Sun Jin Moon
February 23, 2018
2018 Cheon Il Guk Leaders' Assembly Opening Address
Chung Pyung Training Center
Respected Cheon Il Guk Leaders from 7 Regional Groups and from more than 120 nations. Beloved brothers and sisters!
Welcome to this Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly 2018!
Happy Heavenly Parent's Day! And Happy Lunar New Year…. the glorious Year of the Golden Dog!
According to the lunar calendar, 2018 is "무술년 (Moo-Sul-Nyeon)" which means "the year of the Golden Dog". "Moo" (무) means Yellow/Golden Earth, "Sul (술) means dog, and "Nyeon (년) means year. This "Moo-Sul Nyeon", the year of Golden Dog, comes every 60 years.
The Golden Dog (Moo (무)-Sul (술) symbolizes good harvest and fertility; in other words, 2018 is a year that brings affluence.
People say that throughout history the fortune of the nation rose in the years of "Moo (무)". For example, the Silla Kingdom unified the nation in the Three Kingdoms period in the year of "Moo-Jin Nyeon".
The Bohai Nation was established in the year of "Moo-In Nyeon".
The Goryo Nation was established in the year of "Moo-Shin Nyeon.”
Also, the establishment of the Republic of Korea occurred in the year of "Moo-Ja Nyeon". The 1988 Seoul Olympic Games were held in the year of "Moo-Jin Nyeon". Thirty years later, the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games are being held in the year of "Moo-Sul Nyeon".
Dogs have especially strong Yang energy. That's why they have dynamic and active characters. And the color gold indicates wealth and abundance.
With this in mind, I believe we can expect that the year of 2018 will be a year filled with prosperity and abundance.
Therefore, I wish you and your family, tribe, and nation a year of glory, heavenly wealth and victory!! Namaste.
When you spell DOG backwards you get the year of GOD! I know that this will be the year of victory for all filial sons and daughters around the world. You will all be victorious for GOD! You will all be Shining Rays of Hope Around the World with a Filial Heart for Heaven!
If we remain loyal and true to our Heavenly Parent and True Parents, we will naturally receive abundant joy, success, and blessings. We will achieve heavenly national victory and realize Cheon Il Guk, One Family Under God!
When we wholeheartedly believe in True Parents, God blesses us with miracles! We have witnessed this reality throughout 2017, with so many accomplishments and positive developments.
Looking back on 2017, I am reminded of True Mother's victorious rallies in the USA, in Korea, in Asia and 4 amazing ones in Japan. These victories have provided heavenly momentum for our worldwide movement as we go forward in 2018. We have seen the result already in Senegal, with the World Summit Africa!
Our True Parents are the Alpha and the Omega. They are the only begotten son and the only begotten daughter of Heavenly Parent. Together, they have laid the foundation for bringing an end to human suffering and conflict, uniting all people with True Love, and ushering in an era of peace and mutual prosperity.
As I mentioned in my speech for True Parents Birthday, the seeds our True Parents planted over many decades are bearing fruit today. Increasingly we see distinguished heads of state, religious leaders, parliamentarians, great leaders from all fields, who represent every religion, nationality, race, gender, age, and creed, welcoming and accepting our True Parents Divine truth.
Wasn't the interfaith prayer that began the main program wonderful. I felt that all religions were paying their respects and honoring our True Parents.
We are living in the midst of a Hyojeong revolution. We are experiencing the amazing power that emerges when we unite together as one global family, as victorious true sons and daughters of True Parents and Heavenly Parents!
Thank you Brothers and sisters for your sincere true love, pure devotion, absolute faith, and filial heart. Thank you for making Heavenly Parent's dream of Vision 2020 and Cheon Il Guk a reality! From the bottom of my heart Salanghamnida and Kamsahamnida.
Each year we gather together at this time to honor our True Parents. It is like a homecoming. As such, let me joyfully welcome you all back home! Welcome back to True Parents homeland of Korea and Chung Pyung where True Mother is investing her whole heart and every ounce of her energy to fulfill Heavenly Parent's dream of Cheon Il Guk for all humankind and for the entire creation, past, present, future, infinity, and beyond.
This is a holy land blessed by God. I sincerely hope that while you are here for this Cheon Il Guk Leaders' Assembly you can feel True Parents' deep eternal love for you and be nourished, healed, rejuvenated, and revived as you move forward from here in your respective missions, bearing the fruit of countless great achievements and miracles for heaven.
We also see that the entire world has come together in Korea, for the Winter Olympics, held in Pyeongchang. It was hard to imagine, some months ago, that the Olympics would even occur, given the rising tensions on this peninsula. Some worried that it might be cancelled.
