Chapter 6 The Role of the United Nations and the Family in World Peace

6 The Role of the United Nations and the Family in World Peace

6.1 Renewing the United Nations to Build Lasting Peace

IIFWP Assembly 2001 Keynote Address

August 18, UN Headquarters, New York

Today, in this beautiful and solemn building where the United Nations General Assembly meets, I greet you with deep gratitude for the opportunity to express my passionate concerns and views about the future direction of the world and the United Nations.

The sole purpose of all my undertakings in many areas over the past forty years has been the realization of a peaceful world that is the desire of God and humanity. This longing for a peaceful world has also been the core reason I have dedicated myself to the promotion of interreligious harmony and cooperation.

In the twentieth century, humanity has experienced many severe conflicts and unspeakable acts of violence, especially through the horrors of the two world wars, and through the seventy years of the Cold War and communism. When the Cold War ended, the world had a brief moment of celebration, as if peace had arrived. But, then, very soon humanity realized that the end of the Cold War did not automatically mean the advent of an age of peace. Even at this moment, fierce wars and brutal massacres are going on in numerous places around the globe.

Conflicts arise for many reasons. But one of primary factor contributing to their emergence is the deep-rooted disharmony that exists among the world's religions. Therefore, when we witness the many global tragedies occurring around us, we should recognize how critically important it is that the religions come together, dialogue with one another, and learn to embrace one another.

In the modern age, in most nations, religious ideals have come to hold a place wholly separate from the centers of secular political power, and most have come to accept this reality, as the way things ought to be. I believe, however, that it is time that international organizations whose purpose is to support the ideal of world peace reconsider their relationship with the great religious traditions of the world.

On this point, the United Nations, more than any other international organization can set a good example and lead the way. The world has great expectations for the United Nations as an organization embodying humanity's aspiration for peace. In the United Nations, the representatives of all nations work in concert to promote peace and human prosperity. Of course the conscientious efforts to establish peace, undertaken by these national representatives at the United Nations, often meet stubborn resistance. The accomplishments and achievements attained through the United Nations have been significant. However, there is much room for improvement. I believe there is an urgent need today, within the United Nations and through its many activities, to encourage mutual respect and increased cooperation between the world's political and religious leaders. The original ideal for human beings is that we live with our mind and body united in resonance with God's true love. It is because human beings resemble God as His sons and daughters that the mind and body of each individual can truly unite without struggling against each other. Within God there is no disharmony between internal and external characteristics. This is so because the absolute God has no contradiction or conflict within Himself.

The human ideal to achieve oneness of mind and body can be realized only when people completely possess God's true love. The biblical verse, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God," illustrates this point. Peacemakers are persons whose mind and body are in unity centering on the true love of God.

As a result of the Fall, human beings lost the standard by which our minds and bodies could be brought into oneness and harmony, and humanity has lived in internal strife and self-contradiction. The clashes of the mind and body within the individual have expanded and now manifest themselves in the family, society, nation, and the world. For example, this unresolved struggle between mind and body is what precipitated the elder brother Cain's murder of his younger brother Abel.

All the conflicts and wars in history have been essentially battles between a Cain camp - relatively tending towards evil, and an Abel camp - relatively tending toward goodness. Humanity must end these struggles between Cain and Abel camps and restore the original state of harmony and love. To do this, each of us must end the conflict between our mind and body, and bring them into harmonious union.

The principle that mind and body must be united should be applied and practiced not only by individuals, but it should be applied on the worldwide level. For this purpose, I founded a number of organizations to achieve world peace. For example, I established a number of interreligious initiatives, such as the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, to promote cooperation among religions, which represent the internal world of the mind. Also, to address the external management of human affairs, representing the body, I have worked to promote harmony among nations through the activities of the Federation for World Peace, the Federation for Island Nations for World Peace, the Federation for Peninsula Nations for World Peace, and the Federation for Continental Nations for World Peace. Most recently, signifying the emergence of an era when mind and body, or religion and rational governance can work together: cooperatively, I founded the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace. At their root, human problems are not entirely social or political, and so social and political approaches will always be of limited effectiveness. Although secular authorities rule most human societies, religion lies at the heart of most national and cultural identities. In fact, religious faith and devotion have far greater importance in most people's hearts than do political loyalties.

The time has come for religion to renew itself and manifest true leadership in the world. People of faith should feel responsibility for the plight, suffering and injustices experienced by the world's peoples. Religious people have not been good examples in the practice of love and living for the sake of others, and for this reason should engage in deep self-reflection. It is time for religious people to repent for their preoccupation with individual salvation and narrow denominational interests. Such practices have prevented religious bodies from giving their utmost to the cause of world salvation. Our age more than any other demands that we go beyond faith, and the interests of particular religions, and put our love and ideals into practice for the sake of the world.

In particular, God calls upon us leaders - especially religious leaders in the hope that we will stand against the injustices and evils of the world, and bestow His true love upon the world. Hence, all people of faith must become one in heart in order to give full expression, in both words and actions, to God's passionate desire for humanity's restoration and peace. World peace can be fully accomplished only when the wisdom and efforts of the world's religious leaders, who represent the internal concerns of the mind and conscience, work cooperatively and respectfully with national leaders who have much practical wisdom and worldly experience about the external reality or "body." In this light, it is time for us to give serious consideration even to the prospect of restructuring the United Nations. For example, perhaps it is possible to envision the United Nations as a bicameral institution.

The existing United Nations structure, composed of national representatives, may be regarded as a congress where the interests of each member nation are represented. However, I submit that serious consideration should be given to forming a religious assembly, or council of religious representatives within the structure of the United Nations. This assembly or council would consist of respected spiritual leaders in fields such as religion, culture, and education. Of course, the members of this interreligious assembly will need to have demonstrated an ability to transcend the limited interests of individual nations and to speak for the concerns of the entire world and humanity at large.

The two chambers, working together in mutual respect and cooperation, will be able to make great advances in ushering in a world of peace. The wisdom and vision of great religious leaders will substantially supplement the political insight, experience and skill of the world's political leaders. Even at this moment, more and more conflicts are breaking out across the world over disputed borders. As a result, the world is sustaining substantial loss of human life. In addition, the money poured into war-making and peacekeeping runs into the billions of dollars. So many resources and efforts are being wasted. Yet, comprehensive solutions have not been fully achieved with respect to any given conflict. To solve this problem, I would like to make some proposals for your consideration:

I propose today that the United Nations and religious leaders join their hearts and work to create peace zones in areas of conflict. Whether the disputed borders pass through rivers, mountains, fields, or the sea, we can create buffer zones or peace zones along these borders.

These zones could be governed directly by the United Nations, and people from around the world dedicated to the establishment of peace will be allowed to settle in these zones. The United Nations will be responsible to provide guidance to those living in these areas so that they come to embody the founding ideals of the United Nations and comply with its declarations for peace. These peace zones will be havens that exist for the sake of peace, prosperity, and reconciliation. They will be free of racial and sexual discrimination, human rights violations, and war. These areas must also be ecological and environmental havens for the entire natural world. To create such zones of peace, freedom, and ecological harmony, the concerned nations will have to be willing to provide the necessary land. This is not a simple matter, for there will be resistance to the surrender of land, even for a peace zone. I have dedicated much effort toward finding solutions to this problem, particularly as it applies to my native land, Korea.

I have taught that there is a providential significance to Korea's having been a victim of the Cold War. As you know, both the division of Korea and the war that followed are outgrowths of the Cold War. The Korean War, in which the youth of sixteen countries shed their blood under the United Nations flag to protect freedom, was a righteous war unprecedented in history. I remain ever grateful to the United Nations and those sixteen nations. And yet, the peaceful unification of Korea still remains to be accomplished. For this reason I have continually pondered about the United Nations' solemn mission for building a world of peace and how this relates to God's providence.

I sincerely hope that the current mood of reconciliation and cooperation between North and South Korea, which began last June, will continue. I hope the entire demilitarized zone along the 155-mile military demarcation line that crosses the Korean peninsula can be turned into a peace zone under UN jurisdiction. I believe the United Nations will take the lead in this effort and build exhibition halls, museums, educational sites, and peace parks in this zone in order to teach visitors important lessons regarding peace.

It is my fervent hope that world leaders of good will can understand my purpose and join with me. In particular, I hope that they will join me in willingly donating their land and money for use in creating UN supervised peace zones. These zones, under UN leadership, will give rise to ideal moral societies where nature and people live in harmony.

Already in December 1998, I proposed the founding of an international Peace Fund in an address I gave to world religious leaders gathered for an international conference that had as its theme, Realizing the Interfaith Ideal: Beyond Dialogue into Practice. All the leaders who participated in this conference resolved to initiate a movement for the world's religious people to lead the way in making donations for world peace. I proposed that donations we given in amounts related to the number seven. Because various individuals and countries face differing economic realities, one person may find it difficult to give even seven dollars, whereas someone else may be able to give even $7 million. I believe that if all religious people on earth become one in heart, they will actively participate in this fundraising effort. The funds thus created will be used to establish peace zones and to teach the ideals of peace and the methods to achieve it. In addition to religious people, the United Nations too can encourage all nations and their peoples to make annual contributions to this fund. These funds might be donated under the name of the White Cross Fund.

Wealthy philanthropists, business leaders, and industrialists, leaders in other fields, along with individuals, and organizations, can actively participate in the construction of UN peace zones. In this way, they can lead the way in creating an atmosphere of peace and in raising the necessary funds.


6 The Role of the United Nations and the Family in World Peace

6.2 An Interreligious Council at the United Nations

Furthermore, one of the reasons I founded the Interreligious and International Federation of World Peace was to help create an interreligious assembly to serve as a senate or council within the United Nations. To implement this plan, I propose that each nation, in addition to its current ambassador, can send a religious ambassador to the United Nations to serve as a member of the religious assembly, or UN senate. The mission of the representatives to this UN senate requires that they have a genuinely ecumenical or interreligious consciousness and that they have the training and ability to teach a universal, trans-national ideal of peace. The nature of their purpose and mission would prohibit their promoting the narrow interests of a particular country. Rather they are to carry out their duties for the ideal of peace in the world and for the sake of all humanity, in accordance with God's Will.

The interreligious ambassador appointed as a member of the United Nations senate or council should have a global consciousness and take responsibility to represent the United Nations's global vision and agenda. In this sense, these persons can be thought of as global ambassadors from the United Nations. Wherever they go in the world, these ambassadors will promote movements dedicated to the realization of peace and social welfare. Moreover, in all nations, they will serve as conscientious guardians of lofty ideals such as justice, security, and peace. This will provide hope to the citizens of the world, and especially the youth. People will then have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the emergence of young people around the world seeking true love and lasting peace. Those selected as ecumenical and transnational ambassadors will also be able to help guide and supervise various UN sponsored projects in health, education, welfare, and other fields.

Commemorating Ideals of True Love, True Parents and True Families

I have worked through many groups and organizations to educate people around the world in the meaning and value of true love and True Families, transcending religious denominations and nationalities. By use of the term "true" I mean centered on God's original will and purpose. My continuous investment in this area and ongoing efforts for dialogue and reconciliation over the last decades have demonstrated beyond any doubt that the strongest foundation for the unity of humanity is the universal and essential love generated through the ideal of the true family.

Based on these considerations, I urge all the organizations connected to the United Nations to act in order to uphold and promote the ideals of true love and true families. For this reason, I would like to make another proposal - that the senior decision-makers at the United Nations proclaim, in accordance with existing procedures and regulations, a special day to be commemorated worldwide. I understand that the United Nations has made proclamations such as the International Year of the Family, and that it has declared various ten-year objectives such as the Decade to End Poverty. Along these lines, I propose that the United Nations establish an official commemorative day to uphold the ideal of the family, so that the world can remember and celebrate this day every year.

Specifically, I propose that True Parents' Day be established as a day of global celebration. I have already initiated such a day that has been signed into law by the United States Congress. Each year, in America, model parents and families from throughout the nation are honored. By celebrating such a day each year, transcending barriers of race, religion, and cultural differences, and loving and cherishing each other, we will be able to fully experience our true and common human roots, and understand the preciousness of true families. This day will be a special of truly global commemoration and a beginning of the celebration of the oneness of the world, as one global family, leading us beyond all confrontation and strife.

Respected world leaders, we must join hands and hearts and improve our systems and organizations so that the precious wisdom of religion, along with scholars, statesmen, and people of insight and knowledge, can be mobilized to solve the serious and urgent crises of the world. I believe solutions to world problems can come about if we establish the proposed council composed of religious leaders in cooperation with the political leaders and diplomats of the current United Nations. The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace will promote this ideal, for religion can offer great service in providing guidance in matters concerning the Absolute Being, the world of transcendence, our eternal life and the spirit world. For this purpose, the IIFWP will make devoted and sacrificial efforts to attain the goal of world peace. It will strive to establish the Kingdom of Heaven of eternal love and harmony and the fatherland of God, where the United Nations's efforts for peace are honored, and where all humanity form one universal family as brothers and sisters under God, the Parents.

I believe that the world leaders and officers of the United Nations, who possess knowledge, experience, and wisdom, can offer many recommendations for implementing the proposals I've presented to you today. If we work together and make continuous efforts, peace and happiness will surely be realized on Earth. I pray that God's blessing be with your families and your endeavors.

Thank you.

The Nation and World of Peace Sought by God and Humanity

From the Rallies for the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity

Mrs. Moon's speech on the US leg of the tour that spanned Korea, Japan and the United States

Respected leaders, ladies and gentlemen.

At this transitional point in human history, we have gathered as leaders who are concerned about world peace.

The tragedies that took place in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania on September 11 truly shocked the entire world. Along with the concern over peace and safety, we came to reflect upon fundamental and serious questions of modern civilization and future of humanity.

The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace and World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations held a timely and significant conference in New York City from October 19 to 22.

These two organizations, both of which my husband and I co-founded, brought together more than 400 participants from 101 countries. The participants included current and former heads of state, the highest leaders of major religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Confucianism, and representatives of academia and non-governmental organizations. The participants debated seriously on how to find peaceful solutions to today's crises.

My homeland, the Korean peninsula, is a troubled area that, along with the Middle East, attracts the world's attention.

In my husband's opening address at the New York conference, he communicated a vision for lasting and fundamental peace, and today I again would like to share this view with you leaders assembled here. The title of my address is The Nation and World of Peace Sought by God and Humanity.

Resolving the Root of Conflict

Throughout history, human beings have continuously aspired for world peace. However, that dream has never been realized. We can look back at the end of the Cold War, at which time fierce political and military conflicts and struggles concluded. Many people expected that the long-awaited era of peace and stability would arrive based on the foundation of highly developed science.

Nevertheless, we came to realize that conflict, hatred and selfish desire are imbedded deeply within each of us and are still active. These are creating ever more serious disasters in new shapes and forms. Violence wreaked upon innocents is certainly an inhumane criminal act, and we must bring it to a halt.

However, what can eradicate those inner conflicts and struggles, and resolve the fundamental human problems at their root? Where was the seed of hatred, conflict, and struggle sown, and how did it come to be rooted deeply within us?

The seed was planted in the family of the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve. The conflicts and struggles that resulted have continued from generation to generation until the present time. Then, where is the path to resolve those conflicts and realize peace on Earth? Historically, human beings have been attempting to overcome conflicts and pursue peace through economic, political, diplomatic and military means. However, such methods obviously do not provide fundamental solutions, as we are still struggling with many unresolved problems.

There is but one fundamental way and it is simple. It is to restore the family that the first human ancestors lost; that is, the ideal family of God. This is the family with God at its center, the family that has achieved perfection in true love both vertically and horizontally. God exists as the Original Being of true love and the invisible True Parent of humankind.

Nonetheless, love cannot exist alone. It exists in relationships and it can bear fruit only through relationships. That is why God created us as His children, through whom He would seek to realize His true love.

The Three Blessings of God

The First Blessing of God to human beings, "Be fruitful" (Genesis 1:28) called God's children to become the object partners of His true love by becoming true persons. When we love someone, we want our object partner to be better than ourselves. Thus, in love, God, as the Father, wants His children to be better than Himself. That is why God repeatedly invests Himself in human beings, the object partners of His love, and nevertheless constantly forgets about what He has already given and desires infinitely to give love more and more. This is so because love has its origin in the desire to live for the sake of others for eternity.

God then bestowed the Second Blessing, "Multiply," (Genesis 1:28). The first human ancestors were to have grown to maturity as the children of God. After having reached perfection, as one with God in heart, they were to have become True Husband and Wife. Then, they were to have become substantial True Parents to their children, inheriting and passing on true love, true life and true lineage from God.

As such, God's ideal of creation was to perfect true love both vertically and horizontally, beginning in the first family of our common ancestors. Since God's love is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, that family also was to have become the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal family, centered on true love. Human beings would have become substantial embodiments of love, totally united with God in heart. They would have obtained perfect freedom, happiness and the realization of all ideals.

Then they would have become the Lords of true love whom all beings in the universe would have loved and welcomed. This was God's Third Blessing (Genesis 1:28). This is the Blessing to create a living environment in which we can experience joy and happiness, having dominion over the creation. This includes the care for and preservation of the world's ecological balance as true masters of the creation.

Not by Power or Knowledge, but by True Love

Tragically, our human ancestors could not inherit the Three Blessings of God and establish a family of true love. They failed to become true persons, true spouses, True Parents, and true Lords centered on true love. They disobeyed God, and were expelled from the garden of Eden. As fallen human ancestors, they became false spouses to each other, with false love that had nothing to do with God's Blessings. They gave birth to children and those children multiplied to populate the world of today.

Due to the Fall at the beginning of human history, human beings have not been born on the foundation of true love, centered on God. Instead, humanity lived in conflict, characterized by the struggle between mind and body on the individual level. This inner conflict manifested itself on the family level when Cain killed Abel. Thus the tragedy of hatred and eventual murder was sown in the first family. That was the miserable reality of a family that left God.

A family built upon humanistic relationships devoid of God cannot fulfill the original ideal of creation. An ideal family is one that connects to God vertically and has a true person as its axis. Under the true love of true parents, siblings, who own and share a common axis, can unite; thereby establishing a family of ultimate harmony and peace. We can experience true love within an ideal family that bears good fruit. The family is the original and best school of love. Power or knowledge can never create true love.

The Loss of God's Blessings

Honorable leaders! What do you feel when you look at the current reality of human society and the state of our young people? Do you feel hope for a bright future? I believe that you, like me, experience agony over the increasing rates of crime, violence, drug abuse, immorality, corruption, teen pregnancy and so forth. These arise out of a confusion of values and foretell darkness enveloping our youth, and our future.

How did we arrive at this point? Better school systems and social improvements would have delayed the onset of these problems partially, but these do not address the fundamental cause of these problems, which is the breakdown and loss of families. This breakdown is a product of the time we are in, a time when humankind is harvesting the fruit sown by the loss of the first family of true love.

The destruction of the foremost school of true love leads to the phenomena of family breakdown, with enormously destructive side effects. This breakdown not only causes personal anxiety but also manifold problems on the national and worldwide levels. Of particular concern is the emotional instability of youth, which leads to changing life goals, spiritual wandering, and even deviation from healthy lifestyles.

Leaders who are concerned about the future should be very serious in order to solve the real problems of youth avoiding marriage, rampant divorce, and so forth, which destroy the fundamental foundation for families.

Having lost the First and Second Blessings, humankind does not understand how important it is to perfect one's individuality, through which we can experience sacred and eternal conjugal love. We do not educate most of our youth in a thoroughgoing way about the importance of keeping purity before marriage and reaching individual maturity through true love. This is why they do not understand the value of true love, which is the fundamental root of joy, happiness and all ideals.

The tendency to make light of trust and fidelity between husband and wife, and to ignore the sacredness of marriage, is the fundamental cause of indescribable disasters and tragedies for humankind.

True love has no place in the so-called free sex culture, in which people seek only momentary sexual gratification. In an era of HIV-AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, this type of behavior threatens the very existence of the human race. It is said that there is no safety zone against the AIDS virus.

A greater terrorism than that over which the entire world is now trembling is before our eyes, allowing us no safety zone. Once contracted, its victims gradually give up their dreams for happiness, ideals, and life itself. Unless we resolve this catastrophe plaguing our planet, how can we claim that we are leaders?

Nor have we taken responsibility for the Third Blessing endowed by God, to "have dominion over the creation." This requires that we take care of all creatures with true love. What would happen if the natural world were to rebel against the abuse and misuse it suffers at the hands of human beings who lord over it? Are not those symptoms beginning to appear? Before the natural world punishes our intolerable arrogance, we should stand before nature in true love as people of restored integrity.

The Perfection of "I"

Respected leaders, in order to examine today's problem at a more fundamental level, I would like to consider the relationship between the true "I" and the true "We" in the context of God's ideal of creation.

As a result of the Fall, human beings did not achieve the position of the true "I." For this reason, God has never been able to use the word "We." That is to say that God has never been able to stand within the realm of the consciousness of His ideal of creation and establish a relationship that would allow Him to say, "This is mine" or "This is my child."

So our present concept of "I" has no relationship with the original ideal of God's creation, and it is for this reason that we should deny ourselves absolutely.

God has conducted His restoration providence so that He could establish true men and true women, that is, His sons and daughters, whom He could freely include within His concept of "We." Because God is the subject body of love, the subject body of life, and the subject body of lineage, He sought true sons and daughters who would live eternally with a complete and unbreakable standard.

We first are to perfect our individual character through the unification of mind and body. Then, on that foundation, we can build a vertical parent-child relationship with God. A vertical relationship by itself, however, is not sufficient to bring the word "We" into being. We also need to create a horizontal relationship in harmony with the vertical. To do this, man and woman form a husband-wife relationship through a true, blessed marriage, bear children, build a true family, and form a four-position foundation over three generations. Only then will God use the word "We" in reference to a family unit.

God's Image in the Family

How, then, can we advance to such a position? God created all things from a position in which His mind and body were completely one. His creation was an act of total investment involving absolute love and absolute faith. There was no possibility that He would consider His own interest or situation. This was the fountainhead of the love that seeks to give one hundred percent and then still continue to give. This is true for God and it should be true as well for our families.

Parents, who stand in the position of God, are to invest themselves completely and absolutely with true love. In terms of the logic of origin-division-union, they should give birth to and rear children from the position of the origin, thus establishing a vertical axis for the concept of "We." If the husband and wife, who stand in the position of division from the origin, become one with each other, centering on true love, they will establish the horizontal axis. Then the children, who are in the position of union, will align themselves automatically with the vertical and horizontal axes and become one. They will establish a new axis reaching from front to back. The first family that accomplishes this substantiates the concept of "We" that is complete vertically, horizontally, and front to back.

This is the reason the family is so important. The family is the most valuable gift given to us from Heaven. If the environment we call the family did not exist, how would we establish this absolute standard of "I" If not for the family, we would never even dare to think of a "We" that is complete vertically, horizontally, and front to back. The cradle of love, peace, and happiness is nothing other than this family.

How, then, do we establish the true "I"? This is possible only through a life of true love for the sake of others. The person who denies him or herself completely, to the point of nothingness, and begins to live for the sake of the family, for the sake of the country, for the sake of all humanity, and for the sake of God, will automatically be able to establish the true "I." We should never put ourselves forward arrogantly and use the word "I" in a casual manner. God has worked, steeped in grief in the back alleys of history, to push forward His providence of restoration. His only desire has been to establish children who could speak of the true "I." Anyone who knows this heart of God can never claim the word "I" for him or herself in a casual manner.

When we establish God's original idea of world peace and the ideal families for which God has been waiting tens of thousands of years, we will have the starting point for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Beginning there, we will be able to resolve the grief of the suffering God. I would like to call upon everyone here to join with me.

First, let us work to establish the true "I" that can look at the sun without shame, look at the ocean with a clear conscience, and has nothing to hide before nature. Then let us establish the family to which God will refer as a part of His "We."

God is Our True King

In this way, we can establish a relationship of true parents and children between God and ourselves. Furthermore, God, who is the true parent of humanity and the origin of love, life, and lineage, is the Ancestor of humanity and the True King who reigns over all. God lost the positions of Ancestor and King as a result of the human ancestors' Fall in the garden of Eden.

In accordance with the progress of the providence of restoration, my husband declared the return of the ocean, the land and the cosmos to the heart-oriented Realm of the Fourth Adam. Then, on 13 January 2001, my husband and I performed the historic Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God.

Adam's family, as the first human family, was to have been the ancestors of humanity and to have set the foundation for the institution of the family. Originally, the king of the family someday would have inherited the positions of king of the country and king of the cosmos. Humanity was to have connected to the heavenly realm of the original ideal in that way and that way only.

We will establish national level kingship, because the age of indemnity is ending and we are entering the age of settlement by the process of family registration. This will develop and connect with the kingship of the world. This is why, on the occasion of True Children's Day 2000, my husband declared that the Parents of Heaven and Earth now reign as King of the family in the Unification Church. This means that we now are able to enter the age in which families that have been registered can attend the Heavenly Parent as our King. Thus, each blessed family should be aware of its responsibility to establish the tradition of humanity attending the King of Heaven and Earth. This is the reason that the age of the church has ended and the age of the family federation has begun.

The entire universe is linked as one connected body centering on one nucleus. Each and every family should stand in the position of this nucleus. To be such, love the creation and consume it. Love all creatures that God created in love. They exist in His love, and by loving them you will fulfill the position of their true master.

You should feel as if your family is becoming one body, that your family constitutes a realm of true love before God. In that way your family will create a settlement, a cornerstone for attending the King, the Parents of Heaven and Earth. This is how you become a blessed family and inherit the realm of victory.

Steps to World Peace

Respected leaders! Now is the time for humanity voluntarily to repudiate all pride, ignorance, selfishness and hatred. Let us follow the laws of Heaven and be humble before God.

Ever since God called my husband at the tender age of 16, he has committed himself totally to the realization of world peace, which has been God's deepest wish.

And at this time, I would like to set forth several crucial steps that are necessary for bringing peace to the world.

First, we are to live for the sake of others. A self-centered life not only causes discomfort to others, but also violates the laws of Heaven. Living for the sake of others, on the other hand, is the way we can resemble God. Loving our family, our community, our nation and the world is the way to inherit God's true love. It is the way to live in accord with the fundamental order of the universe.

Only through practicing true love can we become true individuals, true parents, true teachers and true owners (lords). Only then can we finally become the leaders who can bring about peace on Earth. A life of living for the sake of others is the first gate to peace.

In this sense, the path to peace ultimately will be based on Godism and Head-wing Ideology. This is the teaching that can reconcile and embrace all actors in a conflict, from their thought to their fruit, by dealing with the starting point of conflict in the relationship between Cain and Abel.

How can we break the chain of hatred and violence we perpetrate against one another? Returning hatred in response to hatred only leads to more hatred, terror and destruction. This is certainly not the path to peace. We can touch, educate and reconcile the conflicting parties only by true love. True love that places God in the center disregards national boundaries; therefore it is international.

True love transcends the high walls dividing religions and races; therefore it is inter-religious and inter-racial. True love centered on God's ideal of living for the sake of others can generate the power to touch a person's heart and spirit. By true love alone can the various reasons and causes of conflicts on Earth be overcome, whether the confrontation is between right and left, front and rear, above and below, or inner and outer. By true love alone can we establish a world of eternal peace.

Marriage as an Instrument of Peace

Second, the family is the fundamental unit for building peaceful nations and ultimately a peaceful world.

As I already mentioned, the root of conflict originated in the first family. Therefore, until the family of the True Parents appears, it is impossible for us to enter the era of world peace. The international Blessings that my husband and I promote worldwide are not the wedding ceremony of a particular religion. They are a movement to save all nations and the world.

We teach youth to keep their purity before marriage and, when they reach adulthood, to marry under the Blessing of God. However, as a condition to receive the marriage Blessing, they first pledge to their spouse that they will maintain absolute trust and fidelity as husband and wife. Thus, the Blessing is a holy movement to build true families and lift up true parents who live centered on true love.

Families built upon such an ideal and such an education have no need to feel threatened by the AIDS virus. For them, preventing AIDS is easier than preventing a cold. If we educate the youth of the world in this vision and practice it, we will completely eliminate the AIDS epidemic. We will eliminate the scourge of family breakdown as well.

Further, these families of true love will serve as the cornerstone for peaceful nations and a peaceful world. In particular, if individuals of enemy nations, who have lived in discord throughout history, come together in true love as in-laws, their reconciliation will bring nations and races together. It is a high wall to overcome.

Nevertheless, here is the supreme formula for bringing true peace to the world: bring together children from enemy families and nations for the "Exchange Marriage Blessing." These interreligious and international families can build a realm of blessing, perfecting true families of true love that both Heaven and Earth desire. From that point will begin the world of eternal peace that God and all humankind have desired.

A Challenge to Religious Leaders

Third, inter-religious reconciliation and cooperation is an essential condition for world peace.

My husband and I have campaigned tirelessly for inter-religious harmony and dialogue. We always have devoted a far greater proportion of our funds for that purpose than for the growth and development of the Unification Church.

Do you think that practicing such sacrificial love with an unchanging heart is easy? By no means! But we cannot expect world peace unless religious people reconcile and cooperate. World peace is the original ideal of God.

Therefore, religious leaders and believers should be the guides who lead people to peace. If religions only emphasize narrow-minded denominationalism and fail to teach true love for God and the universe, we will never free humankind from the horrors of war. In the face of global crises, religious leaders have to practice true love, humbly following God's Will, walking hand in hand beyond the boundaries of their own religion.

The inner powers of religion touches our hearts and can recreate us as people of peace. It can cultivate our ability to practice self-control from within. It can overcome historical hatreds and resentments among us. This is the root from which true peace and stability grow.

If religions demonstrate love for each other, cooperate with each other, and serve each other, putting the higher ideal of peace ahead of their particular doctrines, rituals and cultural backgrounds, the world will change dramatically.

Beyond National Self-interest

Fourth, I once again emphasize the proper role of the United Nations in realizing world peace.

As a representative organization for world peace, the United Nations has made many contributions. It is a fact, however, that the world's circumstances have changed and the complex situations in which nations find themselves today are unlike those at the time of the founding of the United Nations.

In light of this, last year my husband and I presented proposals to solve the fundamental problems plaguing the planet Earth.

One of these proposals was to establish a special body that would discuss and evaluate the religious, spiritual and moral dimensions of world problems. The United Nations should serve the world and God's ideal of creation effectively. To do so, it has to transcend the power of politics and national diplomacy, which reflect the motives of nations seeking their own self-interest. Only then can it truly protect the human rights of all peoples and nations and build world peace.

This imperative does not apply only to the United Nations. It will be difficult to maintain order in the world and protect public prosperity and peace as long as political sovereignty operates on the principle of national self-interest and ignores or undermines moral and spiritual values.

What is required is that high-level leaders ground themselves spiritually and morally upon God's ideal and govern according to universal principles. No political power or earthly authority should stand above God and the laws of Heaven.

Moreover, the United Nations should listen to and embrace many of the views of the Non-Governmental Organizations. This is the reason we established WANGO. I encourage all NGOs and public service organizations, while not losing your original founding spirit, to dialogue and cooperate with one another. I request that you continue serving the world, be unselfish and stay free of corruption.

Our Historical Quest

Respected leaders! A person who only talks about world peace without practicing it is not a true leader. Given the current world situation, we cannot leisurely wait for the arrival of world peace while sitting down. It is an urgent time. God is calling each of us, the Ambassadors for Peace and everyone else, to create world peace by all means. Let us all take active roles as leaders in the movement for peace.

I wish and hope that, centered on the Peace Embassies, all service organizations national and international, including the United Nations, will participate actively in the movement for world peace. It is our historical quest.

Let us be united as one in mind and heart. Let us become pioneers for world peace, by first building ideal families of true love and living for the sake of others.

May God's hand be upon you and bless you forever.

Thank you very much.

Chapter 5 Action for World Peace

5 Action for World Peace

5.1 The founding of organizations for world peace

The word peace is included everywhere: in the names of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Federation for World Peace, the Professors World Peace Academy. The ideology of peace is Godism or Head-wing Thought.

