Koch, Barbara (Vincenz). "Testimony from San Francisco," New Age Frontiers, August 15, 1963.

Testimony from San Francisco
Barbara Koch (Vincenz)
April 2009

Dearest Family:

Praise and thanks to our Blessed Leader who has brought to us the highest; most precious message from our Heavenly Father.

Many of you I do not know in person but in my heart I feel very, very close to you and I thank you for all you have already accomplished for the foundation of the world unification.

My brother, Peter Koch, led me to the Divine Principles and in the beginning of May. I moved into our center in San Francisco. A complete new life started for me. Why had I not cut off my self-centered, empty life earlier! Here under Miss Kim's care and guidance I felt God's power and love tremendously and very soon it became my only desire to wholeheartedly serve our Father. Quite a few of you know how fortunate I am being a child and student of our beloved mother and teacher, Miss Kim. I try to observe and learn as much as I can. Yes, Miss Kim reflects in all her gestures, words and works the love and wisdom of our Lord and Master. You should have seen how quickly she was back in our midst -- not thinking of her body but only of the work which had to be done.

During the week I work as an interior designer -- not with pleasure any longer. My mind, my heart wants to work for the Divine Principles full time. But at present I try my best at night and Sundays when I go out to different meeting places and churches. At first I thought I would never approach strangers but now I experienced the help received from God, my mouth was filled with words and my courage grew. Time is so short, let us not waste one day or one hour! My love and prayers are with Our Lord's Family and my brothers and sisters. 

Kim, Sung Il. "My Personal Testimony," April 1987.

My Personal Testimony
Sung Il Kim
April 1987


I was born on September 25, 1943, in Sukhyun-Ri, Dukwon-Myun, Moonchun-Koon Ham, in Kyung Nam prefecture. This is an area in North Korea near Wonsan City, which is famous for its beautiful beaches. I have two older brothers and two older sisters. My family came from a traditional Confucian background, but later on they converted to Christianity. This was due to the efforts of my aunt, a sincere Christian woman who graduated from Wonsan missionary school and became a missionary. She was seized by the Holy Spirit and received spiritual power to heal sick people.

It was about 50 years ago, when I was just a small boy, that my aunt heard a voice saying that the Messiah would come to Pyongyang and that Pyongyang would become the New Jerusalem. My family thought that she believed in a rather strange religion! But one day unexpected things happened that totally changed my family's concepts about Christianity.

Healed By Faith

My oldest brother-in-law got sick, and the doctor said that his disease was incurable. My aunt told his wife -- my eldest sister -- to start believing in God and praying fervently to Him to be healed. So my sister prayed sincerely. But my brother-in-law didn't trust his wife, and when she told him she could help cure him, he said he was going to leave the house. Just as he walked out the door, his wife collapsed on the floor, as if dead. So my aunt told him to believe in his wife immediately. So he did, and as a result, his wife came back to life.

Then his wife hit him on the back saying, "You are cured! See, just trust me!" And right then my brother-in- law was cured.

After that, my mother got sick, and my eldest sister cured her as well through her fervent prayer. A few months later my father was struck by a fatal illness; the doctor said there was no hope for him. So we asked for my sister's help again. She smiled and said that God loves us and because of that He wants us to trust Him. She said she could cure my father's sickness right aw.ly by praying, but that in addition my father had to read the entire Bible completely, from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. My father trusted her; he read the entire Bible and was healed.

Through all of these experiences, my family finally came to believe in God, and we realized that He is always with us. Every one of us became a Christian.

At some point in 1946 we could no longer stay in our town, because the communists started persecuting Christians, especially Catholics. My older brother moved south to Chun Choon, and I joined him in 1948. About two years later, because of the Korean War, we moved on to Pusan, where we met our father and my second-eldest sister, and we stayed with them. By then I had become a sincere Christian and was regularly attending a Presbyterian church.

At that time, Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang, the first member to join Father in South Korea, witnessed to Mrs. Jae San Kim, who was our neighbor. Mrs. Kim happened to be very close to my sister, and eventually she led my sister to meet True Father. After my sister met him, she prayed and found out that True Father was the Second Messiah, and she started to go regularly to the Unification Church.

My First Experience With Father

My sister tried to teach me the Principle, but she was not successful, so she witnessed to my father instead. Then my father tried to convince me, but I didn't want to listen to him. My father kept saying, 'A man should always be looking for a saint in order to receive education from him for his life. We have now met a saint, so why don't you want to meet him? Please go and see him. I will never ask you to do anything else. Finally I agreed to go to a service.

On the first Sunday after I promised I would go, I suddenly changed my mind and didn't want to go. I lied to my father, saying that I was very busy. The second Sunday came, and I lied to him again with the same excuse. But on the third Sunday I felt I could not repeat the lie, so I went along with my father.

Arriving at the top of a hill, I encountered a small house with a sign written in English and Chinese characters: "Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." We stepped inside. About 10 men and women were gathered there. My father bowed in front of a young man wearing an army jacket. I thought this was very strange, because that man looked young enough to be my brother. But my father told me to do the same thing, so I did.

Normally a Christian Sunday service starts out with a Bible reading, followed by hymn-singing and a sermon. But this church was different. This young man -- True Father -- asked everyone if they had had any dreams the night before, or if they had received any revelations. Someone said he had a dream in which he saw True Father with a golden crown on his head and a bright shining light behind him. Another person said he had seen True Father in a higher position than Jesus in the spirit world. These kinds of testimonies went on from about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This Sunday service was quite different from the ones at the Presbyterian Church I was attending. I was getting very bored, and I told myself that I would never come to the Unification Church again. Finally we sang some holy songs, and True Father started to pray. I was amazed, because Father's prayer was very different from any other ministers' prayers I had heard, and I was deeply moved by it. I felt that Father was talking with God.

I Knew God Was Alive

Three months later, on June 15, 1954, Mr. Won Pil Kim came to Pusan to give a Principle lecture to the village people, and I attended it. After listening to him I felt very moved and happy, because all the questions I had had about the Bible, God, and the spirit world were answered. Now this was a time when Koreans were still recuperating after the Korean War, and many Koreans didn't have much hope. Everybody thought that God had just ignored Korea. So when I heard the lecture about the Second Coming, I felt extremely happy. It was almost as if I were in a dream. My older sister then asked me if I knew who Rev. Moon was, and I told her that he was the one who had found the Principle and started the Unification Church. It was then that she told me that Rev. Moon was the Messiah. She also said I should not tell anyone yet. I felt confident that she was speaking the truth. I joined the church and started witnessing to my school friends and even to one of my professors.

