Good News from Israel

by Masatoshi Abe-Tel Aviv, Israel

Generally speaking, the Middle East is considered as one of the most difficult regions in terms of witnessing. In Israel there is an anti-missionary law. If you violate this law, you will be kicked out. So ever since I arrived to this nation, I struggled about the issue of giving the Blessing to the Israelites.

At the end of June we have started a 40 day Blessing campaign lasting until August 6th. In the past 5 month the results were just one or two couples a month. After starting our campaign results have reached an average of 100 couples a day.

As a national Messiah, I had to make my own foundation first. In the beginning I was nervous, and had no confidence to bring results. This year I turned 60, and also have a serious heart decease, and on top of that, Israel's weather this time of the year is very hot. Anyhow as a leader I new I had to show good example to our members. My wife and myself started going door to door to give Blessing. It was the first time for me to go witnessing in 28 years (since my own Blessing) as husband and wife together. It seemed to be a dream for me to be able to Bless 160 couples, I had no confidence.

Somehow we started and just in a couple of weeks we were able to Bless 84 couples. It was amazing!! Then I got the confidence to Bless 185 couples. We decided to go to the old city of Jerusalem, a city which is holy to the world's 3 major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

For this reason its not that easy to witness in the old city. Further more, this city has 3,000 years of history so the streets are narrow and complex, like a maze. Foreigners are unable to enter the residential area. We went to the Christian quarter, but had no idea where to start. Then we entered the big Catholic Cathedral and prayed seriously to Jesus to help us. The first door we knocked, was opened by a young woman who was still single. She said: "sorry I am not married yet". I asked her if she knew any good families living around. She pointed out to an Arab man who was sitting on the near by door steps. He rose up and came over to us smiling: "Please come to my home". We followed him to his house, where his young wife was waiting.

They immediately accepted the Blessing. The husband, who's name is Issa said he was unemployed, so he had lots of time. He offered to introduce his relatives and friend to us. Since then, we visited many houses with him every day. In each house, Issa explained in Arabic about the Blessing and its procedure. Since we don't know any Arabic we would probably had been refused without his help. As a result of his help, we just set down on a chair as he did all the explanation. Almost 100% of the families accepted the Blessing. I asked Issa to bring us to at list 40 families in the old city within 3 days.

The third day was Sunday, and results were not turning good because all people were out. Somehow around 7:30 in the evening we had reached our 3 day goal of 40 couples. Then a miracle happened. We visited one of the families who accepted the Blessing. At that time one of their relatives was visiting them and watching the Blessing he also wanted to receive it. Then we gave him the Blessing. By that time the rumor has spread that we are giving the Blessing. Immediately after that many people have arrived to that house one after another, and the house became packed full. They came in holding their spouses pictures in their hands. When Issa sow that so many people come, he got upset and chased them out shutting the door. But I said to Issa, we must give the Blessing to everybody. Then the door was opened once again, and many people where waiting there beside the door. We became so busy giving the blessing to them one by one. Finally in one and a half hour, 25 couples had received the Blessing. All preparations were done by Issa so we had just to give the blessing itself. Among those who were Blessed there were Christians, Jews and Moslems. That was the unification of those three major religions. I was really so amazed.

Towards the end, people brought their sick, adult and children. They thought I was a great spiritual healer. I felt that Jesus, who healed many people, was with me. So although I could not heal the sick I thought that I must pray for these people. When praying tears came from my eyes, as never happened before. It was late at night, and we were running out of Blessing forms, so we had to bid farewell. When we left, all people gathered and waved us good-bye. It was the most incredible experience in my life. I believe it was Jesus help, and needless to say without our True Parents victory, it could never have happened. Finally we were able to fulfill our 185 couples Blessing on July 30th.

Masatoshi Abe is National Messiah to Israel