Dr. Moon speaks at University of Bridgeport

by Aurora Lee-Bridgeport CT

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification drew a host of local VIP’s and an audience of nearly 1200 guests on April 2. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the founder, gave the keynote address entitled "Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life" at 7:30pm in the Mertens Theater of the Arnold Bernhard Art and Humanities Center.

The Unification Campus Ministry invited Dr. Moon to come to UB as one of her 16 stops in America. According to Rev. Krys Hempowicz, the Connecticut director of FFWPU and Unification Campus Ministry, "Mrs. Moon is on her third world tour since 1994 promoting world peace through a blessing of marriage re-dedication to God."

The Moon family and organization have been the source of a lot of controversy in America over the past 24 years and around the world. Last year they officiated over a marriage rededication of over 40 million couples and this spring they will bless in marriage over 120 million couples around the globe. The main event will take place Saturday, June 13 in Madison Square Garden and be broadcast internationally via satellite to 12 other main cities and a number of different nations which will have smaller ceremonies.

At the end of her speech Dr. Moon greeted and thanked each of the local VIP’s and gave them a gift of 15 books each entitled "Gathering for Reading and Learning." These texts are translated from Korean speeches of the Moons and their record of over 40 years of Unification Movement activities, persecution, endurance and rise to a new global religion in over 185 nations.

Among the local VIP’s were President Richard Rubenstein, Dr. Betty Rubenstein, Bishop Skyers of the Apostolic Faith Church, Mr. Rodney Dennis, representing the ABCD community action agency, Prof. Thomas Juliusburger, director of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Rev. De Kock of the Creative Word Power Ministry, Rev. Jacob David of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, NJ, Dr. Zal Velvez, deputy mayor of West Orange, NJ, and Mr. Nicholas Pastor, former police chief of New Haven, CT.

Over 200 UB students, mostly Unificationist, attended the event. "We came out to support Mrs. Moon. She is a role model for young women who are committed to building families and establish themselves as professionals," commented a six-year Unificationist, Naoka Toda, who is a senior in mass communications at UB.

Amie Ceesay, a junior business major who is not affiliated with the FFWPU or the Unification Church, commented, "I was pretty impressed. I didn’t find her speech controversial. She spoke about family and life values."

Divine Principle Study - The Origin of Human Conflict and Suffering

Volume Two • Part Six

A number of ancient Jewish and early Christian writings agree with the Divine Principle interpretation of the Fall. Several Jewish thinkers claim that Satan thought, "I will kill Adam and take Eve to wife." Another rabbit explained that Satan intended to rule the earth with Eve as his spouse.

Professor F.R. Tennant of Cambridge University, who did an exhaustive study of the Fall, notes that legends "concerning the monstrous intercourse of Adam and Eve with demons, and especially of Eve with the serpent, or Satan, were widespread" in ancient sources.

However well-documented this explanation of the Fall is, can one seriously believe that an angel could have sexual intercourse with a human being?


To throw light on the question, let us examine the beliefs of the Hebrews and Christians recorded in the Bible. Both the Old and New Testaments take it for granted that spiritual beings can and do lust after mortal women. One key passage is a short account to be found in the sixth chapter of Genesis; in it, "sons of God," traditionally understood as angels, descended from heaven and successfully "took to wife" certain fair women (Gen 6:1-2).

We might dismiss this story as primitive myth if it did not reappear in two different parts of the New Testament. In the Epistle of Jude (6-7) and in II Peter (2:4), the story is revived and given the authority of Christian scripture. Obviously, for the Christians, it was assumed that spirits and human beings could and did have sexual relations with each other.

There are other times in the Bible when angels had direct contact with people or things in the physical world. For example, an angel wrestled with Jacob so vigorously that he dislocated the patriarch’s thigh joint (Gen 32:25).

When two angels visited Lot at Sodom to warn him of the coming destruction of the city, he invited them into his home and they had a meal there.

When Mary saw an angel near the tomb of Jesus, she thought he was the y see that angels gardener (John 20:15).

From this we can readily see that angels not only possess powers of sensual perception similar to humans, but also possess a form which can on occasion be perceived.

Nor is there a lack of evidence of this phenomenon on what we might call the satanic side. Satanists have long maintained that in their mystic rites one could experience sexual union with their master or his supernatural associates. During the Middle Ages down to the seventeenth century and even today, they have confessed as much to clerical and secular authorities, not as an admission of guilt, but as their belief and experience.

Of course, a spiritual sexual experience is not within the realm of the ordinary person’s experience. Nevertheless, it is a fact of existence, even in the twentieth century.

The Fall Complete

How was the Fall of Lucifer and Eve extended to Adam? Love unites two beings, bringing a reciprocal influence. Having united with the archangel, Eve received two elements from him. First, she experienced fear. The archangel knew in his heart that in uniting with Eve he would violate a clear principle of God, yet the power of his love for Eve led him to do so. In rebelling against the Almighty God, he became frightened. When the unprincipled union between Lucifer and Eve took place, his fear was extended to her and became a part of her. She came to feel the same fear Lucifer did.

Also, when Eve at the forbidden fruit, her eyes were opened as the Serpent had predicted. At that moment Eve understood that Lucifer was never intended to be her mate but that God had created her for Adam. Deep regret and repentance came to her. This realization, in conjunction with her sense of fear, made her turn to Adam for comfort and help.

To Adam

Loathing her previous act, Eve was willing to do anything to regain her former sense of well-being. Recognizing that God had intended Adam to be her rightful mate, she erroneously thought that by having a sexual union with him, she might rectify her prior error. Acting on this idea, she tempted Adam to behave as her husband.

Heretofore, Adam and Eve had lived together in a brother and sister relationship. It had been intended that they would grow in this way to perfection and then receive the blessing of marriage from God. In the state of mature love with God, they would be in the proper position to have a Godly love with each other. Any union with each other before reaching this stage was in violation of God’s design.

Nevertheless, Adam responded to Eve’s advances and two united sexually. This union between Adam and the spiritually fallen Eve constituted the physical Fall of Adam and Eve. Since God created man in both spirit and flesh and Eve had already fallen spiritually, from the moment of their physical union, their Fall became complete.

What She Might Have Done

Rather than tempting Adam as she had been tempted, Eve should have confessed her mistake to him and begged him to intercede for her with God. Through Adam, God could have restored Eve. When Eve led Adam to have a sexual relationship with her and he consented, they only repeated Eve’s first mistake. Now they both were cut off from God and without hope. There was no one to intercede with God on their behalf.

Sunk in their shame and guilt, Genesis records that God Himself ultimately had come looking for them, calling "Where are you?" They were lost, spiritually and physically.

If our first ancestors had not eaten the fruit of god and evil, they would have established an ideal family by producing children of goodness. Eve’s love would have been a good fruit and she would have been likened to a Tree of Goodness. But before she could achieve perfection, Eve fell and led Adam to fall, thus giving rise to a family lacking God’s love and stained with a satanic heritage. Therefore, the fallen Eve was likened to an evil tree and her love to an evil fruit.

Immediately prior t the Fall, Eve was thus in a position to become either a tree of goodness or a tree of evil. For this reason she was symbolized by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The fruit of the tree, which was her love, could have been either good or evil.

Next Month • Part Seven - The Power of Love

1.5 Million Families Register in Uganda

by Tom Gawaya-Tegulle-Kampala, Uganda

Push has come to shove as what is no doubt the biggest religious movement to come to Uganda in recent times takes root. It is powerful, unprecedented, and serious; far too significant to be ignored. It has spread like a wild fire on dry bush and within a matter of months over 1.5 million families have become fully fledged members - for life.

