3 Democracy and Communism
3.1 How are democracy and communism different?
Democracy and communism are in opposition to each other. The democratic world is seeking heaven and the communist world the reverse. Whereas the communist world is going after material things, the democratic world is centered primarily on the opposite. While the democratic system is centered on the individual, the communist one is focussed on the collective, the party. Whereas the democratic world is centered on freedom, love and peace, the communist world is centered on threats, the gun and the sword, and is ruled by force. The two worlds are diametrically opposed. (107-210, 1980.05.01)
The democratic world is centered on heart. Also, people in that sphere discuss peace. However, the ideology of communism by its very dialectic promotes fighting and struggle. It holds that the process of fighting and struggle is a primary factor in development. There can be no peace within its sphere. The two ideologies are so different. (047-113, 1971.08.22)
The democratic world has been tying the Communist party with the knot of brotherhood and the organization within which they have been doing so is the United Nations. Article One of the United Nations Charter concerns peace. It puts forward peace as its very raison d'etre. (050-156, 1971.11.06)
I think that there can have been no one in history who has not wished for a unified world of peace. We are aware that the world is now divided into two after going through a historical process. Looking at these two spheres of democracy and communism into which the world is divided, we come to ask whether an ideal unified world will come about through the democratic sphere or the communist one. Here, we must face the reality that we are living in an era in which human beings are more inclined to fall into despair than to have hope. (054-110, 1972.03.21)
Today's world is one in which the struggle is centered on the physical body and material things. No matter how developed economics, science or philosophy may be, they cannot in themselves bring peace to humanity. They are inadequate. Until such time as an ideology or heavenly movement capable of re-establishing the distinction between body and material on the one hand and the world of mind and spirit on the other, appears in the historic era of the last days, this world will continue to go to ruin. We are now confronting a final historical era in which God must at all costs determine a single focal point. From what perspective are we who are living in this age going to resolve and clear up these many problems? This process has been unfolding on a worldwide level and has manifested in two main competing worldviews - the materialistic and the idealistic. One has materialized in the land of South Korea. (113-280, 1981.05.10)
How do you find today's world? The world is divided between the Communist bloc and the democratic world, between Cain and Abel. It is divided that way the world over. Cain and Abel brought about unhappiness because they fought right after the Fall. In cleansing the blood lineage of that historic sorrow, the kingdom of heavenly peace cannot settle on earth so long as the Cain-type communist world and the Abel-type democratic world are divided and locked in combat with each other. Parents of peace cannot settle on earth. Therefore, a unified world sovereignty of parents will come to dwell on earth only when the communist world and the democratic world, which are like Cain and Abel, become united. Accordingly, the present era is the worldwide era of the last days. (056-353, 1972.05.18)
Coexistence, so far, has been coexistence in circumstances where a fight to deny the other has been continuing. Coexistence in a state of non-combat has not been possible. It has not been possible for there to be coexistence in such a way that each maintains peace and likes the other. From this perspective, we have to solve the struggle between the idealistic view of history and the materialistic view of history at its roots. From what position are we going to bring goodness to solve this matter? First, we have to firmly establish the basic standard and then we can deal with the matter centered on that standard. (037-120, 1970.12.23)
Today what counts anywhere in the world is whether mind predominates or material, or body, predominates. We have to realize that this confuses the field of thought in these last days. Mind is on the side of heart and body on the side of material and the two fight all the time. Is such a person at peace? We have to be aware that the world has created a state of confusion in this whirlpool. (119-104, 1982.07.04)
According to the Principle, I have to stand on the foundation of having united the democratic world that is on the side of Abel and the communist world that is on the side of Cain. Therefore, the two entities must be united. The world is separated into the democratic world (mind) and the communist world (body). I cannot open the door of world peace without standing on the foundation of gathering these two together. This is the principle. This is connected from the body of an individual all the way up to the family, the society, the nation and the world. (120-202, 1982.10.16)
Were there one or two origins of the universe? That is the question. If everything did not start from one point, but from two, and humanity is following these two conflicting lines, there cannot be such things as peace, happiness or freedom in the world.
