The 360,000 Blessed Couples

Sun Myung Moon
April 7, 1995


Why did I set the number at 360,000 couples? Of all the Blessed Couples in our church, the most central of them all are the 36 Couples. They signify Adam's, Noah's, and Jacob's families, and thus together form the vertical foundation. These three types of couples had to be united. Once they accomplished that, they could make good the number twelve. When you apply the three stages to this number, you arrive at the number 36. In this way, the 36 Couples become the ancestors who represent all previous ancestors in history and all humankind. In terms of the human body, they are like the backbone. We are talking about the vertical standard that is like the backbone of a human body. The cells in the flesh can stay alive only when the flesh is united with the bones.

Human beings were driven out from God's presence because the Fall constituted an act of wrongful marriage. Thus, the 360,000 Couples Blessing is the act of proclaiming the realm of liberation for all humankind in the name of the True Parents with their all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority, and omnipotence. These couples represent the perfected realms of Adam, Noah, and Jacob. You must understand that only the number 360,000 is appropriate for this Blessing, since this is a number that represents on the horizontal level the perfection of the realms of Adam, Jesus, and Christ at his Second Advent. So the accomplishment of 360,000 couples should not be a problem.

We have entered the era in which I can bless 3.6 million couples and 36 million couples. What comes after this is the 360 million Couple Blessing, is it not? Once I have accomplished all this, God's Kingdom on earth would be right before our very eyes.

You cannot be registered unless you have the foundation of a family. The True Parents are the family of the world representing the foundation of the Blessing based on the family, and so you must bear in mind that there is no other way to be registered other than by forming an objective realm with them. In other words, you need to register the birth of your family. In this place, where a peaceful environment and the unified realm of the will of God begin, the fact that you are registered by family indicates that the nation itself can be restored instantly.

In a place where a peaceful environment and the unified realm of the will of God begin, the fact that you would be registered by family indicates that the nation itself could be restored instantly. Consider for a moment the case where twelve tribal messiahs and their tribes have all been registered. What would happen to that nation? It would be restored instantly. This would be true of all nations, be it Japan or any other nation. They would be completely restored at once.

What this signifies is that, centering on God, every fallen person since the time of Adam's family will be forgiven and embraced through love.

At the present, the Blessing is being carried out within the Church because we do not have a nation, but in the future we need to be registered in the nation. You can be registered only when you have fulfilled your responsibility as tribal messiahs. By being registered in the nation and the world and becoming one with True Parents, then, with them as the subject and Blessed Families as the object partners, you need to dedicate your families to attend God. Only then can the cosmic ideal of Blessed Families be formed. Such is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world! Amen!