Sun Myung Moon
August 27, 1995
Second World Culture and Sports Festival Hanmadang Games
Hyochang Stadium, Seoul, Korea
Photo date and location unknown
Distinguished guests from home and abroad, young people and students from all parts of the world who have come to Korea, the homeland of the heart, to attend this competition:
Welcome to all of you. I praise your young and pure ardor. This competition is part of the World Culture and Sports Festival, and it is a sports event that is different in character from other sporting events. The World Culture and Sports Festival originates from the heart to showcase human beings as we were originally meant to be: the youth of the world coming together to compete with one another in strength, and the elders coming together to pool their wisdom in harmony.
The ideal world of the original creation is realized by perfecting the four great realms of heart: the heart of true children, true siblings, true couples and true parents. Originally, all these realms would have developed by centering on God's true love, true life and true lineage. However, because human beings lost faith in the Will of God and formed an illicit lineal relationship with the archangel, they inherited the seed of evil. Through this illicit love relationship, humanity came to have the roots of evil life and evil lineage from the first parents and their children.
The Fall, and all that came from it, occurred when Adam and Eve were in their teens. Adolescence is the most important period in a person's life. Just as our first ancestors did, the youth of today are plunging into the pit of the Fall due to their confusion about values. Many young people embrace free sex and individualism and deny morality, ethics and family values. Given these conditions, this time could be considered an age of gratitude to God. Throughout my life my motivation has been purely to live for the sake of God's Will. God has watched over and guided me at all times, yet the difficulties and suffering He endures are thousands of times greater than my own. I offer all glory to God, for how could the achievements of the past forty years be only my own?
I am deeply grateful to the£ church members who have worked so hard, and to the many who have lent their support. The will of God that I began to fulfill is actually His original Will for all humankind. I therefore ask all of you to become my representatives and representatives of the True Parents. Please become the inheritors of God's Will and multiply the fruits of righteousness and goodness. Let us invest our efforts to quickly realize the original world, the true heart-centered culture that God yearns to see on earth.
Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all honored guests from Korea and overseas for blessing us with your presence on this occasion.
May your families and your work continue to be blessed by the presence of God.
Thank you.