Josette Shiner Leaves Washington Times

Wesley Pruden, editor-in-chief of The Washington Times, announced August 11, 1997, the departure of managing editor Josette Shiner who had been with The Times in a number of reporting and editing positions since it first published on May 17, 1992.

Mrs. Shiner resigned to become president and chief executive officer of Empower America, the Washington policy action organization co-directed by William Bennett, Jack Kemp, Lamar Alexander, Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Vin Weber. The organization develops issues and conducts research into public-policy initiatives.

"We're very pleased and excited about the possibilities for the future," says Mr. Bennett. "Josette has had an impressive career in journalism and we have great confidence she will succeed in this new arena as well."

Said Mr. Kemp: "Josette Shiner's move to Empower America is a significant step which signals our serious determination to fill the leadership vacuum in conservative policy. She is well respected, extremely talented and will be very effective at the helm of Empower America."

Mrs. Shiner writes a weekly political debate column, which is distributed nationwide by Scripps Howard News Service. She is a regular panelist on several radio and television public-affairs programs, including CNN's "The Capital Gang," PBS' "To the Contrary," "Fox News Sunday" and "The Diane Rhem Show."

In Memoriam Ellen Beth Vogel Goldstein

Ellen Beth Vogel Goldstein, dedicated wife, loving mother, devoted daughter, sister, friend, healer, counselor, therapist, advisor, writer and true revolutionary passed away on July 5th, 1997 in her home in Thornwood, New York after a three year fight with cancer.

The Sung Hwa ceremony for Ellen was held in Dobbs Ferry, NY on July, 7, 1997. The Won Jun ceremony and burial were held on the same day at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.

Although her life was not without ups and downs, Ellen's eyes were always directed heavenward. Events around her passing and ascension witnessed to the victorious nature of Ellen's devotion to the ideals of true love, true life and true lineage taught by the True Parents. As the procession left Edward's Funeral Home for Sleepy Hollow cemetery a powerful thunderstorm forced all the cars in the area to turn on their headlights. Later, as the procession entered the burial site the sky cleared and a beautiful, refreshing scene unfolded for the Won Jun ceremony. The storm seemed to be sign from God to honor the victory of Ellen's life and death in a tremendous heartfelt celebration.

Some who attended the ceremonies felt that there was a lot of restoration accomplished through all the feelings that were expressed and the relationships that were transformed. Some of Ellen's relatives subsequently received the Blessing after having a change of heart through experiencing the Sung Hwa and Won Jun ceremonies with the whole community.

Amidst overwhelming destructive forces Ellen's battle for her life produced great fruit for the Providence. At the end of her life, Ellen's friends, family, neighbors, and church community were pulled together to support Ellen and to create a closer loving community. This was Ellen's desire and she leaves with us her vision for healing and the courage she had to face death living for her hopes and dreams.

Ellen was born on March 30, 1955 in Yonkers, NY in a devout Jewish Family. She became a practical idealist in her early teens. Through studying Christianity, Communism, spiritual and metaphysical science and many other philosophies she developed a vision for world peace that included the understanding that each person must work on their inner life and relationships as well as make substantial external changes in the world.

While a college student at New Paltz in 1974 she was introduced to the Unification Principle and felt that this, at last, was the long sought after ideology the world needed to usher in a new era of world peace. She became the first American member of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, CARP. She later worked in the Il Hwa Ginseng Tea Co., Newsworld Communications and Sunlight Graphics.

Ellen and Brian were Blessed in marriage on July 1, 1982 in Madison Square Garden.

Ellen's personal battle with cancer culminated a period of intensive research into spirituality and physical health. Ellen had become a certified hypnotherapist and was developing a concept for a clinic where patients would have access to alternative and traditional medicine when she was diagnosed with cancer. Through her experience with her own suffering with cancer she learned about a variety of healing approaches and understood, from the patients viewpoint, much of what would be needed to create a more effective clinical practice. Ellen wrote about her experience in a journal which may one day be published in some form.

