Sun Jin Moon and In Sup Park visit the YAYAM Leaders' Retreat in Las Vegas — SunHak Institute of History USA

Sun Jin Moon and In Sup Park visit the YAYAM Leaders' Retreat in Las Vegas

Richard Buessing
January 13, 2018


On Saturday, January 13, FFWPU International President Sun Jin Moon and her husband, In Sup Park were welcomed by 85 Youth Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, and Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) leaders in Las Vegas during the semi-annual Youth and Young Adult Ministry (YAYAM) Leaders' Retreat.

In preparation for Sun Jin Moon's visit, the YAYAM participants prepared questions for her to answer that were relevant to their field of ministry. She remarked that she was impressed by the questions and shared that she often turns to True Parents' words to help her find the answers to such questions. She shared that because of our access to True Parents' words, we have the "truth at our fingerprints at all times."


She opened the session by reading a section from True Father's autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, called "Leaving Behind a Legacy of Love." The passage highlighted that within our 80-year lifespan, after taking out all of our personal time sleeping, eating, and hanging out with friends and family, we will have spent about 7 years of our life living for a public purpose. Our challenge is to discover how to use those 7 years well and leave behind a legacy of love that will be remembered for generations.

After reading from her father's autobiography, Sun Jin Moon began to answer some of the questions prepared by the group. When asked, "How can we reach out to other Unificationists who are no longer active in the movement?" she shared that the most important starting place is love and that in our relationships, we should always start from the place of love. She asked to look at our own lives of when we have been hurt and reminded the participants:

"We have to go back to love, even though that's the last place we want to go. When you're disconnected or hurt, it's the hardest to open up and love. But when you forgive, love, and unite, you let go whatever someone else did to you. You choose love. You choose to invite forgiveness and unity."


Sun Jin Moon then began to focus on how the principles of yoga directly relate to Divine Principle and our lives of faith. She particularly emphasized the practice of surrendering to God and how important that is to follow in our daily spiritual practices.

At the conclusion of her session, she led the group through a meditation focusing on having a loving heart to all those that we encounter.

Sun Jin Moon also blessed the YAYAM group with special gifts including a water bottle, donuts, and Kona coffee. The YAYAM group felt so loved by the FFWPU International President and so grateful for her authentic and genuine sharing with the group. "True Mother's heart and spirit were felt through her presence, her sharing, and her love," remarked Tasnah Moyer, YAYAM Program Coordinator. Throughout the rest of the retreat, many of the participants continued to remark on how much Sun Jin Moon's session impacted them and how it was a major highlight of the weekend.


"I really felt like she was my older sister, not just our international leader or someone who's really distant. I've only heard her speak twice in person, but I can really feel she's my older sister and someone I can connect to." – S. Takhar, YM Leader, CA

"When she brought out the autobiography, she had so many post-its in it. I realized we take this book for granted and someone like her studies it so much was inspiring. " – M. Homma, YM Leader, CA