June 30, 1965
Washington, DC
Photo date and location unknown
Dear Hyo-jin's Omma:
I know the daily newspaper is publishing false accusations, but I am praying for peace. Before we know it, we will enter a global transition. It already has been six months since I left home. Because tomorrow is July I when I leave for Canada, we are very busy with preparations for our departure. As of today my work in America is finished, and tomorrow I wall begin touring again to establish holy grounds around the world. There will not be a moment's rest.
I returned from meeting with two United States senators before writing this letter. From this meeting I was able to make a rough assessment of America's circumstances. In addition, I met former President Eisenhower on the 25th, and a more senators a couple days before that. Meeting with the current leaders of the world, I came up with many ideas. I know that there are a lot of things that relate to the world mission centering on our great Principle.
I am so grateful for you whenever I think about how hard you are working to fulfill your responsibility. I only ask that you face heaven and carry out your responsibility as a filial daughter. I am writing this letter as I sit in front of Hyo-jin's and Ye-jin's pictures. I feel as if we can see each other. As I look at their pictures and write this letter, I think to myself, "I have to return quickly to see them." How I truly miss them.
And as the days come closer to your delivery, I am so sorry that I cannot be there. Please discuss with church president Eu Hyo-won and come up with a plan for when you go into labor. Please be cautious about your meals and consider your nutrition. I am concerned that in Hyo-won's report, the lack of funds is affecting you. But at the same time, I am grateful that you are very frugal. Everyone must offer everything with a sincere heart and filial piety, so that heaven can take responsibility.
We are all doing well here. The American members are making effort both spiritually and practically. I am praying that God will guide them for their future. I am again sending you my itinerary, so please look at it and ease your heart. I will be protected and will return safely. In the meantime, you will have to work hard for the children.
We are planning to visit 40 nations. After we depart, I will let you know where you can contact us. I am praying for Korea's current situation. Thinking this trip is for the purpose of paving the way for Korea's future, I would like to relieve my regret about the Korean people. I am worried because you said the drought is severe. The worse it gets, the more the church members must exert themselves. I am sorry that the members have to work so hard during this hot season. I sympathize with you having to take the position of being an example to the members under such circumstances. I realize how important the role of the leaders is.
I pray that you may find peace. Please excuse my hasty writing. I am in the middle of a hectic schedule. Please be safe until we meet again in the middle of October. Take care of yourself.