And yet, just a few days ago, we witnessed the emergence of an opening for dialogue between North and South Korea. Kim Jong Eun's sister came to South Korea as a gesture of peace and diplomacy. Even the little angels performed in the opening ceremony.
I believe this sudden shift came as a result of True Mother's global tour 2017 and the Africa Summit, demonstrating her unwavering HyoJeong commitment to ending the era of suffering and indemnity for all humankind and creating a world of lasting peace. I believe our True Mother has laid the foundation for the pendulum of history to swing in the favor of heavenly fortune and peace.
I truly believe that Heavenly Parent and True Father are working with True Mother to help bring peace to this peninsula. However, if true peace is to be achieved it will require that both South Korea and North Korea connect to our Heavenly Parent and center on the vision and values taught by True parents.
I long for the day when President Moon Jae In and President Kim Jong Eun sit down with our beloved True Mother, just as President Macky Sall did in Senegal.
I long for the day when True Mother can offer her prayer of liberation in North Korea and return to their hometowns of Anju and Jung Ju. True Father said global harmony will come when peace is realized on the Korean peninsula.
Now more than ever we need peace on the peninsula to be the fulcrum of peace in Asia and the world. I pray for this, and I know with True Mother we will make True Father's dream come true.
With heavenly Korea heeding the call to have major breakthroughs in the fatherland, I believe this year of the golden dog and the super blue blood moon will open this sacred land to heavenly fortune! AJU!
Let us also not forget the importance of the spiritual world.
I believe that the great works being carried out here in Chung Pyung are having their own powerful impact on the providence. By educating, purifying, reviving, restoring and recording all blessed central family members, and anchoring them to Heavenly Parent and True Parents, a true road-map to peace has opened up. We can now move forward, directed by our true conscience and the compass of HyoJeong.
In January True Mother asked me and Insup to lead an educational program in Las Vegas for the youth of our movement in America. It was, for me, a deep and inspiring experience.
When I asked True Mother what points she wanted me to focus on, she said that we needed to teach our youth about Heavenly Parent, True Parents HyoJeong culture of heart and True Love. She said she wants to end the era of indemnity and she wants the lives of our future generations to be filled with True Love, grace, joy, HyoJeong, and life for the sake of others.
She said that all the suffering must end through Tribal Messiah victories; people must "know", not "no," who True Parents truly are and fulfill HP's dream. Only then can the era of Cheon Il Guk be realized. She said I should teach the young people that they must fulfill their portion of responsibility and have victory for Vision 2020.
With this direction and great message of hope from True Mother, I prepared to go to America. I also prayed to True Father to guide me with his truth and wisdom. That night he answered me in my dream, which woke me up at 2am. In the dream, Father uttered the words "E plurbis unum", a Latin term meaning "out of many, one." Father also spoke the word "fulcrum", which is a pivot point that gives leverage, making it possible to apply greater power with less effort.
With True Mother's guidance and with these words from True Father, I prepared for the event in Las Vegas.
We had a wonderful event, thanks to our youth ministry leaders and thanks to all the amazing young people who participated from all different nationalities and states. We were united as one family under God and shared the HyoJeong heart. We became a fulcrum and pivot of true love for the sake of bringing about true change in America, and we made ONE family out of MANY families…. e pluribus unum.
True Father's words reminded me that our Blessed children are the world's hope, and teaching them about True Love, True life and True Lineage is the key to restoring this world.
Anywhere I go in the world where I meet blessed families, I get inspired. I can see very vividly that if we truly practice the love of being a true family, living as filial son and daughter of True Parents, we are able to transcend all barriers and divisions and achieve peace and joy.
When I returned from America we caught the super flu, not the Forgive, Love, Unite True Parents Flu, but the record breaking flu that many Americans suffered from this year. Many people even passed away from the flu this year.
We felt so ill, almost for three weeks, with terrible chills and fever and, at the same time, praying every day for True Mother's health and victory in Africa.
During this time, I had a dream of True Mother and of a portrait of the little mermaid and a super moon that hangs on the wall in her living room. This image, from my dream, of this beautiful joyful portrait brought so much healing to my heart, and I was reminded of so many warm and precious memories in Hawaii with our beloved True Mother.
By some coincidence, I had this dream just two days before the Super blue blood moon. I felt it was a loving and guiding sign from True Father to remind us that True Parents are always with us no matter what we are suffering through and that True Parents will show us the divine truth and the way to Heavenly Parent's light.
