David Kim and the Devil

by Joy Pople

Rev. Moon came to America just before Christmas of 1971, called the faithful to him, and announced plans for his first public speech, to be given in New York City, on February 2, 1972. About 75 disciples were raptured from centers around the country to study at his feet and spread publicize his message to Americans. For nearly a month, we stood on street corners in the snow selling tickets for three speeches by a Korean prophet whose only claims to fame at that time were founding a Korean children's folkdance troupe and marrying 777 couples at one time.

We took over a house in the Bronx. Rev. and Mrs. Moon, who were beginning to feel like True Parents to us, and their entourage slept on the first floor, the sisters on the second floor, and the brothers in the basement. Each morning we descended more than a hundred steps to a little rented church building, where we ate a simple breakfast and listened to President Young Whi Kim, head of the Korean Unification Church, lecture Divine Principle. Sometimes Father spoke to us afterwards. Then we rode the subway to Manhattan looking for people to buy $18.00 tickets to the three-night program.

We stood on the heating vents of the sidewalk, waylaying passersby, following them as far as 40 city blocks, just in case they should change their mind about buying tickets. Some people gave us money just to get rid of us. Long before it became fashionable, we dressed in layered outfits, piling clothes on top of each other trying to protect ourselves from the 70 mile per hour gales blowing between the skyscrapers. Father and Mother sometimes showed up unexpectedly at a street corner to chat with one of their followers. Those who sold a ticket during the day were allowed to return to the little church for dinner; the rest of us had to stay on the streets until 9:00 pm, when we returned to exchange stories about the day and eat some hot food. During this difficult month, we began to learn about praying with a desperate heart and begin to taste Heavenly Father's longing to connect with His children.

By the appointed day, a few hundred tickets had been sold, and in a near blizzard we waited at the doors of the Lincoln Center for our long-sought guests. Only the first few rows were filled with living, breathing human beings. Some of us saw angels occupying the remaining seats.

In Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Berkeley, the scenario was repeated, each time with a bit less snow, somewhat cheaper tickets, and a few more guests. The standing-room-only audience at the Claremont Hotel in the sunny hills of Berkeley had paid only $2.00 admission.

On this foundation, Father announced his desire to send pioneers to the approximately 40 states that had no Unification Church center. The 75 disciples submitted names of those among their number best suited for pioneering. The rest were divided into two traveling teams, one led by Miss Young Oon Kim visiting the northern half of the United States, and the other led by Mr. David Kim visiting the southern half of the United States. Originally named Sang Chul Kim, Mr. Kim chose the Western name David to exemplify his lifelong devotion to fighting for God and against evil.

Not being nominated for state pioneering, I became part of the mobile team called One World Crusade.

The teams needed lecturers, Father decided, and he began to choose them. First, he selected Joseph Sheftick and Perry Cordill as team leaders, under Miss Kim and Mr. Kim respectively. Then he asked people to nominate lecturers. Sisters from the Washington, DC, center pushed me forward. Father placed his hand on my shoulder and lined me up behind Perry Cordill. Susan Hughes joined us. Father lined up the remaining disciples and assigned numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc., to one team and numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc., to the other.

For transportation, each team was given a retired school bus, which became our tabernacle for the next few months of a kind of wilderness life. Only one of our teammates knew how to drive the bus, and while we were en route to Las Vegas, our team's first stop, Sam Pell pulled our bus into a truck stop to take a snooze, Mr. Kim stood up and announced, "Father has chosen three lecturers. Let's see how they lecture."

Susan Hughes gave a gracious rendition of the Principle of Creation, and then it was my turn to lecture on the Fall of Man. From the front of the parked bus, the only face I could see clearly was that of a brother so soundly asleep that his eyeballs had rolled up so far that only the whites were visible. I breezed through the Fall of Man lecture in ten minutes, trying to keep from looking at the weird face. Mr. Kim cleared his throat and scratched his head, complaining that I had given to short a lecture but unable to think of anything vital that I had left out. Relieved, for the moment, I sat down and dozed off to off to dreamland myself.

We met our pioneer sister in Las Vegas, beginning a rhythm of a week with one pioneer and then traveling on to the next state and its pioneer. We held street rallies and handed out fliers. We held lectures in apartments, houses and rented halls. We squeezed ten or twelve sleeping bags into tiny rooms and crammed into tiny kitchens to cook rice and soup. Pioneers who had sold tickets with us on city streets and had been working alone for weeks were delighted to see us arrive and even happier to see us leave.

David Kim placed special emphasis on the evening lectures. The podium and blackboard had to be arranged harmoniously, the chairs had to perfectly line up, and members had to sit in strategic places. David Kim took the sentinel's position by the back entrance, scribbling furiously in a yellow legal pad, noting down every mistake to be held up for public review at morning service the following day.

Susan Hughes gave the Principle of Creation, I focused on the Fall of Man and Mission of the Messiah, and Perry Cordill taught history. Mr. Kim focused his attention on the Fall of Man lecture.

By this time I had been a member for almost two years. I had diligently studied Miss Kim's Divine Principle book, prepared numerous lecture outlines, and lectured at various evening programs and workshops. While we were traveling with Father, President Young Whi Kim had given us many three-day cycles of Divine Principle lectures based on the Korean textbook. Each of the four Korean missionaries Father had sent to America had written their own version of Divine Principle. Perry, Susan and I had taken thorough notes of President Kim's lectures, and with the understanding that Father wanted to unify and elevate our understanding of Principle through these numerous lecture cycles, we based our lectures on notes from President Kim.