What we call freedom unfolds in an environment centered completely on one master. What we call happiness or peace comes into being in an environment centered on one master and cannot exist where two masters are fighting. Can a family where parents fight each other be happy? Can people who belong to that family be happy? No, children who belong to that family cannot be happy. According to the logic of communism, the world will become the world utopia that communists desire by going through a process of fighting. This is absolute. Therefore, the order of the party has to be regarded as being more absolute than any other order. That would be fine if it were on the side of goodness where it could bring about freedom, happiness and peace. When we look into the intrinsic content of communism, however, it has content that is beyond belief. In other words, communists don't discriminate between means and ends in attaining their purpose. They turn against even their own parents, country or comrades if they get in their way. Thus, communism with its seventy-year history is shown to be a problem for the world as a whole. (135-269. 1985.12.15)
What is it that the communist world is seeking? It is a world of peace that is being brought about as the result of fighting. That world of peace is different from the peace the democratic world is talking about today. The communist world eliminates everything that runs counter to the communist thought. In other words, they are talking about a world peace that is created by cutting out such reactionary elements. It is different. Today, the Soviet Union is proclaiming peace, but the peace they are talking about is a state in which everything centers around Marxist-Leninism and every reactionary element which may be against that is disposed of and there is no opposition. Peace in the democratic world involves a concept of left and right being united together. It is fundamentally different. The democratic world holds that a state in which left and right work together harmoniously and thus have good interactions is one of peace. There is no concept there of anyone having to be eradicated. It has a comprehensive and ideological concept, but not a destructive one of eradication. People like us are thus fighting on the forefront as worldwide standard-bearers since this communism is an ideology that is unacceptable to humanity. In communism, people say that even love, family and parents are prime movers in exploitation. For example, from the communist perspective, children see their parents as exploitative beings making use of them for their own interests. In such a system there cannot be talk of love or truth. (168-164, 1987.09.20)
The peace contemplated by democracy these days is one that harmonizes, irrespective of height and direction. For example, people on a high social level can reach down and give a hand to those lower down the social ladder by helping them. People on the left can cooperate with people on the right and people on the right can cooperate with people on the left, thus coming into harmony. If an entity is large, it can give out part of its bulk to benefit an entity smaller than itself and thus achieve harmony. However, you should realize that that is not the peace strategy of communism. The respective concepts are very different. Gorbachev is currently making a peace offensive, but he is making that initiative on the basis that the world is already established within the communist system. He will get rid of anything that is contrary to that system by any means, fair or foul. (177-013, 1988.05.15)
We cannot put the world to rights in the future by means of war. Peace, harmony and mutual exchange are what will work. Money cannot do that. There is nothing better than sports. The next best thing is cultural activity. It is a matter of education, of giving scholarships and engaging in sports. After all, didn't China open up through table tennis? (175-336, 1988.05.01)
3 Democracy and Communism
3.2 What is the problem with communism?
What is communism? It does not affirm the being in the subject position. It does not approve the one in the object position either. What I am saying is that it has no direction and purpose. It would fall apart were it to approve any one of these things. It sees the relationship between subject and object as fundamentally a combative one. In other words, they become one through fighting. Where in the universe can we discern such a law? They say that men and women become one by fighting each other and that body and mind become one by fighting. In the relationship of subject and object too, they say that material is primary, rather than mind, which is seen as a derivative of material. They have turned things upside down. Saying that things are geared toward fighting, their actions focus on fighting. That is not the direction of peace. They say, "blood must be shed before there can be unity. Only after one sees blood can unification come about." I say this is contrary to the principle of the development of history and also to the very principles according to which the universe exists. (108-068, 1980.06.22)
The communist dialectic says that things become one through fighting. If the world of capitalism were to disappear and the capitalist system were replaced by the communist system, what then would become the purpose of fighting? The question is, would a world of peace come into being at that point? Would an ideal world of communism come into being then as we just sat and waited? One can hardly imagine that such a world would come about. If such a world should indeed come into being, or if there is indeed a spiritual world, would the spirit world simply leave the world as it is? What would God do about it if He does exist? If the world has been built, religion would disappear. It would become a world without religion. If so, would God who has been overseeing religion till now do nothing and just look on? Communism sets its sights on fighting against God whilst also setting its sights against capitalism. It makes religion a target of its struggle. Even if capitalism were to fall, they would not stop fighting against God. (097-240, 1978.03.19)
