Blessing ‘97 a Resounding Victory

by Richard L. Lewis-NYC

Who would have thought we would see the day that Father would declare, speaking in Korean through an interpreter, "On this day of November 29, 1997, at RFK Stadium in Washington DC we are Blessing 3.6 million couples and 36 million couples together- 39.6 million couples are being Blessed in front of you."

It was truly a wonderful day-the culmination of decades of effort by True Father and months of feverish activity in Washington and around the world.

Even arriving in Washington the evening before the event was special, the unseasonably balmy air in the late evening was quite unexpected having just left freezing weather in New York City only a few hours before.

The following morning was just as pleasant, overcast but not cold. The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium looked fabulous as we approached-the bright yellow flags of the FFWPU and the multicolored WCSF flags flapping in the slight breeze, crowds everywhere. The only forlorn note was the six, or was it ten, demonstrators led by Steve Hassan with placards near the entrance. Quite a drop from the massed protesters we had to run the gauntlet of at Yankee Stadium! Not surprisingly though, a TV anchor was doing her bit with the knot of dissent as her backdrop rather than the bustle and excitement around the stadium. Nothing different there!

Outside the stadium, a satellite truck with two disk antennas beamed the Blessing ceremony to seven satellites, and the images were then transmitted by downlinks to 54 locations around the world. "The ceremony, sponsored by the Family Federation for World Peace, will link families of virtually every religion, race and culture," said festival general secretary Neil Salonen in his statement to the press.

The scale of the event was monumental. Estimates of the attendance varied, but the Washington Post, not known for exaggerating Father’s accomplishments, put the number at 40,000 people.

Right outside the entrance were huge tables piled with WCSF bags-two styles, sports or tote; I chose tote-for everyone attending. Inside the bag was a beautiful "Blessing Shawl" of white satin and gold trim (think of a long white scarf); the booklet of Father’s speeches, True Love and True Family; a program and booklet about the week’s events; a WCSF poncho; and a seat warmer, a thin cushion that got hot, and stayed hot for hours, and was a delight to sit on.

Moving on, another huge table with, what looked like, 50,000 boxed lunches of teriyaki chicken, rice, salad, cake and an apple. Clutching these goodies I was swept with the crowd into the stadium itself.

Inside were tables laden with fruit and danish for those who had not breakfasted along with stands serving coffee and hot chocolate. At last it was down a tunnel and onto the field-it was breathtaking. The stage area at the far end of the field was a huge, white proscenium decorated with the WCSF logo and world flags and proudly proclaiming the Blessing of 3.6 and 36 million couples. Flags were flying all around the stadium-with the USA and Washington DC city flags centered above the stage-and flowers and gold cloth adorned the stage.

There were three great banners hanging over the stage: "Blessing of 3,600,000 Couples by July 15, 1997," "Blessing of 36,000,000 Couples by Nov. 29, 1997" and, in the center, "Blessing '97 Celebrating 39.6 Million Couples Worldwide." On the left wing of the stage was written in 10-foot high gold lettering, "World Peace Through Ideal Families" complemented by "Family is the School of True Love" on the right.

On either side of the stage were two Jumbotrons which displayed close-ups of what was happening on the stage, which was just as well because, from where I was sitting, people on the stage appeared quite tiny.

On the field in front of the stage were arrayed thousands of the couples to be Blessed while behind them was a heated tent for the many VIPs from the WCSF conferences attending the event.

As the stadium slowly filled, emcee Larry Moffit took the podium at 9:30 and welcomed everyone to the stadium, declaring that the 40-million mark had been passed days before and that, "Once the Blessing process starts it’s like a wave, it has a life of its own."

While we were waiting for the satellite hook-up which was scheduled to begin at 11, "Richard Harlee and the Soul Resurrection", a local singing-and-dancing group, took to the stage and got the spirit moving.

Larry Moffit then read excerpts from the letters of congratulations that had arrived from eminent people within the USA and around the world.

Several members of Congress, governors and mayors praised the purposes of the festival. Gov.-elect James S. Gilmore III, Virginia Republican, declared yesterday "A Day of Peace Through Family Unity," and the mayor of Scranton, Pa., declared it "World Peace Through True Families Day." The governors of Illinois and New Jersey also sent their good wishes.

Larry then told a few of the many wonderful experiences people had going out into the world to bring the Blessing-couples being reunited, reconciliations and heartistic transformations.

Raoul and Miuki then sang "Your Heart Will Open the Way," a song originally written by Kevin Pickard for the stadium Blessing in Korea. They were warmly received and Larry gave their new album a gentle plug.

Neil Salonen then took the podium and asked everyone to put on the Blessing shawl they were given as they entered. He then invited the VIPs onto the stage. Representatives of the True Family entered and sat on the left, while six religious dignitaries entered with Reverend Kwak and sat on the right. These were Sri Swami Satchidinanda of India, a Hindu; Sul Jung Jeon of Korea, a Buddhist; the Rev. Francis Xavier D'Sa of India, a Jesuit priest; Archbishop Ioan of Russia, head of the Orthodox Church of Mother Mary; the High Bhai Kirpal Singh of Malaysia, a Sikh; and The Honerable Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam.

Mr. Salonen then invited 36 representative couples to ascend the stage and stand before the central dais at the foot of the long. red-carpeted stairs that Parents would later descend.

Everyone then stood for the playing of the USA National Anthem followed by the invocation by Pastor T. L. Barrett of the Church of God in Christ, Chicago, who spoke of all people becoming True Parents.