Families are families for world peace. Even an individual is an individual for world peace. Nothing is meant to be centered on itself. It is for peace. Those who do not have such thinking are called individualists. When you eat rice, that is also for world peace. When you drink water, you are drinking water for world peace. When you breathe in air, that too is for the sake of world peace. Love is love for world peace as well. When you work, that is also for world peace. I am asking you to think like that. You have to know that those who do not keep agree with that become like falling leaves in the autumn wind, not branches. They can only be leaves. You have to become branches. You have to have the ideology of peace in order to become branches. When we speak, you have to speak for the sake of world peace. When you smell, you have to do so for world peace as well. The five organs all have to be oriented that way. (252-301, 1994.01.01)

This is a time of change. One cannot interfere with heavenly fortune by means of political power or military might. We have to act in concert with God and with the operation of the universe. The two organizations for world peace [IRFWP and FWP] that we established on this occasion were not made at the behest of a country's influence. The road to true peace cannot be laid that way. We created a new organization based on Godism transcending barriers of religion, culture and skin color.

Just as we become an ideal being when our mind and body are united in harmony, centering on the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Federation for World Peace the way of unification leads toward a true world of peace to realize harmony, co-operation and unity around the axis of Godism. When these two bodies, which represent the general world of mind and the general world of body, achieve harmony and unity through God's true love, an ideal society will naturally come about. I think that the support of scholars and media people will be very important in the future to the proper fulfillment of the role of these two organizations. (219-126, 1991.08.28)

I have devoted myself to reforming the world in line with God's providence and restoring the ideal of God's true love on earth. Through the activities of the New Ecumenical Research Association (New Era), the Council of the World's Religions (CWR), the Interdenominational Conferences for Clergy (ICC), the Assembly of the World's Religions (AWR), the Youth Seminar for the World's Religions (YSWR).

And the Religious Youth Service which I have developed centered on the International Religious Foundation, I am endeavoring to achieve the ideal of world of peace while exemplifying the practice of understanding and harmony among religious communities and God's true love which religious people ought to do.

Following the establishment of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace which is in the internal and subject position, I am due to establish the Federation for World Peace which is in the position of the external object at the Little Angels Arts Performing Center tomorrow. For this, leaders are coming from all over the world. If these two organizations harmonize and cooperate with each other both internally and externally and practice unity through true love following the will of heaven, world peace will be realized. Here, with religion and politics achieving unification by true love beyond the unity of mind and body, the world of peace is coming. (219-111, 1991.08.27)

I made three requests through the founder's address at the First Assembly of the World's Religions that was held in New Jersey, America in 1985. The first was that the tradition of each religion be respected and that people at least work to prevent conflict or strife between religions. The second was that we should all serve the world as one co-operative religious community. The third was that every religious leader should attend in order to fulfill the mission of religion and develop this into an organization for the sake of world peace.

Also, at the Second Assembly of the World's Religions, which was held in San Francisco just a year ago, I advocated the establishment of the Inter-Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. We are witnessing the historic birth of a religious association for world peace with the attendance of religious leaders from all over the world who have gathered here today along with the support of religious leaders like yourselves. Now is the time when the world's religions should take the road of active practice in order to fulfill a central responsibility in realizing world peace. The future of humankind living in happiness cannot be achieved through seeking material prosperity alone. The future has to overcome and resolve the conflicts between ideologies, cultures and races through understanding and spiritual harmony between religions. (219-108, 1991.08.27)

I have created an association of scholars, with over a hundred chapters of PWPA, organizations in the media field, and the Summit Council. These organizations can influence the world at the top level. The Federation for World Peace represents the body and Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace represents the mind. Unless I deal with what has been a history of fighting between an individual's mind and body in the Last Days, there is no way for humanity to survive and there is no way to proceed along the road to world peace. That's why I am doing this on my own. I have done this alone in the face of opposition. Did anyone welcome what I was doing? (211-336, 1991.01.01)


5 Action for World Peace

5.2 The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

There are many hindrances to realizing the ideal of happiness and peace for humanity. For example, there are many negative elements including the contradiction of political and economic interests. The most fundamental element among them is that mind and body within human beings themselves are contradictory. Throughout the long history of humanity, there has never been a time when the conflict between mind and body was completely solved. The result of the Fall of our first human ancestors is that serious and miserable.

I held a conference for the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace in Washington D.C. from July 30 to August 1 last.

With the participation of present and former heads of state and prime ministers from forty countries, including two former US presidents and representatives from more than 120 countries, we held a historic international convention. It will become the most precious of the organizations established upon the foundation of other worldwide organizations that I have developed throughout my lifetime for the sake of realizing a peaceful world of true love.

Now we have to answer to God and history. With what is humanity, which has to attain harmony on a massive scale and achieve oneness, going to overcome the reality and welcome the coming new millennium with hope? Also, how are people going to live in trust, and for the sake of others, beyond selfish interests and the interest of individual countries, and establish a world of peace and a new value system to maintain this? We have to find the answers humbly by opening the door of our original mind, and not submit to the temptations of a materialistic god by donning the glasses of humanism upon the brilliant castle of science and technology. If we cannot find it on earth, we have to see its solution through the sound that comes from heaven. A world of peace will never come unless we bring the Family Federation for World Peace into being. This is important. (279-208, 1996.08.20)

The family is that important. A world of peace begins with a family. If there are ten members in the family, they all have to become one. When they harmonize on the vertical and horizontal levels, front and back, left and right, and in three dimensions, an ideal world of peace will come. (232-322, 1992.07.10)

A unified federation is the only thing that will remain in the future. When that happens, everything will be completed. On that day, nations will join the federation. That is to say, nations will receive salvation. The tribal Messiah is the horizontal foundation. The vertical foundation has already been established. In that case, everything including the providence will be consummated. The satanic world will completely vanish. (219-254, 1991.09.08)

You must not forget peace, unification, the family and the world. You go as a unified body. Everything is relative. If love is connected to the center of that relative standard, the world will be connected into one. (283-52, 1997.04.08)

Religions are no longer necessary. The age of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) passed when I proclaimed the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. We have to establish the original family in the garden of Eden prior to the Fall, the absolute faith and absolute realm of heart of Adam and Eve, and the unified realm of the father-son relationship that absolutely and eternally cannot be severed.

No matter how much you are enticed by something evil in the world, you have to be liberated in the place that is untouched by any impurity, the place where the original motivation, prior to Adam and Eve's Fall, can be approached. That is the task that fallen mankind has to carry out. (266-255, 1995.01.01)

From April 10th, we will use the name Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Family problems have now expanded to the worldwide level. Family breakdown is now a major world issue. When Adam and Eve fell, God could not interfere in their family, but had to restore it in the Last Days. The ruin of the family and juvenile delinquency cannot be checked with political, economic, cultural and religious power. (283-11, 1997.04.08)

God's true love is a standard of absolute love that invests and gives infinitely, and forgets that it has done so. Connecting vertically and expanding horizontally the absolute standard of God's true love, we have to seek the ideal world that humanity has longed for.

To create an environment centered on true love, God has created the worldwide foundation centering on the True Parents, who are the embodiment of true love and true family. The founding and expansion of ICUS and PWPA which seek absolute values together with distinguished world scholars, the World Media Association, which seeks press freedom and ethical responsibility, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace which seeks inter-religious harmony and unity, the Federation for World Peace which seeks world peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace which seeks the realization of an ideal society through the social participation of women, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification which is to realize the ideal of true families and expand that ideal to the entire world, and the Youth Federation for World Peace which is leading the movement for a new youth culture of the twenty-first century, were all launched from that background. (271-149, 1995.08.27)


5 Action for World Peace

5.3 The Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA)

I created the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) with the sincere hope that it would reroute the course of this critical age based on the wisdom of professors and researchers in the academic community who have devoted their entire lives to the development of the human intellect, and that it becomes an organization seeking after the origin of world peace. Its ultimate purpose is to create a world of justice, harmony and order based on the dedication of courageous scholars who intend to carry out research into new ideas and methodology for genuine peace and mutual prosperity. Further, it has to supply scholars and leaders who are cognizant of the crisis in today's era with a wealth of important, useful data and information necessary for examining the underlying problems mankind is confronting. (130-009, 1983.12.18)

We have to set up an organization like the United Nations to work for world peace. The United Nations General Assembly is a meeting for politicians, but the PWPA is for envoys working for peace. So I propose establishing a new, Abel-type UNGA. As the current UN has the brainpower but lacks the manpower, it can only blow the bugle while the rest of its body is paralyzed. Participants wag their tongues hard at the Annual General Meetings, but after that they fade completely out of sight. (062-298, 1972.09.26)

Those who do not know me complain that I only care about investing in various businesses but refuse to help them in their financial difficulties. There is something they really do not understand. When I founded PWPA, the intelligence agency turned up its nose and sneered, saying, "Even our government could only gather a handful of professors. What can the PWPA of the Unification Church do?" Our perspective is radically different from theirs, however. (071-146, 1974.04.29)

Centering on the question of the nature of unified science, we organize annual symposia, panel presentations and discussions, conferences, seminars and workshops for professors from around the world, who have expressed much enthusiasm and concern. Although we received criticism at the beginning, recently they have been saying that Rev. Moon is only dealing with all the serious, complex, pressing problems of the world. We have reached this stage and are gradually pushing ahead. No matter what. We have to band together.

We had to muster Korean professors. That led to the inauguration of the PWPA. In other words, the PWPA was formed with this objective: "Though being unable to actually execute plans or follow up with actions in every interdisciplinary field of scholarship, world professors agree to contribute written articles to articulate the direction toward the realistic vision of a world of peace." It is successful in Korea. This is the first success.

Under the name of PWPA, the monthly journal called Kwangjang ("Plaza") was distributed to the world's universities. Famous professors know this movement is going on in Korea. If we promote PWPA in Asia by rallying renowned Asian professors, it will be linked to Europe in no time.

Transcending the education systems of the United States and the United Kingdom, we have to design a newly structured education system that can help build a world of peace and oneness. Laying down these objectives, unless equipped with the proper educational facilities, we cannot implement a sound education. Therefore we have the intention of building appropriate universities and to found an international university federation.

We will make presentations of these plans at international congresses. Rather than presenting them to the academic world, we need to chart out an authoritative course and direction. We will publish a monthly bulletin by mustering world scholars from every field, and offer them guidance once a month. We have to show the course that science, economics, philosophy and jurisprudence have to guide them in the direction of peace and unity. (071-175, 1974.04.30)

The education systems of each country overemphasize that only those successful in competition can get ahead. This is like a contagion that encroaches on the efforts of a wholesome body to guide mankind into a world of peace as members of the human family. However, the emphasis on competition among intellects is now changing and people have begun to realize that cooperation is indispensable for survival. In the light of this, the purpose and philosophy of education must undergo an in-depth reform. (074-107, 1974.11.22)

Not only should all members actively sponsor scholars, but they should also influence public opinion in society and guide history as well. With a non-violent attitude and strong conviction, we must be wholly devoted to settling the unresolved, most complex philosophical and social issues mankind is confronting. The aim of the PWPA is not attained through any ideological or theoretical standards, but through constructive or practical strategies for the realization of peace and a better world.

I had the idea for the World University Federation (WUF) based on the foundations of the PWPA and the International Cultural Foundation (ICF). We have now reached the practical phase. Establishing, gradually, a minimum of seventy universities in six continents, we will nurture and guide the young generation, and foster the highest standards of academic excellence in the university programs. Through joint research projects and exchange programs for scholars, faculty, administrative personnel and students from various institutions and chapters, I am determined to realize the ideals of a peaceful world and the great universal brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity. (130-012, 1983.12.18)

Since 1978, we have been educating professors related to religious studies. For the past three years, we have continued to hold international forums centered on the principles of the Unification Church for many theologians, philosophers and other scholars. We have set up a PWPA chapter in every nation. Those scholars who are teaching or working in educational, research or policy institutions, and are capable of moving their nations, are appointed as directors. (107-219, 1980.05.19)

If you view the ideal as being that the world is a large consanguine family and that all men are brothers with God as the Parent of all humankind, the shortest route to a harmonized, unified and equalized body of the Orient and the Occident is possible only centering on religious thought. If PWPA is serious about achieving world peace and all people aspire to fulfill this goal, we will need a reawakening and a re-resolution. True human peace cannot come about merely through a superficial improvement of the mutual relationships among people who hold diverse values. Only with absolute God-centered values can we seek out a world of genuine peace.

The fundamental, obstructive element to the philosophy of peace is atheistic communism. I am teaching clearly that even capitalism is not desired by God. Since communism denies the very existence of God, however, it becomes a primary stumbling block to Godism. (130-015, 1983.12.18)

The intelligence of all intelligence is the knowledge of God's heart and ideal. Our ICUS families must prepare a place of joint efforts in order to gain intelligence, going beyond normal academic research. In that case, we can take charge of the mainstream mission of realizing God's ideal and an ideal world of peace, which is the common longing of humankind. God is eagerly waiting for conscientious savants to fill this role. Whether you are looking at the social expectations of scholars or at the mission of educating young people, who are the leaders of tomorrow, the example set by our scholars is making a great, positive, global impact on future education. (219-105, 1991.08.26)


5 Action for World Peace

5.4 The Federation for World Peace (FWP); The Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea

If you carry out my plans, a unified era will come unconditionally without any fighting. The Federation for World Peace (FWP) was established to proclaim Korea as an eternal kingdom of peace, welcoming all nations of the world. It is the homeland, isn't it? Would someone invade the homeland? It has to be declared as a kingdom offering protection and assistance to all nations. Only I am qualified to do that. To prepare for that, I am leaving no stone unturned. (243-163, 1993.01.03)

You are specially handpicked by God to be a pillar of peace and are called here by Him. In nine years, 2000 AD will come. The turning point of 2000 AD does not come in our lifetime incidentally. It is a new turning point of history. There are telltale signs that a new history is in the making. The twenty-first century of peace is drawing near. Peace does not come just like that, though. It is possible only when man cooperates with God and fulfills his assigned portion of responsibility. Within the remaining nine years we have to finish up the mammoth task of removing all impediments to peace.

Now is the age of peace. I will call it the heavenly kingdom both in name and reality. The FWP, established today for a twenty-first century of good prospects and promise for the future, offers mankind education and the ideal, and it has to play a significant role in ushering in a peaceful world in the future, in accordance with the dispensation. This Federation also has to be the beacon of world morality.

Apostles of peace, a bright new dawn is waiting for us. Our hearts must be burning with a sense of mission. The historic mission of accomplishing the common goal of mankind by shedding our last drop of sweat, tears and blood is beckoning us to come. The first and foremost thing is to serve and welcome God into our individual being, our family, society, nation and world. With Heaven on our side, who will dare to contend with us? (219-121, 1991.08.28)

Unlike the United Nations, the FWP is a new, grand departure that seeks to realize world peace armed with the true original ideal of peace and the ideal of the True Parents. We must have a new awakening that men should not eulogize peace among themselves, but should applaud peace in God and together with Him. The center of world peace is God, and is driven by the force of true love. (219-119, 1991.08.28)

In front of the UN organization, which represents the body, I established the FWP as the mental representative that can guide mankind to world peace. The League of Nations after the First World War and the United Nations after the Second World War have attempted to search for peace, but without avail. Why? Hypocrites representing the developed nations were standing in the leading position where the body controlled the mind.

The FWP I advocated this time is preceded by world religious leaders, however. It has a few thousand years of history. These religious leaders have to unite and control the political world. Just as the mind controls the body, they have to gain control over it. To set a relative standard of peace in the external political world, Rev. Moon is advocating the FWP. (209-259, 1990.11.30)

What did I set up the FWP for? Involving distinguished religious leaders with distinguished political leaders, I am set on building world peace. Religions and politics have to unite. They have been waging wars against each other until now. Politics has always thrashed religions. The world will not change as long as they are not bound in oneness.

As the prominent figures in both the religious and political worlds refuse to merge, world peace does not surface. I have made all the preparations. The mind of the religious world and the body of the political world must achieve oneness. (217-359, 1991.06.12)

The League of Nations and the United Nations, founded after the First and Second World Wars respectively, have not succeeded. Rev. Moon established the FWP on that lost foundation. The separation of the mind and body in an individual is reflected in the division of the world into two camps. It has to be unified by someone who has achieved mind-body unity. It should not be partitioned. The mind is the right wing and the religious world, while the body is the left wing and the non-religious world. So long as the religious and non-religious worlds are not united, there will not be world peace. I am the very person trying to unite the left and right wings. (205-213, 1990.09.02)

Kim Il-sung is the atheistic spokesman of the communist world on Satan's side. On the other hand, Rev. Moon is the theistic spokesman of the democratic world on the side of the absolute God. By assimilating and absorbing North Korea and going over the conflict between good and evil with a true parental heart, founding the FWP before the destined task of creating a peaceful world, I aim to fulfill the Will of providential history. (204-144, 1990.07.06)

I would teach all world presidents and plutocrats the Unification Principle. They have to learn about Godism and Head-wing philosophy. There is no other way for the FWP to remedy the world except by harping upon this ideological keynote. Apart from me, no one else has worked for this cause. Nobody else save me is having influence on both the communist and democratic worlds. Did the Pope or Billy Graham try to influence these worlds? Hardly at all. I am the sole person to put an end to this matter. (203-134, 1990.06.23)

What should the Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea do from this point of time? For one thing, we have to establish genuine values that are commensurate with the reconciliation of races and nations. Centering on those values, we have to arm ourselves with an ideology. The weakness of the free world, including the United States, is the existence of an ideological vacuum. The abundance of materials and rampage of liberty gave rise to chaos and secular humanism. The free world is constantly on the retreat from the ideological aspect. This is the reason why the communist world, which is perishing, does not yield in its ambition of communizing the whole world in a last ditch effort.

The Third World War will be an ideological one. We cannot overthrow communism with military power. It can only be defeated by an ideology that surpasses communism itself. That ideology is to be grounded in the truth.

Falsehood can only be overcome with truth. That ideology is Godism. If the free world now does not change onto the ideological offensive by arming itself with Godism - that is, Unification Thought - there is no way for it to surmount communism.

The Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea must be the spearhead of a movement for arming all citizens with an ideology. Godism can liberate the northern counterpart as well as the communist world. This ideology is causing a spiritual movement and a great awakening in the Western world which is corrupted by self-indulgence and immorality. Immediately after the Declaration of Godism in Washington, D.C. in 1976, I proclaimed that the next such event would be held in Moscow, because I have the conviction that Godism can liberate the communist world.

The reason why communism does not dwindle rapidly is that we either lack a clear-cut countermeasure, or we are not armed with a superior ideology. Initiating an ideological movement now in the Republic of Korea, let us spread it to the entire world with the aim of overpowering communism. If we do not overwhelm Kim Il-sung's unique ideology, Juche (self-determination) thought, embellished with falsity and deception, by assuming the ideological offensive, how can we ever dream of unification? (164-193, 1987.05.15)

Everybody knows I have made every endeavor to develop the ideological education of the free world through the establishment of our world headquarters in America. Starting with The Washington Times, I have opened a number of media organizations in different nation, trained world media personnel, given directions to professors and guidance to student movements in every country, mustered veterans including retired generals, initiated a movement for unifying the South American countries and a movement to unite world religions. I have directly implemented and carried out these activities over a long period of time.

During this time, I have made a great impact in America and Japan, laid the foundation in Europe and Latin America, and finally brought my influence even to China. I have spared no efforts to create the international conditions for the liberation of North Korea.

Korea is situated in a highly geo-politically delicate location. The four superpowers surrounding Korea - America, Japan, Russia and Communist China - have shown grave concern for and interest in the Korean peninsula. Exerting influence over these superpowers, we have to take the direction that is advantageous to our task of unification. If not, the unification of our homeland cannot be accomplished. Through the movement to promote ideological education on the global stage as well as through success in various disciplines, I have gained a certain amount of power and influence.

The Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea, which was launched based on that foundation, couldn't be an organization exclusively for Korea. It has to be like a UN movement that has ties with every nation in Asia and the world. The Citizens Federation will be expanded to Asia and the rest of the world in future. This is the hope of God and all humanity.

Now we have to accept our national and global tasks. The historical tasks of unification are eagerly waiting for righteous men to stretch out their hands. On receiving the historical calling from God, you have gathered to organize the Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea.

The founding spirit of Tangun, the founder of Korea, is based on the philosophy of respecting heaven and loving mankind. Today that lofty philosophy of national foundation has been sublimated and manifested itself on this earth as Godism, a philosophy for the salvation of the world's nations and peoples from the confusion of values.

Korea's problems are a microcosm of the world's problems. The solution to the world problems has an intimate, inseparable relation with the solution to Korea's problems. I am implying that the prescription to heal the world's problems can come from Korea. That is right. Godism, which can be employed as a prescription for the unification of North and South Korea, is also the same prescription for the liberation of the world from the yoke of communism and secular humanism. Let us rally for the establishment of our values and armament with a national ideology. May we have fervent hope in North-South unification and burning passion that can even pierce through stone walls.

Standing in the foremost rank of the great, historic march, let us have the pride and determination of achieving, with our own hands, the most splendid unification of the North and South Korea according to God's Will. We can make a worldwide foundation through the Citizens Federation movement to unite world religions. I have directly implemented and carried out these activities over a long period of time. (164-196, 1987.05.15)


5 Action for World Peace

5.5 The House of Unification for World Peace, The Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP)

The House of Unification for World Peace that I propose is not a political party. In other words, it will not have the function commonly associated with political parties of seeking to preside over the executive powers of government in a given country. It is, rather, a "house" whose purpose is to reinforce the concerted efforts of the world's countries and foster a unified foundation and common effort for world peace.

Through this structure, we can provide a new impetus to the work of providing opportunities for meaningful exchange and education on a God-centered vision for world peace to people of all nations and all walks of life, including religious and political leaders, scholars, journalists, educators, artists and cultural commentators, as well as leaders of women and of youth. This vision of world peace will be centered on families in which mothers, representing all the women of the world, achieve mind-body unity through love. (234-251, 1992.08.24)

To settle down on this earth, God has to settle on the cornerstone of the love-centered family nucleus. We have to make unity to achieve world peace, and the world has to aim for peaceful unification. The original source is not in the individual, family, society, nation or world. Though America is at present a leading nation of the democratic world, where must it make the foundation upon which to advocate peace from now on? Not in America. If the foundation for peace is placed in the United States, all other countries will rebel. If the origin does not put its root down in the family, which is the fundamental standard, it cannot bring peace. Even though we receive harsh opposition and there are enemies lurking around us, we must not give up the family foundation at any cost but must settle upon a stable foundation, or we will not be able to lay the cornerstone for world peace. It is in this sense that the body is to be known as the House of Unification for World Peace. You must clearly know this. (241-014, 1992.12.19)

The Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) must settle as a movement of the most thorough education in family ethics. Otherwise, there will be no fulfillment of God's Will, no world peace nor any national rehabilitation. To lay the foundation, a person like myself must go in search of the family.

The women's movement for world peace has become the House of Unification for World Peace. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) is a "house" for families, not a political party. Conflict cannot become the yardstick for peace. (232-199, 1992.07.06)


5 Action for World Peace

5.6 The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP)

With the intention to catalyze God's Will and realize world peace through sincere interfaith dialogue and harmony, I founded the Assembly of the World's Religions (AWR) and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP). These organizations are causing miracles to take place in the stagnant religious world. I also established the Youth Seminar on World Religions (YSWR) and the Religious Youth Service (RYS) to positively contribute to the prevention of racial conflicts and religious wars from rising among youth, and to the realization of an ideal world of peace under the name of God. Through all these organizations, I am proposing a new alternative to the world. (167-098, 1987.06.30)

I had to brace against and overcome all kinds of hardships before setting up the IIFWP last year. Aiming to realize a world of peace centering on God's Will and the inter-religious harmony, which nobody has been able to achieve, I have trodden a path of dedication and sacrifice for the past forty years.

We should not be satisfied with inter-religious harmony alone, but have to take a more positive stride in forming global unified organizations for world peace, together with social leaders in the academic world, political world and journalism. Religions must be exemplary in living for others while educating and taking the initiative so that these organizations can fulfill God's Will on earth. (234-273, 1992.08.26)

Living for others is the way of a filial son's love, a loyal subject's love and a saint's love. A saint's love is love for humanity. A saint loves heaven and earth, and abides by the laws of the heavenly palace. He can serve and attend God through his heart. We have to hold on to the vertical position. If we do not learn the duty of a saint or the duty of God's love, we cannot find the yardstick of peace for all religions. I surmise this is the target the Association of Religions in Korea must reach. (196-337, 1990.01.12)

As religions form the heart of culture, the Council of the World's Religions and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace are the heart of the World Cultural and Sports Festival. Religious ideologies, wisdom and values must become the standard for education, research, arts, physical education, press, politics and economics. The World Cultural and Sports Festival is a historic event that sets the spiritual culture of humankind in order, seeks true values for the sake of human happiness, and orients us toward a new peaceful world of culture in which God, humankind and the creation are harmonized. (234-268, 1992.08.26)

More than three-fifths of humankind are living in Asia, the cradle of religions. Korea has become the kingdom of that religious fruition. In that sense, how is God planning to achieve the unification of North and South Korea? Through Christian culture, we have to adopt a receptive attitude which Christians can accept, and find the path to a peaceful world by binding together the entire religious world - which represents the world of mind - under the theme of world peace. I therefore established the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace. In addition, by linking up the entire political world, which represents the world of body, and transcending national borders, I established the Federation for World Peace. If the religious world and the political world become one, a world of peace will arrive. It is only possible through a unified direction. Watching over the arena of such an environment, I founded this unified body centering on Korea. I wish to present the world's technology to North Korea on that foundation. Having advocated the equalization of technology in 1980, I received opposition from the free world.

In seeking for raw materials in Africa, Europeans exploited the Africans. Even America mobilized its military, economic and political power to extort resources from South America. I advocated the equalization of technology, which can instantly cease such plunder of the weaker nations. To achieve that, four German factories with advanced technological capability were acquired. These were connected to the world of high technology in Japan. I pulled them together for the sake of a world of peace. (222-135, 1991.10.28)

Centering on God's true love, I have been spreading the inter-religious and supra-denominational movement for harmony on a worldwide scale. Without harmony, exchange and dialogue amongst religions, how can peace ever come to the world? Are there not woeful and bloody religious conflicts in China, Ireland, India and other places now? At an assembly of the world's top religious leaders on August 27th last year, I officiated the founding of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, in which religious people pledged to realize world peace through religious harmony and co-operation. It is an invaluable organization. (234-261, 1992.08.26)

There cannot be two opposite directions on the road to a world of peace. The religious way and the political way must be a unified direction. Religions have to play a guiding role. The dominion of the mind over the body is a principle. On the 27th of this month, I created the religious sphere on the spiritual level and established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. Twelve different religious denominations from over forty nations are included. Now is the time to commence seeking the path to world peace. All I have spoken of at this point in time are the essential mainstream contents of history. (219-074, 1991.08.25)

The role of religions in the realization of the ultimate world of peace is absolute. Men of faith now have to tear down the wall that separates religious bodies and participate in building world peace with unified energy based on the single purpose of God. Now is the time for them to reflect on the point that their strength to work for world peace is inadequate, to develop true love, which is the motivation and fundamental element of world harmony within religions, and to spread the IIFWP movement from generation to generation. (205-160, 1990.08.26)


5 Action for World Peace

5.7 Other activities for peace

I aspire to the creation of a peaceful human society and a new God-centered culture for youth. Placing the young people of CARP in the vanguard, I promoted a worldwide movement for the realization of true love and true life.

CARP members and young leaders, let us march forward to create the true family that God has been seeking for so long and to construct a unified, peaceful world of God, arming ourselves with the Three Great Subject Thought of a true parent, a true teacher and a true owner through the privileges of youth, that are burning passion and wise reason. (234-245, 1992.08.23)

Youth organizations of the Communist Party known as Komsomol are found in all Russian universities. The offices of these organizations have made way for CARP. The Marx and Lenin Research Institute has become the PWPA office. From the viewpoint of national policy, Russia has had connections with America for generations. These developments are being driven by the conviction that henceforth the only ideology that can cope with the problems stemming from a change in the Russian system is the Unification Principle. (208-107, 1990.11.17)

Why did I establish a legislative and judicial association in America? Infringement of human rights is a serious problem. Standing at the forefront of seeking after truth, and in order to lead humanity on the true path to peace, I have to establish an upright judicial system. For that reason, I founded a legislative and judicial association. (125-304, 1983.03.29)

Man must in future explore the world of the sea and of the ocean. It is more difficult to live in midair. It is so much cheaper to safeguard the ocean while living there than it is to protect airspace. The sea is so intimate. (146-243, 1986.07.01)

The environment is always there to be assimilated, and is something that can naturally be connected to. As for the air, however, America has to concentrate its military forces on the air. Looking at the future world of peace, how wonderful it would be if investment in ocean development could be done with that kind of money. When the time comes for military defense to be phased out, where will the world be heading to? It is now time for the world to divert its interest to the ocean. That time will soon be at hand. (146-243, 1986.07.01)

In the new millennium, peninsular nations have to carry out important missions in the providence. Contributing merits and common experiences to world culture through the Federation of Peninsular Nations for World Peace, they have to fulfill the guiding role of realizing world peace.

I have not been teaching only about the way for humanity to live happily in a world of peace. Pioneering the way and founding various organizations to realize world peace, I have been fostering and largely supporting them. The Federation for World Peace (FWP), the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP), the Students Federation for World Peace (SFWP), the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) and the Federations of Island Nations, Peninsular Nations and Continental Nations for World Peace are all established to fulfill this goal. Did I set up a soccer team because of an interest in sports? Sports are necessary to further peace and harmony. If a famous soccer team plays once in a competitive game, the whole world will watch. Boxing is an individual game, but soccer is a team game.

Soccer team members have to unite and harmonize into one. You must realize that peace will come in an environment free of conflicts and battles. Harmony will occur in that situation. When a soccer team steps onto the field of competition to meet another team, the players have to embrace each other more than their own lives and achieve unity.

Therefore a soccer team itself symbolizes harmony and unity. What is oneness? Peace is indispensable in the family, society, and nation, on Earth and in Heaven. If peace is not realized, there will not be unity.

What enabled our professional soccer team, Ilhwa Chunma, to win the Korean championship is that all the team members were harmonized and unified based on peace. Unification is accomplished based on peace. Victory can be won by an individual player first making peace within himself and then all the players unifying amongst themselves. People are united through harmony and peace.

All sports have a purpose to make harmony and unity. Thus, sports are connected to the path of world peace, which brings harmony and unity. Accordingly, we made sports the main event of WCSF (World Culture and Sports Festival). WCSF was begun in 1992, the one last year was the second, and the third event will be held in Washington D.C. in 1998. (276-112, 1996.02.11)

To make a priority of establishing a worldwide organization for the hobby industry is a way of hastening all fields, such as the financial world, in the direction of peace. Therefore, I have prepared projects related with the ocean for twenty years. April next year will see the 20th anniversary of the ocean providence. (252-210, 1993.12.30)

It is my greatest joy that the Little Angels, who are ambassadors of peace and friendship representing Korea, are to perform in the Soviet Union. I think that the performance of the Little Angels will be the best gift to the people of the Soviet Union, who love art very much. Our conference might be the only kind where people can come to a convention and, at the same time, enjoy beautiful music and delightful traditional Korean dance.

Children are the best ambassadors for peace and friendship because they practice true love. This was the very purpose for the establishment of the Little Angels in 1963. Since its founding, the Little Angels troupe has performed on many world tours delivering a message of peace and happiness. (201-214, 1990.04.11)

Chapter 4 - Proposals for Hastening World Peace

4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace

4.1 Transcending borders and the International Highway of Peace

I announced a plan for a peace highway at the science conference. At that time, the group of PWPA presidents there opposed the plan. One arm of the peace highway will pass through a tunnel dug between Korea and Japan and go through Siberia and Moscow to reach London and the other will pass through India and the Middle East to reach London. (192-133, 1989.07.03)

Should the International Highway of Peace be established according to the plan we propose, free movement of traffic would become possible among the people of the various countries of Asia. As a result, North Korea would be influenced to give up its ambition to invade others by military force and opt instead for the path of peaceful unification. This plan would realize unity in Asia and bind together upper and lower classes centering on the yellow race.

