isn't it? A few days ago, on the first day of the month, we held a ground-breaking ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the peace highway, and a tunnel is under construction even now. The Republic of Korea is not even aware of it, but the whole of Japan from Mr. Nakasone down to every member of the Diet is in uproar. The Republic of Korea is not even contemplating it, but just quietly dozing, imagining it has the world at its feet. (148-027, 1986.10.04)
In the past, Japan was Rev. Moon's enemy country. Now, however, I am going to establish that country as a vanguard force that can receive blessings from the cultural background of the elder brother nation, and as an Asian country. To implement this, therefore, I am making a plan for the continent, linking to China and by means of the international highway through North Korea. The people of Japan have to do this. The fortune of unification will accrue from here; my theory and practice have been tested by history. (146-035, 1986.06.01)
We have invested much money for the construction of the Panda car industrial city in China. It is not a stratagem aimed at making a big fortune at a stroke by entering China ahead of others. It is my policy not to repatriate even a single penny of any profit that might be made in China. My motive for the investment was to plough back any profit gained into that region, by building the International Highway of Peace and by equalizing other ultramodern technology as well, thus making the 1.3 billion Chinese people better off. Nobody can say anything meaningful about world peace while ignoring China, whose population makes up a quarter of the entire world population. (198-164, 1990.02.01)
I am considering establishing an international peace zone between two and four kilometers wide on either side of the entire length of the International Highway of Peace. It will become an international zone not subject to national laws.
If so, criminals might think of this place as their base. Still, that is okay. We could put those criminals to very harsh training such as digging tunnels in the mountains! We could allow only those who pass such through such intense training come out to the world. (189-325, 1989.06.17)
I announced a peace highway project at the Science Conference (ICUS) in 1981 from the viewpoint that preparations for an age of peace have to be made embracing Japan, Korea and China. That is why I give priority to China. I saw no way to develop China into a leader of Asia in the future in the years 1980 to 1985 without our acquiring four high-technology factories in Germany. (187-156, 1989.02.05)
From now on, there will be more global interchange more than ever before, so I have proposed the establishment of an international highway for peace. I proposed it in 1981. What are the implications of this? It would mean that people would come and go freely without borders. It would have no national boundaries. There would be an eight-kilometer zone (four kilometers on either side) surrounding a road with four lanes in each direction. Thus, for example, Japan could have jurisdiction outside that eight-kilometer band adjacent to the peace highway, but not inside it. Every inch of that zone would be established as a non-aggression zone, thus allowing the world at large to freely come and go. Once a person entered the zone, there would be no national boundaries. Nobody would oppose you no matter where you went within it. When the peace highway comes into being in the future, you will be able go as fast as you like there. No matter what color skin you have, nothing can stop you there. There will be absolutely no racial discrimination. (182-234, 1988.10.23)
4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace
4.2 The media, communications and the peace movement
It seems people are curious to know why a religious leader would be making efforts in the media business, investing significantly in that area. What would his real motives be? The short answer is that I am acutely aware that the responsibility of media is truly heavy in determining whether today's world becomes a world of peace or one of war.
The last part of the 20th century is an age when the world if governed by media. The power and responsibility of media is becoming stronger than that of an atomic warhead or any military might. Accordingly, when the media put forward sound arguments based on a consistently true viewpoint about values, the media will become the standard-bearers of world peace. When it blinds people with irresponsibility, wrong guidance and exhortations, the media will become a tool for the destruction of world peace. Recognizing this, in 1978 I established the World Media Association in the capital of America, Washington D.C., and have been holding world media conferences every year. What I am ultimately seeking as a religious leader is true world peace, which must be based on a true viewpoint of true values, and on true love. I am very well aware that the media is one social institution with greater influence than that of any government or monarch in the realization of world peace.
Today, we in the Republic of Korea are standing at the crossroads of unprecedented, historic change. Now indeed is a time when our nation must establish a new chapter in its history, one that fully displays our creative, democratic and moral capabilities.
Now indeed is an important point of time that will decide whether our nation accomplishes unification or remains an eternally divided nation, whether it sees national revival or decline. The Segye Times was born here in this land at this time like this sounding the first rallying call. The Segye Times appeared before you proclaiming to be a symbol of free media and a good example of responsible media.