Did anyone catch the Super blue blood moon? It moved my heart and I saw it had a powerful message of hope. So I would like to share it with all of you.
Video 1 and 2 of moon (explain off script)
"Jan. 31, 2018 Super Blue Moon and Lunar Eclipse" (1'00)
"Super Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse" (3'45) (no-narration video)
This once in a lifetime celestial event called a lunar trifecta is visible only every 150 years. For it to
happen right after all the global victories of 2017, and right before God's day, True Parents birthday and foundation day, made me feel that True Father also giving us the message of how important Tribal Messiaship is and how True Father from the heavens is speaking to the world through this auspicious event in the cosmos. It is only by restoring the true blood lineage through True Parents blessing and by understanding their divine truth that the world can be reborn and achieve true peace.
When I saw this eclipse overshadowing the glorious light of the moon, it was eerie; it consumed all the light and left the word in darkness. This sad, dark, and empty feeling must have been like Heavenly Parent's breaking heart due to the Fall.
When the eclipse gradually opened it cast an amber fire-like glow, like orange embers in a warm fireplace in the dead of winter. As it continued to turn deeper and deeper amber and eventually turned red, I saw this as Heavenly Parent's heart still keeping the light of love open for the world. Inch by inch the embers were struggling to light the torch of hope as the moon opened full circle.
The reddish hue heating the moon to cast its blood moon glow made me feel that this symbolized Heavenly Parent's eternal unconditional love for all his lost children. Even the name of this event, Super blue blood moon, made me think of the pure blood lineage.
Witnessing this event, I felt Heavenly Parent's eternal heart of True Love and his hope that we must restore the blood lineage of fallen mankind through Tribal Messiahship.
As the moon grew larger, turning into the super moon, it seemed to shine as bright as sunlight, illuminating the night sky. I felt True Father's presence. I felt that he is always with us and sending his love and sharing his hopes to realize Heavenly Parent's dream.
True Parent's message spoke to me directly through this natural wonder, reminding me that the only way for darkness to be lifted and for humanity to be reborn, with its fallen nature removed, is to inherit the HyoJeong heart of True Parents and receive True Parents Blessing.
This entire experience was for me a celestial sign indicating that this would be a year of victories and heavenly fortune! What is even more auspicious was when I finally saw True Mother and explained this event, I saw that it was already hanging on her dining room wall.
Picture of mother's blood moon (explanation)
If that is not miraculous I do not know what is? This is the power of absolute FLOW with True Parents, when you believe or call them into your heart they always answer. They are always with each one of us, giving true love and divine truth.
This was only the beginning of 2018!
What did you think of the celebration of True Parents' Birthday? Wow! Wasn't that magnificent? Aju?
Isn't our True Mother amazing? True Mother looks so radiant and beautiful, and the entire day of celebration was inspiring and uplifting, the musical, the various performances, the spectacular Sleeping Beauty performance. Even the special lunch box was prepared with True Mother's love.
What a whirlwind of activity True Mother is inspiring and generating. These two weeks are packed with programs. There are well over 20 separate programs taking place between True Parents' Birthday and Foundation Day.
I know that UPF convened ILC 2018 at the Lotte Hotel, including IAPP and IAPD programs. The IAPP program was held at the National Assembly. It is very encouraging to see that parliamentarians and religious leaders and other high officials from all over the world are working together collaboratively. UPF is creating a new model of leadership and good governance, centered on True Parents vision.
I also understand that there's a very, very high level group of VIPs from Africa who are having their own special educational program running concurrently with our Leaders Assembly, and including visits to Sun Moon University, Yong Pyeong resort, and a tour of the Cheonwon Complex. They are special guests of True Mother.
There is also an ICUS conference going on at this same time, in Seoul. This morning True Mother spoke to the conference.
The list goes on and on.
And, this is all in addition to this Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly, which is surely among the most important. For this is the gathering of our worldwide movement's highest level leaders from every sphere.
We have this precious time together to hear reports, receive our True Mother's direct guidance and direction, and network together as we prepare to return to our respective areas of responsibility.
Our entire movement is represented here, including FFWPU, UPF, WFWP, CARP, and many other providential organizations, businesses and initiatives founded by our True Parents.
True Mother is leading us forward with remarkable vision and clarity.
She wastes no time in moving forward.
She launched the IAPP only two years ago, and it has been growing and expanding ever since. Now, more than 4000 members of parliament have participated, and chapters launched in more than 75 nations. Just a few days ago, UPF Korea organized an IAPP program at the National Assembly.
