May 21, 1965
Washington, DC
Photo date and location unknown
To Hyo-jin's Omma:
Time flies by so quickly. In just a few days it will be four months since our parting. I felt at peace when I heard the news about headquarters, so thank you for sharing that with me. I understand that you are doing well, and I hope you will continue to be loyal before the great mission. Until now, without me, you have been carrying a heavy responsibility with a serious heart, and whenever I am given reports about it, I always feel reassured. May you establish the way of loyalty and filial piety in your heaven-given mission forever! I constantly picture you being honored throughout all generations. Upon you, so pure and precious, may God's peace dwell for eternity.
Truly, I sincerely wish to comfort you after you worked so hard for the Parents' Day event that just passed. I imagined that you fell fast asleep after it was over, and I prayed that peace and health would surround you. I was deeply concerned about you, and before the ceremony began I prayed for God's blessing and good fortune. I know that your heart is full of love for me. I am looking forward to the day when everything you have deeply experienced during your life course will be a blessing to our family.
It is now 1:40 a.m. It is a calm night on this side of the world. These nights make me miss the nights back home. When I think about the fact that it is afternoon right now in our hometown, it seems so strange. But I am writing this letter now, just thinking it is nighttime. I am wondering how Omma will be sleeping. I know you are always thinking about America. I know that you wish me to come back as soon as possible. Amid that kind of precious heart, may you have a sweet sleep. That is what I wish for you. I hope that although we are separated between our home and a foreign land, tonight everything you are talking about and thinking of will become a condition that God can be proud of, that emits a beautiful fragrance.
You are pregnant now, and I hope the baby in your womb is healthy. Mother, please be grateful that heaven is greatly protecting our family. How much I hope that we can become a family that brings grace to the destiny of heaven and earth. God and the Unification Church members also think this way, so I feel we must concentrate more on the education of our children.
As I joyfully imagine changing the course of restoration, which is full of sadness, pain and heavy burdens, into a great and glorious achievement, I think about how much more I will have to endure, and I make my determination to do that. Likewise, my having to advise you to become not just my faithful wife but also a faithful daughter for heaven pains me, knowing how much you will have to endure to go such a path. Again, as my Omma you should be able to be honored by all women even after you go to the spirit world, and all heaven and earth should be able praise you; that is why I have to tell you again to go this path. Yet my heart aches to do so.
All those who are working closely with me want to see you. As we share the same destiny with heaven and earth, I hope your blood, sweat and tears can become the fertilizer for you to soon become True Mother, blooming like a peaceful, sweet flower. That is why I want to advise you and raise you, so please accept my words joyfully.
After I return to Korea, again I will have to push you and bring you with me. I am in that kind of position, so please sympathize with me. Heaven will have to do it; the earth will have to do it; it is all because they know the preciousness and greatness of your position and are trying to lift you up. So even though the final cross of heart comes to you, I hope you will triumph over it in a beautiful way.
Please become the Mother who will be truly respected by people who empathize with her precious life as a woman and become the example of meritorious virtue for all time to come. Omma, your life should be able to disclose even greater height and preciousness than mine.
Whenever you tell me how busy it is in Seoul, I feel immense gratitude toward everyone for their hard work. Their accomplishments are directly proportional to their efforts. I received the letter that the members signed in blood and you forwarded to me. Likewise, I am keeping my own 21-day condition. I just took a bath as preparation for it, and now I am resuming my letter to you. This letter is getting longer and longer because I am thinking that you may be wondering about the news here in America.
If you examine the lifestyle here, the meals are fine, just as in Korea. During this tour, Suk-hee and Kisuk are totally dedicating themselves to serve me, so I have not felt uncomfortable or inconvenienced. When I have time, I struggle to master English. I really need a lot of time. Omma, you should also do some conversation practice. I have concluded that memorization is the best method. Besides that, most of my time is spent meeting people. I can see that the progress is as I had imagined.
I think about living with you in America in the near future. I think of this whenever I see something good. Also, please take care of your health and keep your spirit up. Offer solace to the members and to heaven by singing cheerfully throughout the day. I will stop here. Please give the members my best regards.