With its starting point here in Asia, we are working to realize a realistic unified economic bloc centered on God's love as the absolute value and combining the civilizations of East and West, thus bringing about a new world of peace.

Today, all of humankind is yearning to escape from the world of disease, war, faithlessness and hunger and to see an ideal world in which peace and happiness overflow. We cannot think of this cherished ideal of humanity simply as an unrealizable dream. (115-175, 1981.11.10)

I envisioned a plan to make a peace highway and asked the PWPA presidents to send a letter of proposal to every head of state and government in the world. We must constructively engage China at all costs. I saw that we couldn't create the foundation for the freedom of the free world unless we draw China out of itself and have it stand face to face with the Soviet Union. Who is going to draw it out? Even America is not up to the task, much less the Republic of Korea, so I am going to do it myself. There are about three million people in Manchuria. Many Koreans are living there who have not been seen since long ago. I am doing this work by gathering together Korean residents in Japan, America and Germany. I have the ability to move technology. So, I am trying to combine the highest technology of Germany and thus to support China. (138-018, 1986.01.13)

We must insist that left and right wing become one by turning around 180 degrees through Head-wing Thought and returning to God's world. We can establish God's love and one world at that point and attain world peace.

In order to defend ourselves from the Soviet Union, we have to carry America and Japan on our back and then carry China on our back. With this latter purpose in mind, I announced the building of an International Highway of Peace at the Tenth ICUS in 1981. Do you know how many objections the group of PWPA presidents made against it at that time? They said, "Oh, we presidents are all opposed to it. Why does Rev. Moon alone think like this?" So, I started by saying, "You don't know Asia as well as I do. You know nothing about Asia and don't know about its history either, do you?" 880 scholars from 111 countries came to the Science Conference and I sent a letter with the plan for the International Highway of Peace to their prime ministers. Later, I sent the letter to the university presidents of their country as well. (139-122, 1986.01.28)

This is an age of "worldism." An age of "universism" is still to come. That's why people say that they want to travel around the world with their husband or wife. That is the ideal, so I have planned a peace highway. This is becoming a world-level issue these days, isn't it? A few days ago, on the first day of the month, we held a ground-breaking ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the peace highway, and a tunnel is under construction even now. The Republic of Korea is not even aware of it, but the whole of Japan from Mr. Nakasone down to every member of the Diet is in uproar. The Republic of Korea is not even contemplating it, but just quietly dozing, imagining it has the world at its feet. (148-027, 1986.10.04)

In the past, Japan was Rev. Moon's enemy country. Now, however, I am going to establish that country as a vanguard force that can receive blessings from the cultural background of the elder brother nation, and as an Asian country. To implement this, therefore, I am making a plan for the continent, linking to China and by means of the international highway through North Korea. The people of Japan have to do this. The fortune of unification will accrue from here; my theory and practice have been tested by history. (146-035, 1986.06.01)

We have invested much money for the construction of the Panda car industrial city in China. It is not a stratagem aimed at making a big fortune at a stroke by entering China ahead of others. It is my policy not to repatriate even a single penny of any profit that might be made in China. My motive for the investment was to plough back any profit gained into that region, by building the International Highway of Peace and by equalizing other ultramodern technology as well, thus making the 1.3 billion Chinese people better off. Nobody can say anything meaningful about world peace while ignoring China, whose population makes up a quarter of the entire world population. (198-164, 1990.02.01)

I am considering establishing an international peace zone between two and four kilometers wide on either side of the entire length of the International Highway of Peace. It will become an international zone not subject to national laws.

If so, criminals might think of this place as their base. Still, that is okay. We could put those criminals to very harsh training such as digging tunnels in the mountains! We could allow only those who pass such through such intense training come out to the world. (189-325, 1989.06.17)

I announced a peace highway project at the Science Conference (ICUS) in 1981 from the viewpoint that preparations for an age of peace have to be made embracing Japan, Korea and China. That is why I give priority to China. I saw no way to develop China into a leader of Asia in the future in the years 1980 to 1985 without our acquiring four high-technology factories in Germany. (187-156, 1989.02.05)

From now on, there will be more global interchange more than ever before, so I have proposed the establishment of an international highway for peace. I proposed it in 1981. What are the implications of this? It would mean that people would come and go freely without borders. It would have no national boundaries. There would be an eight-kilometer zone (four kilometers on either side) surrounding a road with four lanes in each direction. Thus, for example, Japan could have jurisdiction outside that eight-kilometer band adjacent to the peace highway, but not inside it. Every inch of that zone would be established as a non-aggression zone, thus allowing the world at large to freely come and go. Once a person entered the zone, there would be no national boundaries. Nobody would oppose you no matter where you went within it. When the peace highway comes into being in the future, you will be able go as fast as you like there. No matter what color skin you have, nothing can stop you there. There will be absolutely no racial discrimination. (182-234, 1988.10.23)


4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace

4.2 The media, communications and the peace movement

It seems people are curious to know why a religious leader would be making efforts in the media business, investing significantly in that area. What would his real motives be? The short answer is that I am acutely aware that the responsibility of media is truly heavy in determining whether today's world becomes a world of peace or one of war.

The last part of the 20th century is an age when the world if governed by media. The power and responsibility of media is becoming stronger than that of an atomic warhead or any military might. Accordingly, when the media put forward sound arguments based on a consistently true viewpoint about values, the media will become the standard-bearers of world peace. When it blinds people with irresponsibility, wrong guidance and exhortations, the media will become a tool for the destruction of world peace. Recognizing this, in 1978 I established the World Media Association in the capital of America, Washington D.C., and have been holding world media conferences every year. What I am ultimately seeking as a religious leader is true world peace, which must be based on a true viewpoint of true values, and on true love. I am very well aware that the media is one social institution with greater influence than that of any government or monarch in the realization of world peace.

Today, we in the Republic of Korea are standing at the crossroads of unprecedented, historic change. Now indeed is a time when our nation must establish a new chapter in its history, one that fully displays our creative, democratic and moral capabilities.

Now indeed is an important point of time that will decide whether our nation accomplishes unification or remains an eternally divided nation, whether it sees national revival or decline. The Segye Times was born here in this land at this time like this sounding the first rallying call. The Segye Times appeared before you proclaiming to be a symbol of free media and a good example of responsible media.

The Segye Times will be cry out for justice and not condone injustice. The Segye Times will transcend party politics, will be non-denominational and will spare no effort on the people's, the nation's and the world's behalf. In short, The Segye Times will become the pride of the Korean nation and of the people of the world.

By becoming a beacon of truth that rises high in the East and the West together with The Washington Times in America, The Segye Times will become a newspaper based on reason, clearly telling truth from falsehood and a guiding light for a true and free democracy.

The Segye Times is your very own newspaper. It is your voice and your spokesperson. In other words, The Segye Times will be the voice of your conscience. (1989.2.22)

Human prosperity and world peace and unification are not only the desire of all humanity but also God's desire. The ideal of peace is realized when subject and object, whether on the individual, national or the world levels, practice true love, which means to exist for the sake of others by centering on God. By the way, love does not manifest by itself alone. It appears in the context of reciprocal relationships. Parental love bears fruit only through having children. A child's love also bears fruit only because it has parents.

It is the same in God's creation as well. The father-son relationship centered on true love was formed in order to substantialize the ideal of true love that cannot be realized by God alone. God is the True Parent among parents, True Teacher of teachers and True King of kings. God is the eternal True Parent, True Teacher and True Master who always bestows true love. As children of God, human beings have first of all to go the road of true parent, true teacher and true master just like God has. All of these roles are for the purpose of perfecting the ideal of love by supporting others, by helping them with true love, which means to exist for the sake of others.

In this way, according to the great principle of natural law, one is meant to have genuine self-accomplishment in true love, which means to live unselfishly. An ideal family is established when people are centered upon true love and the up-to-down relationship of parents, the right-to-left relationship of husband and wife and the rear-to-front relationship of brothers are harmonized. Families are expanded and a country, the world and the universe are perfected in the same way according to the same principle and formula. The world-wide foundation I have made embracing the fields of education, the media, the arts and humanitarian relief is aimed at ultimately realizing an ideal world by investing unselfish true love according to the same formula.

Ideally, education that teaches unselfish true love and is aimed toward forming the character of a true parent, a true teacher and a true master, is received first on the family level. I think that school education should be an extension of this. Also, I believe that the function of social education in true love could be effectively fulfilled on a worldwide level by media organizations. This is because the media are a public institution that guides the whole of society and thus can cause relationships of unselfish true love to be expanded. (1999.2.1)

Recently I came to establish a new mission for media, to be known as the moral media. Accordingly, I made a proposal to The Washington Times - as its objective for the next ten years - that the media "become a media that contributes to the embodiment of a moral society." I am asking The Washington Times to become a newspaper that contributes to world peace and promotes family values because world peace is possible only through creating ideal families.

The media exercises a mighty influence and power over society, to such an extent that one may say that it constitutes the fourth estate after the executive, the judiciary and the legislature. I believe that the mighty power of the media should be used for goodness and become a power which contributes to world peace.

Before being professional career persons, media people were all originally God's children. You are all champions of peace who have received a special mission in the world of morality and true peace, which God desires. As has been shown, the World Media Conference exists as an open forum for free discussion among media professionals with the purpose of making substantial the ultimate world of moral principle.

World leaders in the media! At a time when the entire world and humankind are moving forward toward the ultimate world of true peace according to God's providence, we must realize that the media has an important mission from God, which is to bring about a world of peace. The media will have to move forward courageously and boldly as leaders that promote a world of morality by combining forces with every other effort towards peace, and by exercising its notable influence in realizing one extended family of humanity in the global age. (234-234, 1992.08.22)


4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace

4.3 Environmental and relief projects

Statesmen think of political and military matters as being the first priority, but they are not so. The important thing is how to launch an international movement by making a great alliance of religions and also by making an advance party such as the peace corps centered on the world humanitarian aid movement. The humanitarian aid movement is the most important. Therefore, the future policies of America or of Korea should all be formulated taking such world situations into account. (158-040, 1967.02.14)

Do you understand why I am interested in the sea? It is because it holds the key to opening the road to peace, which the entire human race will have to walk. (189-295, 1989.06.17)

I have gained much inspiration while moving around Central and South America in four directions.

I have thought about where the thirty-odd countries of Central and South America should go and the direction they should take to realize true peace and build an ideal society. The continent of Central and South America has infinite potential and limitless resources. It has infinite human resources that have not been exhausted. It is a fertile paradise of peace! It has magnificent mountains and wild life! It has the uncontaminated, beautiful and glorious wild life that existed at the origin of creation! I have a dream for a prosperous era in South America, which will surely come into bloom in the 21st century. (271-093, 1995.08.23)

I included the recovery of the earth and of the human environment as a topic of this peace conference. Our natural environment has been destroyed as much as it can be. Water and air have become polluted and even the layer of ozone, which has been protecting humankind is being destroyed. If things continue this way, humanity will descend to a state in which it cannot avoid self-destruction due to the materialistic civilization it has built centered upon itself. (271-094, 1995.08.23)

Now, we have to save those who are starving to death all over the world. They, too, are our brothers. No matter what happens, we have to establish tradition and save them. With well-off people being willing to accept less and poorer people being able to get more, we have to establish a country in which we can bring them into harmony. When people live in this way, they will become victorious princes and princesses who can communicate with the world of peace and heaven on earth and in heaven. We are urged to make the world this way. (269-050, 1995.04.06)

The fish industry is key to solving the food problem of the world's population in future, and we are training for it. In the world of the future, whether one hundred or several hundred years from now, people will come to respect Rev. Moon due to the conditions I have made through working out on the sea for twenty-four hours a day. We have to love the sea. I don't wear a raincoat even when exposed to rain. The materials through which people can meet me in one or even two hundred years time are around me. I think in such a way. It is precious. Only I know that. How much must the rain be proud? There has not been a person like me in the history of rain, or in the history of raindrops. A single raindrop will think deeply, feeling that a moment of precious history in which it can receive recognition as a king amongst raindrops has been reached. (207-194, 1989.06.19)

We have to utilize people and fish in order to harness the land and sea. What are we going to achieve by harnessing the land and sea? An age of peace will come to humanity in the future, and the food problem is going to be a very serious one for humanity from now on. Produce from the land alone cannot solve the food problem and hence provide a peaceful life for humanity. In other words, land on its own cannot provide enough food in the long term. Therefore, its harvest has to be complemented with fish resources from the sea. (207-216, 1990.11.11)

From now on, the solution to humanity's food problem lies in fish farming. When you go to a place like Hawaii, there are many buildings devoted to fish farming aren't there? By using irrigation pipes one can do this even in places deep in the mountains. One can do it as much as one wants in high mountains too. It will be no problem at all for a family to earn a living through fish farming on a piece of land of just one hundred pyong or even fifty pyong [1 pyong = 3.3 sq. meters]. Such a family will be more than able to educate their children at university. When we think of the size of the earth, the obvious way to solve the problem of providing a livelihood for humanity is fish farming. The acquisition of technology will be important to carry out breeding in the future. So, we have to draw water from the sea as far inland as we can. We can do so to a very distant place. Such an age has come. The utilization of seawater is possible at any place and even in the mountains. We are going to solve humanity's food problem this way. We have hope for the future as I have found a way to do fish breeding. (192-156, 1989.07.03)

The Unification Church, which works on the world stage for the purpose of realizing God's ideal, has to prepare ways to solve the miserable state of humanity like this. If no one makes preparations, the whole world will go to ruin. The thing that is going to be most important to humanity in the future is the problem of food and that of pollution. How are we going to protect ourselves from this pollution? Such environmental conditions as the contamination of water and air and the destruction of the ozone layer are influencing our life directly today. The age has come when they threaten us by the minute. This is a threat that is greater than any war in history. When we think that these threats have come to stare us right in the face, the future of humanity will be gloomy if we are not prepared to deal with them. (07-218, 1990.11.11)

What is the thing I am worried about next? The most troublesome problems of the world are pollution and environmental problem. What else? It is famine, the food problem. Many people starve to death worldwide each year. The question is who is going to take responsibility for this. (270-167, 1995.05.29)

Since about twenty years ago, I have taken an interest in the marine industry for the purpose of solving the food problem of all these people. Fish powder is the key. It is high in protein. We can solve the food problem by making this into powder. Thus, it will be convenient to keep and to transport it in the form of powder. We can multiply one ton of fish powder by thirty to fifty times. It is 98 percent protein. Advanced countries should have solved this problem, but they have not done so. (296-228, 1998.11.10)


4 Proposals for Hastening World Peace

4.4 Reforming the United Nations, and organizations for peace

When we look at history, we find that human beings have always aspired to peace and have made efforts in many ways to bring it about. Sometimes, people would use conquest of others to get peace and sometimes, they would use surrender to obtain peace. Now, there are two precious organizations this century that have tried to solve international conflict a peaceful way. These are the League of Nations and the United Nations. (166-129, 1978.06.01)

When we enter the world of living for the sake of others, affluent people will do things for the sake of the poor, and thus a world of equalization will come into being. Accordingly, we will see a world of peace and unity emerge. The relationships between upper and lower currents reveal the logic that the upper air cannot go down and the lower air cannot go up. It is the same with east and west. Water, air and love will all be equalized automatically, not forcibly.

So, the United Nations should now have the form of a country. The UN should be equipped with the framework of a strong country. If the UN wants to be a strong organization for peace centered on one ideal, it should invest itself for the sake of the rest of the world not for its own sake. If the UN does not work for the rest of the world, the world of peace and the ideal of one world will never be realized.

Because America does not want the UN to be above her, she wants to get rid of the UN. America must not do so. What I am proposing for the UN is that it have an Upper House and a Lower House in the style of a country's administration, and that it start a new history in a new dimension. The UN must stand on the religious ideal, the highest ideal of God and work for the sake of the entire world, not just for a particular nation. One nation must not have the power to dominate the rest of the world. The UN should be the center of equality. It should have an administrative system to promote equal rights for all nations. In that way, the UN can carry out the mission of realizing true peace in the world. The UN must not be an organization representing only a particular nation. If it remains so, it can never resolve the history of the oppressor and the oppressed. If that is the case, the UN will stay in the satanic dominion. (303-196, 1999.08.25)

The direction of politics should also be in line with true love by centering on the ideal of family. Everything including economics, culture and other matters should all be in line with true love. If those areas just go as they please, things will go more and more awry. So, the world is meant to be one at any cost. It has to become one by centering on the economic system, not on the political system. The political system is based on the idea of a ruling and a ruled class. Therefore, a world of peace and unification comes about only when the world moves toward a management system by centering on economics.

We are entering an age of globalization based on the family model, so it will become an age of equalization. Equalization of life and peace are economic matters. Therefore, humankind will collapse unless the UN manages economic problems well in the future. There should be no such leadership system as the front-to-back relationship that is centered on the concept of struggle or superiority and inferiority. Everything should move forward centered on reciprocal relationships of love. (303-192, 1999.08.25)

My wife and I are exerting ourselves to make a unified world of peace. Some of our representative efforts include working toward founding an exemplary UN university which will strengthen the foundation of the future world by transcending barriers of race, religion, nationality and language. (299-123, 1999.02.07)

The purpose of inter-religious movements and organizations I have developed for the past forty years has been the realization of the world peace which both God and humankind have hoped for. A vision of peace is at the core of those inter-religious movements.

Humanity has already twice experienced the misery of World Wars the 20th century. Also, through the experience of oppression and cold war with atheistic communism over a seventy-year period, humanity has gone through acute confrontation and conflict. With the end of the Cold War era, the world could drink a toast for peace, albeit for just a short time. Soon, however, humankind realized that the end of the cold war did not automatically lead to an era of peace. The world is witnessing violent wars all over the world. Even now, there are killings in the former Yugoslavia, the Middle East, in Sudan or in South Asia. Everybody knows that the deep-rooted conflict between major religious traditions constitutes the background of these disputes. These examples enlighten us as to how important dialogue and harmony between religious traditions are.

The United Nations should set a better example than any other international organization. Many people think that the UN is an organization that embodies the ideals of human beings in relation to world peace, and are placing their hopes in it. Representatives from every country are gathered at the UN to work together to solve the problems of the world and promote peace and human prosperity. (299-103, 1999.02.06)

A world of peace can be established fully when not only the statesmanship and good practice of politicians or diplomats who represent the world but also the wisdom and efforts of the world's religious leaders who represent the realm of heart and the internal world are combined together. From that perspective, it's even time to think seriously about the question of reorganizing the UN. Probably, we should also envisage a UN with a bicameral system. With two assemblies respecting and co-operating together, it may be able to contribute a great deal to realizing the world of peace. The acumen of the world's political leaders can be effectively complemented by the wisdom and vision of the world's major religious leaders.

Through regularly holding the Assembly of the World's Religions I am making an effort in the education of true love at the interreligious and international level. Last year I proposed that the world's religious leaders take the lead in having all religious people make offerings in units of the number seven to use toward establishing a fund for world peace. Offerings can vary depending on the economic situation of the country or of the individuals in question. An offering could be of seven rubles or even of seven million dollars. With the fund thus raised, we may be able to educate people on the wisdom and vision of peace and work together effectively to promote the ideal of true love and true family values. (299-105, 1999.02.06)

I am proposing that we liberate families through UN projects. We should cry out, "Isn't the UN supposed to be a pure love, family-oriented movement?" and if they don't listen, we follow up by saying, "A world of peace is established through families. If the family is destroyed, can a world of peace ever be realized? With countries breaking down, doesn't the UN have to have this kind of foundation? Politics? You have been acting through politics and as a result have brought disaster. So, aren't you supposed to do something if there is something that can revive politics?" (297-206, 1998.11.20)

If the UN does not follow me, I will make an Abel-type UN. That's why I created the Federation of Island Nations. I also created a Federation of Peninsular Nations and a Federation of Continental Nations. Many people including presidents of many countries said, "Isn't it your teaching and God's? Will that ideal world not be born unless we establish ideal families?" They are working centering upon the Secretary General of the United Nations. So, even in the convention hall of the UN, at least sixteen people came to me right away upon my posing the question. We held conventions and the secretary general approved of our efforts. So the Family Federation works as a ladder for the world to reach peace. What I have achieved is on the global level. (289-055, 1997.12.30)

Now we will make our department from the bureau of the UN. If only we can make an ideal family department directed toward peace, the world I envision will go just the way we plan it. So, if the UN does not listen to us, I will make an Abel-type UN. The UN has no master. (289-167, 1998.01.01)

The UN does not have the form of a country. Mired in a political environment, the UN is crippled. For a family to be established, there should be father, mother, sons and daughters. There is no master at the UN. They don't know who is who. No one other than Rev. Moon can make such a plan for world peace. (293-163, 1998.05.26)

There is no way to correct all the corruption merely by centering on the family. That's why I say that religions should all come together. Thus, it has to pull the world together and prepare a right path and a shortcut toward a world of peace. It is something only the UN can do. (288-204, 1997.11.28)

My wife and I are exerting ourselves in order to make one peaceful world. Some of our representative efforts include working to found an ideal UN university that will transcend the barriers of race, religion, national boundary and language and thus create a solid base for the future world. Distance learning universities are also needed for the exchange of knowledge worldwide. (287-038, 1997.08.10)

From now on, we have to make a department of blessed families within the UN. This is the straight road that goes toward world peace, so it is a road along which the United Nations can surely save everybody, every country, every family and every youth by having them join the department. (287-190, 1997.10.30)

The United Nations is like a body. We have to bring the world of the mind to the body and unite them together. That is the religious field and the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. Mind and body will become one only when the UN is connected to the religious field. Next, we have to bring the mother - the Women's Federation - and connect them up too. Next, we will connect up the Youth Federation and that will be it. Only if we can bring these four organizations to the UN will we become able to suggest the direction in which the UN can bring about peaceful unification and move toward one world in the future. (267-246.1995.01.08)

The reason I put the word peace in organizations such as the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Federation for World Peace or the Professors World Peace Academy is because working with the United Nations is part of their purpose. I have been making preparations for several decades. Originally, we were supposed to move ahead, following the United Nations as the standard. The United Nations must lead the work for peace. America alone is not enough.

For the UN, which has been working centered upon individual countries to work toward a world of peace, this cannot happen overnight. It has to come about over a long period of time. There has to be an example to follow in order for there to be some kind of conversion experience. If there is some kind of model at the sight of which the UN can say, "Ah, countries would be able to develop if they did like that," and an atmosphere is created in which the UN felt to publicize that model and countries supported it, then every country would follow that model.

Accordingly, underdeveloped countries more than any one of you here welcome the things that I am doing now. The number of developed countries is just a few. There are just a few highly advanced countries. The rest are all less advanced countries. Accordingly, if there were to be a form of peaceful model country which the UN supported, every country would all move in one direction automatically. (267-263, 1995.01.20)

When we look at the organization of the UN, we find that it has become the symbol of the body by centering upon individual countries. One hundred eighty-two countries meet together at the United Nations, but if we analyze the substance of it, each one is centered on itself and is exploiting and cheating other countries. This runs counter to the fundamental and basic theory of unification and peace.

The UN cannot bring about world peace as it is now. Each country is fighting to get benefit for itself. It should not be that way. That is why I am trying to connect the Inter-Religious Federation, which is centered on conscience, with the current UN, and behind it is the Women's Federation that is like Eve. Originally, world peace should have come centered upon women. If it does not, people will do nothing but fight. By creating an organization made up of women which can embrace Cain and Abel in its midst, we will create an atmosphere of peace all around the world centering on women. (258-156, 1994.03.17)

Now, an era of peace has come. There should be a model country to inspire America to become a leading country for world peace. Centering upon the United Nations I am suggesting a way to unify North and South Korea and the Middle East. By establishing the organization of the UN in the position of Cain and making a new UN organization, we have to have them be one with God's Will by centering on the unity of Cain and Abel. Thus, they have to have a model, which is a liberated model country of peace. (246-034, 1993.03.23)

Then, who should lead the world to peace? Heaven has to lead it. The religious field and political field should both be led by heaven. In this sense, what I advocate is a "United Nations" in the religious field. Next, I advocate a women's UN. It will surely happen. If things happen this way, humanity today will fully enter into the realm of God's providence. (248-245, 1993.10.03)

With the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the world is finally rushing toward reformation, change, harmony and friendship. The road of world peace is now wide open. Now, it is time to achieve true peace based on the great principle of winning peace, which is proclaimed today. Developed countries have to liberate underdeveloped countries from poverty and sacrificially help those new democratic countries that are in mid development. A policy of each country to sublimate its selfish interests would be a big revolution in itself. By this means all of us would be elevated to the position of parents and take an overall view. North and South Korea will join the UN General Assembly together this September. This is another epoch-making development through which we are being led toward world peace. At that time the total number of countries which are members of the United Nations will be 163. What then should the163 countries do now? (219-120, 1991.08.28)

After the end of World War I, humanity felt in its bones how enormous the disaster of war is and accordingly created the League of Nations centered on politicians and as a reminder of the ideal of one world of peace. However, being on the side of Satan, politicians tried to make use of the world's peoples for their own ends. (208-286, 1990.11.20)

Since the end of World War I, humankind realized how miserable war was. Everybody in the world, with their original heart that longs for peace, came to understand that there must be no more wars. After the end of World War I they believed that the world would move toward a world of peace and no war centering on the League of Nations. In less than thirty years, however, war broke out again. Still, the original desire of human beings which seeks peace is unchanging. People want to move toward a world of peace even at the cost of their lives. Accordingly, people set aside the League of Nations after the World War II and created the United Nations, asserting that all human beings are brothers. Thus we have come to an age when a victorious country liberates a defeated one and protects and elevates that country into the realm of brotherhood.

Now, the fighting of the cold war is over. The Third World War is a war of ideology. Russia and America are both afraid of fighting. Whether they like it or not, they have to gather scholars and advocate peace, saying, "The world should become like this. God exists!" even if it means inventing an imaginary God and an imaginary ideology. Without this, there is no other way to deal with the way the world is. Knowing such things and already knowing about God, Rev. Moon has systemized a teaching explaining the absolute value of God and incorporating a view of the world, and of the universe, an understanding that can liberate even God Himself. (204-084, 1990.07.01)

Chapter 3 - Democracy and Communism

3 Democracy and Communism

3.1 How are democracy and communism different?

Democracy and communism are in opposition to each other. The democratic world is seeking heaven and the communist world the reverse. Whereas the communist world is going after material things, the democratic world is centered primarily on the opposite. While the democratic system is centered on the individual, the communist one is focussed on the collective, the party. Whereas the democratic world is centered on freedom, love and peace, the communist world is centered on threats, the gun and the sword, and is ruled by force. The two worlds are diametrically opposed. (107-210, 1980.05.01)

The democratic world is centered on heart. Also, people in that sphere discuss peace. However, the ideology of communism by its very dialectic promotes fighting and struggle. It holds that the process of fighting and struggle is a primary factor in development. There can be no peace within its sphere. The two ideologies are so different. (047-113, 1971.08.22)

The democratic world has been tying the Communist party with the knot of brotherhood and the organization within which they have been doing so is the United Nations. Article One of the United Nations Charter concerns peace. It puts forward peace as its very raison d'etre. (050-156, 1971.11.06)

I think that there can have been no one in history who has not wished for a unified world of peace. We are aware that the world is now divided into two after going through a historical process. Looking at these two spheres of democracy and communism into which the world is divided, we come to ask whether an ideal unified world will come about through the democratic sphere or the communist one. Here, we must face the reality that we are living in an era in which human beings are more inclined to fall into despair than to have hope. (054-110, 1972.03.21)

Today's world is one in which the struggle is centered on the physical body and material things. No matter how developed economics, science or philosophy may be, they cannot in themselves bring peace to humanity. They are inadequate. Until such time as an ideology or heavenly movement capable of re-establishing the distinction between body and material on the one hand and the world of mind and spirit on the other, appears in the historic era of the last days, this world will continue to go to ruin. We are now confronting a final historical era in which God must at all costs determine a single focal point. From what perspective are we who are living in this age going to resolve and clear up these many problems? This process has been unfolding on a worldwide level and has manifested in two main competing worldviews - the materialistic and the idealistic. One has materialized in the land of South Korea. (113-280, 1981.05.10)

How do you find today's world? The world is divided between the Communist bloc and the democratic world, between Cain and Abel. It is divided that way the world over. Cain and Abel brought about unhappiness because they fought right after the Fall. In cleansing the blood lineage of that historic sorrow, the kingdom of heavenly peace cannot settle on earth so long as the Cain-type communist world and the Abel-type democratic world are divided and locked in combat with each other. Parents of peace cannot settle on earth. Therefore, a unified world sovereignty of parents will come to dwell on earth only when the communist world and the democratic world, which are like Cain and Abel, become united. Accordingly, the present era is the worldwide era of the last days. (056-353, 1972.05.18)

Coexistence, so far, has been coexistence in circumstances where a fight to deny the other has been continuing. Coexistence in a state of non-combat has not been possible. It has not been possible for there to be coexistence in such a way that each maintains peace and likes the other. From this perspective, we have to solve the struggle between the idealistic view of history and the materialistic view of history at its roots. From what position are we going to bring goodness to solve this matter? First, we have to firmly establish the basic standard and then we can deal with the matter centered on that standard. (037-120, 1970.12.23)

Today what counts anywhere in the world is whether mind predominates or material, or body, predominates. We have to realize that this confuses the field of thought in these last days. Mind is on the side of heart and body on the side of material and the two fight all the time. Is such a person at peace? We have to be aware that the world has created a state of confusion in this whirlpool. (119-104, 1982.07.04)

According to the Principle, I have to stand on the foundation of having united the democratic world that is on the side of Abel and the communist world that is on the side of Cain. Therefore, the two entities must be united. The world is separated into the democratic world (mind) and the communist world (body). I cannot open the door of world peace without standing on the foundation of gathering these two together. This is the principle. This is connected from the body of an individual all the way up to the family, the society, the nation and the world. (120-202, 1982.10.16)

Were there one or two origins of the universe? That is the question. If everything did not start from one point, but from two, and humanity is following these two conflicting lines, there cannot be such things as peace, happiness or freedom in the world.