Mr. Kim criticized every Fall of Man lecture I gave. Being a man of great intensity, Mr. Kim never gave a dispassionate critique. Each misspelling and each garbled phrase was noted. I'm a southpaw and each time I touched the chalk with my left hand he would yell. I could accept that he was putting me through training. The greatest conflict was over the content of the lecture. I was a two-year member arguing with one of Father's earliest disciples over the content of the Principle. "I'm teaching what I learned from President Kim," I affirmed. Susan and Perry backed me up, but Mr. Kim retorted: "I don't care. What you said in your lecture is not true!" Almost daily we argued. In particular, the way I explained the Tree of Life bothered him, but I never quite understood how he thought it should be taught. Under the best of circumstances it's not easy to understand Mr. Kim's English; when he's shouting it is impossible. If his life mission was David tackling Goliath, I was Joy hurling myself at David. After about three weeks, he surrendered and approved my lecture.

It became my responsibility to train other lecturers. When I believed they were ready, they would lecture in front of David Kim. He never approved anyone's Fall of Man lecture on the first try. Sincere sisters would come to me in tears, insisting that they had followed my standard exactly. We went over the lecture word for word. Each one who persisted eventually received Mr. Kim's approval. As best I could tell, it was not precision of wording which David Kim sought but persistence and guts.

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, and our bus had broken down. Although fundraising was not a major focus, since we were receiving some support from national headquarters, we had to fundraise to pay a large repair bill. I went around asking for money. I got a better response in New Mexico than in New York: a Cadillac dealer gave me a check for $25; the student council at the University of New Mexico allocated $55 to help us leave town.

The long bus trips were a welcome break from the routine. Mr. Kim taught us to make sam, a ball of rice containing protein and vegetables and then wrapped in lettuce leaves. Before departing around mid-afternoon, we would make a big supply of sam. We would drive a few hours, stop at a park for a picnic supper and some horsing around until nightfall, and then pile back in the bus for a songfest that included favorite folk tunes, spirituals, or Broadway musicals. Around midnight, we would park the bus along the highway and roll out our sleeping bags on the grass to doze under the summer stars. Around dawn, a state trooper would rouse us with a stern lecture about camping only in campgrounds. We would duly apologize, pile into the bus, and drive to the nearest greasy spoon restaurant, where we would wash up, drink some dreadful coffee, and play the jukebox, joining John Denver in a boisterous rendition of "Country Roads." In high spirits we would greet our brother or sister in the next city.

We drove through Mississippi en route from Memphis to New Orleans and from New Orleans to Birmingham. We did not witness and teach there because the pioneer originally sent to Mississippi had remained in Phoenix, Arizona, to replace a brother who was unable to handle the responsibility. The emptiness of the state called out to me, and when we reached our destination of Washington, DC, at the end of four months, I asked Neil Salonen, then president of the Unification Church in America, for permission to pioneer Mississippi.

One morning in Austin, Texas, Mr. Kim did not get out of his sleeping bag. Nobody saw him move all day. We went about our usual daily schedule, talking almost in whispers. The second morning he didn't rise either. I went to health food stores looking for Korean ginseng tea and placed a cup of hot tea by his nose, hoping the aroma would create a response. Nothing happened. The third day he remained in bed as well. That evening he got up, dressed, and acted like normal. We were dying of curiosity. "What happened, Mr. Kim?" we asked.

"An army of Mexican devils came to invade heavenly soldiers," replied our valiant leader. "Since I am the commander they had to get my permission first. The devil general came to me and I fought him. It took me three days to defeat him. Now the devil army is gone. Heavenly soldiers are safe."

Although it often seemed that Mr. Kim spent every waking moment haranguing and criticizing us, we realized that he would face all opposition, both spiritual and physical, and give his life, if that's what it took, to protect and defend us. Three years later, when I was assigned as missionary in Latin America, I remembered David Kim fearless example and set out on a new round of battles both physical and spiritual.

California Summer Camp: The Heavenly Kingdom on Earth!

by Kristina M. Seher-Berkeley, CA

"Ooh! Ahh!" Spontaneous applause and squeals of delight accompanied our spectacular fireworks display at the Eleventh Annual Family Camp Shimjeung at Aetna Springs Resort in Northern California. About 55 excited families celebrated America's birthday with a free carnival topped off with a fireworks display. The carnival featured 20 "booths" where everyone won tickets for effort as well as for successful results. The fourth and fifth grade boys designed a winning miniature golf putting green complete with obstacles. The 7th and 8th grade girls buried "jewels" in a sandbox and gave participants 30 seconds to dig up all they could and to redeem them for tickets. Teams of children panted, running frantically, to fill up a can with water squeezed from sponges, a game made up by one of our science teachers, Gerri Linek. Other parents and older kids manned a duck pond game, bean bag toss, golf ball-in-spoon race, bowling, nickel toss, and a dozen other booths. Children dashed to the prize table to redeem their tickets for super prizes which Robin Cox had ordered from novelty houses. All the children (even the teenagers) were happy about their prizes, trading and demonstrating them to their friends. Bob Gauper brought a soda fountain machine and set it up at the carnival so everyone could enjoy unlimited free sodas. Matthew Morrison and Casey Cox and the 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys set up the fireworks.