The Segye Times will be cry out for justice and not condone injustice. The Segye Times will transcend party politics, will be non-denominational and will spare no effort on the people's, the nation's and the world's behalf. In short, The Segye Times will become the pride of the Korean nation and of the people of the world.
By becoming a beacon of truth that rises high in the East and the West together with The Washington Times in America, The Segye Times will become a newspaper based on reason, clearly telling truth from falsehood and a guiding light for a true and free democracy.
The Segye Times is your very own newspaper. It is your voice and your spokesperson. In other words, The Segye Times will be the voice of your conscience. (1989.2.22)
Human prosperity and world peace and unification are not only the desire of all humanity but also God's desire. The ideal of peace is realized when subject and object, whether on the individual, national or the world levels, practice true love, which means to exist for the sake of others by centering on God. By the way, love does not manifest by itself alone. It appears in the context of reciprocal relationships. Parental love bears fruit only through having children. A child's love also bears fruit only because it has parents.
It is the same in God's creation as well. The father-son relationship centered on true love was formed in order to substantialize the ideal of true love that cannot be realized by God alone. God is the True Parent among parents, True Teacher of teachers and True King of kings. God is the eternal True Parent, True Teacher and True Master who always bestows true love. As children of God, human beings have first of all to go the road of true parent, true teacher and true master just like God has. All of these roles are for the purpose of perfecting the ideal of love by supporting others, by helping them with true love, which means to exist for the sake of others.
In this way, according to the great principle of natural law, one is meant to have genuine self-accomplishment in true love, which means to live unselfishly. An ideal family is established when people are centered upon true love and the up-to-down relationship of parents, the right-to-left relationship of husband and wife and the rear-to-front relationship of brothers are harmonized. Families are expanded and a country, the world and the universe are perfected in the same way according to the same principle and formula. The world-wide foundation I have made embracing the fields of education, the media, the arts and humanitarian relief is aimed at ultimately realizing an ideal world by investing unselfish true love according to the same formula.
Ideally, education that teaches unselfish true love and is aimed toward forming the character of a true parent, a true teacher and a true master, is received first on the family level. I think that school education should be an extension of this. Also, I believe that the function of social education in true love could be effectively fulfilled on a worldwide level by media organizations. This is because the media are a public institution that guides the whole of society and thus can cause relationships of unselfish true love to be expanded. (1999.2.1)
Recently I came to establish a new mission for media, to be known as the moral media. Accordingly, I made a proposal to The Washington Times - as its objective for the next ten years - that the media "become a media that contributes to the embodiment of a moral society." I am asking The Washington Times to become a newspaper that contributes to world peace and promotes family values because world peace is possible only through creating ideal families.
The media exercises a mighty influence and power over society, to such an extent that one may say that it constitutes the fourth estate after the executive, the judiciary and the legislature. I believe that the mighty power of the media should be used for goodness and become a power which contributes to world peace.
Before being professional career persons, media people were all originally God's children. You are all champions of peace who have received a special mission in the world of morality and true peace, which God desires. As has been shown, the World Media Conference exists as an open forum for free discussion among media professionals with the purpose of making substantial the ultimate world of moral principle.
World leaders in the media! At a time when the entire world and humankind are moving forward toward the ultimate world of true peace according to God's providence, we must realize that the media has an important mission from God, which is to bring about a world of peace. The media will have to move forward courageously and boldly as leaders that promote a world of morality by combining forces with every other effort towards peace, and by exercising its notable influence in realizing one extended family of humanity in the global age. (234-234, 1992.08.22)
4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace
4.3 Environmental and relief projects
Statesmen think of political and military matters as being the first priority, but they are not so. The important thing is how to launch an international movement by making a great alliance of religions and also by making an advance party such as the peace corps centered on the world humanitarian aid movement. The humanitarian aid movement is the most important. Therefore, the future policies of America or of Korea should all be formulated taking such world situations into account. (158-040, 1967.02.14)
Do you understand why I am interested in the sea? It is because it holds the key to opening the road to peace, which the entire human race will have to walk. (189-295, 1989.06.17)
I have gained much inspiration while moving around Central and South America in four directions.
