Blessing in Honduras

by Mario Salinas-Honduras

After strong persecution from the media and the Catholic and Protestant churches we finally were able to celebrate the Blessing Ceremony in our four floors building in the Tegucigalpa the Capitol of Honduras with 200 people and 35,000 families all around the nation. It is important to consider that this celebration was held one day before the elections for President, congressmen, deputies and mayors. Making the attendance a little poor because the people needed to go their home places for voting.

All over these circumstances we have a a great sense of victory because we were able to transmit all the ceremony from the beginning to the end plus 15 minutes of introduction and 15 minutes of closing via national television. For us it was an opportunity to prove that the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and its founders Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife are really working for a very central point of the decadency of our civilization by promoting high value standards of the family which nobody can deny.

Also something remarkable to mention is that the inaugural ceremony for Tiempos del Mundo in Honduras was held one month before the Blessing Ceremony –Oct/30/97- after three months of development. The speech was given by Mr. Phillip Sanchez was well attended because he was Ambassador here from the United States in the 70's. The meeting was held with more than 200 people from the media, industries, tourism and businesmen.

Josef Schinwald, a UTS graduate who came to Honduras 3 years ago has established Tiempos del Mundo here. Even though he faced great difficulties and lots of opposition, he persevered and succeeded. Now Tiempos del Mundo has positioned itself as one of the major newspapers in Honduras and its journalists are regularely invited to important press conferences.

Mario Salinas is President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Honduras.