DP Study

Volume 3 Part 3

Jesus’ work on earth is dominated by a central, all-pervasive theme: the Kingdom of Heaven. "Repent," Jesus says, "for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Mt. 4:17)

In proclaiming this message, Jesus is announcing the fulfillment of a hope which God had long instilled in the Jewish people. At least since the seventh century B.C., the Hebrew people had looked forward to the arrival of the millennium, a golden age of peace and well-being for all. This Kingdom was to be inaugurated by the Messiah.

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’ Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from this time forth and forevermore."--Is. 9:6-7.

Isaiah’s view is that the Messiah was to govern his people with justice and righteousness. From the throne of David, he was to reign with wisdom, as Wonderful Counselor, with power, as Mighty God, with love, as the Everlasting Father. In his Kingdom, peace would endure. And not only the Messiah’s human followers, but all nature was to dwell in his peace.

Isaiah writes: "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and fatling together, and a little child shall lead them... They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the water cover the sea."--Is. 11:6-9.

Glorious Days

Isaiah further prophesied the glorious days the Israelite people would see in the Kingdom of the Messiah.

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you...Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried in their arms...Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall become a clan and the smallest one a mighty nation; I am the Lord; in its time I will hasten it."--Is. 60

In the Hebrew mind, this is the glory and joy that the Israelites were to share upon the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom. Their blessing would reach throughout the world, and earth would be the Garden of Eden.

"He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore."--Is. 2:4

In all these passages we may see the promise of God’s ideal being realized. The world was to be restored and the Messiah was the catalyst.

An urgent message

Anointed by God for the mission of restoration, Jesus was consistently concerned to teach others of the coming Kingdom. His moral and ethical teachings, his exhortations, even his prayers all relate to this topic. His Sermon on the Mount, it has been said, may be likened to the constitution of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom is also the subject of many of Jesus’ parables. He compared the Kingdom to sowing good seeds in various soils; to a tiny grain of mustard seed which would grow into a large tree; to leaven hidden in a meal; and to a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found with joy and then bought at the cost of everything he had.

Just as significant as these repeated references to the Kingdom was the apparent immediacy of its advent. There is a definite now quality to Jesus' references. Because the Kingdom’s foundation had to be laid during Jesus’ lifetime, its establishment was imminent and urgent. Therefore Jesus directed his followers to seek his Kingdom and righteousness first, without giving undue thought to what to eat or wear. His disciples were told to announce that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand.

Some of the passages from Luke vividly illustrate just how urgent matters were. To a man who wanted to go bury his deceased father, Jesus retorted, "Leave the dead to bury the dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God." (Lk. 9:60) On another occasion he said, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God." (Lk. 9:62) In teaching his disciples how to pray, Jesus’ first petition to God was "Thy Kingdom come."

Finally, as we have indicated, Jesus made the point that to enter the Kingdom, one had to be spiritually mature. In his words, "You, therefore, must perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." (Mt. 5:48)

A Kingdom on Earth

An important distinction must be drawn here between the earthly nature of the Kingdom, as conceived by prophetic Judaism and early Christianity, and spiritualized, ethereal version envisioned by the later Christian Church.

In proclaiming the Kingdom of God (or the Kingdom of Heaven which was substituted because of Hebrew restrictions on the use of the word "God") many Christians believe either that Jesus was referring to the fate of his followers after death or their individual spiritual fulfillment. However, this cannot be the case. As God envisioned a Kingdom of Heaven on earth in the beginning, starting with Adam and Eve, He would naturally envision a Kingdom of Heaven on earth in the end. His intent and will are constant.

Most scholars would agree that envisioning a purely spiritual or personal Kingdom entirely misrepresents the intent of Jesus’ message, ministry and mission.

Professor Frederick C. Grant typifies scholarly opinion: "Jesus’ conception of the Kingdom of God is absolutely and unequivocally and exclusively a religious conception: pure and simply religious, but religious in the sound ancient sense, as embracing all of life, society, politics, the labor of men, as well as their inner feelings, attitudes, and aspirations."--The Gospel of the Kingdom.

The early Christian Church, being closer in time to the earthly life of Jesus, knew that Jesus envisioned an earthly Kingdom and eagerly awaited Jesus’ return to complete his work.

Reflecting this fact, the Apostle Paul is on occasion at pains to placate the early Christians who were hoping for a quick return of Jesus.

"Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling to meet him, we beg you, brethren, not to be quickly shaken in mind or excited, either by spirit or by word...to the effect that the day of the Lord has come."--II Thess. 2:1

It was only later that the return of the Lord would be viewed as indefinitely postponed. With this postponement, the concept of the Kingdom was gradually deflected away from earth and toward heaven.

We may say in summary that the kingdom that Jesus attempted to bring was a literal, physical kingdom, a restored world based on God’s original ideal. Jesus was to become the spiritual and ethical archetype, the model individual of the Kingdom. Achieving this himself, he was to show all people the way to individual and collective maturity. Based on the example and the inspiration he furnished, an ideal family, society, nation and world would have come into being. In this way, the long-sought Kingdom would be established.

Clearly, however, the ideal of the Kingdom was not realized. "What happened?" In the next section, the Principle will pursue the answer by first looking at the work of Jesus’ forerunner.

Next Month - Part 4
John the Baptist

Chicago Stages 3rd Annual TFV Awards Banquet

by Rich Lemont and B. Russell Sucharoff -- Chicago, IL

God certainly works in mysterious ways. As we are learning in Chicago, we must respond to the anointing of the Holy Spirit-this is our personal portion of responsibility. In this vein, God inspired Rev. Ki Hoon Kim to hold our 3rd annual True Family Values Banquet on December 26th, the day after Christmas. Of course, many people thought that it was crazy to expect that people would get on a bus on Thanksgiving evening in order to take a 20 hour bus ride to Washington, D.C. And yet 40 busses were filled to capacity to bring the Chicago Christian community to RFK on November 29th, 1997. And many felt that it would be impossible to fill an auditorium on Good Friday as True Mother's Hoon Dok Hae Tour came to Chicago on May 13, 1998. And yet over 3,000 guests filled the Grand Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel in Chicago to overflowing. In fact, many key ministers actually canceled their own scheduled Good Friday Services in order to join with us for this exciting event. And the audience included elected officials, from the Federal, State and City government, university and seminary professors, international ambassadors and many of the leading clergymen and women throughout the midwest. So if God had inspired Rev. Kim to hold our True Family Values Banquet the day after Christmas, who were we to doubt that God would perform great miracles if we united with the inspiration.

