True Mother Embraces Toronto

By Mitch Dixon-Toronto, Canada

True Mother embraced an overflow crowd at the Korean Canadian Cultural Center in Toronto, Thursday night, April 16, as a conclusion to her 16-city, Spring '98 speaking tour across North America. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification sponsored the event. The auditorium was packed within 15 minutes of the program's beginning with more and more chairs being added, ultimately ending in "standing room only." Written responses afterward indicated that True Mother's speech was the most captivating point of the evening.

A crowd of over 500 people gathered from all walks of life, religions, and cultures in Toronto. This is reflective of the nature of Toronto itself. Included in this number were approximately fifty Unificationists. The program began with selections from Diane da Camara, a local opera singer, and continued with welcoming remarks from Rev. Michael Jenkins, Master of Ceremonies for the 16-city tour. Rev. Jenkins remarks included acknowledgment of a "Family Federation Day" Proclamation issued in honor of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon from the Mayor Peter Robertson of Brampton, a neighboring city of 300,000 population. Other acknowledgments included welcome letters to Dr. Moon from Mike Harris, Premier (governor) of Ontario, Mel Lastman, Mayor of Toronto, and numerous other welcome letters from provincial and city government leaders. Of special note is a plaque awarded to Dr. Moon from the Min. Don Muhammad of the Nation of Islam towards her work strengthening families worldwide.

The program continued with the national anthem, "O' Canada" and a warm ecumenical prayer by Father Terry Gallagher, of the Scarborough Mission. Mr. Neil Salonen, Secretary General of the Family Federation International introduced the program followed by a speech "True Parents" read by Mrs. Karen Smith, Secretary General of the Women's Federation for World Peace in the USA, and a short video, "Toward World Peace." The highlight of the night's program was the speech "Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life" delivered by Dr. Moon. Flowers and plaques were presented to Dr. Moon in appreciation of her deep heart and concern for families. The audience was very attentive with everyone staying through the whole program.

Following her speech, Dr. Moon presented three books of a 15 volume abridged collection of 40 years of Rev. Moon's teachings to eight local dignitaries. These distinguished recipients were: 1. Mr. Hussein Ackbarally, Principal of the IQRA Islamic School; 2. Rev. Dr. Petro Bilaniuk, Right Rev. Mitrophoric Archpriest and Professor, University of Toronto; 3. Dr. Bob Carter, Professor of Philosophy, Trent University; 4. Dr. Jack Edwards, Pro-Family Lobby Coordinator, Canadian Family Action Committee; 5. Father Terry Gallagher, Scarborough Catholic Mission; 6. Mr. Amouzou Komi Nicolas, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Togo; 7. Capt. Kenneth Ritson, The Salvation Army; 8. Mr. Jun Kyung Suh, President, Korean Canadian Association.

The program concluded with remarks from Rev. Jenkins, "Fill the World with Love" performed by Diane da Camara, and door prizes and refreshments coordinated by Rev. Mitch Dixon, Canadian director of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

Mobilization and outreach efforts for the success of the program included visitations by Japanese missionaries and local members; a 2800 piece mailing to couples who participated in last year's events; and ministerial and VIP outreach by Rev. Stoyan Tadin, and Rev. Abdoulaye Wone. We deeply appreciate them both.

Additional thanks go to Mr. and Mrs. E. Habara for their important work mobilizing members and guests, Japanese missionaries for their outreach, Mrs. Ae In Lee, Rev. and Mrs. In Teck Seo, Mrs. Nishikawa, Lily Tadin, Christina Tadin, Anita Wells and their crew members for VIP hospitality, Sang Hun Lee and the set-up and stage crew, Douglas White and Michel Lejeunesse for the video and audio portions, Fumiko White and Diane Dixon for financial management, Sybil Wone for decorations and flowers, Dan Garand for banners, Michal Trusilo, Roddy Porelance, Mr. Nishikawa, Adam Smalcuga, and Dimitrie Tadin for VIP driving and care, security brothers, and Franco Famularo, Robert Duffy, Roddy Portelance, Aila Willitts, and Robert Tailleur for their efforts in mobilizing guests from long distances.

A special thanks to the Morauf family who traveled the furthest and to all whom donated their money, time, and efforts to make this event a success. In the absence of Dr. Chae Hee Lee, who is away in Japan, Rev. Mitch Dixon coordinated the overall effort.