Family Camp Shimjeung starts each day with parents praying at the Holy Ground, followed by exercises and morning service. We felt deep gratitude to True Parents for giving us the Divine Principle, which makes this "Shimjeung Community" possible. We share a bond of heart so deep that many of us expressed the feeling we had never been separated since last year. Family Camp Shimjeung features qualified teachers offering classes each morning for kids ages 2-14. Each group of kids rotates to Principle Life Education (taught by parent group leaders), Science ()taught by Poppy Richie and Gerri Linek), and Art (taught by Robin Cox and Carol Clive). Principle Life Education topics this year included the First Great Realm of Heart (filial piety), the Second Great Realm of Heart (brother/sister relationships), Father's and Mother's lives, living for a greater whole (saints and patriots), and the relationship of spirit world to physical world (including a group service project). Science is taught at camp because we find the Blessed children are natural scientists, filled with curiosity about God's Creation. They persist in asking questions and in researching the things they discover. Art is taught because through the creative process, Blessed children can know that God created this entire world to give us beauty and use. Through art they learn to cherish the unique qualities of things related to the five physical senses and to cultivate their sense of beauty. In addition, as they create they feel a natural sense of joy and self-esteem. Science and art were both set up with various centers where campers used a printing press, a microscope, made jewelry, Indian prayer sticks, paper, silly putty, playdough, star wheels, identified various plants and animals, as well as the universal favorite: making and stocking terrariums and aquariums with specimens of wildlife from Aetna Springs. Beverly Tidwell shared about navigating across the Pacific Ocean in a 36-foot sailboat by the stars, and led a stargazing activity. The heavens were breathtaking. Billions of stars were visible out in the country. Some shooting stars graced us with their brief glory. We felt awestruck by God's majesty, bathed in wonder at His Creation.

During the afternoons, a period we call Family Free Time, parents and children enjoyed relaxing in the spa, swimming at the lake, and playing various sports. Special classes were offered by various parents: Music Appreciation by Marie Gauper; Ceramics by Robin Cox and Matthew Morrison; kayaking by Michael Joyce; basketball by Dan Davies; horseback riding by a new friend of our movement, Susie Whaley; and safely using a BB gun by Casey Cox, Steve Tidwell and David Wolfenberger.

One of the tremendous spiritual benefits of Family Camp is that parents take time to share with one another about important issues. Many couples shared their testimonies about Blessing couples in preparation for Nov. 29 and their experiences at Chung Pyung Lake. People were constantly reflecting on what works and doesn't work in caring for children. We even managed to have a daily "parent roundtable discussion hour" centered on various topics such as bringing 160 couples to the Blessing, parenting and children's camps. Our nightly staff meetings were a combination of nuts and bolts planning, inspired brainstorming and hysterical laughter. The fellowship we experienced truly made this the Kingdom of Heaven.

We find our children making deep bonds of friendship with other Blessed children, bonds they cherish from year to year. Many of them correspond with their Family Camp friends during the year. Many parents report that their children look forward all year to Family Camp, pestering their parents to be sure they don't miss it. One parent, Bob Millar, noted that the question is not "How can we afford Family Camp?" but "How can any family afford to miss Family Camp?"

Gourmet cuisine was prepared by Joel and Mary Larson, assisted by Helen Abelseth, David Bell, Linda Nichols and Mary Glade, a new friend who attended with her husband and two children, having met our movement through the WFWP Bridge of Peace conferences. Every meal was a new delight and contributed greatly to the heavenly experience families had together.

Evening programs were special for everyone. Besides the carnival and fireworks on the Fourth of July, we enjoyed a fabulous skit night and an exciting Treasure Hunt. One evening Matthew Morrison, Bob Millar and I organized two Treasure Hunts for younger and older campers. Teams of red-faced kids raced through the camp, finding "clues" written as riddles, directing them to different parts of the resort. Teams which unified and thought before rushing off had the shortest times, but everyone enjoyed Mary Larson's homemade cookies and milk at the end (the "treasure"). The final evening we celebrated by having each group of campers present a heavenly song or skit. From the preschool's adorable "Beaver Song," led by Ann Steinbronn and Beverly Tidwell (with a lot of funny-looking parents participating!) to the 6th/7th/8th grade girls imitating their parents and staff at the camp (preceded by the disclaimer "Any resemblance to people or events at this camp is entirely unintentional"), the entertainment was superb. The most hysterically funny skit was the 4th-8th grade boys'; in pairs they created "midgets" who followed the camp schedule. We laughed so hard our sides ached! The grand finale was the Korean tale of "The Blind Man's Daughter," acted out by the staff. It turned out to be a wonderful blend of humor and touching filial piety, crowned with the staff's rousing rendition of "The Impossible Dream"; this brought down the house.

It is fair to say that a fabulous time was had by all. We urge you to put next year's Family Camp Shimjeung on your calendars: Tuesday, June 30 through Sunday, July 5. We will offer a Counselor in Training (CIT) Program for enthusiastic 14 and 15 year olds, which will begin with a two-day workshop June 28-29. The CITs, like everyone else, need to attend Family Camp with their own families. I urge you to set aside one week out of your whole year for your family to actually experience the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth through Family Camp.

Blessings Multiply in the Ukraine

by Kyoung Hyo Kim-Kiev, Ukraine

Ukraine is growing up more and more as the main providential nation expected by True Parent. I am living now so amazing time by the sudden miraculous blessing result from Ukraine. So I want to share this news with our all members with the gratitude mind to God, True Parent and the spirit world. I want to witness how God and the spirit world work and how great the TP's victorious foundation influences.

The miraculous blessing event began from Dniepropetrovsk region on July 12. I feel very well why God chose this region first. So many leaders including President Kuchima, formal and present prime minister came from this region. Before in communism time this region created a very special political cartel. Almost 50 % of Soviet leaders who were working in Moscow including Hurushichof and Breznef came from here so that people called even this region as the factory of politicians.

Could you believe that one young sister becoming 22 years old has blessed around 120,000 couples for 27 days? It is neither by door to door blessing nor by park blessing. People were gathered in the certain places of many cities and she traveled. Many times the big hall was full by thousands of people. She has been traveling several cities everyday from morning till night. Even one day she visited 10 cities and blessed 17,000 couples.