According to Mrs. Eleanor Rutangye, Ugandan chapter co-president, several million people have joined the family Federation for World Peace (FFWP), an international movement started and launched at the global level in July 1996, Washington, USA by Rev. Sun Myung Moon of Korea.

The launch had all the markings of an occasion that could potentially alter the destiny of the planet. Almost every country in the world was represented. Dignitaries like former US presidents George Bush and Henry Ford [ed. Gerald Ford] and former Soviet Union president Mikhail Gorbachev were present. Uganda was represented by Jane Kuka, Minister of State for Gender and Community Development, and also patron of the federation's Uganda chapter.

That was 1996, and nobody thought - even as a joke - that it would affect small nations like Uganda. But like the proverbial small mustard seed that grows into a large tree, FFWP has taken the country by storm.

The signals are clear. FFWP Uganda chapter, which started formally operating May 1997, under co-presidents Martin and Eleanor Rutangye, is here to stay. The movement also has special departments for women and youth.

"FFWP is an international movement raised out of concern about the failure of the family unit," says Martin. "We are drawing attention to global family ideal as a basis for creating world peace. If we are to attain world peace it has to start with the family unit, which is the basic building block in society. We want to build peaceful, united and harmonious families. To ensure this, unity, absolute love, trust, communication and mutual concern between husband and wife are a must."

The rationale is that a peaceful family is a good basic training for the kids who in turn will be in a better position to set up similar families.

"The divorce rate in the US is rising," explains Martin. "About half of the children grow up in broken families, without parental love and care. So despite the riches they enjoy while still young, they get frustrated and end up in bad company, with lots of sex and drugs. That's why the US also has the highest teenage suicide rate.

"Things like marriage by contract are not ideal," says Martin. "Neither is it ideal for women to say, 'I want a child, but without a husband,' or 'I like you, let's have a kid.' Ideally a child is supposed to be brought up by two parents. Such basic ideals have to be promoted worldwide."

Our society, especially the future generation, argues Martin, needs to be protected from such phenomena. AIDS and STDs also have to be addressed, so that by the 21st century the world view will have been changed. FFWP asserts that mistrust in love and the misuse of sex pose the greatest challenge to family life and advocate for faithfulness within a monogamous union as the only viable panacea to stability.

"Love is very difficult to share, and was not meant to be shared in the first place. Not even the polygamists would like to share their wives with other men," says Martin.

The movement is multi-denominational, and has established branches in many districts of Uganda, headed by a volunteer coordinator. John Mbotana, a former Catholic priest, is the coordinator in Kamuli district, and has embraced the movement with the enthusiasm of a cat drinking milk.

"We want to form stable loving families based on God, and with improved socio- economic advancement," he says. "We want the youth to grow up in purity, abstaining from sex till marriage; and that they participate in development programs, e.g., studies, agriculture; small scale industries and sports and games.

"Our approach is wholistic. We want both spiritual and physical development, so that we can have peaceful homes, which will result in peaceful districts and in turn, peaceful nations and, eventually, a peaceful world. We emphasize environmental care because we believe we need to care, love before using it. As for now we are just exploiting it - to our destruction, and the disadvantage of humanity as a whole.."

He has an "army" of volunteers, whose efforts yielded 5,000 families between May and December 1997, in Kamuli district. First, the agents inform area LCs about their presence, and sensitize them about their mission. They then arrange meetings in which they educate the people about their objectives. The families fill in special forms, after which they are registered. VIPs are given special forms "to recognize their importance and uniqueness."

Usually the first step is campaigning for environmental care. "We advise the people to grow fruits, green vegetables and woodlands, and also to rear small animals like goats, chickens and rabbits," says Mbotana.

"We also advise people to have improved fireplaces, pit latrines and clean drinking water. No one can be registered unless they have a pit latrine."

The response is so far overwhelmingly positive and in many places, the peasants have already embarked on vegetable growing and animal rearing. They are encouraged in particular, to grow the neem, a tree with 40 medicinal properties. Its seeds can produce cooking oil, the trunk produces timber, and its leaves repel cockroaches, banana weevils and other garden pests. Seeds will soon be provided to local people at a low cost.

Hajati Kasibante is the coordinator, Mpigi district, where over 30,000 families have been registered. She is an AIDS counselor attached to Nkozi Hospital, who after considering the objectives of the FFWP thought it would be helpful in the fight against AIDS.

"I watched some of their films on AIDS and decided people would need them," she recalls. FFWP advocates for a preventive approach to AIDS, a major boost to a district which has been severely hit by the AIDS epidemic. She guessed right: the fear of AIDS had an immediate effect on the population, many were beaten into line. After watching films provided by the FFWP, on the horrors of AIDS and STDs, thousands rushed to make vows - of faithfulness and monogamy.

"Before the coming of AIDS few would ever think seriously of fidelity," says Hajati. "The first to join FFWP were AIDS widows, for fear of being seduced, by men who would easily infect them with more complex diseases. Married women, elderly men with young wives, and young married couples like it very much because it ensures fidelity," says the heavy set Hajati. She suggests the fear of AIDS, rather than the desire for stable marriage, is the main drive behind the rush for vows. Imperatively, too, those infected want to live longer and care for their families, while the healthy too want a clean bill of health.

"Men were difficult at first," she recalls. "Most thought they would be bound to one woman and if they failed, be imprisoned." But eventually common sense carried the day. In Kituntu sub-county, Mawakota, people are electing committees in order to get projects. Every parish has a FFWP committee. Since July 1997, FFWP has provided seeds which are planted in a central nursery in the parish and then the seedlings are distributed free. More projects are in the pipeline if this one does well.

Religious barriers have been cast aside as Muslims, Christians and traditionalists alike join FFWP. The Coordinator of the FFWP Mukono Chapter, Hajii Umar Nsubuga, is just one of the many Muslims who head district chapters.

Membership also cuts across the social strata; both the high and mighty and the rank and file are now birds of the same feather. They are all united in the desire to fight AIDS, achieve stable families and ensure peace. Many top shots and former LCs are members. RDC Rose Mutonyi, former LCV secretary for women Ruth Mirembe, former mayor Mr. Lubega and his assistant Haji Kasule are all members.

In an unprecedented trend, many Muslims are resorting to monogamy. And the Muslim women are not taking it lying down. "As a Muslim I have to fight so that I remain the only wife in the home," says Kasibante. "That's very important so that his love remains undivided. Muslim men now realize that in a polygamous marriage faithfulness is very difficult; it's impossible. A mistake by one person could wipe out the whole family."

FFWP's efforts have not come to naught. "There has been remarkable behavioral change," says Kasibante. "The public vows bind people to a consistent lifestyle. They reject promiscuity because they are ashamed to be seen to be failing. Even those who want to deliberately infect others have been sensitized on how to live positively. Many no longer spread the virus after infection; but now after counseling, they are anxious to prolong their lives because they realize they are still useful to the nation. Both AIDS widows and widowers now behave better," she observes.

The affianced no longer trust each other: they only now marry after blood tests. There has also been a reduction in the divorce rate, because couples fear embarrassment since they publicly vowed not to leave each other.

"At least I can now trust my husband: since he was taught by FFWP, I know he is faithful. That's what usually breaks marriages," says Nakimuli Agnes.

