Burgy Celi. "Testimony," April 2009.

Testimony Of Burgy Celi
April 2009

When I first got involved with the Unification Church, I went to a Catholic church for mass. After taking communion, I asked Jesus, “Shall I join this Unification Church or not?” And Jesus answered, “Don’t worry, and go. I will always be with you.” And so it was.

Once, after many years in the Unification Church, Jesus came to me and said, “I am your Father.” This comforted my heart very much in that particular situation, as religious people go often through lonely and hard times.

So I know that if a Christian is joining our church, Jesus will always be with him as a father. Nevertheless, we all have our portion of responsibility to keep our faith, allowing Jesus and the great saints to meet us again and again on higher levels.

One time, I was praying for our witnessing activities when Jesus appeared to me in white clothes. He told me, “You have to forgive.” I was surprised, since I wasn’t expecting Jesus to appear to me.

Also, I thought that I didn’t harbor any bad feelings against anybody, so I asked, “Whom should I forgive?” In this vision, Jesus left and came back with a Divine Principle book, indicating that I had to study it more. I did so and read the Divine Principle book almost seventy times. I understood that we have to forgive our ancestors, who may have gone through incredible difficulties. Forgiveness means also to digest our daily life in a victorious and joyful way, but ultimately I have also to forgive myself for being so incomplete and sinful.

When I went to the [marriage] matching in Korea in 1982, it was the first time I ever saw Father Moon in person. In my mind, I was expecting to see a very shining, bright person. To my surprise, Father Moon seemed to me a person totally covered with darkness, and so I started praying to understand this situation. The answer came to me: he is coming down to our level, down to the deepest level of the people present, to pick us up and bring us closer to God. I felt deeply ashamed. When the day of the marriage blessing ceremony came, finally I could see the real spirit of Father Moon, a very, very shining and bright spirit -- very powerful!

I would like to share one more experience I had with Jesus. Once I was studying True Father’s teachings in the Korean language. Jesus came to me saying, “I am your Father. What do you want to know from me?” Usually when my mind is full of questions, I set a goal of studying True Father’s speeches, and then I receive answers from Heaven.

Burgy Celi, born 1957 in Italy, received a call from heaven at seventeen years of age and decided to search for God. This brought her through many different situations: internally, by meeting many different groups and beliefs, and externally, through work as a professional nurse. In 1982 she married, participating in an international marriage ceremony (eighty-two nations were present) conducted by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in Seoul, Korea. Through marriage she began another challenge to find true love, together with her husband and six children.