After I started going to college at Dong-Ah University, I could only think of witnessing, not studying. After two years, I decided to quit school. In the summer of 1957 I went to Go-Sung City with one other member to witness there. We had only one- way bus fare, and we had to spend the first night sleeping on somebody's porch. The next day we went visiting door-to-door, and again we didn't have any place to sleep that night. We climbed a hill, looked over the city, and prayed to God to lead us in the right direction.

The next morning we went around to each house again. We found out that many people had had dreams about us the previous night. We started to teach many of them the Principle, and they wanted us to stay with them in their homes. Through this experience, we knew that God was alive and that He was always with us.

In 1959, at the time of the first 40- day workshop at the church headquarters in Seoul, I was assigned to be in charge of the Jin Joo church. Back then, the Jin Joo members were almost all students and were very young spiritually.

The Reality Of Spirit World

I remember one incident there very well. One student came up to me saying that she couldn't understand about resurrection and the spirit world. I taught her that section in the Principle, and I told her that, although I couldn't show her, she would have experiences of the spirit world as time went by. About one month later she came to me and recounted an event she had just experienced.

She had a male cousin who had died a few years before. His spirit came to someone in her family, and he told that person he wanted to get married in the spirit world. He asked the members of his family to make wedding clothes for a man and a woman and to prepare some fruits and rice cake. The family did as instructed and then followed the cousin's directions to someone's house. The owner of that house was informed of what was going on. That man was very happy to hear the story, because he had a daughter who had also just died. He agreed to marry them together. They had a wedding ceremony for the two of them, and after the ceremony the spirits thanked the family and left. This sister told me that she now completely believed in the spirit world.

While I was in Jin Joo, the Korean government changed, and I got drafted into the Korean army and had to go to a training camp. I knew that I should serve in the army for the sake of my country, but I also knew that our church needed leaders to do God's will right now. One day while in prayer I told God, "I want to serve my country in the army, but can't I do it later?" Right after my prayer I heard that the lieutenant colonel had come to the camp. He announced that if anybody had any problems to see him. So I went to his room and told him that I had to take care of many things and that I needed to get married to carry on my lineage. Amazingly, the lieutenant colonel told the medical officer I had a physical problem and told him to send me home. I realized again that God always makes a way for us and prepares everything.

Pioneering Days

On June 4, 1962, I became one of the 72 blessed couples. After the wedding, all the blessed couples were sent out to new pioneer cities. My first pioneering center was Dam Yang. We rented a small place where we could have service on Sundays. In the beginning only a few people joined, and I was worried and disappointed because we didn't have many members.

However, every time I felt lonely, True Father would come to me in my dreams with a smiling face and encourage me, telling me that we had to hurry up for Heavenly Father. He said I shouldn't worry but should just try harder. After that, the membership went up to 20. Then with these 20 members we developed a prosperous church, which grew to be about 50 to 60 members.

Once our church headquarters gave me a megaphone, and with that I went to the markets and around the small towns witnessing. In 1965 a nationwide mobile witnessing team was organized in which I also took part. After six months I returned to Dam Yang church.

Then I received a second order from the government that I was needed to serve my country. Again I felt it wasn't the right time. I started to pray, and suddenly I developed appendicitis. I had to go for an operation right away. After the surgery I went to get a medical check-up, but I didn't pass the test for the army. A year later I received a third order from the government, but by then I was already 32 years old. I went to see the person in charge of the training camp. He understood my situation and sent me back home again.

In 1967 I was appointed regional director of Soon Chun. There I started a CAUSA-type movement and gave public lectures. My efforts were recognized by many influential people, and I received awards from several organizations. After two years, I was called to a new mission -- to be the assistant director of the church headquarters in Seoul.

After six months there, I became regional director of Jong Ro. My mission was lecturing, preaching, and encouraging members. This was when I could really improve my preaching skills and my knowledge. After a year Father gave me a new mission -- visiting other churches and educating the members.

In 1972, my mission changed again, and I became regional director of Choong Nam. With this mission I couldn't settle down in one place but had to be constantly traveling through- out the region. I visited every single church and tried to inspire the members wherever I went. In addition, I was asked to pioneer several new churches.

In 1975 Father asked me to go to Japan to establish a church for Koreans living in Japan and to teach them CAUSA material. These were the families of those who had been taken during the Japanese occupation to do forced labor in Japan. I stayed in Nagoya for several months to get used to the Japanese culture and customs and learn Japanese. During this time I visited many Korean organizations and groups to discuss the CAUSA movement and its goals. I started a church with four Japanese members after six months. The church was meant mostly for Koreans but we had more Japanese members. Later I became president of the Nagoya chapter of CAUSA. I was focused on helping the Koreans visit South Korea to let them know about their home- land. The North Koreans were constantly urging them to return to the North. My effort was to help them understand the dangers of communism and why, if they wanted to return, they should go back to the South instead. As a result of my work, the Korean government changed its concepts towards our church and started to pay more attention to our movement.

After six months in Nagoya, I returned to Korea. After that, I had many different missions. I was president of the national witnessing team, and then I worked with Il Hwa and then CAUSA again.

In 1985, I came to San Francisco and worked with Koreans there. Then at the end of 1986, I came to Chicago to be the regional director of Region Five, where I am today.

My gratitude for True Parents

I always had an urge to help accomplish Father's will in the United States, and now I have a chance to do so. Since I joined the church I never had a plan for my own life, because I always just wanted to follow Father's way. But one thing is sure: We all have to have strong faith and belief.

I feel very fortunate to be a part of this movement. I joined the Unification Church to go Father's way and to help unite all religions, restore fallen nature, and build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. I want to fulfill my responsibility and do my best so that I will have no regrets before God. Whenever I have a problem, I see True Parents in my dreams, and they give me encouragement. I appreciate True Parent's love and care so much. I am very grateful to True Parents for my Blessing, and I still can feel the warmth of True Parents' hands when they matched my wife and me. True Father told my wife, Dong Hee Yu, who graduated from college, to make sure I graduated from college also, because I had not yet finished my studies. I finally got my degree in 1980, when I was 47 years old, following True Father's direction. We now have two sons and one daughter. One son and my daughter got blessed at the second generation Blessing on April 12, 1986.

I have had many precious personal experiences with True Parents. I still remember those times when we all went with Father to the holy grounds at Hook Suk Dong and Wang Mount. Once we had a leaders' workshop at Hae Woon Dae and played games with True Father.

One time, after a leaders' workshop at Chung Pyung Lake, we went fishing with Father, and he caught a big fish. We had fantastic fish soup for dinner; then we sat around the campfire and listened to Father speak. I realize now, even more than I did then, how much those stars, the moon, the lake, and all creation were joining with us in listening to Father's words. That was truly a gathering place where mankind and all things were starting a new history.

Everything True Father told us 30 years ago became a reality! I believe that everything Father says will come true, not only on a world scale but also for me personally. I strongly believe that when one believes in True Parents and follows their direction, he or she will truly be blessed.