I have thought about where the thirty-odd countries of Central and South America should go and the direction they should take to realize true peace and build an ideal society. The continent of Central and South America has infinite potential and limitless resources. It has infinite human resources that have not been exhausted. It is a fertile paradise of peace! It has magnificent mountains and wild life! It has the uncontaminated, beautiful and glorious wild life that existed at the origin of creation! I have a dream for a prosperous era in South America, which will surely come into bloom in the 21st century. (271-093, 1995.08.23)
I included the recovery of the earth and of the human environment as a topic of this peace conference. Our natural environment has been destroyed as much as it can be. Water and air have become polluted and even the layer of ozone, which has been protecting humankind is being destroyed. If things continue this way, humanity will descend to a state in which it cannot avoid self-destruction due to the materialistic civilization it has built centered upon itself. (271-094, 1995.08.23)
Now, we have to save those who are starving to death all over the world. They, too, are our brothers. No matter what happens, we have to establish tradition and save them. With well-off people being willing to accept less and poorer people being able to get more, we have to establish a country in which we can bring them into harmony. When people live in this way, they will become victorious princes and princesses who can communicate with the world of peace and heaven on earth and in heaven. We are urged to make the world this way. (269-050, 1995.04.06)
The fish industry is key to solving the food problem of the world's population in future, and we are training for it. In the world of the future, whether one hundred or several hundred years from now, people will come to respect Rev. Moon due to the conditions I have made through working out on the sea for twenty-four hours a day. We have to love the sea. I don't wear a raincoat even when exposed to rain. The materials through which people can meet me in one or even two hundred years time are around me. I think in such a way. It is precious. Only I know that. How much must the rain be proud? There has not been a person like me in the history of rain, or in the history of raindrops. A single raindrop will think deeply, feeling that a moment of precious history in which it can receive recognition as a king amongst raindrops has been reached. (207-194, 1989.06.19)
We have to utilize people and fish in order to harness the land and sea. What are we going to achieve by harnessing the land and sea? An age of peace will come to humanity in the future, and the food problem is going to be a very serious one for humanity from now on. Produce from the land alone cannot solve the food problem and hence provide a peaceful life for humanity. In other words, land on its own cannot provide enough food in the long term. Therefore, its harvest has to be complemented with fish resources from the sea. (207-216, 1990.11.11)
From now on, the solution to humanity's food problem lies in fish farming. When you go to a place like Hawaii, there are many buildings devoted to fish farming aren't there? By using irrigation pipes one can do this even in places deep in the mountains. One can do it as much as one wants in high mountains too. It will be no problem at all for a family to earn a living through fish farming on a piece of land of just one hundred pyong or even fifty pyong [1 pyong = 3.3 sq. meters]. Such a family will be more than able to educate their children at university. When we think of the size of the earth, the obvious way to solve the problem of providing a livelihood for humanity is fish farming. The acquisition of technology will be important to carry out breeding in the future. So, we have to draw water from the sea as far inland as we can. We can do so to a very distant place. Such an age has come. The utilization of seawater is possible at any place and even in the mountains. We are going to solve humanity's food problem this way. We have hope for the future as I have found a way to do fish breeding. (192-156, 1989.07.03)
The Unification Church, which works on the world stage for the purpose of realizing God's ideal, has to prepare ways to solve the miserable state of humanity like this. If no one makes preparations, the whole world will go to ruin. The thing that is going to be most important to humanity in the future is the problem of food and that of pollution. How are we going to protect ourselves from this pollution? Such environmental conditions as the contamination of water and air and the destruction of the ozone layer are influencing our life directly today. The age has come when they threaten us by the minute. This is a threat that is greater than any war in history. When we think that these threats have come to stare us right in the face, the future of humanity will be gloomy if we are not prepared to deal with them. (07-218, 1990.11.11)
What is the thing I am worried about next? The most troublesome problems of the world are pollution and environmental problem. What else? It is famine, the food problem. Many people starve to death worldwide each year. The question is who is going to take responsibility for this. (270-167, 1995.05.29)
Since about twenty years ago, I have taken an interest in the marine industry for the purpose of solving the food problem of all these people. Fish powder is the key. It is high in protein. We can solve the food problem by making this into powder. Thus, it will be convenient to keep and to transport it in the form of powder. We can multiply one ton of fish powder by thirty to fifty times. It is 98 percent protein. Advanced countries should have solved this problem, but they have not done so. (296-228, 1998.11.10)
4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace
4.4 Reforming the United Nations, and organizations for peace
When we look at history, we find that human beings have always aspired to peace and have made efforts in many ways to bring it about. Sometimes, people would use conquest of others to get peace and sometimes, they would use surrender to obtain peace. Now, there are two precious organizations this century that have tried to solve international conflict a peaceful way. These are the League of Nations and the United Nations. (166-129, 1978.06.01)
When we enter the world of living for the sake of others, affluent people will do things for the sake of the poor, and thus a world of equalization will come into being. Accordingly, we will see a world of peace and unity emerge. The relationships between upper and lower currents reveal the logic that the upper air cannot go down and the lower air cannot go up. It is the same with east and west. Water, air and love will all be equalized automatically, not forcibly.