In addition, just two months ago, in November at the UPF's ILC, True Mother launched the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD). IAPP and IAPD are working together so that both the international governmental sphere and the interreligious sphere are collaborating for the sake of peace, just as True Parents taught when they spoke about the “Abel UN.”
True Mother has also been guiding the expansion of Tribal Messiah victors, and she has been promoting the development of educational curricula for young people, through Youth and Students for Peace.
As we have observed, the Africa Summit 2018, convened in Senegal in January, exceeded all expectations and established a new paradigm for victory. True Mother declared the beginning of "Heavenly Africa."
The liberation ceremony at Goree Island represented the liberation of the heart of all Africans. The current head of state, President Macky Sall, treated our True Mother with utmost respect and reverence, welcoming her like a visiting head of state, and offering all manner of hospitality and gracious care.
I want to express my deep gratitude to our beautiful, hard-working African brothers and sisters. Heaven is filled with joy and hope as it observes this historic moment of transformation and victory for all of Africa. The Africa Summit marks a new beginning not only for Africa, but for the entire world.
True Mother is now encouraging our other Regional Groups to prepare their own Summits. I understand that in Latin America our leaders are preparing programs in Brazil and Paraguay, and our brothers and sisters in the Asia Pacific Region are preparing their Summit in Fiji and Nepal.
I also understand that Europe is preparing to receive our True Mother in Vienna in April with a special rally and the launch of the IAPD for Europe and the Middle East. I am sure there are many other plans in other regions as well.
It has been more than five years since True Father's Seonghwa, and we are moving forward like never before. We are moving more rapidly, and with greater wisdom and understanding, toward the fulfillment of vision 2020 and Cheon Il Guk. We are all indebted to True Father and his glorious legacy as the Messiah!
Equally it is because our True Mother is the only beloved daughter of our Heavenly Parent and because True Parents holy wedding and complete victory has opened the gates of liberation that the providence is now soaring towards victory.
As our True Father shines from the heavens and cosmos, our True Mother is our guiding light, the beacon of hope and victory that shows us the way to Cheon Il Guk.
I believe this is why we are witnessing so many miracles from Heaven. Don't you agree! YES!
These amazing victories, however, would not happen without the sacrificial work that each of you as her filial son and daughter are doing, all over the world. You are the spiritual pillars of the providence as it builds upward into a new era of victory.
Based on True Mother's guidance and direction, our worldwide movement has three areas of focus: Witnessing and Tribal Messiahship, centering on FFWPU
Preparing the Environment for Witnessing, centering on UPF and other providential organizations
Preparing and raising up future generations through UPA, YSP, CARP, etc.
These form the foundation of our road map for National Restoration. I know during this leaders' assembly you will hear more about these three essential components of our global strategy.
When we unite with True Mother miracles happen. When we unite with True Mother, True Father supports us with all his heart from heaven.
True Mother is not thinking only about today or the rest of this year, or even just about 2020. Her thoughts go far into the future and out into the cosmos. Just like the picture of the blood moon, True Parents are in unison with Heavenly Parents frequency and antenna.
True Father in heaven lives and breathes in unison with True Mother as she carries out her daily work to fulfill his dreams. She is kept awake at night thinking about how she can make this world better for future generations, how she can overcome all obstacles and change this world for the better.
She said this past Christmas that she wants to end all indemnity forever. True Mother is taking on all the burden and clearing a path of complete peace, love and joy. Is that not the dream we wish to realize? Therefore, we must be absolutely one with True Parents, with absolute faith love and obedience and in oneness with their word. We must go with the absolute heavenly FLOW of fortune.
Let us go forward in 2018 with a heart of HyoJeong, restoring the true blood lineage of all mankind, ushering in a victorious reign of lasting peace. Aju?
For all the great leaders from around the globe I want to share True Mother's lunar New Year blessing.
This lunar New Year True Mother invited a select group of elder leaders to a God's day breakfast where she nourished us with tuk mandoo guk and the traditional Korean delicacies families share at this time of year. She harmonized our hearts with songs from brothers and sisters and bought us together as One Family Under God leading us in joyful song.
In closing she said "be healthy and be victorious," words of a true mother who knows the burdens you carry are great. She lovingly reminded us to have balance in our lives and to take care of ourselves and others.
So go out this glorious year of the DOG with GOD and with heavenly fortune completely at your side, knowing that True Parents' love, care and guidance are with you always.
May you all be victorious in your region or field, unifying this globe into one family under God!
Can we do it? Yes! Aju!
Thank you brothers and sisters. You have my sincere love, deep appreciation and eternal respect.
May Heavenly Parent always bless you and your precious families! AJU!
Salnghamnida kamsahamnida, namaste.