What we call freedom unfolds in an environment centered completely on one master. What we call happiness or peace comes into being in an environment centered on one master and cannot exist where two masters are fighting. Can a family where parents fight each other be happy? Can people who belong to that family be happy? No, children who belong to that family cannot be happy. According to the logic of communism, the world will become the world utopia that communists desire by going through a process of fighting. This is absolute. Therefore, the order of the party has to be regarded as being more absolute than any other order. That would be fine if it were on the side of goodness where it could bring about freedom, happiness and peace. When we look into the intrinsic content of communism, however, it has content that is beyond belief. In other words, communists don't discriminate between means and ends in attaining their purpose. They turn against even their own parents, country or comrades if they get in their way. Thus, communism with its seventy-year history is shown to be a problem for the world as a whole. (135-269. 1985.12.15)

What is it that the communist world is seeking? It is a world of peace that is being brought about as the result of fighting. That world of peace is different from the peace the democratic world is talking about today. The communist world eliminates everything that runs counter to the communist thought. In other words, they are talking about a world peace that is created by cutting out such reactionary elements. It is different. Today, the Soviet Union is proclaiming peace, but the peace they are talking about is a state in which everything centers around Marxist-Leninism and every reactionary element which may be against that is disposed of and there is no opposition. Peace in the democratic world involves a concept of left and right being united together. It is fundamentally different. The democratic world holds that a state in which left and right work together harmoniously and thus have good interactions is one of peace. There is no concept there of anyone having to be eradicated. It has a comprehensive and ideological concept, but not a destructive one of eradication. People like us are thus fighting on the forefront as worldwide standard-bearers since this communism is an ideology that is unacceptable to humanity. In communism, people say that even love, family and parents are prime movers in exploitation. For example, from the communist perspective, children see their parents as exploitative beings making use of them for their own interests. In such a system there cannot be talk of love or truth. (168-164, 1987.09.20)

The peace contemplated by democracy these days is one that harmonizes, irrespective of height and direction. For example, people on a high social level can reach down and give a hand to those lower down the social ladder by helping them. People on the left can cooperate with people on the right and people on the right can cooperate with people on the left, thus coming into harmony. If an entity is large, it can give out part of its bulk to benefit an entity smaller than itself and thus achieve harmony. However, you should realize that that is not the peace strategy of communism. The respective concepts are very different. Gorbachev is currently making a peace offensive, but he is making that initiative on the basis that the world is already established within the communist system. He will get rid of anything that is contrary to that system by any means, fair or foul. (177-013, 1988.05.15)

We cannot put the world to rights in the future by means of war. Peace, harmony and mutual exchange are what will work. Money cannot do that. There is nothing better than sports. The next best thing is cultural activity. It is a matter of education, of giving scholarships and engaging in sports. After all, didn't China open up through table tennis? (175-336, 1988.05.01)


3 Democracy and Communism

3.2 What is the problem with communism?

What is communism? It does not affirm the being in the subject position. It does not approve the one in the object position either. What I am saying is that it has no direction and purpose. It would fall apart were it to approve any one of these things. It sees the relationship between subject and object as fundamentally a combative one. In other words, they become one through fighting. Where in the universe can we discern such a law? They say that men and women become one by fighting each other and that body and mind become one by fighting. In the relationship of subject and object too, they say that material is primary, rather than mind, which is seen as a derivative of material. They have turned things upside down. Saying that things are geared toward fighting, their actions focus on fighting. That is not the direction of peace. They say, "blood must be shed before there can be unity. Only after one sees blood can unification come about." I say this is contrary to the principle of the development of history and also to the very principles according to which the universe exists. (108-068, 1980.06.22)

The communist dialectic says that things become one through fighting. If the world of capitalism were to disappear and the capitalist system were replaced by the communist system, what then would become the purpose of fighting? The question is, would a world of peace come into being at that point? Would an ideal world of communism come into being then as we just sat and waited? One can hardly imagine that such a world would come about. If such a world should indeed come into being, or if there is indeed a spiritual world, would the spirit world simply leave the world as it is? What would God do about it if He does exist? If the world has been built, religion would disappear. It would become a world without religion. If so, would God who has been overseeing religion till now do nothing and just look on? Communism sets its sights on fighting against God whilst also setting its sights against capitalism. It makes religion a target of its struggle. Even if capitalism were to fall, they would not stop fighting against God. (097-240, 1978.03.19)

What are the strategy and tactics of the Communist party? They aim to establish a proletarian dictatorial government through surprise operations. What are the means or vehicle through which these surprise operations are carried out? That is the so-called "peace offensive." The communists make the bourgeoisie feel safe with them, until the latter become their loyal partners. The essence of communist thought is to deal a final hard blow at that time, knocking them down and taking back the regime by force. (078-215, 1975.05.25)

Dmitri Manuilski, who was an important executive member of the central committee of the Soviet Communist Party in 1931, laid bare the basic strategy of communism to the core members of the Lenin School of Political Strategy as follows. "Communism and democracy cannot coexist. It is still too early for us to attack now. Our time will come in twenty to thirty years from now. Victory will surely come by virtue of a surprise attack. Prey upon the world of capitalism and ensure at all costs that they remain asleep. The best method for this is to launch an unprecedented peace offensive. They will notice nothing untoward at all. They will sing a song of peace and rush foolishly into any proposal that may be tabled. In this way, capitalist countries will cooperate like fools in the digging of their own graves. We gain time by disguising ourselves as their friends, and when they are relaxed we will strike them a blow with our fist and knock them out right away." (078-251, 1975.06.07)

Communism operates through a dictatorial system, so people can be made to do anything through a single order. However, that is not the case in the democratic world. For example, if America all of a sudden reverses a certain policy such as one related to peace or friendship, there are inevitable repercussions. In future, this place, the world headquarters of the Unification Church in New York, will become the target of attack by the Communist party.(086-144, 1976.03.21)

The young people of America do not know about communism, by which I mean that they don't know what communism is like. People in the White House and congressmen do not know so much about communism, either. In American. diplomatic policy, they talk about peace or negotiation with the communists. However, the truth is that they are just being ensnared by communist technique and are induced to give away everything that is valuable to them. The communists' purpose is to penetrate and overthrow the democratic world by any means possible. They use such and such a negotiating tactic to that end, but they are all hollow words. (086-143, 1976.03.21)

Representing the democratic world in the position of Abel, we have to confront the communist world, absorb and digest it and win it over. Unity cannot be achieved through fighting. My vision is that true peace can only be realized in this world when we teach communists where they are in error and we thus become one. (086-229, 1976.03.31)

The ideological content that countries such as the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Rumania or Yugoslavia propagate is the same. They talk about U.S. imperialists with one voice. We have to be aware that they are attacking using identical content. Communists have so far had confidence that they would absorb the democratic world through a diplomatic policy based on peace offensives. There is no one who hates peace. Everybody says it is good and people are all entangled in that web. Have they not so far made extensive military expansion after making things like military prohibition agreements or nuclear non-proliferation treaties, using such devices as their means? As you know, the current military power of the Soviet Union surpasses that of America. America has so far relied upon a peace policy of non-proliferation, but the Soviet Union has been developing in the opposite direction. They are still reinforcing their bases aimed toward Europe and even strengthening their military power aimed at reaching as far as the coasts of the Asia Pacific region and India. For example, they are investing in a massive fleet and army garrison for Vladivostok. Everyone knows this. (086-145, 1976.03.21)

There cannot be peace between Satan and God. The Communist bloc in the satanic world is demonstrating the opposite of peace, including making preparations for war in the name of peace. For example, they imitate the world of peace that God advocates. Whereas peace on the evil (Satan's) side involves killing people, exploiting everything for their own sake and enjoying the benefits of plunder, God's idea of peace is to try to give everything by sacrificing oneself. The methods are different. True peace will come, so inevitably it will come under attack from the side of false peace and this will continue until it gets bored. This is a moment of just such a kind. (088-120, 1976.08.08)

Would the communists know about love or not? Would they regard love as more precious than material? I am saying that even communism will have to establish the logic that love is needed more than material in order to bring about the ideal world and peace to the human heart. Can something that is bigger and more valuable enter and belong to something that is smaller and of lesser value? How can something smaller come first, before something bigger? Therefore, a world of peace is an impossibility with that way of thinking. (093-144, 1977.05.22)

The peace communists talk about is different from our concept of it. They are making the most of the tactics of vocabulary. People in the free or democratic world go in search of a standard through which they can find harmony and unity, although they may have varying opinions, doctrines, purposes or directions one from another. This is what we mean by peace. We think of being one as peace, but the communist world doesn't see it that way. For them, to completely get rid of every reactionary element opposed to the proletarian dictatorial government is what is meant by peace. The Reagan administration is walking right into the peace offensive with which the Soviet Union is currently luring them. Their logic is, peace is a peace aimed at eradicating America. They are talking about the world of peace in which they eradicate and get rid of reactionary elements, receive the full support of the communist system in the Soviet Union and have things all their own way without any opposition. The vocabulary is different. So is the word "democracy." Their "democracy" is one that guarantees peace and happiness for workers, farmers and a dictatorial government. In the free world, we refer to democracy on the basis that the entire populace has co-operated in a unified way. Seen in this way, the strategy and tactics of communists are all deception. For them, the question is how to cheat others. This is what matters to them. (170-151, 1987.11.15)

The peace referred to in the free world is one that harmoniously embraces everybody in all directions including communism and democracy. The peace which communism refers to, on the other hand, is not like that. It is the peace that remains after they have got rid of all reactionary elements. Accordingly, it is a peace centered on a dictatorial form of government that supposedly exists for the benefit of workers and peasants. It has no place for the bourgeoisie who stands on the foundation provided by them and who can operate the higher level structures in society. We must know clearly that they are talking about a peace in which they have completely got rid of the bourgeoisie. What are they going to accomplish through peace? If they are looking toward a utopian world, what would that world be like? They envision a world of peace or a utopian world centered upon themselves, giving priority to workers. In such a world, the bourgeoisie and the capitalist form of society cannot exist. They are talking about peace from a position where they reject it completely. (172-014, 1988.01.03)


3 Democracy and Communism

3.3 The way to overcome communism

The man standing before you is not an anti-Communist. I am a man who shouts for victory over communism, rather than for anti-communism. In other words, the means by which God can put His hand on this world and lead it to become a world of peace will exist only when this democratic world - which has existed in the realm of Christian culture in the world's ideological spectrum - asserts itself with an authority that can surpass the communist world. (053-186, 1972.02.20)

The Communist party, which we can call evil, attacks others whenever it is powerful. There is no such thing as peace to them. With that understanding, I lit a fire in the hearts of the young people of the Unification Church and made them pledge an internal resolve to fight in the future. We have to have such a standard by which we can control power with power. Still, it does not mean that we are going to attack. It is the intrinsic nature of Satan to be able to attack anytime we are weak. What they call peace is merely their strategy and tactics. What should the people of Korea do at this time when a rapidly changing situation is so swiftly coming upon them? The time has come when we have to be armed ideologically and to be ready to make up our mind between the way of life and the way of death. (050-226, 1971.11.07)

Whether we are referring to the communist world or the democratic world, there is no way to obtain unity unless they are in a peaceful situation. In the meantime, the communist world is breaking down internally. Both the democratic world and the communist worlds are collapsing. Worldwide communism will fall to nationalism and America, which has been leading the worldwide democratic world, will also be limited by nationalism. (070-238, 1974.02.14)

Evil will strike first. Goodness will endure but evil will attack. America is stronger than the Soviet Union but is not striking the Soviet Union. That's why America is more on the side of goodness than the Soviet Union. Kim Il-sung of North Korea intends to invade the South by military force, doesn't he? Evil will take the offensive when its power rises, so the democratic world has to be prepared not to lose out in the balance of power. If the Communist party strengthens its military power whilst all the while launching peace offensives, the democratic world must do the same. (064-260, 1972.11.12)

The UN General Assembly is not important now. We will have to throw Satan down and also deal with the Communist party. That will be good, don't you think? I have done quite a lot of (Korean style) wrestling. If you make a mistake while lifting your partner with a belly throw, you will just slump down if you don't have enough force. Therefore, you have to be strong like steel. (078-329, 1975.06.10)

Once you know the law of indemnity, the problems of the world can all be solved. Then, will communism go to ruin or not? The Communist Party will go to ruin. They stage a purge on every political opponent of theirs, but they cannot live forever. After the person is dead and if their sons and daughters are left alive, they will then take revenge. Would a world of peace come this way? Can peace come in an environment of uneasiness and fear? Peace comes about when you can say, "Thank you" even while you are dying. If you say, "You have taken advantage of me. You are sacrificing me this way," peace cannot come. (080-238, 1975.10.24)

What is the only way for lesser powers like Korea, which find themselves in a miserable situation, to survive? It is to have subjective power with which they can digest the democratic world and communist world. Thus, if they have a power which is so strong that even a prime minister or minister of their country can bow to it and if one such person seeks out ten colleagues, then ten people become one hundred people and one hundred become one thousand and one thousand ten thousand.... Even with just ten people, a foundation upon which to digest these things comes into being from the foundation of power, and a foundation of peace can be established, though this is a question of time. (082-028, 1975.12.30)

People of the world are all going their own way, in four different directions. Centered upon Korea, there is China to the west, the Soviet Union to the north, and Japan to the east. One is going to the east; the other is going to the west. One is going up and the other is going down. Everything is different centered on one's own country. Language is different and life is different as well. Policy is different and the man of sovereignty is different as well. Can we indeed realize a world of peace, a world of happiness and an ideal world in such an environment and the world? The answer is no.

When we see the situation of the world, we find democracy and communism fighting each other in confrontation. What in the world has created such circumstances? There is no one who does not want peace. Everybody loves peace. The question is, why, then, should mind and body fight? Where then should we find the origin of these problems? Where should we find peace? In general, people think that the world of peace will come when America and the Soviet Union are united. However, this is not the case at all. People's greed is directed in different directions. The direction of communism and the direction of democracy are different, so they cannot become one at all. Even though two systems may be united, the state can be divided again if one side tries to make use of the situation and look after its own interests. You have to know this.

Then, let's think about the starting point of peace. Today, can America become the starting point of peace? Can the Soviet Union become the starting point of peace? No, they can't. Next, can today's religious organizations become the starting point of peace? They also fight. The Presbyterian Church is fighting and the Methodist Church is fighting. Besides, established churches are hitting the Unification Church. We play a catcher's game, but not a pitcher's game. We defend, but have never attacked.

From this perspective, can religions become one? Is the unification of religion something easy to do? When people establish a law and make a decision according to the principles of democracy, most of them will follow that resolution in general. However, religion is different. Then, centered on religion, how can we have the standard of peace and the starting point of peace? It cannot be done with today's present religion. Then, what about today's political system? It can't be done with that either. You don't have any objections there, do you? You're not supposed to. (086-028, 1976.03.04)

America, which represents the free world, says, "Let's not make war. We hate war." For example, if you don't dare get into the ring when a wrestling champion in the ring challenges all comers but just say, "You'll be defeated by me," that doesn't make sense no matter how triumphantly you may say it. If you just say, "Hey, come on. Why don't you just come down?" while not actually entering the ring, it just doesn't make sense. On this occasion, no matter what the champion may say, the other person has to just listen in silence. Communists have been raised since they were young until now with a one-sided education of "Down with democracy! Down with Yankees, the ringleaders of capitalism!" They make an effigy out of American people and just prick it every day. It is this way, "If it's American, first pull out the eyes which are the best. Cut out things starting with the more precious parts. Cut off the nose. Cut off the ears. Cut off the hands." If it's a woman, they say "Cut off her breast and nose." However, America simply says, "Why don't you stop being like that and accept peace? What about peace?" It is madness. Look at the Korean Airlines disaster that happened recently. It is a challenge not only to Korean airlines but also to America. It is the same as the wrestling champion in my example having done something similar in the ring.

Now, what is Mr. Reagan going to do? This is the problem. What is he going to do? I guess you feel like asking me what I am going to do as well. Also, what is God going to do? God is looking at the situation. God will say, "You, Reagan. If you act in a way I agree with, I will protect the American people so that they can survive. If you don't, however, they will go to ruin."

Does peace make sense to Satan? If the free world should fail in this situation the world would be lost The communist world is atheistic. Atheism has invaded more than half of the world centered on the lust to conquer the world. In other words, it has swallowed up half of the world. If the free world loses this war, then the day it does so religion will also disappear, not to mention God Himself, the providence of salvation of thousands of years, and the providence of restoration. Although God sent Jesus, the Messiah, and countless saints, and shouted aloud for salvation throughout history, people will have to enter through a narrow door in the Last Days and will end up dying behind prison bars (128-266, 1983.09.04)

When we see the situation of the world today, the communists are waging three forms of war. These are a war of ideology, a war of information and a war of propaganda. America is a big and powerful country. However, it does not have a firm policy with which it can fight against and win over communists. The political leadership of America has been reluctant to fight against communists face to face, so as a result has repeatedly retreated and made concessions. Accordingly, it has even got to the point where Latin American countries adjacent to America threaten the freedom and peace of America. If communists were to seize the might of America, what would you do? Do you think that they would guarantee your freedom and peace in the form you enjoy them now? I don't exclude the possibility that such an unfortunate situation could arise in America as well, and I know for sure that that such symptoms are appearing all over the world already. Many countries in Central and South America have started to recognize that Rev. Moon and his thought alone offer hope for the future. Now, Unificationists have to persuade Americans and get them to understand. (130-285, 1984.02.07)

Physical strength alone will not enable the people of South Korea to save North Korea. There have been many plans for unification. The Lee government took over everything with military power. During the time of the Jang Myun government, they had an ideology of unification centered on the advocacy of peace, but the industrial foundation collapsed. So, people insisted that the foundation should be reconstructed. Also, during the Park Chung-hee government, people suggested that North and South Korea work on an equal basis. Now, they have formed the South North Coordinating Committee and through it are holding exchanges, but North and South Korea have different systems and different ideological concepts. What are they going to do with the systems? Can the South Korean people digest a people who are beholden to a unitary communist system? No, they cannot. To expand their lifestyle centered on the concept of fighting is their developmental logic, so we have no alternative but to ignore their ideological system. (168-230, 1987.09.20)

By applying the principles of peace and harmony, we can cope with communist logic of fighting according to their dialectic. What is destroying today's free world is individualism. How the free world, which is based on such individualism, is to survive is what matters and the answer to that is simple. It is to live for the sake of others. Everything is saved by a single means, which is to live for the sake of others. (189-107, 1989.03.19)

The right eye exists for the sake of the left eye, and these right and left eyes exist for the sake of the entire human being. So too the limbs. Nothing exists merely for its own sake. Therefore, only an ideology like this can create an ideal world. The world of peace can never come with the communist ideology of destruction and the concept of struggle. Logically, it can never come. (182-136, 1988.10.16)

Now, young and talented men of the Soviet Communist party have turned around completely after receiving four-day education in the Principle. In other words atheists have become believers. I picked out talented students from famous Ivy League universities, took them to Moscow and had them listen to lectures on matters of faith. Something historic is happening whereby sons and daughters of families belonging to the communist elite who a mere year ago had been professed atheists, have turned around and are educating and moving sons and daughters of high level American families in the time-honored faith-based tradition of America. (228-173, 1992.03.27)


3 Democracy and Communism

3.4 Unification Thought, Head-wing Thought and the age of harmony

I now declare that our Unification Thought - or Godism - is Head-Wing Thought as well. It is neither right- nor left-wing, but head-wing. This is because true peace for humankind can be realized neither by right- nor left-wing ideology. It is because neither can eradicate selfishness from their fundamental motivation. When one is centered upon one's own self interest, there is a contradiction of interest that never disappears and so there can be neither unity not peace. (164-194, 1987.05.15)

The democratic and communist worlds have been fighting until now. So, they are striving to beat each other down, each saying that the other is the enemy. The peace we seek cannot appear in a world like this. Accordingly, what is inevitably called for is a new movement focussing body and mind. A new movement aimed at creating one victorious foundation on whereby mind can manage body completely must appear on this earth. Thus, it must be able to bring the democratic and also the communist world to its side. (020-169, 1968.06.09)

You will reap as you sow. Why have a left wing and a right wing emerged? What is the origin of the emergence of right and left wings? It is not just because politicians chose to name them as such. The liberation of Jesus will not come to pass unless a historic course of indemnity is followed and the right and left wings disappear. The gate to heavenly peace opens only when the world becomes one in which both right and left wings kneel down together before Jesus in such circumstances praising him and saying you alone are the victor of glory and the ultimate victor. This is the understanding of the last days we gain from the Unification view of history. (050-224, 1971.11.07)

From now on, what kind of world must come about in place of the communist and democratic worlds? A world must come in which people respect God, making Him the first priority. In other words, the world of hope which our hearts hunger for beyond the realm of death must appear on earth. This is the very time for the kingdom of peace which we have longed for and what we Unification Church members call the era of heaven on earth. We must go out to the world to resurrect the realm of death (020-181, 1968.06.09)

Only the unification of ideologies centered on heart can build a heaven of peace and a kingdom of peace. In other words, the unification of ideologies can perfect heaven on earth that human beings desire. (109-133, 1980.11.01)

When a man says, "Here I stand!" as a man of Unification Thought centered on the Principle with his right leg and the Counterproposal to communism with his left leg, he becomes a son of God. Things do not end there as destiny, but a new ideal begins. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth can start from there. When that time comes, Rev. Moon will organize the Kingdom of Heaven. When God asks, "How are things going?" I will answer, "I have finished everything." I will say, "We, your children, also longed for a world of peace." (123-304, 1983.01.06)

I assure you that the time will come for the Unification Church. It is absolutely inevitable. The Unification Church is not focused on democracy or communist thought alone. So, what is going to be the focus from now on? When we see the atmosphere at the summit meetings, we see that the two blocs are fated to be at odds, and draw back at the prospect of world peace. Seeing this, we cannot but take responsibility for it. As the one leading this Unification Church I cannot help but be concerned.

How is the Unification Church different from America or from communism? America has asserted an ideology that is focused on the twin dimensions of people, and of democracy and communism, and has also advocated an ideal of world peace. America of course is considered to have Christian culture, but she does not put God in the absolute subject position. These days, she relegates God to the rear, saying that God is dead and man is the key. When we analyze the general content of these two ideological forces, we find that both communism and democracy have become two-dimensional. The Unification Church, however, is different in one key aspect and that is that we have a three-dimensional quality.

Even if the world is made into one world of peace, that is not the end but must be taken as a starting point for a new ideal of universal peace. This is what really matters. What is going to be the starting point? People should not be so lest God be excluded as a result. Whereas the Unification Church sees world peace as the starting point, democracy and communism see world peace to be their final goal. That is the difference. Then, what is the reason for the democratic world to be divided, and why does the communist world have to be divided as well when the goal of both worlds is world peace? It is because they failed to transcend the phenomenon known as nationalism. They have different cultural, racial and religious backgrounds. From this perspective we can understood that America is governed by Anglo-Saxons. They think that they have to be in charge. The problem is how we can overcome this. (129-232, 1983.11.06)

The democratic world is seeking a system of knowledge that is focused on freedom. Communism is centered on a standard called peace, but a peace that is based on the people at the bottom, namely the workers and peasants. By the way, does the motto of freedom which the democratic world asserts never change? Does the standard of peace that is centered on the people not change? Is it fixed or does it move? In the past, the democratic world asserted an ideal of freedom that gives first consideration to law and attaches great importance to principles and tradition. These days, however, it is asserting an idea of freedom that ignores both law and tradition. Communism, too, changes its standard. For example, in North Korea, if its system truly existed for the sake of its people, would have to exercise its authority through a group of people which existed for the populace as a whole more than others do, but on the contrary is handing down authority to a direct heir just as a king does to a crown prince. This should not happen even in Communist ideology. Seen in this light even the communist standard of peace wavers.

Communism and democracy are seeking an external form of world peace or of the world's freedom, but are ignorant of the internal nature of freedom and peace. Although external forms may change, internal nature should not. Externally, there can be changes all the time, but in no way should quality change. If something is undergoing an external change of form, it is developing. However, there cannot be any intrinsic change. Why? Because internal nature does not change.

The Unification Church regards concepts such as "peace on earth" or "the unification of the world" as the starting point from which one ventures toward the realm of inner human nature. Today's world is talking about the external forms of world peace and global freedom, but longing for a world of spiritual culture. So, the final objective of the free world is actually the starting point toward the world of our internal, spiritual nature. (129-236, 1983.11.06)

We shall first have to produce world-level leaders from our homeland of Korea, and establish heaven on earth, which is a unified world of peace. Also, we will have to solve the gap between rich and poor and between North and South Korea as well as the cultural difference between East and West through Godism and Head-wing Thought and build a world of peace, a global society composed of one extended family of humanity which is built on love. (195-052, 1989.11.03)

Even the Soviet Union is aware that, as they have said, "Rev. Moon does not unilaterally detest communism. From a broad humanitarian point of view, he is a pacifist." They are aware that I take the position of providing a defense against it since the Soviet Union is hostile to the realization of peace. They know what we advocate through our literature. (186-220, 1989.02.05)

I say that Godism and the True Parent Ideology, which I have declared, are the basis of true peace and will take the lead in the twenty-first century. With Godism and Head-wing Thought we can build a world of peace in the twenty-first century. Its core is parental heart and true love. The twenty-first century is the age of the True Parents and the age when all mature spiritually, and in love, becoming true parents themselves. (234-234, 1992.08.22)

When we look at the communist or democratic worlds now, we see that the age of confrontation has gone and that an age of unity has come. However, the problem is that although an age has come when people can advocate peace, the true basis upon which they can attain that peace is by no means clear.

Although the world is in the midst of confusion, people are without a vision of the future that can overcome this. Communism has tried to gain supremacy in the battle of ideals, but the dream has been shattered. So too has that of the democratic world. America currently leads the democratic world, but its state is too far away from the ideal of peace. Rather, it seems to be losing hope. Moreover, young people have been corrupted and debased, so there can be no vision for the future. We must find out where this world of confusion, divided by all kinds of ideologies and divisions, is heading. That is the problem. (229-261, 1992.04.13)

Why are we asserting Head-wing Thought? Because it can digest every contradictory element within Adam and Eve, give men and women a unified foundation of peace and thus prepare the ground for the family God originally intended. That is the basis of Head-wing Thought. (226-133, 1992.02.02)

Who will bring together East and West? No one except Rev. Moon can do so. Centering upon the Christian sphere of civilization and the sphere of civilization based on Eastern Thought, I have established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, which can digest the huge territory of uniting Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam. Next, on the political level, I have set up the Federation for World Peace and am ready with a formula by which Western society and Christian society can unite in the East. By centering on Head-wing Thought and Godism politically, I am moving toward a world of peace by making the political climate of the world one, based on internationalism. There are not two directions. Things must move toward one world of peace. The direction of the world of peace is toward oneness, not two.

Therefore, our Unification Church itself must become such that through it individuals, tribes, nations and countries can become one. We are creating families by transcending everything that has any nationalistic element in it. In other words everything is interconnected. We discover that God is trying to unite all religions and the entire political world through Christian thought in this age of the Second Advent. A world of peace comes about by following a single direction, not two. This is a time when politics, economics and religion must combine together and go forward to one final destination.

So far, politics has dominated religion, so religion and politics have become enemies. Rev. Moon is the founder of the Unification Church. In spite of that, not only religious people but also those in politics are following me. In this way, I have fully established an atmosphere in which I can guide people to go in the direction of one world and a world of peace in accordance with Head-wing Thought and Godism.

To what degree has politics sacrificed religious people until the present? How much has the body beaten the mind? In each case about the same! Now politics and religion are meant to become united through me and head toward a world of peace. No one other than Rev. Moon can lead from now on. The world of peace, the ideal state that God desires, should come into being. That's why things have to be united. Everything is united into one when you witness world peace. There is no such thing as a white man or black man. Everybody is one. (224-292, 1991.12.15)

Rev. Moon is trying to build a unified world, a world of peace, by pulling together everything, not only including the left and right wings but also the front and rear wings. (222-140, 1991.10.28)

Why do people marry? So as to become one with God through His love and to unify men and women based on love. The origin of the unification of the universe and the origin of peace starts right from there. The essence of true love is for a father to live for the sake of the mother, for the mother to live for the father, for an elder brother to live for the sake of his younger brother and for the younger brother to live for his elder brother. With the love of the eternal God settling there, combined together with unconditional love for the sake of others, such a family finally becomes an eternal family. This is "Head-wing Thought." (221-212, 1991.10.24)

Omniscient and almighty God is a God of love and peace. Such a God could not have created a world in which people fight and kill each other. There should be neither conflict, nor misunderstanding. There should only be a world of peace with its people seeking after truth, goodness and beauty and making unity through beautiful cooperation and mutual help. Only such a world can last forever. It is a world that resembles God and lives for God's ideal and essence.

We call such a fundamental ideal for the world Godism or Head-wing Thought. It is natural that there will be peace wherever people live for the sake of others. In religious terms, such a world is heaven on earth. If this were the work of an Omniscient and Almighty God, He would have made a world of peace and happiness. If not, God cannot exist. This was the ideal of true peace at the origin of creation. (219-116, 1991.08.28)

From now on, we have to start with thinking and ideas that are God-centered not man-centered. The latter has no future. The only hope is that God, if He really does exist, has thought of a way by which He could start toward the final destination in realizing the ideal, and I am proclaiming such a concept. I insist that left and right wing have to become one by turning through 180 degrees based on Head-wing thought and return to God's world. We can create God's love and one world there and achieve world peace. (215-205, 1991.02.17)

America does not have an ideology that can win over the communist Soviet Union. If America is armed with Godism centered on Rev. Moon's Head-wing Thought, it will go in God's straight vertical direction by receiving Rev. Moon's guidance with the internal and external having become one together upon an economic foundation. When we reach the standard of the original ideal of creation following a straight direction and a realm of brotherhood is established in which the world has inter-connected families, a realm of world peace will be established accordingly. Therefore, in order to unite politics and religion, I established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, since the religious realm represents the world of heart, and the Federation for World Peace focusing on the world of politics, thus making them into one. (214-243, 1991.02.02)

What is Head-wing Thought? It means to go in search of Godism. What is one to do after having found Godism? One will set out again in search of pacifism. Godism means to meet with God, become united centered on His love and set out again toward pacifism. The starting point of the original heaven on earth comes into being from that world. Those who live there forever surely enter an eternal world without end. There are no procedures they need to go through to enter there. (206-131, 1990.10.03)

The ideology of true parents becomes the true center of the spirit world and the physical world. That is the same as Head-wing Thought. Head-wing Thought is Godism. They are all the same concept when seen from the standpoint of true love. (205-261, 1990.09.09)

Chapter 2 - The Reunification of Korea and World Peace

2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace

2.1 The Korean peninsula, microcosm of world conflict

Because the Korean peninsula is divided into North and South today, even if we have a nation, we cannot have a unified sovereignty. To have a unified sovereignty, the Korean people must be united to fight together. Even if the Korean people have the unified sovereignty, it is still not enough. With sovereignty, the Korean people must move up to the world level. Even if they have to sacrifice their hard-earned sovereignty, they must go battle on to restore the world. Otherwise, the world of peace and unification God is looking for will never come. (048-309, 1971.09.26)

If Abel cannot subjugate Cain, a world of peace will not come about. The conclusion is that we cannot expect the unification of North and South Korea as long as the problems of world politics are not resolved. (050-252, 1971.11.07)

Our nation's cherished hope is the reunification of the two Koreas. For a long history of five thousand years, we have been a single peace-loving nation rich in culture, customs and traditions, and fluent in the logical language of Korean. One Korean nation, a land of picturesque rivers and mountains! Our people share the same destiny. (164-186, 1987.05.15)

God made Korea go through tremendous hardships to summon it for His providence. It is a nation of suffering and a nation of goodness that has long paid respect to heaven and overcome trials with a spirit of peace and morality; therefore, it is being called by Heaven. To save humanity in the Last Days, it has become a sacrificial offering in providential history. Having gone through a history of suffering for thousands of years and finally as an offering for the salvation of mankind, Korea is still shouldering a heavy cross in world history, the division of the Korean peninsula. (135-345, 1985.12.16)

In Korea, there must be an Abel-like nation and a Cain-like nation. It has been divided into North and South at the 38th parallel. If the Cain-like nation, North Korea, is not subjugated by the Abel-like nation, South Korea, world peace will not be realized. The nation and land have been divided into two. Looking broadly at the world, it has been divided into the democratic and communist worlds. The two partitioned camps are tangent on the Korean peninsula. Hence, the unification of Korea is a scheme to unify the world. (034-275, 1970.09.13)

The Korean race is also known as the baedal race. What is that? The Chinese character dal in baedal (the earliest name for Korea) means "pass through or transmit." What does a carrier or deliverer do? He is like a liaison soldier who conveys news and messages. The Korean nation therefore communicates news and messages to the world. This name is well given. It is all very principled. The Korean people are also known as the baek-eui people, or folk clad in white. The character baek means "white," which symbolizes peace. White is a color which anybody can set as the standard, day or night. Red or yellow cannot be used as an indicator at night. Only the color white can be. Hence, the Korean people can be the standard for the world. (034-291, 1970.09.13)

The 38th parallel traversing the Korean peninsula today is not so great a burden. Besides that, a stronger and more extreme line dividing Russia and Communist China has to be surmounted. To prepare for the foundation of peace, a nation must establish a victorious foundation that can erase a more terrible demarcation line. (035-024, 1970.09.27)

When you are sweating and bleeding, everything is flowing profusely. It is the same when you are dying. Do not retain any lingering attachment for your personal desires, but clear them up completely. These things will come back to you after you have thoroughly liquidated them. From this standpoint, which direction will you head for, passing though the Republic of Korea? A person seeking peace without affliction or hindrance is a traitor to his nation. (035-028, 1970.09.27)

A nation that is not divided cannot lay the foundation for the Will. Like an offering, it has to be separated into two. Centering on those countries containing democratic and the communist elements, problems spring up in this world. World peace will not come knocking on the door if we do not reorganize the world centering on these divided nations, unifying the democratic world and subduing the communist world. (037-297, 1971.01.01)

The place that can receive accusation from the spirit world and that is substantially reflected in the physical world is the Panmunjom truce village [in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) dividing North and South Korea]. If all countries belonging to the communist world do not hold up the banner of peace there, transcend their background and power both internally and externally, and confess truthfully that they are losers, the heavenly kingdom of peace will not come to this earth.