Do you know what kind of person was gathered? Most of them was the families and relatives of the leaders, the military officers, the police and the social securities(KGB). Without any exception, everybody from high officers to the old couples is becoming the blessed family through around 1 hour's impressive ceremony. Who were they before? They were the first group who had been supporting the communism system for 70 years, aren't they! Really I can not stop my hot tear. This is a great miracle from Heaven and victory of True Parent!

Such miraculous blessing event is now taking place everyday in many regions, already covered 9 regions. It is really incredible speed. It looks like dream. We are planning to have the same blessing event in Kiev region soon and to have 15,000 couples of the mammoth blessing festival in the official stadium on Dniepropetrofsk city on September.

I am calling her Olga. She is driving herself to the blessing tour everyday overcoming painful sickness. Many people recommended her to receive the treatment from the hospital even as free of charge, but she refused it and is going out everyday. She is really sacrificing everything for the sake of being proud of God and True Parent and loving them. I can say she is a real daughter of True Parent and a great woman of Ukraine.

It was really by chance that she met one man, Basili Pabolichi. Last February she visited the city hall for the registration work of FFWPU. She met him there first time. She did not know who he was at that time. One person brought her a bad article of newspaper about our movement. By chance Mr. Basili came in and saw it. He said to her, " are you working with this Mafia who is using the name of religion?" Olga was so upset and immediately challenged him-she is a very strong woman. He was moved by her courageous and confident attitude, and he got some interesting information on our movement from here.

He invited her at his home. He was a vice mayor. She brought the many materials about True Parent and our movement. Finally he could open righteously his eyes toward us by her confident explanation. Some period of time passed and suddenly he was picked up by the prime minister to Kiev while we were being so busy for the blessing campaign. Very naturally he could report his boss the righteous information on True Parent so that the prime minister became interesting to us.

The city leader, Rev. Ramsaran asked him many time to receive the blessing, even though he excused every time. However he was watching us with deep interesting how we are doing. One day his father got the heart attack. His mother got a dream that Rev. Ramsaran and Olga came to her husband to cure with the white gown. This time Mr. Basili got a dream that he was dropped into the long hole and falling down. He saw Rev. Ramsaran holding a glass in one hand. He held Basili's falling hand with the other hand. Mr. Basili said to him desperately, "please pull me up". Rev. Ramsaran asked him bringing a glass into his mouth, "drink it, and I will pull you up!" He became very serious and eventually received the blessing together with his parents. After this event Rev. Ramsaran pushed him continuously to gather some people using his position for the blessing.

God was driving us and Mr. Basili into the typhoon of great blessing, even though we were completely ignorant. Now I understand clearly how God was preparing for this time. On July 7, when we were so busy for the door to door blessing activity, Rev. Ramsaran and Olga were invited suddenly by him. He proposed them to give the blessing for 30 couples who he gathered. Olga thought " wow, today we will make the best daily record." They prepared the holy wine and water and the indemnity sticks for 30 couples. But how amazing it was when they enter to the hall! There were around one thousand people. Olga thought, "maybe 30 couples among them will receive the blessing." However she lost almost her consciousness when she heard from Mr. Basili that everybody would receive the blessing. They had to buy more juice and water quickly. They borrowed all 'stakan' (cups) from the restaurant. Each couple brought already the stick from the home. It was really the big happening. We chose the 12 young couples as the assistant and gave the blessing in the corridor first. We explained them how to assist the holy wine and water ceremony and the indemnity stick ceremony. They were very sincere.

Basili Pabolichi gave a very good speech about FFWPU and the founder even though we did not ask him. We blessed them dividing several groups and officiated the family vow ceremony gathering altogether in the main hall. It was really tearfully exciting. Such big voice and many tears... Many couples brought the flowers and presented the gift each other. This first event was big successful.

There were many questions after the first event. At the same time there was no enough time to think about that because everyday he called Olga by phone and said, " please come to this place by this time." Wherever she goes with him, hundreds of people and even thousands of people were waiting them for the blessing. Sometimes they used the plane to move quickly. Everything was organized very well by his dignity and connections. Nothing serious problems happened until this time.

Once we introduced him our good tradition of "mansei". He said to Olga, "why didn't we use this good way in our ceremony?" From the next event he explained the meaning of mansei very beautifully and Olga closed the ceremony with the 3 mansei; God and True Parent mansei, 3.6 million blessing mansei and city mansei.

How could we mobilize such crowd of people and big expenses if we do by ourselves! What is amazing and grateful to God. We are preparing just holy wine and holy water. That's all. They mobilize people, prepare the hall, make everyday thousands color copy of the certificate and copy of application form and find out many sponsors. Of course it is a big delightful stress for us to prepare just the budget for holy wine and holy water.

One day Rev. Ramsaran became very serious because he did not have enough budget even for the next day's blessing. Suddenly he got an idea. A few days ago Rev. Chung, a national messiah of Ukraine and I visited Dniepropetrofsk center. That time Rev. Chung advised him very strictly that we have to give all blessed couples the True Parent's photo even selling it and distribute them the divine principle. Frankly speaking I was very shocked and almost could not translate his word. I understood by myself that it will happen in the future. What is the great point of Rev. Ramsaran. He decided to make the True Parent's photo calendar and True Parent's picture in order to sell it to the blessed couples. If I were at that situation I almost would not get such great courage in the special situation of Ukraine. Somehow this idea was accepted to Mr. Basili and even he helped to produce it. He explained very well our product in front of the audiences. It was really very strong dignity. He said, " 'daragii durujiya'(dear my friends), please buy it. they are doing such a good work for us." Olga could sell many calendars and photos little bit expensively. Furthermore several days ago he suggested us to sell the divine principle book to all the blessed couples. He asked Rev. Ramsarann to make a short presentation to introduce the book as the worldwide best seller.

