Henceforth, We Will Hold Global Blessing Ceremonies Focusing On Japan, America, and Germany

Sun Myung Moon
May 1, 1995


As Japan, America and Germany are the Abel realm in relation to the True Parents, they can exercise the birthright of the first born. Henceforth, we will hold global blessing ceremonies focusing on Japan, America, and Germany. In 1992, I conducted the global Blessing of the 30,000 Couples. The number three represents perfection and is a heavenly number signifying formation, growth, and completion. The 30,000 Couples Blessing was global. After it, people opposing Unification Church joint weddings turned around 180 degrees.

The 30,000 Couples Blessing created a closely connected international community. Through it, nationality, international borders, race, and culture became meaningless. Until now, when marrying, people could not surmount those barriers, preferring to marry someone of the same nationality with whom they already had a relationship; now, however, all this has completely opened up. We have begun a marriage movement, unprecedented in history, as brothers and sisters, demolishing all barriers separating countries, races, skin colors, religions, and cultures, through international joint weddings.

After the 30,000 Couples Blessing, those who opposed the Unification Church's joint weddings did a turnabout. Three years later, we will hold the 360,000 Couples Blessing. The number 36 refers to the 36 Couples representing Adam's, Noah's, and Jacob's families and is thus an ancestral number. As such, the 360,000 Couples Blessing will be one representing all ancestors, the backbone of all people in the world; it corresponds to the growth stage on the global level.

What will happen once we have conducted this ceremony? Families in the world today are breaking down, and resolving this issue remains a problem. With the world struggling to solve this problem of family breakdown, the Unification Church will bring together 360,000 young couples to form new families to live in an ideal manner, and this will lead all disordered families in the world to automatically take great interest in them. This will become a global issue.

Once I bless these 360,000 couples and rumors spread worldwide that it was the best thing that happened to the world, and as a result 36,000 couples from each nation were brought to participate in the Blessing, how many couples would that add up to? There are some countries that want to send 50,000 couples.
Think about it.

Only by receiving the Blessing will it be possible to register into the Kingdom of Heaven. Through this, humankind can finally inherit the Kingdom of God. They can form heavenly families, tribes, a people, nations, world, and cosmos. Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven is formed, and they become citizens of that kingdom by being registered in it. Originally, the relatives of the first parents should have been registered in the kingdom. However, because those parents fell, we had to pass through numerous periods in history, and gather those to be registered from the entire world. That is why you need to restore through indemnity the unfulfilled mission of Jesus, by accomplishing your duties as tribal messiahs. In order to do so, you need to take responsibility for each nation in the world and dedicate that nation to the Kingdom of Heaven.