A TFV seminar was staged before the banquet and over 50 people attended. Again, in spite of the fact that some believed it was impossible to expect ministers to come at 10:00 am the morning after Christmas, Rev. Rich Lemont and Rev. Ernest Hamilton taught 2 TFV lectures to ministers from a number of churches who were inspired by the truth in the seminar and indicated they wish to have similar programs at their churches in the near future.

Bishop Joong Hyun Pak flew in from New York City and joined COGIC Bishop Ocie Booker as the keynote speakers for the event. The banquet was held in a beautiful banquet hall on the southwest side of Chicago. The ministers were treated to a beautiful reception and then proceeded in filling up nearly 60 tables throughout the banquet hall.

National and regional leaders from the American Constitution Committee also flew in for the event which included presentations of the `1998 "Parents of the Year" award and the "United to Serve America" (USA) Distinguished Service Award.

During his keynote address COGIC Bishop Ocee Booker testified strongly to TFV Ministry and said that we all need TFV and that TFV is beyond denomination or nation or race.

Bishop Joong Hyun Pak spoke about how the TFV Ministry and our time on earth is a preparation for the spirit world.

One unique facet about this event is that it was the first time that we have ever charged for tickets. At $35 per ticket or $350.00 per table, our TFV ministry was right in line with similar events throughout the Christian community. Many of our ministers cheered us on, supporting our efforts to assimilate to the culture of the Christian Church. Showing support for your brother's anniversary, birthday or annual banquet is the way of life in the Christian Community. As a result our banquet proved to be a financial success and we were able to make an offering to True Parents on True God's Day in Uruguay.

Ministers attended from many of the states in our region as well as ministers and Church Leaders from all over America. Rev. Godwin DiSilva and Rev. Jack Ashworth came representing Rev. In Hoi Lee in Los Angles.

The program itself, was quite full in every respect. Illinois State Director, Rev. Lloyd Hudson introduced the program. Rev. T.L. Barrett, Jr. and Rev. Michael Jenkins served as Co-M.C.'s for the event. Rev. Helen Cooper offered a beautiful invocation and the participants were then welcomed by Chicago Regional Director, Bishop. Ki Hoon Kim. COGIC Superintendent Pastor Thomas Jackson also joined the Head Table and offered the prayer before dinner.

After lunch, Jim & Shirley Duncan, faithful members of the 2nd Baptist Church of Evanston, received the 1998 "Parents of the Year" Award. The award was presented by Mr. Michael C. Smith, the National President of the American Constitution Committee. Rev. Walter Turner, President of Chicago's Southside Organization of the National Baptist Convention received the USA Distinguished Service Award which was presented by Major General Ted W. Sorensen, former National President of the Reserve Officers Association (ROA) and National Member of the American Leadership Conference Board of Directors.

After being magnificently entertained by the Japanese Women's True Family Values Choir in their beautiful Japanese kimonos and the beautiful voices of Mrs. Kathleen Sometani (WFWP President) and Mr. Ray Figueroa, the awards continued as the True Family Values Ministry awarded Rev. and Mrs. Leroy Elliott, Sister Claudette Muhammad and COGIC Bishop and Mrs. Bennie Allison with the distinguished TFV awards for 1998.

After the conclusion of the keynote speech all participants gathered as the TFV Ministry offered memorial tributes to Bishop Robert L. Ford and Rev. Dr. Amos Waller each of whom recently made their ascension to the Spirit World. Both ministers have been long time friends and both participated in the June 13th Blessing at Madison Square Garden. They will be greatly missed.

After nearly 3 hours of spirit filled festivities, Rev. Hycel B. Taylor of the Evanston's Historic 2nd Baptist Church was joined by his incredible Minister of Music, Mr. Eddie Drummond in a spirit filled rendition of "O Holy Night."

And the program was closed out by Dr. Paul Swanson, professor Emeritus from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, who along with Dr. Taylor had offered the 2 prayers representing Christianity at Madison square Garden.

Chicago Commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. With An Interfaith Breakfast

by Richard B. Lemont -- Chicago, IL

True Family Values Choir under the direction of Noriko Ogden, directress entertained the crowd of over 1200 ministers and distinguished guests as the program opened. TFV Choir's songs opened the door and welcomed the crowd. Originally, we were not supposed to do it, but because the other choir didn't show up on time, our choir sang first and welcomed the people. We truly felt like this was our banquet! As they stood in kimonos, choir robes and Blessing scarves chattering tables fell silent. The guests devoted their entire attention to the mostly oriental crowd of women on the stage in the International Ballroom of the Hilton Chicago and Towers. Furasato and Amazing Grace were applauded madly by the assembly as our sisters finished.

As the TFV Choir prepared for the opening of the event Rev. Ki Hoon Kim, Chicago Regional Director, represented our True Parents at a small reception given by Mayor Richard M. Daley. Francis Cardinal George, the Archbishop of Chicago and other Chicago notables such as Congressman Bobby Rush, Rev. Clay Evans and Bishop Cody Marshall hobnobbed with Mayor Daley, Police Superintendent Terry Hillier, aldermen, commissioners and powerful ministers and civic leaders.

This marked the third time that Rev. Kim had been invited by the Mayor's staff to deliver a Unity Prayer and sit at the head table. His prayer called Dr. King's dream one that was not centered on one color but on all the colors of the human race living as one family under God. Rev. Kim gave the strongest prayer among 3 unity prayers and everyone listened very quietly.

The Keynote Speaker was Rev. Bernice A. King the daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rev. King is assistant pastor at Greater Rising Star Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia where she is in charge of the Youth and Women's Ministry. She strongly emphasized in her speech about the unity of denominations and even religions. As she closed her speech she told a story familiar to every Divine Principle lecturer over the past 25 years. An angel showed a man the difference between heaven and hell in identical circumstances. There were 2 banquet tables covered with foods from the corners of the world. At one table the guests created hell as they struggled with the 10 foot long utensils while the heavenly banquet shared the food by unselfishly serving each other.