He knows very well our center is not so rich that he is helping continuously to bring many financial support. Once he asked one business man to donate one van to FFWPU. This man donated one Ford new van. Another business man donated us the full set of computer, TV and Video machine.

He is very confident now for this blessing work. He read already the divine principle 3 times, and caught out from it who Father is. He starts to pray before the ceremony and keeps True Parent's photo in his pocket during the ceremony. Once someone asked him who is it and why he keeps it . He said, " This is your parents and True Parents!" One day he became little bit tired, but when he blessed 17,000 in one day with Olga he was so inspired and said to Olga, "Let us continue until we fall down." In the end of July I specially asked him to dedicate his best effort in order to fulfill the Ukraine goal and the CIS goal by August 9. Then he said, " O.K. I will not take the rest until I fulfill my goal." Rev. Chung said him by the phone that King Vladimir baptized all his people by force and made Ukraine the first Christian nation in CIS in 988. He responded, " I am doing exactly like him now."

He has now a great desire to have the blessing event publicly on the nationwide level. He invited some high delegates from Kiev to the blessing. They were impressed very much and invited our delegates to Kiev to discuss the blessing event in Kiev region. Olga met 3 delegates in Kiev with Mrs. Basili. They were the very influential people and new very well Father and our movement. They asked many things about the blessing and Mrs. Basili gave them the very good testimony. They promised to help us. When I got this report I felt really the great things will happen after the 9th of August.

Until now such a blessing events were organized amazingly very unofficially using their connections and powerful dignities. It was because we protect their political position. We could avoid many problems. Just we are giving everyday thousands of blessing to the influential peoples in the society. If we give such a blessing until November in every cities, what will happen after that in this country? I almost can not imagine what God is planning.

When I reflect the True Parents' tearful sacrifices in order to liberate God and save the mankind, I feel such result is too small that we can not console True Parent. It is just start and hundreds, even thousands times more miraculous result will compete to witness our True Parent. This day will come soon.

Ukraine will do be proud of True Parent and love True Parent continuously. I did not know really that such one prepared person brings so amazing result. God is really so great. May God bless him to continue this righteous march regardless of any pressure and difficulties!

Blessings in Gorky Park!

by William Stoertz-Moscow, Russia

Tim and Angelica Birdsong, a well-known American-Russian couple, conducted the pre-Blessing ceremony in a creative new way in Gorky Park, Moscow.

On a nice sunny Sunday in Gorky Park, they went around with a tray of small wine glasses, Holy Wine, and Holy Water. Tim and Angelica went around together approaching couples in the park, even while they were sitting at a table eating, offering them the Holy Wine ceremony to rededicate their marriage, and sprinkling them with the Holy Water. The average time for each couple was about ten minutes. After only a few hours, they had blessed 25 couples.

They kept a couple glasses of wine on the tray, together with a bowl containing the Holy Water, since they want to be ready when several couples came one right after the other. Tim would turn around, and there was already another couple waiting.

The park was a very beautiful, free environment, and they kept a relaxed spirit, taking breaks once in a while to enjoy the day. The people^s response was good, just the same as at dachas (summer garden country homes) or door-to-door. There was no problem with any kind of opposition.

Each couple signed the Certificate with recommitment of Marriage Vows, and they did not hesitate to provide their name, address and telephone number on the form provided.

It is suggested this approach, requiring a very minimum of equipment, preparation, or permission, could be used in many different situations, even on the open street. Indeed, the Birdsongs blessed a couple on the Moscow River bridge on the way home from giving the Blessing in Gorky Park!

Blessing News Memo

HSA-UWC North America Family Church
4 West 43rd Street New York, New York 10036
Vox (212) 997-0050 ext 282 Fax (212) 768-0791 e-mail admin@hsanahq.org
Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, Continental Director Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President

August 18, 1997

TO: Regional Directors
FM: Tyler Hendricks

By fax and e-mail to Regions/By e-mail to States and Departments
The following important memo was received today from Korea.

To: Continental Directors, National Messiahs, National Leaders and Missionaries
Fm: FFWPU International President

Date: August 16, 1997

I pray that God's grace will constantly be upon all leaders and members around the world who are making effort for the blessing of 36 million couples. Following are the contents of decisions and directions made by True Parents at public and private meetings surrounding the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth." I ask you to do your utmost in their implementation.

1. Congratulations for the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth." True Parents said that on July 7 (lunar calendar) of each year from now on we will commemorate the "7.8" Holy Day (meaning: eight times the number seven), and that this will be an important Holy Day among the eight major Holy Days.

2. The day after arriving in Korea on July 21, True Mother began her successful series of rallies for leaders in sixteen cities throughout Korea, on the subject "True Family Practices Leadership Rally Toward World Peace and Unification, Korea." She furthermore held two successful rallies for women leaders. During the period of these rallies, miraculous pre-blessing results became possible through the manifestations of heavenly fortune and True Mother's grace.

3. After going through a course of suffering and sacrifice on the front line of pioneering three countries in South America, True Father arrived in Korea on August 6. On August 9, he declared the historic "Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth" and educated 8,000 National Messiahs.