Ellen developed her spiritual abilities and communicated with the spiritual world frequently. She used these abilities in service to others. Her close spiritual communication with God, True Parents, Jesus, Heung Jin Nim and others helped her prepare for her ascension.

She is survived by her husband Brian, an artist and an assistant manager of PG Arbor and their eight year old son Gilchrist Jagob.

by William Hilbert

Hassan and his Disinformation

by Kate Tsubata-Tokyo, Japan

This was written in repose to a plea over the WWW from the Chilean Church for help in dealing with Steve Hassan who is on a CAN speaking tour there.

Steve Hassan is a guy who joined in Queens, New York, for a period of about 6 weeks, as I remember. Since then, he has made a living accusing our movement, by any means possible. He wrote a book, not long ago, repeating many of the false allegations which he has constantly repeated during the past 20 years as his "ticket to fame."

He's a publicity hound. I met him in Boston, when he was trying to whip up anger towards our church there, in front of television cameras, in 1979. At that time, I confronted him, on camera, and demanded him to admit how much money he charges for a deprogramming. He refused to answer, because his dirty little secret is that this is a business for him. I told him "You joined the church for 6 weeks, and are using Rev. Moon to make money for yourself." He couldn't respond, because it was all totally true.

This is not a guy who can make it in life by contributing something positive to society, because he needs the dynamic of fear and power to make himself feel important. Unfortunately, his time has passed, as the Cult Awareness Network, and people like him, have been sued and bankrupted because of their illegal activities of kidnapping adults, holding them hostage, subjecting them to the same techniques they accuse the various religious organizations of using (isolation, coercion, sleep deprivation, emotional manipulation, and sexual temptation).

In the US, they are finished. Perhaps in other countries, they have not yet been exposed and regulated. The CAN group were advisors to US Attorney General Susan Reno on the Waco standoff, and their advice convinced Reno to order the FBI to storm the Branch Davidian's complex, causing the immolation of many unarmed, defenseless people, including children. That in turn led to other disasters like the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma by Timothy McVeigh. Scientologists have gotten CAN convicted in court, and fined, for their illegal activities, resulting in the complete turnover of all CAN materials and assets to key Scientologists.

For Hassan to style himself as the "expert" of a group that has so many actual crimes and loss of lives to its' credit is sort of like claiming credit for the Holocaust. You have to feel sorry for him. He's a sad guy, who thought his ticket to wealth and success lay in fomenting hate, and now, his arsenal has been spent, and his raucous cries of "lynch the so-and-so" don't work, because everyone else is turning from hate to love.

Regarding dealing with such comparisons as the Unification Movement to suicide cults, etc., I would be very matter of fact, and point out the actual record. While those groups sought to isolate from others, we go out and serve all others. While they glorified suicide, we teach that this is the worst thing one can ever do, because of the difficulty of restoring this from the spirit world. While they teach free sex, or sexual activity with the leader or leaders, we teach purity before marriage and absolute fidelity within marriage. While they focus on their small goals of gathering power, money or members, we have continually served those who do not belong to our movement, and have encouraged them to in turn, serve the greater community. (Science conference, World Media Conference, IRFF, Summit Council, Washington Times, home church, and now Family Federation for Unification and World Peace.)

Rev. and Mrs. Moon, in contrast to nearly every leader of powerful religious or charitable organizations, have a simple lifestyle, don't gather large amounts of material goods for themselves or their family, wear simple clothing, go to humble areas of the world and do physical hard work like fishing, and continually invest money, time, love and energy into things that help others, not themselves. Not even the Pope can stand up to that level of service and humility. What other religious man or woman has started boat building enterprises, machinery works, newspapers (well, a few here-Christian Science Monitor comes to mind), health food and herbal medicine companies, highway projects, etc.? Who else has entered the capitals of the worst dictatorships and anti-Christian countries and spoken directly about God to their top leaders? And who was the first one to give aid and help those countries, once they renounced the former system?

