Project New Hope in Brazil

by Pres. Yoon Sang Kim

Project New Hope originated from the ideals and vision of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Its goal is to construct a model center of progress, well-being and happiness for Latin America and the world.

The interior region of Mato Grosso do Sul is characterized by an economy based on extensive cattle ranching, which requires little work and vast areas for pasture. Today this region finds itself impoverished, devastated of its natural forest, it's rivers ruined, and with a flora and fauna being compromised daily in the process of clearing the jungle for the purpose of ranching.

With an illiterate population of about 65% in a state with almost 2 million inhabitants, the area is in need of serious change. In spite of their good will, the people are unprepared for progress. A high level of unemployment creates a certain collective pessimism; to do anything new seems difficult and complicated.

The big cities are far away and uninterested in rural affairs. There's no money. The schools are poor. High interests discourage new enterprises. Transportation is expensive and slow. Many ranches in this area are swampy or become flooded. And even the largest ranches employ less than two hundred men.

Mato Grosso do Sul shares borders with Paraguay and Bolivia, and the region of Jardim is geographically located in the central area of the South American continent. It is just a two hours flight from the big cities of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, La Paz, Montevideo, etc..

It is in this region, centered in Jardim, Mato Grosso do Sul, including an area of 33 cities with in a radius of approximately 200 kms that this project is working on its first stage.

Project New Hope has the ambition of becoming, within 7 or 8 years an example of progress, beauty and happiness for the whole world and then to collaborate and encourage development in all Latin America and the world. Project New Hope will act on ten fronts or focal areas that will be developed in different stages according to pre-established goals, that will depend on financial resources as well as the response of the people and the local authorities.


The Bible tell us that Adam and Eve were kicked out of Paradise, losing contact with God their Father, and came to live a life of selfishness centered on Satan. Religion arose as a means to bring man and God together. God wants to dwell in man directly as he should have dwelt in Adam and Eve, if they hadn't separated from God.

In order for this to happen it is essential that man become a being of True Love. Now it is up to us to take up the original path of God's will so that everything can return to it's proper place and order.

As such, the first stage of this focal area of ideology could be summarized as calling for a change in the way man faces life and interacts with his fellow human beings; changing from satanic selfishness to unselfishness, centered on God.

This first stage will be carried out by an education which motivates man and shows him the advantages of changing his individualistic attitude of sacrificing others for his own sake, to a way of life in which, like God, he is serving and loving others, sacrificing the smaller purpose for the larger.

All the aspects and various projects developed at Fazenda New Hope have this spiritual and moral education as their ultimate goal.

Center of Advanced Research

In order to successfully form a progressive and happy society we need to find the technological and scientific means which are adequate to benefit everyone. We will therefore bring to the Project New Hope researchers and scientists of the highest level and we will build laboratories and first rate centers so that researchers can develop appropriate techniques in the fields of fish farming, agriculture, forestry, agro-industry and others. Our goal is to develop technology for use here and in other places with similar conditions which can compete with or surpass other advanced centers of production.

Basic Education

Brazil has close to 65 million illiterate of semi-literate people. Our schools require little from the students- only 20 hours a week of scholastic activities, whereas advanced nations have up to 70 or 72 hours a week. We will introduce a new educational system subdivided in various areas:

Formal Education for elementary, junior high and high school levels with a daily schedule and curriculum which are comparable with the most advanced education offered in the first world countries.

Supplementary Education for those who never received minimum sufficient education, so that in two or three years at most they can become self- sufficient

Technological Education so that our fellow citizens can work with machines, modern tools that can achieve the productivity and quality of the first world.

Education for Life with the goal of improving general culture and lifestyle, so that our people can deal confidently with the modern world without any gap of knowledge or understanding which might impede culture, social or technological development.

Exhibition Hall for High Technology

Project New Hope will build a convention center of approximately 66,000 square meters with the purpose of displaying the most advanced technology of the world with the goal of fostering interest in practical models for study and analysis.

Just talking about or describing progress is not enough, it is necessary to test, "in loco" the concrete details of design that will help us develop our own technology.