Many men now entrust their wives with their secrets, because they are sure they are there to stay. For those who remain with one wife, the latter now accepts to accept to look well after their step-kids, so that the husband does not regret and retreat to their mother, or other women. Hajati Kasibante has five kids and two others from her one time co-wife. She recently transferred her step-daughter Aisha from St. Mary's Nkozi to the superior Bulo Parents SSS, Butambala, to make her feel equal to her own Junat in S.6 at Bulo.

"She doesn't feel inferior, so I now want to see how their father will start complaining that they are being mistreated."

In the Youth Federation one has to test HIV negative before being allowed to join - so that it makes sense to start saving sex for till marriage. If they want, spouses are selected for them from other chapters of FFWP. They are tested and if found HIV negative they are photographed and their photos sent to potential spouses.

The kids are kept busy with meetings, seminars, etc., in order to get their minds off immorality. "The kids work hard and behave well; so if you get a spouse from FFWP, you are sure you have a very good one," says Agnes.

In Kamuli people have been sensitized about the need to be faithful in marriage and how to avoid AIDS and STDs. Life skills are also being imparted in these workshops. And for those behind the scenes, working with FFWP provides unbeatable job satisfaction because they feel it's a noble cause they are promoting.

Comments Mbotana: "Establishing FFWP in Kamuli has given me the greatest satisfaction because it's what I would have been doing as a priest - the moral and spiritual development of the family, women and youth groups, by shaping their conscience to enable them to be useful members of society. By the year 2000, if people are consistent with their vows, the AIDS situation will have greatly improved. We are adding value to life. We shall not accept to die just like that," sums up Kasibante.

A Victory for Religious Freedom

by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak

This address was given at the April 25 celebration in Manila.

We gather to celebrate religious freedom-a truly great moment not only in the history of the Philippines, but also for the world. The decision on the part of the Philippine courts to dismiss the charges against the Unification Church is not simply a victory for the Unification church. This decision represents a most significant expression of the Philippines’ respect for the principle of religious freedom.

The right to religious freedom is one of our most precious rights. It is linked to the way in which we relate, individually and communally, to ultimate reality, or God. While history records countless instances of religious oppression and bigotry, there has emerged, particularly in the twentieth century, an awareness that religious freedom is a basic human right that every state should protect. Today, protections of religious freedom are enshrined in the constitutions of virtually all of the World’s democracies. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 states, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this right includes the freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either along or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

Despite these constitutional protections, however, freedom of religion remains ever vulnerable, particularly when it comes to minority religions and newer religious movements. The history of religions, whether one examines Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism or others, reveals a typical pattern of persecution and misunderstanding. Many of the most highly revered prophets and founders of the world’s great religious traditions have been persecuted, imprisoned, and even killed. In addition, their followers have often faced similar outrages. The history of Christianity is itself illustrative : its founder, Jesus, was crucified : its earliest disciples and missionaries, Peter and Paul, were imprisoned and killed, and for centuries its most devout followers faced martyrdom. Can we say that such persecution was the result of a correct understanding of the purpose and mission of Christianity? This can hardly be the case.

We also know that under communist regimes, influenced by the atheistic materialism of Marxist ideology, religions have received devastating persecution. This was true throughout the Soviet empire, and it holds true to this day in places such as the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and Cuba. Pope John Paul II’s recent visit to Cuba highlighted the concerns of religious people in that country, and this will perhaps lead eventually to positive reform.

But, unfortunately, it is not only in communist states where religious freedoms are violated. For example, at the present time in Europe, not only do some Protestant and Catholic Christians persecute one another in Ireland, but several countries, including Germany, France, and Austria, have passed legislation to restrict "sects". The word "sect" is in this case a pejorative term used to describe any minority religion which is out of favor with the culturally dominant majority religion. Just this past September, in Russia, legislation was passed that made it virtually impossible for any minority religion to spread its message to the people of Russia. Unfortunately, such legislation is supported not only by certain secular and atheistic politicians, but also by religious leaders of the dominant religion, the Russian Orthodox Church. One restriction contained in the legislation requires a religion to be present in Russian for 15 years before it will be allowed to conduct public activities. Since virtually all religions were banned during the Soviet era, this regulation eliminated almost all the Protestant and minority religions.

Sadly, too, in a number of Islamic countries, and in direct defiance of the spirit and letter of the Holy "Qur’an", minority religions suffer greatly. In places such as Pakistan and Egypt, Christians and other minorities often are subjected to restrictions of their right to religious freedom. The situation is particularly disturbing in the Sudan, where, in a bloody civil war between the Muslim north and a largely Christian and animist south, non-Muslims are being killed and enslaved.

People of conscience throughout the world are growing increasingly concerned about such abuses as those cited above. At present, due to the awareness of violations of religious freedom worldwide, the United States House of Representatives is considering legislation, the Wolff-Specter bill, that would require the government of the United States to apply pressure and even impose economic sanctions on nations which practice religious discrimination and persecution.

The Philippines has shown great forethought, wisdom, and leadership in recognizing the importance of religious freedom.

The Blessing

The charges initially brought against the Unification Church early in 1996 were based on a profound and unfortunate misunderstanding of what we call the "Blessing" a beautiful ceremony that was held in January 1996 in the Philippine International convention Center. The Blessing ceremony is a religious rite unique to the ministry of the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, but consistent with the principles taught in all religions. The ceremony itself is now open to people of all faiths, and members of all faiths participate. Since the first Blessing in 1960, millions of people around the world, from all faith backgrounds, have participated in the Blessing. Although it is usually portrayed in the popular media as a wedding or marriage ceremony, the Blessing is far beyond that in its meaning. It is a rite which represents the dedication of a couple’s marriage to God. The Blessing is not itself a marriage ceremony, but a spiritual dedication of a marriage. Although all religions have tried to create God-centered families, the strength of marriage as an institution is in fact declining today, God has commissioned the Reverend Moon to call couples of all faiths to a new dedication, and to give this special Blessing to those who do. We all need this Blessing.

These marriage dedication ceremonies, which include both engaged couples and already married couples, have been celebrated in all parts of the world. Up until 1990, the Blessings were held as marriage dedication ceremonies for members of the Unification Church. Since 1992, however, with the establishment of the World Culture and Sports Festivals, the Blessing has undergone a process of globalization. By this I mean that the Blessing ceremonies have come to include all people of all faiths, and do not require membership in the Unification Church. In fact, the Blessing is now carried out not in the name of a specific church, but in the name of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPUI).

There have been three World Culture and Sports Festivals (WCSF) -in 1992, 1995, and 1997. WCSF is a global festival involving a wide range of cultural performances, athletic competitions, scholarly conferences, and inter-religious dialogue. At the center of these festivals is the Blessing ceremony, a time when people come together to dedicate their marriages to God. At WCSF III in Washington, D.C., this last November, 39.6 million couples, in an event linked by satellite to nations throughout the world, rededicated their marriage. This June, centered on New York, there will be a Blessing involving over 100 million couples. It would give me great pleasure to see many of you in attendance at this upcoming Blessing.

The Ministry of the Reverend Moon

It has been the Reverend Moon’s sole mission in life to restore God’s ideal of the family, which was lost at the time of the Fall of Adam and Eve. The greatest tragedy of human history has been the loss of God’s ideal of true love, which is to dwell in the God-centered family. The Reverend Moon has always understood that the key to the creation of world peace lies in the establishment of families centered on the true love of God. The Reverend Moon has worked tirelessly for this purpose, and he has taken his message to every corner of the globe. Every organization that he has founded -and they are too numerous to mention here -has as its central goal the establishment of world peace. Above all, the Blessing is the key to world peace, for it works to link the family, the center of love, life, and lineage, directly to God.

