Sun Myung Moon
June 30, 1965
Washington, DC
Photo date and location unknown
To all family members:
Through the news that you have conveyed, I know that my country is safe. When I left Korea, the mountains and rivers of my homeland were in their winter season. But spring has already come and gone and now it's the summer season. Already six months have passed. As I miss my home country, which is so very far away from here, I start thinking that the way of the Will changes in the same way that nature changes. How can I forget my land and my people, especially you church members, whom I have come to know through my blood, sweat and tears over the 40 years of my life? Even in my dreams, I can never set aside my hopes for your peace and good health, as well as the peace of my homeland in the future.
However powerful and dominant is the culture of a foreign country, I only bow my head naturally before the noble power to which I am connected in heart. I truly realize there is a cohesion that is stronger than the bond forged from the common suffering we have endured together through many ordeals. That cohesion is the tie to our homeland, a reality that transcends the ages and the world. How can someone like me forget the mountains and rivers of my native land? The more countries I visit, the more I experience the heart with which I prayed while I was touring Korea. There is a poignancy there that I cannot find in any foreign country.
When I visited Japan and America, I felt that our ancestors did not accomplish their responsibilities. My thinking was that we, as their descendants, must indemnify their responsibilities in our age. I realize that the present Unification members stand in this position. However, when I think about how patient we will have to be, and how long we will have to fight, I feel that we must prepare to bear the cross again. But I feel that heaven's misery is much greater than that of our people. When looking at the path of the Unification members, who are the pillars of heaven and earth, I see we are pitiable. Nevertheless, who knew of the great agony and sorrow of Heavenly Father, who has been educating and leading us?
When I think that it was human responsibility that brought the great mistake upon heaven and earth, I just want to cry with embarrassment and sorrow to the point of choking. Nonetheless, we, who are standing in a sacrificial position, decide our fate and whether we move upward or downward on restoration's path. We must not forget that we ourselves are sacrifices, and we do not look around, question anything, or leave the altar. We are the ones who must know that, although there are hardships in Korea, greater hardships exist in the world, and we must triumphantly bear the nation's cross and move forward to overcome the worldwide Golgotha.
We must become champions dashing forward to carry the cross of the nation and world. As I have been passing through foreign countries, I keenly felt that I must plan for the worldwide foundation and decide to dispatch young people from Japan and America to each nation. This year we must go to more than 12 countries and furthermore, we must soon go to 20 countries. I am thankful to heaven for young foreign members who are resolved not be defeated by the young Korean members.
I am now in Washington, DC and am very pleased to see young Japanese members who are assigned to do missionary work in Brazil. I am pleased with one young Unification member's courage. He may be but 21 years old and ignorant of the language, but he is headed to a foreign country at the risk of his life.
You members in Korea, in order to save the face and dignity of Korea, please realize that the foreign members are truly hoping that you within the mother country will fulfill the responsibilities that are required by heaven. Korea must set a model of how to go the path of the cross by shedding blood, sweat and tears as a tradition in front of young Unification Church members throughout the world. We need do nothing other than that. Is there any more precious treasure?
As we move forward, going on and on in patience, a bright tomorrow will soon welcome us. Korea seems to be having a severe drought, however the more difficulties we encounter, the more we must overcome by believing that a path of loyalty will be revealed to us. For that reason, I intend to begin this in the hottest season. As I shed sweat in the heat of foreign countries, I would like to feel as if I am experiencing sweat and difficulties together with you members who are working hard in Korea.
Tomorrow is July 1, and about half the time of my visit in America remains. I am trying to glorify our church members' futures and their loyalty through fulfilling the heavenly responsibility throughout the world. I would like to tour the foreign mission countries after writing a letter saying that we are all working together. I am praying that the protection of heaven will be upon you members rather than on me.
As I write this letter, it looks as though I am asking you all to follow the path of suffering again. But what else can we do, as this is our destiny? Is not the world of people who have inherited the way of the Teacher and the way of the Father coming toward us, the Korean people? Let's go forward in patience. Let's try our best to be loyal.
The summer witnessing period is coming again. What will the three-year course and four-year course bring to us? Seeing the current conditions of Korea and the world, I hope that you will become people who will receive praise by putting up with these situations, surviving, and not dying.
If I proceed now, I will arrive in Korea in the middle of October. Please understand when I cannot respond to all the letters from so many members. I should ask to be excused for not being able to convey news regarding the foreign countries. Even though there are many things I would like to write, it is time to say farewell and stop writing, as I hear applause and I must make my appearance. Based on the reports from Seoul, I want to thank you members who are working hard. Let me excuse myself now with this letter, hoping that all of you will become loyal servants in front of this heavenly mission and hoping you will all be healthy until we meet again. I hope that you have peace.