Chicago has been having this event since 1987, when the late Mayor Harold Washington began it. We feel Chicago has a big foundation to bring unity among denominations and religions and welcome True Parents. We, Unification Church members, should lead this movement in Chicago. Actually, we may have been the biggest single group attending the event with around 40 of our members there and the planning committee for the event is filled with the names of ministers who know us through CAUSA, ICC and TFV activities.

The following Monday Rev. Kim joined Mayor Daley and many other religious leaders at a press conference on Dr. King's birthday.

A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue

by Wendy Shalit, The Free Press, NYC
reviewed by Chris Seidel -- Red Hook, NY

I just finished reading a very intriguing book on a topic which has been all but shellacked in our culture, however, in a very misleading way. The book is entitled A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue. Much to my surprise and delight, this is what I found buried in the back flap of the hardcover:

"With humor and piercing insight, Shalit in -- ites us to look beyond the blush and consider the new power to be found in an old ideal. She maintains that the sex education curriculum forced on those of her generation from an early age is fundamentally flawed, centered as it is on overcoming reticence—what we today call ‘hang-ups.’ Shalit surprisingly and persuasively argues that without these misnamed hang-ups there can be no true surrender, no richness and depth to relations between the sexes. The natural inclination toward modesty is not a hang-up that we should set out to cure, but rather a wonderful instinct that, if rediscovered and given the right social support, has the power to transform society."

Author Wendy Shalit, 23, is a recent graduate of Williams College, and a current contributor to Manhattan Institute’s City Journal, who has also written in The Wall Street Journal, Commentary and other publications.

Shalit’s brisk and focused introduction immediately keys the reader to her intention and purpose of writing the book.

Where is our contemporary culture leading today’s youth? Why, if we live in such a liberated society, is everyone searching for a richer, more sublime reality? Why do we consider it necessary to "educated" our youth with subjects which have absolutely no bearing on their lives at the time they are educated? Where is respect? Where has romantic hope gone? Where is true love? Shalit poignantly and cogently argues that girls and young women are being thrust very unwillingly into a social environment which places unrealistic and irrational demands on their behavior and self-image. If they do not conform to the status quo, they are summarily expunged to the fringes of acceptability. In a "liberated" culture they have taken upon themselves the task to prove themselves "equal" to the opposite sex, but this ultimately demands them in the end since there are inherent differences. This is delineated in Part One, "The Problem."

In Part Two, "The Forgotten Ideal," a case for modesty is propounded, and is made clear by allusions to the fact that a very natural disposition for women has been slowly twisted by a society which now views it as prudish and even psychotic. Although unconsciously one of the reasons for her modern-day strife, Shalit convincingly illustrates why a return to female modesty just might be the answer today’s woman is looking for. That in the "anything goes" world which in countless ways subverts women into giving up their femininity, women can determine not to let their modesty go.

"Today modesty is commonly associated with sexual repression, with pretending that you don’t want sex though you really do. But this is a misunderstanding, a cultural myth spun by a society which vastly underrates sexual sublimation. If you -- top and think about it, you realize that without sublimation, we would have very few footnotes and probably none of the greatest works of Western art. Moreover, leaving aside the whole question of utility, when you haven’t yet learned to separate your physical desires from your hopes and natural wonder at everything, the world is, in a very real sense, enchanted. Every conversation, every mundane act is imbued with potential because everything is colored with erotic meaning. Today, this stage in one’s life—when everything seems significant and you want to get it all "exactly right"—is thought to be childish, but is it really? Maybe instead of learning to overcome repression, we should be prolonging it."

So in fact, sexual repression and sublimation is not in fact a handicap, but the key to unlocking the romantic mystery women still cling to, even though their society may misleadingly deem it illusory.

In Part Three, "The Return," Shalit states that in fact many women are looking for interference in their lives. That even in the very culture which considers independence a virtue, many young women are crying out for stricter rules and sterner fathers. For a father who disciplines his daughter is undoubtedly one who cares about her, who shows a vested interest in her future and upbringing.

She also insists that what is necessary is an interference in the modern demands of society: "by not having sex before marriage, you are insisting on your right to take these things seriously, when many around you do not seem to." She states the conditions of religious modesty, giving the reasons why many cultures have elevated sexual modesty to a virtue, and why "modesty is inextricably entwined with holiness." She implores us to see "beyond modernity," that perhaps sounder and more compelling reasons for modesty can be found in the enormous depth and breadth of historical development. That avenues to true happiness are waiting perhaps outside of the modern community, that current notions of wanting "the love of a good man and many children, that is considered déclassé," is societal brainwashing.

Shalit’s book is a poignant forerunner of a new genre which provocatively questions the ultimate direction of a liberated humanity. Although there are many salient, often startlingly controversial points made in the discussion, the conclusion elucidates her underlying intent and passion:

"So if you think our modesty projects should be called ‘An Outsider’s View,’ -- because you think we’re so provocative, but sometimes it’s just you, professor. Sometimes it’s really from the inside, and we really don’t mean to be provocative all the time. And sometimes we would prefer not to have learned about AIDS in kindergarten. You may think that because of Freud, or because of MTV, our virginity doesn’t mean anything, but some of us might surprise you. One of the most popular videos for months, after all, was called "A Return to Innocence." Sometimes it comes as a relief to think—when everyone else is telling me how provocative I am, or have to be, or how many men I have to have—maybe, at least in my own life, before God, I could be just a little innocent?

"And maybe then my children will be allowed to be children?

"Who knows? Might as well try it, and see what happens.

"After all, I don’t see why our parents should get to have a monopoly on sexual revolutions."

The Best Year--1999!

The following talk was given by Rev. Pak at Belvedere, January 10, 1999

Some of us went to Uruguay to welcome in the New Year with True Parents. For me, it was the 35th year of joining in the midnight pray with True Parents. This one was especially inspiring and very serious. This year 1999 is a most historical year to welcome in. Because of this, my topic today is: The Best Year--1999.