My advice to members is this: Always think of True Parents' precious love and mercy. I like to remember I Corinthians 13:1, my favorite Bible quote: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." I also try to keep these words of True Father in my heart: "Of all the types of love, the most precious is parents' love.

Blanchard, Henri. "Testimony," 1985.

Testimony of Henri Blanchard

Mr. Henri Blanchard and his family.

Mr. Henri Blanchard and his family.

When Reiner Vincenz opened the door, his broad smile welcomed me. The German lesson didn't last for more than five minutes. My host invited me to study a series of diagrams on a large sheet of white paper. I read distinctly: God, Adam, Eve, children, Kingdom of God. It was only then that I discovered the true intention of Mr. Vincenz.

He knew how to put my mind at ease very quickly and initiated an exciting dialogue which lasted the whole afternoon. I challenged him with many questions which he always answered to my complete satisfaction. I was literally captivated by the perfect logic of the Principle. He told me: "God is our Heavenly Father; He is eternal, unchanging and absolute. He wants all humankind, both men and women, to become like Him. When God created Adam and Eve, He had a precise purpose for His beloved children, which was to bless them in marriage after they reached spiritual maturity. These first ancestors would have multiplied to become a divine society. In such a world no evil, no hell, no sin, no suffering, no conflict, and no murder would have existed. Churches, religions, philosophies, theologies, and dogmas would not have been necessary." My teacher repeatedly drew the same diagrams in his book, showing me clearly the stages of spiritual growth which our first ancestors should have passed through victoriously.

"Man is destined to reach perfection!" My new-found spiritual guide said this over and over again. Was my intense desire for purity and unity with God about to be satisfied by His new message? That was my sincere hope, as I listened to this truth I felt I knew already. Perhaps God's truth had rested on the bottom of my subconscious all along, awaiting the day of liberation.

A special emotion overcame me, a harmonious mixture of inner peace and gratitude for this enlightening revelation, a free gift which could only have come from heaven. There was a deep, peaceful feeling in my soul that did not leave me. When we had to part that evening, we were no longer teacher and pupil, but two new brothers united in God.

Power over Satan

On the following evening it took Reiner only a few minutes to tell me about the tragedy of the fall. He told me that Adam and Eve didn't reach the state of individual perfection but formed an illicit union without the permission and blessing of God. This brought about the multiplication of children of sin generation after generation, and the fallen history of the kingdom of hell on earth, with Satan as its ruler. Everything finally made sense to me! I realized that Satan was responsible, along with our first ancestors, for that wrong relationship which cut us off from God. Satan could accuse God and humanity without punishment as long as his crime was not discovered. Therefore, the knowledge of Satan's crime had to be a very powerful spiritual weapon. Reiner said that the Principle could give us the power to accuse Satan-for his terrible crime, which has caused God and humanity the greatest suffering.

This understanding liberated a force within me that I knew would help me control "attacks" of evil much better. But by then Reiner had already introduced another topic: the mission of Jesus. One sentence caught my mind: "The cross was not the will of God." The winds of Pentecost started to blow in my numb soul. Something powerful had awakened me. I could hardly hear the voice of Reiner: "It was blindness and ignorance that killed Jesus Christ. Paul's testimony confirms this: 'None of the rulers of the age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory:"

I couldn't control my tears. Everything suddenly became clear. Our Heavenly Father had sent us His son Jesus in the position of the Second Adam, hoping to recreate His original dream here on earth -- a perfect family, perfect children, and a perfect Kingdom centering on the love of God. My tears intensified when I realized that millions of men and women trapped by secular and false doctrines had remained orphans, unaware of the wonderful but broken heart of their Father. Actually, these were not my own tears but those of my Heavenly Father, who suffered incredibly, having been separated from His beloved children for such a long time without having had the chance to embrace them even once. They were also tears shed for the Father and His child, for this day of reunion.

I found this truth to be so obvious and so simple! How had it been possible that the belief that Jesus came to die on the cross had become the very foundation of Christianity? What great suffering it must have been for God and His Son to be misunderstood by Their own children for so long!

My prayer that evening was moving in its simplicity and sincerity: "Heavenly Father, Your heart is so big, overflowing with love for all of Your children. How could I have lived during all those years at the seminary in total ignorance of the reason for humankind's deep suffering? This evening, please receive the love of Your returning child.

A true revelation of God

This first experience with the personal love of God opened up to me the royal path leading to His hi art. God was my father, a true father, invisible of course, yet very real, caring tenderly each moment for the small details of my internal and external life. Since He was my father, He ardently wished to reveal to me His main desire -- to share His parental love with all His children in joy and freedom. I understood very quickly that the Principle was neither an abstract philosophical system nor another theology, but a true revelation of the living God.

When I saw Reiner for the third time, he invited me to dinner. I was overjoyed because I felt that God and Jesus would also be with us. After we had finished our simple meal, I waited impatiently for Reiner to share other secrets of God's heart. "Henri',' he began, "I was very happy yesterday to see that you realized how much God has suffered and is still suffering due to the separation from His children. This time I would like to go over the history of salvation, to help you to understand the providential meaning of the time in which we are living

Reiner made me feel again the excitement and incredible hope of Heavenly Father in the Garden of Eden. Through his talk I discovered even more deeply the great despair of God after the fall of man. "Heavenly Father lost His children, whom He loved above all things," Reiner said. "When God lost Adam and Eve, He lost His ideal, His joy, His Kingdom, His creation. His heart was completely broken and inconsolable. There was no one with whom He could share such suffering:"

Reiner stopped when he saw that I was deep in thought. Actually, I was beginning to understand the hidden meaning of the Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament were actually the record of the long history of the blood, sweat, and tears of our Heavenly Father, searching for His lost children. When Reiner noticed that my internal meditation had finished, he said, "Jesus could not establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and God's heart was pierced once again. The resurrection of Jesus represented an alternative, chosen by God to open the way to spiritual salvation. Yet the body of humankind had to stay nailed to the cross and continue to suffer. Christians find meaning in actively preparing for the return of Christ, who is to bring the full salvation of both the body and spire

Meeting the Messiah

At this point Reiner put a chart in front of me showing the incredible parallels between Old and New Testament history. When I discovered that our time related perfectly to the time of Jesus, I felt an almost uncontrollable enthusiasm. We were living at the time of Christ's return! This fantastic discovery generated a radical transformation in me. My heart overflowed with extraordinary hope. I wanted to meet the Messiah!