4. While supervising the worldwide leaders conference, True Father gave guidance for a life of faith, and new directions. He also awarded prizes for the pre-blessing results accomplished up until now, as follows:

Position Country Number of couples Prize Awarded

1st Korea 1,051,852 $400,000
2nd Philippines 952,281 $300,000
3rd Nigeria 748,814 $200,000
4th Ghana 658,000 $100,000

For your reference, the ensuing eight positions, and their results, were: 5th: Sudan, 515,200; 6th: Taiwan, 486,812; 7th: Russia, 285,643; 8th: Mexico. 231,102; 9th: USA, 178,611; 10th: Zaire, 173,000; 11th: Colombia, 148,711;

12th: Malawi, 140,306. In addition True Parents announced their plan to award prizes for the 36 million and the 360 million couples blessings. Results coming from August 9 and afterwards will accrue to the 36 million couples.

5. On August 6, Father matched Young Jin Nim, sixth son of True Parents, with Miss Yoo, Hwa Jeong, daughter of Yoo, Chong So (1800 couples) and Hyung Jin Nim, seventh son of True Parents, with Miss Lee, Yeon Ah, daughter of Lee, Seung Dae (777 couples). Their joint Holy Wedding will be held in New York, USA, on September 6 of this year. We offer our congratulations and gratitude on this great occasion for True Parents' family.

6. The essence of blessed family education, including that for the 3.6 million couples, is contained in the Family Pledge and the three speeches (View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation, In Search of the Origin of the Universe, True Family and True Universe centering On True Love) which comprise the essence of the word of the Completed Testament Age. All members should study and memorize these speeches. In the future, contests for the recital of these speeches off by the heart will be held. Leaders should be the first to memorize them. Failure to memorize these speeches will mean being unable to inherit the realm of the blessing. From now on, the memorizing itself is an important qualification, and these contents will be the basis of the tests.

7. Japanese women missionaries who have temporarily returned to Japan after accomplishing the pre-blessing of 185 couples in their mission country should work in Japan for forty days only. They should bring 185 couples to pre-blessing in Japan within that period. Even if they cannot reach that goal, they should return to their mission country after forty days and work there.

8. From August 10, those who cannot speak Korean will, in principle, not be able to attend international conferences supervised by True Parents.

9. Those who make the blessing offering (donation) after receiving the blessing will be proud of having done so even if they go to the spiritual world. It is a precious condition which should certainly be offered. Leaders should encourage people to make their blessing offering in full, or to at least offer it in installments.

10. Upon the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth," twelve clan federations connected with the Moon Tribe and Han Tribe were established. In the beginning, only twelve clans are represented, but this should expand and develop horizontally to twelve more clans, then a further twelve clans, and so on. This is to expand the Cain-realm organization for the salvation of the nation. This organization is to be compared with the orderly expansion of the blessed families into the Abel-realm within the providence. Among the 36 couples, twelve received the blessing as Adam-type families representing our ancestors and the past. Another twelve received the blessing as Noah-type families representing the current generation of humankind and the present, and the final twelve couples received the blessing as Jacob-type families representing future generations and the future. Then, as the 72, 124, and 430 couples, among others, received the blessing step by step, the foundation of the Abel-realm was thus expanded.

Important Words given by Father during Informal Meetings (August 6-14, 1997)

1. What is it that you are going to be proud of in the spirit world? To have blessed many couples is the first point of pride.

2. After the 360 million couples, the realm of blessing will be bequeathed to all families.

3. Parents are the owners of the realm of the practice of true love.

4. Do not worry how to manage things after the blessings of the 3.6 million couples and the 36 million couples. Educate with the Family Pledge and the three speeches (View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation, In Search of the Origin of the Universe, True Family and True Universe Centering On True Love).

5. True Father has been consistent in his life of devotion. Forgetting about the sunrise and sunset, he dedicated himself in one direction.

6. If you follow unwillingly, God does not work. Enjoy your life; live happily.

7. When you go to the spirit world, how you lived your life on earth is clearly shown. If your life was spent wrongly, you will therefore have to pay much indemnity. Do not seek the high position, therefore, but live with a humble attitude. You can go before God only after you pass through all the conditions of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. As this state is one of absolute selflessness, it becomes the object of infinite existence -- thus becoming the secret of acquiring infinite power.

8. In the future, exemplary families will rise in the world. If a family does wrong, that whole family and all the relatives will find themselves imprisoned together.

9. From today, those who do not speak Korean cannot attend international conferences supervised by True Parents.

10. From God's point of view, once you set up the condition of being one hundred percent united in heart with Father's work, the angels are mobilized and cooperate with you, and all kinds of miracles occur. God, who has been persevering despite being viewed until now as an incompetent God, would like to manifest Himself as a capable God.

11. The Blessing of 3.6 million couples is a watershed: from this blessing on, those who are receiving the "single person's blessing" can be blessed with their spouse in the spirit world.

12. In the course of restoration, you should not reject or criticize someone whom True Parents love just because that person does not fit in with you. Dedicate yourself and embrace that person more than True Parents do.

13. Since the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth," True Parents are free. Do not try to know where True Parents are, whether they are in Korea or elsewhere. If necessary True Parents will transcend the organizational system to connect with you and guide you, or meet with higher level leaders of the country. Shouldn't it be that True Parents accomplish everything their hearts desire to do on earth before they pass away?

14. There is no filial piety or loyalty, and there are no saints or holy sons and daughters, in the situation where you are not united with the center.

Chung Hwan Kwak

FFWPU/International President

Blessed Kids Summer Camp, PA

by Rob & Sally Sayre-NYC

From July 21-27, over fifty children and 10 adult staff members participated in a Summer Camp at Robin Hill Campground hear Lenhartsville, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Much of this report is simply the response of the children as recorded in their reflections.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND OTHERS-the kids arrived throughout Monday afternoon and camp began that night.

When I first arrived (at Camp) I thought that this week would be horrible. I barely knew anyone. After the first day I started making friends and eventually started having fun.