At eleven o’clock exactly, the worldwide broadcast by satellite began with a TV-news-like introduction. Reverend Kwak welcomed the world-wide participants and gave a brief history of the Blessings since 1960 and an overview of the Fall and Restoration.

A song of true love was then beautifully sang by Jaime Baer Peterson and then Mr. Salonen introduced six representatives of the world’s religions-Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Orthodox, Catholic and Sikh faiths-to offer their blessings to the couples.

Swami Satchidinanda , an elderly man with long gray hair in a simple brown robe, spoke a few words of blessing in English and then in a sing-chant in Hindi. Archbishop Ioan, in gold and black robes, gave a powerful and moving prayer of benediction followed by Sul Jung Jeon, in white and brown, who chanted in Korean as he tapped on a small wooden gong he was carrying.

Louis Farrakhan, in his dignified dark suit and tie, gave a rousing mini-sermon: "Marriage is the cornerstone of the family, and family is the cornerstone of the nation," Mr. Farrakhan told the assembly. "If God is the cornerstone of your marriage, your marriage will never fail." At the end of his oration he powerfully recited a Blessing in Arabic.

Representing world Sikhism, Kirpal Singh, an elderly man with long silver hair and a blue turban, recited passages from the Sikh scriptures and concluded with a soft chant of sanctification. Rev. Xavier D'Sa, in a traditional Catholic surplice, spoke of the necessity of God in life and marriage and prayed that God would make the married couples "aware that you are the source and sustenance of your dedication."

The attendants to the officiators then filed down the long red stairs forming two lines down either side -the men in white on the left, the women in white and pink on the right.

True Parents appeared at the top of the stairs in their ceremonial robes and, to a standing ovation, slowly descended the staircase followed by two girl attendants.

When they reached the dais at the foot of the stairs, Reverend Kwak prayed in Korean, while Mr. Salonen translated. He concluded, "These 39.6 million couples want to participate in God-centered families.

The girl attendants then brought forward holy water in silver bowls and True Parents sprinkled it on the representative couples standing in front of them.

Throughout the stadium, church elders in their white holy robes also moved throughout the multitude-about 40,000 strong at this point-and also sprinkled holy water on everyone.

The attendants then brought white leather-bound folders stamped in gold to True Parents from which they read the wedding vows in Korean-a translation of them appearing in English on the Jumbotrons. At the end of each vow, Mr. Salonen asked everyone to respond, and the assembled roared back, "I Do!"

Mr. Salonen then solemnly said, "True Parents will now invoke the Holy Blessing."

To appreciate what happened next one has to understand that while the day was unseasonably mild, the sky had been solidly overcast all day. To the delight of those who appreciate such signs and portents, just as Parents raised their hands to proclaim the victory, the clouds broke and the whole stadium brightened up as Father’s powerful Korean reverberated throughout the huge stadium. When they lowered their hands at the end of the invokation, the break in the clouds closed and the sun dissapeared. Breathtaking!

Next was the exchange of rings. Mr. Salonen encouraged those who were rededicating their marriage to remove and re-exchange their rings.

Three couples stepped forward to receive their rings from True Parents and the couples exchanged their rings. While those running the Jumbotron images for much of the program proved themselves somewhat inept, they did manage to capture the intimacy of the ring exchange in a remarkably poignant way.

Father then made his historic pronouncement in Korean with a translation on the Jumbotron:

"On this day of November 29, 1997, at RFK Stadium in Washington DC we are Blessing 3.6 million couples and 36 million couples together- 39.6 million couples are being Blessed in front of you."

He had been very serious up to this point, but now he stood there and just beamed a great smile.

After Father and Mother had sat down, Mr. Salonen spoke of the over 70 letters of congratulations received from the United Nations and Congress.

After Gloria del Paraguay, resplendent in turquoise and glitter, had sang a dramatic opera aria with great expression and dramatic gestures, a rather overwhelming trophy and a bouquet of flowers were presented to True Parents.

Explaining the oriental tradition of bowing to parents and the "forever" cheer of mansei, Mr. Salonen asked everyone to rise and bow, which they did, and then join in three mansaeis. 40,000 voices make for a magnificent "Mansei" that, I’m sure, was heard across town in the Capitol.

This was the end of the Blessing ceremony, and to the sound of a fanfare, True Parents climbed back up the red staircase followed by the attendants.

For the next hour or so we munched on our boxed lunches and enjoyed the soup and hot chocolate provided at the concession stands. It was a picnic atmosphere and time to socialize. Lots of re-unions and thrilled exclamations of congratulations for newly weds and parents. Brides and grooms acted like newly marrieds anywhere, posing endlessly for photographs with new spouses and friends.

While we picnicked, True Parents lunched with the VIPs in the tent set up on the field.

The first thing we did after lunch was the "wave," something Larry thought originated in European soccer matches. It started with the people sitting next to the stage as Larry got them to throw themselves in the air and yell. Those sitting next to them do the same, and so on around the arena. Once started, it really was like a wave rolling over, you almost felt compelled to leap and shout and it passed over. Clearly everyone was enjoying it as much as I was because the wave took on a life of its own and just kept going round and round and Larry had to make a concerted effort to get it to stop.

The rest of the afternoon was devoted to entertainment and celebration.

First off was a troupe of dancers and drummers from West Africa- a swirl of silver and black to a tribal beat.

A congratulatory address was then given by Oscar Arias Sanchez, former president of Costa Rica and Nobel Laureate, who was scheduled to speak in the morning but had been unable to attend. He spoke movingly about the suffering in the world and the necessity of taking responsibility to reduce it.