How much have mass communication and communication networks risen today? When we flick on a switch or press a button, almost anything can be transmitted within thirty minutes to anywhere in the world. Under such circumstances, when Korea has established an unprecedented victorious welfare nation, bringing the peaceful unification of North and South in effect, other nations will try to look, come or follow even though all people of the world say not to. Accordingly, we have to unite and pour in all of our efforts. (037-319, 1971.01.01)

Though all people long for a world of peace and oneness, they agree that it cannot become one just by itself. The reality is that people are hoping for the unity of the world as spelled out by the democratic or communist world. If that were the case, is the communist world ready to unite with the democratic world, or vice versa? The problem is an exceedingly tough nut to crack.

When will this confrontation come to an end? As long as it persists, an ideal world of peace or oneness can never surface. Before looking for a way to unification or an ideal world, is there a country in the world whose people can say it is a unified nation that can replace the ideal world? (053-009, 1972.02.04)

Nobody today can deny that the Korean peninsula can be a base for launching satellites. Does anybody deny that Korea has emerged as a base that can leap to the pinnacle of the world, and open its gate to peace for humanity? (121-167, 1982.10.24)

To be a nation that can survive in the world and be welcomed by all people, the Korean nation first has to be a crossbearer to save the world, sacrificing its sovereignty and country. Establishing a victorious foundation by taking up the cross, it will receive glory on the day when the kingdom of peace is constructed. (125-244, 1983.03.27)

The tension between North and South Korea rather than the rivalry between East and West Germany is exacerbating the problem of the democratic and communist worlds. As long as Korea is unable to win over communism, the unification of Korea is but a daydream and peace will not come to the Korean nation.

To embrace peace, this nation must settle the underlying problem of antagonism between communist Russia and democracy. This is not just my stand. When we consider it from the providential perspective to be a providential focal point in which God is dealing with the physical world, if God does exist, the view to reconcile communism and democracy will be established. As Korea is situated between superpower countries such as Russia, Communist China and Japan they can expand their areas of influence in the future world in any age. As long as they command internal authority, they will be a source of problems. From that point of view, I have already thought about conflict between the democratic and communist worlds.

Think of a world of oneness after transcending the democratic and communist worlds. If the primary problem of the world remains unresolved, the basis for peace will not exist in Korea. From an ideological viewpoint, democracy does not contain any unified contents of the world as far as national ideas are concerned. Instead, it centers on the contents that the ideological system of communism is world conquest. (130-073, 1983.12.26)

The foundation of the Unification Church and my foundation are laid by absolutely obedience to Heaven's Will, living for others. Breaking through the oppression of Christianity and Confucianism, and solving the misunderstandings between East and West, I have erected a victorious foundation. If the Korean people and Korea lead sacrificial lives for the world on my triumphant global foundation, God will definitely shower much more abundant historical blessings upon Korea than He did on America. Not only will Korea overcome her suffering, but she will be the center of truth, love and peace in front of the world as well. The fact that God loves Korea is not for the sake of Korea alone. God's blessings upon Korea will bear fruit only if the Korean race serves the world. (135-238, 1985.12.11)

Korea is originally a peace-loving eastern nation. Koreans therefore deserted the continent of China and swarmed over the Korean peninsula. Even Confucius complimented the non-barbaric, peaceable eastern nation, and remarked that saints resided there. His desire was to visit that nation. (179-029, 1988.06.15)

As North and South Korea have been pitted against each other for forty years, ever since their division, their cultural climates are non-identical. The democratic and communist systems are perfectly distinct, not to mention the languages used. Their concepts of peace and freedom are disparate. The recent popular democracy many people are talking about is radically different. It asserts a standard for peace after eliminating all reactionary elements and contenders, centering on the proletarian dictatorship. South Korea is ignorant of the clever disguise of terminology. She is still in the dead hours of the night. (173-219, 1988.02.18)

As you know, Russia and Red China are divided. The Russian system inevitably supports pacifism as a countermeasure to their economic policy, and turns to the western society and the free world. North Korea is now left in a miserable situation, for it can follow neither Russia nor Communist China. It has merely concentrated on beefing up its military forces in order to communize South Korea. Amending their way of thinking is as difficult as changing a leopard's spots. (173-067, 1988.01.03)

The Korean peninsula, divided into democracy and communism, is the providential center of the world. Fully knowing that the unification of North and South Korea is the key to world peace, I have been investing all my heart and every ounce of my energy to carry out this task throughout the world. It was for this reason that I visited North Korea to confer with Kim Il-sung regarding this matter. (229-080, 1992.04.10)

The baek-eui people (folk clad in white) are amazing. White symbolizes peace. In spite of the fact that the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans were killing one another in China and Siberia, Russia, no Koreans carried knives or daggers with them. Examining the corpses of the Japanese or the Chinese, one can see they had weapons on their bodies. The Koreans only carried flint stones for starting a fire. This symbolizes the spreading of the truth. Flintstones are not just for lighting cigarettes or pipes, but also for making a fire anytime in cold places and for opening up an environment of life or death. Only the Korean nation has the origin of the alpha and omega, the point of the beginning and the end. Korea is also known as the eastern country of courteous people. In the history of Korea, Koreans have never even once invaded another country, and the country has constantly been serving as a stepping-stone for sacrifices. (220-274, 1991.10.20)


2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace

2.2 The nations central to God's providence

In the case of Korea, Japan and China becoming one, it will create an Asian problem. When the standard of the Adam nation, Eve nation and Archangel nation is being restored on the horizontal level, this will pose a problem in Asia. The traditional standard that these three nations intend to set, standing in the vanguard for peace in Asia, must merge into a new notion that is above the racial and national standards. If that integrated tradition is acknowledged to be different from that of one's own nation, all the other Asian countries will associate with it. The question is how to build that traditional foundation. (040-131, 1971.01.30)

Korea bled so much under Japanese tyranny. Since Korean history began with shedding blood, Koreans have to restore their nation through bloodshed. This has already been achieved through another nation. Nevertheless, Korea refused to accept God's Will. Consequently, on 25 June 1950, the Korean people were confronted with a more gruesome enemy - the Korean War - during which they underwent another untold ordeal. The tragic war did not bring about unification of their country or the conditions for peace. Instead, Korea was divided and men of faith today have to follow an exhausting path. (043-274, 1971.05.01)

Centering on the foundation and environment for restoration in the Asian region, who is the archangel? The archangels of the formation, growth and completion stages are the leaders of Asia, America and West Germany respectively. Has Adam on the satanic side become one with the archangel on the worldwide level? They are separated into two. America is divided into the left wing and the right wing. Korea is partitioned into North and South. Germany is also divided. When their struggles and conflicts come to an end, the world will enter the age of the heavenly kingdom of peace. The day when Korea, Germany, and East and West have achieved unification will see the complete dissipation of communism. (047-205, 1971.08.28)

People are very concerned about the most important issue of when and how America is going to proceed in the future. Many people are thirsting for an ideal world overflowing with peace and liberty. We can easily perceive that hope. Looking at the trend of the present world, we cannot attain that ideal world; however, our present objective is very unclear and uncertain.

One cannot find in America an ideal that teaches people to love the world more than their own country. Hence, America cannot be a country that leads her people to construct an ideal world. Until Americans can sacrifice themselves or their country for the benefits of mankind and the entire world, a world of peace, happiness and thrift is impossible. Russia is in the same boat. If Russians cannot sacrifice their country for the world, neither God's providence nor an ideal world can be consummated. (052-009, 1971.12.11)

Individualism is apparently good for an individual, but most Westerners are overemphasizing this concept. As a consequence, they are flying like hawks in the sky as the wind blows them, having forfeited their state, nation, race, tribe, family, parents and even themselves. This is the very reason why true peace does not exist in the Western world. (052-012, 1971.12.11)

America has to give guidance to underdeveloped countries, and these nations have to follow the lead of America as their big brother. When they live that way, the whole world can continue to exist and revolve forever. If they progressively revolve faster, they will consequently become one. At that time, God will appear at the center, and a world of peace can materialize. (052-018, 1971.12.11)

The black, the white and the yellow races all meet in the melting pot of America. They are the descendants of Cain, Abel and Seth. The world has taken its present shape of today owing to the dispute among these three brethren. To accomplish a peaceful world, these three races have to unite into one. (052-077, 1971.12.22)

American citizens flatter themselves as being peace-lovers. However, they must understand that perfect peace comes only after goodness prevails over evil. If America retreats, do you think the Communist party will follow suit? After the withdrawal of American troops from Asia, India is going to fall right into the hands of the Russians as planned. Russia and Communist China are presently fighting over the neighboring countries. The communists intend to devour America and the democratic world with their ideology, so they are assuming the peace offensive.

Some may think, "Is Rev. Moon encouraging us to provoke a war on Americans? He isn't a pacifist..." Some people may interpret what I say as such. However, that is far from the truth. America has no real friends. This is a huge problem. If America is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the world, it will never perish. The time will come when all nations of the world will become like brothers. (053-073, 1972.02.09)

Evil will always strike when it has the upper hand. Look at Kim Il-sung during the twenty years after the 1950-53 Korean War. Was there peace? Far from it. Snakes are forked-tongued. They go back on their words and retract their promises. Where can the prerogatives God gave to the naive Americans be found? Centering on God's dignity and privilege, where do we find a bulwark for shielding against the evil forces? As someone who knows God's Will and thus volunteers to walk a lonely path unknown to others, my blood boils at the very thought of it. (053-134, 1972.02.13)

A new movement has been kindled in the United States. Clinging onto the world, nation, society, race, tribe and family, youths are making a new departure. When this movement strides forward more forcefully than opposing groups who have run away from their homes, a new hope will bud in the United States. Awakening the Americans and religious people who may miss the opportune time and are in imminent danger, I must bequeath them freedom and a world of peace and blessings that God is searching for. (053-322, 1972.03.05)

Whom should the Lord of the Second Coming work together with first to build the ideal world, the world of peace? It is not the communists. It is not the Muslims. The Lord must work together with Christians. The Lord of the Second Coming and the Christians should have united as one and should have taught communists the right path and prevailed over them ideologically. Christianity should have been able to prevail over other religions in the same way. Would you like the central nation of that great providence to be America or Korea? From God's point of view, He can work much faster if He works centered on America because it influences the world. God granted tremendous blessing to America because of its special mission. If America fails to fulfill its mission, its future will hold nothing but darkness and disaster. (054-052, 1972.03.10)

What did the medieval Vatican do? Religions take charge of the internal, spiritual matters, while the Roman Empire takes care of the external, bodily world. The spiritual religions must have the capacity for guiding the physical nations, but they could not. They all exploited and manipulated nations in the name of religions that proclaimed peace. That was a violation of the principle. Just as the mind has to sacrifice itself to pull the body, to redress the violation of the heavenly law, religious leaders have to give their lives to shepherd political leaders. They have to be the driving force for peace and happiness of all nations. It is sad to say, but they are acting otherwise. (081-237, 1975.12.28)

The Archangel nation is America, the Eve nation is Japan and the Adam nation is Korea. Who must these three nations unite with? As the Lord of the Second Advent comes to Korea with the new Will of God and the ideological structure of making the world one, they have to serve and attend him. Tying the spiritual fruit of the cultural sphere of Christianity above the fruit of the physical cultural sphere, they failed to unify the spiritual standard centered on the Arabic world in Jesus' time with the physical standard centered on the Asian region. A heavenly world of peace will be substantiated on this earth when the three nations have unified the Asian empire, the Middle East and the Arab world, and liberated Israel, returning to the historical age. It will be a unified world. This is the dispensational view. (081-250, 1975.12.28)

Cain and Abel are in the individual and family, and among tribes and nations. To link them together, I have lived the life of a combatant. The world is divided into Cain and Abel. Communism has gained power over the last two decades. Red China was censured by the United Nations in 1950 for being an invader and a destroyer of peace. After twenty years, not only has Communist China become a UN member, but also a member of the Security Council. (052-071, 1971.12.22)

The Archangel sacrificed the seed of men for his own self-centered purpose. The seed sprouted with a wrong motive, and the entire world came to take a totally unprincipled direction. Not only was the Archangel's desire evil, but he even willingly sacrificed others to fulfill his desire. The leaders of the world are those who did not hesitate to sacrifice others for their own sakes. The strong always ended up holding the power. The struggles beginning with an individual are expanded to the family, tribe, nation and world. Peace or an ideal world cannot exist based on evil motives and selfish desires. (052-010, 1971.12.11)

The history of the Messiah is different from that of Cain. Cain-like history is the history of the satanic world, whereas the messianic history unfolds centering on God. Hence, there has been constant antagonism between God and Satan throughout human history. If God is positive, Satan will retaliate and want to be in the negative. This has become the realm of negativity. If Satan is not subjugated, unity cannot be achieved. If unity is not achieved, the garden of Eden, a world of peace cannot commence. (057-165, 1972.05.31)

This world itself is Cain-like. The heavenly side has to come to this world as Abel. The Cain-Abel history is the issue, because the unfallen, original form of the garden of Eden has to be reinstated. Peace will be where oneness is; war, destruction and downfall will be where fighting occurs. This is the Principle. What is Abel's role? He does not come to fight, but to unify and realize peace.

Satan's subordinates are gaining power and strength in many countries. As the champion has not arrived yet, they have been thrashing, tearing, trampling, and doing whatever they wish to. Sending the world champion, God wants to smash and shatter them into pieces. He strategizes to set up the world Israelite champion, the champion of Heaven and Earth, the champion of heart, unity, peace, happiness and love. (038-185, 1971.01.03)

I have linked four nations to the whole world. They are paying indemnity in lieu of all other countries of the world. In order for other countries to form a relative relationship with them, the Unification Church dispatched missionaries from America, Germany and Japan to 120 nations in 1975. I told missionaries from these three nations to be one. Starting points arise around the world centering on me. The nation becomes one, and is concurrently connected to the whole world, and thus to a kingdom of peace. Putting the three enemy nations together, I ordered them to love one another as they would themselves. (122-046, 1982.10.31)

America so far has been living for itself. It must seek after the truth, lead and live for the world. It should have begun in this way, but it did not. Instead it has hoped to dominate the world. It has abandoned God to hanker after its own benefit, has overlooked the losses and damages of the weaker and minor nations of the world, has forgotten about the construction of a world of peace for all humankind, and aims to inherit a victorious foundation only for itself. God's history bade it farewell there. The foundation on which God can implement worldwide activities is not established. That is the problem. (148-144, 1986.10.08)

Is Korea not small? Manchuria and China used to be the stage for the activities of Korea. China is now a savage tribe. Korea is prominent for being a peace-loving eastern nation. Koreans cannot stand wars, but salute peace. Looking at the traditional history, Korea is an Adam nation and Japan an Eve nation. An island symbolizes a woman. The Korean peninsula resembles a penis and Japan is shaped like a vulva. They should hug and love each other. (192-319, 1989.07.09)

The First, Second and Third Israel are represented by the Jews, Americans and Koreans respectively. They are three brothers, and also represent Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. The Allies of France, America and England and the Axis Powers of Japan, Germany and Italy have to stand united. If you do not create a peaceful family but harbor enmity against one another under one roof, what will become of your family? It is out of the question. (251-039, 1993.10.15)

I believe that the Soviet Union will take charge of a very important role in God's plan to build a world where true peace is maintained. This far-flung Soviet Union, which extends from the Far East bordering Korea, which is my fatherland, to the heart of Europe which is the cradle of Western civilization, was born with the fate to be a bridge between Europe and Asia. We have to think of ourselves as one global family that lives together in one household called the earth. (201-213, 1990.04.09)

Do you know how the government of China thinks of Rev. Moon now? I don't talk about myself since it may sound like I am blowing my own horn, but it says "Mao, step aside." Mao liberated his nation, but he doesn't have the content with which he could build world peace. His idea is dialectic logic, so he has taken strategy and tactics by interposing a logic of fighting so far. However, Rev. Moon teaches a logic of harmony, not a logic of fighting. I have entered a stage that has already absorbed the dialectic logic of fighting by accomplishing strategy and tactics through a harmonious logic. What we call philosophers, religious people, or others have all been utterly defeated by me. (206-192, 1990.10.07)


2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace

2.3 The principles of unification

Our wish in relation to the Republic of Korea is the unification of North and South. Further, on a bigger scale, that of the world, our wish is that the democratic world and the communist world will become one instead of fighting, and thus realize a peaceful world. (041-009, 1971.02.12)

A plan for unification is not something that is to be realized in North and South Korea. How can we prevent the fight that occurs between mind and body in human beings themselves and develop the realm in which the mind has the leadership and maintains the standard of peace? When the mind and body are connected, it becomes the world. For that reason, the stronghold of heaven is the mind. (047-272, 1971.08.29)

America, which has the most extensive military power in the world today, has been fighting for years in Vietnam, but has not built peace yet. When we see this, we can clearly witness that one cannot bring peace through military power. Also, one cannot seek for one world with the ideology of the democratic world or the ideology of the communist world. The age of ideology is passing. (039-347, 1971.01.16)

Where is the way of unification? It is not outside, but inside. We have to eliminate the fight between our mind and body and have the mind take precedence over the body. The individual, family, society, country and the world must go the way the mind dictates. Then, unification will be realized automatically. However, can we bring about such results today? The Soviet Union is talking about peaceful coexistence, but it is a pretense. It is a camouflaged strategy. (039-266, 1971.01.15)

North and South Korea cannot become one with guns and swords. They have to follow a foundation based on heart that honors God. Unification is impossible to achieve when they are off the proper course of peace. Heavenly fortune will not be in harmony with them. (144-165, 1986.04.12)

Where should we pull the Republic of Korea to? We have to lead her to the garden of love, not to the garden of power and not the garden of falsehood. North and South Korea will be dealt with properly when we lead them to the garden of true love. Unless we treat them as brothers centered on common parents, the world of peace will not come about. (168-223, 1987.09.20)

What must we do for today's world to become a world of peace? Fighting cannot reconcile these divided countries. History that began with fighting cannot be resolved through fighting. Since it began with a struggle, a way to resolve it peacefully must appear. If not, peace cannot come.

As we infer from the Vietnam War or the situation of Korea today, the time for resolving problems peacefully is rapidly approaching, but we seem to have found no way thus far. This is painful.

The world is at stake right here. It is groaning in a situation which doesn't seem to improve through fighting or other means. One cannot introduce a world of peace through force of arms. That is something God hates. (062-093, 1972.09.17)

What we desire is to live in an ideal society, but we are living in a world of confusion and contradiction. Then, what are we supposed to do? That is the question. With what can we arrange this chaotic and contradictory world? With power? Would it be done with power? In a communist way? It may work one time, but not always. When there is an up, there is a down. It's inevitable. We see the Soviet Union in trouble with three years of bad harvests. Is it because people want it to be so?

We have to know that a world of peace cannot come about even with a power that can leap over a country. Can it be done with knowledge? A world of peace cannot come with knowledge, either. Then, with money? Not with money, either. (115-314, 1981.11.29)

Who causes war? Does God cause it or do people? People do, but God is there and watches it all. It is because things have to turn around. However, to create a world of peace through conflict is not God's Will. It is not Rev. Moon's will, either. God is thinking about how to do the work through love, not using force. It means how to digest with love. (103-182, 1979.02.25)

Actually, it is rather simple to make peace come to this world today. North Korea will not fight and peace will come when South Korea is completely living for the sake of North Korea. The power that can move bandits or unfilial children is neither fists, nor force. It is the power of true love that will move others. Faith alone won't straighten out fallen people who are living contrary to the great principle of heaven and earth. The attitude of the established churches that one will go to heaven if only he believes in Jesus is not enough. (177-221, 1988.05.20)

The purpose of the unification of the North and the South, which the providence demands, is not unification itself. It is to generate eternal freedom, eternal peace, eternal happiness and the eternal ideal on the foundation of unification. Therefore, unification cannot be accomplished by force or by causing harm or discomfort to others. Unification should be achieved through true love, which is to give and give again to others. (234-258, 1992.08.26)

The conflict on the Korean peninsula reflects clearly not only the conflict between the advanced countries and underdeveloped countries, but also the conflict of eastern and western cultures. Therefore, the unification of the Korean peninsula not only has an inseparable relationship with world peace, but also will become a compass indicating an important direction for solving the world's problems in the future.

To fulfill the mission of the True Parents, I have undergone every kind of suffering and hardship in order to realize world peace through the philosophy of Godism. Godism helps us to rediscover God, who has been pushed out by humanism and forgotten by materialism, and teaches us a point of convergence where God and human beings will meet together. (234-241, 1992.08.22)

The basic principle that can unify North and South Korea into one is the establishment of true families and true individuals whose minds and bodies are united through God's true love. Furthermore, this principle can also be expanded to that of world peace to realize true freedom, peace and happiness. Therefore, the unification of the Korean peninsula is preparation for the important opportunity to create a unified world in the future, and further, to unify God and human beings.

The Korean peninsula where we are discussing the unification of Korea and world peace today is in a historic ideological confrontation in which two trends of thought, that is God-centered Hebraism and humanistic Hellenism, which have been in conflict throughout human history, are confronting each other under the names of free democracy and communism. Accordingly, overcoming this ideological division on the Korean peninsula will serve as an ideological model that can be followed to unify the world. (234-239, 1992.08.22)

We have to unify North and South Korea with true love. The unification of Korea cannot be done with the force of arms. We failed once and things won't be solved through force again. These days there is a trend of insisting upon peace. If someone tried to use force in this environment, he would be denounced as a rebel. (233-283, 1992.08.02)

I believe that the work of solving the problems of communism and realizing world peace cannot be attained simply by ideological confrontation or education alone. It is because economic support is also very important in reviving the world.

This time, I entered Pyongyang as an apostle of peace. I have a firm belief that, no matter what happens, we should not bring a fratricidal war on ourselves in this Korean peninsula.

I hope that America is extremely discreet in things that threaten the Korean people's right to live. I believe the nuclear matter with North Korea can be resolved peacefully. We must surely resolve the matter peacefully through genuine dialogue and mutual respect. I went to Pyongyang with the purpose of opening a way to dialogue and returned, having fulfilled the mission of trying to solve the matter peacefully through dialogue. (224-253, 1991.12.07)


2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace

2.4 The mission of Unificationism in relation to the reunification of Korea

You have to be Unification Church members who prepare to go to the 38th parallel even at the sacrifice of sleep, before I can attempt to cross the 38th parallel. However, I wonder how many of you would in fact be prepared to do that. What's more, I wonder how many of you would be willing to go beyond national boundaries and to sacrifice your life in order to save the nation. When the number of such members from all over the world increases sufficiently, the Unification Church will be naturally equipped with a victorious worldwide foundation and will be able to build the kingdom of heaven on earth. (035-115, 1970.10.04)

You must keep moving forward till the day I can go to my hometown, set up offerings and hold a celebration for the liberation of this country. We cannot just leave the land of North Korea as it is, having been trampled on by the enemy. We must completely drive out communism, which is the number one enemy. It is our strategy to try to achieve this objective rapidly on the external level and unleash a concentrated offensive in Korea to drive out world communism, since we cannot bring freedom and peace to that land of North Korea before doing so. (035-308, 1970.10.30)

Now in Japan, people are publicizing the Communist party and the Unification Church quite openly. Although members of the Communist party join the Unification Church, not one of our Unification Church members has joined the Communist party. Executive members of the Communist party in one prefecture of Japan are coming in numbers. So, Kim Il-sung sent a message to the ninth party convention of Chochongnyon [the pro-Pyongyang federation of Korean residents in Japan]. His message read, "Until we root out the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in Asia, there cannot be peace." (039-123, 1971.01.10)

Those people in North Korea centered on Kim Il-sung have been brought to unity through coercion and through death threats. However, we have to become one heavenly family by investing our own life in an environment that is free and peaceful. In doing so, unless we are on a higher level than the Communist party centered on Kim Il-sung, we won't measure up to the historic mission by which, through us, God can gain control over the satanic world. (040-187, 1971.02.01)

The Unification Church has to fight for people before country. It has to fight for the nation. However, Korea is divided into North and South. If the nation is divided, it cannot become a sovereignty in which the Koreas achieve peaceful unification. It can only amount to a one-sided sovereignty. What is important above all else is to find a means of establishing a national standard of mind and heart that can transcend the divisions between North and South Korea. I think that this is the task into which the Unification Church has to invest its energy in the future. (049-097, 1971.10.09)

Although your thoughts may vary, you have to be unified through Unification Thought and naturally subjugate Satan, the chief accuser, with your own effort. To advance with determination to die only after having paved the way for the foundation of peace in the heavenly country, though your body might be trampled on, is the path the women of the Unification Church must go. So, what are you going to do outside the peninsula? Women of countless families in Korea must follow the path the women of the Unification Church are going. (050-241, 1971.11.07)

Thus far in history, the bosses and the workers have been the ones with the power. They could move the world. However, there was one class of people who could not have influence and they were the people of conscience. The highest people among those of conscience are members of the Unification Church. The Communist party has the motto, "Workers of the world unite!" We also have a motto and that is, "Let all people of conscience unite and cooperate!" The Communist party does not recognize middle class people, but we people of conscience will bring the three classes to stand together. This is our field of battle. We will embrace everybody. In other words, black, white and yellow. A world of true peace will come about when we harness the efforts of all such people and gain victory over communism. (052-134, 1971.12.26)

Won't the restoration of the world be accomplished in an instant once the country longed for by God is found? Once our hearts can embrace three countries other than our original one, we reach four countries. Then, a form of four-position-foundation country is realized in the world, so a protective fort comes to be built which Satan cannot invade. Only then are the world of peace and the land of heaven formed. You have to understand clearly that it is the original hometown the Unification Church is pursuing. Also, you must clearly understand that the group of people who are investing their passion for that purpose and who have gathered to invest their youth is the Unificationists. You have to understand clearly that they are the group of Unificationists who must root out the power of evil that disrupts the course of life. (056-288, 1972.05.18)

The Fall started from within the human mind and the destruction of humanity began from there. So, evil manifested itself in many forms such as individualism and materialism. The democratic and communist ideologies also foster different manifestations of evil in the human heart. As you know, in the Soviet Union, although Stalin was Khrushchev's predecessor who appointed Khrushchev to be his successor, Khrushchev did everything to bring down Stalin as soon as he gained power. It was an awful struggle. How could there be peace in this world? So, now I ask that we Unification Church members reject what came about due to the Fall and what has come to be accepted as the purpose of civilization since the Fall, and go in search of the reality that existed before the Fall. This is the principle of the Unification Church. (060-067, 1972.08.06)

If you are to bring Satan to his knees, it is not enough to bring just one country to its knees. Satan has a worldwide sovereignty, so you have to expel Satan's sovereignty as well. Only then will a realm of liberation come into being on the earth. So long as there is so much as a shadow of Satan's accusation on earth, the ideal of the garden of Eden, which God made as a garden of freedom and peace, cannot be realized. Heaven on earth is completed only when the shadow of Satan's opposition disappears completely from the earth. We can start the liberation movement of the celestial realm only once the foundation for that work is completed on earth. This is the path members of the Unification Church have to follow. (057-131, 1972.05.29)

You have to know that the Unification Church has toiled on this sorrowful path of indemnity in the course of restoration. However, you should not remember the hardship you have undergone thus far. Should you hold onto this suffering, you will have no alternative but to harbor bad feelings toward your nation, parents, church, and others. Such would be a sad road of indemnity. On the contrary I am suggesting that we let go of the past altogether. Thus, let's make a world of freedom and peace that has no indemnity and an environment of heavenly restoration that is filled with freedom and thus a heaven of freedom in which we look to how God is feeling and feel happy when God is happy. However, you have to understand that unless you offer all your blood, tears and sweat in order to realize such a world and fully follow the path of filial piety and loyalty in your life, you will have regret at the end.

The final moment is upon us. In the face of a national destiny in which North and South Korea oppose each other, the Unification Church will not disappear in the face of difficulty nor be broken amid persecution. I have come here to ask you not to neglect to make your own preparation to become those who are qualified to inherit the world of tomorrow as builders of peace and of the nation of liberation, for all nations and for the world and also as individuals embodying the very highest standard of responsibility in the world. It is inevitable that based on such a foundation, a new family, a new nation, a new world and a new country of God, that is the world which God desires, will be created. (065-095, 1972.11.13)

Today, it is the view of the Unification Church that the purpose of salvation resides not in individuals so much as in a nation and the entire world. If a country is saved and becomes a peaceful kingdom, its people become a people at peace. Likewise, when a world of peace is created, countless nations that belong to that world will constitute a realm of peace. (036-178, 1970.11.29)

Now all thirty million people of South Korea, all husbands and wives, should go out to fight for peace on the Korean peninsula and for its unification. If they do that, fathers, mothers, husbands and wives will meet in tears at the 38th parallel with the bell of liberation ringing. And the 38th parallel will be the point where all people offer their gratitude before God. Only then can Korea be peacefully united and the Kingdom of Heaven arrive. However, if everyone in this nation maintains a heart of hatred, Korea will perish. Who is going to take on the task of unifying Korea? Only the Unification Church can. Seen from that perspective, you must realize that you have to take the prayer condition up until August seriously. (059-162, 1972.07.16)

Whereas the enemy's gun barrel is pointed at the backs of those who think nothing of being in debt to others and of sleeping, peaceful liberation will come, and the sound of praise for victorious glory awaits those who live for the sake of others. Isn't this the case in the world as well? Those who were beaten sleep with their legs straight and those who struck the blows sleep with their legs bent. The Unification Church, which receives the beating, sleeps with its legs straight and the established churches that beat us sleep with their legs bent. Accordingly, the established churches gradually go down and the Unification Church, little by little, rises up. So, no matter where I go, I have no feeling of shame. No matter where I go and no matter whom I may meet from the established churches, I can hold my head up high. (059-211, 1972.07.16)

Our life of pioneering the bloody path of history has been tragic and miserable. However, if we have pursued it not for our own happiness, but as a messenger of heaven for the sake of the liberation of the nation and the peace of the world, will it not be remembered in history forever? When the accomplishment comes to be illuminated from on high by the spotlight of history, the sound of the bell of freedom ringing out for North and South Korea's liberation and for Asia's too, will reverberate outwards and the energy for the liberation of the world will spring forth right here, from this land. It goes without saying. This is what we have witnessed up until now. (059-152, 1972.07.16)

Unification Church thinking is to try to make of Korea the country God desires. You have to be aware of this. You have to take this understanding completely to heart in the physical world and the spirit world. This way, only when that is accomplished before God, and the starting point of peace comes and God's love at last settles in the universe, is the point of final victory established on earth. Thus, God should be able to laugh at last and say, "Ah, now I have done it all" and "Before me, there can only be happiness. The painful and frustrating historical indemnity course and the providence of salvation is over." What I mean is that the point of final victory is decided only when the day comes that we liberate the earth and all spirit men in the spirit world and thus they can glorify the victory from the position of being completely liberated. You should know that the age of the kingdom of peace, that is true happiness, starts in heaven and on earth only when you go over all boundaries. We have to go for it. (057-070, 1972.05.28)

The yellow one is the first son, the black the second son and the white the third son, and the fighting between them can be brought to an end through the Unification Thought. This way the ideal fatherland of God is established. From there the world will be finally arranged into a world of peace, a world of oneness, a world of unification and a world of victory. Thus, we have to be in line with God while we are in the process of building heaven on earth. We have to build one unified heaven by attending God, who is the subject of heaven in heaven, on earth. We have to know clearly that this is the mission Unificationists must accomplish. A life of peaceful heaven will finally start when parents and children become one based on such a foundation. (079-083, 1975.06.01)

What I mean is that everything will be solved only if we understand that God exists. I have understood that God does exist. Then, what is the peace, love, unification and protection that God asserts, all about? The Unification Church started this way. (080-081, 1975.10.14)

If you understand that what the Unification Church is teaching is straight and true and you can continue to feel grateful for that, the day of unification will surely come, a day when one world is established. Only then will a world of unification have been realized and the world thus made, will finally be a world of peace. Think about it! Would such a world be a world of fighting or a world of peace? No matter what your own thinking may have been, this is the only way. So, I set forth the way of heaven and earth, God's Will and the path human beings have to follow as being such and such. It is a surprise to discover that such things have been set out in a clear theoretical way. This is something you are surprised to gain ownership of. (081-153, 1975.12.07)

People in the world have different cultures, lifestyles, languages, vocabularies, and ways of thinking and paths they are following. If all people go forever in different directions, they will never resolve conflicts and will struggle against each other forever. Wars will never end. We must completely drive out communism, which is the number one enemy worldwide. Our strategy is to try to develop this providential will rapidly on the external level and to unleash a concentrated offensive in Korea in order to expel the communist parties of the world since we cannot bring freedom and peace in the land of North Korea before we do so. (085-300, 1976.03.04)

It is miserable for you to be separated from your parents, your wives or your children. However, if you balk at being separated in this way, a bloody drama far more miserable than this will unfold in this nation of South Korea. We know the shocking truth that although our children may be in a pitiable situation and the road our parents are going may be hard, through being able to unify North and South, the land of South Korea can become the origin of peace and of God's efforts at global salvation. Therefore, we have to have a clear conviction to make North and South Korea one. In these circumstances, we are being called upon to gather together the followers of Kim Il-sung in their entirety, to educate them and make them surrender voluntarily - whatever it takes to get them to come to the point of recognizing us as "elder brother." (113-280, 1981.05.10)

Brides and bridegrooms of the Unification Church are the very couples who became tied together centered on God's love and truth and they are the ones trying throughout their lives to build a family based on God's love and truth. When you keep going with such faith and determination in your heart, the world of love, happiness and peace which is the ideal of God and human beings, will surely be realized on earth. (120-173, 1982.10.14)

Leaders and members of CARP [The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle] have gathered here representing the youth of the world! You CARP people will have to take the lead on the road towards the new world that everyone desires. We are the leading actors who will realize a world of peace in line with God's ideal. You have to move forward more strongly than before in line with my tradition. Your efforts should include not only the external aspect of paving a worldwide foundation, but also the internal aspect of inheriting God's world of heart and tradition of faith. (133-286, 1984.11.03)

The religions of the world have to be unified and, with this internal standard being unified, the external standard has to be made into one. It is for the sake of peace. Considering the fact that the Korean nation has been invaded by other powerful countries more than 900 times in its history, the fact that a tradition has been hidden from view through which Korea could become a historic representative nation capable of coming up with a system of thought that gives rise to peace, has not occurred to anybody. Then, how are we going to accomplish unification? How would things be unified and a world of peace come about? What I am saying is that we have to attain unification and peace centered on God. God's desire is twofold. He wants to make humanity into one and He wants to create peace. We must conclude that Korea is a special nation which has kept a national spirit that can overcome all of these things in the historic age of the last days before the Will of God.

