Prayer on the Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth (Chil Pal Jeol: 7.8. Day)

Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1997
Seoul, Korea


On this 7th day of the 7th lunar month in 1997 at 7 minutes and 7 seconds past 7 o'clock, by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, we have fulfilled our motto for this year, which was to be proud of and to love the True Parents absolutely by successfully completing the Blessing of 360 Million Couples. Heavenly Father, how much anguish You have had to harbor in Your heart!

Heavenly Father, we of the Unification Church know only too well the historical truth that all cultures of East and West have been lost to You. The homeland that should have been the central nation of all nations through the unification of North and South Korea, and all of Your children, who should have inherited the Blessing and become a part of Your tribe of heaven, stood instead in a position with no choice but to be divided into two. For this reason we have had to walk the path of restoration for a period of forty years, engaged in the conflict between communism and democracy.

Because this period of forty years represents four thousand years of providential history, the persecution perpetrated by the sovereign nations of the satanic world against Christianity, Christian states, and believers of all other religions and faiths during that period manifested during those forty years as opposition and oppression from the whole world against the True Parents who were endeavoring to fulfill Your will on the world stage. No one knew of Your sorrow as You watched this history of forty years. You have had to pioneer this path all alone with no one to help You. However, under Your guidance, we persevered through the forty years of suffering and hardship, engaged in the battles to prepare Your abode of the Sabbath on the levels of the individual, couple, family, tribe, nation, world, and the cosmos. This was in order to develop a free environment based on the ideal of creation wherein You can reside with perfect freedom.

Now at last we have completed this history of forty years, Heavenly Father, enabling us to welcome an amazing new era in which today we can proclaim the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath centering on the True Parents.

Today, Your son by the name of Moon celebrates his seventy-seventh year in this world. The era has come in which we can connect the Sabbath year with the number of a new beginning, rising above the numbers seven and eight by connecting eight number sevens based on 7 minutes 7 seconds past 7 o'clock of the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in 1997, and my 77 years of age. Now, therefore, Unification Church members can form families inheriting the heavenly authority and traditions of love, and thus attend You and offer You a dwelling place on the levels of nation, world and cosmos. Through these families, the foundation of the Sabbath in which You and the True Parents can freely come and go will be connected from the family to the cosmos. The time is close at hand when we will cross the boundary that separates us from the simultaneous establishment of Your right of kingship on earth and in heaven, which will allow us to achieve complete oneness with You. In such a manner this work has been accomplished.

To fulfill this undertaking, the mother representing the nation that can take the place of the Eve nation should come on earth. Centering on the United States as the archangel nation, as well as the United Nations, the fortune that will unify North and South Korea needs to be prepared in the United States and then sown in Korea so that Korea can be the nation that can represent the liberation of all peoples. However, You eased our concern on this matter, for under Your protection True Mother embarked on a third speaking tour, and visited sixteen places, thereby surmounting the number sixteen and opening the doors wide for the passage of the dignitaries of this nation. You have bestowed on us such a blessing which has allowed the holiness of Blessed Families to be known nationwide.

Moreover, through the women of North and South Korea, True Mother has been welcomed to the worldwide conferences for women representing the northern and southern hemispheres. On that basis we can enter into the era of family right of kingship within Your victorious domain, based on the accomplishment of the number sixteen and the successful world conferences. This era can be proclaimed tomorrow, August 10, to the leading figures of this nation and the leaders representing the sovereignties and nations of the world. By the grace of your endeavors this blessing could be granted to this nation, and the blessed realm established, with the Unification Church leading the way through its Blessed Families. We are truly grateful for Your great work in collaboration with True Mother in preparing such a foundation for us. If this had not come to pass, there would have been no place for Korea in this world.

Furthermore, no words can express our gratitude to You for allowing us to establish and proclaim upon this foundation the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth centered on the True Parents.

Heavenly Father, please take pleasure in welcoming this era in which You can be liberated from imprisonment, and in this state of liberation embrace Your loving cosmos, through the establishment of the Sabbath foundation of the eras of the right of kingship in the family, nation, world and cosmos, which has been Your long-cherished desire.

We are aware of how much You grieved over not being able to help this son of Yours in his work, since all that You could do was shed tears and watch over his path. We beseech You with all of our hearts to bestow on us Your blessings, that You may achieve total, overriding, supreme and full authority as You have desired, and with the whole world under Your dominion we may march forward into Your liberated kingdom.

Now the era has come when the stains created by tears of sorrow shed by the family of the True Parents will fade away. With the achievement of Your authority of liberation, the family of the True Parents can attain the privileged and highest position of the ideal of creation looking down over the beloved children, nations, world and cosmos, with the freedom to travel anywhere in the world.

Therefore, please accept this proclamation which I am now making in the name of the True Parents, as contributing to the resolution of Your grief and sorrow, and to Your full liberation. At this hour, please accept with joy the proclamation of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Please proclaim this from heaven in order that the banner of victory of the harmonized realms on earth and heaven may fly high. I proclaim this day in the name of the True Parents! Amen! Amen! Amen!