A martial arts dance troupe was up next, young men and women-one boy looked about 9-doing all sorts of vigorous calisthenics and dance movements to a pounding, hip-hop beat.

A couple who had just been Blessed did a beautiful dance to the music of "Bells on a Hill."

The aged and venerable Kenneth Kaunda, former president of Nigeria, spoke to the couples about how a loving and caring heart was the real foundation for genuine social change.

After David King had sang three songs, the main act of the afternoon got going as the stage curtains were opened onto a rock-and-roll band set-up of drums and musicians and the star, Jon Secada. Naturally, being an icon of the Latin music set, he got a animated welcome from the Hispanic contingent in the audience.

Up to this point, the rows of Blessed couples on the field had been decidedly non-animated by the entertainment-the rows of male heads and bridal veils remained straight and unwavering. But Secada soon put an end to that-by his fourth song the brides and bridegrooms were decidedly animated and dancing and boogying all over the field.

Next up was classic rock, the Korean superstar, Cho Yong Pil, who was also impressive. His band was classic rock and roll, but louder and with more fuzz. He's a good singer and had everyone with him-especially his excellent rendition of "Unchained Melody."

This was followed by couple of numbers by Vicki Winans, a member of the famous gospel singing family. Dionne Warwick acted as emcee for this part, but she didn't sing.

All of sudden the fireworks started going off, a little before dark with appropriate music from Sousa, etc. It was a fabulous show, including lasers, with some aerial effects that were truly astonishing. "Best I ever saw," said Dr. Hendricks later.

After the fireworks, Larry came out and announced that Whitney Houstron's people had called and said she was sick and would not perform. "We hope she gets well" he said with no hint of sarcasm.

Mike Smith, national communications director for the program, told The Washington Times that he learned that Miss Houston, 34, wouldn't perform just two hours before she was due to make her 3:30 p.m. appearance at RFK Stadium. When asked what her absence meant, Mr. Smith said, "In a word: refund." Miss Houston angered talk-show hostess Rosie O'Donnell on Oct. 30 when she gave just 45 minutes' notice that she was too ill to appear on Miss O'Donnell's program. Later that day, however, Miss Houston accompanied her husband, Bobby Brown, to tape "The Late Show With David Letterman."

But few seemed disappointed by the no-show-one lady interviewed by The Washington Post was asked if she was disappointed and all she had to say was, "Whitney who??"

So a fabulous day ended, back to the reality of getting out of the parking lot and dealing with traffic. But the memory of the magic we had experienced made the mundane somewhat special.

It was a wonderful day for Heaven and Earth, a great victory for God’s providence. Everyone I spoke to felt it, the sense of being at a turning point in history.

True Parents Opened The Gate of The New Millennium

Rev. J. H. Pak

On behalf of God and True Parents, I would like to offer my thanks and gratitude to all of you who contributed in any way toward Blessing '97 at RFK Stadium. I feel love and respect for our community of members which made it all possible.

The Blessing legacy bequeathed to us by God and True Parents is beyond all belief. While we worked tirelessly for many, many months, still to God and True Parents goes the honor and glory for the success we had. Let us examine some dimensions of God's and True Parents' victory.

(1) Six top religious leaders were on stage with True Parents. So all included was seven. In human history, how often have we seen so many different spiritual leaders uniting together? Who has had this idea for the world religious community, plus the means to put it into practice? Some in history have held ecumenical meetings for leaders of the same faith, but November 29 drew leaders of all faiths together in the name of True Parents, True Families, True Love, True Peace and True Harmony and Unification. There was no room for conflict.

Archbishop Ioan of the Orthodox Church of Mother Mary, on stage said, "...through true parents, true love and true families, we can start the twenty-first century, the New Millennium." Many ask: "What is the New Millennium? What is different about it?" Spiritual leaders and scholars themselves have wondered what it will be like. The physical universe is the same since the beginning of time; nature remains in its original perfected state; the planet Earth is the same; the spiritual Heaven is the same; all ancestors since the beginning of time have remained there. Then, what is the difference to come? The New Heaven and New Earth means that, centered on True Parents and True Love, families will become True Families, making True Societies, True Nations, a True World and Cosmos, eventually with all sin eliminated. Only love and happiness will reign. God will have the Family of True Love for which He originally longed.

We are talking about a spiritual restoration within people, a resurrection of spirit, heart, mind and body. It was humankind that fell. The pollution of the physical world came about because of the pollution within the hearts of fallen people. We fell into imperfection; now we must rise to perfection. We need an internal change, by which we become pure and clean and new. Once people are renewed, we will have a New Earth and a New Heaven. Through drinking the blessing ceremonial nectar we are conditionally engrafted into True Parents, as explained so thoroughly in True Parents' speeches; our blood lineage is being changed from Satan's to God's. This means we are engrafted into God's heart. By the year 2000 we will see a change in the world. It has already begun.

How can all of this happen? Because True Parents are among us. The power of love is released, the power of truth and love are encompassing the globe. On the stage at the Stadium, Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak read the words of True Parents, announcing the beginning of the Blessing of couples in the spirit world. Simultaneously, many in the spirit world, who have waited so long, were being blessed. How wonderful. Great spiritual power will soon be unleashed.

Knowing all these truths, we ourselves are well prepared to explain to people the meaning of the beginning of the New Millennium. The Third Adam, the Lord of the Second Advent, will usher in the New Millennium.

Minister Louis Farrakhan, in his contributing speech on stage November 29, said, "Through God, we can overcome all obstacles and become true parents, creating true children and true families, which will build a true society, true nation and true world."