We went through the 90s on up to 1997 and 1998 so why is 1999 suddenly so important? Symbolically, the year 1999 marks 5,999 years since Adam and Eve were created. And two thousand years since Jesus came. So after the year 2000 we will be entering the seventh millennium.

Also, in less than a year we will be entering the 21st century. True Parents reached the 40th year of their wilderness course in 1993. Seven years have passed and this year puts us in the Completed Testament Era. Now we begin the eighth year..

We all have a past, a present and a future. Each of us has a past with many so memories; we live in the present time, and we prepare for the future ahead. The moment we are living in, right now, so very quickly becomes the past. We have no guarantee that tomorrow will even come. Everyone is interested in the new century coming. But if we don't prepare today, 1999, what will tomorrow be? The Bible says "I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth. for the first heaven and the first earth passed away" (Rev. 21:1). God expects us to be Kingdom-builders on the Earth. It is up to us to follow the Messiah and prepare by doing our portion of responsibility for ushering this in. It will not be done without our efforts. People that are waiting for God to take care of everything will be sadly disappointed. We must prepare everything with faith, obedience, true love and hard work.

This year 1999 is like reaching Mount Everest! That final climb to the top. Everything we have worked for, laid a foundation for, will be culminated this year. If you have ever watched a documentary of that final climb to the top of Mt. Everest you will remember that it was very difficult for those achieving it. It is visible, you are so close you can finally see the top, but breathing itself becomes difficult because of lack of oxygen and because the climb is so steep. Those final steps are very steep and very treacherous. Slowly, slowly, one painfully moves up to reach that ultimate peak. So think now of all the previous years we have faithfully endured, trying our best to fulfill our missions; sometimes slipping down but picking up and moving on forward and upward again and working hard with God and True Parents. Now we are on the final climb, this year of 1999.

This is the year we reach the peak!

Many people have prophesied about the year 1999. Many religious groups, even cults, received revelations: "This is the year of the judgment." "This is the year of the second coming of the Messiah." "Wars and battles are coming." "This Planet Earth will be burned with fire." All such revelations have come. The media has reported that some cults are "ready to die" this year. Some groups are reporting that the only means to survive it all is to "stay within our particular group and you will be saved."

A religious leader in Taiwan received that God himself will come down! In Texas, a group received directions and followed those directions only to find that the dates, places, and times revealed did not come to pass. These groups always say "maybe this time next year..." It was the same way with the minister in Taiwan. He was known to say "well, it will happen later."

As we know, Nostradamus predicted that "in July 1999, from the heavens, the power of darkness will come down and this world will burn up." One may say, "well, I don't need to work so hard to fulfill my part since everything is going to happen in such and such a way anyhow..." Many of Nostradamus's predictions have come to pass so we are left to wonder about this July 1999 event.

I was just an elementary school student in Korea when the Korean War ended. About that time the Seventh Day Adventist assembly came to my village and built a church and began teaching. They witnessed to me and I became a part of their group. At that time they predicted that in just four years the end of the world was coming. Fires and earthquakes and diseases would take over the Earth, they said. Satan would consume the Earth and all would die. They told us if we joined the '144,000' Seventh Day Adventists that we would survive. They told me "come quickly--only a few chosen numbers remain! " This is exactly what they told me. At that time, they touched this young boy's righteous heart. It sounded good to me! This church is really concerned with my life, I thought.

Of course I was glad I would be saved, but when I realized how low the number was and that many other people would not be saved, I became depressed and wondered what kind of God was this that would choose such a small number to go to Heaven. I went to my grandfather and reported my doubts. Immediately he said to me, "That's not true what they are saying." So I decided not to believe it.

But this turned out to be good preparation for me to soon meet people who had the real answers.

Not too long after that I met the Unification movement and heard the Divine Principle. This group, however, did not say that many dreadful things were going to come to pass, but rather they said these predictions were symbolic and that if we carried out our share of responsibility and worked hard that we could bring in the Kingdom of Heaven. We could build a world of peace, a happy world. I knew this group had truth and I became a member.

The Buddhist's have a book Wol Gan Twang that tells of the second coming of Buddha, but before he comes, there will be great confusion and judgment.

I have a Korean book that tells of many important people who four or five hundred years ago predicted about the future of Korea and the world. One of the prophesiers, Nam Sa Go, predicted that before the second messiah comes, this world would see judgment and difficult times.

In John's Revelation, many dreadful predictions are given: ...and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and on his heads were seven diadems... (Rev. 12:3) and in Rev. 16:13-14 we read about the battle of Armageddon when the Lord of the Second Advent comes: ...and I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. Here on Earth with True Parents we have fought with communism, we have fought with immoral Satan. We gave holy nectar and taught Divine Principle and True Family Values and issued invitations to Blessings. We still have this ongoing battle to fight. We are soldiers to the end.

So in this world two predictions are given: one is of hopeless; dark predictions of things to come; one is like pink in color, representing Hope. If we overcome Satan and Satan's lifestyle, then we bring about a great world of peace. Today might be dark but tomorrow there is hope.

There is a European philosopher about the same age as Nostradamus, and he said "if the last day is tomorrow then I will plant an apple tree." So we should think, no matter what will come to pass, I will do my best to the end to plant righteousness and overcome Satan's power. We believe in God and True Parents. With the messianic mission will come victory. We stand positive. We can move forward with certainty. This is the year for victory--1999.

Mrs. Pak and I spent 10 hours on the airplane going to South America. As we looked around we noticed there were basically two kinds of people on that plane: One kind that lived casually for the moment and another kind that seemed to be in control of their lives. The first category were into eating and drinking and sleeping, with seemingly no cares. The others seemed to be those who would likely prepare ahead of time everything they would need to do. They probably had carefully made their plans, chose thoughtfully the clothing they would wear, had their passports, vouchers of all kinds, in order.

Sitting beside us was a man and his wife--eating heartily and drinking and drinking, Free wine was offered so we watched as they drank bottle #1; then #2, 3, 4 and finally 5! Five bottles of wine, each of them. They were very casual, very relaxed, and, it seemed, not prepared for anything. How can people like this possibly be prepared for anything that might come up unexpectedly? Or how can they be in control of any situation with such attitudes?