So, the United Nations should now have the form of a country. The UN should be equipped with the framework of a strong country. If the UN wants to be a strong organization for peace centered on one ideal, it should invest itself for the sake of the rest of the world not for its own sake. If the UN does not work for the rest of the world, the world of peace and the ideal of one world will never be realized.
Because America does not want the UN to be above her, she wants to get rid of the UN. America must not do so. What I am proposing for the UN is that it have an Upper House and a Lower House in the style of a country's administration, and that it start a new history in a new dimension. The UN must stand on the religious ideal, the highest ideal of God and work for the sake of the entire world, not just for a particular nation. One nation must not have the power to dominate the rest of the world. The UN should be the center of equality. It should have an administrative system to promote equal rights for all nations. In that way, the UN can carry out the mission of realizing true peace in the world. The UN must not be an organization representing only a particular nation. If it remains so, it can never resolve the history of the oppressor and the oppressed. If that is the case, the UN will stay in the satanic dominion. (303-196, 1999.08.25)
The direction of politics should also be in line with true love by centering on the ideal of family. Everything including economics, culture and other matters should all be in line with true love. If those areas just go as they please, things will go more and more awry. So, the world is meant to be one at any cost. It has to become one by centering on the economic system, not on the political system. The political system is based on the idea of a ruling and a ruled class. Therefore, a world of peace and unification comes about only when the world moves toward a management system by centering on economics.
We are entering an age of globalization based on the family model, so it will become an age of equalization. Equalization of life and peace are economic matters. Therefore, humankind will collapse unless the UN manages economic problems well in the future. There should be no such leadership system as the front-to-back relationship that is centered on the concept of struggle or superiority and inferiority. Everything should move forward centered on reciprocal relationships of love. (303-192, 1999.08.25)
My wife and I are exerting ourselves to make a unified world of peace. Some of our representative efforts include working toward founding an exemplary UN university which will strengthen the foundation of the future world by transcending barriers of race, religion, nationality and language. (299-123, 1999.02.07)
The purpose of inter-religious movements and organizations I have developed for the past forty years has been the realization of the world peace which both God and humankind have hoped for. A vision of peace is at the core of those inter-religious movements.
Humanity has already twice experienced the misery of World Wars the 20th century. Also, through the experience of oppression and cold war with atheistic communism over a seventy-year period, humanity has gone through acute confrontation and conflict. With the end of the Cold War era, the world could drink a toast for peace, albeit for just a short time. Soon, however, humankind realized that the end of the cold war did not automatically lead to an era of peace. The world is witnessing violent wars all over the world. Even now, there are killings in the former Yugoslavia, the Middle East, in Sudan or in South Asia. Everybody knows that the deep-rooted conflict between major religious traditions constitutes the background of these disputes. These examples enlighten us as to how important dialogue and harmony between religious traditions are.