But even more intrinsic, who has worked tirelessly to bring all people, regardless of country or religion, back to the most central truth of our lives: that to be happy, we must be pure before marriage and faithful within marriage? Can any religion oppose this? No. Does it gain him a dime? No. Does it get him glory, members, political clout? Not so far. He's 77-it would be rather late for him to be building up to an eventual political career. Even if he was, marrying people or blessing them in their marriages seems like a detour, if anything, from a method of gaining power.

The positive side of all the attack he has endured is that no one group or church or country or race can say "he's ours." He never compromised his conscience to curry favor with the South Koreans or North Koreans, Japanese military or American government, though he served all of them with heart, work and money. Thus, they all jailed him, slandered him and treated him as the worst criminal. The communists attacked him-and he responded by loving them and lifting them out of their self-made nightmare. The Christians attacked and vilified him as the antichrist-and he loved them, served their churches and ministries, and uplifted them. Truthfully speaking, black people have the clearest conscience in regard to him, having more consistently been open and kind to Rev. Moon and his movement than any other group. Perhaps the white, Christian Americans have been the most prominent in their accusations and attacks. Yet, he has loved and served them more than any other group.

The facts are that in 77 years, no one has ever found one slightest speck of wrongdoing on his part, except the subjective interpretations of "he doesn't agree with me." It is because he won't succumb to bribery, seduction, drugs and alcohol, power-tripping, clique-based choices and other corruption that he has been rejected. Yet, he never rejected those same attackers. After being falsely accused, tried and convicted of trumped-up tax evasion charges in America, he went and shook hands with the prosecutor. He served the unjust and unearned jail sentence with love and service for all the other inmates, working side by side with them, honoring all the gag rules and uncomplainingly accepting the disrespect heaped on him. No one can maintain an act for 77 years, without letting the mask slip under pressure. He has endured concentration camp for 3 years, torture, starvation, poverty, death of his beloved children, massive persecution, assassination plots, betrayal-and yet, is smiling and cheerful, full of humor and compassion, free from bitterness or complaint. Even that is evidence of a character of great goodness.

Finally, the truest test is the test of time. If people had listened to Hitler and watched his actions in 1932, they could have foreseen World War II and the Holocaust. Though millions of Germans cheered for him in 1940, by 1946, he was the most reviled of all people, because time exposes each of us for what we are. Our thinking creates our actions, and our actions create our character, and our character creates our fate.

Jim Jones' thinking was hate filled, his actions were self-aggrandizing, and his character became ruthless and exploitative, culminating in a horrible fate for him and those who followed him. Same with all the false messiahs. Only one whose words are true, whose actions are loving, creates more and more goodness in the world through his or her existence. Ultimately, that is the kind of friend we want. That's the kind of defender we want at our side when we are in trouble. If Chile were being strangled by a dictatorship or an insurrection, who would they want to visit their leaders? A wimp, who won't tell them the truth? Or a man who will tell them even what they don't want to hear, but what is truly beneficial for the country? That is what the Russian people found, the people of the East Bloc, the people of North Korea, the people of Africa.

Rev. Moon has met with more than 100 world leaders, of many political and religious hues. But, he never changes his advice to any of them because of what they would like to hear. He tells each one "Love your wife. Be faithful in marriage. Teach your children purity. Be the moral educator of your nation, not just the leader. Educate the youth for purity and for leadership." Whether speaking to leaders in Washington or Burkina Faso, his message is the same.

Will Chile perish if it follows Rev. Moon's advice? Will marriages crumble if they follow his suggestions? Will the young people be stifled? Lose free will?

If people can't foresee that these things lead to goodness, they will just have to wait and observe the results over time. But then, when the realize the time they have wasted, they may have some feeling of regret over not having been part of the process.

Good News from Israel

by Masatoshi Abe-Tel Aviv, Israel

Generally speaking, the Middle East is considered as one of the most difficult regions in terms of witnessing. In Israel there is an anti-missionary law. If you violate this law, you will be kicked out. So ever since I arrived to this nation, I struggled about the issue of giving the Blessing to the Israelites.