Some Unificationists take that same casual attitude toward many things. Oh well, they say, nothing has changed; everything is the same as last year, the year before; relax, they say. Some will complain because Rev. Pak is so serious all the time. But actually, my attitude is: very suddenly things could take a turn and directions could change. If we are not on the alert and well prepared, what will happen? Especially in these very last days, during judgment time, what will happen if we are not prepared to act? How can we be successful with a casual attitude..

We are lucky to have Chungpyung and Jardim. We especially must prepare now to take our families to Jardim. Heaven may have a certain timetable so we should always be prepared to act as quickly as possible. Not follow our own casual timetable. We may be fortunate to have Dae Mo Nim visit America in the Springtime so let's be prepared to take advantage of this great opportunity when it comes.

We listen to True Father talking about numbers many times--certain numbers are satanic numbers, other numbers are heavenly numbers.

Even with the year 1999 there are satanic elements in it. One could even say it is an "unfortunate" year! And according to Nostradamus it is a very fearful year. But on the other hand, looking at it in a different way, adding the numbers in a certain way, it is a most fortunate year. So if we sit back and do nothing, it could be a most fearful year for us. If we work hard and prepare well, it will be the greatest year ever.

If one just looked at the world today through ordinary eyes it would seem hopeless: polluted environment; racial warfare; battle between religions; generation gaps; AIDS and other diseases; broken marriages; broken homes; homosexual activities; civil wars; drugs and alcohol; economic crises everywhere. So the gloomy forecast by many is rightfully given.

But we have the True Parents. We have their good, wise and righteous leadership and we know if we fight with them against satanic forces, that the prediction is bright for the future. So we follow the heavenly reading of 1999. One plus nine = 10, the perfected number, etc.. That's how we view 1999.

The motto True Father gave to us for this year is Cham Chuk Bok Chun Ju Hwa Wa, Sa Tan Hyol Tong Gun Jhol or "Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and Rooting Out of Satan's Blood Lineage." If we follow this motto, we can successfully handle 1999 and enter the New Heaven and New Earth, New World, New Cosmos We are spreading the Blessing, not only to the physical world but to the spiritual world. Heaven and Earth, the entire Cosmos. Everywhere blessed families are growing. We cut out Satan's blood lineage throughout the Earth. We get rid of it entirely. No more will Satan's blood flow out in the world.

There are so many diseases in the world. Some have left scars on the body. Some people have been made ugly by disease. This is what having Satan's blood within us does to us--it leaves us ugly, spiritually or physically, with many scars. Cutting out Satan's blood lineage is like doing away with a bad disease. We don't just cut off the roots, but we have to actually go down and dig out, "root" out all traces of his blood from ourselves and everyone. We replace it with God's pure blood lineage. Everyone must receive holy wine and the Blessing. Satan himself will have to come to a Blessing ceremony and be made pure.

History has known the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and now the Completed Testament era. After we reach a certain point in history it will be the Era of Total Liberation. As it says in Family Pledge, verse #8: Our family pledges, as we enter the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal oneness of God and humankind in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, thereby liberating the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on True Love. We have to liberate every single person on Earth and in Heaven. We can fulfill all this in 1999. Adam and Eve must be liberated. The Archangel must be liberated. All things must be liberated. God Himself will be finally liberated.

Each of us yet carries a guilty conscience, our fallen nature. We must be liberated from this. We have to become completely free. We must purify our lives to where we have no remembrance of an ugly past, creating only beings of absolute goodness and righteousness in the present day and for the future.. Through God and True Parents we can accomplish this.

This is the year to bring in this era of liberation. This year of 1999 will be the turning point when we see the prophesied New Heaven and New Earth begin. True Father, in Uruguay, gave us three important goals:

1) To create the ideal we must make the unification of the world. For a unified world we need first to make a transcendent religious United Nations. The UN as we know it is basically a political, economic and military UN. That pretty much describes the present United Nations, with headquarters in New York. It is, for the most part, horizontal. What it needs is an injection of God's divine inspiration and direction. The present form is not working. It needs to be a religious UN.

This nation has recently spent millions, even billions of dollars in the Iraqi warfare. How can the world survive with only political dominance? It needs religious guidance. Without a godly system, without vertical, spiritual UN guidance, how can the world be organized to maintain peace?

True Father knows we need a world banking system. The present IMF (International Monetary Fund) is controlled by big money markets but God desires a world of equalization whereby small countries will have equal status and benefits in the overall system. Small countries should not be controlled by big countries.

Even Pope John Paul II said in a public speech that big countries should not insist that small countries pay back loans. Some small countries are even going bankrupt. Nations should be ethically and morally looking after one another to survive.

True Father desires to see a World Media organization. There are too many newspapers in existence. Too many different values, too many different sets of ethics are utilized.. Everything is in confusion. And practically speaking, even the paper required for so many unnecessary news vehicles is costing the environment its trees and soil. Just on the North American continent there is so much wastage. Mountains are becoming "bald" mountains from tree abuse.

We need to learn to live in more practical ways in the future. Even a university student will not need to sit in a classroom to learn. A student can take videos anywhere and learn on-site. Through internet one can learn. Exams can then be administered by the university. So much time and energy will be saved. Distance learning is being developed and perfected for this purpose.

Universities can form a coalition and function as one. So many practical services can be given that way. Millions of more students can be served and moral teachings can be standardized.

Will peace come if God can organize the world into such systematized functioning? Of course it will. God and True Parents have vision. They are practical, reasonable, realistic and idealistic.

In Seoul, Korea, on February 7 of this year, at the Blessing ceremony of 240 million, world scholars will come and will organize into the "Federation (or Coalition) for Transcendent Religions and Transcendent Nations for World Peace." Without religious peace, world peace will not come. Many "talk" peace but they cannot bring peace. Humanistic, individualism centered on self will not bring peace. It always ends up being temporary.

2) This year the entire world will have to drink holy wine, holy nectar. World leaders, national leaders must take holy wine. If all over the world people accept God in their hearts, in their families, tribes, nations, world and cosmos, this automatically becomes the Kingdom Of Heaven.