As I was leaving Reiner that evening, I felt that I was flying over the city. When I came back to my little room, my Heavenly Father was waiting for me. Sitting on my brass bed I felt uplifted by the infinite love of Heavenly Father, as if He existed only for me. He called me by my first name. Then I felt that the almighty God -- the creator of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Moses and Jesus, the God of all the saints -- was my personal God. He had to go through thousands of years of suffering in order to reach me! There is no word to describe the infinite happiness of the little grain of sand that I felt I was, seemingly forgotten in the immense universe, suddenly becoming the center of all the attention and love of the Creator.

God and I found ourselves embracing each other. My being was transfigured and transported in ecstasy to the throne of God, my creator and father. I tasted infinite and perfect love fully from this living source. It was a glorious celebration of the most intimate heart-to-heart relationship between Father and child!

The man of doubt had died and a new man was born, now filled with the absolute certainty that the love of God had the power to resurrect all of humankind. God Himself had anointed this new man for a mission: "Henri, go! Be a witness of My love to the world" I felt that my whole life wouldn't be long enough to sing my gratitude for having received such a wonderful gift from God.

I also realized that God wasn't the only one responsible for this miraculous encounter. The author of the Principle also appeared to me in his providential and cosmic dimension -- the visible incarnation of the invisible Parent. I realized that Sun Myung Moon had inherited the holy mission of Jesus to establish the dominion of God's love on earth. Heaven had come down to earth at last, and the realm of truth, goodness, and beauty had begun. That evening I fell asleep to the sound of heavenly music in the arms of God.

A gigantic task

Reiner didn't seem to be too impressed when I described my moving encounter of the night before. He was just happy. His spiritual child was born. I myself was convinced that I had just joined a very big family. I was overjoyed about the idea of meeting thousands of brothers and sisters, who I was sure were spread throughout the whole country of France. Within three days, the Principle had made me another person. I imagined with great excitement that the fire of God's love would convert the whole nation within a few months, or at the most a few years.

When Reiner then told me pointblank that I was the first and only disciple in France who had accepted the Principle, I almost fainted. I looked Reiner firmly in the eye, suddenly realizing that he was alone! Our destinies became all the more bound together as we found ourselves to be like two survivors on a raft in the midst of a rough ocean. Several feelings that seemed contradictory overcame me: the greatest happiness in having met the living God and His messenger, deep sadness over the small number of workers for this immense harvest, and paralyzing fear at the gigantic task in front of me.

Reiner looked concerned. He could guess my thoughts and feelings. "Henri, we shall go to Germany in two weeks:' he said to encourage me." "A big family is waiting there for you already." The thought of meeting with other European brothers and sisters filled me with joy. We weren't alone after all. I did belong to a worldwide family.

Reiner knew how to prepare me with great care for that meeting. Each day I made new discoveries of the truth. Reiner encouraged me to keep my job so that I could take care of my personal needs, which were minimal. But for me my real day started in the evening.

My spiritual father invested a great deal to give me an excellent education in the Principle. He didn't spare any time or effort in guiding the first steps of his spiritual child. He entrusted me quickly with the mission of teaching the Principle to guests. This always gave me the opportunity to experience a spiritual fire which completely took hold of me. God's spirit spoke through me. Overwhelming joy carried me to heaven while I explained with passion about God's original ideal.

Prayer in the evening was the highlight of each day. Reiner's relationship with Heavenly Father was so intimate; tears often ran from his eyes when he referred to the long path of solitude and suffering which God Himself had to go through to reach us. Every time he asked me to pray, I too could not withhold my tears. We felt God's love pouring down upon both of us.

One evening Reiner invited me to go with him to a place near the Eiffel Tower. Along the promenade he showed me a magnificent acacia tree and explained that our Father had blessed 120 places like this during his first world tour in 1965. Each of these "holy grounds" symbolized a fragment of creation that had been reclaimed and sanctified. I then realized very clearly the purpose of the Lord of the Second Advent: He is to bless the whole cosmos, physically and spiritually.

Faithful heroes on the path

Sometimes in the evening Reiner spent time with me looking at his photos of early pioneers of the church. He made many comments on each picture and helped me understand the incredible sacrifices which marked the beginning of the families in Korea, Japan, the United States, and Germany. The names of these pioneers of the "new age" became familiar to me: Mr. Hyo Won Eu, Mr. Won Pil Kim, Mr. Young Whi Kim, Mrs. Won Pok Choi, Mr. Osami Kuboki, Miss Young Oon Kim, Mr. Peter Koch.

In France, Reiner's course was no different from these great pioneers. Repeated fasting and exhaustion had made him dangerously weak. One day he fainted in the middle of the street. I learned later that Reiner recovered in a miraculous way, thanks to the prayers of Father himself. A true missionary has to lead a life of prayer and sacrifice. Such was the lesson of my two first weeks with the first French pioneer.

Also during this time I read the Divine Principle book more than 10 times. Each reading was a source of inspiration for me that never dried up. Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses -- all these champions of the living God became my intimate companions in the daily fight against the number one enemy: myself. My lack of courage and my selfishness disappeared when I became inspired by the saga of the faithful heroes who prepared the path on which I was walking.

When I first arrived in Essen, West Germany, I was intimidated. Mr. Peter Koch, the champion of God who was the first one to bring Europe the revolutionary message of the Principle, stood in front of me. But I was easily won over by his friendly attitude, full of simplicity and goodness. I was very attentive to the admirable lectures given by Peter during my first weekend with my German brothers and sisters.

We numbered about 20 all together, and I was very moved by the heavenly spirit around us. Everything was bright, beautiful, and harmonious. Peter explained several times that the original ideal of God, represented by the four position foundation of God, Adam, Eve, and children, was now for the first time substantially realized. Today, the original dream of God was living on the earth through a true man and woman, blessed in marriage by God as the True Parents of the great human family.

The German family was only a nucleus, but still representative of the ideal world. Going back on the train I had only one thought on my mind: I wanted to create in France a family as beautifully united, as dedicated to the mission, and as prayerful as the one that I had just met.

Back in Paris, Henri was comforted by the idea that the spirit world was working to bring new spiritual children. Reiner had testified that dreams and inner voices had often guided him to people.

A few days later, a voice awakened Henri from his sleep and informed him that his brother Remi was "awaiting." Reiner went to visit him in Brittany, and a week later Remi joined Reiner and Henri in Paris. Later on one of Remi's friends, Therese Lebreton, became the first French sister to join.

The four of them moved into a new apartment in Boulogne, a suburb of Paris. On November 12, 1968, the Association pour Unification du Christianisme Mondial was officially created.

Almost a year after Henri met Reiner, True Parents came to visit the European family in West Germany. Henri went with 120 brothers and sisters to welcome them at the Dusseldorf airport in Germany. Henri was overwhelmed with joy when Father shook his hand and called him by his first name. Suddenly he recognized the voice that he had first heard in his sleep, and he considered this as a sign that God was speaking through Rev. Moon.