(2) The media, in general, gave good coverage to the Blessing and all other activities surrounding November 29. We can say the reporting was positive, with good articles and good photos. Most articles reported that 30,000 blessing couples were in attendance at RFK Stadium and that 70 million couples were involved worldwide. Television was generally fair in its reporting; CNN especially reported well worldwide. AP News Agency did well also. In fairness, we have to say that coverage by all forms of media was favorable. Times have changed.

The press, in an interview with Minister Farrakhan asked, "Why do you stand with Reverend Moon?" Minister Farrakhan replied, "Because Reverend Moon teaches truth and practices truth!"

Participants who may have been skeptical about the presence of Minister Farrakhan came away impressed with his sincerity and his obvious genuine interest in the plight of his people.

God and True Parents are bringing change to people. They are changing people's hearts. Barriers are being broken down and family love is being established. Those who may still be offended must understand the heart of God and how He is mending and healing the broken hearts of His children at last. That time is here. Our mission is to embrace all people as ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD, making ONE WORLD UNDER GOD.

(3) Anyone who follows God and True Parents receives heavenly protection. To this date, we have blessed worldwide over 70 million couples. We reached more than 20 times our goal. Is that not a victory for God's family? God's method of restoration is stage by stage. Remember, the 30,000 couple Blessing was formation stage; 360,000 was growth stage; 3.6 million couples was perfection stage. So 36 million is growth stage on the next level and True Father did that at the same time as 3.6 million, so now we are on the way to 360,000 million couples, to be culminated in May! How rapidly Heaven is moving now. Please keep up! Please deepen your faith! Please change your attitude if you who do not understand the victory we are tasting!

We are on the way to glory! We must be fully prepared to present that faith and face to others. Do not concern yourselves with small petty annoyances or errors that might have occurred November 29. Do you think that other large events, even with all their big budgets, such as the Olympics, do not make many errors? It is natural to do so. We must not focus on those small things. We look at the victory.

On the evening before the Blessing, at our Washington, DC hotel, Mrs. Pak and I, along with Dr. Hendricks, officiated the pre-blessing ceremony for some of the participants from the academic seminars that were held that week. We were expecting just a small group, but in walked 300 people! We were surprised. This is victory.

We must also realize that most of the 70 million blessings around the world were accomplished during the last two to three months before November 29. This is the speed with which Heaven is working. So of course True Father is expecting 360 million couples by spring. Why not? Now our real work begins! No problem. We can do it.

(4) Let's think a moment about God's control over the natural world. When Moses needed to get the people to the other side of the Red Sea, what happened? The waters were parted! We can read many accounts in the Old and New Testaments of such phenomena. As we know, late November is unpredictable, sometimes with a lot of rain, snow and cold temperatures. Some people were very nervous when the Blessing was scheduled for that time, but True Parents knew best. It was not very cold; it did not rain; and we heard from the camera crew that the best videos are taken when it is overcast, not sunny. Sun presents a problem to good viewing. Those in other parts of the world who received the event via satellite were thrilled at the perfect, beautiful transmission they got. The rain came before and the rain came after, but not during the event! God was truly in control. He did well. He is with us all the way in such obvious ways. Is this not victory?

We all experienced the phenomenon of the burst of sun through the clouds only while True Father was offering his prayer. We must record this in historical records for future generations to see and know about. It should most certainly go into a movie when we record the Acts of the Completed Testament.

(5) The Blessing in the spirit world was being held simultaneously with the RFK Stadium Blessing. Dae Mo Nim, at Chungpyung Training Center, sent a message for all those who attended the workshops that this Blessing went very well and that we could look forward to the impact on Earth of this spiritual transformation.

We had wonderful entertainment at the Stadium. Everyone enjoyed it. The fireworks and laser show display at the end were newly-designed ones that we had never seen before. Everyone stayed until the end. The helicopter circling above us the whole time was providing sattelite transmission to the world.

All seminars, concerts, exhibits and sports events held throughout the week were well attended. All programs of the World Cultural and Sports Festival were media-friendly.

We must now educate everyone. A video tape of the event has been prepared to show everyone, especially those who could not be present. To hear True Father's final prayer and benediction is how their Blessing is completed. For most of our newly-blessed couples we offered minimal education, if that. Now we can begin good education so that all of them can grow into good sons and daughters and families of God. We can educate the couples concerning the blessed family traditions, by which God can truly bless and protect them through their spiritual growth to perfection. The after-care must be carefully considered. Through happy new couples we will naturally reach the 360 Million Blessing in May.

Let us join True Parents from 6 AM to 7 AM daily and have hoon dok hui (reading and teaching) True Father's words. True Parents themselves are doing this wherever they happen to be, on land, on water, or in the air. We can go deeper into the heart of God by studying truth which True Father has spoken through the years. We will grow deeper in spirit as we read the difficult and grieving path of God and True Parents, forever reaching out to us, the rebellious children. We will become more repentant and determined to bring victory as we see how consistent Father has remained in his faith in God and his own mission, and how faithfully and ingly he is leading us to the new millennium and eternal life. As we do this reading and teaching each day, for our family and for our tribe, we will find ourselves becoming empowered. We can quickly fulfill by covering our nations with blessed couples.

One sister from California blessed 3,000 blessed couples! She is 64 years old. Her husband was killed during World War II and she carried much bitterness in her heart. After becoming a member of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, her heart was healed and she felt it right to marry once again. Though she could have chosen her own mate if she desired, instead she requested that True Father choose her husband. She asked for a Japanese husband! Mysteriously, Heaven chose a man who was apparently Western, with a Western face. But after learning more about this man, an Australian, it was discovered that his father was Japanese! How perfectly Heaven works.