At the end of June we have started a 40 day Blessing campaign lasting until August 6th. In the past 5 month the results were just one or two couples a month. After starting our campaign results have reached an average of 100 couples a day.

As a national Messiah, I had to make my own foundation first. In the beginning I was nervous, and had no confidence to bring results. This year I turned 60, and also have a serious heart decease, and on top of that, Israel's weather this time of the year is very hot. Anyhow as a leader I new I had to show good example to our members. My wife and myself started going door to door to give Blessing. It was the first time for me to go witnessing in 28 years (since my own Blessing) as husband and wife together. It seemed to be a dream for me to be able to Bless 160 couples, I had no confidence.

Somehow we started and just in a couple of weeks we were able to Bless 84 couples. It was amazing!! Then I got the confidence to Bless 185 couples. We decided to go to the old city of Jerusalem, a city which is holy to the world's 3 major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

For this reason its not that easy to witness in the old city. Further more, this city has 3,000 years of history so the streets are narrow and complex, like a maze. Foreigners are unable to enter the residential area. We went to the Christian quarter, but had no idea where to start. Then we entered the big Catholic Cathedral and prayed seriously to Jesus to help us. The first door we knocked, was opened by a young woman who was still single. She said: "sorry I am not married yet". I asked her if she knew any good families living around. She pointed out to an Arab man who was sitting on the near by door steps. He rose up and came over to us smiling: "Please come to my home". We followed him to his house, where his young wife was waiting.

They immediately accepted the Blessing. The husband, who's name is Issa said he was unemployed, so he had lots of time. He offered to introduce his relatives and friend to us. Since then, we visited many houses with him every day. In each house, Issa explained in Arabic about the Blessing and its procedure. Since we don't know any Arabic we would probably had been refused without his help. As a result of his help, we just set down on a chair as he did all the explanation. Almost 100% of the families accepted the Blessing. I asked Issa to bring us to at list 40 families in the old city within 3 days.

The third day was Sunday, and results were not turning good because all people were out. Somehow around 7:30 in the evening we had reached our 3 day goal of 40 couples. Then a miracle happened. We visited one of the families who accepted the Blessing. At that time one of their relatives was visiting them and watching the Blessing he also wanted to receive it. Then we gave him the Blessing. By that time the rumor has spread that we are giving the Blessing. Immediately after that many people have arrived to that house one after another, and the house became packed full. They came in holding their spouses pictures in their hands. When Issa sow that so many people come, he got upset and chased them out shutting the door. But I said to Issa, we must give the Blessing to everybody. Then the door was opened once again, and many people where waiting there beside the door. We became so busy giving the blessing to them one by one. Finally in one and a half hour, 25 couples had received the Blessing. All preparations were done by Issa so we had just to give the blessing itself. Among those who were Blessed there were Christians, Jews and Moslems. That was the unification of those three major religions. I was really so amazed.

Towards the end, people brought their sick, adult and children. They thought I was a great spiritual healer. I felt that Jesus, who healed many people, was with me. So although I could not heal the sick I thought that I must pray for these people. When praying tears came from my eyes, as never happened before. It was late at night, and we were running out of Blessing forms, so we had to bid farewell. When we left, all people gathered and waved us good-bye. It was the most incredible experience in my life. I believe it was Jesus help, and needless to say without our True Parents victory, it could never have happened. Finally we were able to fulfill our 185 couples Blessing on July 30th.

Masatoshi Abe is National Messiah to Israel

Fulfilling Tribal Messiahship at Car Dealerships

by Mrs. Burgi Hutcherson-Winston-Salem, NC

My husband and I are pioneer Tribal Messiahs in my husband's hometown of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We have been here five years and have six children. My husband, Bruce, has a repair business and helps me prepare flower bouquets which I sell around car dealerships every weekend.