During True Parents' visit, on March 28, 1969, eight European couples were blessed. Among them were Reiner and Barbara Vincenz. The joyful and simple ceremony recalled one of Henri's most vivid dreams: a vision of men and women dressed in white walking toward a beautiful royal couple.

The gentle presence of Mother, the spiritual strength of Father, the love they shared with each other, their parental concern for the members -- all this kindled in Henri the burning desire to witness every day for God's hew message and to create the restored family of mankind.

Two great events determined Henri's future: his Blessing in Korea in October 1970 to his wife Hilde, and the leaders' workshop he attended at Belvedere in the spring of 1973. At the end of that workshop, Henri was asked to accept the leadership of the French church. Father told him that he was to become the Jacob of his nation and win over millions of Esaus with total humility, service, and unconditional love. He also urged him to love every nation as his own nation, and every man and woman as his own brother and sister, in order to build a united world. 


An excerpt from Henri Blanchard's autobiography published by l'A.U.C.M., Paris, France, 1985. Translated from the French by Angelika Selle and Jean-Michel Brejard.

On their wedding day, Louis and Amandine Blanchard determined to offer all their children to God. The seventh, Henri, born on April 22, 1943, was meant to actualize their pledge to the fullest.

Raised in a pious home in which "each day started and ended with prayer," Henri developed a great fondness for the rituals of the Catholic tradition. His deepest experiences with God occurred while vacationing in Brittany at his maternal grandmother's home. While wandering in nature or talking by the fireplace with his grandmother, he discovered the best qualities inside his heart: his love for God, for others, and for nature.

His happiness was suddenly shattered when his grandfather was murdered by a neighbor gone insane. His tragic discovery of the reality of evil reinforced Henri's desire to become a missionary and spread the love of Jesus.

In 1953, he entered a pre-seminary school. With the Fathers of the Sacred Heart of Picpus, he led an austere life of prayer, adoration of Jesus, and sacrifice for others, seeking to harmoniously merge contemplation with action. While reading "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a Kempis, Jesus appeared to him and awakened his spirit.

Intellectually, Henri Blanchard was deeply impressed by the theologian Teilhard de Chardan, who inspired 20th century consciousness with his vision of science and religion united in a civilization of love. Bible criticism led him to discover another Jesus underneath the garments of glorious theology. Confronted by the political and religious environment of Israel at that time, he saw Jesus as a vulnerable man who had nothing substantial to work with but his bare hands. Two thousand years of Christian history made Henri understand that a total victory over evil had not been won in the physical realm. He saw Christianity losing ground in a non-religious world. The appearance of liberation theology and the theology of the death of God hastened his decision to leave the religious order in March 1967. He started to look for God in the world.

For one year, he was not able to find Him. For the first time in his life he struggled with mundane material problems and with the demons inside of himself. It was his period of trial in the spiritual desert of the world. He found that he was capable of doubt, anxiety, egoism, and revolt. In the depths of his despair, he thought about either getting married or committing suicide.

At the end of 1967, God led him to the top of a hill overlooking the city of Paris, and he saw the city spiritually engulfed by fire. He realized that God was calling him to help. He started to live again for God and for others. He decided to get rid of all his books and journals in order to start anew, and he determined to put his life and future into God's hands.

In March 1968, Henri Blanchard met a stranger who wanted to introduce him to a new philosophy from Korea. Henri refused, tired of experimenting with so many intellectual dead ends. But the stranger offered to teach him German and English, so Henri finally made an appointment to meet him again.

Burgy Celi. "Testimony," April 2009.

Testimony Of Burgy Celi
April 2009

When I first got involved with the Unification Church, I went to a Catholic church for mass. After taking communion, I asked Jesus, “Shall I join this Unification Church or not?” And Jesus answered, “Don’t worry, and go. I will always be with you.” And so it was.

Once, after many years in the Unification Church, Jesus came to me and said, “I am your Father.” This comforted my heart very much in that particular situation, as religious people go often through lonely and hard times.

So I know that if a Christian is joining our church, Jesus will always be with him as a father. Nevertheless, we all have our portion of responsibility to keep our faith, allowing Jesus and the great saints to meet us again and again on higher levels.

One time, I was praying for our witnessing activities when Jesus appeared to me in white clothes. He told me, “You have to forgive.” I was surprised, since I wasn’t expecting Jesus to appear to me.

Also, I thought that I didn’t harbor any bad feelings against anybody, so I asked, “Whom should I forgive?” In this vision, Jesus left and came back with a Divine Principle book, indicating that I had to study it more. I did so and read the Divine Principle book almost seventy times. I understood that we have to forgive our ancestors, who may have gone through incredible difficulties. Forgiveness means also to digest our daily life in a victorious and joyful way, but ultimately I have also to forgive myself for being so incomplete and sinful.

When I went to the [marriage] matching in Korea in 1982, it was the first time I ever saw Father Moon in person. In my mind, I was expecting to see a very shining, bright person. To my surprise, Father Moon seemed to me a person totally covered with darkness, and so I started praying to understand this situation. The answer came to me: he is coming down to our level, down to the deepest level of the people present, to pick us up and bring us closer to God. I felt deeply ashamed. When the day of the marriage blessing ceremony came, finally I could see the real spirit of Father Moon, a very, very shining and bright spirit -- very powerful!

I would like to share one more experience I had with Jesus. Once I was studying True Father’s teachings in the Korean language. Jesus came to me saying, “I am your Father. What do you want to know from me?” Usually when my mind is full of questions, I set a goal of studying True Father’s speeches, and then I receive answers from Heaven.

Burgy Celi, born 1957 in Italy, received a call from heaven at seventeen years of age and decided to search for God. This brought her through many different situations: internally, by meeting many different groups and beliefs, and externally, through work as a professional nurse. In 1982 she married, participating in an international marriage ceremony (eighty-two nations were present) conducted by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in Seoul, Korea. Through marriage she began another challenge to find true love, together with her husband and six children.

Francis, Richard. "Testimony," May 2009

Testimony Of Richard Francis
May 2009

My name is Richard Francis, and I was born on the Caribbean island of Barbados in the year 1954. My grandmother was a member of the Pilgrim Holiness Church, and my mother was a Seventh Day Adventist. Between the both of them, my brothers and I had more church than we cared for, but we had no say in the matter!

Whenever I was in church, I always day-dreamed that the messiah would come while I was in church. In 1970, at age sixteen, I was knocked out during a martial arts session, and I experienced something that changed my life forever. It was from that experience that I became aware of the spiritual world.

One year later, in 1971, I began having dreams every morning at around 5:00 AM. For exactly three years, I would dream of an Oriental man who would appear to me in what appeared to be a huge stadium filled with people. He was always dressed in a suit and tie, and he would always look me straight in the eye while pointing his index finger at me and smiling. When I discussed it with my grandmother, she said, "Because you love martial arts, you are having those dreams." It was during that time that I began the quest to find the truth.