What are the strategy and tactics of the Communist party? They aim to establish a proletarian dictatorial government through surprise operations. What are the means or vehicle through which these surprise operations are carried out? That is the so-called "peace offensive." The communists make the bourgeoisie feel safe with them, until the latter become their loyal partners. The essence of communist thought is to deal a final hard blow at that time, knocking them down and taking back the regime by force. (078-215, 1975.05.25)
Dmitri Manuilski, who was an important executive member of the central committee of the Soviet Communist Party in 1931, laid bare the basic strategy of communism to the core members of the Lenin School of Political Strategy as follows. "Communism and democracy cannot coexist. It is still too early for us to attack now. Our time will come in twenty to thirty years from now. Victory will surely come by virtue of a surprise attack. Prey upon the world of capitalism and ensure at all costs that they remain asleep. The best method for this is to launch an unprecedented peace offensive. They will notice nothing untoward at all. They will sing a song of peace and rush foolishly into any proposal that may be tabled. In this way, capitalist countries will cooperate like fools in the digging of their own graves. We gain time by disguising ourselves as their friends, and when they are relaxed we will strike them a blow with our fist and knock them out right away." (078-251, 1975.06.07)
Communism operates through a dictatorial system, so people can be made to do anything through a single order. However, that is not the case in the democratic world. For example, if America all of a sudden reverses a certain policy such as one related to peace or friendship, there are inevitable repercussions. In future, this place, the world headquarters of the Unification Church in New York, will become the target of attack by the Communist party.(086-144, 1976.03.21)
The young people of America do not know about communism, by which I mean that they don't know what communism is like. People in the White House and congressmen do not know so much about communism, either. In American. diplomatic policy, they talk about peace or negotiation with the communists. However, the truth is that they are just being ensnared by communist technique and are induced to give away everything that is valuable to them. The communists' purpose is to penetrate and overthrow the democratic world by any means possible. They use such and such a negotiating tactic to that end, but they are all hollow words. (086-143, 1976.03.21)
Representing the democratic world in the position of Abel, we have to confront the communist world, absorb and digest it and win it over. Unity cannot be achieved through fighting. My vision is that true peace can only be realized in this world when we teach communists where they are in error and we thus become one. (086-229, 1976.03.31)
The ideological content that countries such as the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Rumania or Yugoslavia propagate is the same. They talk about U.S. imperialists with one voice. We have to be aware that they are attacking using identical content. Communists have so far had confidence that they would absorb the democratic world through a diplomatic policy based on peace offensives. There is no one who hates peace. Everybody says it is good and people are all entangled in that web. Have they not so far made extensive military expansion after making things like military prohibition agreements or nuclear non-proliferation treaties, using such devices as their means? As you know, the current military power of the Soviet Union surpasses that of America. America has so far relied upon a peace policy of non-proliferation, but the Soviet Union has been developing in the opposite direction. They are still reinforcing their bases aimed toward Europe and even strengthening their military power aimed at reaching as far as the coasts of the Asia Pacific region and India. For example, they are investing in a massive fleet and army garrison for Vladivostok. Everyone knows this. (086-145, 1976.03.21)
There cannot be peace between Satan and God. The Communist bloc in the satanic world is demonstrating the opposite of peace, including making preparations for war in the name of peace. For example, they imitate the world of peace that God advocates. Whereas peace on the evil (Satan's) side involves killing people, exploiting everything for their own sake and enjoying the benefits of plunder, God's idea of peace is to try to give everything by sacrificing oneself. The methods are different. True peace will come, so inevitably it will come under attack from the side of false peace and this will continue until it gets bored. This is a moment of just such a kind. (088-120, 1976.08.08)
Would the communists know about love or not? Would they regard love as more precious than material? I am saying that even communism will have to establish the logic that love is needed more than material in order to bring about the ideal world and peace to the human heart. Can something that is bigger and more valuable enter and belong to something that is smaller and of lesser value? How can something smaller come first, before something bigger? Therefore, a world of peace is an impossibility with that way of thinking. (093-144, 1977.05.22)
The peace communists talk about is different from our concept of it. They are making the most of the tactics of vocabulary. People in the free or democratic world go in search of a standard through which they can find harmony and unity, although they may have varying opinions, doctrines, purposes or directions one from another. This is what we mean by peace. We think of being one as peace, but the communist world doesn't see it that way. For them, to completely get rid of every reactionary element opposed to the proletarian dictatorial government is what is meant by peace. The Reagan administration is walking right into the peace offensive with which the Soviet Union is currently luring them. Their logic is, peace is a peace aimed at eradicating America. They are talking about the world of peace in which they eradicate and get rid of reactionary elements, receive the full support of the communist system in the Soviet Union and have things all their own way without any opposition. The vocabulary is different. So is the word "democracy." Their "democracy" is one that guarantees peace and happiness for workers, farmers and a dictatorial government. In the free world, we refer to democracy on the basis that the entire populace has co-operated in a unified way. Seen in this way, the strategy and tactics of communists are all deception. For them, the question is how to cheat others. This is what matters to them. (170-151, 1987.11.15)
