I dreaded the coming of August 25, 1995

Sun Myung Moon
August 28, 1995


You don't know how much I dreaded the coming of August 25, as we shed sweat and blood for the 360,000 Couples Blessing. I was even more nervous than when we held the Washington Monument Rally. The Blessing Ceremony could either help us move on to the next level or, if we failed to secure the required number of couples, ruin the honor and reputation we had built up before heaven. It was a very serious time for me, although you may have slept soundly and gone about your usual business.

Thanks be to God because He loved, protected, and sympathized with me who had lived a lonely and wretched life. We were able to exceed our goal, although no one thought it possible. Going from 30,000 couples to 360,000 couples, the latter is twelve times the number of the former, so the 360,000 Couples could take root twelve times more than the 30,000 Couples. You could hear the sound of the bell to the ends of the earth.

Moreover, we are living in a very dangerous era because of such problems as free sex and AIDS – it is almost as if we have placed our hands in the mouth of a venomous serpent. Women indiscriminately searching for handsome men are at risk to contract AIDS, as are the men searching for beautiful women. Their lives will be bound for hell. There is no sure way to prevent this other than keeping your chastity.

Once we have completed the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples, there will be no need for the Unification Church to hold any more Blessing ceremonies. Religion will disappear from the world. When you think of me, what preaching of mine comes to your mind? What am I trying to say now? It is that religion came into existence in order to discipline the body due to the Fall. Thus, all religions will disappear. What is it that you need to do? You need to form families and a nation through which you can attend God. That is the ideal of creation.

With the 360,000 Couples Blessing, the satanic world has finally collapsed, and so we are now living in an era in which we can bless even tens of millions of couples according to the effort you put into it. That is why even if I stop worrying and praying about it, we will accomplish that number. I am certain of this. I am already thinking about the estimates, how many thousands it would be. Therefore, all I can tell you is to fulfill your responsibility!