Sometime around early 1975, while walking through one of our bus terminals, I saw a young native man with a book in his hand. The picture on the front of the book caught my eye. Immediately, I recognized the face of the man in my dreams, so I walked up and said, "I know that man." The guy replied, "You do not know him," to which I said, "Yes I do!" But I did not tell him how I knew the man. However, the picture on the cover of the young man's book was exactly how True Father appeared in my dreams.

Two weeks later, I met one of the Japanese missionaries from the Unification Church and was invited to the church center. While waiting for the lecture, I curiously opened a Divine Principle Book, and I saw the picture of Father Moon. The book immediately seemed to turn to gold, and a blinding ray of white light from Father's picture came out at me. I froze; then I regained my composure and ran out.

After a few weeks, I went back to the church center because I could not sleep. After the first lecture I was asked to pray about it. After seven days of praying, Jesus appeared to me with Father Moon beside him. Then Jesus went behind Father Moon and into him. This was not a dream. This occurred while I was praying on the last day of that prayer and fast. Then I knew that God and Jesus had sent Father Moon.

Ironically enough, I found out that the first missionaries sent out by Father Moon in 1974 had established their first center up behind the hill which was a stone's throw from my house. I finally answered God's call on January 1, 1976.

As a young church member, I was always curious as to whether Father Moon could heal people. Then in 1982, I got the answer through a direct experience. I had injured my right hip during a martial arts training accident one Saturday afternoon and had to be carried out. I did not want to go to the hospital, because I did not want to miss our early 5:00 A M service, even though I was in excruciating pain. "I will see a doctor after service," I thought.

But during the night Father Moon came to me, looking very serious, and touched my right hip. He pointed his finger at me with that look in his eyes, as if to say, "You doubting Thomas," and then he left. I was awakened at 4:30 AM, and my thoughts went to my injured hip. Suddenly, a voice said, "Get up," which I apprehensively did. To my amazement there was not an inkling of pain. Everyone was shocked when I walked into the room. After service I gave my testimony.

God is truly walking with the couple we know as True Parents.

Thank you, and may God richly bless you.

Richard Francis ¦


Hometown: Bridgetown, Barbados
Joined our church: January 1, 1975
Blessing Group: 360,000 Couples
Member of the Clifton, NJ congregation
Korean Mobilization 2003
Israel Mobilization 2004

Presently working as a member of the New Yorker Hotel Middle Management Team. Richard and his wife Evelyn have a daughter, Jazzera Adia, and a son, Ethan Taeho. 

Downey, Michael P. "My Testimony," May 2013.

I first saw Father in Washington D.C. in October 1973. He spoke at Lisner Auditorium as a part of the Day of Hope Tour. I bought a ticket from a young lady that had knocked on my door in Alexandria, Virginia. I had told her at first that I wasn't interested in buying tickets to a lecture. She knocked on the door again fifteen minutes later and asked to use the bathroom. I said, sure. I was interested in young ladies. We talked for a long time, and I coughed up the last of my money and bought a ticket.

On the night of the speech, I hitchhiked into D.C. because my very temperamental Triumph TR-4 wouldn't start. The speech was an odd experience. I remember thinking how strange it was for a Korean guy in a suit and tie to jump around and shout about God's hope for America. The fellow interpreting for him seemed a lot more reasonable.

I was taken by the bright young people that I met. I was very attracted to the vibe that surrounded them. I suppose they were love-bombing me but I liked it. After the event, I was out of there and back on duty at the Marine Barracks. No one ever recontacted me.

About two months later, I encountered these young people again. The Marine Band was scheduled to play at the national Christmas tree lighting ceremony on the Ellipse behind the White House. I was assigned to security detail and was posted to the right of the band shell in front of the band. President Nixon was in attendance and threw the switch. What I saw amazed and puzzled me. As I stood at parade rest, I continually scanned the arriving crowd. In marched what I thought at that time was a vision from heaven. A whole troop of nine- or ten-year-old Korean girls in matching red coats filed in, smiling and waving little blue and white pennants. They looked like angels. The crowd was composed mostly of young people that were all waving the same triangular flags. Looking closer, I read the writing on the flags: Forgive, Love and Unite. Some of the flags said "God loves Nixon." How strange! This was the height of the Watergate crisis when nobody loved Nixon including (probably) God.

Next, I recognized some of the young people by their bright smiles and (I guess) by their vibe. I knew these were the same people that I had met and liked so much at Lisner Auditorium. I wondered to myself, what's going on here? What's the connection between that event and this one?

At the end of the ceremony, President Nixon left the stage and he and his entourage left the band shell, turned right and rushed along the narrow pathway between the band shell and where the Marine Band was set up. Although surprised, I was no slouch. I had had some training and I popped to attention, saluted and in my best parade deck voice sounded off, "Good afternoon Mr. President." The president stopped, turned to me with a big smile, saluted and said, "Thank you Marine. Where are you from, son?" By this time the whole entourage had stopped and bunched up. The Secret Service guys were pushing and shoving, trying to get the entourage moving again. Of course, I told him I was from Ohio. He replied, "Ohio. Good. Enjoy your time in D.C." He smiled again, turned and they all hurried off.

Next those smiling, flag waving young people, in a wave, overran the red-coated Marine Band members and me. They never got to the president. Years later when I recalled this incident, I realized that on that day I had lifted up the president.

The View from the Inside

The next time I saw Father was in the spring of 1975 at the Barrytown training center. By that time I had already heard the Principle, accepted Father as the Messiah, joined the movement in Columbus, Ohio, and debated with the other brothers important topics like "How could a perfect person need to wear glasses?" and "Could he levitate like other spiritual masters?" At that time, Father had selected 120 missionaries each from America, Japan and Europe, mainly Germany, to go to 120 different nations. The Americans were at Barrytown for 120 days of training before going out. I was with other members that trained alongside them in a forty-day cycle. During that spring, Father visited almost every day to talk to the missionaries. I formed my first real impressions of the man at that time.

One day Father and Mother arrived; Mother took a seat and Father stood. He began by looking down at us with what can only be described as an impish grin and fingered his necktie. He asked, "Do you like my tie?" He was wearing light brown polyester slacks, a sport coat, a flowered Hawaiian-style shirt and a brown and gold striped necktie. He went on to explain that when he got up that morning Mother had complained, "Father, you never wear a tie anymore." So he put on the tie for Mother. He thought it was very funny; so did I. This is when I really began to like him. Another time, he drew a straight line on the board and said that the fastest way to get from A to B is a straight line. Then he drew a zigzagging line starting at A and finally arriving at B. He explained that a person that has many different experiences in life can be a good leader. Now I really liked him for his simple wisdom. One day he talked at length about the role of the media in society. Of course, at that very time, Rev. Moon was under intense attack by the major media outlets in America. He advised the missionaries to work with the media in their mission countries and even to start a newspaper. He planned to start a major newspaper in America and link it to papers in Korea, Japan and others around the world. The true role of the media is to speak out against injustice and give a voice to the disadvantaged. I understood his deep identification with the downtrodden and his sense of righteousness, and I loved him for this.

