May 4, 1965
Washington, DC
Photo date and location unknown
Dear Hyo-jin's Omma:
We departed on April 30 and arrived in New York after four days, on May 3 at 10:30 p.m. In the car on the way back, they were saying that there were letters waiting in several places. So I was praying aloud, and hoping in my heart that your letter would be there too.
As. soon as I arrived I asked, "Are there any letters for me?" and I was surprised to receive letters from you and the church president. The last time I received a letter from you, I wrote a reply then and there, and gave it to Bo-hi [Pak] to mail to you, but since you indicate that you have not received it yet, I think it may have gotten lost. I am trying to remember what I wrote in that reply as I write this letter.
This will be the first time I am sharing news with you since our last phone call. I'm sorry to hear that your pregnancy has made you exhausted. By the time you receive this letter it will have been more than 15 days since you last heard from me. Not knowing your situation, I had been looking forward to receiving your letter, thinking that you already received mine.
I met with many important people, mainly in Washington, DC during that time. I will explain that to you more in detail later. I think that if they had seen Hyo-jin's Omma, they probably would think more highly of me!
All I am worried about is that you are healthy. Please do not be anxious about going into labor; everything will work out. Since that moment is close at hand, do whatever you think is best.
When I went to New York, I realized that in order to place you on the world stage, it will be necessary for you come to America and learn how to live in America by living with me. However, I'm sorry that our current circumstances do not allow it. Whenever I come to New York, and am unable to be there together with you in Seoul, I think about you more and more. Every time I think about you, I believe it is helpful for us and I am grateful to heaven for it.
Around 25 members accompanied me as we visited the most important locations in New York City. I will send you pictures later. I realized deeply that the power of this civilization will make a major contribution to building the kingdom of heaven in the future. Today I received letters from London and Rome. We will build churches in these places. We also will go to the Netherlands, and we will go to France. During my time in America, I will select a number of missionary countries and implement this plan. Please anticipate this and pray hard for its success.
I seem to be tired. Please forgive me. I will stop here. Please take care. Please send the church president my regards. Everyone is doing well, right? If you are planning to write to anyone else who is close to us, please give them my warmest regards as well.