Sun Myung Moon
March 14, 1999
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 3: True Love, Chapter 2: Section 2.2
Photo date and location unknown
You were born of the blood of false parents who were chased away from Heaven with no connection to true parents. Thus, in order to move away from this lineage, you must trample upon that lineage again and again and pull it out again and again. Without changing your lineage at the fundamental level in this way, you cannot enter the heavenly world. (22-271, 1969.5.4)
What kind of savior is the savior demanded by the fallen people? He should be the True Parent who can be one with God's will and receive God's love and God's blessing, not in the position of the fallen parent, but in the position of unfallen Adam and Eve. As such a True Parent, he must be the savior who can give birth to humankind. Otherwise, people cannot rise to the point of having no connection to the original sin. (22-269, 1969.5.4)
I have said that although the Messiah may change your lineage, it is you yourself who have to act in order to change it. Without such a standard being established, we cannot reach the path of salvation. It is by no means achieved easily, but only through a situation where our life is at stake. The change of lineage is possible only when you fulfill a forty-day period of fasting and prayer or experience a state of death in which you are vomiting blood. (God's Will and the World - 62)
Why do we need True Parents? It is because we must take root in the realm of the heart. Now, there is a different root. Through the Fall, all the trunks and branches have become different. Here, a new root started with true parents, and what emerged from that? A trunk and branches grew, and you are being engrafted. You should cut yourself down and become engrafted. After the engrafting, you will become one with the great mainstream of the universe. You must cut off everything from the satanic world, down to the root. (164-155, 1987.5.10)
What is it that all people desire today? It is to welcome the True Parents before establishing a global nation. Also, from whom would your future descendants want to originate? Your sons and daughters want to be born through the lineage of True Parents, not your lineage. This is why True Parents become the starting point of the new future. (35-236, 1970.10.19)
What should True Parents do? They should correct the false lineage that is the root of the satanic world, reverse the false life, and open the true path away from the path of false love. The Bible says that those who wish to die will live, and those who wish to live will die. Why must this kind of paradox appear? It is because you must die to the satanic world. (169-37, 1987.10.4)
The Fall occurred through the false marriage in the Garden of Eden, and so True Parents are reversing this by marrying people in the proper way. Through True Parents sweeping away that which was done by the false parents, they are abolishing hell and carrying out the work to bless in marriage even the tens of billions and hundreds of billions of ancestors in the spirit world. Through the family foundation of the earthly descendants, which is based on true love, the ancestors in the spirit world and the descendants on earth are becoming one vertically, and furthermore, through the foundation of such families, East and West are forging a connection. (300-224, 1999.3.14)
What should the adopted son do? He should be engrafted to the true son. You must cut the wild olive tree and engraft a bud from the true olive tree. We must create a movement of wild olive trees becoming true olive trees. To be reborn you need to receive True Parents' lineage. So it is True Parents that humankind desires, and what Jesus and the Holy Spirit desire is the feast of the lamb. (19-164, 1968.1.1)
First, you should earnestly long for the Parents. You cannot receive salvation without attending the Parents based on their being the motivation for your life, the entirety of your hope and the root of all your ideals and happiness. Have you ever tried offering attendance like that? You should understand this clearly. Hence, you should have the conviction that you are a son or daughter who can become eternally one with True Parents, and have this conviction so firmly that you transcend the consciousness of your own being. Otherwise, it will not work. (30-237, 1970.3.23)
It should be enough to have your natural parents, so why do you need the Spiritual Parents? It is because you are fallen. Then who are the True Parents? They teach you greater and greater things on this foundation so that you can be fit for the heavenly kingdom, the eternal kingdom, so that you can keep in rhythm after you go to the eternal kingdom. They teach you so that you will have no difficulty breathing. (129-99, 1983.10.1)