Therefore, seen from a religious perspective, a system of thought is needed which can unify religion. Next, a love that can make a world of peace is needed. We come to these two conclusions if God exists.

From this perspective, we must understand that today the Unification Principle is based on the thought of a historical tradition from which it could not fail to emerge, given that it has this nation as its source. You must understand clearly that it is a valid conclusion that this principle emerged on the foundation of an irrepressible tradition, which advocates God's love as the basis to unite not only Christianity but also the whole religious field, and to make one world of peace. (168-054, 1987.09.01)

The various systems of this world will be in confusion until the age of change dawns when heavenly love is proclaimed completely. That age is now. This is so in the relations of husband and wife, parents and children and sovereign and subject. The relationship of teacher and students is in confusion as well. Students have taken the subject position and so have women and children. Everything is the wrong way up. In religion too, God should be in the position of master, but material became so instead. Everything is in the reverse order. It is the Unification Church's role to try to carry out the providence that can change things round. That is the mission of the Unification Church. We have to make a peaceful world of unification by turning the right way up whatever is up side down as compared to what was originally intended. We have to create the proper order. (183-167, 1988.10.31)

The army of the Soviet Union is at present an army for the Soviet Union and the army of America is an army for America. There is no army for the world or for the country of heaven. Is there an army for this world? I told you that even God needs an army, didn't I? What I mean is that God wants an army that can remain an unchanging and eternal army of chosen soldiers of the heavenly nation, which is stronger than the Japanese army that stood on the side of Satan or Hitler's Nazi army. These armies could ultimately make no headway because they were armies of injustice, but our army is going to keep moving forward forever. As long as such an army exists, the frontiers of peace will not be invaded. How wonderful this is! The victorious realm of love is inviolable. What I am saying is that a loving heaven is guaranteed forever. Let's pledge that as the army of the eternal country of heaven we will move forward for the world and for the country of heaven. (124-261, 1983.02.20)

If you are posted to a camp on the front line, those in the rearguard will have cause to sing songs of peace thanks to you. I have no time now to teach you even about the standard of heart. In other words we have to take the lead. We are in a busy age. Every minute now counts so how should I find the time to raise you up and go together with you? So, young men and women will have to go to the world stage by themselves with a feeling of responsibility. If you go with the mentality that even if we cannot build the house, we should at least lay the foundation and that although our character is still immature we should at least leave behind for posterity our sincere heart and our results gained through tears, then a call to arms will surely arise spontaneously once our unit has been withdrawn. Please bear in mind that I have worked on such a basis until today and will continue doing so in future as well. (150-078, 1960.03.27)

Chapter 1 - A Movement for Peace

1 A Movement for Peace

1.1 The true meaning of the movement for peace

I am going to explain clearly the ultimate purpose of the Unification movement I am promoting. Unification Thought is the ideology of God's truth and love. It is, first of all, to completely solve all the problems of the world, eventually to eradicate communism from this earth and to realize the world of true freedom, peace and prosperity. Secondly, it is to make the world one great family based on new values, ethics and morality. Thirdly, it is to realize the great unified world of coexistence, co-prosperity and universal righteousness free of all oppression, extortion, discrimination and social vices.

In a nutshell, I intend to establish a true utopia. The method of realizing a true ideal society is not through violence or wars typical of communism, but based on a peaceful, ideal campaign centering on truth and love. This is God's Will and His ultimate goal. (129-330, 1983.12.14)

I never lost at wrestling. I was the wrestling champion in high school. There also were no sports in which I did not participate, whether it was athletics or even boxing. Why was that so? It was not for the sake of fighting. I was firm in my conviction to ignite a great revolution in order to reform the world and to create a world of peace corresponding to heavenly principles. Without being possessed of a sound and robust constitution, I would not be able to achieve great things. (085-020, 1976.03.02)

Do you think of me? Do you wish for me to return today? Gazing at the eastern sky, your mind should unconsciously and subconsciously be connecting to me. How powerful is such a mind that can flow through and transcend national boundaries, distance, time and space! You should be able to experience hunger and being choked with tears at any time. You should remember how much suffering you had to endure to meet me. Have you thought about this? History had to witness indescribable human suffering as nations rose and fell in a world of death and destruction. You ultimately came to meet me as the fruits of that historical suffering and agony. Have you ever thought this way? Such thoughts must lie deep in your heart. You should be tearful whether you are walking on the road or lying in bed. Only then can you truly create peace in your family. Your babies will grow up strong and healthy and you will have perfect peace. Just by thinking of me, you will be blessed. These are not my words. They are heavenly laws and principles. You should think of True Parents and God in whatever you do. That heavenly principle was not formulated by anyone, but has existed from the beginning of the cosmos. (081-326, 1975.12.29)

Through my life experiences, I firmly believe that God is true, and that true love is the most precious thing in life. Human progress is possible when humanity serves and attends God and cherishes love most. Let me tell you clearly that neither modern communism nor the free world is ready to lead humankind to a peaceful twenty-first century. What was urgently required from the outset of the 1990s was a true set of values that could occupy the vacuum ensuing from the gradual decline of the values of the free world and the communist world. These new values must be founded on Godism, that is, a God-centered worldview. To broaden its understanding, I have exerted every concerted effort in all religions and religious denominations throughout my entire life. In this way, I could establish numerous research institutes and interreligious organizations which set their aims in the quest for absolute values and in realizing genuine peace.

I have also built up artistic organizations, educational institutions and media associations. Our international foundations are always prepared to assist people like you who endeavor to realize true world peace. True world peace cannot be accomplished without a clear-cut set of common values for all. Humanity will no longer dwell in darkness if its values are definite. (198-168, 1990.02.02)

I have fulfilled many tasks and invested much. However, I do not invest to earn more money. Neither do I work for prestige or glory. I bleed, sweat and shed tears merely to liberate God from His grief and agony and to realize true peace for mankind. If man does not liberate God from His sorrow and misery, and return joy and glory to Him on the levels of the individual, family, society, nation and world, genuine peace for mankind will never exist. I have thoroughly realized this point and personally put it into practice. (198-162, 1990.02.01)

Peace does not just come about. It will not emerge so long as I refuse to annihilate and remove altogether the self-centered concept of living for myself. Rev. Moon is the sole person promoting an ideological movement on a worldwide scale, and you have to know that only this is the truth. (197-272, 1990.01.19)

The reason for unreservedly investing all the resources at my disposal is to create an environment where strong, true peace can be deeply rooted on earth. I do not feel lonesome while engaging in this type of work. Everybody is a peace-seeker. We can ask why peace has not arrived yet. Shouting and chanting for peace is a piece of cake, but achieving it is really no easy feat.

If we still have not achieved peace, I would assume that people have forgotten the overriding aspect of peace. Prior to touching on the topic of interracial or inter-ethnic peace, we first need to talk about making peace with God. All human beings are created to grow into people of God-like personality during their life on earth, so both God and mankind cannot live peacefully together if the ultimate purpose has not been fulfilled.

Owing to an individual's selfishness, not only is he hindering his own progress, he is also impeding that of others and other nations. Selfishness and avarice within oneself become a mammoth obstacle in the path to peace. An individual's greed opens the gates to national greed, which causes disintegration and conflicts among nations and people and leads to bloodshed and meaningless suffering. Millions of lives have been tragically lost in this way.

As a consequence, our world needs a spiritual revolution more than anything else. When a spiritual revolution is realized, we will be able to solve our economic and social issues for the first time. People can approach the impending matters of the modern world, including the issue of world peace only if every individual and nation acknowledges the importance of amicable relations.

The achievement of peace has been my lifelong aspiration. I am not sure whether you are aware of the fact that the Tenth International Conference for the Unity of Sciences (ICUS) was held in Seoul in 1981. Renowned scholars from over one hundred countries participated in that conference, in which I presented my proposal for the construction of a highway for international peace. If that enormous plan is executed, people will be able to drive from Tokyo to London. (193-324, 1989.10)

I was summoned by Heaven in my youth, and I have offered my entire life to the realization of God's Will on earth. I know well that the Korean nation is the central nation in God's dispensation. Interpreting from a different angle the meaning of the ordeals the Korean nation has endured throughout its history, I am absolutely certain that transforming the divided Korean peninsula into a unified homeland is tantamount to the realization of a peaceful world. (193-317, 1989.10.12)

A person who fails to be a savior in jail is a false messiah if he says he is one in an era of peace. Having been vested with the authority of a savior of peace in prison, one does not become the messiah in a world of peace, but a monarch. I see it as an eternal foundation for governing all nations centering on kingship. I know that those who were in Hungnam prison wrote books about me, referring to me as "saint." Incarceration does not put me to fear. No matter how terrible a whipping was and how ruthless and harsh the environment was to me, they could not occupy a mind that esteems love. Nor could they dampen a spirit crying out to God and a centripetal force inclining to God. Instead they were crushed by the reverence for love and that force. Centering on that force, I consolidated my foundation on the levels of an individual, family, tribe, clan, society, nation and world by liberating the vertical stages. (184-281, 1989.01.01)

If I do not put on a good mood, surmount the difficult peak of indemnity with perfect composure, or console God, the heavenly kingdom of peace will not come about on earth. Its representative, a public figure, is a lonely person. Should somebody stand up and comment that Mr. Moon does this and that kind of work, I will instantly break down and weep bitterly. Though almost seventy without any more tears left in me, I feel so lonely that I cannot control my tears of sadness from flowing. You must not forget that kind of parent. (183-086, 1988.10.29)

Now the communist world and the democratic world, the left and right, are collapsing. Removing the disparities between the Eastern and Western cultures as well as narrowing the gulf between the rich and poor in the North and South, I will unite the Asians and Westerners as well as the blacks and whites. People segregated in the north, south, east and west have to applaud peace, centering on love, and God's family and tribe. Next, they have to sing of happiness, centering on His love and nation. (177-160, 1988.05.17)

Neither money nor honor is a necessity for me. The erection of a stronghold for everlasting peace and love by liberating, God, mankind and Satan is the only beacon of hope for seeking a new homeland. You know you have to struggle to continue progressing though obstructed by steep mountains and lofty ranges on the way. You may even forget about your three daily meals, day and night. You know it is a heavenly law that the longer such a life is lived, the more God's ideal love will be with you, your family, kin, and country. Thus, I would request you to live that way. (174-053, 1988.02.23)

The word "enemy" does not exist in my dictionary. As I am oblivious of all my intractable foes, I cannot write my autobiography. I can never write about the truth of every matter as it is without shedding tears. Lifting high the banner of peace, I have to initiate an ideal world and a freedom that can exalt happiness. I also aspire to the restoration of the independence of the homeland. I hate to cling onto my autobiography and weep, but, rather, strive to leave behind a nation that regrets the errors committed in history. I have simply forgotten everything. (174-047, 1988.02.23)

As a representative of love who can represent a true country centering on God, the owner of true love, I represent an individual and lead the family, tribe and nation. In an environment where a multitude of evil spiritual entities negates this fact, I exert myself to the utmost in order to climb over the peak with a positive attitude. Therefore, I make my accusers sincerely repent, and they admit it is a true fact. On becoming my witnesses, if they do not build on this earth a base for peace that can testify before God and humankind, the foundation for a peaceful family, tribe and nation will not appear. Furthermore, the base of a unified nation that mankind has long cherished will not put its root down on this earth. Realizing this fact, I have never ceased to fight for it. (174-044, 1988.02.23)

No one except me has been dealing with world problems for the past fifty years. Just last year, at the thirtieth commemoration ceremony of the death of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, who had sacrificed his life as a forerunner of peace, a guest of honor had to be invited to address world peace. All the people gathered strongly recommended me at the end of the conference. In all of history, the front-running flag bearer for world peace is none other than Rev. Moon. I was invited to be the main speaker at the large congregation of 250,000 white people and 250,000 people of color, a total of 500,000 people, on the thirtieth anniversary of Dr. King's death. (273-155, 1995.10.22)

What is Rev. Moon of the Unification Church advocating? He stands for peace. The trademark "World Peace" is borne in the names of substantial organizations: the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International (FFWPUI), the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), the Federation for World Peace (FWP), the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the Summit Council for World Peace (SCWP), the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP) and the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), to name but a few.

Who is the chief of world peace? There is nobody else save Rev. Moon. The whole world now knows that for a fact and is saying, "Go ask Rev. Moon about world peace or absolute values." The representative asserting peace in the latter days is I; the one clamoring for absolute values in the world is also I.. I have had to carry out research and read volumes of related literature as I have been leading the circle of ICUS scholars for several decades. (253-019, 1994.01.01)

During the mid-1930s, when I was sixteen and the Korean peninsula was under the forced occupation of Japan, I received a special mission from Heaven through a vision of Jesus Christ. I am seventy-three now, and in the intervening years, there has not been even a single moment of my life when I did not think of God's Will and Heaven's decree.

Immediately following the Second World War, in a development that compounded our already difficult situation, the Korean peninsula was divided between North and South. The Korean War broke out in 1950, and Koreans found themselves in a fratricidal conflict. Various countries of the world on the left and the right opted to support one or the other of the opposing sides. I witnessed this horrifying and tragic scene of history directly, and I know from my heart of hearts how much excruciating pain and unspeakable sorrow has been brought to God and humanity by the loss of a world of peace.

Think for a moment about the fact that I have been imprisoned as many as six times in my lifetime. This alone is enough to tell you how harsh the attacks against me have been. The degree of censure, persecution, widespread distrust and irrational intolerance from various sectors of society I have faced and endured is simply beyond your imagination. (234-247, 1992.08.24)

What is God's strategy today for the unification of North and South Korea? In a confused situation with thousands of different directions, we must bind religions together, because they represent the spiritual world, for the sake of world peace. We should also bind together the representatives of the physical world, the opponents of religions, to create a unified organization transcending national boundaries. You will never build a unified organization, the Federation for World Peace, by just sitting around dreaming about it. You must feel God's sorrow. If you bewail God's situation, you will surely feel His endless sorrow. (221-196, 1991.10.24)

Even if the religious world becomes one and the political world is one, the direction for peace cannot be fixed by the two worlds. A federation can only be set up in one direction. Facing that kind of environment, should I make the Korean nation a dropout, or should I make good use of it? Neither of them. With all my heart and soul, I am raising and teaching these people born with Korean blood. If that does not work out, Japan will be its substitute. The PWPA in Japan is incomparable to that in Korea. The Asian Women's Federation began five years ago. The government and its people are doing amazing things. (221-196, 1991.10.24)

Rev. Moon is showing himself to be a problematic person. In the past, I predicted the downfall of communism. The time has come when people of the world are looking at me with great expectations. On top of that, the scientists, religious and political leaders that attended the ICUS conference in Korea this time were bound in one direction toward a world of peace. This is a new starting point. (219-224, 1991.09.08)

I have made preparations for Korea to become the central nation that will manage the future world based on God, who is transcendent of the human world. From this standpoint, while passing through the historical age, I have studied, in my lifetime, issues on what the future prospect of Asia will be and how I should connect this to the world in order to build a conclusive world of peace, a unified ideal world centering on God's Will. In addition, I have been virtually unsurpassed in my single-minded devotion to put that into action, to connect, assimilate and form a supranational core in many directions. Even the United States of America, which has crossed the Pacific Ocean and is leading the free world, is observing Rev. Moon closely. Korea, Japan, Russia and China have reached the stage where they cannot ignore me. (222-126, 1991.10.28)

We need some teaching materials on people who have persisted in their commitment to and sacrificed themselves for world peace. What textbooks do we use to educate people? People like us know it inside out and become religious leaders. Under heavy abuse and harsh persecution from the world, we have built a solid foundation, an indispensable worldwide result. Otherwise we cannot achieve a base of peace. (212-327, 1991.01.11)

The view centering on the overall providential history of America includes all facets of its politics, economics and cultures. In the case of Russia, the center will be Russia. To bring about unity and to build a unified content so as to approach a world of peace centering on the providential view in the future, we need to disclose the radical problems of communism. If we are not armed with an ideological system that can overcome and counter the communist ideology, the entire world will be thrown into a state of despair after the finale of communism.

American Christianity basically knows very little about God's dispensation. Though there are many religious orders, they are unaware of the providential view that religions have to take by centering on God's Will. From an overall viewpoint of the providence, America has lost its direction. As Russia is taking an atheistic stand, providential content cannot be applied to it. However, America, which is standing in a providential position, does not have an alternative plan for a future world of peace. People like us, who know the providential direction, have to present it to America. (214-133, 1991.02.02)

Rev. Moon has been a problematic public figure till now. After the world's antagonism and persecution has abated, what is going to happen? I will be the constructor of peace, right? At least that is theoretically correct. Then, why has the world been hostile to me? That is because they fail to really understand me. Why did I not protest? I remain silent, since I know I am needed everywhere in the world. While rejecting me, people of the world do not realize what I am doing internally. Not knowing how to build peace in order to proceed to an epoch of peace, they will follow me from now on. Is that strange? The American youth generally hate to learn complex and profound things. That is a snag. I have become the builder of peace without people realizing it. How intensely do religious people fight among themselves? I have always been trying to bridge their differences and unite them into one. We have reached a stage in which all religious leaders in the future will come to conclude they have to be like Rev. Moon. (203-053, 1990.06.14)

As the mind-body conflict is the platform of our adversary, it is my intention to build the base of peace and the heavenly kingdom in the family by uniting the mind and body, husband and wife and the three generations of grandparents, parents and children. Here lies the greatness of Rev. Moon. What is the focus of all this? The core of true love. If you want to go to your object partner, you must pass through the nucleus of true love. If not, you do not possess the right to have an object. As a love relationship is established with an object, that is the core of true love. Regardless of sex or age, everyone is longing for love. What kind of love? Love for the sake of others, not a love that orders people to love others. (211-206, 1990.12.30)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.2 The mission of the True Parents, Jesus and the saints: standard bearers for peace

The world has been changing ever since World War II and since the United Nations was formed. After World War I ended, the victorious countries mistreated, plundered, exploited and took full control over the vanquished countries to whatever degree they wished. The postwar situation was reversed after the Second World War, however, in that the victorious nations emancipated the defeated nations. That is because it was time for the advent of the True Parents. All countries in the UN, whether large or small, are brethren. Each nation must be on an equal footing like brothers of an extended family, holding a one-to-one authority centering on the UN. Who must come as a flag bearer for peace? True Parents. (023-162, 1969.05.18)

No matter how much you battle against one another, when you comprehend God and True Parents' Will, you will have to become one. Similarly, no matter how much you move the world as a sovereign, when you acknowledge God and True Parents' Will sincerely, systematically, naturally and logically, nobody can say anything in excuse before you. Once you depart from that standard, you can never discover any value that corresponds to it. As long as that valueless standard persists, a lasting source of peace and unity centering on True Parents cannot be realized in the world. (025-061, 1969.09.28)

Looking at the current state of affairs, the Lord of the Second Advent has to build a borderless state and unite the world, transcending racial discrimination. He has to heal all broken families and build a kingdom of peace in this world where good and evil are at war with each other. We cannot help but ponder on the question about who the Lord will appoint to accomplish these difficult tasks when he comes again. (053-071, 1972.02.9)

Transcending nations, you have to serve and attend the True Parents who are to come and achieve a world of oneness together with them. Only then can a one-world religion and a world of peace that God desires be realized. (053-234, 1972.02.28)

The purpose of the Lord's coming is to construct a kingdom of peace and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth by governing a country. He cannot come to a scene of war. (054-121, 1972.03.21)

Saints are citizens of the world. Saints and sages have the obligation to go beyond nationalities. When that happens, the age of the formation of a one-world nation will come. It refers to the time when the Lord returns and judges the evil world. We enter the world of peace when the world becomes one. (056-179, 1972.05.14)

Until now, human love in the fallen realm could not transcend national boundaries. Koreans could never go beyond Korea. Patriots were great heroes; yet they were unable to extend the love they felt for their country beyond its borders. In contrast, saints distinguish themselves by crossing national boundaries. One country's patriot would necessarily be the archenemy of the enemy country that therefore seeks his death. What was Admiral Lee Soon-shin to Japan? He was their greatest foe. The Japanese would have wanted to kill him at all costs, whether by one blow of the sword or by a fateful arrow or by beheading him. Admiral Lee's greatness therefore was not universally acknowledged beyond the borders of his home country. On the other hand, Unificationists are people of the world who should first live for the sake of restoring the world and then for themselves. (056-198, 1972.05.14)

The Absolute Being is ultimately not an imaginary existence, but an essence that reveals itself through history. We know many religious leaders, saints and sages appeared in history in different places at different times. They constantly urged people to practice love toward their neighbors, appealing to man's conscience and heart. When a nation or a race follows their teachings, it will enjoy peace and prosperity, or else it will plunge into utter confusion and ruin. (069-238, 1973.11.26)

Patriots step forth in anarchy, not in an ordinary age of peace. When a nation is plunged into a state of either rising to prosperity or going to the dogs, and its rival country is waiting eagerly to swallow it up, patriots come forth to combat with and subjugate the enemies. Patriots also arise to put an end to the situations where treacherous enemy agents prevail. They become patriots at the place where they have fought and defeated their opponents in turbulent times. (065-120, 1972.11.05)

What is the path mankind has to walk? The standard we have to search for is a historical standard and our personal standard of hope. So where can we find true happiness, true peace and the true ideal? It is impossible for me to do it alone. We have to meet the Messiah who comes with a historic mission. The establishment of a relationship with the Messiah becomes the focus for resolving problems. Isn't that person the Messiah? (079- 240 , 1975.8.24)

When a man hopes for peace and happiness, he does not go for these elements for himself only, because he needs his family, relatives and friends. If the Messiah wants to give humankind peace and happiness, he has to present the content all at once. If not, the conclusion will be that he cannot give mankind peace and happiness. In the course of history, neither true parents nor the relationships between couples and siblings derived from a one-family system. You must receive the content all at once. (079-241, 1975.08.24)

No doubt God has to decide, but a historical prophet has to come forward to make a fair and square judgement concerning democracy, communism, and whether peace has been realized. Otherwise the world will go to ruin, and we can draw a conclusion that there is no survival for mankind. Every person in the world, including God and spirits in the incorporeal world, all long for the coming of a prophet. (079-337, 1975.09.28)

All people are yearning for a world of peace. It is not realized through the culture advanced nations are pursuing today, but through a true set of parents. Even if true parents are using a straw mat, shouldering a tattered clothes bundle, wearing faded clothes, or climbing out of a pit dead tired, fallen men have to learn God's heart centering on them. (017-129, 1966.12.11)

An individual with the Messiah at his center represents the world. It is the same for a family, tribe, society and nation. Thus that individual, family, tribe, society and nation are living for the world. Planning this for four thousand years, God sent Jesus Christ to this earth and hoped that the individual, family, tribe, society, nation and world would unite with him. With the Fall committed by the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, the relations between Cain and Abel chilled. To restore their severed relationships, the individual, family, tribe, society, nation and world must become one with Jesus. Otherwise world peace will not emerge. (056-091, 1972.05.14)

The four great saints started off centering on heaven. Centering on God, even Jesus wanted to be the spearhead in pursuit of the historical truth and the ideal future longed for throughout history. Their teachings and their untiring efforts were not to propagate their own ideals, but the heavenly Will. Heaven's Will is to perpetuate peace and happiness for mankind in the present and the future. Those who advocated this ideal were the saints. (180-010, 1988.08.20)

Though man had made continuous attempts to look for peace and happiness from various aspects, he could not reap any satisfactory results.

After the two great world wars, even the worldwide activities of the United Nations and the League of Nations could not bring about world peace. Despite the efforts of religious communities, a happy world could not come to fruition. The communist ideology and the dream of fascism also failed to create an ideal world. Neither advanced scientific technology nor political efforts were able to offer mankind peace and happiness.

A man's peace largely depends on the cultivation of his morality and spirituality. World peace or a peaceful nation is achieved by the individuals and families that constitute it. Science and technology can be utilized by righteous men to upgrade men's lives. Throughout history, saints, sages and great teachers have dedicated their lives to guiding families, societies and nations toward a peaceful and happy world. To challenge the twenty-first century, we definitely need a true parent, a true teacher and a true owner of mankind who can raise up perfect leaders morally and spiritually. (271-073, 1995,08.22)

To achieve a new world political system, we need world scholars, religious leaders, and not politicians, but leaders that can give advice or opinions on creating a new culture. We have to bring together and unite these people for the sake of creating world peace. Who is going to make them one? It is absolutely impossible without God and True Parents' love. (214-126, 1991.02.01)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.3 Peace and the family

What is man's perfection? Man can realize perfection when he becomes the subject of love who can connect to the realm of the perfected world by perfecting his family. Man's perfection means the perfection of his family. Right then and there, he can create peace in his family. (143-311, 1986.03.21)

The distress of developed nations today is not over the issue of food but over the issue of love, centering on the family. If it does not measure up to the fundamental principle, neither a nation of peace nor a world of peace will ever come about. In other words, if we take sides with Satan, we will be doomed to perish with him. When we look at the social status quo of the United States from this perspective, we cannot help sensing the seriousness of the problem. (053-085, 1972.02.10)

If a man and a woman revolve around love, their family will be one of love. The love relationship between parents and children is the same. A similar phenomenon can be seen for a nation. (058-214, 1972.06.11)

Imagine a father telling his daughter he is superior to her mother. This problem would be a complicated one. Of course, both her parents are great. Some fathers may hold doctorates while some mothers may be poor at studying. Nevertheless how can a father proclaim himself the most excellent? What kind of knowledge does he possess to deserve the title of being the first and the best in the world? You have to speak words of parental love in order for your family to have peace and structure. It is useless to do so with wealth, knowledge, or power. (106-058, 1979.12.09)

As the Korean saying goes, "Kahwa mansaseong" (everything will be successful and prosperous whenever there is peace and harmony in the family). Can peace be realized with gold bars? It is feasible if the gold bars are not divided, but once they are, arguments will take place. The more we share love, the more things will turn out to be successful and prosperous. The more we divide money, however, the more disputes and disintegration will occur. The more love is being shared, the more unity, harmony and peace will dwell in a place. (115-253, 1981.11.22)

A person may fail to rise in the world, to climb up the ladder of success or to possess any imposing authority and qualifications in society. Achieving a family centering on true parents, true couples and true children, if he leads a peaceful life to the extent that others want to model their families after his family, we would not be able to deny that his is a happy family.

Throughout history, many people have held saints and sages in great respect. However, where is the starting point of attaining peace in the family? Where can they begin to create a family of love, of filial children and of a loving couple? (023-011, 1969.05.11)

What type of family are you looking for? Though man today claims he has a happy family, that happiness is not insured in the future. No matter how happy a family is, the wife may receive bad news of her husband's sudden death. Hence, to establish a family in which peace and happiness are forever guaranteed, we have to build a foundation for eliminating whatever misfortune may befall it. To do that, an individual must have that much faith. With such faith, even if the husband or wife were to pass on, his or her demise would not be a condition for misfortune. You have to establish that kind of family.