The United Nations should set a better example than any other international organization. Many people think that the UN is an organization that embodies the ideals of human beings in relation to world peace, and are placing their hopes in it. Representatives from every country are gathered at the UN to work together to solve the problems of the world and promote peace and human prosperity. (299-103, 1999.02.06)
A world of peace can be established fully when not only the statesmanship and good practice of politicians or diplomats who represent the world but also the wisdom and efforts of the world's religious leaders who represent the realm of heart and the internal world are combined together. From that perspective, it's even time to think seriously about the question of reorganizing the UN. Probably, we should also envisage a UN with a bicameral system. With two assemblies respecting and co-operating together, it may be able to contribute a great deal to realizing the world of peace. The acumen of the world's political leaders can be effectively complemented by the wisdom and vision of the world's major religious leaders.
Through regularly holding the Assembly of the World's Religions I am making an effort in the education of true love at the interreligious and international level. Last year I proposed that the world's religious leaders take the lead in having all religious people make offerings in units of the number seven to use toward establishing a fund for world peace. Offerings can vary depending on the economic situation of the country or of the individuals in question. An offering could be of seven rubles or even of seven million dollars. With the fund thus raised, we may be able to educate people on the wisdom and vision of peace and work together effectively to promote the ideal of true love and true family values. (299-105, 1999.02.06)
I am proposing that we liberate families through UN projects. We should cry out, "Isn't the UN supposed to be a pure love, family-oriented movement?" and if they don't listen, we follow up by saying, "A world of peace is established through families. If the family is destroyed, can a world of peace ever be realized? With countries breaking down, doesn't the UN have to have this kind of foundation? Politics? You have been acting through politics and as a result have brought disaster. So, aren't you supposed to do something if there is something that can revive politics?" (297-206, 1998.11.20)
If the UN does not follow me, I will make an Abel-type UN. That's why I created the Federation of Island Nations. I also created a Federation of Peninsular Nations and a Federation of Continental Nations. Many people including presidents of many countries said, "Isn't it your teaching and God's? Will that ideal world not be born unless we establish ideal families?" They are working centering upon the Secretary General of the United Nations. So, even in the convention hall of the UN, at least sixteen people came to me right away upon my posing the question. We held conventions and the secretary general approved of our efforts. So the Family Federation works as a ladder for the world to reach peace. What I have achieved is on the global level. (289-055, 1997.12.30)
Now we will make our department from the bureau of the UN. If only we can make an ideal family department directed toward peace, the world I envision will go just the way we plan it. So, if the UN does not listen to us, I will make an Abel-type UN. The UN has no master. (289-167, 1998.01.01)
The UN does not have the form of a country. Mired in a political environment, the UN is crippled. For a family to be established, there should be father, mother, sons and daughters. There is no master at the UN. They don't know who is who. No one other than Rev. Moon can make such a plan for world peace. (293-163, 1998.05.26)
There is no way to correct all the corruption merely by centering on the family. That's why I say that religions should all come together. Thus, it has to pull the world together and prepare a right path and a shortcut toward a world of peace. It is something only the UN can do. (288-204, 1997.11.28)
My wife and I are exerting ourselves in order to make one peaceful world. Some of our representative efforts include working to found an ideal UN university that will transcend the barriers of race, religion, national boundary and language and thus create a solid base for the future world. Distance learning universities are also needed for the exchange of knowledge worldwide. (287-038, 1997.08.10)
From now on, we have to make a department of blessed families within the UN. This is the straight road that goes toward world peace, so it is a road along which the United Nations can surely save everybody, every country, every family and every youth by having them join the department. (287-190, 1997.10.30)
The United Nations is like a body. We have to bring the world of the mind to the body and unite them together. That is the religious field and the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. Mind and body will become one only when the UN is connected to the religious field. Next, we have to bring the mother - the Women's Federation - and connect them up too. Next, we will connect up the Youth Federation and that will be it. Only if we can bring these four organizations to the UN will we become able to suggest the direction in which the UN can bring about peaceful unification and move toward one world in the future. (267-246.1995.01.08)
The reason I put the word peace in organizations such as the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Federation for World Peace or the Professors World Peace Academy is because working with the United Nations is part of their purpose. I have been making preparations for several decades. Originally, we were supposed to move ahead, following the United Nations as the standard. The United Nations must lead the work for peace. America alone is not enough.