The peace referred to in the free world is one that harmoniously embraces everybody in all directions including communism and democracy. The peace which communism refers to, on the other hand, is not like that. It is the peace that remains after they have got rid of all reactionary elements. Accordingly, it is a peace centered on a dictatorial form of government that supposedly exists for the benefit of workers and peasants. It has no place for the bourgeoisie who stands on the foundation provided by them and who can operate the higher level structures in society. We must know clearly that they are talking about a peace in which they have completely got rid of the bourgeoisie. What are they going to accomplish through peace? If they are looking toward a utopian world, what would that world be like? They envision a world of peace or a utopian world centered upon themselves, giving priority to workers. In such a world, the bourgeoisie and the capitalist form of society cannot exist. They are talking about peace from a position where they reject it completely. (172-014, 1988.01.03)
3 Democracy and Communism
3.3 The way to overcome communism
The man standing before you is not an anti-Communist. I am a man who shouts for victory over communism, rather than for anti-communism. In other words, the means by which God can put His hand on this world and lead it to become a world of peace will exist only when this democratic world - which has existed in the realm of Christian culture in the world's ideological spectrum - asserts itself with an authority that can surpass the communist world. (053-186, 1972.02.20)
The Communist party, which we can call evil, attacks others whenever it is powerful. There is no such thing as peace to them. With that understanding, I lit a fire in the hearts of the young people of the Unification Church and made them pledge an internal resolve to fight in the future. We have to have such a standard by which we can control power with power. Still, it does not mean that we are going to attack. It is the intrinsic nature of Satan to be able to attack anytime we are weak. What they call peace is merely their strategy and tactics. What should the people of Korea do at this time when a rapidly changing situation is so swiftly coming upon them? The time has come when we have to be armed ideologically and to be ready to make up our mind between the way of life and the way of death. (050-226, 1971.11.07)
Whether we are referring to the communist world or the democratic world, there is no way to obtain unity unless they are in a peaceful situation. In the meantime, the communist world is breaking down internally. Both the democratic world and the communist worlds are collapsing. Worldwide communism will fall to nationalism and America, which has been leading the worldwide democratic world, will also be limited by nationalism. (070-238, 1974.02.14)
Evil will strike first. Goodness will endure but evil will attack. America is stronger than the Soviet Union but is not striking the Soviet Union. That's why America is more on the side of goodness than the Soviet Union. Kim Il-sung of North Korea intends to invade the South by military force, doesn't he? Evil will take the offensive when its power rises, so the democratic world has to be prepared not to lose out in the balance of power. If the Communist party strengthens its military power whilst all the while launching peace offensives, the democratic world must do the same. (064-260, 1972.11.12)
The UN General Assembly is not important now. We will have to throw Satan down and also deal with the Communist party. That will be good, don't you think? I have done quite a lot of (Korean style) wrestling. If you make a mistake while lifting your partner with a belly throw, you will just slump down if you don't have enough force. Therefore, you have to be strong like steel. (078-329, 1975.06.10)
Once you know the law of indemnity, the problems of the world can all be solved. Then, will communism go to ruin or not? The Communist Party will go to ruin. They stage a purge on every political opponent of theirs, but they cannot live forever. After the person is dead and if their sons and daughters are left alive, they will then take revenge. Would a world of peace come this way? Can peace come in an environment of uneasiness and fear? Peace comes about when you can say, "Thank you" even while you are dying. If you say, "You have taken advantage of me. You are sacrificing me this way," peace cannot come. (080-238, 1975.10.24)
What is the only way for lesser powers like Korea, which find themselves in a miserable situation, to survive? It is to have subjective power with which they can digest the democratic world and communist world. Thus, if they have a power which is so strong that even a prime minister or minister of their country can bow to it and if one such person seeks out ten colleagues, then ten people become one hundred people and one hundred become one thousand and one thousand ten thousand.... Even with just ten people, a foundation upon which to digest these things comes into being from the foundation of power, and a foundation of peace can be established, though this is a question of time. (082-028, 1975.12.30)
People of the world are all going their own way, in four different directions. Centered upon Korea, there is China to the west, the Soviet Union to the north, and Japan to the east. One is going to the east; the other is going to the west. One is going up and the other is going down. Everything is different centered on one's own country. Language is different and life is different as well. Policy is different and the man of sovereignty is different as well. Can we indeed realize a world of peace, a world of happiness and an ideal world in such an environment and the world? The answer is no.