Increasingly people around the world recognize that family breakdown, and particularly sexual promiscuity, are undermining the stability of our communities and our societies-and consequently of our nations and the world. This problem is seen everywhere. As I travel around the world and meet with leaders in every country, I found a universal agreement that sexual immorality and family breakdown are leading the way to ruin. When the family unit begins to unravel, as it surely will whenever fornication, pornography, and "free sex" become commonplace, weakening of the social order will surely follow. The consequences are devastating. Social scientific evidence shows that family disorder leads to increased poverty, crime, poor performance in schools and the workplace, and greater psychological and emotional problems on all levels of society. Surely the children of divorce, abuse, and neglect are the greatest victims, and they are our future.

There is no more urgent task today than to educate our youth in the way of purity and true love. Our youth today must be taught and inspired by an alternative to the degrading sexual promiscuity that permeates most societies. Scientific studies now confirm what religious wisdom has known for centuries, that sexual license and self-indulgence lead to unhappiness. On the other hand, those who understand the sacred and holy purpose of marriage and sexuality within marriage, will come to know supreme joy and fulfillment.

In all nations we must begin to teach our children about the divine value and purpose of purity and true love. If we fail to turn the tide of promiscuity and "free sex" we can only anticipate a future of widespread social disorder and suffering. Government alone can never solve this problem, for the root of the problem is deeper that law. It ties in the realm of conscience and spiritual consciousness. For this reason, the solution to the problem must come through religion. This is why Reverend Moon is so single-minded in promoting the ideal of God-centered families through the Blessing, He does not wish to promote his own church. On the contrary, he has devoted all his resources to support the education of people from all religious backgrounds and cultures.

It is my deepest hope that you can come to know the genuine heart and teaching of the Reverend Moon. If you do, I have no doubt that you will affirm the principles of his mission, and you will even encourage others to come to know him.

Appreciation of the Philippines

To those of you gathered here I wish to say, in behalf of the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! The Philippines has proven to be a champion of the cause of religious freedom. Your decision is one which displays righteousness, fair-mindedness, and mature self-confidence. You will be a beacon to lead other nations on the right path in this troubled era. I wish to thank the great Filipino People especially your courageous President Ramos and Secretary Bello for supporting justice regarding our movement. They are truly among the most warm, gracious, generous and hospitable in the world. Many of you here worked very hard over the past two years on behalf of our cause. I am greatly and deeply grateful to each of you.

I also want to express my appreciation to God. I know that through the providential hand of God victory has been won. May God bless you, your families, and the great nation of the Philippines.

44th Anniversary of the Founding of HSA-UWC

This is an excerpt from a sermon given May 1, 1998 at Belvedere, NY. Translation by Rev. Peter Kim. Unofficial Notes by Tyler Hendricks

Everything is rooted in love. Therefore we must understand how we can make equalization centering on love. It begins with man and woman standing on true love. Each step expands, from individual to family, and so forth. At each step, the previous level is included in the successor. From Adam’s family, there expanded eight levels. Even if these levels expanded, the origin is the same, and the nucleus is the same: plus and minus. This is the centerline of each level.

We all have mind and body. As our mind and body exist as subject object, the entire universe resembles that, as a pair system. What is the center of this pair system? True love. On every level, the center is the individual thing, but from a bird’s eye view each level expands. So I represent the universe, the nation, the tribe, the people and the family. That is what I am. Therefore we can say that the universe is the result of the expansion of man and woman, us ourselves.

The world of nature has the same principle but on a lower level. On every level, mineral, plant and animal, we see the pair system with the same center, Universal Prime Force. God dwells as the subject of dual characteristics in every being, and provides the force of existence. Even one strand of hair has universal prime force in it, on a lower level, because all things resemble God. Therefore, Universal Prime Force is the energy that brings give and take relationship. Universal Prime Force never changes. The law of division of species is strict. The theory of evolution is wrong. The Universal Prime Force is in each being. Even in the human face is the pair system. The eyes represent God. There are three stages in the face. The nose is two becoming one. The mouth, throat, arms... centering on the centerline, groups of three are being formed.

Three forms a circle. Three stages from different angles form a circle. They all resemble God. Your eyes guide your body. The universe functions because of God. The pairs create a balance. The brain harmonizes the sounds of your two ears. You use two hands to catch something. To create balance, you need a pair. The universe exists this way.

By the same token, our mind and body should keep a balance. If you encounter a big object, your mind expands to cope with it and the body follows. Our knees balance our body. Even when we lay down, we need balance. This balance is based on the principle, or it is not balance. Eyes exist as eyes, and nose as nose, each with a principle of internal operation and of operation one with the other.

In each species there is subject and object, but between species is no subject and object. So the theory of evolution does not fit with the reality.

What is first, concept or reality? (Concept.) Communists believe that reality comes first. Look at the eyes. They are made of material. Before the eyes were formed, the material itself did not expect the world into which the eyes would be born. There is a tear duct, which keeps your eyes lubricated. But the material itself did not know this. Some force knew that the eye would need water.

Look at your nostrils; there is hair there. A woman’s nose hair is small and thin, and a man has more, because he works in dusty places. The man’s ears have more hair than a woman’s do, and it stands outward. It blocks and pushes out anything approaching the ear. The nostril hair did not know the world of dust. The eyebrows could have been located vertically, but something knew it would have to block raindrops. The vertical lines around your mouth channel the sweat drops away from your mouth. Why do your ears face the way they do? Because someone knew the sound would come from the front. The sound is defined as it circles around the tube.

Why are your hands forward, not backward? In all these instances, the concept preceded the material, the reality. When you wash your face, you have to think the entire universe is here.

Can you see your brain? No, but it harmonizes the five senses. If you hold your nose and blow, the air will be emitted from the ear and eyes. They are connected.

Man and woman are connected, not man and monkey. Monkeys walk looking down, but man walks looking up. Women look down, but macho men look up. As people age, the grandma looks down first, she is always looking for what is around; the man looks up, looking for something outward. Thus are two poles created.

Women have larger hips, so they prefer sitting down to standing. It is like a storage space for your baby. So women should live sitting down more. If she goes out too much, it is not good. If a husband holds a baby for more than one hour sitting down, his bottom will be sore. But the fat on the woman’s hips creates a cushion. Thus children want to sit on the mommy’s lap. Also they want to touch the softness of the breasts. Like they jump on the soft bed; they like to sit on soft mommy. So mothers, not fathers, take care of babies. Mothers take care of clothes, food, etc.

In the West, there is the woman’s demand for equal rights, such as doing an equal amount of dishes. No, there should be a distinction between north and south poles. Between them can be created the life of many children. Do you want to have many children, or only one or two? (Many.) Why?

The secret to control your husband is to have many children and create heartistic relations with the children. Gradually, you will be able to control your husband as you do your children. Children are your training to control the tiger, the king.

If the husband has a bad temper, will the children he sires be the same? The children will resemble him. Then as you learn to deal with the children’s temper, you learn how to deal with him.

There are 12 types of human character, the east and west agree. So if you have 12 children, dealing with these personalities, you will become a rounded person. You will meet a mayor who reminds you of your third son, etc. So parents who raise many children cannot become evil. Evil means the self-centered way of life. The more selfish, the more evil. As you raise your 12 children, you deal with 12 personalities, their difficulties and struggles. Eventually you will come to resemble God.

