What will Christ at his Second Advent bring?

Sun Myung Moon
August 11, 1997


What will Christ at his Second Advent bring? He is coming as the owner of the lineage rooted in God's love. A new line of descendants will be born from that lineage. Once perfected families are formed in the image of Adam's perfected family, they become the basis for tribal and national perfection. This lineage is now expanding worldwide through the 30,000, 360,000 and 3.6 million Couples.

In this manner, the formation, growth, and completion stages will be accomplished on earth. That is the horizontal expansion. From now on there will be no problems and everything will be straightforward. Everything will be much easier in accomplishing the goal of blessing 3.6 million couples. We are entering the era of God's all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority, and omnipotence. There can be no obstacles in blessing couples centering on true love. Why? It is because the biggest problems in the world at present are juvenile promiscuity and the breakdown of families.

Since God set the standard based upon which He could not intervene in the Garden of Eden, He cannot intervene now. In the Last Days, Satan will try to destroy all families, but eventually all traces of his lineage will dry up.

You need to offer all of your possessions voluntarily. However, there is not one person who has done so. Those who have their own houses and other forms of wealth in their names, and who do not follow the instructions of Father, will find themselves in trouble. Those of you listening to what I am saying now will find yourselves implicated at the time of registration if you have houses and other things in your name. Father does not have anything. Even though he may make a lot of money, it is not for his own use, but for the world. It is not for any one particular individual. In saving all people in the world, he cannot help but melt down the whole nation and use it as one would use molten iron.

In such a time of emergency, those who refuse to be melted down with others are the enemies and traitors of heaven. If the nation of Japan was lost, and the question arose as to how its regal power could be revived, those who can devote not only their homes but even their lives are the true patriots of that nation. However, this is not just an issue for Japan alone. In restoring the cosmos, you must, under any circumstances, be ready to devote anything and everything for God.

I view the 30,000 and 360,000 Couples Blessings as uphill tasks. The Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples is the watershed. From now on, our path is an easy one downhill. In descending, we can accelerate and gain momentum down on the opposite slope. The 36 million Couple Blessing can be said to be the counterpart of the 360,000 Couples Blessing, and then after we complete the 360 million Couple Blessing, the mountains that are the families of the satanic world will collapse completely. With the collapse of these families, the world will become a flatland. As these mountains of fallen families remained standing until now, God has been unable to travel freely between heaven and earth.

The next thing we must overcome is nationalism. Based upon the Family and Tribal Federations, we are entering the era of the National Federation. Our goal is to have twenty four nations join and work together. In entering the global era, through 360 clans, the 3.6 million, 36 million and 360 million Couples will establish God's unified Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world as the horizontally expanded organization of the world. I am saying that we are to completely surmount the twelve peaks of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Do you know how your families can become a part of my family? You can enter God's Kingdom on earth as its citizens only after surmounting these twelve peaks.

Can you even imagine how many peaks of historic anguish we have had to surmount? The Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples represents the twelfth peak. This must be accomplished – there is no other way. The twelve peaks will have been successfully surmounted through the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. Once we have reached the summit by accomplishing this Blessing, we will go down the opposite side, passing through the stages of formation and growth. Next will be the 36 Million Couples Blessing, followed by that of 360 million Couples and, through this, the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth will be completed. In other words, everything and everyone will be liberated once and for all. Only after accomplishing the 360 Million Couples Blessing can we enter the realm of complete liberation. Then everything worldwide will be complete.

Those who are registered centering on True Parents will become the ancestors of the future. They will become ancestors of the next world, and based on the mainstream tribe and everyone from the collateral family lines, tribes will be created. That is why you need to be registered. You cannot be registered without doing anything for it. You first need to restore 160 or 180 couples. Those who have failed to accomplish this will be eliminated. The era in which you could assert your position as one of the 36 Couples has already passed. We are now living in the era of equalization, and the only issue in this era is who will be the first to fulfill that responsibility.