We were so privileged to have True Parents in Washington, DC, for the Blessing. We have tasted victory. Now we can really get down to work for the next Blessing of 360 million couples. By giving good quality education and attention to our newly blessed couples, we will be giving them the opportunity to learn the precious value of their family, how to guard it, how to make it grow in love, and how to offer that family to the service and glory of God. They, in turn, will joyfully bless others. In that way, God can fill the Earth very quickly with True Sons and Daughters, True Families. There is not a moment to lose.

The new millennium ushers in the Era of Kingship. As we read in the booklet "Dawn of the New Millennium" (Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, January-February 1966):

"The original family of Adam and Eve should have established God's true authority of king. Adam and Eve should have created the true quality of parenthood. Then they would have brought forth the true spirit of an elder son in their children. These spiritual powers crossing three generations would have been the basis for a society, nation and world of true love. Adam and Eve's central family lineage would have been the absolute standard of God's tradition, as were the Levites in Israel. Therefore, the original true family is the foundation for the true nation and world. Due to the fall, the foundation of three generations was lost to Satan. It was corrupted by the practice of false love. This led to false kings, false husbands and wives, and false brothers and sisters. The Messiah, coming as the new Adam (I Cor. 15:45), must restore the original true family. The original true family includes the positions of true elder son, true parent and true king. Once restored, these become the birthright of all humanity. By one true man's work, the position, right and authority of true elder son, true parent and true king is established for all humankind. This is the meaning of the terms Elder Sonship, Parentship and Kingship. This is why the Bible refers to the Messiah as the Lord of lords and King of kings."

Well, it is no longer "the dawn of the new millennium." We are now entering the new millennium. We are already walking down the entrance hall to the year 2000. Exceptional care must be taken now to keep ourselves pure and spiritually clear. Everything we do now must be for a heavenly purpose and careful records be kept of activities and results. We will keep records of every detail of our offering to God and True Parents. Clear records on Tribal Messiah activity and good records of all activities concerning the new blessings for the 360 million couples will be our eternal treasure.

May God and True Parents' love and protection be with each of us as we work to bring overwhelming results for the next Blessing, to be held in only six months. Heaven is moving at an extraordinarily fast pace now so we must move quickly to keep up.

Realization of a Peaceful World by the Ideal of True Family

Rev. S. M. Moon
Founder’s Address at the Fourth World Peace Conference
November 27, 1997
Washington, D.C.

I welcome you and extend my heartfelt thanks for your participation in this Fourth World Peace Conference of the Federation for World Peace to address the theme "A World Vision for the 21st Century."

I would like to personally invite you to a very special event at RFK Stadium on Saturday morning. Along with representative leaders of the world’s religions, my wife and I will officiate the blessing of 39.6 million couples in 185 countries around the world. The goal for this ceremony was 3.6 million couples, but we went far beyond that to more than 36 million couples. Many couples from your countries will be participating. More than 30,000 couples will be at the stadium, and ceremonies worldwide will be connected via satellite and video. These couples are dedicating their marriages to God, promising to remain eternally faithful to their spouses and to raise their children with commitment, fidelity, and strong moral values. These couples are of different religious backgrounds, languages, races, and national origins, but what draws all of them together is a love of God and a belief that world peace begins with stable, healthy, and God-centered families.

I would like you all to observe this history-making ceremony but, more than that, I strongly encourage all of you gathered here to also participate and renew your own wedding vows before God.

For Mankind’s Common Vision

Today I would like to share with you about the course that I have gone over the past 50 years in search of a common vision for humankind. After the devastating experience of World War II, all nations were searching for peace. God gave me the direction to build a global movement and help establish God’s Kingdom on the foundation of 2,000 years of Christianity. The central message of this revelation is to find the formula course for "True Parents" and "True Family," which means those who live for the sake of others. But the failure of Korean Christian leaders to receive this message brought great disappointment to God, and I had to go a suffering course of rejection and humiliation, which led to my being imprisoned many times even though I was innocent. This providential mistake by the established religions provided the spiritual foundation for evil to run rampant in Korea, beginning with the division of that nation, and for the other calamities that have plagued the world this past half-century.

To understand why all this happened, we must understand the mission that God gave me 50 years ago to bring a special message to Christian leaders. That message is essentially the same today – but today the message is not just for Christians, but for Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and all religions and denominations. The message is that the ideal of the true family, centered on God, is the basis for true relationships and peace among individuals, societies, and nations.

As a young man, I desperately searched for the answers to the mysteries of human sin and suffering. I shed many tears and spent many years in lonely prayer fighting spiritual battles that most would never comprehend. After many years of searching through the Bible and the vast spiritual world, God revealed the true purpose of human life and the root cause of human suffering that originated in the Garden of Eden with the first human ancestors.

Ideal of True Love and True Family

Esteemed leaders! You need to know that God created all things for the sake of "True Love" and "True People." All creation is structured in pairs. Animals, plants, and minerals are arranged in subject-object relationships, and the harmonious give-and-take between them forms the base for all existence, for all energy for productivity, and for love and goodness. Humans were also created with this duality between the mind and body within the individual and between man and woman. God’s ideal was for an individual’s mind and body to be united, centered on His love, and then for perfected men and woman to unite in the family unit. In this way, Adam and Eve could become a true reflection of God’s divine nature and become an object of God’s love. Then they could bequeath to their descendants true love, true life, and true blood lineage emanating from God.