Father Makes Us Fishers of Men

After five months at Barrytown I was sent out as a pioneer. After the Yankee Stadium rally I was sent to Mississippi as a state leader. Only three members existed in all of Mississippi, so essentially it was pioneering again. The great and terrible thing was that Father wanted to personally train us, so every month we were all called to a state leaders' meeting with Father. He spent hour after hour pouring out his heart, wisdom and experience to us in the hopes that we would be able to stand up and take responsibility for saving America. He also reported to us all the things he was doing. Most of us, on the other hand, had little to report. One day after Sunday service at Tarrytown, Father invited us to meet him at Barrytown. When we arrived, Father was out front with a few seminary brothers working on a fishing net. He told us that it was a box trap for catching carp in the Hudson River. We all went down to the river to set it up. There was a lagoon created by a narrow inlet in the railroad berm that ran along the riverside. The lagoon flooded and drained daily as the tide rose and fell. The plan was to set up the trap in the lagoon at low tide and when the tide came in, the fish would swim into the trap and would be caught.

Father worked from a skiff while four of the tallest brothers stood in the water and attempted to secure the four corners of the net to four poles. I don't know what happened, but apparently some mistakes were made. Before the trap could be anchored, the tide flooded in, and the situation got pretty dicey. One brother had to be pulled out before he drowned. Time and tide wait for no man; the attempt failed. We were all sent up to the seminary for lunch while Father remained behind. As we ate lunch and rested Father worked on plan B. With Gerhard standing in the water holding the skiff, Father strung an improvised net all the way across the lagoon. We were called back as the water ebbed out. As the mud flat emerged, hundreds of flopping wriggling carp appeared. All we had to do was crawl on our bellies in the mud and devil's heads and wrestle each fish up onto the bank. Of course we had all arrived for the day's fishing in suits and ties. We were given access to a barn with a large accumulation of used clothes. My only problem was footgear. I found a pair of sneakers that fit but they had no laces. I put the sneakers on and a pair of socks over the sneakers to keep them on. Later in the day, In Jin Moon saw me and laughed. "What are you wearing? It looks so funny." Hey, it worked.

I don't remember how many carp were caught that day, maybe three hundred. They completely tilled the bed of a dump truck. We all felt victorious that day. Father took responsibility and made it happen. The next day we all went to East Garden and celebrated True Parents' wedding anniversary. At that time Father asked Mother to give her testimony. She talked about her painful course and she cried and cried as she talked. At the end, she said, No more tears.

Father as a Man and a Fisherman

In 1983, I was fishing for giant blue tin tuna with Ocean Challenge out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. I was crewing for Dr. Tyler Hendricks on a Good Go boat. Dr. Hendricks was an old comrade and had just graduated as the first UTS graduate to continue on and get his PhD. Of course, Father appointed him head of Ocean Church. We had a great summer hanging out, and we caught nine tuna. Once, Father came out to the grounds to see Dr. Hendricks. Father's boat came alongside and I caught the lines and held the two boats together. Father started talking about various knots and what they are best used for. Then he talked about Ocean Church and his vision for the ocean. He explained clearly why ocean training was important. He told us that living on the ocean is more difficult than life ashore. If you train to do difficult things at sea, those same things will become much easier on land. When the difficult things become easy, you can lead other people. His message that day reinforced my desire to go to sea.

A couple of weeks later, Ocean Challenge asked if I wanted to work on boats in Alaska. I didn't hesitate. I was informed that they needed two guys and if I wanted to go I had to be interviewed by Father. That day I was taken by boat out to the northwest corner to meet Father. The interview took place via VHF radio through a translator. Father said that if I went to Alaska I would have to carry a million dollars in one pocket and a pistol in another.` I told him I was an ex-marine and I could do that. He said to go right away. Another guy and I were on a flight out of Boston's Logan Airport that night.

When we arrived in Kodiak, Alaska, True Parents and Heung Jin Nim were already there and staying at a house on Bancroft Road. Since we had just arrived, we were invited to have dinner with True Parents. The table sat eight people and the menu was king crab. I put my head down and focused on eating. Finally Father asked in English, "Mack, do you like king crab?" In Alaska, Father always called me Mack for some reason. Later, in Korean, Mother asked Mr. Choi Joo Chan, president of International Seafoods of Alaska, who the two guys were with the bushy beards. He told her that we were Ocean Church brothers who had grown beards to hide our baby faces.

That night we all sat with Father in the living room and he taught us by demonstrating how to make an elaborate rig for catching halibut. He was skilled in building tackle, his fingers Nimble, his hands strong. The next day we all boarded float planes and flew to Shuyak Island to fish for halibut. Our guides were a couple, homesteaders on that wilderness island. The plane landed in the small bay where the homestead was located and motored to the shore. Everyone stepped off of the pontoon and waded up to the beach. Since I was wearing waders, thigh high rubber boots, I carried Mother on my back up to the beach. The couple, "Red" and his common-law wife Deb, invited everyone into their small cabin and served tea and coffee. They talked to us about their self-sufficient lifestyle. Later, Father said that they were an ideal couple who reminded him of Adam and Eve living in the Garden of Eden. We spent the rest of the day fishing for halibut. Heung Jin Nim was with us. My impression was that he was a gentle young man. He wore all white clothes and a big floppy hat. He immediately made friends with the cat that lived at Bancroft house and talked to us about his cats back at East Garden.

My most enduring image of Father is him sitting cross- legged, back straight, on the engine cover of a Good Go boat. No matter what the weather or sea conditions, he always sat staring out to sea, unchanging. On the ocean, I remember his unchanging posture, completely in control of his mind and body in the midst of the constantly changing marine environment. I greatly admired his persona of self-control because I always struggled to control my mind and body.

One year, Father made a condition to travel to and fish at many locations around Alaska. At that time I was running the company's salmon operation at Egegik'° in the wilds of western Alaska. We had been preparing to someday welcome True Parents to our wind-swept outpost. We built a guest house and stocked it with all the things we would need to attend True Parents. We also bought a sport utility vehicle (SUV) and had it flown out to drive them around. When we got the word from Kodiak that they were coming, we had a Korean sister and a plane full of Korean food flown out. We then stood-by. When the call came that they were wheels up" out of Kodiak, we had less than an hour to wait. The problem was the weather. We were socked in. The thick fog was right down on the deck. Our airstrip was in fact the beach. I was in the SUV on the beach with a hand-held VHF radio when I established contact with the pilot. He couldn't see the ground. I turned on the SUV's headlights and drove up and down the strip. I could hear the plane's engines as it flew lower and lower. For more than twenty minutes, I tried to talk him down. It was a moment of truth for me: Could we welcome True Parents or would the weather steal our blessing? As I look back on it now, I realize how foolish I was. Luckily the pilot had no messianic vision: lie decided to turn back.

