Sun Myung Moon
April 11, 1999
East Garden
On a recent speaking tour, I traveled to eight locations in Korea. Mother took responsibility for the Eve nation, Japan, speaking in sixteen cities there, and for the son nation, the United States, by giving her speech in twenty-four cities. She held a total of forty rallies in forty cities in the two nations. In such a manner the two of us shouldered the responsibility to complete the providential responsibilities of the parents and the children which had not been fulfilled. This was a task that God could not accomplish on His own, and that Christianity could not accomplish, but I took it in my hands and brought it to a successful conclusion.
The Christian cultural sphere failed to take responsibility in 1945, and consequently the forty-year familylevel wilderness course of restoration of Canaan ended in failure. Through the victories in Korea, Japan and the United States and based on the right of the eldest son and the thirty-four nations standing in the realm of the Cain culture, I could finally take responsibility for all failures and with full authority bring them to complete resolution on earth. You should understand that I embarked on the recent speaking tour with such an end in view.
On this day I proclaimed the Completion of the Completed Testament Era and God's Kingdom on Earth and in Heaven. When considered from the viewpoint of perfection of the family and all the liberated realms in the spirit world, Blessed Families can be divided into three different types, namely, the already married blessed couples, the couples who had been previously engaged outside the church, and the couples formed by the union of virgin men and women. With the three representative couples of the 36 Couples I made it possible for previously married couples, and for engaged couples of which one of the parties passed to the spirit world, to receive the Blessing there in the spirit world. Now the partner in the spirit world and the other on earth can come into union through the spiritual Blessing. I am permitting people in the spirit world to receive the Blessing and to have the three-day ceremony. We can assume there are billions of people who passed on to the spirit world when they were only children, and have reached the age of sixteen. People in such circumstances in the spirit world are being blessed, and through the Blessing they stand in the position of having been legally married during earthly life like the other ancestors in the spirit world. Previously they could not have entered heaven because they were under age and not blessed. I have given the Blessing to 1.6 billion such couples.
The Blessing brings inheritance of the foundation of a connection with the lineage of God's true life. Since there are people in both the spiritual and physical worlds who have inherited His lineage through the Blessing, He is able to have full dominion over them. Thus, even now, with full authority He is freely pressing ahead with re-creation and the providence of restoration without needing to set up indemnity conditions. Hence, the question at hand is whether you can stand in the position of His object partner with such conviction. Once you have made your resolution to unite with the standard of absolute faith, love and obedience, everything can be rapidly put in place in the equalized world.
Every one of you should practice absolute love and obedience. The families in Eden had nothing in their name. Had they become true sons and daughters, standing in oneness with God and His absolute love and lineage, everything in the whole universe would have belonged to them, as God originally intended to bequeath everything to His children. Once you have attained oneness with God through love, everything will become yours.
You should not believe that everything you have in your possession truly belongs to you. Of the things you can possess, the greatest of all is God's love, and the greatest thing you can become is a family of His sons and daughters who are eligible to receive His love. This comes first. When that was lost, everything was lost. Conversely, through its recovery, you can recover everything. In order for you to establish such a family centering on God's love, you must create it from a position of possessing absolutely nothing and connect the foundation of absolute faith, love and obedience with the ideal. Having this original standard, you must stand in the position of being denied even by the satanic world.
Everything lost by Adam and Eve can now be fully restored centering on the family through the relationship with True Parents' lineage, which is based on true love. Hence, you should not have anything in your possession, for if you are united with God, His lineage and His love, then everything that belongs to Him will also belong to you.
As the Messiah and Parent for the whole world, I have assigned national, tribal and family messiahs who should all become as one with God and together with me take part in the great exodus. In this way, we should seek out the original homeland and establish our original nation there and thenceforth spread out to the world through expansion of the tribes. As we need to follow such a path, a great exodus must take place.
The Blessing of February 7 was an event through which I could rectify the failures of Cain and Abel. The responsibilities in regard to Korea, Japan and the United States can be settled once and for all, with full authority within the sphere of victory. We will hold revivals to advance the global expansion of true families.
Please observe how serious I am. I have said that at this coming Blessing ceremony I will open the gates of hell and bless even the murderers, something that not even God can claim to do. I am encouraging them to pass out of the gates of hell and come to heaven. Even those who opposed the Unification Church for years and years and who passed away can be blessed with their spouses who are still alive on earth and have their three-day ceremony in the physical world. I gave permission for this on March 13, 1999, before I left Korea for the United Sates.
Those who became saints and those in hell who are evil – in short, every spirit from the saints to the murderers will be liberated. According to this principle, the followers of the Unification Church can bring whoever they want even from hell – even a husband who opposed the Unification Church – have them liberated and receive the Blessing. Such things will take place.
Because of this principle that allows even the saints and evil spirits to unite together, the spirits of children who passed away before marrying can be liberated and blessed after they have grown and reached the age of sixteen or over. I have opened the gates of hell and blessed everyone. Through this, their authority as God's kindred can be acknowledged and Satan has no choice but to retreat completely.
Never has there been a revolution such as this. With these words which I have spoken today, the world has changed. The spirit world has come under Blessed Families, the three-day ceremony can be performed freely and the liberated realm has been opened. Through all of this, the lineage of the satanic world has been rooted out and we are now in the liberated realm of the spiritual and physical worlds under God's complete dominion.