When we see the situation of the world, we find democracy and communism fighting each other in confrontation. What in the world has created such circumstances? There is no one who does not want peace. Everybody loves peace. The question is, why, then, should mind and body fight? Where then should we find the origin of these problems? Where should we find peace? In general, people think that the world of peace will come when America and the Soviet Union are united. However, this is not the case at all. People's greed is directed in different directions. The direction of communism and the direction of democracy are different, so they cannot become one at all. Even though two systems may be united, the state can be divided again if one side tries to make use of the situation and look after its own interests. You have to know this.
Then, let's think about the starting point of peace. Today, can America become the starting point of peace? Can the Soviet Union become the starting point of peace? No, they can't. Next, can today's religious organizations become the starting point of peace? They also fight. The Presbyterian Church is fighting and the Methodist Church is fighting. Besides, established churches are hitting the Unification Church. We play a catcher's game, but not a pitcher's game. We defend, but have never attacked.
From this perspective, can religions become one? Is the unification of religion something easy to do? When people establish a law and make a decision according to the principles of democracy, most of them will follow that resolution in general. However, religion is different. Then, centered on religion, how can we have the standard of peace and the starting point of peace? It cannot be done with today's present religion. Then, what about today's political system? It can't be done with that either. You don't have any objections there, do you? You're not supposed to. (086-028, 1976.03.04)
America, which represents the free world, says, "Let's not make war. We hate war." For example, if you don't dare get into the ring when a wrestling champion in the ring challenges all comers but just say, "You'll be defeated by me," that doesn't make sense no matter how triumphantly you may say it. If you just say, "Hey, come on. Why don't you just come down?" while not actually entering the ring, it just doesn't make sense. On this occasion, no matter what the champion may say, the other person has to just listen in silence. Communists have been raised since they were young until now with a one-sided education of "Down with democracy! Down with Yankees, the ringleaders of capitalism!" They make an effigy out of American people and just prick it every day. It is this way, "If it's American, first pull out the eyes which are the best. Cut out things starting with the more precious parts. Cut off the nose. Cut off the ears. Cut off the hands." If it's a woman, they say "Cut off her breast and nose." However, America simply says, "Why don't you stop being like that and accept peace? What about peace?" It is madness. Look at the Korean Airlines disaster that happened recently. It is a challenge not only to Korean airlines but also to America. It is the same as the wrestling champion in my example having done something similar in the ring.
Now, what is Mr. Reagan going to do? This is the problem. What is he going to do? I guess you feel like asking me what I am going to do as well. Also, what is God going to do? God is looking at the situation. God will say, "You, Reagan. If you act in a way I agree with, I will protect the American people so that they can survive. If you don't, however, they will go to ruin."
Does peace make sense to Satan? If the free world should fail in this situation the world would be lost The communist world is atheistic. Atheism has invaded more than half of the world centered on the lust to conquer the world. In other words, it has swallowed up half of the world. If the free world loses this war, then the day it does so religion will also disappear, not to mention God Himself, the providence of salvation of thousands of years, and the providence of restoration. Although God sent Jesus, the Messiah, and countless saints, and shouted aloud for salvation throughout history, people will have to enter through a narrow door in the Last Days and will end up dying behind prison bars (128-266, 1983.09.04)
When we see the situation of the world today, the communists are waging three forms of war. These are a war of ideology, a war of information and a war of propaganda. America is a big and powerful country. However, it does not have a firm policy with which it can fight against and win over communists. The political leadership of America has been reluctant to fight against communists face to face, so as a result has repeatedly retreated and made concessions. Accordingly, it has even got to the point where Latin American countries adjacent to America threaten the freedom and peace of America. If communists were to seize the might of America, what would you do? Do you think that they would guarantee your freedom and peace in the form you enjoy them now? I don't exclude the possibility that such an unfortunate situation could arise in America as well, and I know for sure that that such symptoms are appearing all over the world already. Many countries in Central and South America have started to recognize that Rev. Moon and his thought alone offer hope for the future. Now, Unificationists have to persuade Americans and get them to understand. (130-285, 1984.02.07)