Adam’s family was to be a family of true love, in accordance with God’s ideal. The two ancestral human beings, Adam and Eve, were created with the expectation that they would transfer God’s will and love to the world and all creation. Adam and Eve and their children were to establish a pattern that would have been the fundamental principle for all humanity to follow. Adam and Eve’s descendants should have become one with God, accomplishing the unification of mind and body, and man and woman. They would create a stable foundation for peace, freedom, happiness, and hope to fill the world. It was God's ideal that this model be expanded not just to the level of country and world, but to the entire cosmos. Thus, it would be possible for a country to become patterned after the family unit which would expand God’s family-level to the country-level, and the country-level could expand to the world-level centered on God. This would be called the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The fundamental character and personality of an individual is formed in the family. Family is the starting point and foundation of love, personality, and life. The Principle of Creation teaches us that we are born in the cradle of our family through the love of our parents. We come to perfect ourselves as beings of love beginning as children who gradually grow to positions of spouse, parent, and grandparent. Ultimately, we pass to the spiritual world in the midst of love from our descendants. Family, therefore, is the most precious hearth of human love and life. It is more important than all value systems and ideologies as well as all policies and social systems. Through the family, history and country come into being and the ideal world starts. If there is no family, then there is no meaning in individual existence and there will be no passing of love through the generations.

Therefore, family takes precedence over all value, ideology, system, and structure. Family is the most precious and fundamental base for the love and life of men and women.

Origin of Man’s Sin and Restoration of the Ideal of True Family

But, tragically, God’s ideal of true family was never realized. The serpent tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, and then Eve tempted Adam. Instead of God’s true love, selfish false love was planted in the human race. Human history became one of sin and misery because our ancestors, Adam and Eve, entered into an illicit relationship with Satan. Because of the fall, the progenitors of the human race did not become good ancestors but, rather, evil ancestors corrupted by the root of evil life and evil blood lineage. The first family started with false love and did not establish the perfected true love character of a true person, a true couple, and true parents. The fruit of false love, fallen mankind’s selfishness, destroys the true order, beginning with the discord of mind and body and expanding into division and struggle in the family, nation, and world.

The solution and cure for humankind’s affliction, therefore, is to return to God through the principle of restoration by indemnity. Through true love for others, you can stop the struggle between your mind and body and be restored into your original character of true love. Humankind needs to receive the blessing and create an ideal family from true parents who are the model of true love character. We need to restore the individual and true family and expand true love and goodness to the world level.

Fifty years ago, I tried to bring this revelation to my fellow Christians, believing that this truth could unite the conflicting denominations and bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. I never intended to form a separate church. However, God’s message was met with denial and persecution by the established churches, and I was left with no choice but to make another foundation that has taken me 43 years to build!

Starting in Korea with the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity in 1954, I sent missionaries to Japan, the United States, Europe, and all over the world. On that foundation we have built many organizations to expand the principles of the true family in the media, arts, academia, economy, and industry, and to create examples and models through which the world could be restored and indemnified.

God’s Three Headaches

The strategy of Satan, who originated sin, is always to destroy the ideal of true family and to prevent true family from taking root and becoming substantialized. This led to God’s three headaches during the past 50 years. The first headache was communism, which denies God’s existence. The second is corruption and immorality. The third is the division and disunity among denominations and world religions.

Think about it. How many innocent people died because of communism? Over 100 million were killed as a result of communism, and millions more were enslaved, starved, abused and wounded, and spent their whole life in suffering. But in addition to deaths and physical suffering, the crime of communism is even bigger: spreading false truth to deny God and make men and women unable to find their ultimate value.

Immorality, the second headache of God, is destroying families and countries and taking lives just as surely as an invading army. Moral corruption is one of the main causes of divorce, teenage pregnancies, crime, and drug addiction. The decline of morality is not limited to any single nation’s borders but is becoming the world’s common problem. The worldwide AIDS plague is a direct consequence of sexual promiscuity and moral decay. If AIDS continues to spread, tens of millions of people will die and humankind's existence will be threatened.

How about God's third headache – the division and disunity within Christianity and between the world religions? For God, religious people are the conscience of the world. Religious people should have traditions and values and practical power to overcome evil. But instead they are divided. They antagonize and fight with each other. They have became incompetent and have lost the power to overcome evil and educate the world about the true way of life.

Importance of Man’s Portion of Responsibility

These three fundamental headaches are the direct result of the failure 50 years ago of those chosen to receive God’s message.

Distinguished world leaders! From God’s point of view, all of that suffering was totally unnecessary. All the misery, death, and destruction were not inevitable. It could have been avoided. If in the late 1940s, the religious world centering on Christianity had followed God’s revelation and become one with the true family ideal, then communism would have naturally declined. Also, through the influential leadership and example of each religion, the degeneration of youth, broken families, and AIDS would never have grown into a worldwide plague.

Confronting God’s three headaches, particularly communism, made me unpopular and controversial. I was labeled a fascist and a religious charlatan. I was even jailed in the United States on trumped-up charges of tax evasion. Nevertheless, for 25 years I have been pouring out my soul, heart, and energy to make the United States understand its global providential responsibilities.

Through my work in the Western Hemisphere and around the world, I was able to help the United States overcome communism. Now communism has almost disappeared. But immorality and social decay are systematically attacking the family. Modern thinking holds that the traditional family is only one kind of family and that even homosexuals can form a family and have children through adoption or artificial insemination. This is being done without any thought of the dire consequences of undermining and destroying a fundamental biological, social, and spiritual unit that has been vital to human survival for tens of thousands of years. It is ironic that scientists warn of the threat to endangered species of plants and animals, but do not study far more seriously the consequences of family destruction.

