Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1986
Why did the Day of the Opening of the Gate of Heaven come into being? Adam and Eve erred but God took full responsibility. By inheriting the responsibility from God, I have to open the gate. He must open the gates for individuals, families, and tribes as well. All those gates have been blocked. The gates for races, nations and the world have also been blocked. They must all be opened. I am seeking to open those blocked gates through Unification Church families.
God's strategy is to prepare small things for the sake of recovering bigger things. From the individual through the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos and even to the afterlife, they have been blocked by heaven and hell. Because of who are they blocked? Had Adam and Eve become true parents, this could have been one world, but because of the emergence of false parents through the Fall, heaven and hell have been blocked. Who should break down this historic wall of bitter grief? The True Parents of humankind. It's not something they are doing vested with kingship on a throne.
People are living in hell on earth, and spirits are suffering in hell in the spirit world. The gate of hell on earth and the gate of hell in the spirit world must be opened. Through these gates a pathway must be connected leading from the individual to the nation and world on earth. Then there must be a connection leading from the earth to the spirit world. It must connect to that single pathway that leads to the mainstream. Your mind and body must become one. With that level of oneness, there must be no barriers blocking your path as you pass through the family and tribe. From that level you transcend the race, nation and world to the spirit world. Everything must be broken down.
The final problem is opening the blocked spiritual gates of hell and heaven. It is impossible to enter heaven without opening the gates of hell on earth and in the spirit world. Only those who overcome hell can go to heaven. You must overcome not prayer, but God's love. Otherwise, you cannot enter heaven. This is why I paved the way from earth to heaven by opening the gates of hell on earth and in the spirit world, centered on God's love. The name of the International Peace Highway came from this. This is to break down the wall, which has been blocking us. Jesus had the authority of the prince of heaven and God's only begotten son because he was able to love not only the satanic world, but also the spirit world.
Even the spirit world has been entirely blocked by walls. The Buddhist and Confucian realms are entirely blocked by walls. These must be taken down through a higher standard that comes from God's heart.
From the high throne of heaven, work must progress downward having all the walls broken down. Starting with the walls of our ancestors of ten thousand years ago, a thousand years ago, several hundred years ago and those of the people who passed a few years ago, all must be broken down. Also the walls on earth must be removed as well, and a way to connect this to hell must be paved. Otherwise, the gates of heaven cannot be opened.
Had there been no Fall, people who went to the spirit world would have been able to enter heaven by connecting with the core of God's love and True Parents' love. Instead, our journey to heaven has been deferred because throughout history, nobody had been able to attain that bond. People have become stranded in hell and paradise, which is why heaven has been empty.
The people to enter heaven first must be the True Parents. If I were to say that heaven is empty, people would think I am demented, yet even Jesus could not enter heaven. One cannot go there alone. Our original ancestors should have grown through adolescence, established the ideal of love centered on God, become parents and bequeathed the seeds of true love. Then, the first place they entered would have been heaven. As yet, there have been no parents centered on God's love who were able to bequeath the seeds of true love and thus no foundation of leaving behind such descendants. Heaven, thus, is empty.
If we want to go to heaven, we must pass through and conquer hell. The conquerors of hell go to heaven. Having surmounted hell, they are on the roadside leading to heaven, and that place is paradise.
Look at humankind as one man and one woman. If there are four billion people, you should think, "Half of humankind's four billion people are men and the other two billion people are women. That constitutes a man with two billion cells and a woman with two billion cells. With that mind, I will love those two people." You have to think that way. God is planting those four billion people to engage in the work of re-creating Adam and Eve.
That means that God chooses one representative man from among the two billion men and one representative woman from among the two billion women to be His first loves. These representatives will be seen as the fruit of the love of humanity. You should be resolved to loving that entity which is the fruit of the love of two billion people more than the father and mother who gave birth to you. Then you become someone who can love the four billion people more than your father and mother. At that point, you will have nothing to do with Satan because you will be totally one with the realm of God's love. You will then be in the position of loving humanity in oneness with God.
Those representatives are the True Father and True Mother. If you have the heart to love humankind more than the True Parents, everything will be okay. The gates of hell in the spirit world and on earth will be opened. Wherever such a person goes, it will be a highway. But then, you will have to pay for the gasoline.
In the original world, angels are to lead the way to heaven, not True Parents. It is not the Principle to have the True Parents lead you. They paved the way and you are destined to follow it if you love them. While following this path, in the position of loving the True Parents, and loving humankind more than the True Parents, everything will go well. No way would be blocked. There would be no alleys. We are going along the mainstream of heart, which directly connects to the highway. Thus, we can go directly from the earth to heaven.
With regard to this world, there are two kinds of people, men and women. We are entering the realm of heart, the heart that loves the parents, which transcends the satanic world. If you have made bad conditions in front of True Parents, then you have to go that way again. Throughout my life, as a parent, I have taken responsibility to prepare the way for my children to go. If you stand in the place where you love humanity with the same heart as you love the True Parents, you will become one with the True Parents and stand in the same line horizontally with True Parents. If you do this, Satan cannot influence you, because the realm of fallen heart will be below you. You can connect to heaven directly. To commence this work, I declared the Day of the Opening of the Gate of Heaven.
On earth, True Parents have prepared the highway and brought the victorious power of heaven and passed it on to you. In that very place where you inherit that power, you must plant God's love in your mind and body and become one with True Parents Then Satan cannot separate you from God.
What will happen to you? Together with me, you who represent the world have been restoring Cain's sons and daughters. If you too have the heart to love the world more than the True Parents, nothing evil can block your way to God's Kingdom, whether on earth or in heaven.
You start from the earth and then can go beyond the world and the spirit world directly to heaven. Yet if you cannot do it, your way will pass through so many high and steep mountains. Knowing this, I dedicated my life up to now to prepare the way. Since I gave you the privilege today to attend the Day of the Opening of the Gate of Heaven, please, become the victors who can pass through safely and attain that realm of heart without fail.