UTS News

True Father Visits UTS - November 17, 1998

True Father returned to America in mid-November mainly for the ribbon-cutting ceremony and dedication of the new Health and Sciences Building at the University of Bridgeport. However, on this November 17th visit to UTS he said that as he had invested so much in UTS he wanted to visit us first before going to UB. He went on to remind us of the original mission of UTS - that of revitalizing Christianity. He emphasized the importance of heart education, explaining that the Professor's needed to convey God's heart to students. Father also said that UTS should become the North American Chung Pyung Lake.

UTS has a new logo

On August 8th, in a meeting with President Shimmyo at East Garden, Father approved the new logo design shown here. At a second meeting on September 21, the Founder signed his name on a copy of the logo. President Shimmyo later explained that, according to Kyeokam-yurok, a sixteenth century Korean book of prophecy, the white cross symbolizes the Lord of the Second Advent. The outer, broken circle, which is blue, represents the unity of heaven and earth. The white cross is surrounded in red.

The process of creating the new logo has been going on for some time. Several designs were proposed including some which showed the main Seminary building, the mountains and the river in diagrammatic form. When these and other, more abstract, designs were presented to Father, he pointed out that UTS is eternal while the Seminary building is not and he therefore selected a more symbolic design. The new logo will now be placed on T-shirts and sweatshirts which will soon be available at the Seminary bookstore.

Sacred Music

Dr. Sallyann Goodall returns from South Africa to teach "Sacred Music"

A song of anticipation is in the air as UTS prepares to welcome back Dr. Sallyann Goodall. Two years ago Dr. Goodall taught "Arts in Ministry", a course which continues to inspire much spirited conversation and creativity. Dr. Goodall earned her Doctorate in Music at the University of Durban-Westville, S. Africa where she is currently head of the music department.

Her course will be offered 3 days per week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday beginning January 11th for 8 weeks.

Other UTS courses being offered this Winter term are:

Old Testament Foundations, New Testament Foundations, Genesis, Unification Philosophy, Unification Worldview, Unification Theology, Systematic Theology, Church History, Confucianism, Psychology and Religion, Theories and Techniques of Counseling, Homiletics, Foundations of Religious Education, Practicum in Teaching, Practicum in Ministry, Missiology, Unification Rituals and Tradition and Korean.

If you are interested in taking any of these courses please contact the UTS Registrar at 914-752-3012 or utsregis@ulster.net

Attention alumni: You can now earn an accredited degree.

Did you enter UTS prior to Fall 1986? If so, you can now upgrade the diploma you earned at UTS to a fully-accredited Master's degree. Just contact the Registrar in writing or by e-mail and you will be informed of which courses you will need to take. This is determined by a comparison of current course requirements with the courses you completed. For most people this is between 6 and 15 credits, many of which will be available by distance learning. Be in touch. utsregis@ulster.net

Long Distance Learning

The long-awaited opportunity to take UTS courses via distance learning is in the process of being implemented. The following new Certificate programs have been proposed:

Certificate in Theological Studies, Certificate in Church Leadership and Management, Certificate in Unification Studies, Certificate in Counseling/Family Ministry.

Each of these certificate programs will comprise of 5 to 7 courses.

The certificate programs do not require an undergraduate degree.

It is also being proposed that several of the certificate programs can be combined so that students could earn an accredited Master's degree (ie a Master of Religious Education, M.R.E. or Master of Divinity, M. Div.) completely through distance learning, with several one week intensives at UTS (pending special permission from our accrediting agencies).

Most courses will be offered correspondence style, with mentoring relationships between Professors and students; e-mail communication and chat rooms for discussion and the possibility of some internet courses down the road. So far UTS has successfully offered one course, Sociology of Religion, (Spring '98) via the internet.

The details are still being hammered out, AND WE WOULD LIKE YOUR INPUT. Please respond by e-mail to Gillian Corcoran at admisuts@epix.net or in writing to the Admissions Office, 10 Dock Rd, Barrytown, NY 12507 with your response to the following survey and any additional suggestions and interests.

Making closer connections -

During Father's recent visit to UTS, he emphasized that the Faculty and Alumni need to be largely responsible for recruiting new students and financially supporting them. Father's desire is for UTS to be totally self-supporting. In light of this we would like to set up an alumni list-serve so that we can brainstorm together ways to increase enrollment and funding for UTS. We're looking for an alumni volunteer to set this up- anybody out there? Please let Gillian Corcoran know (admisuts@epix.net)

Did you know that...

The Presidents of the Unification Church in Korea, Japan and America are all UTS graduates? Let's offer our prayers of support to Mr. Sun Jo Hwang, Mr. Katsumi Otsuka and Dr. Tyler Hendricks.

For information:

10 Dock Rd, Barrytown, NY 12507
(914)752-3015 (ph) (914) 752-3016 fax.