Physical strength alone will not enable the people of South Korea to save North Korea. There have been many plans for unification. The Lee government took over everything with military power. During the time of the Jang Myun government, they had an ideology of unification centered on the advocacy of peace, but the industrial foundation collapsed. So, people insisted that the foundation should be reconstructed. Also, during the Park Chung-hee government, people suggested that North and South Korea work on an equal basis. Now, they have formed the South North Coordinating Committee and through it are holding exchanges, but North and South Korea have different systems and different ideological concepts. What are they going to do with the systems? Can the South Korean people digest a people who are beholden to a unitary communist system? No, they cannot. To expand their lifestyle centered on the concept of fighting is their developmental logic, so we have no alternative but to ignore their ideological system. (168-230, 1987.09.20)
By applying the principles of peace and harmony, we can cope with communist logic of fighting according to their dialectic. What is destroying today's free world is individualism. How the free world, which is based on such individualism, is to survive is what matters and the answer to that is simple. It is to live for the sake of others. Everything is saved by a single means, which is to live for the sake of others. (189-107, 1989.03.19)
The right eye exists for the sake of the left eye, and these right and left eyes exist for the sake of the entire human being. So too the limbs. Nothing exists merely for its own sake. Therefore, only an ideology like this can create an ideal world. The world of peace can never come with the communist ideology of destruction and the concept of struggle. Logically, it can never come. (182-136, 1988.10.16)
Now, young and talented men of the Soviet Communist party have turned around completely after receiving four-day education in the Principle. In other words atheists have become believers. I picked out talented students from famous Ivy League universities, took them to Moscow and had them listen to lectures on matters of faith. Something historic is happening whereby sons and daughters of families belonging to the communist elite who a mere year ago had been professed atheists, have turned around and are educating and moving sons and daughters of high level American families in the time-honored faith-based tradition of America. (228-173, 1992.03.27)
3 Democracy and Communism
3.4 Unification Thought, Head-wing Thought and the age of harmony
I now declare that our Unification Thought - or Godism - is Head-Wing Thought as well. It is neither right- nor left-wing, but head-wing. This is because true peace for humankind can be realized neither by right- nor left-wing ideology. It is because neither can eradicate selfishness from their fundamental motivation. When one is centered upon one's own self interest, there is a contradiction of interest that never disappears and so there can be neither unity not peace. (164-194, 1987.05.15)
The democratic and communist worlds have been fighting until now. So, they are striving to beat each other down, each saying that the other is the enemy. The peace we seek cannot appear in a world like this. Accordingly, what is inevitably called for is a new movement focussing body and mind. A new movement aimed at creating one victorious foundation on whereby mind can manage body completely must appear on this earth. Thus, it must be able to bring the democratic and also the communist world to its side. (020-169, 1968.06.09)
You will reap as you sow. Why have a left wing and a right wing emerged? What is the origin of the emergence of right and left wings? It is not just because politicians chose to name them as such. The liberation of Jesus will not come to pass unless a historic course of indemnity is followed and the right and left wings disappear. The gate to heavenly peace opens only when the world becomes one in which both right and left wings kneel down together before Jesus in such circumstances praising him and saying you alone are the victor of glory and the ultimate victor. This is the understanding of the last days we gain from the Unification view of history. (050-224, 1971.11.07)
From now on, what kind of world must come about in place of the communist and democratic worlds? A world must come in which people respect God, making Him the first priority. In other words, the world of hope which our hearts hunger for beyond the realm of death must appear on earth. This is the very time for the kingdom of peace which we have longed for and what we Unification Church members call the era of heaven on earth. We must go out to the world to resurrect the realm of death (020-181, 1968.06.09)
Only the unification of ideologies centered on heart can build a heaven of peace and a kingdom of peace. In other words, the unification of ideologies can perfect heaven on earth that human beings desire. (109-133, 1980.11.01)
When a man says, "Here I stand!" as a man of Unification Thought centered on the Principle with his right leg and the Counterproposal to communism with his left leg, he becomes a son of God. Things do not end there as destiny, but a new ideal begins. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth can start from there. When that time comes, Rev. Moon will organize the Kingdom of Heaven. When God asks, "How are things going?" I will answer, "I have finished everything." I will say, "We, your children, also longed for a world of peace." (123-304, 1983.01.06)
I assure you that the time will come for the Unification Church. It is absolutely inevitable. The Unification Church is not focused on democracy or communist thought alone. So, what is going to be the focus from now on? When we see the atmosphere at the summit meetings, we see that the two blocs are fated to be at odds, and draw back at the prospect of world peace. Seeing this, we cannot but take responsibility for it. As the one leading this Unification Church I cannot help but be concerned.