Several days later they tried again and this time the weather cooperated. I showed them around the plant and we had lunch together at the guest house. Father told me that I was a lucky man because I was able to live in this paradise of ocean, rivers and tundra. He said he envied me.

Of course the main point of the trip was to fish. This was late August and what was left of the salmon run was in the river and wouldn't take a hook. When sockeye salmon enter fresh water they stop feeding. I knew this but failed to clearly report it. I had learned early not to give a pessimistic report. Anyway, there was a small chance that a hook would snag a fish. I drove them down the beach and up along the Egegik River to a spot where I had stashed a skiff. Along the way we had to cross the land of one of the local legends, a hard drinking fishing boat captain who had opened a hunting lodge on the river. We stopped briefly and I introduced him. To get down to the riverbank, we had to drive down a trail that was rough and washed out. The alder bushes scraped both sides of the truck. No matter how carefully I tried to drive, everyone was bumped and tossed around. The skiff was an eighteen- foot, flat-bottomed aluminum boat with a forty horse-power Johnson motor. It was a typical western Alaska work boat.

I had tried to clean it up as befitting the guests. The guests boarded and we loaded the gear and set out. In the boat were Mr. Choi's son, True Parents and I. Needless to say, it was not a stellar day of fishing. By the time we started upriver, the tide had already turned and the sand bars became a problem. Although the flat-bottomed boat was pretty good in shallow waters, we kept running aground on barely submerged sand bars. I tried to keep to the channels but before long I was in the water pushing the boat off the sand. Mother was in fairly good humor and at one point announced, "Oh Mack, swimming in Alaska..." The fishing was non-existent. We moved the boat and Mother and Father cast repeatedly. Over and over Mother gently urged Father, "Let's go." Father grimly ignored her. To add to the good time, the mosquitoes swarmed us. Finally Mother made a joke using a play on two similar Korean words mogi meaning "mosquito" and mulgogi meaning "fish." We can't catch fish, only mosquitoes. Finally Father said to go back.

Back at the guest house, we had tea and snacks and waited for the plane to come to pick them up. Father told us that I had a special kind of character because I was a former Marine. Then he ordered me to get a bulldozer and fix that trail down to the river. Of course I said, "Yes, sir," but what could I really do? The land was owned by the state of Alaska and was adjacent to a salmon stream. I could borrow the equipment and do it in the dead of night, but the legal exposure would be huge and the PR fallout would damage our ability to work in the area. Furthermore, during the very next flood the trail would be washed out all over again. He had ordered it done, but how could I explain these complexities to Father? I have a great deal of sympathy for the leaders who were with Father constantly.

One day at North Garden in Kodiak, Father stood up to sing and to my delight and surprise he sang "At the Café." This Jin Hee Choi song was popular in Korea in the 1980s. The final line is "Love is just a memory" which Father sang twice, once in Korean and then in English. These are just my memories of True Father. They mean everything to me. 

Yuji Yokoyama, “I kept Missing Busses”

I joined in Hiroshima, Japan in August, 1969. In February, 1969 when I was 16 years old and a high-school student in Hiroshima, I was waiting for a bus near my high school. A woman (Mrs. Yukie Sawamukai) approached me at the bus stop. She asked me if I believed there were an absolute truth and almost immediately showed me the table of contents of the Divine Principle. She went through the Divine Principle table of contents from Introduction to the Second Advent item-by-item while I kept missing buses. When she mentioned the country where the Second Advent takes place, I asked her where it would be. She immediately started showing me a magazine with the Little Angels photos, and I understood that her answer was South Korea. She handed me her own Divine Principle book. I arrived home that day more than an hour late.

I was busy preparing a high-school art exhibition at that time, and I did not have time to read the Divine Principle. About a month later, Mrs. Sawamukai visited me at home and retrieved her Divine Principle and sold me a new one. I felt guilty, because I had not read even a page, so I bought the book. That night I started reading the Divine Principle from the Introduction and read through Principle of Creation and the Human Fall. It moved my mind and heart, and I became convinced that this was the truth. Right after that, I read through the Gospel of Matthew and had a spiritual experience with Jesus as I was reading about Peter's betrayal and Jesus' forgiveness. I wept for more than one hour. The next day, I visited the church center after school and listened to the introductory lecture. This prompted me to read the Book of Revelation, and when I was reading about the first resurrection of 144,000, I made up my mind that until I actually meet the returning Christ, I will not get married or touch a woman.

For the next few months, I went to the church every week to listen to lectures bit by bit. In the early summer, one lecturer recommended that I attend a seven-day workshop. So, I attended the seven-day workshop in Takedao, near Osaka in August 1969, and at the end of the workshop, I had a deep, spiritual experience with God. At that time, I decided to devote myself completely to the cause.

Theodore Shimmyo, “I was taught that it was God who tremendously suffered”

As a young man, I was searching for the truth that could solve the problem of human selfishness and ugliness in this world. I knew I was a selfish human being, and I also knew that all humans were selfish, and that even the power of their precious, inner conscience was not strong enough to defeat this selfishness. I tried out conventional Christianity, Saka Gakkai (a new Buddhist group), and even a leftist movement popular in the 1960s. I also read novels (such as Tolstoy's Resurrection) and philosophy books (such as Kant's Critique of Pure Reason). But, I felt none of them had a real solution for the reason why evil still existed. When I realized this, I was deeply disappointed and cried every day. My heart ached and suffered.

But then, during the workshop I was taught that it was God who tremendously suffered when he saw fallen humanity. God's efforts to save his beloved children have been unable to bear fruit due to their continuous rebellion throughout history since the time of the fall of the first human ancestors. This was a surprising revelation to me, and when I learned it, I repented and burst into tears. I continuously wept hours and hours. (I also developed a strong sense of awe toward the undeniable parallels of providential history through which God has been guiding us.) I wiped my tears with my handkerchief, which became very wet and watery. My tears also dropped onto the pages of my lecture notebook, creating a small flood there, and I could no longer take notes during the lecture.

After the workshop, I decided to dedicate myself to respond to God's calling, even saying in my prayer to him: "Heavenly Father, I want to work for your happiness even to the neglect of my own happiness!" I immediately quit college to be a full-time member. (Only because of a later Church direction did I return to college and graduate.)

From Tribute, pp. 313-14.