On June 1, my husband left for a 40-day workshop at Chungpyung. I was so happy that he could attend, although I knew it would be difficult to run the business and take care of the children out of school. I really wanted to fulfill Father's will to Bless couples, but felt stuck without my husband and his help. However, I did not want to have one thought of complaint. After all, I was the one who encouraged him to go to Chungpyung in the first place. Also, I had experienced Heavenly Father and True Parents' love at Chungpyung myself and knew, somehow, the spirit world had prepared everything and it was only up to me.

After several weeks I was able to Bless only a few couples and felt really desperate. I wondered how I could move forward quickly and break through the spiritual barriers. Then I remembered that my regional director, Rev. Kang, had encouraged me to talk to Mrs. Sun Willett, who had already fulfilled 160 couples. I called Mrs. Willett and spoke with her late into the night. She poured out her heart and I felt a deep gap between her level of heart and my own. Afterward, I begged God in tears to help me bridge that gap and feel His deep sorrow in every single bone of my body.

The following week I attended a meeting with Rev. Kevin McCarthy, who encouraged us to make a plan to fulfill the goal. I made up my mind to Bless my flower customers around the car dealerships. The first week I gave all of them a letter about the Blessing; the next week I gave out application forms. Then I got the idea to give a dozen roses to each Blessing participant. I ordered extra roses, and on the weekend of July 4 I announced at each dealership that I was giving roses to those qualified. That really got their attention! Then I explained that I was doing volunteer work for FFWPU and discussed the qualification that they need to be married and fill out the application form. I wore a little pouch around my waist holding the Holy Juice, Holy Water, and cups, and carried a clipboard with Blessing forms. I also had a bag of literature and a bucket of roses. I prepared the Holy Juice in front of them, saying: "This is some sanctified juice; just put a drop on your wife's signature (most of my customers are men) and drink the rest. It marks a new beginning with God in your marriage." I took the Holy Water and sprinkled it on each one's wedding ring, saying: "This is for pure love in your marriage." Then I grabbed his hands, looking him in the eyes, saying: "I pray your marriage can be Blessed for ever in the name of Christ." Finally, I gave each one a certificate and a copy of the speech, "The Path of the True Family." Each ceremony took only a few minutes. Giving people the letter and application form beforehand helped me build up courage; however, I also Blessed many who did not receive the letter and form. Some participants told their friends and co-workers. I first day I Blessed 10 couples, the next day 50 couples, and by the end of the weekend I had Blessed over 150 couples-all while my husband was away in Korea!

Brothers and sisters, this is truly a special time. If I can do it, you can do it. Just make a plan and follow it-the spiritual world is ready to help us. I felt restless, with a strong drive to keep on pushing forward. I had no time to sit down to eat and hardly any time to sleep-all I could think of was the goal I wanted to fulfill to comfort Heavenly Father and also to surprise my husband on his return from Korea. I hope this is the first step of many more victories to follow.

For The Children, Part One


In this two-part article we'll be looking at the situation of children. Also, we'll look at those whose duty it is to care for them.

All people, with the possible exception of W. C. Fields, find children infinitely precious. Anyone will tell you they are deeply concerned about our youth. Even those few who aren't concerned will probably say they are. There are also people who feel concerned, but are so twisted inside that their actions, in the end, actually harm the objects of their attention. Unfortunately, in this modern, secular society of ours, a handful of those very people have become powerful "children's right's advocates."

Throughout human history, childhood was usually a brief and destitute period. Teenaged (or younger) children had to work the fields, or become apprentices. Even in nations as presently wealthy as Japan, many adults grew up in extreme poverty. In the past, most children received only a couple of years of schooling-if any. Many were, in effect, sold off to support the rest of their family. In several regions, that practice continues. (The girls usually have it much worse ...)

Historically, childhood was not a time of innocence. Only the rise of capitalism allowed societies to become prosperous-and not just for the upper classes. Families became comfortable enough to allow their offspring an extended period of adolescence. Today there are signs of a reverse. Infidelity and unwed motherhood are dragging millions of children back towards those past brutalities.