If you have 12 children at home, 365 days a year, you will learn 360 ways to deal with them, passing through 360 situations. You can sit and deal with all people’s situations, and you can offer what you have to please them. You can serve and give to them. Why is the mother the master or queen of the house? Suppose you have 10 young children? To whom do they run first? Mommy. At each meal, they think of mama. The children run around the father. The father does not need to do diaper change, giving bath, etc. If he does, there is no center in your family.

So the entire universe is balanced through the pair system, but what of the world’s families? If yours are not, you will decline. Is there a mother who can be selfish when she deals with her baby? Even a mother bird is not. They sacrifice their lives for their babies. What of secular mothers? Don’t they put the child into a separate room? The baby should be born and cared for by the mother. As it grows, then it starts to deal with the father, like after three years. The mother therefore grows as the son grows. That way, the center point is enlarged and grows bigger. If babies do not receive this, they will not fit, and they will feel the world is hell. Such a woman should repent.

Mother is form stage, baby is growth stage, and they go together to the completion stage, represented by the father. From his point of view, he should love his wife as he does his children. Which should he love more? The children should be a bridge connecting you and your husband. You kiss each child at night, and as you kiss all the children, you kiss your wife. 12 children at one kiss each, means 12 kisses to your wife. So make sure your wife also gives them a kiss. That way the woman becomes a good mother and wife.

Do women want to follow their father or mother? Children want to follow the mother more, because she is the center of love, receiving her husband’s love. The child sees the mother being kissed by the father. Therefore they want her attention. She will win the love award ceremony, followed by the children, and the father will come in last. But there are women who are like thieves.

Whose is your flesh? What did the father contribute to you? He gave only the seed. 99% is from the mother. Therefore it is more natural for the mother and child to become one. So she should be able to embrace them and build harmony and unity. Then she can claim she is the best wife and woman. Then in spirit world God will stamp her as the queen of wives.

If your husband supported your reaching that level, then he will follow you and be declared king. Do you want to live that way? (Yes.) Do many other people of this world? (No.)

During a training session, you should have a small room, like a mother’s womb. There you are well taken care of and trained well. You should likewise live a humble life. You are trained that way in the Unification Church and therefore you can go anywhere. Unification Church members should be needed and wanted anytime and anywhere. We can work day and night, and Satan will be defeated. We should be able to work without eating and sleeping, even if everyone else runs away. Satan has to eat, sleep and rest. Satan likes to eat and sleep more than God does. But nonetheless, God’s stomach is bigger than Lucifer’s.

Among all people, does Rev. Moon sleep most or least? (Least.) How about you? He keeps such a schedule that no one can keep up with him. Even Satan has to take a break. During that time, Rev. Moon expands his territory. While the fallen world is sleeping, Rev. Moon is expanding his territory. But it is for the sake of the world.

Do you like Rev. Moon? (Yes.) When it is pouring rain and I say, let’s go fishing, everyone puts on a long face and runs away. I am the only one remaining, so I claim myself to be the king of the realm of love. I am the only king, but my color is bright. The insects are attracted by light. Then the insects attract birds, and thus it expands.

Colored people are attracted to Rev. Moon. Such will become farmers and white people will depend upon their industry. The only thing going for whites is Christianity itself. They did not have any knowledge of God originally, but it was easy to convert them to the heavenly side. This is why Christianity will follow the Unification Church. And Jesus will follow Father as one of his sons. This sounds like unforgivable heresy.

Which religious leader received the most persecution in world history? Reverend Moon alone, not the Unification Church. But Father wants to give the credit to you, as champions of the world. But I am the greater champion than you are. I am the true love champion of giving the Blessing.

Almost each family has struggles, divorce, and so forth. But Rev. Moon wants to claim all these families by giving them the Blessing. He is the champion of kings.

While persecution always comes, Father puts his head down and walks, but we put our hips up and fly around. We do not understand what Father is going through. We take the 360 million couples blessing lightly, as if it were time for us to fly.

Father is gaining the central position on central line. To have a new world start, you begin at the original point. Gears that are meshed turn in opposite directions. This represents God and Satan’s worlds meeting and turning in different directions. Today is the 44th anniversary. 4 and 4 are like the two gears. 4 represents 4 directions. Two 4’s represents 8, new beginning.

Satan took the number four, so within 4 years, the providence should be completed; by 2001. Then the new world will start. The new world is not this kind of fallen world, but the True Parents world, the world of true love. True love is the essence of everything, even germs. Germs have Universal Prime Force, as does everything on the lower level.

Man represents the vertical plus/minus. We stand and walk; no animals do. We are the vertical center of the universe. Westerners shake hands horizontally; animals walk on four legs. Men are supposed to greet each other vertically, bowing from the waist. Orientals write vertically, and from right to left. Westerners horizontally from left to right. Both sides are equal, divided by one vertical line. There is only one vertical line, although many horizontal lines. The true center is not a center of knowledge, power or wealth. The center is invisible. We cannot see love, life, lineage and conscience. Their center is where vertical and horizontal meet. The four concepts are one at the center. Love, life, lineage and conscience are vertical. The key point of our conscience is lineage, then life, and then love. Since everything was born of true love, the subject object relationship is unchanging. True love is unchanging.

Man was meant to be one, mind and body, but he fell and the mind and body separated. The original ideal is il shim, one mind, il shin, one body as husband and wife. The root is the oneness of the mind, then oneness of the body extends that. First vertical, then horizontal. On that foundation they become one with God, il chaeIl chae means one body, wholeness, but it includes oneness with God, according to Father.

The ultimate purpose of the universe is to go back to God, the origin. That way, we can claim God’s mind. This is why we even desire something greater than God, as we want our love partner to be greater than ourselves, whether we recognize it or not.

Adam and Eve have greater power than God does to take care of the creation, although God created the principle by which they do it. So God wants to be their love partner. He created the model man and woman, to feel the same joy and happiness. For example, if a husband comes home with a headache and burden, if he sees his wife having a joyful time with the children, he will join in and enjoy it. The same with God joining in with Adam and Eve enjoying the creation. God created the fabric, but Adam and Eve do the embroidery.

So when you get home, you want your wife to pay attention to you. God created the human voice, with so many types and pitches. God enjoys all the different levels, bass, soprano, rough, smooth. God enjoys all His children. When Father started tuna fishing, he spent 21 days without even a strike. Did God enjoy watching that? Or was it too tedious, with God becoming impatient? Even now, on the Hudson River, Father will sit on the same seat for 10 hours. He even casts and reels in the fish sitting down. It’s very enjoyable. Father knows that God enjoys watching, so Father doesn’t feel tired. It’s fun. Everything should be based on "chaemi," the Korean word for "fun."

HSA was born based on true love, life, lineage and conscience. True love means always giving, investing. Never stop giving. If you stop giving, you stop growing. If you give, you will expand to fill the universe. Suppose you have a big pipe, which you continually fill with water. The water will eventually become a force to push you. The force will expand. The secret is to invest and forget what you have given. Then you become bigger. This means the sacrifice of myself for the sake of others.

Once you keep giving, when the universe is filled with your giving, then the universe becomes the central line (is connected with the central line?).

From 1954 to 1998, for 44 years, Father has invested everything. So it has been growing. If Father has something, he invests it. Therefore the foundation of the Unification Church is bigger than that of a nation. Then small nations want to join us and work together, so that they may become bigger too.