How is the Unification Church different from America or from communism? America has asserted an ideology that is focused on the twin dimensions of people, and of democracy and communism, and has also advocated an ideal of world peace. America of course is considered to have Christian culture, but she does not put God in the absolute subject position. These days, she relegates God to the rear, saying that God is dead and man is the key. When we analyze the general content of these two ideological forces, we find that both communism and democracy have become two-dimensional. The Unification Church, however, is different in one key aspect and that is that we have a three-dimensional quality.
Even if the world is made into one world of peace, that is not the end but must be taken as a starting point for a new ideal of universal peace. This is what really matters. What is going to be the starting point? People should not be so lest God be excluded as a result. Whereas the Unification Church sees world peace as the starting point, democracy and communism see world peace to be their final goal. That is the difference. Then, what is the reason for the democratic world to be divided, and why does the communist world have to be divided as well when the goal of both worlds is world peace? It is because they failed to transcend the phenomenon known as nationalism. They have different cultural, racial and religious backgrounds. From this perspective we can understood that America is governed by Anglo-Saxons. They think that they have to be in charge. The problem is how we can overcome this. (129-232, 1983.11.06)
The democratic world is seeking a system of knowledge that is focused on freedom. Communism is centered on a standard called peace, but a peace that is based on the people at the bottom, namely the workers and peasants. By the way, does the motto of freedom which the democratic world asserts never change? Does the standard of peace that is centered on the people not change? Is it fixed or does it move? In the past, the democratic world asserted an ideal of freedom that gives first consideration to law and attaches great importance to principles and tradition. These days, however, it is asserting an idea of freedom that ignores both law and tradition. Communism, too, changes its standard. For example, in North Korea, if its system truly existed for the sake of its people, would have to exercise its authority through a group of people which existed for the populace as a whole more than others do, but on the contrary is handing down authority to a direct heir just as a king does to a crown prince. This should not happen even in Communist ideology. Seen in this light even the communist standard of peace wavers.
Communism and democracy are seeking an external form of world peace or of the world's freedom, but are ignorant of the internal nature of freedom and peace. Although external forms may change, internal nature should not. Externally, there can be changes all the time, but in no way should quality change. If something is undergoing an external change of form, it is developing. However, there cannot be any intrinsic change. Why? Because internal nature does not change.
The Unification Church regards concepts such as "peace on earth" or "the unification of the world" as the starting point from which one ventures toward the realm of inner human nature. Today's world is talking about the external forms of world peace and global freedom, but longing for a world of spiritual culture. So, the final objective of the free world is actually the starting point toward the world of our internal, spiritual nature. (129-236, 1983.11.06)
We shall first have to produce world-level leaders from our homeland of Korea, and establish heaven on earth, which is a unified world of peace. Also, we will have to solve the gap between rich and poor and between North and South Korea as well as the cultural difference between East and West through Godism and Head-wing Thought and build a world of peace, a global society composed of one extended family of humanity which is built on love. (195-052, 1989.11.03)
Even the Soviet Union is aware that, as they have said, "Rev. Moon does not unilaterally detest communism. From a broad humanitarian point of view, he is a pacifist." They are aware that I take the position of providing a defense against it since the Soviet Union is hostile to the realization of peace. They know what we advocate through our literature. (186-220, 1989.02.05)
I say that Godism and the True Parent Ideology, which I have declared, are the basis of true peace and will take the lead in the twenty-first century. With Godism and Head-wing Thought we can build a world of peace in the twenty-first century. Its core is parental heart and true love. The twenty-first century is the age of the True Parents and the age when all mature spiritually, and in love, becoming true parents themselves. (234-234, 1992.08.22)
When we look at the communist or democratic worlds now, we see that the age of confrontation has gone and that an age of unity has come. However, the problem is that although an age has come when people can advocate peace, the true basis upon which they can attain that peace is by no means clear.
Although the world is in the midst of confusion, people are without a vision of the future that can overcome this. Communism has tried to gain supremacy in the battle of ideals, but the dream has been shattered. So too has that of the democratic world. America currently leads the democratic world, but its state is too far away from the ideal of peace. Rather, it seems to be losing hope. Moreover, young people have been corrupted and debased, so there can be no vision for the future. We must find out where this world of confusion, divided by all kinds of ideologies and divisions, is heading. That is the problem. (229-261, 1992.04.13)
Why are we asserting Head-wing Thought? Because it can digest every contradictory element within Adam and Eve, give men and women a unified foundation of peace and thus prepare the ground for the family God originally intended. That is the basis of Head-wing Thought. (226-133, 1992.02.02)
Who will bring together East and West? No one except Rev. Moon can do so. Centering upon the Christian sphere of civilization and the sphere of civilization based on Eastern Thought, I have established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, which can digest the huge territory of uniting Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam. Next, on the political level, I have set up the Federation for World Peace and am ready with a formula by which Western society and Christian society can unite in the East. By centering on Head-wing Thought and Godism politically, I am moving toward a world of peace by making the political climate of the world one, based on internationalism. There are not two directions. Things must move toward one world of peace. The direction of the world of peace is toward oneness, not two.
