Brothers and sisters, I would now like to lead you in a meditation which will strengthen your mind and heart to meet life's challenges. We are going to fill you with peaceful gentle kindness, True Love and God's divine unconditional love and light energy. I call this the Crown of glory meditation. Aju!
Please find a comfortable seated position. Let your sit bones deeply take root into your seat. From the base of your spine feel a lengthening of the spine up towards the crown of your head. Gently close your eyes, and feel a glorious golden ray of divine light shine and illuminate your crown.
From the center of this illuminated crown feel the light lift you up higher, lengthening your spine. You are Heavenly Parent's divine true child. Feel this loving warm light raise you up and lift you away from any tension or anything that weighs you down. Notice the body let go and release itself from things that pull it down.
Relax your shoulders away from your ears; lengthen the neck, relax the jaw; let go of tension. Feel your head become weightless and balanced at the top of the neck. From your grounded seat, feel yourself grow beautifully tall, up toward this light at the crown. Stay here for a moment to bask in this divine energy
In this tall balanced, seated position, take a moment to notice your breath. At its natural pace, is it short, long, choppy, even fast paced, labored, light or deep? Whatever it is, just take this moment to notice your breath. Your breath is the mirror of the mind.
When we are sad, stressed, nervous or angry, it shortens and tightens. When we are happy, loving, calm and relaxed, it lengthens and deepens. When we feel hatred, our breath shortens, our life force shortens. When we love, our breath extends and our life force extends.
Breathing in, inhale life, oxygen, peace, and love. Exhale and let go of all that no longer serves your life. Inhale, welcome life, the divine gift of air and let it fuel a greater flame in your divine light. Exhale, letting go and giving gratitude for all the life force that has been given.
Let your breath bring in abundant blessings and gifts of life from the universe, and exhale joy and gratitude. In the simple act of taking notice of your breathing, you can feel eternally loved and nourished. Breathing is give and take action with the divine. Notice how in each and every moment God is serving you, filling your lungs, giving you blessings and this precious life; in return we offer gratitude, joy, and love.
Breathing at your natural pace think of a loved one. Imagine this loved one, being or thing. Visualize it. How does this being make you feel? What are the things it does that bring you joy? Replay those joyful loving moments in your mind. Take the time to notice how they make you feel in your heart.
Hold that image and feeling; let it deeply nourish your heart. Feel that loving energy fill your being. Feel your heart open and bask in this love. As you share love, feel it grow and multiply even greater. Feel that deep heartistic connection, that loving union, that complete freedom, happiness, and harmony in the embrace of loved ones.
Feel the complete give and take of boundless love, forever filling you with abundant joy. Stay here for a moment and let this loving vision deeply take root in your heart and mind. Feel the completeness and total oneness, harmony and joy of this union. This is Cheoon Il Guk. When we are one.
Now think of someone or thing that is neutral to you. It might be the mailman, or a person serving you coffee; just anyone in your daily life who you may pass by casually and have no deep connection with. Focus on that neutral person and imagine that same loving feeling for this person as you would have for your loved one.
Visualize sending or treating this neutral person with the same openness and loving joy that you share with your loved one. Imagine smiling, saying kind words, offering a helping hand, a handshake or a big hug. Notice the change in that neutral person as you love them. Visualize their response, as they respond in kind, smiling back, saying thank you or some kind words, connecting on a higher level of love, and hugging you back.
Take the time to notice how this divine love in you can elevate any relationship. Notice a confidence and a joyful return that comes with opening your heart and loving all your neighbors. Your love has the power to change the world. You are no longer separate from others. By choosing to love, you bring all beings together in God's divine love. You are CIG. We are all one.
Now imagine someone or something you don't like, that may have caused you pain, suffering, heartache, loss, betrayal, fear, anger, hate, or who you do not respect. If you have no one or nothing that comes to mind, we all know the archangel. So try to visualize your archangel whoever or whatever it is.
You may notice around this difficult being, your heart feels like its shrinking away or clenching into a fist. You may notice your breath shorten or tighten or you may labor to breathe. Remember your breath is the mirror of the mind.
So, I want you now to imagine this enemy as a loved one. Do not let someone's darkness extinguish or diminish the light of God's love in you. Use the power of the divine breath of life in you. You choose to breath in deeply and allow life and love to flourish, and let go of all fears and things that no longer serve you. Allow your mind to focus on those feelings for your loved one.
Feel the deep love, openness, eternal divine light and goodness flow from your heart to this enemy. Notice how the image of this enemy changes, as you share deep compassion, care, kindness, higher consciousness and divine love. Visualize the shift in your heart as it opens and loves your enemy as your loved one.
Notice how this difficult person you hug, hugs you back. Feel your heart open freely in this embrace. Feel the healing and forgiveness, replace all loss and darkness. And see a golden light of love at both of your heart centers grow and warm each other in this embrace.
Notice the difference one heart, your heart, can make when it chooses love over hate. Notice your breath and your being glow even brighter and deeper as you invite God's light and love completely into your heart and you share it with the world. You are CIG. We are all one.
Take a moment to feel this loving victory. Feel the divine light energy that is in your heart carry and give life to each living being and the whole of creation. When we all live as one united family under God, there can be no darkness.
Notice the ray of light at the crown of your head illuminate brighter and flow all over your being in a blanket of love, joy, fulfillment and everlasting peace. You are the Crown of glory. What you focus on becomes your reality. CIG is alive in you. You are victorious! We are all one. Aju.
Gently opening the eyes. Feel God's love and True Parents' love fill your heart with unconditional love and infinite peace. Turn to your neighbor and share a glorious hug with each other and offer a deep Kamsahamnida. Salanghamnida. Namaste.
Conclusion: Practice True Love
How do you feel? Loved, powerful, energized, and victorious! Yes! You should! This is the power of True Love and True Parents' and Heavenly Parent's teaching.
Please practice this and Hoon Dok Hae every day. These are the pillars of light and wisdom that will allow you to overcome any obstacle! Aju!
Thank you all for your lifetime of love, care, dedication, and sincere effort for Heavenly Parent and True Parents.
May Heavenly Parent and True Parents bless all your precious families forever!
Any, may your time here in True Parents homeland be productive, inspiring and empowering, so that you return to your mission countries revitalized and energized. Remember you are CIG and we are all one! Aju.
Can we as one family under god and True Parents all give 3 victorious cheers of sungli, sungli, sungli! Thank you very much…Namaste.