Did you ever go to a place where you were the total opposite of homesick? In fact you didn't even think of home once while you were at that place. Well, that's how Camp Robin Hill was to me. It was a home away from home.

I had lots of fun on this trip and made lots of friends and I can't believe for a second that I didn't want to come.

THE HIKE-each day a different group hiked to the North Lookout at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, near Kempton, Pennsylvania. The weather varied from day to day.

I thought the best part of the week was the hike. At the start of the hike its was cold, windy, and rainy. When we got to the top it stopped raining and wind calmed down, but we still couldn't see anything. On the way down, it completely cleared up and we went to the lookout where we had lunch. The view was amazing. Since there was a thick fog the whole time before, I never realized how high up in the air we actually were. I could see for miles.

I liked the hike because you could experience God and Creation.

I liked the hike the best, it was so fun! I really got closer to God because of all the creation. and when we got to the top, it was soooo . . . high. It was like I was on the top of the world. I could see almost everything.

My favorite sport was the hike, everything was just beautiful. Everything was so . . ., I can't explain it with words.

I liked the hike because it felt like God was calling my name and telling me something I needed to know.

FRIENDS-there were 51 blessed children, ages 9-14.

Two of the things I really enjoyed about this week was making the skit "Cabin in the Sky" and just being with other Blessed Children whom I could share my experiences at home and school with.

I loved making new friends. At the end, my friends were almost family.

I liked this camp because everybody is in the same church and it is so easy to make friends and nobody is mean to you or anything.

SPORTS & DANCING-the kids played dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, square-danced, swam and paddle-boated.

I liked dodgeball, It was definitely a "team work game."

The sports were really fun. I loved the dodgeball games and there was a soccer game that was really fun.

A man came and taught us to dance in square-dances. It was so much fun.

I loved the sports & swimming but my favorite thing was just hangin' with the sisters in our room and talking with each other. I really felt close to everybody.

I also give thanks to my group leader for dragging me onto the dance floor for square dancing.. I thank her for the experience of singing in front of an audience also.

Ahhh, yes, the sports. I knew the guys would love spending their time playing basketball, soccer, dodgeball and swimming. I mean every chance we got we ran down to the court to play basketball.

THE LECTURES-Noah Ross was teaching the kids of several parents who joined when he taught them in Boonville and Camp K. What great memories!

The lectures were great. They were very interesting and I liked how Mr. Ross put a little fun into it.

The lectures made me want to help my Mom.

I liked the lectures. When I get home I want to read the Bible.

This week I learned more about the Bible and why things happened. My favorite lecture was the one with Jacob and Essau.

I learned about the Holy Bible and Jesus, Moses and Adam & Eve and about how God created the world and how it all started with men and women.

I really got inspired by the lectures. They really made me think. I want to really try to become a better person and understand God's Will.

I know I learned a lot from the lectures and I enjoyed them because the lecturer made them funny and applied the principle to our everyday lives.

I liked the lectures because I felt like God was standing next to me.

I was really amazed at the pattern of history. I also had no idea that each time something successful happened you went up a step, like when Jacob and Essau fulfilled their part and then Joseph and his family and so on.

The lectures were very long and explanatory and I really enjoyed listening to Mr. Ross speak about God I learned a lot about God and the history of the Divine Principle. I think I gained more knowledge about True Father and Mother too.

THE CRAFTS-the kids made birdhouses, coasters and jewelry.

I liked the Arts & Crafts very much an especially found joy in the jewelry making.

I liked the Arts & Crafts because it's like God is doing what I am doing.

EXPERIENCING GOD-the parent's who were the staff also had amazing experiences, mostly just seeing all these beautiful children.

I gained a better understanding of the History of mankind and what God has gone through.

I gained more faith and understanding of the Divine Principle.

I gained a lot this week! I gained self respect, internal beauty & a spirit as tall as the tallest redwood tree. And besides that I gained the wisdom of Noah Ross (the lecturer).

I think that I gained a closer relationship with God, and a true understanding of how the world is and how God is suffering from it. I truly want to love creation and respect and trust that God has plans for me, whatever they may be.

I was really inspired when we lit the candles and prayed.

At night it felt like my parent's were in my room. What I am going to do when I get home is I am going to make my brothers and sisters happy and make my parents happy.

It's like God is living with us and God is with you every time there is trouble. God gets closer and closer to you only if you make other people happy or make them feel well or good.

DETERMINATIONS-These are our kids! We should all be so proud of them!

When I go home I sincerely hope that I can keep my inspiration and really give 100% effort to become a better and caring person that everyone will want to have around.

I have a new determination to go to Bridgeport High School.

I felt more power and smartness and better about being a Blessed child.

From this camp I gained a new respect for peoples property, to work together to get things done and to have a good motivation about everything you do. From this camp I am inspired to pray more and to be thankful for what you have and not complain for what you don't have.

I was inspired to stay pure & free of temptation until marriage. I am determined to live life.

Now I want to be a better person and be kinder and share more. I will also try to give more effort.

I was inspired to not smoke and to have false love. When I get home I'll read the Bible 10 minutes every day.

I gained a better understanding of spiritual people, more self respect and how to take care of creation.

When I get back home, I'll do almost everything Mr. Ross said, like "Do the hardest thing" and "Say yes first."

I think that doing the hardest thing is what I'm going to work on because its like a challenge, and after awhile it won't be so hard. My goal for this year is to keep this spirit all year long and never forget my brothers and sisters.

Something I gained from this camp is the inspiration to share more and give more because I'll always get something in return, even if it's just a growing spirit.

I am going to do what ever my mom or dad tells me to do. I will try to do the right thing all the time.