Therefore, our Unification Church itself must become such that through it individuals, tribes, nations and countries can become one. We are creating families by transcending everything that has any nationalistic element in it. In other words everything is interconnected. We discover that God is trying to unite all religions and the entire political world through Christian thought in this age of the Second Advent. A world of peace comes about by following a single direction, not two. This is a time when politics, economics and religion must combine together and go forward to one final destination.
So far, politics has dominated religion, so religion and politics have become enemies. Rev. Moon is the founder of the Unification Church. In spite of that, not only religious people but also those in politics are following me. In this way, I have fully established an atmosphere in which I can guide people to go in the direction of one world and a world of peace in accordance with Head-wing Thought and Godism.
To what degree has politics sacrificed religious people until the present? How much has the body beaten the mind? In each case about the same! Now politics and religion are meant to become united through me and head toward a world of peace. No one other than Rev. Moon can lead from now on. The world of peace, the ideal state that God desires, should come into being. That's why things have to be united. Everything is united into one when you witness world peace. There is no such thing as a white man or black man. Everybody is one. (224-292, 1991.12.15)
Rev. Moon is trying to build a unified world, a world of peace, by pulling together everything, not only including the left and right wings but also the front and rear wings. (222-140, 1991.10.28)
Why do people marry? So as to become one with God through His love and to unify men and women based on love. The origin of the unification of the universe and the origin of peace starts right from there. The essence of true love is for a father to live for the sake of the mother, for the mother to live for the father, for an elder brother to live for the sake of his younger brother and for the younger brother to live for his elder brother. With the love of the eternal God settling there, combined together with unconditional love for the sake of others, such a family finally becomes an eternal family. This is "Head-wing Thought." (221-212, 1991.10.24)
Omniscient and almighty God is a God of love and peace. Such a God could not have created a world in which people fight and kill each other. There should be neither conflict, nor misunderstanding. There should only be a world of peace with its people seeking after truth, goodness and beauty and making unity through beautiful cooperation and mutual help. Only such a world can last forever. It is a world that resembles God and lives for God's ideal and essence.
We call such a fundamental ideal for the world Godism or Head-wing Thought. It is natural that there will be peace wherever people live for the sake of others. In religious terms, such a world is heaven on earth. If this were the work of an Omniscient and Almighty God, He would have made a world of peace and happiness. If not, God cannot exist. This was the ideal of true peace at the origin of creation. (219-116, 1991.08.28)
From now on, we have to start with thinking and ideas that are God-centered not man-centered. The latter has no future. The only hope is that God, if He really does exist, has thought of a way by which He could start toward the final destination in realizing the ideal, and I am proclaiming such a concept. I insist that left and right wing have to become one by turning through 180 degrees based on Head-wing thought and return to God's world. We can create God's love and one world there and achieve world peace. (215-205, 1991.02.17)
America does not have an ideology that can win over the communist Soviet Union. If America is armed with Godism centered on Rev. Moon's Head-wing Thought, it will go in God's straight vertical direction by receiving Rev. Moon's guidance with the internal and external having become one together upon an economic foundation. When we reach the standard of the original ideal of creation following a straight direction and a realm of brotherhood is established in which the world has inter-connected families, a realm of world peace will be established accordingly. Therefore, in order to unite politics and religion, I established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, since the religious realm represents the world of heart, and the Federation for World Peace focusing on the world of politics, thus making them into one. (214-243, 1991.02.02)
What is Head-wing Thought? It means to go in search of Godism. What is one to do after having found Godism? One will set out again in search of pacifism. Godism means to meet with God, become united centered on His love and set out again toward pacifism. The starting point of the original heaven on earth comes into being from that world. Those who live there forever surely enter an eternal world without end. There are no procedures they need to go through to enter there. (206-131, 1990.10.03)
The ideology of true parents becomes the true center of the spirit world and the physical world. That is the same as Head-wing Thought. Head-wing Thought is Godism. They are all the same concept when seen from the standpoint of true love. (205-261, 1990.09.09)