Today God is asking us these questions: Will it be necessary to lose one-third of humanity before it is saved? Will we destroy the earth’s natural resources and environment before we learn to live in harmony with the creation as God originally intended? God will never give up! He will save this world, no matter what, and He will save it through the ideal and structure of the true family.

The question is, at what price, not only in terms of human lives, but financial and environmental. The social problems brought about by corruption and immorality are leaving a toll of economic collapse and environmental degradation. The leaders of the world need to reflect on these points. God’s desire is to end human suffering and build a world of true, peaceful families. God needs for us to take care of our portion of responsibility. If humankind receives and acts decisively upon God’s message, the achievement of God’s Kingdom will be relatively swift and joyful. If not, God’s and humanity’s suffering will be prolonged, and the misery and needless deaths will continue.

Blessing of Marriage by True Love

Then how can God’s headache be solved? How can families become fundamentally healthy? How can divided religions reconcile and cooperate under God? That answer is in the international Marriage Blessing Ceremony. My wife and I began officiating blessing of marriage ceremonies starting with three couples in 1960. If I had said at that time that many millions of people will receive God’s blessing, who would have believed it? But today, with God’s help and going beyond nation, race, and religion, the blessing ceremony of 39.6 million couples, promising purity and fidelity, is being carried out right in front of you.

Respected leaders! I only want to stress once again that, through the Marriage Blessing, the world’s families can stabilize and finally fulfill their original role. For true family to be restored, we have to establish true love character, we have to attend God, and we have to seriously pledge to become true couples and true parents. Those harmonious families that are restored to the ideal through the Marriage Blessing Ceremony can create a peaceful society, nations, and world. This Marriage Blessing that encompasses all nations, races, and religions and goes beyond all boundaries is itself the foundation for world peace. Is this not God’s desire? That this miraculous number of families – almost 40 million! – can participate in this blessing of marriage is because of the active support of the world’s religious leaders. It was also made possible because many national leaders agreed that this true family movement can cure the fundamental teenage problems and the breakdown of families, and they have actively supported it. I would like once again to thank all the volunteers.

The Marriage Blessing Ceremony can awaken people, especially young people, to the value of true love, and it can become the motive and catalyst for them to realize the necessity of absolute purity. All the world’s good young men and women who are awakened through this movement should gather together to stand up for a true love revolution, establishing themselves as eternal couples under God’s blessing. All these new families can receive support from already married couples who have renewed their vows before God and practice right ethics, and they can all become examples of moral citizens and build an ideal family, society, nation, and world – the fruit of true love.

The Marriage Blessing Ceremony eradicates the connection to false love and brings to life the holy content and value of marriage centered on absoluteness. This ceremony recovers true couples’ love, true parents’ love, and true children’s love. Therefore, those who participate in the Marriage Blessing Ceremony value purity and trust as highly as they do their lives and promise unchanging couple’s love. On the foundation of that true love, they can establish a true family, raise true children, and pledge to sacrifice themselves to build a true nation and peaceful world. In the world of the future, God, humankind, and creation are in harmony, living in a new culture of heart, a culture of love centered on true family. In the world of the future, true love means living for the sake of others in a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity, universally shared values, and cooperation. In the future, the natural desire of young people to live in a world of true brothers and sisters, one family of mankind, will be realized by centering on true love, true parents, and true family.

Esteemed world leaders, the Marriage Blessing is the most precious gift that God is giving to us. My wife and I devoutly hope that you will participate in this historic ceremony to receive God’s blessing of marriage. From now on, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification will expand the true family movement. By the year 2001 we will carry out the 360 million couples blessing in three different events. Because of immorality and the loss of values, our young people are falling into moral decadence, and the family is being utterly destroyed.

Is there anything more important than saving humanity from plunging into ruin? My effort to globalize and universalize the True Family Movement and the Marriage Blessing Ceremony, which are the fundamental solutions to save humanity, needs the active support from respected leaders like you. Those who understand the fundamental problem and the solution God is offering should band together within their country and form a True Family Marriage Blessing support group and create a movement to save your nation. I ask that you put yourselves at the center of this great work to restore humankind to its original ideal. We have to quickly educate all men and women so they can establish true families and enter into the age of God-centered kingship on earth and heaven, centered on true love, and live in the victorious world of freedom, peace, and unity.

May God’s love fill you and your family and your country. Thank you very much.

December 1997 Looking for Web Links

by Gary Fleisher-Denver, CO

The web site I am creating at is looking for links. If you know of a Unification resource on the World Wide Web, email the url to Gary or go to and leave a message for the webmaster. (A url is a location, for instance "" is a url.)

Currently has over 40 links to businesses, spiritual resources, educational institutions, and organizations that are associated with Reverend Moon. To view these links enter in your browser. When you reach select "Library" from the navigation bar. Once in the Library select "www Links" from the library navigation bar. You will see an alphabetical list of sites. Future plans are to put linked sites in a searchable database, to make it easier to find the kind of site you are looking for. began testing in September. It is now up 24 hours a day, every day. About 5,000 pages of Unification data is now available. This is about one half of the contents of the Unofficial HSA-UWC BBS. The other 5,000 pages should be up by True Parents' Birthday 1998. is the continuation of the Unofficial HSA-UWC BBS. The BBS, founded in 1986 by Reverend Moon, contained a huge archive of Unificationist material. Only a small part of this material has previously been available on the web. Most web sites lease space, and cannot afford enough space to put the content of the HSA-UWC BBS on line. However, owns its own Internet Server, making it possible to hold the whole HSA-UWC BBS and continuous new additions.