To live centered on your self-centered possession is like your downfall. If any nation insists on its possessions, it is not good. This is one world under God. The only owner is God. But the American credo is one nation under God. Hence the owner is not God, but Satan. It is really one cosmos under God. Rev. Moon is the man who is working to create this. True Parents advocate one world under God. The false parents’ concept was one nation under God, ruled by people. One cosmos under God means we occupy and win the heart of God.

True love is the husband who sacrifices for his wife and forgets about it. Go through three stages of life and death. Then he can build the horizontal level.

Do you have the right of possession? Not on the basis of your citizenship or university degree. You cannot possess it as your own. We own nothing. It belongs to God. I own nothing. Give everything, every time, until the world is restored.

The flat line is the base line, with no valleys or rivers, etc. This was the status of God when He created everything. All was done with absolute faith, pouring in absolute love. The pipe explodes because it is so full.

It is easy for fallen people to think we did things right based on logic, but that concept is owned by Satan. Why did Father come to this richest nation and spend his money for the sake of this nation? To save America. I will invest forever. America does not have ownership. When we live in the horizontal world, we may find ourselves on the top, but we have to seek the lowest position. God created angels as servants, but they claimed ownership. We have to eliminate this satanic power from the individual to the cosmic level. The fallen world is Satan’s concept. We have to escape it and deny it.

So Rev. Moon reaches the world level but returns to the level of servant of servants. If he has nothing to invest, he creates something to invest. If you offer absolute giving on all the levels, then whatever is created belongs to you. Therefore the foundation belongs to Father. You forgot it, but when you look back, it is there and you see it. No one else can claim ownership of it. Satan has nothing to do with it. To get to that field, you have to go lower than Rev. Moon does, digging a tunnel. Since Father proclaimed the 360 million couples blessing, he is running away from this secular world. Once it is accomplished, it doesn’t matter, everything will belong to God and True Parents.

God will say "I created True Parents out of Rev. Moon." The masters of the fallen world will offer everything to God, and then God will give it to us. This woman, Lady General Kim, should not be proud of herself and demand that people listen to her, but should go to the servant’s position, go to the bottom as the Unification Church members’ servant. Father is the king of servants; she is General Servant.

The secret is that the seed is clean and perfect. As a seed, if you want to fulfill your purpose, you must be buried in dirt, like wearing dirty clothes. Fertile land is always smelly from the fertilizer. You do not smell fragrance. It is like rotten human waste. If Rev. Moon is a true seed, he needs to wear all this dirty soil. That has been Father’s life. He is pushing 80 now, but he is thinking to take these young guys to the Hudson River, to set a fishing record today.

Rev. Moon sits like a rock when it is pouring with lightning and thunder and others run away. Storms drive the fish away, but Father sits there like a rock and becomes more serious. A fish, after all, can bite anytime. Then when it strikes, it is so exciting. I await the future, when the big fish strikes. What excitement, jumping! This is the top of the universe. Everything resonates, spiritual and physical. Father has been waiting 40 years as if it were one day.

Without exception, no one wants to stay with Rev. Moon for this reason. But now they all are coming home and he is returning with the whole world. They have no other way to go. Now they realize that Rev. Moon is saving the family worldwide, so the American parents who opposed Rev. Moon realize that only he can save their children from homosexuality and free sex. So they say, stay here, Rev. Moon.

Now Father will give you a teaching you will never forget. Do you want to remain a holy man? (Yes.) Then is all of you holy, including your snot, urine, spit and fingernails. What if someone had a fingernail of Jesus? Those who deserve to drink holy water are called holy men and women. If there is unclean water drunk by a holy man, then it is holy water. Leftover food is fought over by the king’s servants. What will this small piece of chalk, labeled May 1, 1998, be worth in 100 years? To have value, it has to be proved, documented. All the records have to be attached.

Some people steal Father’s teaching, claiming it as their own teaching. When the time is full, Father makes a proclamation to conclude what happened during that period. Those who steal Father’s teachings don’t know this. They do not know what teachings are appropriate to the age. Such a thief will go to hell.

Father’s record is 16 hours for one sermon. Isn’t this the historical record? Also he has the record for the most books published under one name. His topics cover from physical life to spirÄ_ world, containing both quality and quantity. Father appears ignorant, but if you hear him talk, you see he knows everything. With spirit world, you needn’t read books, but just look at a person and you can tap into the world of their mind and find the answer.

Did Father accomplish this by enjoying his life? No; he followed the difficult course. Even Mother begins searching for Father in the east when he is in the west, or in the morning when he is at night. When members in the old days heard that Father went to the mountain, they searched in the highest mountain or the deepest valley, the extremes. If you want to find Father in South America, go to the worst possible, most dangerous area, filled with alligators. Father will go and challenge the boa constrictor. Women withdraw, but Father goes forward.

When Father came to the US, he covered 48 states in 40 days to give speeches. At the same time he established 62 holy grounds, more than half of the 120 in the world. This was because of Christianity. Now America is the elder son nation. Father initiated the American fishing industry in many areas

What is bigger than holy urine? Dung. Can we call a holy man’s dung, holy dung? His anus a holy anus? Through which hole is the human baby born? It is the most precious hole in the body. It is near where the dirty stuff comes out. Why did God put them close together? It’s the same principle as the clean seed in the smelly fertile soil. It is heavenly law.

Why didn’t God put the birth canal on top of your head? Why is the woman and man’s love organ the same as the organ used for urinating? Is it dirty? No, it is a holy hole. So, when you sit on the toilet, remember this. The more often you use the bathroom, the better, so that you remember this. It is a holy hand touching the holy sexual organ. It is so holy that you cannot wash it.

To urinate, a man needs to touch his sexual organ. If you feel it is holy, you needn’t wash it. Thus you save water and save starving people. 20 million people of the same brotherhood are starving. How can you save them?

After you touch your organ many times a day, it becomes holier and holier, and you don’t wash it but give it to your wife to kiss. She should welcome it as the hand the of her king, even if she knows you didn’t wash.

A table with a holy item becomes a holy table. Female animals don’t make their males wash their hands. True love is total intoxication such that you don’t smell dirty things between husband and wife. True love is the fastest thing. Smell cannot catch up with it. God created what we call the dirty smell, but to God, it is not dirty. From on high, you cannot smell it. Korean farmers used human waste as fertilizer. Father was curious about the smell in the rice paddies and if the workers washed their hands before eating. They just wiped their hands on the grass, eat the rice cake, and throw away the part they held on to. So convenient. When you see that, and you criticize, then you don’t learn much. You are blocked.

May 1998

What Does Academics Have To Do With God?

by Martin Herbst-Barrytown NY

This is the first in a series of three articles.

Consider the passage in the Bible describing Jacob’s enlightening experience at Bethel. Here Jacob dreams about a ladder extending from earth and into heaven. I find this story very meaningful for it indicates that there exists a continuum between the earthly realm and the heavenly, between the human dimension and the divine. From this perspective it seems that there is a connection between the world of academics and the experience of God. The ladder in the story is placed on earth but leads step by step into heaven. Similarly the academic life is rooted in the earthly realm but can guide us towards God if we have the courage to take the right steps. It is as individuals we climb a ladder. Likewise, it is every person himself who is responsible to begin this journey to connect his earthly reality with God. As indicated in the story when you begin to see this connection you will be assisted by angels.