We need to achieve mind and body unity. This is the most important indemnity condition--to achieve mind/body unity. Having the body obey the mind. This is cutting Satan entirely out of our lives. No longer will Satan dwell there and work with us. Make your body follow your mind. Even this morning as we sit here together, there were many members who knew they should come but didn't. Their bodies were in control of their lives. They needed to be here to hear Father's message being introduced..

So in 1999 we need mind and body unity. True Father constantly reminds us to achieve mind and body unity. Our Conscience works so hard to help us bring about this unity, guiding us in the right direction, but too often we ignore the guidance of our best friend, our Conscience. Even as I give this talk, there are many who must have thought: Oh, I should go to Belvedere today, but their bodies won the victory. But our mind/body unity is where the Kingdom begins. Then we must achieve husband and wife unity, parents and children unity, family unity, tribal unity, racial unity, and physical and spiritual world unity. Then we have the Kingdom of Heaven.

If we can successfully bless people throughout the world and cosmos, and establish a religious UN then we will have complete success.

3) During Hoon Dok Hae last year, True Father's favorite textbook was Dr. Sang Hun Lee's book on the spiritual world. Father reads it again and again in order to teach blessed families to believe that the spiritual world exists; that Eternal Life exists in the spiritual world. We must make it a reality. Our physical life today on Earth is first prepared in our mother's womb. In the same way, while living on the Earth, we must prepare for our life in the spiritual world. We must first believe it as a reality, then we must actively prepare for it. Through all our senses, we must develop the sensitivity to make it reality. We need our spiritual eyes to open, our spiritual ears to hear. Our internal personality is dumb. It is not working. We can't feel the things we should be feeling, such as deep love that God wants to feel from us. We must quickly prepare right now! Not later, now. We have to keep practicing True Love. And we should keep reading about the spiritual world until it becomes reality in our personal life.

You second generation members sitting before me now, you are sinless and pure before God, so if you sincerely follow the will of God and True Parents and practice True Love, you can quickly open your spiritual senses and easily receive the spiritual world. You will see God. You will see fantastic things before your eyes. It should be easier for you.

In Korea, they are organizing 10 to 12 neighbors' houses--Tong Bang Ya Pa--and regularly witnessing and learning to do Hoon Dok Hae and reading spiritual material. We can do the same. This year we can form small groups and do likewise. This should be our important mission this year.

God is alive. God exists. And vertically the spiritual world exists. It is there. Vertically we have to practice True Love. We give holy wine, blessing, give Hoon Dok Hae materials to people and in no time we will build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We can create a religious as well as a political United Nations of Peace.

We need to quickly pass through three stages. We need to come through the Old Testament stage, the New Testament stage, the Completed Testament stage and then quickly we will move on to the Liberation stage.

We connect to God by giving our material offering to represent the Old Testament. This is not only for me but for my family, my tribe, my entire ancestry. This is our liberation. Representing the New Testament we offer ourselves, "you and I," Mrs. Pak and I, your spouse and you. We become ideal husband and wife and ideal parents beginning through the Ideal Family workshop in Jardim. And we enter the Completed Testament era with our tribe of at least l60. Don't feel burdened; don't feel pressured. We can trust Father's guidance. It is leading us to complete liberation. We are being ushered into the era of Liberation. Just make a start. Heaven does not give us more than we can bear. God and True Parents have a higher purpose which we can totally trust. Do your best. God accepts your best, whatever your best might be.

Just go to Jardim; complete the workshop and create your ideal couple, family and tribe. Visit that Garden of Eden territory and understand how we can learn to live simply in the future, needing a minimum of clothing, food, expenses. And get a glimpse of how we can clean up the environment consequently.

True Mother this year will go to 80 nations on her speaking tour. So difficult for True Mother. Even the most important woman to Heaven and Earth and to True Father must go such a difficult course. How can we dare to complain about anything. Among the 80 nations, 24 of them will be states in America. That means one-third is being done in America. Let us be grateful and prepare well. From March 20, True Mother will tour in America.

On December 19, 1998, in Washington, DC in front of the Washington Times staff, True Father said, "I will give to you a prediction for the twenty-first century." Everyone quickly poised for taking notes, thinking that Rev. Moon was going to make some drastic political prediction or whatever! But Father went on to say, "The twenty-first century is the Century of the True Family." Some of those with pencils poised did not even know what the meaning of True Family was!

Jesus Christ and the Pilgrim Fathers established America. The Pilgrim Fathers were very faithful people, honest, pure. But now America is completely confused about what is moral or immoral. The majority used to be moral, now it is the opposite. The moral people are in the minority. Frightening. At the rate we are going, we will be misfits in society. This is the kind of atmosphere our second and third generations must grow up in. It is dangerous. We must work for the True Family movement. True family life is what this year's motto is about.

When True Mother tours 80 nations she will be bring the message of the True Family Values. We can bring holy wine; we bring True Family Values; we bring the Blessing. And we bring demonstrations of Pure Life in front of the White House and other places. We need to start planning this now.

In conclusion: What is the meaning of 1999? It is the turning point to enter a new world era It is the last year of the sixth millennium. It is the last year of the twentieth century. It is the last year (7 years) of the Completed Testament era--Son Yak. It is indeed a turning point. This is the Jubilee year for the Catholics--Shin Yun.. The Catholics are told if they do they will receive grace for next year.

True Father's guidance to us for 1999 is very simple, very practical, very principled, very original, very wise. If we follow this guidance, we and all our ancestors will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The two worlds, physical and spiritual, are definitely one now. The two will be dwelling together from this point on. Husbands and wives no longer need to be separated when one physically departs. That's the kind of world we are living in now. It is a fact.. People are becoming more and more aware of it.

We are living in amazing, dramatic times. In our lifetime we will see the New 7th Millennium, new 3rd Millennium, new century! We are new Adams and Eves to bring success for God. The Bible says a day is as a thousand years with God. One year can be even longer than 6,000 years. As blessed families we will stay united together, centered on God and True Parents and under Divine direction, we will open the New Heaven and New Earth. This will be the best year ever--1999! God bless everyone.