Multiculturalists will say that "different societies have their own standards, and we cannot judge them by our own." Perhaps. The appearance of African immigrant girls in North American hospitals, seeking "female circumcision," is causing quite a controversy. A team of American news reporters purchasing themselves two Sudanese slave boys touched off a more universal revulsion.

The world's societies raise their children with an astonishing variety of attitudes. Some of them have much to teach Americans. And some are suffering, as with the spread of AIDS in Africa. There, once carefree sex has become deadly. (Read Mission to Kala by Mongo Beti, a novel set in then-French Cameroon.) Older attitudes and traditions may -or may not- work any more, and don't always transfer well to other cultures.

Rights and Rappers

Children's rights have evolved slowly over the millennia. Ancient law treated children as the property of their parents, to be dispatched wherever -or disposed of whenever- they saw fit. The government's direct role in children's lives has increased only slowly, and its advocacy on their behalf has grown more slowly still.

Today, children's rights are stronger than ever. In some nations they exceed the rights of the parents. In the United States they're undergoing constant upheaval, and making headlines. Occasionally, sick children die because their fundamentalist parents insisted on using prayer alone. In the near future, the authorities may take children away from their parents, because they are "abusing" them-by smoking cigarettes inside their own homes.

America's proposed adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is shaping up to be a tremendous battle. Using its same basic precepts, a handful of children have already "divorced" their own parents. Liberal apologists are trying in advance to defuse any criticism of this, by analyzing similar, historical situations. (As in The Way We Never Were, a rather misleading book by Stephanie Coontz.) For example, a hundred thirty years ago America had at least as many single-parent families as it has today, and they did alright; society did not collapse.

But plain statistics don't tell the whole story. Most of those single-parent households were headed by Civil War widows. As much as they suffered, there is a vast difference, especially to the children, between the death of a father and abandonment by him.

This gives us a hint about the current popularity of "gansta rap" music, with its obscene lyrics and misogynistic themes. Most of the young rappers -and many of their fans- were raised without fathers; their mothers never married the guy. Too often, any one of several possible guys. Small wonder, then, that their sons grew up to refer to women in general as "ho's." [Whores.]

An old friend of this author once worked for a famous rapper. Despite that artist's de rigueur themes of violence and death, his career eventually sputtered. Turns out the guy actually grew up in the suburbs, with two professional, married parents. Seems he lacked the proper 'edge.'


Ms. Gay Courter, a well-known author, wrote an autobiographical book titled I Speak for This Child. It recounts her work as a Guardian ad Litem, appointed by the court to assist a specific, troubled child. The book's true stories are often tragic, and sometimes heartening. Nowhere are there easy solutions. In every instance, Ms. Courter had to battle "The System" as hard as she did the abusive parents, boyfriends, etc.

Sometimes her solutions involved choosing the "lesser of two evils." One boy was being kept from his father, a known -but not legally convicted- murderer and pedophile. However, the youth ranches and foster homes where the boy was placed were even worse! He kept getting into abusive, sexual relationships with the older male residents. Finally the child was returned to his father, in an all too literal case of "better the devil you know."

As with the Unemployment and Welfare departments, America's many Child Protective Services are -supposedly- trying to work themselves out of a job. However, their "case load" is their bread and butter-and they know it. Foster homes and other institutions are paid large amounts to house their assigned children, more if the kid is classified as disabled.

Of course, the vast majority of foster parents are good people, sincerely concerned for their young charges. Some will nurse HIV-positive babies all through their short, painful lives. Tragically, such caring can itself be a source of pain, since the "cases" (as the children are invariably referred to) can be, and frequently are, shifted out of those homes. Sometimes, at the whim of a distant bureaucrat.

Your author has had personal experience in these matters, both as a foster care and women's shelter assistant, and through knowing folks who were "in the system." An early observation: sometimes the foster kids were screwy and the social worker really cared-and nearly as often, the reverse was true.