Books that are already available on line include:
Proclamation of the Messiah
Blessing and Ideal Family
Exposition of the Divine Principle (1996)
God's Will and the World
Father's Course and Our Life of Faith, 21 talks by Reverend Won Pil Kim
Restoration of True Love
Divine Principle Level 4
Sermons of Reverend Sun Myung Moon (Several volumes)
The Divine Principle (1973 - Black Book)
God's Will and the Ocean
Textbook for World Peace
Twelve Talks of Reverend Moon
RSV and King James Bibles (with Apochrapha)
The Tradition, Book 1 (with diagrams and index) contains endless information about the ministry of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, his family, and his followers. Email contributions (files not money) to When you visit, please leave comments or suggestions. Tparents wants its web site to work for you.

World Culture and Sports Festival III - Schedule

Blessing '97
Worldwide Celebration of Love
November 29, RFK Stadium, Washington, DC.

In the afternoon, following the Blessing Ceremony, there will be a special entertainment performance in honor of the international couples. Performances will feature artists from several world cultures, including Korean pop artist, Cho Yong Pil, and Grammy Award winner, Jon Secada. The grand finale will be performed by another Grammy Award winner, Ms. Whitney Houston. The celebration will conclude with a twilight fireworks display.

Federation for World Peace - FWP

Fourth World Peace Conference
"A World Vision for the 21st Century"
November 26-28, Capital Hilton Hotel

Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace - IRFWP

1997 IRFWP Congress
"The Founders and Shapers of the World's Religions"
November 25-30, Washington Hilton and Towers

Professors World Peace Academy - PWPA

Seventh International Congress
"Identity and Character: The Influence of Family and Society on Personality Development"
November 24-30, Washington Hilton and Towers

Women's Federation for World Peace - WFWP

Third WFWP Convention
"Women of the New Millennium: Loving and Serving the World"
November 26-December 1, Grand Hyatt Hotel

International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences - ICUS

Twenty-first ICUS Conference
"Science for the Benefit of Humanity"
November 24-30, Washington Hilton and Towers

World Media Association - WMA

Fourteenth World Media Conference
"Globalization and the Media: Looking Toward the 21st Century"
November 26-December 1, JW Marriott Hotel


International Sports Festival
"Pure Mind, Pure Body"
November 23-29, Washington, DC.

Special event: R&B superstar Johnny Gill (of "New Edition" fame) will host a celebrity basketball game. Among the celebrities playing in the game will be former Harlem Globetrotters Curly Neal and Tyrone "Hollywood" Brown, former ABA All-Star Freddie Lewis, and a number of special guests..

The Arts

November 23-30, Washington, DC.

A host of internationally acclaimed classical performances are scheduled throughout the week including a recital by violinist Aaron Rosand, performances by the Kirov Academy of Ballet, the Shin Sekai Chamber Ensemble, and the New York City Symphony Orchestra. Additionally, there will be a jazz concert headlined by jazz sensation Spyro Gyra. The "Love Alive Concert," a benefit for Cora Masters Barry's Recreation Wish Foundation and The Hospital for Sick Children, will be headlined by native Washingtonian R&B artist Kenny Lattimore. Also performing at the same concert will be R&B recording artist Tony Terry and comic Jonathan Slocumb. In keeping with the spirit of the Festival, seasoned gospel artist Vickie Winans will also be in concert.

World CARP

November 28, Washington, DC.
International Student Convention
"Pure Love"

Including a rally for sexual purity at the Capitol Reflecting Pool and a benefit march and concert with R&B singer, Kenny Lattimore. Proceeds will go to the Sick Children's Hospital of Washington, DC.

WCSF Special Exhibition

November 26-29, DC. National Armory

World University Federation

"The Role of Universities in the Creation of World Citizens"
November 26, Washington Hilton and Towers

Federation of Peninsula Nations for World Peace

"International Cooperation and Peace in the 21st Century"
November 27, Washington Hilton and Towers

Literary Federation for World Peace

"The Transforming Power of Literature: Directions for the 21st Century"

Martial Arts Convention

Youth Federation for World Peace - YFWP

3rd World Congress
"Youth for the Family, Nation and World"
November 26-30, Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill

WCSF Welcome Letter by DC Mayor

As Mayor of the District of Columbia, I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to you for your participation in the World Culture and Sports Festival III to be held November 23-30, 1997, in Washington, DC. Tens of thousands of participants from 185 nations, representing all races and each of the world's major faiths, will gather in celebration of the universal value of family, believing that a peaceful family of nations begins with nations of peaceful families. Nine international conferences, artistic and cultural presentations, an international youth sports competition, entertainment, fireworks and more, will fill our city during the week that America celebrates our Thanksgiving holiday.

We are proud to welcome each of you who have come to affirm your commitment to building God-centered families. The festival's centerpiece event is "Blessing 97," which will link millions of couples worldwide by satellite in an interfaith celebration of marriage. Washington, DC, our nation's capital, and a diverse, multi-cultural city, is a fitting location for this international event. I would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation for you to visit our many historic sights and scenic locales which make "America's First City" a unique place to live, work and visit.

On behalf of the residents of the District of Columbia, I hope all of you enjoy the warmth and spirit of the holiday season during your visit.

Marion Barry, Jr. Mayor District of Columbia