January 1999

Witnessing on the Global Level: Central Asia

by Dr. Thomas Walsh—Louisville, KY

Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak’s outreach to influential figures in Asia continued with his visit to three former Soviet republics in Central Asia.

Arriving late at night on Oct. 30 in Almaty [formerly Alma-Ata], Kazakhstan, Rev. Kwak was welcomed by Mrs. Sang Sup Lee, wife of the Korean national messiah in the Kyrgyz Republic, and the local members. Following a brief welcome, we set off for Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan. After a five-hour drive through the night, including frequent stops to clean a fuel-line clogged with dirt from inferior gasoline, we arrived in Bishkek around 4 am.

As the sun rose on that Oct. 31 morning, we could see the beautiful snow-capped mountains which surround Bishkek. After a brief rest, Rev. Kwak met with Rev. Sang Sup Lee to discuss the day’s schedule. The first meeting was with the chairwoman of the Federation of Women’s Organizations in Kyrgyzstan, Ms. Tashybekova, a very powerful, well-connected woman who has been instrumental in helping with and promoting the work of FFWPUI and the Blessing.

Rev. Kwak’s translator (from Korean to Russian) was a Kyrgyz citizen of Korean descent. There are many Korean people living in Central Asia—many of whom were of Korean families who fled to Russia during the time of Japanese occupation, whereupon, according to Stalinist policies, they were later forcefully relocated throughout the Soviet Union. These people of Korean descent all speak fluent Russian, the basic language spoken in Central Asia at the present time, as well as Korean.

Rev. Kwak spoke directly to Ms. Tashybekova of FFWPUI’s true family ideal, stressing the importance of monogamy, fidelity in marriage, and the need for children to remain sexually pure prior to marriage. He spoke passionately of how children never want to see their parents divorce. Rev. Kwak even mentioned candidly that, on some occasions with his grandchildren, he will call attention to their sexual organ by saying, "This is very precious."

In the afternoon of the same day, Rev. Kwak met with the local Kyrgyz members. About 30 people gathered—a wide range of elder members, relatively new blessed members, and some just beginning their Unification life—in a small room. Rev. Kwak’s message emphasized the quality of Father’s relationship with God, noting that this factor was of greater import than any external result or effort. Rev. Kwak shared aspects of his own testimony, his time as a law school student, his religious life prior to meeting True Parents, and his relationship to his own parents who, living amidst poverty and post-war chaos had sacrificed so much for his education, only to see him apparently abandon them in favor of Father’s teaching. He also shared a story of one very strong Christian woman who always assumed she would be highly placed in heaven. She had a dream, however, in which she was at heaven’s gate, but not permitted entry, while others filed through the gates. When she inquired, she was informed that heaven is for couples and families. Father’s teachings are so precious, because they unlock secrets of the spirit world, one of the most significant being the familial nature of life in God’s Kingdom of Heaven.

Following the meeting with the local members, Rev. Kwak went immediately to meet with a group of high-level contacts over dinner. The schedule remained mercilessly full with every spare moment devoted to meetings which called for Rev. Kwak to be ever center-stage. And, he always came through, despite lack of sleep and continual meeting with people from diverse cultures and languages.

Nov. 1 began with a simple pledge service in Rev. Kwak’s room, followed by time to develop and practice his speech to members of the Kyrgyz Parliament. There was also some time to share the delicious fruit grown in the Kyrgyz Republic—apples, grapes and pomegranates. Later that morning, Rev. Lee took us to his humble apartment for a wonderful Korean breakfast his wife had prepared. We sat around a small table, along with the Lees’ three sons.

Since it proved difficult to schedule meetings on Sunday morning, after breakfast we loaded into a car to drive up to the nearby mountains. After a drive of only about 40 minutes we were in the foothills of some spectacular mountains. We could see why Kyrgyzstan is often described as "the Switzerland of Central Asia." As we got out of the car to hike into the mountains, we found the air so pure and the mountain streams beside our path rushing with clear, snow-fed waters. The sun was shining and the mountain peaks sparkled. A beautiful day and a well-deserved break for Rev. Kwak!

On Nov. 2, Rev. Kwak met with the chairman of the Kyrgyz Parliament, Chairman Erkebaev, and several members of Parliament. Rev. Kwak’s address emphasized the importance of The Washington Times and the need to solve the problems of alienated youth and family breakdown. At the conclusion, Chairman Erkebaev reflected fondly on the time he met Father in Washington, DC, when a group of former Soviet Parliamentarians were brought to the United States and visited The Washington Times.

That afternoon, Rev. Kwak met with a group of 30 PWPA professors at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, headed by Dr. Lelevkin. Dr. Lelevkin had recently returned from a PWPA meeting in Moscow organized by Dr. Gordon Anderson, and he was clearly inspired by his experience. Rev. Kwak spoke about the history of PWPA, as well as about organizations and federations founded by Father. He then invited the assembled professors to report on their activities. Each, in turn, introduced themselves and spoke of their research and how it related to the vision of PWPA.

That evening of our final day in Kyrgyzstan, there was a farewell banquet with several members of Parliament, Ms. Tashybekova, and some of the professors. Rev. Kwak spoke at the banquet, never ceasing to take the opportunity to share Father’s vision of the true family ideal. After Rev. Kwak’s presentation, each guest rose, one by one, to make a special toast in appreciation for Rev. Kwak’s words and the work of FFWPU in Kyrgyzstan.

At the close of dinner we bade farewell and immediately began our long-night journey back to Almaty. We arrived at about 4 am Nov. 3. After a brief rest on the floor of the church center, we rose at 6 am to prepare for a 7 am meeting with the local members from Kazakhstan. Rev. Kwak spoke to the 40 members gathered, emphasizing sexual purity and the need to study about the spirit world, our ultimate destiny. He said there are many arrival points in spirit world and it can be very confusing. What address are we looking for there? How do we travel when we get there? Are we looking for a specific gate to enter? Rev. Kwak spoke to the members for two hours that morning, leaving about ten minutes for a hurried breakfast and an immediate departure for the airport and a flight to Uzbekistan.

On our arrival in Tashkent we were welcomed by the national messiah, Rev. Ki Young Kim. We proceeded to the new Parliament building for a meeting with several ministers in the Uzbekistan government, then straight-away to a meeting with the vice-prime minister, Dicbar Gulamova.

