The Relationship between People on Earth and the Spirits

Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1986


There is a wall between the way religions must go and the way the ordinary world must go. How can unbelievers harmonize themselves with believers, and how can believers make harmony among themselves in the age at the end of the century? Without resolving this problem, humankind will be divided in two and become unable to enter a new unified world.

If these two factions were to enter one world, that would result in a divided world, and this cannot be the ideal of the absolute God. I consider that since the ideal world of God can only be one, the two divisions cannot both enter there. The way to solve this problem cannot be found in complicated global affairs. The problem is how one can discover the self that will unify the mind and body and leap toward the goal.

Starting from the idea that religious and world unity must come from myself, the question of what the Unification Church is trying to do today comes to the forefront. It is not a religion just for the sake of religion. It should achieve solidarity with the world, finding ways that religious activity can be accompanied by social activity; it should find ways the world is seeking the religious path and bring the two into oneness. A big wall lies across here blocking religion and society from becoming one – for individuals, families, peoples, nations, the world, and even the cosmos.

Where do we start from to demolish this wall? Where did the trouble start? Not from the end of the world, but from the individual. Because individuals got out of order, mind and body came apart and pursued their own separate purposes in different directions. What is the issue here? It is how to merge, weave, combine, and melt different purposes into one, and then how to reintegrate mind and body.

Since God and Satan exist, they are at work. Until now, God has been guiding the providence of restoration and the providence of seeking truth to save humankind. Contrary to this, Satan is opposing God's providence. On the side of goodness and after setting one ideal world in the direction of His providence, God is driving toward that purpose, distinguishing daily between right and wrong. On the other hand, the evil god Satan is twisting humankind in the opposite direction while telling them not to go that way.

At each border and wall, God is twisting people's arms and saying, "Don't go over the wall. Turn right!" and Satan is also twisting their arms and saying, "Turn left!" This is how we are being divided. Our movement to go right resulted in the right wing, and the result of moving leftward globally is the left wing. Now we are faced with the historical age at the end of the century having right and left wings. This is the visible result of the struggle between mind and body.

Then, the question is how to create oneness. By uniting the world, the nation, the tribe and the family, does the individual become united? No. It must start from an individual.

So, setting aside the world, we must create a movement which can bring about unity within the individuals. A movement that can connect the present day real world to religion, and connect religion to the real world, thereby, becoming individuals that both sides can accept.

The problem here, however, is that evil spirits are dominating the body. Evil spirits are rooted in the body and good spirits in the mind. From this comes the division of materialism and idealism. The things that people talk about in this world do not just spring up like that. As the time approaches, sinners should confess their sins. They should come clean about who they are.

Whether we achieve unity on earth is decided by the testimonies of the good and evil spirits on the global level. Good and evil spirits are fighting on that level. Although we cannot observe it or feel that, we are a part of that.