Whether for an individual or God Himself, it is the same. If God's unique love is trampled on, He cannot just forgive you and replace the trampled love with another. There is but one springboard to peace. The day when two such points co-exist will be the day of the subversion of the ideal. (023-013, 1969.05.11)

What is the common goal all people must have and the common gate they must pass through? It is neither a nation nor the world, neither the communist world nor the democratic world. An original family must exist before the communist world takes form. There must also be an original family that can create a true democratic world before the democratic world comes into being. So where have the order, the education and the standard of purpose been till now? A decisive standard has never existed on earth. Before it does, there cannot exist an ideal nation of peace or a kingdom of peace. (023-031, 1969.05.11)

What is the aim of religion? It is to build a world where all people, on becoming good, can live peacefully together. The conditions for peace are not established by politicians, so for world peace to come on the basis of policies or ideologies is simply out of the question. Moreover, unity and world peace cannot be achieved by military might. Where is the stronghold of peace and happiness? It is located in the family you are living in. (023-101, 1969.05.14)

Universalism is an "ism" that connects to the physical and spiritual worlds the concept of establishing a family that becomes the entity of God's love after uniting the mind and body. The Chinese character ju in cheonju (cosmos) means "house." Thus I use the word "universalism." The universe is a combination of the invisible incorporeal world and the visible corporeal world. What does that have to do with us? We need a family. If you cannot become one in your family, you have nothing to do with universalism. The family carries the final standard that consummates universalism. A man who cannot sing praises of peace and happiness is an unfortunate person in this transient world and in the next (incorporeal) world. (026-189, 1969.10.25)

Where is the family foundation that can represent all nations and the world? Just as every man is looking for a peaceful family today, if an absolute God does exist, is He not also searching for an absolute yardstick of peace for the family? By championing the cause of that family, the family foundation sought for can be established, centering on the bride and groom in Christianity. (035-130, 1970.10.11)

If a wife considers her husband to be someone sent from heaven and loves him more than God does, peace will definitely arrive in that family. A husband who does not gain the respect of his wife cannot be a church leader. (033-261, 1970.08.16)

Every event can be viewed from the positions of parents, children and all other created beings. The son is following his parents from the rear, and all things of creation are following behind the son. Both the son and all things of creation live for the sake of the parents, centering on a higher purpose. Everything has to proceed in that order, from the present fallen world till the next eternal world. Parents have to lead their offspring. The Messiah, therefore, has to lead his sons and daughters to salvation. Aren't the things of creation being prepared for that purpose? Parents have already been prepared to be parents when their children are born. Hence, children have to move around their parents. If the foundation of heart that desires children to sit and stand forever and ever around their parents appears on earth, the kingdom of peace will be constructed. (035-280, 1970.10.25)

If the couple of a particular family adheres to positions that run counter to each other, peace cannot exist in that family. Making the subject in the central position the standard, the object has to become one with the subject and the center. The object has to connect itself to the subject, centering on it. Only then can it fulfill its purpose as an object. But if the subject goes back and forth between the subjective and objective positions, it cannot achieve its goal. To fulfill the purpose of a family, both the husband and wife must unite. (028-156, 1970.01.11)

The origin of death is Satan and the origin of life is God. In God's shoes, the satanic world acts contrary to the heavenly world. What kind of family is found in the satanic world? Is it a peaceful family or a disharmonious family? It has got to be the latter, because it began in discord. A world that starts off as and ends up as a disharmonious family is not the heavenly world. The problem lies in the family. As an old Korean saying goes, "Kahwa mansaseong" (everything will be successful and prosperous whenever there is peace and harmony in the family) It is indeed a truism.

What is the hardest thing to bear? Having resentment against your loved ones. There is nothing more difficult to endure than this. Adam's family began by scattering the seeds of disharmony, since it commenced with false parents. A family in which disharmony dwells is a family of the satanic world; a family in which peace and harmony prevail is a family of the heavenly world. They go in the opposite directions. What does Satan make his appearance center upon? An unscrupulous family bound up in disharmony is the center of the satanic world. Such families engage in conflicts every day. (044-134, 1971.05.06)

The family has to serve and attend the True Parents for at least three years. Then the nation, and next the world will have to do likewise till the restoration of the world is consummated. Centering on the number three, we have to serve them for not less than three years. Centering on the True Parents, we take meals with them, hold discussions with them and live together with them for three years. As a family serving the True Parents, there must be a period of three years during which you live in peace, joy and happiness, and speak nice and respectful words to one another. (044-169, 1971.05.06)

How can a son rejoice when his father is sad? When his father and elder brother are melancholy, he cannot be happy by himself. When a woman's father, husband or son is gloomy and depressed, everybody shares the same heart and feelings. Despite being the president of a company, if the man sees his old father's sad countenance before leaving for his office, he will worry about him while doing his work. That is the duty of a filial son. On reaching home, he will feel happier than ever if his father gladly welcomes him at the door with a broad smile. Unless you become a member of such a family, your family cannot enjoy peace and happiness. (063-304, 1972.10.15)

A family in which the father and mother interact well forms the basic unit of peace centered on love. A family of peace is one where both parents and children are wholly one centering on love. (129-057, 1983.10.01)

God's Will is to realize the heavenly kingdom in the family. Do you know that the most fearsome people in the world are your children? They learn and imitate exactly what you say or do. If a mother hums, her daughter will surely make a humming sound. If you tolerate, forgive and do things peacefully, your children will follow likewise. You must know it is never easy to become parents of sinless children.

From now on, you must make rules in your families. The first rule should be: "To keep peace in my family: if I fight once I will abstain from sexual relations for three years." You should post such a slogan. You should pray to God... If you resolved marital conflicts that way, who would be the first to give way? The woman would be the first. So you should stop fighting. Don't even utter the word "fighting." Do not use such a horrible word. It would be better to abstain from sexual relations for three years than to fight with your spouse. People often say, "A marital spat is like cutting water with a knife," but that does not apply to Unification Church blessed couples. You should view it as if you had to cut through steel. You should see it as the most frightening thing that could happen to you. You should not be irresponsible. (100-302, 1978.10.22)

The Kingdom of Heaven is in your family. Peace and happiness are not found elsewhere. If your family goes amiss, everything you have gained, including the world, will turn out to be marred by misfortune. (130-168, 1984.01.08)

The family is a textbook of love that teaches you how to procure the right to register your name in heaven or the palace of peace. The family is a training center of love. The world is an expansion of the family. The world is like your grandparents, parents, husbands, wives and children. (130-168, 1984.01.08)

What does marriage mean? A man has a woman's love and a woman has a man's love. Having each other's love, they control love. In other words, the man controls the way of love the woman has to go, and the woman controls the path of love the man has to take. That is why they take control of each other's love. When a person who cherishes love establishes a love that is more precious than himself, peace will reign in his family. A perfect, harmonious family will be formed. (142-242, 1986.05.11)

Five billion people are living in today's world. If you ask them what their hopes for the future world are, they will respond in unison, "We wish for a world of peace and unity." If South Koreans are posed the same question, forty million of them will reply that they crave the unification of North and South Korea.

The issue of unification today is not merely a current national issue. Broadly speaking, it is a worldwide problem. Narrowly speaking, it is linked to an individual's problem. Before we speak of unity of the world, it stands to reason that there should be unity among nations, and there should be unity in the family prior to that. No matter how much happiness a couple may hope for, if they fail to unite, they cannot have a happy family. In the same way, no matter how much happiness that family desires, if its individuals are unhappy, then the happiness in that family is no more than a pipe dream. There is an old Korean saying that goes, "Kahwa mansaseong" (everything will be successful and prosperous whenever there is peace and harmony in the family) The most important thing is the achievement of a family of peace by a unified couple. It becomes the key to all solutions. (143-259, 1986.03.20)

You should be cognizant of the fact that the family is a training ground for establishing a palace of peace in the world. To walk the path of eternal love as a husband and wife that live for the sake of others, centering on true love, you have to fulfill your responsibility as a couple, as a family and as children. My family is the base of peace. If you lift up the revolutionary flame of love for others, a new light of peace will shine forth in your family. (143-168, 1986.03.17)

When a woman can love her spouse as her own country of forty million people, as the world's president, as the world's population of five billion people, and as God Himself, her husband will be subjugated naturally. The yardstick of peace will be established there. (168-178, 1987.09.20)

Sons and daughters should say they have never once witnessed their parents squabbling in their lifetimes. Many unusual events do indeed happen in our lives. At times we feel like nagging. We quarrel when we are grouchy. Still, we must stop short when our children come home and quickly resume our former state. No matter how displeasing your husband looks, you should never wear a furious look on your face in front of your kids. This is the philosophy I abide by. Your children will always think of you as peace loving, wonderful and the best parents among parents. Thus, parents are like the second God. When asked whether they will look for God or their parents, your children will choose you. God will also be happy on hearing that. This is the core part of education. (165-094, 1987.05.20)

All the world's people must become the members and siblings of one universal family. When all nations become peaceful and the world is unified, what kind of world will it be? A world of "family-ism" in which all human beings are brothers and sisters. That is the ideal world. (160-277, 1969.05.17)

What is today's world like? Today, people are saying the world must become one. They are waiting for a world of peace and happiness to come. To use a religious term, the Kingdom of Heaven or an ideal world must be substantiated on earth.

No matter how much you hope that the vast world can be the ideal, and how much tireless effort you pour into your work, the foundation on which that becomes possible rests on the family. As long as we lack the worldwide foundation on which we can extol the ideal, realize peace and listen to melodies of love and happiness; no matter how much you dream of an ideal world or the Kingdom of Heaven, needless to say, that kind of world can never settle on earth. (159-174, 1969.05.12)

To take care of her husband, a representative of the universe, a woman has to do more than what a normal wife does. She has to look into the mirror thrice daily - at breakfast, at lunch and at dinner. Out of all her facial expressions, she has to know at all times which one is the most peaceful expression. She also has to be conscious of how her eyes look and what physical appearance will be most becoming to her. She must fix these as her objectives in life. (158-233, 1967.12.27)

A set of family rules and etiquette centering on the True Parents must be enacted. Since the principle of love centering on parents has not been laid down yet, the standard of peace has not been set in the world. Since the standard of peace centering on love has not been established, we cannot find sons and daughters of peace, a family of peace, a tribe of peace, a society of peace, a nation of peace, or a world of peace. Following the True Parents, we have to go into their bosom of love. (157-165, 1965.04.02)

The way to unification is to rapidly locate, absorb and digest contradictory elements within a short time period. If that is the case, peace and happiness can be linked through such a person. (198-076, 1990.01.21)

If you fully understand the ideal contents of the Unification Church blessing through forty-day training workshops, you will be moved to the point of exclaiming, "The unfolding of the ideal begins in the family! The liberation of men and women, and thus the liberation of mankind has already begun in history! Now I've come to know that the fundamentals of peace start in the family!" The family is the microcosm of the macrocosmic heavenly kingdom, the textbook for the realization of the earthly Kingdom of Heaven. (190-285, 1989.06.19)

A woman should not criticize her husband if he is less than she is. Instead she should tell herself, "Though he's lacking in many areas, he sought to be part of the providential age for my sake. In the history of the masculine world in which men live, die or perish by inheriting the flag, a symbol of peace, my husband came searching for a woman like me." Hoisting the flag, the couple pledges to actualize a kingdom of peace and a nation of love. (187-085, 1989.01.06)

The descendants of Adam and Eve would have built a stable worldwide foundation abundant in freedom, peace, happiness and hope by uniting their mind and body and achieving a family in which the individual is one with God, husband and wife are one, and parents and children are one. To reach God's ideal it is necessary that that model not remain in a particular family or nation, but expand to the entire world. The model of a heavenly kingdom established in a true family expands to the entire nation; the heavenly kingdom of national sovereignty expands to the entire world; and the expanded version of the heavenly kingdom of worldwide sovereignty expands to the entire cosmos. (288-167, 1997.11.27)

Humankind has been searching for the path to peace for all nations, after having experienced the painful wounds of World War II. God instructed me to initiate a worldwide movement for building His kingdom upon the Christian foundation of two millennia. The gist of the revelation was the formula course of searching for the True Parents and a True Family.

In order to discover the reason why the rejection of God's Word brought about undesirable results, we need to first understand the meaning of the messages given by God to Christian leaders through Rev. Moon fifty years ago. Those messages are intrinsically the same as my teachings today. The only difference is that my teachings are not only for Christians, but also for Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and all other religions and religious sects. The ideal of a God-centered True Family alone forms the foundation for peace and true mutual relationships among individuals, within a family and society, and among nations. (288-166, 1997.11.27)

At the very inception of history, if man had become one with God, establishing a true family centering on true love, practicing true love and living for others, he would have already accomplished a true nation and a world of true peace.

To uproot the countless historical conflicts and struggles, humanity has to return to God's bosom. First, an individual's mind and body have to be one centering on God. Next, establishing a God-centered True Family, a true man and a true woman serve and attend God again within the family. Therefore a True Family centering on true love becomes a base on earth where God dwells, as well as the beginning point for a true nation and a true peaceful world. Subsequently, a world of true freedom and happiness will begin. (271-088, 1995.08.22)

The crux of the question about the origin of world peace is how self-centered parents and children ever establish a foundation of peace within their family. As the family is the basis for solving all general issues related to peace, the Unification Church emphasizes the perfection of the self and the family. In this sense, though you bring about the unification of North and South Korea in the future, if you lack peace in your family, even the peace of that unification will run away. Representatives of developed nations may have realized world peace through international conferences, but if the family foundation on which parents centering on the families of the world can inherit the standard of peace is not established, peace in that nation will fall apart.

Looking at the matter from this angle, if God exists, where would He start looking for the yardstick of peace? He desires national peace before world peace, tribal peace before national peace, family peace before tribal peace, peace between the couple before family peace, and individual peace before a couple's peace. As long as the standard of peace is not set through being victorious in the strife between mind and body, even if peace in the nation, world or cosmos is established, that peace has nothing to do with me. (267-197, 1995.01.08)

The social conditions may have greatly varied, but the importance of the parent-child relationship cannot be shaken and the significance of the family cannot be altered. Love is the source of a man's happiness and joy. The family is the foundation of that peace and happiness. (271-080, 1995.08.22)

An easy method to achieve unity within the family is to live for the sake of one another. Grandfathers live for the sake of grandmothers, grandmothers for grandfathers, fathers for mothers, mothers for fathers, husbands for wives, wives for husbands, elder brothers for younger brothers, and younger brothers for older brothers. It is that simple. If we form relationships by living for the sake of others, peace will come to our family. However, if we live for ourselves, eight separate entities will take shape.

No matter how difficult it is, live for the sake of your grandmother, your mother, your wife, and your daughter. As a man, you should not dislike but, rather, love your grandmother, your mother, your wife, and your daughter. Even though you want to go to your wife, why go when she refuses you? She will come looking for you after a couple of months. The problem does not lie somewhere remote. World peace does not come from the world. I have to bring peace in my family first. (241-301, 1993.01.01)

Where is world peace? It is found not in the world, but within myself. Even if the world had been unified and was celebrating, what would it matter to me if my mind and body were not united? Peace does not come from outside in the world, but begins with me. A family of peace will be realized when Adam and Eve become entirely one centering on true love, each having achieved mind-body unity.

The family of peace is universal. The family of peace is also the family of unification, which is why it is universal. You must understand this clearly. Nations must change, too. People are torn apart in a nation. They are not united; therefore, things must be changed domestically and internationally. In this regard, we must take pride in advocating the True Family worldwide. (241-022, 1992.12.19)

The couple's bedroom is a treasury where the husband and the wife store up the treasure of the universe. God Himself is watching over it. Therefore, couples must create a bedroom that God would want to come and settle into as if it were His own, to enjoy peace and happiness together with them. Only then could the couple occupy the cosmos and even God. If the love between husband and wife does not go beyond the present state, they can never reach the cosmic level. (228-165, 1992.03.27)

As the Korean saying goes, "Kahwa mansaseong" (everything will be successful and prosperous whenever there is peace and harmony in the family) It means that if a family is peaceful, everything will be fulfilled. A flourishing family is a family of peace and the basis of the heavenly kingdom. The driving force of the family is true love. True love is pure, beautiful and sacrificial for God and one's object partner, more than for oneself. God did not create a force greater than the force of true love in the universe. True love is God's love.

Similarly, a family grounded in true love will form the primary unit for establishing a society, nation and world. With true love as the driving force, sacrifices and voluntary community service projects are virtues. In such a society, nation and world, there will be harmony instead of conflicts, understanding instead of misunderstanding, unity instead of segregation and the pursuit of benefits for the whole instead of the pursuit of personal benefits. The realization of this ideal of God is the philosophy of true world peace. (219-118, 1991.08.28)

As the origin of conflicts in our society and world commenced from an individual's mind-body conflict based on Satan's false love, true peace is realized only through the resonant and unified self within an individual that possesses God's true love. The base for achieving a peaceful world is not the world itself. Imagine an individual who has achieved mind-body harmony with God's true love, transcending Satan's realm of dominion. World peace is born in the family formed by a perfected man and woman. (219-109, 1991.08.27)

When a man and woman marry and become one with a happy and peaceful mind, God naturally comes to that unified place and forms a relationship with them. This is the initial motive by which a God-man relationship can be established. Not only is it good for both God and men, the animal, plant and mineral worlds also acclaim such unity with gratitude. (218-206, 1991.07.29)

The Kingdom of Heaven begins in the family. You must transform your family based on true love. Your second-generation teenagers must take an active role in bringing about change. The world has destroyed teenagers through drugs and free sex. They should work with and help the police in keeping their neighborhoods crime-free. We have now entered the age when our second generation and parents united together can drive out crime from their neighborhoods and educate their fellow citizens. Blessed families should be families of hope. Those who prepare themselves to receive the royal foundation of peace in their homes and to expand it to the world level eventually are truly wise and blessed people. (208-299, 1990.11.20)

The stage of love centered on a man and a woman is interwoven in the family. The ideal of patriots and saints must be woven together, centering on the family. Centering on a unified direction, the value of a unified purpose must be achieved before the world standard when the terminal is reached. A world of unity and peace is only possible if we go in the historical direction of God's love to embrace the entire world. Without that, we cannot substantiate the ideal Kingdom of Heaven. (207-302, 1990.11.11)

Centering on true love, an ideal couple is connected to everything in the cosmos. When that takes place, God's things become mine. How happy we will be! Your mind desires to dominate all things. Everybody in human history without exception had that kind of mind, but nobody could do it. It is feasible if you center on the true love that Rev. Moon is teaching in this age. What I am saying is, you can achieve a family of peace, a society of peace, a nation of peace and a world of peace. When that happens, you stand in God's position and take His place. It is the course of mankind. (207-036, 1990.10.21)

The political system of the democratic world is system of strife, so we must stand in the parental position and stop the conflicts. All brothers become one centering on the parents. A world of peace begins from a unified place. Everything including true children, a true nation and true peace can be found starting from where we have to seek for the True Parents first. Apart from this, there is no other way. (205-189, 1990.09.01)

What kind of people would our first ancestors have become had they not fallen? They would have become the horizontal parents. They would have created a ninety-degree, vertical relationship with God, the vertical parent. Whichever direction you turn toward, it always stays the same. When there is a perfect ninety-degree relationship between the horizontal and the vertical, nobody complains even if the positions become switched around. It is no problem when God takes the man and woman's position, or sons and daughters take their parents' position or the grandparents take their grandchildren's position. Anybody can go anywhere. The family of man is created on the perfectly unified foundation. Without friction or conflict, the truth of peace endures forever. (204-104, 1990.07.01)

The world after the twenty-first century will be a warless world of peace where man eulogizes the blessing of liberty and prosperity and a world that upholds love and happiness. As the East-West ideological conflict has drawn to a close, the issue of the rich and poor in the North and South has to be tackled from the same viewpoint. I have long called for the equalization of scientific technology and the construction of an international highway, because I have an insight into the future in which the world is integrated into a global family and people are mutually dependent.

The East-West Cold War has come to an end and technology advances day by day. If the whole world plugged into technology, becoming a global community, could humankind in the twenty-first century enjoy peace and happiness without a problem? No, it is not possible. A matter that is more fundamental and more dangerous than the Cold War is threatening modern mankind. The greatest problem afflicting mankind is the problem of immorality and moral decadence. These are undermining the value of the family, just as I have correctly discerned. Moral decadence is the original sin that is dragging mankind into the depths of agony and despair. (288-139, 1997.11.26)

The curtain was brought down on the epoch of the Cold War in 1991. Ever since the tension and conflict between the East and the West came to an end, we have been living in anticipation of the arrival of the age of peace. However, social unrest and dissension has been increasing since the Cold War. Perverted sexual morality such as free sex and homosexuality in the United States is breaking down the family. (271-086, 1995.08.22)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.4 The International Holy Blessing and peace

The solemn International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church naturally breaks down international boundaries. If a British person marries a French person, the frontier will gradually and steadily melt away without them noticing the change. Hence, a woman who weds a Frenchman does not become French. Likewise, if she tied the nuptial knot with an Englishman, she is still not British. The question is, "What is her nationality?" Undoubtedly, she is a Unification Church member. What are Unification Church members then? When a peaceful or free world is realized in the future, they will be the first group of people who can launch the ideal world. (129-238, 1983.11.06)

The yellow race by itself cannot bring about world peace. All five races should come together as one. Having come as the flag bearer of world peace, I must bring peace to this world through the Holy Marriage Blessing. Otherwise, the world would remain trapped in the valley of death, unable to get back onto level ground, with no hope of seeing the horizon. (182-273, 1988.10.23)

On receiving the blessing, the Yemenite Muslim, the Grand Mufti, becomes one with Rev. Moon. I can go to Yemen anytime and educate its people. Should all Muslims and Christians get blessed, do you think the world will become peaceful, or otherwise? Next, I will bless their children with the children of the Communist party members. I will bless people of nations that are deadly enemies to each other. Families bound in this manner will not fall asunder, but be elevated by the world. The spring of mankind welcomes and vows to follow these couples. That is how the earthly Kingdom of Heaven can be realized. If we have established that kind of foundation, entering the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven is warranted. (302-104, 1999.06.01)

The year 2000, which we are approaching, is the time when all humankind has to usher in the age of the heavenly kingdom of true peace and the true ideal in which we eternally live for the sake of others and practice true love centering on God and the True Parents. We do this by searching for the true, original value of man centered on God and establish a true blessed family that is totally one with the Parents of Heaven and Earth. (298-318, 1999.01.17)

Mankind multiplied from Adam and Eve who, as the True Parents, would have realized a peaceful world of Adam's cultural realm, establishing a one-world family. Hence the consequence of the history of restoration is the formation of a true family centered on true parents and true love. This central True Family then becomes the hope of God and mankind, the origin of true love and true life, as well as the peace and happiness of mankind. (294-067, 1998.06.11)

How can a future world of peace be realized? The integral point is simple. It begins from a nation that marries off its sons and daughters to its enemies and wishes that they will be better off. Without doing that, a world of peace will never come.

If Americans and Russians intermarry, a world of peace will come. If Japanese are willing to marry three generations of Chinese, Russians and Americans, then Japan can go over the realm of the number four to the heavenly nation. (296-204, 1998.11.09)

What mankind most urgently needs is a revolution of true love centered on true parents. Without fundamental reform, mankind cannot hope for a peaceful and happy world. Today's problems have to be resolved by a true family centered on true parents and God's true love.

Please evaluate seriously the concept of true love and the international peace movement I have worked for. You should not regard the true family movement and the pure love movement for youth that is based on true love that transcends national boundaries, culture, race and religion as merely religious events.

A peaceful nation must precede world peace. National peace presupposes peace within a family. Power, wealth or knowledge, which the secular world generally hankers after, cannot be necessary or sufficient conditions for peace and happiness. True happiness is not controlled by the convenience of the external living conditions. Together with true love, these things lead to true peace and happiness. Only by living for others with true love will you surely attain true peace and infinite happiness.

I understand that all the while you are making tremendous contributions to the welfare of mankind and social improvement in every discipline with conviction. However, mankind is now living in a generally critical period. It is inadequate to prepare or work only in specific areas. Being the conscience of this age, leaders must be the building blocks of a peaceful world and take an active role in modeling and guiding a true family, by positively showing perfect examples.

The first phase of the 360 million-couple blessing, which I will be officiating on June 13th, is a result of educating ideal families by offering my entire life. Participants of the holy blessing ceremony are people who vow to God to become a true couple, true parents and a true family centering on true love. To bring about a peaceful world, we are swiftly carrying out a historic revolution of true love through a true family movement.

What is more pressing than saving mankind from family breakdown? I am continuously encouraging you to actively take part in the true family movement that strives for a peaceful world. (294-068, 1998.06.11)

Without your taking a strict oath of attaining a personality of true love that serves God and becoming a true couple and true parents, a true family cannot be restored. Harmonious and peaceful families created through the blessing ceremony can realize a peaceful society, nation and world. The blessing itself, which transcends nations, races and religions, is the cornerstone of world peace. Is this not God's long-cherished, earnest desire?

The blessing ceremony liquidates all false love relationships and orients couples to a sacred marriage centered on absoluteness and to the restoration of values. Therefore, those who join the blessing ceremony deem purity, fidelity and trust as paramount in their own lives, and pledges unchanging conjugal love. On the basis of true love, they promise to devote their lives to the realization of true love, the upbringing of true children, and the substantiation of a true nation and a peaceful world.

You therefore have to teach all people so that they can live in a world of victory, freedom, peace and unity by their establishing a true family and entering the era of God-centered kingship on earth and in heaven. (288-172, 1997.11.27)

In recent world religious conferences, the Unification Church is suggesting entering into matrimony with Islam. Thirteen religious representatives assembled and formed the conclusion that there were no other shortcuts to world peace in the future other than this one. Religions must take the lead. The mind must be the guiding force of peace, for the realm of the mind is religion. I founded two great world federations, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) and the Federation for World Peace (FWP). IRFWP represents the realm of the mind. What do we do with that religious federation? As Cain and Abel do not exist in the religious world, there is no foothold on which the mother can stand. Centering on this principle, the parent has to stand in the parental position. The current heads of religious organizations have to occupy the archangel's position. Even if you dislike it, you have to carry it out.

There is no faster and more efficient avenue to achieving oneness aside from the blessing. Everyone has become my opponent centering on the national boundaries. Hence, I officiate interracial marriages between Koreans and Japanese. That means Korean men and women are married to Japanese men and women. There is no shorter way to world peace besides binding enemies in matrimony. This is to conquer the problem of racial discrimination. (249-256, 1993.10.10)

There is no shorter path to achieving world peace besides the international wedding. Where are the opposers? They crop up at the borderline. People close to your family are your enemies, not those far away from your family.

In order for a world of peace to take place at a faster pace, I go beyond the borderline and match couples from nations that have conflict. In that case, half will enter a world of peace. Before the marriage, they really hate one another to the extent of wanting to murder each other. But when a person's spouse comes from an enemy nation, half of the couple is a citizen of that nation. When the family reaches its second or third generation, the enmity will be totally uprooted. That is why I encourage cross-cultural marriages.

Interracial marriages among rival nations held by Rev. Moon speeds up the pace of world peace. You may think your own people are better, but think about what is going to happen after a decade or two. It will be a real tragedy if no relatives fly to visit you. (249-332, 1993.10.11)

The obligation of the religious sphere as demanded absolutely by God is to stand in the forefront of the work for world peace. Opposition will vanish into thin air on the spot. What is the shortest distance, the nearest path to peace? Tying the knot between members of the younger generation, regardless of religious background. Marriage between conflicting religious groups will reduce their antagonism by half. If we double those marriages, there will be complete serenity. I plan to marry young Unification Church members to the youngsters of various religious bodies.

As the world's religious denominations engage themselves in intermarriage, opposing religions will soon become one, just as opposing nations do. It is the shortcut to world peace. If world peace is not realized, it becomes meaningless for God to set up multifarious religions in the world. (249-085, 1993.10.08)

With the Unification Church as the root organization, I have founded many other organizations for far-reaching projects and activities in a wide variety of fields. These organizations are for the purpose of building a world of peace in which we, the God-centered human family, can rejoice in our freedom, ideals and happiness.

The International Conference on the Unity of Sciences (ICUS), the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), the World Media Conference (WMC), the Summit Council for World Peace (SCWP), the Assembly of the World's Religions (AWR), the Federation for World Peace (FWP), the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle (CARP), and the international performing arts groups will meet during this time of the International Blessing Ceremony and provide forums to stimulate our intellects and reaffirm our determination to devote ourselves to the cause of building a world of peace.

International blessing is the blessing of resurrection and rebirth. Through this ceremony, humanity is able to liquidate the original sin and restore God's true love, true life and true lineage. It is within the context of this ceremony that we give birth to peace and realize the ideal of a true global family, transcending race, nationality and international boundaries.

As the founder of these organizations, I would like to reaffirm here that their purpose is to bring about world peace, according to the ideal of God and humankind. They are not created for the benefit or narrow interests of any particular political faction, religious group or nation. Rather, they exist to bring peace, happiness and freedom to God, the creator of the cosmos, and to all mankind.

Our movement thus must bring salvation to all families, nations and, finally, to the entire world. It must be a family-saving, nation-saving and world-saving movement. The debasement of sexual ethics through illicit relationships and decadent lifestyles is causing the break down of families. Every nation is undergoing a particularly difficult time. It is suffering the agony of the decline of its moral standards and accompanying increase in crime rates. There is no solution in sight to the conflicts between political factions and social classes. Destitution and ignorance continue to plague us. There is no indication that we may be nearing solutions to the world's international border disputes, the attitudes of prejudice among religious groups, or the conflicts among the various races and ethnic groups. World peace is under constant menace from the selfish actions of the world's countries and peoples.

Women are the central point for the love, peace and spirit of service that protects our families. The departure point in our work to build world peace must be the mother of a wholesome family. The establishment of God-centered family ethics and the education of our blessed second generation lie at the innermost core of my teachings. The family is the holy sanctuary that must purify this defiled world. (234-249, 1992.08.24)

Boundary lines and divisive walls between cultural backgrounds do not exist in the Unification Church. Many black people have married white people. Japanese were blessed to members from different nations of the world this time. Several hundred of them were wed to Africans. If the figure exceeds one million, ten million or possibly the population of Japan, the world is heading toward a world of peace. One true blood lineage that Satan abhors will manifest itself. Should I continue to make a blessing hurricane or not? When people of twelve different nationalities in a family become one, what will happen? A world of peace will arise. How great it will be. I will then be the king of peace. (235-199, 1992.09.20)

The basic unit of God's ideal of creation is the family, which is the basis for the establishment of the society and nation. God's model of a one-world family of humankind, based on true love and transcending differences of race and color, will lead us directly to the fulfillment of world peace. When an exemplary couple builds a blessed family under God's ideal of true love, they can bear children of goodness and practice correct ethics. By living with high ethical standards, the couple will provide a family model of morality and lead the way toward the creation of an ideal society, nation and world. (234-272, 1992.08.26)

The problem of today's world is that the diversified disciplines are interwoven in a complicated fashion. Under the name of the World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF) this time, I firmly believe that dealing broadly with the world's problems in all cultural fields such as academics, religions, media, sciences, and arts, including ideology and politics, at one place will be an epoch-making contribution to pursuing a true path to world peace.

Furthermore, this festival, celebrated in the same year the Olympics Games, carries a significant meaning of pinpointing the direction for developing the mental and physical aspects of the human society in a balanced way. Transcending races and nationalities in 130 distinct nations of the world, thirty thousand couples of virtuous men and women subscribing to this ideal have assembled to participate in an international wedding ceremony of the largest scale in human history, as a demonstration of their commitment to lasting family relations and eternal values. The blessing will be a grand occasion that opens up an expressway on which all humanity welcoming a new historical age of the twenty-first century can realize world peace by centering on and harmonizing with God.

Looking at human history in retrospect, there has never been a day of fulfilling true freedom, peace and happiness on earth. Under the ideological value of economic equality, communism, which had promised to liberate mankind from extortion, in reality, caused the tragic consequences of conflicts and poverty.

When a man and a woman whose mind and body are one with God's true love meet and form a family centered on God's true love, this family will be the stronghold of true freedom, peace and happiness.

When God and man centering on true love achieve a common point of unity, man for the first time can enjoy true freedom, peace and happiness.

As a common principle of peace, it does not apply to an individual alone, but to the family, society, nation and world as well. In this way, mankind centering on God's true love has to achieve the ideal of a unified body with God. This is the fundamental direction of human history. (234-237, 1992.08.22)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.5 Transcending cultural barriers in the work for peace

Upon Jesus' death on the cross, the four great realms of hostility - the left, the right, Barabbas and Jesus - came to a final showdown. That world has to be unified at the Lord's Second Coming. The left wing and the right wing must achieve oneness. So must the world of Barabbas, as well as Christianity and Islam. Everything headed for hell has to return to the path of peaceful unity. Everything on the right moves to the left, and vice versa.

The biblical verse that indicates that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first refers to the Last Days. This cannot be turned back even though the Communist party, the democratic society and Islam might oppose it. By all means, the direction of the world must be reversed by achieving peaceful unity. Only then will the way to God's throne be thrown open. (249-097, 1993.10.08)

My mission is to heal the division and the bitter enmity that are manifested in the two worlds separated during World War II. Everything was divided. In Korea, the North was estranged from the South. Israel went back to his hometown, but was divided into two worlds. America was divided into a humanistic world that forsook God. Centering on Rev. Moon, through the unity of the second Israel of Christianity and the third Israel of Korea, the realm of world unity centered on America emerges. The problems in Israel and Korea will be settled. North and South Korea, Israel, the first and third Adam nations are current issues. If they are unified, a peaceful world will come. Rev. Moon and the Unification Church have to fulfill this heavy responsibility. (243-296, 1993.01.28)

A most frightful war would be an interracial one. The black people, white people and the group between them have all been at odds with one another. If a racial war broke out, many white people living in foreign lands would die. Have you heard of "yellow power"? It refers to the Asian countries I have inspired and moved in order to deter such a ghastly event from transpiring. If I do not rescue the entire world, I cannot build a world of peace.