But one great inspiration that I have now is the power of prayer and faith in God. Also, you not only have to be good enough spiritually to go to the Heavenly Kingdom, you must help build it.

Finally, I am inspired to practice what I preach. I want to take the narrow path so in the end I would look back and see that I accomplished more in my life. I want to treat my parents with respect and my sister with respect. I want to do my responsibilities and activities with a positive attitude. I want to be thankful that I have my life and my parents and my siblings and friends and creation. P.S. I will do the laundry every time my mom tells me to.


For information on next year's summer camp call Rob & Sally Sayre at 610-298-2919.


The gates of our hearts are destined to fall
With a thunderous, resounding crash!
Above the rubble, a trumpet will sound
With the cool, golden sweetness of brass.

The flames of our hearts flickered and died,
So we thought, to a pale, cool shadow and ash.
But the Savior will come, the flame will leap high!
And the coldness of this world shall pass.

Rae Beth "Margaret" Maye, Brooklyn, NY

Appreciating Your Spouse

Steve Kille -Dallas, TX

Steve Kille is a lecturer and the following is condensed from the series "True Love in Action."

Your spouse is the most important person in your life. Only your relationship with the Divine is more important. Your love relationship with God is vertical; your love relationship with your spouse is horizontal. Husband and wife together are the image of God, exhibiting the harmony of male and female. Your spouse is the one person with whom you are meant to become one flesh. You become a holy entity, centered on God, and manifesting God's love. Through your love, children come into the world, given to you by God in a wondrous manner. Your spouse is the one who knows all your strengths and weaknesses, the one who loves and supports you unconditionally.

Of course, this is the ideal. Do you believe it? How much effort, and what kind of effort are you making? Is your relationship with your spouse wonderful and uplifting, or do you feel something is missing?

Let me describe a scenario that is all too common. A young man and a young woman meet, and feel something special about each other. As their friendship develops, they see so many attractive qualities in each other. They go out to special places and cannot spend enough time together. He brings her little presents and tells her how special she is. She makes him feel like the greatest man in the world. They feel really alive when they are around each other. They know they are in love. They decide to spend the rest of their lives together, and get married. As they begin married life, they gradually begin to find little faults with each other that they had not noticed before. Gradually, they find they are complaining to each other more than they are complimenting each other. They are both trying to help the other change to fit their own image of what a good spouse should be. The husband begins to feel his wife is nagging him. The wife feels the husband takes her for granted and does not bring her little gifts or take her out. They discover qualities in each other that they really dislike. They have trouble communicating, and grow distant from each other. They both wonder how their spouse changed so much.

This scenario describes a common problems, and you can see the results in today's divorce statistics. Perhaps you think you are doing a good job at showing your spouse appreciation. Try this test: ask your spouse to be honest and tell you if you spend more time criticizing or appreciating. Or just watch yourself during the week.

If you find room for improvement, then let me offer two simple steps as a starting point to loving your spouse by appreciating him or her. First, let's talk about finding those qualities that you like in your spouse, and secondly, let's look at how you can actively affirm those qualities by complimenting your spouse.

How can we maintain a positive perspective, and see our spouse from God's point of view? Everyone has some naturally good qualities, and everyone has some weak points, or areas that need development. We need to understand that every character trait can manifest itself in a positive or negative way.

Furthermore, depending on the human perspective you take, the same trait can be considered good or bad. For example, a husband might complain that his wife talks too much. From another perspective, this wife could be considered friendly and sociable. Perhaps a wife thinks her husband is too analytical. From another perspective, the husband could be seen as a good planner. Do you see how this goes? Perhaps the trait that first attracted you to your spouse has become a point of criticism for you. It is the same trait, but your perspective has changed, not your spouse.

Consider some character traits and see how they can be viewed from two different human perspectives. The chart lists some examples.

If we can see that the traits which we originally found charming in our spouse are still there, and the traits that we criticize also have a positive side, we can be empowered to see more from a loving point of view, and less from a judgmental point of view.

Because every trait can be seen in a positive or negative light, it follows that we can find strong points and weak points in every person. If you struggle with your spouse, it is wrong to think that you would be happier with a different spouse. A different spouse would just have a different set of weak points and strong points.

We have a basic nature given to us by God. When God looks upon us, which point of view do you guess God takes? Too often, we look at our spouse from our personal point of view, and not from God's point of view. How do we practice seeing from God's point of view when we look at our spouse? By remembering that every characteristic can be seen in two different ways. By looking for the positive aspect of characteristics that we feel like complaining about.

The second phase of appreciating your spouse is the action phase. Affirm your spouse's good points. Voice your appreciation every day. Give sincere compliments. Your spouse cannot read your mind. Speak up! True love requires action.

We make choices daily in our relationship with our spouses. We can focus on who they are not, what they haven't done, or on how they don't measure up to our expectations. Or we can love them for who they are, appreciate their good points, reinforce them, praise their small accomplishments, raise their value as human beings. Which strategy do you imagine would get the best response from your spouse? Which attitude will encourage and energize your spouse? Which attitude is more God-centered, expressing true love? Which attitude will help build a foundation you can stand upon when you are dealing with serious issues in your relationship?

Here is an assignment for you. Make a list of ten good points you see in your spouse. Make a list of ten weak points. Look at the weak points and reflect on how they could be seen in a positive light. Ask yourself if you have been focusing more on the positive or the negative. Think about the good points you have been taking for granted.

The second part of your assignment: do not criticize your spouse at all this week. Actively look for your spouse's good points. At least once a day, give a sincere compliment to your spouse. See how your spouse responds.

This assignment is simply the practice of true love: seeing the good aspects (original nature) of your spouse and affirming those good points in order to nurture your spouse's original nature.