That evening there was a banquet in honor of Rev. Kwak. Over one hundred government ministers, journalists, scholars, artists and civic leaders were in attendance. Rev. Kwak delivered an inspired address on the FFWPU true family vision. The content was quite strong and direct. Rev. Kwak himself described his speech as an "atomic bomb," so direct and bold was its content on the youth problem and sexual morality. However, upon polling the various guests, they were all generally in full agreement with Rev. Kwak’s message.

The next day again included a full slate of meetings with various government ministers. In the late afternoon, there was a special program at the headquarters of the FFWPU with about 400 guests in attendance to hear Rev. Kwak’s speech and to enjoy a lovely cultural program. Then, in the evening, there was a gathering of the full-time members for a farewell dinner with a joyous send-off for Rev. Kwak. Our flight back to Seoul departed at 2 am. After the eight-hour flight from Tashkent to Seoul, Rev. Kwak was met by the airport by a half-dozen department leaders, each with a set of pressing issues for him to address.

Central Asia—Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan—made a beautiful offering for Rev. Kwak’s visit. In each country there is a thriving and growing movement and that part of the world itself shows signs of great vitality and development. Rev. Kwak’s visit was indeed a great blessing to this region, bringing inspiration and stimulation for the work of our movement there.

Reprinted from Today’s World magazine.

UTS News

True Father Visits UTS - November 17, 1998

True Father returned to America in mid-November mainly for the ribbon-cutting ceremony and dedication of the new Health and Sciences Building at the University of Bridgeport. However, on this November 17th visit to UTS he said that as he had invested so much in UTS he wanted to visit us first before going to UB. He went on to remind us of the original mission of UTS - that of revitalizing Christianity. He emphasized the importance of heart education, explaining that the Professor's needed to convey God's heart to students. Father also said that UTS should become the North American Chung Pyung Lake.

UTS has a new logo

On August 8th, in a meeting with President Shimmyo at East Garden, Father approved the new logo design shown here. At a second meeting on September 21, the Founder signed his name on a copy of the logo. President Shimmyo later explained that, according to Kyeokam-yurok, a sixteenth century Korean book of prophecy, the white cross symbolizes the Lord of the Second Advent. The outer, broken circle, which is blue, represents the unity of heaven and earth. The white cross is surrounded in red.

The process of creating the new logo has been going on for some time. Several designs were proposed including some which showed the main Seminary building, the mountains and the river in diagrammatic form. When these and other, more abstract, designs were presented to Father, he pointed out that UTS is eternal while the Seminary building is not and he therefore selected a more symbolic design. The new logo will now be placed on T-shirts and sweatshirts which will soon be available at the Seminary bookstore.

Sacred Music

Dr. Sallyann Goodall returns from South Africa to teach "Sacred Music"

A song of anticipation is in the air as UTS prepares to welcome back Dr. Sallyann Goodall. Two years ago Dr. Goodall taught "Arts in Ministry", a course which continues to inspire much spirited conversation and creativity. Dr. Goodall earned her Doctorate in Music at the University of Durban-Westville, S. Africa where she is currently head of the music department.

Her course will be offered 3 days per week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday beginning January 11th for 8 weeks.

Other UTS courses being offered this Winter term are:

Old Testament Foundations, New Testament Foundations, Genesis, Unification Philosophy, Unification Worldview, Unification Theology, Systematic Theology, Church History, Confucianism, Psychology and Religion, Theories and Techniques of Counseling, Homiletics, Foundations of Religious Education, Practicum in Teaching, Practicum in Ministry, Missiology, Unification Rituals and Tradition and Korean.

If you are interested in taking any of these courses please contact the UTS Registrar at 914-752-3012 or utsregis@ulster.net

Attention alumni: You can now earn an accredited degree.

Did you enter UTS prior to Fall 1986? If so, you can now upgrade the diploma you earned at UTS to a fully-accredited Master's degree. Just contact the Registrar in writing or by e-mail and you will be informed of which courses you will need to take. This is determined by a comparison of current course requirements with the courses you completed. For most people this is between 6 and 15 credits, many of which will be available by distance learning. Be in touch. utsregis@ulster.net

Long Distance Learning

The long-awaited opportunity to take UTS courses via distance learning is in the process of being implemented. The following new Certificate programs have been proposed:

Certificate in Theological Studies, Certificate in Church Leadership and Management, Certificate in Unification Studies, Certificate in Counseling/Family Ministry.

Each of these certificate programs will comprise of 5 to 7 courses.

The certificate programs do not require an undergraduate degree.

It is also being proposed that several of the certificate programs can be combined so that students could earn an accredited Master's degree (ie a Master of Religious Education, M.R.E. or Master of Divinity, M. Div.) completely through distance learning, with several one week intensives at UTS (pending special permission from our accrediting agencies).

Most courses will be offered correspondence style, with mentoring relationships between Professors and students; e-mail communication and chat rooms for discussion and the possibility of some internet courses down the road. So far UTS has successfully offered one course, Sociology of Religion, (Spring '98) via the internet.

The details are still being hammered out, AND WE WOULD LIKE YOUR INPUT. Please respond by e-mail to Gillian Corcoran at admisuts@epix.net or in writing to the Admissions Office, 10 Dock Rd, Barrytown, NY 12507 with your response to the following survey and any additional suggestions and interests.

Making closer connections -

During Father's recent visit to UTS, he emphasized that the Faculty and Alumni need to be largely responsible for recruiting new students and financially supporting them. Father's desire is for UTS to be totally self-supporting. In light of this we would like to set up an alumni list-serve so that we can brainstorm together ways to increase enrollment and funding for UTS. We're looking for an alumni volunteer to set this up- anybody out there? Please let Gillian Corcoran know (admisuts@epix.net)

Did you know that...

The Presidents of the Unification Church in Korea, Japan and America are all UTS graduates? Let's offer our prayers of support to Mr. Sun Jo Hwang, Mr. Katsumi Otsuka and Dr. Tyler Hendricks.

For information:

10 Dock Rd, Barrytown, NY 12507
(914)752-3015 (ph) (914) 752-3016 fax.