Agricultural or Primary Industry

Extensive cattle ranching as it has been practiced, is quickly draining the natural resources of this region. By looking at satellite photos of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, one can easily perceive the consequences of mindless clearing in the erosion of the soil and pollution of the rivers. Plants are the source of life for the ecosystem in swampy areas. Destroying the plants and trees in order to make pastures also destroys the flora and fauna, the sources of food for fish, birds and insects.

It is evident that we can learn something from the oriental way of life, especially in how they use the soil. Brazil has about 300 times more area of cultivable land than Korea, but where Korea feeds close to 45 million inhabitants with surplus, Brazil has close to 70 million people suffering from lack of food.

Project New Hope will encourage the replanting of all kinds of trees in this region, along with the raising of smaller animals, fish and birds, all kinds of foodstuffs and flowers, in harmony with the existing forests, in hopes of bringing financial benefits to everyone and incalculable gains in the aspects of the climate, air quality, fertilization of the soil and usefulness of the rivers.

A secondary industry, using raw materials from the primary industry, in the patterns of today's economy, needs a high level of production at low cost in order to be viable and competitive on the international level. Transportation of fresh native goods raises the price of the final product, takes time and means the fresh produce loses its quality. These items are essential to the market economy of the Twenty-first century. Therefore, we need agricultural production to be close to industrialization in order to avoid as much as possible losses due to transportation.

Secondary industry based on fresh native goods needs an area of at least 20,000 cultivable hectares in order to be viable. However at this time we don't have any areas cultivating specific agricultural products to that proportion in our region.

Each city of these thirty three cities should choose one type of tree, one kind of fish, one kind of bird or animal, one kind of fruit, food stuff, or flower to produce in a massive concentrated way with cooperation from surrounding farmers, in order to make possible prosperity and development in their area.

We insist that this kind of production should be carried out in a cooperative scientific way, supported by high level technology, if not, we can't be competitive in the international market

The development of fish farming can bring profits within two or three years. Flowers or small animals in three or four years, wood products take a little longer, so we could harvest fruits from other species, while we wait for the maturation of slower trees.

Imagine thirty three towns, each with a production of one fish and one animal- 5,000 ponds producing Pacu, together with wild ducks. Wouldn't this attract fishermen and hunters from the whole world? Especially those who appreciate food that hasn't been contaminated with toxic chemicals.

Secondary Industry

The process of production was already described in item no. 5 Oil from Capivara, leather from Pacu, flour from Piruputanga, oil from Peroba, etc., etc. we can't forget that everything should be produced with high level technology (described in Item no. 2) for an international market with the aim to bring benefit and prosperity to all.

Civil Construction

All the infrastructure, i.e., airports, river ports and sea ports, transportation and warehouses, hotels and hospitality, as well as the development of energy and communications which are needed for this project to function well.

Hobby Industry

Each city should develop a leisure activity to attract tourists, both local and foreign, using appropriate means in line with the chosen species for production in item no. 5. for example, a fishing tournament of Jau in Porto Mortinho, a party for roasted Pintado in Aquiduana, a festival of wild orchids in Dois Irmaos do Buriti, alligators roasted on a spit in Dourados, etc.

As these species will be raised in captivity, they could also be used for hunting as a possible hobby.

Integration with the World

This project aims at creating an environment of happiness, progress, wealth and beauty, not only for us, but for the whole human family.

This project has to give of itself for the sake of the world and help other people and cultures- not only sharing knowledge and technology, but also God's love. Therefore we will need to bring people who can receive the benefit of the education here and take this knowledge and the example of Project New Hope back to their native countries and begin similar projects there.


There are 185 countries represented in the United Nations. Our plan is to create within the Project New Hope area micro-regions with the culture, art and sports of each of these countries. Micro- Germany, micro-Hungary, micro-Italy, etc.

When we talk about Project Jardim, we are thinking about a great worldwide garden, like the garden of Eden God dreamed of when he blessed his beloved children with all the good and beautiful things he created for them.

There are two new web sites of the Brazil Unification Movement: New Hope Farm Project: and the Family Fed. World Peace (Brazil):