Most of those kids just needed a stable environment, and neither their parents nor The System could provide one. Some kids, as young as eight, were profoundly disturbed, and the help they needed was difficult to come by.

Courter has some good proposals, especially a substantial expansion of the Guardian ad Litem program. But some of her other ideas, to be imposed by the United Nations, etc. upon every society and household, would be a universal "cure" much worse than the "disease" of family problems. Particularly considering the corrupt situation from which most UN bureaucrats emerged.

Courter rightly questions the entrance of private, for-profit child care institutions into arrangements with The System. There are already plenty of compassionate, experienced charities out there; children are not "units" to be handled like livestock or widgets.

Tough Responses

American society is gradually decaying, with thousands more troubled children appearing every day. Our leadership's major response has been to tighten up on law enforcement. They've made prison construction a booming industry. Beyond that, their version of "crime prevention" has often meant goofy programs like Midnight Basketball.

To borrow Irene Webster-Smith's memorable simile, they're placing an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, rather then a fence at the top. More than that, until recently, the fashion industry's ubiquitous "heroin look" was openly glamorizing the trip down!

Next month we'll look further at the response of politicians, and also of scientists. Finally, at some concerned parent's solutions.

Father Again in Pyungyang

by Ken Weber & Mrs. Linna Rapkins

Father recovered from his three months of torture in Pyung-yang prison as quickly as he could. His disciples tried to make him rest, but all he could think of was returning to his mission.

Before long, he was holding long meetings. He taught the people from his Bible, always speaking very strongly and with many tears.

Again the meetings were very exciting. The people gave their full attention. They felt they had to get every word down on paper, and they would take notes as fast as they could. They didn't plan to stay late. But when Father spoke, they forgot about time; they forgot about families. Before they knew it, the time had flown by and it was late at night again. The same kind of feelings of electricity came over them, and they just had to jump up and dance around for joy. God's love made them feel so wonderful!

Sometimes, while they prayed, miracles happened. Some who came were quite rich, and the food Father served was simple. But to them, it tasted more delicious. One wealthy man with a stomach problem was cured after eating the food at Father's place, so the word got out that Father had some kind of "miracle food."

Many times, as Father spoke, they learned answers to questions they had been asking for years. Then they would get so inspired and excited they couldn't wait to go out and tell other Christians.

"I'm going to tell my minister about this," they exclaimed. "He'll be so excited to hear it."

But almost always, the ministers of their old churches were not excited at all. The ministers told them, "You're wrong. These answers are not true, and anyone who makes their people dance around in church must be from the devil."

Many of them stopped going to their old churches altogether.

As you can imagine, the ministers became very upset when some of their best members left. So they got together with their own church members and went to argue with Father. They wanted to ask him difficult questions and show the people how wrong he was. But Father answered their questions before they even asked them!

"Mr. Moon must have special powers," they murmured. "He's surely of the devil. We must stop him."

They spread the word around that Mr. Moon was a bad man. They tried to scare the people. Then they even went to the communists and accused Father of being dangerous.

"This man, Sun Myung Moon, is breaking up our churches; he's breaking up homes," they declared. "He will want to break you up, too. He's probably a spy from the south. You must get rid of him." More than 80 ministers wrote letters to the police, accusing Father of all kinds of crimes.

This made the communists very happy, indeed. They had already heard that Father had come back to life and was preaching again. They had started watching him carefully. Their belief was that anyone who believed there is a God is mentally ill. They wanted to just get rid of them all, so they were watching for their chance-some excuse. Now one church was fighting against another! What better way to make the churches weak? So they helped by spreading even more lies about Father.

On February 22, 1948, because of the ministers' complaints, they arrested him and brought him to trial. Father had been teaching in Pyungyang one year and ten months, which is almost two years.

By this time, Father had become well known in Pyungyang, so the courtroom at the trial was packed with people. He was led into the room in handcuffs and with his head shaved. He was accused of taking money from the poor people and using it for himself. He was also accused of telling people lies.