I am emphasizing world peace. The notion of world peace is found in organizations like the Federation for World Peace (FWP), the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) and the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA). World peace is God's ultimate purpose for the world. Centering on these, we celebrate the World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF). It has to surpass the Olympics Games, for the latter is centered on the body, not on God. The WCSF, however, is planting diverse cultures in the world. At the center of all cultures is religion. Man will return to his normal self only when a sound mind centered on religion is capable of giving direction to the body. A worldwide crusade will begin and a new culture will be created. True Parents are accomplishing this behind the scenes. (234-332, 1992.08.27)

You have witnessed how the world has slipped into a religious war during the recent Gulf War. Regional crisis due to religion will continue to occur in the future.

Until now, many politicians have exploited religious conflicts for their own selfish purposes. Religions have been powerless and confused, not clearly recognizing their responsibility in relation to world peace. Now, through the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), leaders from the world's religions will harmonize and become leaders for world peace.

The Federation for World Peace is a collaborative association of statesmen and national organizations working for world peace. Today's world cannot be sustained by nationalism or ethnocentrism. The national disorder in Eastern Europe is evident of the detrimental nature of nationalism. National pride or unilateral decisions are right and good only when they are in the context of supporting the world community. Nationalism, which gives priority to one's own nation and thus increases hostility toward other nations, defies the universal law of living for others. All ideologies contradicting the universal law will presently cease to exist. (234-221, 1992.08.20)

On reaching the year 2000, Islam, with the elder son's right, opposed Israel that had returned to its homeland. If they do not reconcile with each other, there cannot be world peace. Nations have been divided into two throughout history.

The world is now confronting the problem of the conflict in the Middle East and Near East centered on religion, as well as the problem of North and South Korea centered on democracy and communism. Due to the collision of the two great camps set in religion and thought, if the third World War breaks out all humankind on this earth will be annihilated. We are standing right in the middle of this peril. Who will transform this into a world of peace? (229-125, 1992.04.11)

Nobody can deny the fact that Rev. Moon is creating the opportunity for the transformation of the left and right. The most serious problems in the world are the struggle in Israel, as well as that between Christianity and Islam. Who can bring rapprochement among them? No one till now except Rev. Moon has laid hands on this matter. We must know for a fact that the issue of world peace has fundamentally been solved. We are living in the age of historical transition. (225-014, 1992.01.01)

As you may probably know, as soon as Iraq invaded Kuwait, I immediately sent someone to the Grand Mufti with the direction, "Please work to stop the fighting between the Christian and Islamic leaders, and build the base for peace there." Why did I do that? I am doing it for the peace of humankind, and because I know exactly what God's Will is.

The mind and body have become two conflicting worlds. Now, centering on the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, we need to unify the religious world which symbolizes the world of mind, and to disentangle fights between nations which symbolize the world of body. To fulfill this, I am founding the Federation for World Peace, and holding conferences there...

The Unificationists, the disciples directly under the Grand Mufti, and the successors of all other religious orders have to march forward for world peace. A world of peace will not come if our mind fails to influence and move our body. (210-123, 1990.12.17)

If Saddam Hussein of Iraq had given the situation a little more thought, all Muslims would have banded together. Muslims are in conflict among themselves now, but if the Christian world makes a loud explosion and causes the Muslim regions to draw together, a holy war would break out in no time. It is a grave matter.

Rev. Moon and the Grand Mufti both proposed dialogue in the Middle East. The Islamic world and the rest of the world know it. The conclusion is simple. Religionists must come forward to realize a world of peace. It is my decisive conclusion about the free world and the religious world. (210-129, 1990.12.17)

Centering on Jesus, there were two robbers, one on his left side and another on his right. The robber on the right symbolizes the right wing that claims there is God, but the one on the left symbolizes the left wing that denies God's existence. Both the right wing and left wing have fallen away. Who remains? Barabbas does. He represents religion on the satanic side. When the Lord returns, he will transform communism into a religion on the heavenly side. Therefore, by founding the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, I have already set up conditions for advocating peace, centering on Islamic nations such as Syria. (213-185, 1991.01.20)

Judaism, Christianity and the Unification Church must combine to go beyond the Gulf War. Centering on Russia and America, the middle has to be bridged. I am the only person striving for world peace at the back. When Christians engage in war with Muslims, by comparison the conflict between the democratic and communist worlds is no big deal. Religion is something scary. The devil is stirring up a religious war. Messing up the Christian cultural sphere, he is sweeping all the spiritual foundation over to his side.

The Bible records that the Lord will return to judge the world by fire. The judgement by fire and brimstone as mentioned in the Bible is taking place. To prevent that, I am making contact behind the scenes as a pacifist. (214-304, 1991.02.03)

The ideal of unity and peace will be fulfilled on this earth only when the Lord of the Second Coming can enter a world of peace, bringing God's love to the leftists and the Muslims. Next, what do we unify with? Head-wing philosophy. Only true love can digest the left wing and the right wing. What is to be done after that? Education. Education of the children, siblings, couples and parents has to be carried out in the family. Your family must be able to receive peaceful heavenly blessings. (221-218, 1991.10.24)

Israel and Judaism were involved with the death of Jesus. The biblical record of his trial and crucifixion contains references to three criminals: the two who were crucified along with him on his left and right, and Barabbas. Which of them was spared? Only Barabbas! The criminal on the left accused Jesus while the one on the right supported him. They thus were in conflict with each other and also died together with Jesus. If that crucifixion had not taken place, Jesus would have assimilated and embraced all three of them, one after the other.

He would have turned the entire situation around by a 180 degrees, thereby accomplishing his mission. East and West would have become one centered on God's love, creating the unified realm for world peace within his lifetime. However, with his untimely demise, Satan retained dominion over the world of falsehood.

I did not want America to take up arms against the Arabs. If Saddam Hussein does not see eye to eye with the United States, he will fan the flames of war like this without fail, saying: "Bearing a grudge at Christians being vanquished in the Crusades in the twelve century, America is charting a war to wipe out Islam with its worldwide foundation in its quest to take historical revenge." If that were to happen, the Arab people might join forces. The concept of nation is of lesser importance since in the Arab world, as religion takes precedence over nation. Rallying, the Islamic world would battle against the Christian world. (206-275, 1990.10.14)

What does America stand to gain even if it wins by applying the scorched-earth policy to destroy the enemy government within a matter of days? It merely leaves an indelible stain in history that can cause a rupture between the cultural spheres of Christianity and Islam. People like us who stand at the spearhead have to reflect on the issue of peace. (212-326, 1991.01.11)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.6 How is a culture of peace to be attained?

Where can we look for a solution to peace? It cannot be found between America and Russia. When we probe into the fundamentals of mankind, man is by nature belligerent though he aspires after peace. Do your mind and body live peacefully, or struggle constantly?

One is a world centered on the historical view of spiritualism, a world related to the internal form of men who bear spiritual fruits. The other is a world centered on the historical view of materialism, that is, a communist world bound to the external form of men centered on materialistic things. Can there be peace in the materialistic world? Where is its motive? It lies in the never-ending struggles between the mind and body.

The natural law is the same, too. History is reaped as you have sown. The world is in anguish from countless struggles and conflicts between an individual's mind and body. It has borne fruit on the worldwide scale. So where can we find peace? We cannot find it from the result. No matter how hard you try to do so, as long as the cause is not rectified, the consequence will break apart. This is extremely logical.

The question is how to create a causal person. - a peace-loving and happy person. The universal existence is modeled after me. Until a person with no self-conflict in his mind exists, there is absolutely no way to seek for peace.

So, what really matters? The worldly problems or national issues are of no consequence; the problem of mankind, the subject, is the real matter at hand. Economics and science are not the cause of the problem. I can easily kick them away. The crux of the problem lies in man himself. The stronghold of peace for mankind can never be located prior to finding a solution to the problem within man. (086-031, 1976.03.04)

Where can we pursue happiness today? The origin of happiness is between you and me. Where do peace and the ideal start? They begin between you and me. Therefore if an ideal environment is not completely created between you and me, we cannot have happiness and peace, the true ideal.

When you look at yourself, if you call your mind "I" then your body will be in the "you" position. If you want to enjoy yourself where you have gained the yardstick of peace, and to take pride in having the foundation of eternal life and happiness, the relative relationship between "you" and "I" likened to the body and mind respectively must be forever unchanging and possess the subjectivity that can support happiness. The establishment of "I" centered on my mind and body is a vital question. If you cannot establish a subjective motive through the mind and body, you cannot find eternal happiness.

Let's broaden the scope a little. "I" am but a single axis on this earth in the vertical world. If the vertical world is broadened to a relative world centering on "I" and I am a man, there will be a woman. I have to create a subjective, unchanging foundation there between "you and I." When I can say my couple is a happy, peaceful and ideal couple, this foundation cannot be shaken.

It is a new starting point. Standing at the one subjective, unified source of conflicts before numerous families that replace history, the modern age and the future in the course of mankind, you must be able to say your couple is a happy and ideal couple. That ideal is unchanging and eternal. Happiness and peace must also be perpetual. The important point is how to have an unchanging subjectivity as an ideal couple. As long as there is no foundation of happiness between them, their happiness will not last long. In the end, it is destined to roll away either to the left or right, or fall. It is a natural law. (086-095, 1976.03.14)

What will the future world be like? The issue is how this world will continue to exist. It will perish if the subject partner and object partner fight with each other. The universal force will expel them. On the other hand, if they reconcile and harmonize with each other, the universal force will offer them protection. A world of peace will thus be realized automatically. What is a world of peace? Today, if the democratic and communist worlds become a complete plus, the condition that can absorb the complete minus world will naturally be formed. Likewise, if they become a complete minus, the condition that can absorb the completely plus world will be naturally formed. Therefore, a complete negativity induces a complete positivity. (139-182, 1986.01.31)

How can we attain a world of peace? When viewing the entire world, the first task is to reach the peak in the world of thought. Philosophical thought, religious thought and many others are in the world of thought. If we do not climb up to the summit where we can fight and triumph, the path to guide the world of peace will not be opened. This is the first issue.

I have been making preparations. As for technology, I have connections with German firms with advanced technology, and I can freely move in and out of the back door of those laboratories with the top ten technologies in the Japanese electronic world. Peace cannot be achieved if we do not reach the apex of up-to-date scientific technology.

What is next? We have to be at the vanguard of the media world. At present, centering on The Washington Times, Rev. Moon has to press down all the 1,772 American newspaper companies to reach the highest position. Otherwise we will be eliminated from the competitive stage on which a world of peace can be realized. (143-261, 1986.03.20)

It is my belief that mankind, looking forward to a new millennium, has to move toward a culture of love and a cultural world of heart for peace and prosperity to emerge. (299-060, 1999.02.04)

The world today needs the model of an ideal society in which people can coexist peacefully and embrace all nations, cultures and religions. Proclaiming the Sao Paulo Declaration and the New Hope Farm Declaration in March and April respectively this year, I pressed for the construction of a model society in several South American nations beginning with Brazil and gradually expanding the project to other countries. (271-074, 1995.08.22)

An ideal society or nation is one whose people cooperate mutually by transcending ethnic boundaries and skin colors, and live happily by harmonizing. This society is like a large family whose constituent members recognize that they are God's sons and daughters, as well as brothers and sisters centering on the True Parents. It is also a place where blessed couples who have restored the blood lineage, ownership and heart realize a world of liberty, peace and unity under the language and culture of the True Parents. People will come to live a life of coexistence, co-prosperity and co-righteousness within the culture of God's heart. (269-155, 1995.04.17)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.7 An international, interracial and interreligious viewpoint

We have been standing on a divided standard, but transcending the national concept now, we have entered the age of a society or a nation of brothers. Under the United Nations, all nations are brothers. Brothers fight among themselves, though. Cain fought with Abel. The problem can be solved if they vow to become peaceful brothers. As the world is on an equal footing of being called brothers, it is proposing that America should share its property. That property is not made by Americans but inherited from their parents, so it should be distributed. Now is definitely the time for a world of heart centered on heaven to come. (151-054, 1962.10.07)

If we harbor national resentment, hegemonistic contention will arise. We have to surmount the barrier of national resentment and nationalism. Americans and Russians are thinking of pursuing hegemony. That should not be the case. There must be a special nation that transcends that kind of concept, a group with a special ideology. If not, an economic war from now onward cannot be warded off, and an era of world peace will not arrive. I am determined to accomplish that task with my own hands. To do that, in the future I will have to open a world bank that has that ideology. (089-026, 1976.10.03)

For mankind to live there must a movement in which the white race and the yellow race stand hand-in-hand to save the black race. If not, a world of peace cannot come about. The Unification Church has to undertake that mission in the future. When it is time to go to the spirit world, do the white, black and the yellow races go separately? No. They become one. (086-184, 1976.03.28)

How wonderful it is to go searching for the glorious place where I can possess God's love! Even enemies should love one another. Why? As God knows no national boundaries, they have to be broken down. Only then will a world of oneness and peace appear. A passageway will open up when the incorporeal and corporeal worlds become one. (111-091, 1981.01.25)

Bringing the boring and anguished century to an end, we are now going to ring in the twenty-first century which is just around the corner. To create a sincere and genuine culture, we have reached the point in time at which the establishment of a new value on the global level is keenly demanded, evading struggles, antagonism and the pursuit of one-sided interests of our own country. When we reflect on whether the sincere peace of our own country can be sustained without the happiness and peace of all neighboring nations, we cannot even imagine world peace void of human love that goes beyond nationalities.

Furthermore, as a new international economic organization was established, by blocking the former great economic wastage and losses, and propelling a worldwide plan for national land use in a new dimension called "the world and humankind," we have to bestow the rights of enjoying peace and happiness to all mankind. Therefore, when an ideal world arrives and eternal peace is realized, everyone must enjoy a happy and abundant life.

This tentative plan is a part of the concrete scheme aiming to accelerate the realization of the ideal world from now on. Its meaning and purpose is to construct a new cultural world by binding the world to the realm of living for the happiness of all mankind and world peace. (115-177, 1981.11.10)

The hope of God and man is a world of peace, an ideal world. A peaceful, ideal world is a world of unity without fights or disputes. However, prior to seeking for the unity of the world, the unity of one nation has to be sought.

If a true world of peace is realized, it will be perpetual, supranational, interracial and interreligious. It will be a society of one large consanguineous family in which all men and women are bound by brotherly and sisterly relations under one set of parents. (133-284, 1984.11.03)

The hope of mankind is peace, which can be realized only through unity. It is not only unity of the world, but that of an individual, family and nation, too. Among those, the most basic is the unity of an individual. In the movement for unity, Rev. Moon can be excluded from society neither in reality nor in name.

To actualize the world of peace that God aspires to see, first our truth must stand in the highest position in the world of philosophy. It has to battle with and triumph over the existing philosophical and religious thoughts.

Even if it reaches the summit in the fields of ideology, science, the arts, economics, the media, and so forth, problems will still remain. The problem is how to educate a man who can go beyond races and nations. If a person fulfills his allotted portion of responsibility centering on his homeland, an American will want to be unified as an American, an Englishman will want to be unified as an Englishman, and a Frenchman as a Frenchman. Before embodying peace and the unity of the world, the issue is how to overcome national characteristics. (149-269, 1986.11.27)

Even if we had laid the foundation that can be the basis for peace in the world, there is but one problem. Even though we have the ideal, scientific technology, economic power and stand at the vanguard of media organizations, there is still a problem. The question is how to create a man who can go beyond his race and nation. The person who can realize world peace should not give priority to the United States.

When a man says he stands as the standard, he is centering on his own patriotic ideology as a citizen of a developed nation. An American will be engaged in the interests of his own country as a unified American. A British or French person will do likewise. This is the main problem. Therefore, the most serious problem is how to overcome my national trait before embodying peace and unity of the world. (143-264, 1986,03.20)

We can never achieve a world of peace and unity with an ism or religious dogma that has manipulated mankind. As the paths to everything are blocked in this way, an ideal that can unify a society, nation, world and universe which the true Buddhists, the true Christians and the true philosophers have been eagerly waiting for must emerge. (154-048, 1964.03.23)

It will be the year 2000 in ten years' time. My problem from now on is how to accomplish a true world peace by that time. We shall meet in 2000 A.D. at the congratulatory banquet for having achieved world peace. For the next historic ten years, let us be heavenly masons of true peace who will go down in history, transcending national boundaries, demolishing the walls of religions and religious sects, battering down the barriers of cultures and languages, and helping the rich and poor as our own brothers before the unique Lord of Creation. (198-165, 1990.02.01)

On a worldwide level, the challenging problem of having to transcend regions, races, religions, cultures, customs, languages and nationalities for a world of peace continues. However, when we look at the world through the eyes of true love and with the vision of God who created the original universe, we can see it is a world in which the racial, language, religious and ideological differences have been overcome.

Especially in unfolding the ethics of true love in that the family has to sacrifice for the nation, the nation for the world and the world for God, we can hope for an eternal world of peace, overcoming racial and national selfishness. (288-201, 1997.11.28)

The age of a one-state policy or nationalism, by which one nation asserts how the world should be run, has passed. No matter how mankind reviles or indulges in infernal things, it is absolutely impossible for God to complete the unified formula course centering on one race or nation alone. It has to be achieved through a federation or association of nations. A world of peace does not follow after a single nation. It is the same for culture. Even religions, which form the principal axes of a cultural background, have to embrace races, nations, the world, heaven and earth. (222-131, 1991.10.28)

Before overcoming cultures and races, we have to conquer customs and traditions. It is not that easy. History has been an incessant record of warfare. By discarding all evil things, a world of peace can come. The thought of accomplishing a world of peace centering only on victory has been the struggle from an individual level to the democratic, communistic and worldwide level.

The absolute God's Will is to yearn for the unity of the world's religious orders and a utopia of peace, a unified world of a heavenly kingdom. The concept of a heavenly kingdom centered on the absolute world of oneness is achieved when races and nations have been victoriously overcome.

Religions are now pursuing a heavenly nation, a utopian world, or a paradise, whatever you may like to call it. If the place where both God and man can enjoy maximum peace and happiness is known as the Kingdom of Heaven or the so-called world of peace, who then is the supreme ruler of the heavenly kingdom? He is not President Roh of Korea, President Bush of the US, or President Gorbachev of the USSR, but God Himself. Next, who are the citizens of the heavenly kingdom? They are interracial people. Hair color or skin color is not the issue. God is the King of the interracial nation. (218-288, 1991.08.22)

The God-oriented purpose is manifested through religions. Therefore no matter how many religious orders there are, their common purpose will settle at a common conclusion point. What is the conclusion? It has to be an ideology that can be linked to peace and the heavenly kingdom. Mankind confronting the confusion of today's world is pursuing a world of peace, transcending nations.

To seek for a world of peace, what must peace be focused on? Human-centered peace has proven to be a long-standing failure. If the peace that all mankind has longed for turned out to be a flop, if there were one more possibility and one more hope, it would be a God-centered logic for a peaceful world. Only that could show a new direction and a new sense of history to this chaotic world. This majestic conclusion is obtained by pursuing the logic.

What is the conclusion? It is the Kingdom of Heaven, a world of peace with a focus. What should the focus do? It has to overcome the nature of religious orders, historical nature, racial characteristics and national traits. The heavenly kingdom must be a place with an unchanging center. (210-199, 1990.12.23)

Religious people, Christians or Muslims, without exception have to create a world of peace.

As I have to lay a foundation for world peace, removing all exchanges implemented centering on one national boundary, I visualize a plan of creating a new world, such as a movement for the equalization of technology, from a supranational and worldwide perspective. (210-120, 1990.12.17)

About 180 countries are currently in this world. Among those nations with ethnic boundaries, none of them has maintained peace. Apart from religions, nothing else can surmount these borders. For instance, America is a religiously independent country. Though many Christians are related to it, the force that could make a worldwide leading nation of Christian culture that is transcendent of national frontiers derives only from religions. It engages in an internal, ideological warfare with communism centering on the United States.

As you know, while having residence in America for ten over years, many organizations, including American Christians, have been opposing me. There are those among the intelligentsia who share the view that mankind cannot enter a world of peace without reference to Rev. Moon. This is an awesome truth seen from the standpoint of the heavenly Will. Americans are aware of the fact that despite their treating me as their common enemy, I have long endured persecution without regarding them as my foes, but instead repaid them with love. It is amazing that Americans have discovered reverence in this new age. (210-118, 1990.12.17)

Centering on the thought that their denomination alone is the supreme one, today's Christians generally feel they are above all others. Realizing that a fairly difficult and harsh age will arrive in the near future with such an environment, I am thus making prior preparations. In creating a future world of peace, what help can religions render? As long as the walls among religions are not demolished, religion will be a gigantic stumbling block to peace for humankind, so I am preparing. It is extremely difficult to break down these barriers, because religions are embracing their international believers, transcending national boundaries and their thousands of years of cultural background. The four main religions of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Confucianism have walked through thousands of years of history. If they have a showdown among themselves in the future, world peace will be wrecked and mankind will be doomed to perish.

From that viewpoint, the impending question is whether religions are willing to form a federate body, preventing fights and orienting themselves to a world of peace while engaging in friendly exchanges. As Heaven and the spirit world, rather than mankind, are earnestly aiming for this, Rev. Moon is initiating a worldwide movement centering on the Unification Church, following God's Will. (210-117, 1990.12.17)


1 A Movement for Peace

1.8 Technological progress and the work for peace

Man has various motives for developing the sciences, but it is not wrong to say that its ultimate goal is to realize to a certain extent a common welfare for mankind, that is, peace and prosperity. However, the domain of science is subdivided, and if we further analyze the methodology, we notice that it is growing in a direction that differs slightly from the direction of a common welfare for mankind. (069-236, 1973.11.26)

Scientists are sometimes engrossed in research, each according to their primary discipline. There are moments when they lack the spirit of contributing to the welfare of mankind. There is no doubt that the basic attitude of most scientists is to contribute to the peace and prosperity of humankind. Though there are numerous fields in sciences, not one of them - physics, chemistry, biology, medical science, geology, or astronomy - is not involved in the realization of happiness for mankind. (065-255, 1972.11.26)

Man's ultimate purpose in advancing the sciences is to realize peace and prosperity for mankind, but the concrete methods of specialized science could not coincide with that initial direction with regard to values. Man's expectation of science is the welfare of the subject, humankind. The legacy of science, has largely been the betterment of man's material environment. Though it is difficult for the theories of scientific, political and economic equality to upgrade man's wholistic life based on mechanical technology, to guarantee the true happiness of humankind, scientists have to realize this as one of their missions.

Through penetrating man's inner mind, modern men living in this scientific age have been stressing the establishment of a new moral and ethical standard based on an absolute order. The new ethics would want to love nature, to re-examine the value of men, and to seek mutual love for mankind and the fundamentals of that love, God. Scholars are confronting the issue of igniting a cultural and spiritual revolution together with the external scientific and technological revolution in order to achieve the completion of the whole man and the ideal of a world of peace. (135-227, 1985.11.29)

The foundation I have laid in scientific technology is firm and solid as a rock. Four factories were acquired in Germany. Those factories have the know-how to produce the world's largest machines. Therefore we have inherited German technology.

Even the research on ceramics is not for the sake of the companies, but for the whole of humankind. Quality materials should be available to the entire world for the sake of the common good. Such materials will be used to urge for peace and happiness in all nations, not for the pursuit of profit centering on personal avarice. Our ideals are different. (165-182, 1987.05.20)

Technology is for all mankind, and not for specific countries. The technology of Germany, Japan and America should be available to the rest of the world. Some ten years ago, I stepped forward to advocate the equalization of technology. I think this is the way for a true person to march forward with the banner of righteousness, and to lay a foundation for the peace that mankind longs for. (196-112, 1989.12.31)

Surveying people apprehensive about the future of Germany, I found that nobody has thought more about or is more concerned about Germany than Rev. Moon. One plant manager tape-recorded everything I have said for the past ten years. He did not know the speaker on the tape then was me. I spoke about a movement for the equalization of scientific technology at that time, and linked it to a world of peace, far beyond just Germany. Whoever has listened to my speeches for any length of time will not oppose me, because what I say is reasonable. (193-177, 1989.10.03)

The first and foremost purpose of the Panda project is working for peace in the Orient, not reaping profits. With the purpose of achieving world peace, we have to bind peace in the Orient.

The second purpose is the uprooting of communism. There will be milestones in the next three to five years. Peace plans in the Orient and the uprooting of communism, hence unifying the Unification Thought and Chinese philosophy into one body. It is a movement for unifying with the Chinese philosophy. It will naturally be unified.

Centering on the philosophy of dialectical struggle, Communism contains the theory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Things should be harmonized centering on God and not on a conflicting dialectic, however. When Unification Thought and Chinese philosophy become one, we enter the age of the fulfillment of the earthly Kingdom of Heaven. (192-251, 1989.07.04)

If a specific nation covets the world and gains happiness for itself by utilizing the God-given scientific technology as a tool obstructing the peace of all nations, God will not pardon it. Technology is bestowed on mankind for the happiness of all nations, so it must not be exploited by certain people as a weapon for reaping benefits and ignoring peace. I am talking about the equalization of technology from the developed nations, which is opposed by America and Japan. That is why I opted for China.

I have no company offices in China, though. They have been working on it for five years, but I completely finished the task within six months, having begun last November. How did I do it? I first presented my proposal for the construction of the International Peace Highway. They know about it, and said, "That's good. The Peace Highway is actually laying a crucial foundation for China, so it is an important project." I hear they thought that Rev. Moon had been spitefully opposing the Communist party. Yet he has set up an excellent engineering college with a six-floor building in Yanbian, China. (190-177, 1989.06.19)

China urgently hungers for growth in her heavy industries and small-to-medium-sized enterprises. She knows that if she does not align herself with the principles we teach, she will not be able to gain any worldwide results. On the other hand, she can leap thirty years ahead if she does.

Pinchpenny Japan does not readily share her scientific technology. Neither does America nor other developed nations. Amidst this worldly phenomenon, I proposed the equalization of scientific technology to the world at the Tenth ICUS in 1981. (183-072, 1988.10.29)

For the sake of standardizing technology, I therefore proclaimed at the Tenth ICUS in 1981, "Advanced scientific technology does not belong only to a particular nation, but to the entire world for world peace." Scientific technology is not prepared exclusively in relation to the United States, but is to be utilized for the world's purpose. (215-201, 1991.02.17)

If we exclude China, with her population of 1.3 billion, we cannot discuss world peace. Therefore the path to China must be opened up. (210-067, 1990.12.01)

The age of selling military arms has passed. The military industry has to be converted to a peace industry. The country that can be a base for the peace industry is either China, Russia or Asia. With 3.2 billion of the world population of 5 billion living here, we must begin with the Asian region. Japan cannot be touched since it imports oil from the Arab region. Political problems will arise if Japan provokes Israel. Hence, the only touchable country is Korea. (210-069, 1990.12.01)


A Vision for World Peace

Peace has been the most crucial issue of human existence from its inception. Beginning from the very first recorded murder, of Abel by his brother Cain - the children of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Book of Genesis - the history of war and bloodshed is nearly as old as the history of humankind. Right up to the present day, we continue to witness outbreaks of violence throughout our war-torn global village: just recently, the 11 September 2001 terrorist assaults striking at the heart of the United States of America, the unending spiral of attacks and reprisals between Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East, and the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, to name but a few.

The present number of countries in the world that are mired in conflict stands at eighty-three. The twentieth century, which we have now left behind us, could rightly be called the century of warfare. The two world wars, together with the Korean and Vietnam wars, as well as the Middle East and Gulf wars, alone expended incalculable resources causing untold damage and destruction of human life on an apocalyptic scale.

Yet, why should the discussion of peace be limited only to global conflict? Within a country, divisions also arise at racial, regional and factional levels. Weakened by corruption and the decline of ethics and morals, society is split by conflict between those of different social backgrounds. The family, which is the basic building block of society, is facing disintegration through immorality and divorce. Even as individuals, we see our spirit and body warring with each other and are left wondering how we are to be delivered out of such wretchedness.

Politics, religion, ideology and science have all been drawn upon in man's attempts to end all wars; instead, they have at times even aggravated the situation. Since commencing peacekeeping activities in 1948, the United Nations has claimed to be "holding the key to conflict" in fifty-three districts; yet it is greatly hampered in its role as mediator owing to lack of understanding on the part of the superpowers. Does this mean that a peaceful world is remote and beyond our reach?

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon has given a blueprint to the realization of a peaceful world. He presents his fundamental proposal for the realization of peace within the context of the individual, the family, the society, the nation and the world.

Stressing the need for religions, which deal with matters of the heart and spirit, to unite in order to substantiate the ideology of peace, Reverend Moon has initiated numerous activities related to harmony among the faiths. He also founded educational institutions, mass media associations and business enterprises as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in furtherance of the movement for peace. His conviction that world peace will be possible when the unification of Korea is accomplished has led him to totally dedicate himself to healing the division of the Korean Peninsula.

Reverend Moon has stated that Communism had to be completely wiped off the face of the earth before world peace could emerge. For this purpose, he launched the International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC), which has spread its activities from Korea through Japan to the Americas and the rest of the world and covers both theory and practice in reaching out to the mass media and in providing public education. In 1985, at the height of the Cold War, Reverend Moon astonished eminent world leaders by prophesying the demise of communism, while presenting a counterproposal for overcoming it, an ideology that also transcends capitalism. With recent declarations of achieving world peace through eliminating national boundaries and reforming the United Nations, the movement for peace continues to break new ground.

Words, whether written or spoken, fail to adequately describe the thorny path soaked in countless drops of tears, sweat and blood shed by Reverend Moon in his life course. He has unreservedly invested all the resources at his disposal in creating substantial organizations all bearing the trademark "World Peace" - the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International (FFWPUI), the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), and Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP), and the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), to name but a few.

A guidebook for the realization of peace

Peace is undeniably the highest value of our age. Reverend Moon teaches that peace becomes possible when we acknowledge the existence of other peoples, nations and cultures, that is, when we do not ostracize, but accept and embrace people who are different from us. Terrorism and international strife occur when we fail to recognize differences and manifest hostility against other parties. We are in urgent need of dialog between civilizations for mutual understanding. Further, he emphasizes that peace is established through a reciprocal relationship, and that restoring relationships is feasible only if we recognize that we exist for the sake of others.

This book, The Reunification of Korea and World Peace, is a compilation of extracts, pertaining specifically to issues related to the division of Korea into North and South, and the implications for the larger world. These are taken from a 350-volume anthology of Reverend Moon's speeches that has been compiled over the past forty-five years. He has devoted his life's work to teaching about God's relationship with humankind, the history of humankind in God's dispensation, and the spiritual world. In the context of this subject matter, the book presents Reverend Moon's philosophy of peace by shedding light on the true meaning of peace and how a peaceful world can be achieved. He furthermore explains his own efforts to develop a worldwide movement for peace. It is hoped that this volume will become a valuable inspiration for those concerned deeply with the realization of world peace. I sincerely pray for peace to be upon its readers and for the spirit of peace to overflow into their families, nations and the world.

In conclusion, I bow my head in high esteem for the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, the beloved True Parents of all mankind, who have ceaselessly endeavored for the realization of world peace decade after decade of their lives. I also wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to them. Let us pledge to nobly uphold the Will of Heaven and march forward for the sake of true peace.

Sun-jo Hwang

International President

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

May 2002

Explanatory Note

This book is a compilation and translation of excerpts selected from the 350-volume anthology of speeches given by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Each excerpt is followed by a reference to where the speech can be found in the original Korean, and when it was given. The first hyphenated set of numbers refer to the volume and page number. This is followed by the date on which the words were spoken, written in the form year, month, date.