For the UN, which has been working centered upon individual countries to work toward a world of peace, this cannot happen overnight. It has to come about over a long period of time. There has to be an example to follow in order for there to be some kind of conversion experience. If there is some kind of model at the sight of which the UN can say, "Ah, countries would be able to develop if they did like that," and an atmosphere is created in which the UN felt to publicize that model and countries supported it, then every country would follow that model.
Accordingly, underdeveloped countries more than any one of you here welcome the things that I am doing now. The number of developed countries is just a few. There are just a few highly advanced countries. The rest are all less advanced countries. Accordingly, if there were to be a form of peaceful model country which the UN supported, every country would all move in one direction automatically. (267-263, 1995.01.20)
When we look at the organization of the UN, we find that it has become the symbol of the body by centering upon individual countries. One hundred eighty-two countries meet together at the United Nations, but if we analyze the substance of it, each one is centered on itself and is exploiting and cheating other countries. This runs counter to the fundamental and basic theory of unification and peace.
The UN cannot bring about world peace as it is now. Each country is fighting to get benefit for itself. It should not be that way. That is why I am trying to connect the Inter-Religious Federation, which is centered on conscience, with the current UN, and behind it is the Women's Federation that is like Eve. Originally, world peace should have come centered upon women. If it does not, people will do nothing but fight. By creating an organization made up of women which can embrace Cain and Abel in its midst, we will create an atmosphere of peace all around the world centering on women. (258-156, 1994.03.17)
Now, an era of peace has come. There should be a model country to inspire America to become a leading country for world peace. Centering upon the United Nations I am suggesting a way to unify North and South Korea and the Middle East. By establishing the organization of the UN in the position of Cain and making a new UN organization, we have to have them be one with God's Will by centering on the unity of Cain and Abel. Thus, they have to have a model, which is a liberated model country of peace. (246-034, 1993.03.23)
Then, who should lead the world to peace? Heaven has to lead it. The religious field and political field should both be led by heaven. In this sense, what I advocate is a "United Nations" in the religious field. Next, I advocate a women's UN. It will surely happen. If things happen this way, humanity today will fully enter into the realm of God's providence. (248-245, 1993.10.03)
With the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the world is finally rushing toward reformation, change, harmony and friendship. The road of world peace is now wide open. Now, it is time to achieve true peace based on the great principle of winning peace, which is proclaimed today. Developed countries have to liberate underdeveloped countries from poverty and sacrificially help those new democratic countries that are in mid development. A policy of each country to sublimate its selfish interests would be a big revolution in itself. By this means all of us would be elevated to the position of parents and take an overall view. North and South Korea will join the UN General Assembly together this September. This is another epoch-making development through which we are being led toward world peace. At that time the total number of countries which are members of the United Nations will be 163. What then should the163 countries do now? (219-120, 1991.08.28)
After the end of World War I, humanity felt in its bones how enormous the disaster of war is and accordingly created the League of Nations centered on politicians and as a reminder of the ideal of one world of peace. However, being on the side of Satan, politicians tried to make use of the world's peoples for their own ends. (208-286, 1990.11.20)
Since the end of World War I, humankind realized how miserable war was. Everybody in the world, with their original heart that longs for peace, came to understand that there must be no more wars. After the end of World War I they believed that the world would move toward a world of peace and no war centering on the League of Nations. In less than thirty years, however, war broke out again. Still, the original desire of human beings which seeks peace is unchanging. People want to move toward a world of peace even at the cost of their lives. Accordingly, people set aside the League of Nations after the World War II and created the United Nations, asserting that all human beings are brothers. Thus we have come to an age when a victorious country liberates a defeated one and protects and elevates that country into the realm of brotherhood.
Now, the fighting of the cold war is over. The Third World War is a war of ideology. Russia and America are both afraid of fighting. Whether they like it or not, they have to gather scholars and advocate peace, saying, "The world should become like this. God exists!" even if it means inventing an imaginary God and an imaginary ideology. Without this, there is no other way to deal with the way the world is. Knowing such things and already knowing about God, Rev. Moon has systemized a teaching explaining the absolute value of God and incorporating a view of the world, and of the universe, an understanding that can liberate even God Himself. (204-084, 1990.07.01)