There are however many people who find it hard to see affinities between academic life and God. Like Jacob they are unaware of how close God often is. Countless are the stories where people lose their faith when they begin to study it. I once had a friend in Denmark. He was the son of a minister and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. So he began to study theology. After he had been study for about half a year I met him again. When I asked him about his studies he replied that he had left the school and was now receiving psychiatric treatment. He had lost faith in God and blamed it all on the school. Afterwards I couldn’t help but think: "What on earth are they doing to people in there?"

All of us know that it is a real challenge to harmonize studies with a living relationship to God-to experience God genuinely while we study. There are people who regard a personal relationship to God and a possible future mission as an opposite of the academic life-as if there is, or ought to be, enmity between the house of learning and the house of God. This viewpoint can draw much support from the tradition of Soren Kierkegaard, Karl Barth, and the Niebuhrs, where God is seen as the transcendent "wholly other." In this line of thought there is a constant awareness of one’s sin and a rather pessimistic view of the human condition. We are rescued only because of the magnificent grace of God. Although God is transcendent, an atmosphere of judgment is immanent, for there is always a considerable distance between the ideal and reality, between our words and deeds.

A student adhering too strictly to this line of thought faces several pitfalls. First, there is the danger that he will never really take his studies seriously. So afraid of being contaminated by a million points of view, he hides in his armor of faith and marches through the academic years with his eyes fixed on the little light at the end of the tunnel beyond which he hopes to meet God. His spiritual life is marked by a dryness which further proves to him how detrimental to a living faith the academic world is. He does not expect to meet God in the books and surely never does. He might even feel guilty when he studies. And since studies are viewed as a necessary evil he often cheats for it doesn’t really count if you cheat the devil, does it? Finally he passes his insights and experiences on to others who recognize the truthfulness of his testimony.

On the other side of the spectrum we find people who joyfully have made it their habit to equate God’s will with their own doings. They solely emphasize God’s immanence. Such a person has of course managed to escape from the "terrible day of the Lord," but there is a danger that he will tolerate just about anything. Gone is the reflection upon my own sinfulness and with this the awareness of the distance between God and myself. From being the "wholly other" God is transformed to become the "wholly me." The transcendence of God is substituted for His immanence and His immanence for me, myself. Since we are all gods, why point out each other’s mistakes? As gods we are probably beyond good and evil altogether, and have undoubtedly eons of time both behind and ahead of us. This viewpoint can find much support in the more liberal branches of Christianity with representatives such as Schleiermacher, various modern theologians and the so-called New Age Movement inspired by Oriental philosophy.

I myself prefer a middle position between these two viewpoints. On the one hand, we must always strive toward the will of God which embraces the entire cosmos. But this striving must simultaneously become a striving inward for the will of God must be found not out there but in here. It is within our hearts that the living God dwells. Each of us must locate the will of God within ourselves and then charge forward into the world at large. God is in other words both transcendent and immanent. In this story about Jacob’s dream, God presumably resides in heaven at the end of the ladder. But interestingly, He is right next to Jacob all the time, speaking to him. God is both "up there" and "right here." His transcendence does in no way compromise His immanence. The same holds true for you and me. It is an amazing little story, don’t you think?

Because the almighty God dwells within your heart, you owe it to God to humbly listen to His own voice within. To follow your own intuitions, your own conscience. Not to follow one’s own intuition and conscience is also a form of disobedience. But because God and the will of God embraces the whole cosmos, I can never make my own individual feelings the final standard of reference. We need to be aware of the difference between God’s heart and will for the whole world on the one hand, and my own life on the other. By being aware of the distance between the larger whole and me, myself, I can begin to close the gap. Like Jacob we can begin to climb the ladder until we can see the purpose of the whole even in the smallest detail. The goal, I think, is to live in such a way as to invite the whole cosmos into our living room, into our marriage, into our life, and to receive its wholehearted applause. To love my wife as if she represented all women, to love every person as if he represented God. The art of building this bridge between the private and public dimensions of a life of faith is, I believe, the meaning of a religious way of life.

1) Faith

Faith is the essence of the religious life. In order to experience the living God, we must rely on something beyond our own rational mind. We must trust in things we cannot verify by direct observation. We are expected to rely on the statements of people who have gone before us. Often we have no way of knowing if what we believe in is indeed true, but as we walk the way of trust, we sense from practical experiences what is healthy and conducive to our spiritual growth and the well-being of the religious community we are part of.

Similar observations can be made with regard to studies in general. One of the first things that struck me when I began to study the hard sciences was how much data I had to remember by heart without ever asking a question. At least at my modest level I have no way of checking whether the so-called mathematical and physical constants are indeed what they are proclaimed to be. I was not there 15 billion years ago when God had had enough of His silence. I have no way of checking out if it is true that the faculty of vision is located in the "occipital lobe" and not somewhere else in the brain. Or if an "action potential" in the nerve is conditioned by the charge of sodium ions, as I have been told. Or if there are 200 billion galaxies in the universe and not 350 billion. I was not there at the Battle of Saratoga in-was it?-1776. And I have almost forgotten if the periodic table to elements consists of 91, 92 or 93 names-or did we discover some new elements recently? All I know is that without this basic trust I have no way to go forward. At least for now I must accept many formulas and opinions which are bound to be outdated or revised in a number of years.

Without this rather remarkable trust in the scientific community and our educational institutions, I would probably be considered paranoid or fanatic! I would be diagnosed as a person who suffers from a rare case of "trust-phobia" and be turned over to a group of people who have made it their living to study deviant behavior.

Paradoxically, it is especially in the hard sciences such as mathematics and physics that the demand to accept absolutes is most obviously pronounced. The basic physical laws are regarded as immutable, absolute and beyond time and space. With all respect for the many atheistic scientists, I still want to express my sincere suspicion that many of them unknowingly satisfy a deep need for faith by remaining loyal to their own academic disciplines.

The faith we are trained to display in one area of life can easily be transmitted to another area. Just as the trust in our earthly parents can prepare us well for the subsequent faith in our heavenly parent, likewise faith in people who have gone before us or are ahead of us can help us to a deeper relationship with God. Faith is essential whether we want to encounter the divine or the human. Without faith where would we be, anyway?

One of the reasons why it was so difficult for people 400 years ago to accept Copernicus’ new model of the solar system was that it went against common sense as they had known it. Picture yourself 400 years ago in the shoes of some grandmother or farmer. Perhaps their conversation would have gone something like this: "If the earth as they say is round, then why don’t we fall off?" "Yes, and if it is spinning around at 300 meters per second, then why can’t we feel this motion? The corn looks pretty steady today." How would you have reacted to these new ideas? But someone followed an inner voice and step by step more evidence supported this vision of the "new heaven and new earth."

2) Mind-Body Unity

Although faith is the beginning it is certainly not the end. However much we believe in the Word of God, if we fail to practice it our lives will be dull. Dull and boring. Actions must match words. It is commonly believed that God dwells in our minds and hearts, but I think it is more correct to say that God dwells in the point within us where our mind and body meet and become one. No one but you yourself can feel where that sacred place is. What I am trying to illustrate is that to resonate with God we must take after him. In the Bible it says that God answers the prayers of a righteous man. Why not any man? The reason is that God can only reciprocate with somebody who is like Him, harmonized in words and deeds. And this takes sacrifice and discipline.