After the trial, the judge pronounced him guilty. Everyone knew it was always best to remain silent. If the judge became angry, he could make the prisoner stay in prison even longer. But Father knew he had been wronged, so he stood up and asked that the charges be dropped, because they were not true. He had not told any lies or deceived the people.

The judge was shocked. The communist leaders who were watching had hoped to show that people who believe in God are weak and scared. Instead, this man showed courage!

Won Pil Kim was in the audience that day. His eyes filled with tears as he saw how brave his beloved Father was. Up to then, he had only seen Father's loving and warm side. In the courtroom, he saw a fearless man.

The charges were not dropped, and Father was sentenced to five years in prison. As Father was led away, he looked back at his disciples and smiled reassuringly, as if to say, "Don't lose heart. I'll be back." With his chained hands raised high in a sign of hope, he was escorted off to prison.

Father's disciples felt totally sad and discouraged at that point. But Father was full of hope that, through his prison term, God could do great things for Korea.

Dysfunctional Family

This is the second in a two-part series

Looking at the family unit from another perspective, sibling rivalry can frequently prove to be either very constructive (positive) or very destructive (negative). The destructive, self-centered kind of sibling rivalry is akin to the negative emotion of extreme jealousy/envy, which often leads to sibling violence and murder; this is an all-too-common feature of modern life.

Where can we say that we may have seem this type of thing happening before? In Genesis 4:1-16, the elder brother Cain, motivated by jealousy, deceives his young brother Abel and murders him. What a woeful precedent-of fratricide in the very first, ancestral human family!

Another very important aspect of family conflicts is parental disharmony. There was mutual blame by Adam and Eve for having disobeyed God's commandment not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the fall. As is often the case, mutual blame is compounded, ultimately ending in total family breakdown, as in divorce.

Modern divorce lawyers advertise their services and have an ever-increasing workload. Some clearly exploit this tendency toward mutual blaming by disaffected spouses for financial gain, with little regard for restoration of true family harmony.

Understandably, if the parents are in a state of conflict and mutual blame, even if they stop short of legal divorce, among the resultant outcomes will doubtless be discord between parents and children as well as among the children themselves.

Furthermore, parental conflict will be likely to create internal spiritual and psychological problems within their own offspring. The children are a substantial reflection of the parents' spiritual, psychological and physical union-dependent upon the degree and quality of conjugal love and communion.

Hence the disharmony manifested within and between the various members of the modern family is deeply rooted in the disharmony manifested within the first human family, based on the above-mentioned assumption of a literal-historical fall of the first human ancestors.

Subsequent to the fall of Adam and Eve, along with mutual blame came the actuality of a divorce. A deeply-rooted internal, spiritual divorce, if not an external familial shattering or explosion, served to lay the foundation for the current state of rampant family breakdown and alarming divorce rates in modern social life. There is also a prevalent culture of "free sex," pervading our modern societies and energetically nurtured by the entertainment/media industry.

In the light of the preceding discussion, it is evident that the answer to the question "Why do families keep breaking down?" is to be found in the very dysfunctional situation which initially arose in the first, ancestral human family. This is the case, despite the fact that most modern families are largely unaware of the legacy of our inherited condition.

In direct connection with the original sin, the various legacies of such a dysfunctional family have been compounded and passed down from generation to succeeding generation. Hence, the root cause of the decline in family values, and thus in family relationships, lies firmly in the reality of the human fall and the subsequent transmission of original sin.

Sexual intrigue, dysfunctional relationships and murder are all observable in the first human family. Accordingly, these very characteristics are also among the most unappealing aspects of our heritage, our influential precedent and bad example.

Such is the significance of the course taken by the first human family that it ought to be self-evident that herein lie the seeds of the present-day moral and ethical decadence, all too frequently lamented in our societies today.

Having explored the seeds-the origins-of the dysfunctional modern family, the issue then arises as to the urgent necessity of the application of powerful and effective curative measures. How can we really save the modern human family-and thus improve both our individual and societal lives?