It is precisely in this unity between mind and body that the universal and abstract ideas become individualized and specific. Out of a million different possibilities that roam around in your head, you have to choose the one and only. Formulate it with your mouth or write it with your hand. Manifest it with your being. It is in this process of deciding and choosing that you become a creator. When this happens we find ourselves in the presence of truth, the presence of judgment, the presence of a new creative act with unending potential.

I am sure you can recognize the similarities between the efforts to unite mind and body in a religious context and the discipline it takes to meet the requirements of almost any academic course. I choose to see a deep spiritual significance in trying my best as a student whatever that means at my modest level. Instead of looking upon examinations, the grading system and assignments as elements that add misery to life, utilize them to further your own spiritual growth. A life with God does not begin after graduation in some remote place untouched by human civilization. It is here and now or never and nowhere. But what about courses we find meaningless or topics or teachers we even hate, for that matter? Challenge yourself to find ways to like them anyway. Be creative within yourself. After all, as believers it is our highest ideal to take after Christ and embrace our enemies with both love and sacrifice, isn’t it? Perhaps by practicing the above you will turn your worst enemies into your best friends. Now that would be something, wouldn’t it? Sometimes God prefers to work in mysterious ways, and please let him.

All the great religions emphasize the value of sacrifice and the power of the spirit to conquer the environment. The same applies in the realm of science. Who doesn’t respect scientists like Albert Einstein who worked day and night guided by an inner intuition? Or Thomas Edison, who expressed that "genius consists of 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration"? Don’t beg God to turn your stones into soft loaves of bread. Instead, see in the stones opportunities to demonstrate your own creativity. Then miraculously they will become as bread, nurturing your spiritual growth. God is already victorious. But as a parent He wants you as His beloved child to take after Him. Each one of us has to fight our own fight and taste the joy of our own victory. It is as you have guessed a battle fought within, a victory won in your own heart and then manifested without. In this fight you are both the villain and the hero, but goodness will reign in the end, be certain about that. All this requires discipline, endurance and a great deal of honesty.

Paradoxically, to experience this battle to harmonize mind and body is one of the key conditions to achieve true peace of mind! All of us want to be peaceful and are attracted to people who display peace of mind. There are however two kinds of peace: true peace and false peace. Occasionally I have had the experience of meeting a person who seemed very peaceful. His tone of voice, his movements, his expressions: everything seemed so peaceful and relaxed. However, I had a problem: something was missing. His peacefulness did not seem attractive to me-rather, it repelled me. I am sure you have made similar observations. There is a vast difference between pseudo-peace which we experience when we avoid a conflict or simply give up and the kind of peace that comes after you have been in the ring, after you have confronted the falseness in yourself and lived through the fight. To take up that fight in a disciplined way and to harmonize the mind-body relationship is essential both in the classroom and in the prayer room. 

Unification Brainstorming - Letter to Editor

Dear Editor:

I just received the Feb. issue of Unification News and wanted to express that it was very encouraging and refreshing to read the article "Blessing ‘Brainstorming Session’ held at UTS."

The reason the article appealed to me is because for a long time (too long) I have hungered for a more honest, open approach to issues of faith and practice in the Unification Church. I understand the need for a certain amount of hierarchy, absolutes, pure faith and obedience, etc. But in order to be truly comprehensive and encompassing (which is what I’ve always thought we were all about), at some point it does become necessary to balance out the ultimates with reality. As this doesn’t appear to be one of Father’s roles to play in the dispensation, I think it is up to us as individuals and as a collective whole to have the courage to do it. After all, we are messiahs too in our own right, aren’t we?

The UTS article was a cautious and tentative approach to this kind of needed direction-one that I not only applaud but beg you to continue. Please, don’t let it end there! I realize that our church has strong Oriental roots and that prohibits the uniquely American practice of doing your dirty laundry in public. I’m not looking for that. I don’t think that kind of practice benefits anyone except talk show hosts who make money off other people’s misfortunes. What I am looking for, hoping for and agitating for is a balance. It took my many years to grasp that the Oriental way, although it works on some levels, is not the ideal either. It’s very hard to evolve if we are unwilling to face certain realities for what they are, as individuals, families, cultures or an international movement.

True Parents have given me personally so much. The Divine Principle has changed my life. The vision of God’s Kingdom on Earth has given me so much hope. But at the same time I consider having this understanding to be both a burden and a privilege. I cannot just indefinitely go along with the party line because I’m not a party liner. If I were, I would have never become a Unificationist in the first place. I probably would have stayed Catholic or become a fundamentalist Christian. We’re different and we’re supposed to be more evolved. But just how this evolution manifests is not so simple. In fact, it is very complex, very confusing and very, very challenging! But, hey, did God say it was going to be all milk and cookies???

Persecution from the "outside" we can handle just fine. But honesty and courage from the inside...to face our problems, our barriers, our doubts, our confusions...this seems to be forbidden territory. You are almost forced to leave the church to be able to do that (Sound familiar? Any other recovering Catholics out there?)

I say, go for it! Take the risk, take the plunge. Guaranteed you’ll make some mistakes, step on some toes, take some flak, but I’ll bet you anything your circulation will increase! I, for one, would renew my subscription!

It’s not necessary to provide a forum for people to air their resentments, bitterness and gripes. That’s not what I’m proposing here. Always, guidelines are needed and a focus toward a common goal. But there needs to be a willingness to address the sticky issues that unfortunately won’t go away by ignoring them. (What happens eventually is that the people finally just go away!)

Bill Lay wrote such a wonderful summary of what I’m certain was a meaningful and liberating experience for many. But guess what? A lot of us need that experience, too! But, sadly, it is not available. For the most part the Unification News comes across as a sanitized version of the Providence...so do the church services, or at least they used to; I don’t go anymore so I can’t speak for the present. I’m not saying that we have to dig for the dirt but neither do we have to sweep it under the rug and pretend it’s not there. It should be possible to be mature and honest about some of the real struggles we face in a way that does not contradict nor threaten our faith but instead strengthens and empowers us as a people.

We are pioneers. There’s no doubt about that. But true pioneers can only lead by example. Sometimes I’m not really sure just what it is that we’re pioneering: a way of life, an understanding of life, wishful thinking about life??? You know, it was searching that brought me to the Unification Church and it’s the continuation of that searching which keeps me going. I’d like to see the "church with all the answers" begin to ask a few questions as well. The Bible promises us, "Ask and it will be given." I believe that. I’ve experienced that. So now, I’m asking you to ask. (Does that make sense?) I’m also saying, Don’t be afraid.

Bill Lay put it beautifully when he concluded that as "people discover that their perceptions are widely shared, the difficulty comes in trying to implement changes afterwards." Where do you begin, how do you begin? Well, for starters, let me ask why your paper does not have a Letters to the Editor column? Even an insignificant small-town newspaper has that, even Cooking Light magazine has that! Why? Because although the publications reserve the right to choose and edit what they print, at least the readers feel they have a voice and some sense of "ownership" and are not just passive recipients of the news. Why don’t you use my letter as a first? I’ll be your mailbox will be flooded in no time!

I heard Rev. Barrett from Chicago give a wonderful talk last Sunday at the American Leadership Conference on just this point. He explained that God gave Adam and Eve a position of ownership (portion of responsibility) by making them co-creators. And yes, He took a risk by doing that, but even so, how could He have done otherwise? I think your paper would benefit by following God’s example in this way. Right now your recipe is lacking salt. Too much gives you high blood pressure but not enough makes the food taste bland.

Kathleen Close, Arlington, VA